IdE vJEN TUE RETOIiTSK FRIDAY, OCT. 27., 1871. LOCAL ITEMS. U.TL NEWS, -Our friend* will oblige !>v muding in any item* of local inter *t, tneludktg detths. marrbige*. vVc a* ,jch arc cagarly read by your fiends in u we-t. many af whom gs-t thc lUpoiter. \V wwHsLl i Mloem ita favor if our Kind p tnin* \Vtuild occasionally mail a c<q y" <>( > Reporter to relatives ami acquaintan vho tV>~mcrly livcal in Centre county I removed t<> other parts, which would ; .t.*o many to become subscriber*. BRRTXFTTTVT TO BLMN'KSS MKN. — fhs* citulaUuu ol the KKFOUTRR, on ■ti stiD or the county, i now prosier ut tit a! of any two pv,t. • ft the .:*;ty, henoe batiigst men aho wish to reach the Tcnn*valley trail*, wilt IPIY UVO thoir own isßcrcsl-*, by aJvvll ! -itr'hi rito UKIMHTRR. Gui sitUscrir li.-l Is vipcc. to the inspect ion ofuV lvish loaJvcrtiiw, ; v Foi m vis Fits -H-'tuething o 1 novel. Uv sure and reud the ad ve. * -rnent in <•■!* paper, ixsnded "Grcat hrsit'L iof the Age." We be'leve f>olden Fountain t ea is aiia-urpA**cd. \ \ jH'ii is a nwH'ssity t< - very man. w pi and child, Vgeiat*. here is a! - - v> m-ake money iu introaluellig aj >. ; I kleubte arliele. jan 27 jr. PRICES HEDIH ED. . \\ VI.TKR'* vk Son -S Carriage Manu ■ v . Milroy. Fa Btayo-fim. —a— riAAX NGTICK.- In avcorjauac with I an act af A--*s*ably. nojiee i* hereby j at* tlm eitisa-os oi'l'.Utcr. (Vo*u sW j ■ .v . Itvr school purjv-asiv* for the present -. -,r are due. thai on all such Uur> j ithe undersigned Treasurer, at hi* J •a .- (u ar 1-e: >re loth ot November j ■ ■vt there will be a deduction of five per centum, (bi all tnxo* |wid within one mo' "h after - .i.l latv no will be | made, wn-l thai u|<-a all schawal taxