What'* My Leve Like I T*U m#. *h*f my low Ilk# T A lily of tk# May, Thai (for# not shun th# kiMinf ran. Yet keeps its dew all day I Yea, and no. Pond i stie, and cnyis ahe, But— wWtp* kw She fa more than Una to ma. So no lily ahal) aha bo. Bnt toll me whafa my lore like I A little cooing dove, Who foci* ytw breast hot aafeat neat, A thing of fear ami love T Yea, and no. Timid ab< and tender ahe. Bet—wMsper low— She ia more than thia to me. 81 no dove my love ahall be. Ok, tell me, what's my love like f rVrha|w a pearl of girls. For whose sweet fcee a king would piste Hie erown npon her ourla I Yea, and no. Worth* skin* ia ahe, fiut - whisper hiw— She ia more, and ia for me. So no qneen my dear ahall be. Hindoo Discontent. Tlie mental unreal, and (he alarme.l, anapl eiona, and dieeontented aUte of feeling pre vailing at precent throughout the whole of India, are well i!h\-trated in the language of a Reagali mmg, which ha* jut now crest popu larity in the lower province*. The hiUowtug t* a literal translation; Tlie fruit of *o much labor, the Wood of the bodies of the people- Taking thia to preserve their rale what aort of greatness ia Uie t Tlii* i* kilting a cow to aupply a Brahmin with shoes : The cry of the Ryots ia like that of a frog in the mouth of a snake. The assessor* are their gramlfkther*' father*. Instead of a handful, they 411 their arm* ; Pom tug on the poor, hka tl>t> King of Death ; they go from vilUre to village A* a watermelon ahu h may be heh'. m the hand contain* *even haiulftd# of seeds. So these clever fellow* get ten rupees, when the income-tax is one rupee only. The tax used to l>e on the land ; then it fell on water, and oh, mother! what will the end be? Thus thinking the wind dew away in terror, saying, "By and by, then will true me too by the hair of the head." If thia be so in time of peace, when war cornea our very lives will he taken ; If the water-course* ars dry in winter, summer will hnng death ; When the word is given our fortunes tow to the treasury. As a child might to its nurse's arm* when aha calls. Lord Lawrence'# relgu Mag ever, ore thought that trouble was paat. Past ia it ? 04 hut coming ? ART one ma v aee. The dork age i* only beg inning —what will be our fkte hereafter ? Lord Mayo'a voice >a heard. The soul tremble* with fear. A DEADLOCK, AND ITS KEY. 44 A note for yoe, ma'am. No answer." 1 wa* resting in my ovu room, after riding—it wa* six o'clock, too early to dress for dinner, too late to dress twists alter taking off my habit—sleeping oxer a book, and comfortable iu tny white ifree*- ing-gonn. 1 wa* bored by the interrup tion. The note wa* no more than thia: 44 DEAS SALEES I must stay where I am; and you must go by yourself to the Lester*'—you wont mind. I saw Jack, and he said there was no party, as it would be troublesome with tbe wedding to-mor row, ami the dining-room is given up to the breakfast. I've sent back the hroimh am Thine, FRED.' Fred is my brother, and was invited, lihe myself, to dine quietly with these Lester?, whose pretty daughter was to be married next day to a friend of ours—especially Fred's and mine—Sir John Marsh, com monly called " Jack."' u What keeps Fred ?" was my passing thought; then I read a little longer, dress ed, and drore to Port man square. At I turned the comer, I saw risible prepara tions and signs of the morrow's wedding at the Lester-' door. A cart with flowers was unloading; an awning was being put up over the balcony and hall-door ; men in white aprons came and went. As the brougham drew up. I could see through the open door the bustle and stir within. At home in the house, I opened the din ing-room door, to see what progress was being made with the tables. Several maid sen ants and some of th# confectioner's men were arranging the ornaments and dowers: the cake with its conventional erertmu stood conspicuous. Mv friends' maid was taming moss into the flower bas kets, and decorating the high dishes con taining the mere durable part of the feast. u Well Barker," 1 was beginning, when 1 caught the woman's eyes. She was doing her work with a strange gravity, and her free was full of horror and pain. When she saw me, she let fall the flowers in her bd. •' 0 ma'am ! O Miss Sarah! you're come." 1 "Of course, I've corae," I answered. " What is the matter 7 " You hav'nt seen them, tna'am, htTe yon ?" " Seen who 7—the ladies T Xo. I came straight in here to look at the tables. Is there anything wrong 7 I suppose we're to dine in the library for to-day 7 How nice it all looks!" " Nice! O ma'am, it's a mockery, it's awful! To see it all, and to go un as if— as if O Lord !" and the w onun sat down, and rocked herself to and fro, with the tears running down her face. I was thoroughly alarmed now. "Bar ker, w there anything wrong 7 Is any one ill, or dead 7 I)cu't frighten me like this. I'll go and see them, if you won't speak out;" and I went to the door. I just saw that Barker had descended to the floor, and that brr head was on the chair, which she clutched, sobbing aloud. I met the butler and another man cross ing the ball, both with scared solemn face*, and went on to tbe morning room on the same floor. There, all looked much as usnal. Tbe pride of tbe bouse sad of my friend's rather valuable collection of an tiquities stood facing the door—a huge cabinet with massive clamped doors, and richly cut brwswork ti*U as only genuine Ironwork of old time can be; cniioudy inlaid woodwork ; marvelous locks wblcb no one but its owner understood, and no one else dared meddle with. It was a very old friend, the great armoirt ; playing with the children of tbe home in my own child hood, I knew It, inside and outside by heart. A mystery and a wonder then— an interest later—always a thing to ad mire and wonder at even now. It had three doors. The centre cue about four, feet wide, and certainly six inches thick, abut in another, which again enclosed, with a space of about eight inches of waste roctn, a set of sir drawers of dif feroit aires, and a sort of cupboard above them. We used to stand as little chil dren between the drawers and tbe inner door, and wonder, supposing we were shut in, whether we could bieath long in that narrow enclosure, or be beard by any one without, simposing—awful thought!—we were forgotron, or tbe outer door were shut. I remember thinking of it in bed at night, at netrous children will think of such things, till I was cold with horror. Both these two doors shut with a catch which was not a lock; but we children were forbidden ever to open or shut them, except when Mr. Lester was present. It was doubtful if any one else knew bow to open them, for no one ever tried. Tbe two side doors opened with curious keys, which stood in the locks, chained to the armoire. They were valuables in them selves. The gaeat key of the centre door, worth a hundred pounds or more, was con sidered too sacred for common eyes, and lay in a velvet-lined case in Air. Lestera' own keeping—brought out only occasion ally to show to those who could appreciate such things. It stood there in the summer twilight, looming darkly in the quiet room, darker than the rest of the house, as back rooms in London often are. Chilly it seemed to me, in my thin white dress, coming from the ball full of sunset light. Taming to leave the room, 1 saw a man lying prone on his face upon the sofa; so still, and so straight, and so strange in his attitude, that I could only stare for a minute ana wonder whether be was asleep, or dead. His bands were over his ears, grasping his hair, as if in pain ; and I noticed tbe solea of his boots turned quite up, as one notices trifles in tbe midst of alartn or bewilder ment. The nails in his boots showed that he was not dressed for dinner. His hat was lying on the floor on its side. His face I could not see; but I knew it was Jack March, and I touched his arm in wonder. " Jack, are you awake ? Are you asleep ? V'hat is it?" I asked with growing alarm. Was Ito find something strange in every room I entered in this house. "Jack!" I said again. He turned and I saw his wild haggard face, that looked |t mo with vague eyes that seemed not to see; and then he pat his head down with a moan, and covered hi > ears once more as as if to shut out sight and sound, fhe FRED, KURTZ, Editor sml Proprietor, VOL. IV. i loom felt darker and chillier for this; and the gaunt oKI amtoire seeiued bigger a id more oppressive. I ran out of the room iu • aort or panic. I p-sUira, the drawing room door ato.nl open. The glare of the ,'unwt was over the room hright with flower* and pictures; and the open win dow* showed thchslcouie* lined with cloth Hid ready for the guest* next dry. Silence hero, and silent figure*, two of "theni one crouched upon the tl,*>r t with anus out stretched upon a sofa ; another I vine half ! across upon an ottoman—the bride'* nw- I thcr and risti-r. \* I came iu and s|H>ke, inow fait Iv bcwildctcd and frightened, Mrs. Lester ro*c up with a desjairtng wail. " Saleeu, Salccu !" she stood shaking and crying out my uaine. * Dear Mrs. 1 .ester," I said, taking the woman's cold hands, "come and sit down, and tell me what ha* happened,—Kate! I ' called to the girl on the floor, " come and give me that cushion." She came me chanically, and helped her mother to the arm-chair. " Now tell me if yon cau " But Mrs Lester** head had fallen back upon the cushion, ami she had faiuted. ! The girl roused herself. "No wonder." she said " ahe ha* eaten nothing all dxv ; aud then all this. It's too awfkl, Sateen. I shall go mad if I i think ; aud papa ha* never come back. " IV here is your father 7 " 44 1 don't know. We sent down to the elub audio the house; they can't tiud him. And we've an* re bed hi* room, and it's not there. It's nowhere and Jack a nearly wild; and we daren't break it open." "It! What, child? Can't you say what you are talking about ? I : shall go mad next. M'kat can't you tiud ? And what ail* you all 1 44 Sakvn, It's Mary. Mary ia In there ; and (he key is gone, and papa is away; and she's dying there—sulfoeating ;" and the girl flung herself on the floor with wild sobs aud tears. Mrs. Lester lav for gotten in her swoon ; Kate rolled in una vailing misery on the carpet. I fled down stair*. The servants were a* busy as ever. 1 knew it all now. " Good God," I said to the butler, who was carrying in a tray of glass. " are you going on with all this useless folly, and i that girl dying m the next room. Is no oue giving to try to save her. Davis stood still ami looked at me pity ing; be shook his head sadly ami went on. I rushed into the street; a policeman was standing near the carta. " Come here," 1 said. 44 You " —to another man— "go ami get a blacksmith. Run for your life! Tell them to bring tools to open locks and unscrew everythcug. Run!—i 1 And you get a hatchet; get anything; come and break open the groat cabinet. " I gasped to the servant*, who came out to j sec what it all meant; 44 Don't looe a mo ment. Groat Heaven! the time has been lost already! " They obeyed me, dispers ing hither and thitber. It seemed bout* before the men came back with tools. •' Try the hinges first. Are there screws ?" There was that chance ; and they worked at them, removing several heavy, curious j nails and screws, but seeming no nearer the object; the door was last and firm; "Oh, break it down !" I screamed at last. "break it with the hatchet. Mliat does anything matter, but her life—her life !" "Her life!" said some strange voice cl<*e to me, and there stood Jack March swaying like a drunken man, with scared eyes and wild bair. Was his reason gone or going. " Don't!" he shouted to a workman who was lifting the hatchet to break in the door. "Not up there. Her head.": And then he stooped his ear to the key hole, listened intently a minute, raised j his hand, as if to demand silence, and the intelligence lading out of his face, be rose i with a discordant laugh, and walked away. " Bali" he said ; " her life against Lester*' cabinet—her life against a key." We did not even look round to see where he went stumbling through the hall, where he fell in a fit upou the floor. Fearing to injure that imprisoned figure —living or dead, who could tell—we left the door, and proceeded to break into the I middle compartment from the wings. The 1 grand old workmanship resisted; there ' seemed no weak point, no crevice, no possi- 1 bility of breaking into the huge thing ' without fear of harm to that which it held locked and fast, within a few inches of our 1 light and air and living life, done to death 1 by a bit of clever machinery, the work of a dead hand. 1 would not think of beau tiful Mary Iywtor as she might be, must ' be, if another hour went by. All thi* 1 time no questions were asked. I never 1 knew till afterwards how it had all happen ed: how her father, only an boar or so ' earlier exhibiting his wonderful cabinet to ' a connoisseur in such matters, had gone up 1 stair* with his friend to show the key he pnxed so much, leaving the cabinet door I open, intending to return —bow Mary ami ! the children, a younger brother and sister. 1 had comi in—and how the unnsual sight 1 of the open door had attracted them—how ' she looked in, and told the little ones she ' had not stood inside it "so" since she wa* 1 as little a* tbey were; and laughing tried 1 to stand in the old place. "I am not too big even now, am I?" she said; and the children ran to ace, and pushing the doors ' against her, the spring caught, and shut her in with death and suffocation: while 1 they went shouting to the others that sis ter Mary was "in there shut up," and they : coald not let her out- No, tbey could not let her out. Mr. ' Lerier and his friend had gone of with the key to show it to some one who had doubt ed its date—so it appeared from one of the boys who now came in: he had heard thotn talking on the stairs as they went out. "He said--' Jarvis kn>w nothing about it; he has never seen it,'" said the ly sobbing. " I heard him. I know he said Jarvis." " That will be Colonel Jarvis, in Charles street, ma'am," said Davis. " Maybe, if we sent there " There were voices outside, and Barker looked in with a white face of horror. " It's master coming in," she said, in a sort of whisper. We all stood back. Who would tell him ? Who was to say," Your girl is be hind that immovable door 7" But the boy, frightened enough at bis father at other times, went up to him, trying to speak quietly—"The key, sir. Quick, for God's sake !" 44 Key ! What—what's ail this 7 Good God! sir" —seizing a servant by the collar, and flinging him to one side, like a cat— "do you know what you're doing, med dling "with that cabinet 7 Why, it's worth thousand*! Gcd bless me! what does all this mean *" He was purple with anger " Don't stand staring. Sarah Hcriot," he thundered, "you are not a fool; be good enough to explain this—this " I went up to him sick with horror. "The key is wanted," I managed to say. "There is some one inside—riying." "Some one—dying—in there? Who?: What ? Who is it, girl 7" He shook ine ' by the shoulder till I winced with pain. *" Oh, the key, the key ! Never mind anything else, sir. Only open it quick, and lose no more time." He looked sharply round—Mrs. Lester and Kate were standing at the door, with their terrified, miserable faces. He took in the rest of us with a glance. " Where's Mary 7" he said, suddenly. No one spoke. "Why the devil don't vou answer me 7 WAa is shut in there 7 'How could any cne be there 7 Trash!" But his lace was growing ashy gray, and b;* lips whitened as he spoke. " Ah, my God! I never shut the door! It is not Jfory, not my girl that's " He pointed with a shaking hand to the heavy door. <( Ajid—l haven't the—key !" He made one rush into the street; the THE CENTRE REPORTER. servant* standing about were swept right and left, a* he tore p**t them, down Or chard street into Oxford street. They roui I see the halloa, fleeing figure divajr pcaring in the distance. Mi*. Lrater came into the hall. The doctor and others were busy about p>*>r Jack March, who lay • the dining-room ofa with closed eyes, happily uurouariou* The timid mistress of the house stood by the staircase, her face, her voice, her who!* appearance changed aud aged in the last hour. "He ha* gone for the key ; he can't be back," she aaid, speaking like a woman iu a dream, "not for hall an hour." She looked round stupidly, and smiled. "He w ill kill me, you know; but the cabinet doU be broken open-broken to piece*! Nevermind. Fancy roi'tug for the key!" she laughed. " Break it down, I tell you! / give tlie order. Do you hear ne ?" Two workmen cauie from the side door, where a fresh ami useles* attempt had beeu made to remove the teuiel without mjurv to the front or to the imprisoned girl. " We might loosen the woodwork, ami strike it out, niuiu ; and go on taking out screws, same time." j "Do it." Sharp blows upon chisel* now, aud sev eral screw* removed from lock and binges. " Strike at the hinge* with the hatchet," 1 came Mr*. I .eater's altered voice, ban! and wiry, uually so low and hesitating. " Gut them through ;it ntn be done—it sAalf," They struck with a will; the hatchet edge was pressed to the weakest part, and heavy blow* from a mallet unun tuat. The hatchet edge wa* turned, and a dint-made; *ome of the work iiyured and broken—but no more. "Gut through the panel," suggested Kate. " Surely W.VKI can he broken." "It's all lined with iron, mum," said Davis; "it ia a* good as a safe. Hut we might try." Throe telling blow.*. The room sudden ly darker, a chill sough of wind from the window, aud the door swung to with a lung. Every one looked round. A grow! of distant thunder, and a faint flash of ' lightning accounted for it the uext moment. More blows, and a long ominous roll, and the lightning playing across the peat armoire; then au avalauch of rain aud hail j —all strange and incongruous on this fine evening. The room was nearly dark, tine of the men spoke: " I there a step-ladder in the house?" It was brought. "I'll try the top, with your leave, ma'am. Ah, if I had a light uow!" He was g.ven a . taper from the library table. " Bill" ito bis companion—"look here; hold the light, and keep a hand on the side." He lifted the hatchet and gave a swinging blow—another—an awful clip of thunder, ' and the next flash showed every white face to the other. Quick step* in the hall, and the door flung wide open ; a wild, wet figure throw the kev amongst us, and fell in a heap upon the floor. With a wrench the man on the ladder tore ott the upper moulding, and half the roof of the annoire. Mr*. I jester took up the key, (ambled with the lock, and let it (all with a shriek. Barker caught it Irottt her, put it in, and turned it. "Open it," ahe whispered to one of the men; " I can't." She turwd away, sick with dread. It was opened, showing nothing hut the terrible umcr door, whose spring wa* only known to the j master, lying senseless on too floor. " Take off more here," one of the men j shouted; "it will give air till tbe door'a i got open." Good thought. They worked savagely, j Mrs. Lester was on her knee* by ber husband. "Oh, get brandy ! Get him to ' •peak! He could tell us how!" They did what they could. " William ! Oh, j speak to me! How can I open it, tbe spring—the inner door 7" The white lips moved, and the head, ; with ita dripping hair, rolled to one aide, ' hut no sountl catne. Tbe men worked wildly now. All thought of sparing the beautiful front and bra.**-work was forgot ten. They tore and hammered at the inner door, whose smooth polished surfwe presented no crevice or joint where to strike first—where to insert a chisel or direct a blow. As they worked, conscious ness returned to Mr. Lester; he half *at lip, rupporting himself against the door; but no words came, though his lips moved, and his eyes looked with intense eagerness at the destruction of his precious armoire. i He lifted hi* hand and looked mutely at bis wife. Hhc put her head down to his I lips. '• What is it ? What shall 1 tell them to do P He beat his hand upon tbe floor. Kate sprung forward. 44 1 know ! I know ! Strike on the floor, at the foot of tbe inner door! Ob, I remcmlier, it was j there!" Davis felt with bis hand all along the polished surface of the lowest shelf. "Here, press here. Give mc a hammer." He felt a slight rise, and struck gradually all about the spot Kate showed him. A deaf ening clap of thunder, and a flash, blinding us for a moment, and we all crowded close, and then came a creak, drowned in the awfnl thunder. 44 It's open," said one of the men. Kate slid to tbe floor, twisting tny dress about her head. Davis tuped from the door. 44 1 daren't look," lie said. 44 1)o you," to the carpen ter's man. 44 Open it gently." Barker stretcned forward, turned round, tried to say something, and burst out cry ing. " I can't see," said tbe man, with a strange, thick voice. " Bring the light, some one." For ten awful seconds there ; wa* silence in the dim room, then a cry, and a heavy fall. < 44 Salecn," said a voice close to me, "do | you knoir it's a quarter |**t seven, and you are due at the lister'* at half-past; and not even dressed. Here's your Ixwk fallen down." I had been asleep over an hour. If I felt like a conspirator at theLestera' pleasant dinner, it is uot surprising, but I j , did not mention my dream' a a BETTER IMAGINED THAN DESOROIKD.— The feelings of a near-sighted man, who finds he has kissed his hand to the wrong lady. The finding your pocket-book gone : i'ust us yon are about leaving a strange lotel, with no time to spare to reach tlie cars. The rapidity with which fancy stocks decline, when yon go in, and rise when yon sell ont. The sensation from a lady's boot heel (present style) when she step* on yonr foot accidentally. Tlie prices charged at *ome of the hotels on 44 the European style." The skill with which the "gentlemanly" | bar-keeper gives you short change. Getting on horseback for the first in j j your life. The amount of vour gas and plumbing bills. Your mother-in-law's remarks if yon | do not go to the mountains or sea-shore i during the season. The being asked by a person at an evening party, with whom you are ac quainted, but whose name you cannot recollect, to introduce him to your friend, Mii Smuggins, who is coming toward you. THE Schooner Levant, wrecked off Sheboygan, was discovered by the crew of the schooner D. P. Dobbins, who found but two of her men alive, one of whom, Peter Brand, of Chicago, lived only a few minutes after being rescued. Peter Laruum is the only suvivor. The others were found dead, still clinging to the rigging. The lost are the captain, mate, Robert Brown, a passenger, and two seamen. GENT HE HALL, CENTRE CD., I'A., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER !3, 1871. The lliirultig of Route. Am everything cminttcled with great tin* Itu.i a peculiar interest nt the iirt<H*nt tint*-, w- rt'|in*luc# the narrative of tit** historian Taoitiu couct-ruiug the confla gration lui'h uDt'iuwd ut Home, A. D. tit: There followed dreadful disaster ; whether fortuitously. or by the wicked contrivance of the prince, (Xero), ia not dtttrrmiuiHl, for l<>th are a**ertixl by hi*- i tonaii* lint of ull the calamities which ever lief el this city from the rage of tire, Uu* a the most terrible ttiul severe, it broke out iu that jutrt of the Circus which in contiguous to Mount* I'aUliue and Culm* : where bv rraaou of *h jji.w iu which wore kept such gooda at mini* ter ailment to tin*, the moment it com menced it acquired iar<nt strength, ulld U*iug aciwlcrutctl by the wind, it apread at once through the whole extent of the ! Circus; for neither were the house* j secured bv enclosures uor the temple* j environed with walls; nor was there anv other obstacle to intercept its progress ; i but the dame* spreading every way im petuously, iuvtuled tirst the lower region* t of Ue city, then mounted to the higheij; theu again ravaging the lower, it baflinl every effort to extinguish it, by the rapidity of its destructive course, and I from the liability of the conflagration in consequence of the narrow and intricate alleys, and the irregularity of the streets j in ancient Home. Add to this waitings of terrified women, the iufirm condition of the aged, and the helplcvsmi* of child- i hood; such as strove to provide for j themselves, and those who labored to assist others; thesis dragging the feeble, those waiting for them ; some b.arryiug j others lingering ; altogether created a scene of universal eoufuaion and cuibar raosmeut, and while they looked lank ujxm die dunger iu the rear they often found themselves beset tie fore and on their sides ; or if they had escaped into the quarters adjoin tfnaa, too, were already seized by the uevouring flumes ; ■ even the parts which Uioy balieved re mote and exempt vere found U he in the mono distress. At last, not knowing what to shun or where to seek sanctuary, i they crowded die streets and lay along the OJM-U fields. Home from the loss of their whole substance, even the means of their daily sustenance, others from aflliction for their relations, whom they luul not been able to snatch from the flames, suffered tho.nselvt*s to perish in them, though the*- had opportunity for escape. Xeither itored any man attempt to check the fire, so reiieaUsl were the menaces of many who forbade to extin guish it, and b •cause other* openly threw firebrands with loud deelaratioua "that they had ot,e who authorised them whether they did it that they might plunder writh the less restraint or iu con sequence of orders given. Xero, who was at tli e juncture sojourning at Autium, did Dot return to the citv till the fire ap proach *1 that quarter of his house which connected the palace with the gardens of M jwiuu ; nor could it, however, lie pre\ en nil from devouring the house and and everything around. Hut foi the relief of the people dm* destitute ud driven from their dwellings, he op* ued the field of Msrs and the tuouil useutal edifices erected by A grip]*, and M en his own garden*. * He likewise r cared teni|M>rary house* for die nveptton of the forlorn multitude, and from Ostia 1 and tie ucightioriug cities were brought , up the river household necessaries, and i the price of grain was reduced to three | seatorei-s the measure. All of which proceeding*, though of a iMiptilar charac ter, were thrown away, because a rumor had become universally enrrcut, that at the very time when the city was in flames, Xero, going on the stage of his privat theatre, sang the " Destruction of Troy," assimilating the present dis aster to dtat catastrophe of ancient times. At length, on the sixth day the confla gration was *tayed at the foot of Eaqtiilie, by pulling down an immense quantity of buildings, so that an open simce, ami AS it were, void air. might cheek the raging element by breaking the rout mint v. Hut l ere the consternation had sule-nfed the fire broke out afresh, with no little vio lence, but in regions more spacious, and therefore with leas destruction of human life, bnt more extensive havoc was made of the temples and porticos dedicated to amusement- • • • Xero seemed to aim at the glory of building a new city, 1 ami calling it by his own name; for of the fourteen sections, into which Home is divided, four were still standing entire, three were levelled with the ground, and ' in the seven others there remained only hero and there s few remnants of houses, shattered and half consumed. It were ' ' ne, very easy task to recount the nmuler of tenements nnd temples which were lost, but the following, most venerable i for antiquity nnd sanctity, were' eon- 1 mimed—that dedicated by Herein* Tulli tis to the moon ; the temple and groat ' nltar consecrated by Evnnder, the Area- 1 dian, to Hercules while present; the chapel vowed by Hotnulus to Jupiter j Stator; the palace of Xttma, witli the temple of Vesta, and in it the tutelar j gods of Rome, moreover the treasures 1 accumulated by so many victories, the < beautiful productions of (1 reek artists, i ancient writing* of authors celebrate<l ' for geniu*, and till then pre*ervid entire, I were consumed ; and though gn at was j i the beauty of the citv in its renovated 1 form, the older inhabitants remembered ! i many dceonitiou* of the ancient which i could not be replaced in the modern city, j A SHxitr VoiTit.—On the eastern rail- ' roa<l the other day, a uewa-bny entered j the car with a nunilier of dailies, and ' accosting a crusty old chnp who sat j 1 crouched in a sent near the stove : " Paper, sir ?—only five cents." j 1 "No ! " growled the ]tn**ciigcr. But 1 I'd give five dollars if there was a fire iu 1 that stove ! " 1 " Did you say you would give five ' dollars if there was a fire iu that stove ? " ' said the boy, turning back. 1 '• Yes, and darned quick, too. " The Iwiy, in the twinkling of an eye, opened the stove door, thrust iu his bun dle of fresh newspapers, touched a light ed match to them, and demanded his ( pay. The passengers, who hail lieen j watching the maneuver, shouted with ] laughter, nnd the old fellow, after hesi- ; tating a moment, sheepishly drew five , dollars from his pocket, and paid the , bill. " Sold ont again," quoth the sharp < news-tioy, as he went ont aft -r his basket , of confectionery. I NOVEL CVU FOB Dtntxictxm—An I inveterate drunkard once asked a Quaker I whether he knew of a method whereby ] he could cure himself of hia dominant < vice. " Friend," answered Broadbrim, < "it is us easy as keeping thine hand i open." "How can that be?" said the i drunkard ; "every man can keep hia 1 bond open, but as to abstaining from !: liquor, tbnt's qnite A different thing," " I will tell thee, friend," quoth the i Quaker. " When thee has gotten a glass < of gin in thine hand, and before thee 1 dost raise the tempting liquor to thy i lips, open thine hand— and keep it open. I Thee breakest the glass, bnt thee break- eat not the laws of sobriety." i AVOIDIMO INFECTION. —The philan- ' thropist Howard's rules for avoiding iu- 1 fectiou in prisons, hospitals and dun geons which he visited, were thus stated by himself: 1. I never enter a hospital i or prison before breakfast, and 2, In an j offensive room I seldom draw my breath < deeply." These excellent precautions I 1 are worth remembering. ' Hedge* tr Fence*. Iu considering the important question : of fences, farmers and XgricultttHU • writers an- often led to Lnko but s super fiei.d view of it. Fences we must luive. It is useless to say th<t in this or that township the iuhsbitaiits have voted to ; abolish all fences ; that iu Vim-laud, I W'lieutlaud, or CornriUe there i* uot a feme to lie seen, and so much money is saved to the public. This tuny do iu places where one never ce* a drove of seep or cattle on the highways ; bnt in localities where, during the season, a i farmer sees a dozen droves pu.** hia farm ilailv, feme* must be a necessity, lit* fields must lie protected from the rood, ut least. Inside feuces, we admit, may lie utMilished ; to-morrow, if the sill is readv to do it. Then, of what must our outside fence* l>e made ? Necessity itdls for sonictliiug cheap. This includes all good qualities. To lie cheap, it tuiiat lie not necessarily of the oiiiall<*t orig inal cost ; but it must be moderate in t cost, easily erected, permanent, and durable iu quality. Hedges an- gen i erally too costly for the ordiuary fannr, inasmuch as thev must be protected for a term of yean by a substantial fence, , and occupy a lielt of land which might produce crops ; ami even with the fawt of care they lnwmp ineffectual in time. Wire fauces have the objection that ' they arc- dangerous to cattle uutised to them, ami if made so close and high as to lie really useful, arc c<istly. Then we mate to wooden fenoe*. And here we believe we must stay. But we are met with the objection, " When- is the tirn- U-r to be obtained f Thia is readily removed. The binU-r must lie grown. In Kur|>e, where timlier is w-sree, aud has U-en for eouturie* grown for daily use, the feuces are, in a great measure, ' of wood. Hedges are of court*- very common, but the thorn of which they ■ are formed will not stand our climate j sufficiently well toUx-omea penuanrnt, useful fence. Aud even there the thorn hedges is kept up only by constant at , trillion and labor, which would rarely be given on an American farm on ac count of the expense. We know of no chru|H-r or more sulistaiitial fence than one of posts and rails. Three rails are sufficient to turn sheep or cattle, aud auy animal that goes over such a fence j should become material for the batcher. Much land may be found anywhere that • ill bring in a lietter revennc planted in fence timlier than in any other man ner. l'oor posture* or wst ami nwky lota might lie planted with such quick- j growing tiuiU-rs an chestnuts, la*- WIMHU, Xorway spruce, or Eoropeon larch. Seb-etious from such timber or ! other species mar le made wtiieh will suit any soil, whether wet or drv. stony | or smooth. A few years only will elapse liefon- a valuable crop may be gathered, and wc are certain that five acres no planted aud well attended will keep in re|>air continually the outside fences of two hundred acre*. A post-ami-rail fence will occupy but a small strip of laud. The plow may be run withui a toot of the post. A hedge, of the pre*- \ <ut inconvenient rail fence, with its spreading stakes, occupies a large breadth of laud totally lost to cultivation The proceeds of such land, now lost. ' would in a few years repay the cost of the fence, and would certainly continue to kerp it in repair. Where there are so many jKiints to lie considered as in t this question of fencing, it is well to give . litem all n hearing before deciding on , any settled course. Hut it ia evident that the time for consideration with many of us is passing, aud wc are- even i now casting alioiit for materials where with to replace onr dilapidated fence*.— .4 Furtnrr. Ce-Operatire House keeping. One of the latent schemes for social improvement is proposed in Uie slui(ie ! ! of a plan for " co-oja-rative hotels and 1 home*." The Xew York bachelor is, unless in really affluent cireuuistaiicca. a pitiable living. Three im*les of life j iircm ut tbetusclvre in his cbou-e—hotel, ( lKMmling-hojse, or s lodging with living at s restaurant. The first is beyond the means of all bnt the wealthy. The second is, to those who value privacy j and refined society, open to objection* too obvious to mpiire detail. The third, which in other countries is s most agree-' able mode of life, is in many rewpeat* wretched. A Uslging-house keeper's I manner generally indicates that it ia an < immense stretch of favor on her part to take iu lodger* at all. and the attention < bestowed begin* and cmls with his room ; lieing " fixsl up" when he leaves it in the morning. Xor do the victim's suf- j ( forings cud here. Ou leaving his room lie has to seek a restaurant for lirewkfast, und has either to go where the sight of the food placed lieforc him ia calculated rather to destroy than to promote appe titc, or to pay at a rate more exorbitant than the history of prices records. The cure for there really serious draw- ' bar ks to the agree*blcnes of life in X w York is to lie fouml in "co-operative , hotels or home*," or, in plain language, clubs. There ore at this moment one or two snocoK-fiil institutions of the kuul of a very superior class in cqieration here, , whose momlicni are provided with the , best of food, prepared by first-rate cooks, , at a moderate price—while the members can, if they desire it, obtain excellent rooms and attendance at equally reason- , able rates. The -stablisliraent of a dozen such in- , stitution* would do more than anything else to cheek the shameful extortion of , some hotels, and to induce lodging und , boarding-bouse keepers to licstow a little | attention njmn their prey. A hundred ( members with an entrance fee of fifty ( dollars, and annual sulwcriptiou thirty j dollars, would, with proper economv, | suffice for a start, ard the money would , soon be saved by the diminution of , charges, Only cleanliness, comfort, and good cooking should at first lie aimed at; pier-glasses and gilding might come I when they grew rich. | 1 The Crops In Ireland. I The news we receive from onr special : •orrcspondent* in Ireland, as well as the J information otherwise obtained regard- . ing the condition oi the crops in that unfortunate country, is not at all en couraging. The prospect* are gloomy 1 enough to justify the anticijiation that , the poorer classes, especially those in the country districts, will suffer severely ' during the coming winter. The yield of ' the wheat, oat and barley crops lnw de creased, and comparison with that of Inst year shows that the diminution will lie considerably lower than what was ex- , p cted. Tho turnip crop 1a i also fallen , off. To swell, as it were, the miseries , of the Irish tenant farmer, to add to his [ miufortnnes anil render his difficulties j more peiqdexing, the potato blight has j has again viaitcd hia field*. In the south j it is estimated that one-third of the yield , will prove lmd, while in other parts we j are told that from one-half to two-thirda , of the present crop will turn out un- , sound. Thia ia a melancholy record, , and the facte we record may be produc tive of new tronbieft among the poorer classes. A plentiful harvest brings peace , and happiness to the cotter's home, bnt j with short yields and diseased crops dii • \ content and disturbances are likely to ] follow. -N. Y. Herald. BcsrwEss.—ln tbo little town of Web- < star, Mass , there ate eight women an- i gaged in business for themselves, having i on hand stocks of various kinds of goods t for sale, managing their trade, hiring i their stores, clerks, etc., aa they see fit. I Oil-Dells. i Oil wulla, although not on such an I nlmudaul scale as those iu (ha United St*#s, are not such uovel feature* of nature, after all. Htraho refers to one t in Northern Asia in these word* : 44 It > is naitf that in digging near the river , Oehus, a spring of oil was discovered. It i ia prolmble that, as certain nitrons, r astringent and sulphurous lluuls perrao i nte tlie earth, greasy fluids may also be f' found ; but the rarity of their occurrence i makes their existouce almost doubtful." UCouiiug down to later times, in Mrit i land'* 7/tstory qf Rimburgk, we are tuhl ■ that, about a mile to Uis eastward of the Pentiand Hills, there is a small village ■ called 8t Catherine's, where there is s i' spring called the Oily Well, from au ■ nuctuous substance wherewith it is eov cred. Marti land wrote more than n ecu • turv ago. but the well of which he speufl* still exists, and is running still, the same unctuous matter covering its surface a* of old. Another oil-well is that of St. I Margaret's, at Ilc*t*irig, near Edinburgh. Karlv in the morning bafore the waters had been disturbed, a dark, rich scum of , peU-uleum is to be found There is a romance in the commonest things. Why uol. therefore, in " ile ?" A curious ac count is gi v by s modern traveler of n ! certain oil-well on the Continent, which rant uot lie altogether uuintereotiiip. 44 Naur the village of Egern, in the Bava rian Tyrol, on the west side of tlie lake called Tegeronec, and and a little remov ed from it, there insure a source of oil' aaerod to Hi. Quiriutus, sud hr Id to lie bis blood. A little chapel, always loduxl, im-loaes it. On euteriug, it is a filthy pool, set enteen feet deep, in a lauin of maaoury. The bulk of the liquid i* water, covered with a thick, dirty acnm ' of oil, blotched with largo, lazy bubble* of a nasty brown color, slowlj bursting, and formed by a gas which rises with the oil. The # mell i* resinous and pitch v. The color of the oil varies peculiarly : in tha pool, or in au opaque vessel, it ia bronniah ; aeeu tlirongb a glass, it re •cmbit-* the green on the belly of a hare which has boen shot fur some days ; but when being poured out of a VCMN I, the stream resembles the brilliant ruby of claret. Religious fervor lias tbna formed a poetical connection between tin's quali- j ! ty of changing color and the livid green j of a msrtrr> eorjiae—-the ruby represent ing the living blood of the saint risen again, more {lercnuiai even than tlie blond *if St. Jan uor iua. The spring emits forty-Are quart* s year. co*tugflve shil ling* a quart—a perquisite of the Cure. D iiiar.es like oil when thrown on the fire."— Once a Kink . Artificial Kaln. In England, where aneAotra! pride in ' laud is aided by fixed and princely in comes, experimental agriculture is car ried uu wan enlightened and rongenial employment of capital and occupation of leisure. Draining has been pushed te ouch jwrrfection there as to demon strate that it may tie overdone ; and now surface irrigation is receiving the atten tion of landholders. At Stoke Park the r*t-nj of irrigation with pure water has lieen tried with marked unarms. The < surface experimented on ia a tract of, twenty acres, in gram, and the water lias bean applied in artificial showers, in the night, ever/ night daring the seaaon of 1871. except when natural rain* made artificial rains unnecessary. The apparatus consist* of pipes lju*i "> i ' the ground supplied from an elevated reaerroir or reservoirs, into which the water is pumped by marhinerv. The figures, in the English experi ment are as follows, per acre : Interest i (fl per cent.) on eoet of maehinerv and nipea, ®7.VI: super*!nicture and fuel ?750 : manure aud other top-dressing, f1fi7.30 ; coat of harvesting, £12.50 ; total expanses, gtgj. The volne of the pro i duets of each acre, lieiag one crop of gram and grazing in the autumn of 1870, mid two crops of hay in 1871, is stated at SJDi; the net proAt ia tho* filtWi per aero. On gronnd in the same tract and of the name character, treated in the same manner, except the irrigatioffp the net profit par acre was $43. The inter est on the apparatus for twenty acres represents a capital of j£3,000. Probably the same work could not be done for the same money in thi* country. Bnt tha akrao engine power could he u*ed i for a much larger area than twenty acres. lurcAowge. Man'* Duty. Gail Hamilton in one of her recent letter* diacusse* th* question of man's duty townrda soman. Here is a speci men of her mode of treating the matter : "Looking at it without regard to spir itual compensation, God is the most par tial of being*. He made one sex strong and the other week ; and Upon the weak he placed a heavy burden, where upon the strong he placed none at nil Worse fnr than this, he ramie the burden of the weaker acx inseparable; while the only burden of the stronger acx waa so looaclv and lightly Laid that it could al ways fie shifted to the shoulder* of tbe weaker, aud R always lias, to a greater or less degree, been thna shifted, ao that the weaker has borne the load of the stronger in addition to ita own. With all this, he left to no one's choice whether to b* male or female, or wheth or to tie at all ; but of hi* own will he begat us. To man he gave not only strength but joy; to woman not only wcakne but suffering. Man incur* suffering only through disease, the re sult of folly or ignorance. Woman's highest health and hnppinras comes through the valley of the shadow of death. The hardest law that ever man framed for woman is tender and benevo lent compnrcd with the irreverrible nat nral law under which site lives, and moves, and has her being. Foon.—The adulteration of food is a frightful and growing evil, and it ia pleasant to see it checked in any direct tioft. Our flour, coffee, tea, sugar, but ter and Inrtl are less trusted by the yieo plo every year. Lard and lard'-oil, espe cially, are corrupted by the free admix ture of cotton-seed oil. A paragraph in the New Orleans journals reminds us of this: asserting that cotton-setxl oil pres ses have lieen compelled to stop, the large 44 liog-erop" of the ln#t vear having brought tlie price of lard-oil so low, that cotton-ae*d oil ia no longer in demand to adulterate it. Until the prico of genu ine Lird-il goes up again, consumer* may hope to obtain it pure. How HE WAS CAroirr.—An ex-com munist was lately arrested in Paris under ouriou* circumstance*. Ho had been a Klice magistrate under the Commune, ing drunk, he mode bis way to his old office, and, finding the magistrate absent, took his seat, nnd, as of old, commenced to hear nnd decide cases. The officers of the court humored tho joke, recogniz ing their man, and when the magistrate arrived the unfortunate usurper was apprehended, and transferred to Ver • lilloe. ECONOMY or HTRENOTH.—A man who can do twelve hours of work in twenty four should not do more than nine or ten hours' work. The reserved power keeps body or mind in good repair. The person without this surplus of power is unfit for any emergency—even a little extra exertion puts him out of breath ; and he cannot arid an hour to his work without danger of breaking down. Snch men are generally dispeptic, irritable, and despondent They need to shorten their hours cf work. Help for Michigan and Wisconsin. It olinoat seems as though a scourge of fire had fallen upon the North-vast G|.mc U|Mn the heel* of the over whelm ing di*ater at Ghictigo comes tht news of conflagrations iu Wiacuuain and Mich igan, more extensive, and U) their de •truetion of life more appalling even, than that which desolated tbe prairie metropolis. In Wisconsin at least two thriving settlements have been utterly annihilated, wiped out as though (hey IUMI never beeu. What ia worse, bun-. dredu of their inhabitants are tieiieved to have perished staid the ruins of their homes. Numbers were driven into the river and drowned, and in one place one hundred unit fifty persons are said to have Imen burned up with a large barn iu w bioh they had taken refuge. At l'iahtcgo 500 bodies are reported to have been burned, while at Little (Burgeon Bay seventy-five are supposed to have lieen destroyed by the flames. Of course in every rahunuity like this ' there is a tendency at first to exagger ate tlie actual loss of life. It is to be ' boued that more careful investigation will materially leassn these shocking en- j timatcs Even then it is to be feared ; that the dcath-rull will be long, la j Michigan, the fiery visitation was even more fearful. Eaxt and aonth of Bsgi- ; naw for forty mikw the Are has made ' fearful ravages, and the beat part of three fair conntiee is now a blackened waste, j Through the vast pine ranges that fill that country the flames spread with al mot the rapidity of thought, and towns, and village* ceaaed to exist before tbey fairly knew they were in danger. Of course, in this swift, relentless sweep, ' life soon became as di3oult to save as 1 pro|*rtv, and, not to apeak of tnulti-, tudo* of the brut, creation, hundreds of human tieiags, it is feared, were destroy- ; ed. Elsewhere men, women and child ren were driven into the lake, where they remained up to their waists in wa ter for hours. In other parts of the j State the ruin waa scarcely leas enm-j plete. Indeed, it is aaid that scarcely a j county has escaped. In the wards of the narrator of the sad story, 44 The whole < <uintrv acema to be in flame*." To theae helpless people, fleeing through a (Liming laud, penniless and homeless, ( from tbe ashes of all tin y held most dear, it must have seemed like the advent of that dread day when the heavens ahall be rolled together like a aercill. With this enormous destruction, aot alone of property, bnt of all the indus trial interest* which that propeity sup plied, there must come incalculable dis tress and suffering. The CnUeotor of (Nxstoms telegraphs to Wsshington that hundreds of people thereabouts are starving. In the abundance of our charity for Chicago let not these un fortunates be forgotten. So generously has th- entire world come to her aid, that Chicago may safely be said to be beyond the feer of immediate want, 1 For the relief of these Michigan and Wisconsin sufferers, bound to them by no such intimate ties we can scarcely cxjMvt the ouloiJe world to contribute. They must look for rescue to a narrower field, and it liehoovaa their countrymen to be mindful of-their sore affliction. The magnificent generosity so lavishly (•oared out upon the pee pic of Chicago will not, we are very certain, fail their fcltow-aufferera, whose nraal ia now even more pressing.—AT. Y. /'-WW. Tricks af Jugglers. A traveller at Kinaai waa entertained by the Viceroy, tbe Amir Knstai, and thia was one of tlie amusements ; " That acme night a juggler appeared, who was one of the Great Kann a slaves, nnd the Amir aaid to him, 'Come and •how us some of your wonders !* Upou thia he took a wooden ball with neven holes in it, through which long thong* were passed, and laying hold of one of throe, slang it into the air. It went ao high that we loot sight of it altogether. (It was the hottest season of the rear, und are were outride in tbe middle of the palace court.) There now remained only a abort end of a thong in the con jurer's hood, and he desired one of the Ivors who assisted him to lay hold of it nntl mount. He did ao, climbing by the thong, and we lost sight of him. Ihe conjuror Uicn called to him three times, but, oettitqr no answer, he snatch ed np a knife, as if in a great rage, laid hold of the thong, and disappeared in hia turn! By-and-By he threw down one of the boy'a hands, then a foot, then the other baud and the other foot, then the trunk, and, lost of aIL tlie head! Lastly, he come down himaelf, puffing and blowing, and with his clothes nil bloody, kissed the ground before the Amir,'and said something to him in Chinese. The Amir gave some order in reply, and our friend then took the lad's limbs, laid them together in their place*, and gnve a kick, wlien presto ' there was the boy, who got up and stood be fore us ! All thia astonished me beyond measure." Woonsx IUILBOJUIH.— Tho Canadian* arc building aud have nearlv or quite completed a wooden railroad list ween Hon-1 and Arthnbaska. Tbe track ts of tbe some gauge as that iu general use on the Michigan railroads; tha rails are of rock maple, and trains of car* drawn by ordinary locomotive* have been run over them at tlie rate of twenty-five mile* an hour. Tbe road will cost but 85,1100 a mile, including right of way, construc tion, rolling stock, station house*, shops, and briilgca—one bridge over a wide river being excepted ; and the stock holder* pay in bonds instead of caali The director* expect to run on the wooden rail* until thev make money enough to iron them, wiien, if the sanguine expec tation* are fulfilled, they will have a regular metal-railed rood which will not have coot them a oeut After this it i* to lie presumed that there will be no more aria about the want of enterprise among our Provincial neighbor*. Howro EXJOT LlT*.— lt ia wonder ful to what on extent people believe hapuiueas depends on not being obliged to labor. Honest, hearty, contented labor is the only source of happmem, as well aa the only guarantee of life. The gloom of misanthropy is not only a great destroyer of happiness we might navo, but it tends to destroy life itself. Idleness snd luxuir induce premature decay much faster than many trades re garded as the most exhaustive and fatal to longevity. Lalior in general, instead of shortening the term of life, sctually increases it It is the lack of occupation that annually destroys so many of the wealthy, who, have nothing to do, play the part of drones, and like them, make a speedy exit, while the busy bee fills out he day in usefulness and honor. THE GERMAN LOSSES IN THE FRENCH WAR.— The official returns of the Ger man losses in the French cttmpaigu of 1871 are uow completed and appear in the reports of 1872, as they have already in less detail in tho newspapers. The total loss is 18,000 dead, 87.0CW wounded, and 6,000 missing—total, 111,000. The smallness of the figures has excited sur- Srise; but there can no longer be any onbt as to their correctness. M. Thiers estimates the number of killed and wounded on both sides in the three days' battle of Leipeic at 100,000 ; that is to say, as many as fell on one side in whole of the lost campaign. AXL the differences in the way ef tha ratification ef the customs treaty between Germany and France have keen re moved. THUMB : Two Dollars a Year, in Advance. Plmmml Gun* far tka Family Cirri*. I A city u mid to be buried wbea the letter* that compose it ooenr in thru proper order 1 d a seoteiiee, but i riUirr U * pnrt of MM hijair word, or, bettor, a* portions of different word*. Thus in the ent*nes, "Tha beat t hem mi ve* err often," wa have buried the city Thebes ami the German city Em*. A very jiloaaant game in puyad by each of a party in torn, either writing <W ■peaking a abort sentence containing On# |or mora buried cities ; then aH try to solve it, and the drat oae who rooata on* on hia am*. The player who Aral win* tea, tar nay other una bar agreed npon, win* the gam*. Another way ia ft* each to art to work at boryiag eitiea on hi* own account, hot the group about the (votar-toMe take a liat of towns in ear given country or Btate, and aM whiek can bury the moat, and the atoal ruori aria II v. A good W of tha art in burying alias aonaiata in having them com* in nutnrally, and in a aort of connected narrative. If feey are lugged in, the work will have an awkward appearance, and they will ha eaatiy discovered.. Fbe cities should be generally wail known, though it wfl| do ; to have in ope now and then more ob scure We hare obanrred alee that eewa aiunally aoma province or taland will alip in among them. Of course way ether namea may be rnbstitutiMf instead. ot those of eitiea, aa, for instance, rfwrriy aland*, authors, general*, or eran the nnmea of the peraoua preaent | In the uUm peerage there afe buried mora than forty eitiea, and in one place there are to be found not lee* than aeren within fee space of eight wn|e: Other* may write in somber liues or I to a humorous "train, may my their nay ! or keep it to themaclvea, may writs tor rale merely, or via to make their wtw tha beat thry can. The nobler wawn are we called; a worthier wa genu kS't never. Wa seuv-h fur. buried eitiea. owning poet-haul* the debt ur sense hiatonc owes thereto. Over dune rniaed yesternight, and over heath old aa tiara, jo ! we go to the land august of the far Coliaeum ; or, siMPta hsvspito I In where war's awful rage, oh art for devila 1 cul minate* in death. Nat b/ steamer, with crowds that jam her stingy caliina The wrath un tempered of arinda or wave* we ido not brave. Nicely all on dankeWa are wa mounted. To cheer us in the morning, muaic, or In the evening, whan wo quit our work, ho from oat the . deep aha# the buned eitiea—whefe to las found we give to each a guess. g' Hormnaono Snm. —Some cook* will throw out the water in which meat* have been boiled, without letting it ooal to take off the fat. Bin* of meat* are thrown out vkafe would make hashed meat or hash. The flour w rafted ia a wasteful man ner, and the brand pan left with the dough sticking to it. Pie crust is laid by to sour, instead of making a few tarts far tea. Ooid puddings are considered good tor nothing, when oftentimes they can be steamed for the next day. Dish cloth* are thrown down where mice can destroy them. Vegetables are often thrown away that would warm nicely for breakfast The scrubbing brush ia left in water. Tabs and barrels are left in the sen to drr and fall apart. Nice handled knives are thrown into hot water. Silver spoons are used to scrape ket tles. Cream ia allowed to mould and spoil Coffee, tea, and prpper and spices are left to stand open and lone their strength. The cork t* left out of tha molasses jag. and the flies take possession. Vinegar ia drawn in a tin baatti and allowed to aland until both basin and vinegar an spoiled. ~,.- „ g . A Desperate Hat. The City of Mexico has just been the scene of a sanguinary inam faction. A corps of geuedanaa* and parte! the 13th ltogunont of cavalry, numbering in all 400 men, surprised the ctiad*i,nd forti fied themselves therein br the aid of 90ti| : prisoners whom they had released from tha Befou JaiL The leaders of the revolt wave Oent. Negrete, Tried*, Hrve raa and Bcha metis. Tha remainder of the city gkrnsou proved toys! and under command of Gen*. Bucna. Alatorae. Alejandro Garcia, promptly attacked the insurgents, and at midnight the nations! troops under Gen. Roche carried the citqdci by arawuli. The four leaders of the revoft had left before the attack, and escaped, lndism mate slaughter follow id the faU of the citadel AU tha officers and sergeants of the insurgent force were killed, and also tha ringkseders of the released prisoners. 250 insurgents have bean shot Gov. Castro was killed by Rivera, whom ha was pursuing. d il t A Hultst Bmnumt.—A writer in the London .Shrsratonf makes the Ameri cans out to be perfect Barnes, lie de scribes "a moat successful mode of dragging in use over the American con tinent, which produces loss of strength and torper, and which, in the case of death resulting, defies the most acute medical analysis." He was himself OK* s victim of this drugging. He drank one mouthfal of so-called brandy, and in ten minutes afterward ha became gid-. dy, lost the use of hi* limbs, and then consciousness, and did not recover for ■even hours sufficiently to enable him to work. Ha subsequently got acquaint ed with a man who had bees employed at s New York vault to enact the part of s drngger. and this respectable and no doubt reliable individual etplaned the dragging proems. Pert of a bottle of any liquid ia decanted and the space filled np by tobacco smoke, expelled from a olay papa, well impregnated with nicotine. The bottle is then well shaken and filled up again with the por tion before taken out It ia then left to stand for a week or so; but if left standing before nse for a fortnight death will be the result of drinking. Taxxxo Thxm.—The Roman censor frequently imposed taxes on unmarried mar, and men of full age were obliged by law to marry, unless mentally or phys ically disqualified. The Spartan women at certain game*, laid bola of all the old bachelors they could get their hands on, and inflicted on them every mark of in famy and disgrace, dragging them around their altars and handling them very roughly. In 1695, the English parlia ment laid a tax on bachelors over 25 years of age, of £l2 10a. for a duke, which was graduated down to I*. for a common man. Uncle Sam has been very lenient to his unmarried nephews at au times, but he might do a good thing for the heavy war debt by laying a revenue ad eapUtm tax on them just now. Tar* Potutt or lon.-—ln addition to the fact that ice ia lighter than water, there is another curious thing about it which many persons do not perhaps know, namely, its parity. A lump of ice melted will become distilled water. Water in freexing turns out of it all that ia not water—salt, air, coloring matter, and all imparities. Frosen see water makes fresh water ice. If von frees* a basin of indigo water, it will make ioe as clear and aa white as that made of pure rain water. When the cold is very audi den, these foreign matters have no time to escepe, either by rising or sinking, and are thus entangled with the iqe, do not make any part of it. ?f nrat art icq* again (Mi Iks eara. 1 If t only l mow How to tw a flak, | Id ■wlm away as fart As att toyrtrraftk vwM To meat my tore agate tie tha wave *1 Tf J (Mtf tatow Ttikttiiy lad wss flaiht, 1 tun wffit&s* srliits Jtx) uw®® iribwli (Ml ft go tore mKiniiai far ray tare hraralh the m I .ypfea. Ofd f*ossv. Facta ni hMIM. Guipore law will be much wen this Winter. Pointed patterns are favored. Fifty-two lives were feat by tha bum = I fug of the village of WUlmmaoe'a MiUa, iluiflL An Amsciesß ritis*n, who etiarapted to retabliah a gift enterprire at Marato- Imrg, in Oarmaav, wa* suddenly order ed ta brave the city. f \ The Chicago fire mideaad havoc among the newspaper estobUahmeots, eighty, nine of which, embracing dailies raid * monthlies, ware homed. j Two of Darwin's sons have lieen or a visit to Yoaerait* It is said that tha ' monkeys m v.v*<*l tbwn at oner, aud I, caked kindly after their fstbnr. The phswie " put a hmfl on him,"" is nsid to owe it* orCfa to Shokapaere, who r tw- Trtaa Aadesaieua, calls anon the r ptwqtle to " blp put a head oa bcadtaa* i • Many fashionable women stand in great i dread of offending their " maids'" who. r if tigmad owar, may disHorn tha aacreta r of flseir toilettes to some rival, who arajr profit by it, 1 A aham Toledo girl ratid of a gentie maa to whom abe bad just been intra ' (lured, that he would be vary preaeotabta |if the lawdkadnH turmidup so much of There are aatd to be one hundred for Hue-toller* and • 'cfairvoyaotph vairiau <• a single plaee In Maw York. They are for the mm* part mare (sedan of , more disreputable pbre*. WLraim*. -tl lltM fmfilkirittiiWl llFfltulff'iff ■ *V#UIP OI Ml IPEm * uraSkwufitMCG , cloth and velvet clc mk* tar Winter wear -r.-h from aaven to eight pounds, and a woman pxia to bq as rtpMMt •• • remrt , to carry so much on fx* bra!*.. - The British Buisffsfiiml Cemmie ! atoncss report tint the fee simple vein* , ulna entitle* f the church wblob have paaaed into their hands for forty-three bahaprice ta about f H,7lA,floa > A family in New Yoth,embraing three 1 dauribterv and a Ban, ww bate v*ty ua uaaol oorurrence take ?>]** ahortly. All tha daughters sad ttaa sera are to be ' loarried <m the aauta day, and within the mm* hour, at the uunc- place. Th* 8 dirthy S'iwv, fa) ipdrfay of oortuaios rt cliwcfees, soya that dress earn wa*. sad w3( evar bs, aa webs spread in th* way of woman's rightaoua bmbsb ; no doubt Ere frilled her apron of flg<toavi- tvttora she bad went it a day. A ran mtetbgerat Fifgana male,being bt-aimed <u on a railroad track by au ■.pt'coacfainc tratn. jumped fatal are Mia rt * . _7* -U. , M \ reaufiat fiiam ifudiu. cowiciM aowa unwi uif tm ■ had paaaed, and then jumped out and , walked off as if nothing b*d happened. A Red Moment •—"lt iaaaad moment i in Ma* rati Cyraia, " whera you find i that love, glory, hsppuieaa, ore altogeth er not worth a good ctrttr." "It ta a sadder moment still," replied his friend, " when you find that the cigar itself ta bad." They have * Maiden Assurance Cam pan ire" in Denmark. A fattier mew de port* any sum at th* birth of a deraghter, sad the child receive* during her mi nority four per oral annually; *t eighteen ■faawmnre to a higher income, winch ta inocpraul at atated period* through life. A man recently came to his death in a curious manner at Teniae, Italy. He was standing near a bronee automaton, which tolled the time of day, with his head between the beD and h*mmr. Tbe boar came around without bis notiee ; the automaton utrnck one and knocked his brains out. Tbe New Alhony .Stoadortf mys : "Two young men of tki* city went to the woofii the other day to aboot pigaoraa. Daring th# excitement of the *pori ana oarelcaidy anrinkled th* other's back ; whereupon be turned and shot Ms care taaa partner in the tag; and they both retxrned to the city to get tha shot packed out of thear bodies." iiHtiwirfiU I We ones knew of a little child wfao bad stolen a oouple of flgs off tha dssoart dish on the day of a dinner par to. Tbe theft was Jiwovt n ■ And lier i.li(—r wear the flga on a string round her aeek the xbolc evening, with fall explanations why. We heard tSi<* dory when the child bod grown up to 'be a woman, and from her owa lips; ami she said that to this hour she aqjlcred from th* sbomeef that evening; it was burnt into her, and mode tremendous punishment tor the fault; the fault itself being in so young a child or thr was—five yeana old only—one that might hava been punished and reformed by milder measures. D seeuss to hare been a mistake, judging from the bittern ores with which fee father's character was spokes o(-abc said she had ceased to love him from that day—end from fee stern and loveleui' nature of fee woman herself it aeemed to have east out all softnesa from hgr- And though, to b# rare, fee tiWte mm figh yet she had learned her lemon of keeping her Angers from wandering into the region of for bidden dainties at too sorer* ooat. The poke* of humiliation ta a dangerous cue at at! nnn>s amd on all occasions, and far more sonta have been crushed by this than sins have been confirmed by over leniency. To destroy all self-respect ia to destroy oil krohag power, and to pre rent all p*waihil)ty of a rebound In dreVng wife the faulty, however hard we mar "be on fee sin, we ought d ways to reserve away of restoration to fee sinner. _ __ Ymarau Coax. Fntuo*.—The ascer tained and tested Coal-fields of Virginia proper are as fdllPWf: 1. The Chrefield, nrer tldo-water at Richmond—lso square miles ; 1 The Prince Bdwvd, 65 miles south westward of the foregoing—2o square A The Dan Hirer (partly in North Carolina) MOT Danvifle-80 or 30 square 4 'fhe Cumberland (of Maryland), whereof there is in Virginia some 60 to 80 square miles; 5. The "Dora," (Anthracite} in Angua taOewhtr. at the bead of the 3hanandoah - acareebr opened—extent, unknown ; A The New Jiiver and Catawba (Mont gomery and Pulaski Counties—extending also through Giles County—partially Anthracite, sad developed in several places. This field extends into Wart Virginia, which enbraoee 16,000 of the 55,009 square miles of the great Alle gheny ooabbrann—fee largest and among fee richest known to exist in the world. Its center seems to be the valley of fee Great Kanawha. lUmi Turrotc. —A lady had en grared a sarvant, who upon ner arrival feus announced herself: "Fm the girl that Miss Hand was to loch ap. She's my Aunt Saaoh—l'm a dasher." . " You're a—what ?' said I, exploeively, in my Astonishment " A daslier— dasher down." 1 just stared. I began to think fee mart be a lunatic. And a lunatic who announced herself as a dasher down might not be the subject of a form of hallucination one would like to have il lustrated in one's parlor. But while I stared, she added, wildly : " That's mv name." "0!" said I, catching my breath, " jns* spell it, if yon please.'' *' A-u-s-s-h-a—Adaaha ; D-o-w-n-a— Downs; AdsahaDowns. "Thank you. It sounds rather ter rific, you see, before one knows ; espe cially for one who ta to handle cups and . saucers." A Bad Iwctmwt —Of theChieago fine, on eve witness says : The trestle work of fee Illinois Central Railroad sought ami • waa burning. The crowd was driven in to the lake. The boats being filled, hun dreds were left to make thear escape by swimming south to fee flames. Those who could not, must have been drowned. I think there must have been many drowned. NO. 43.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers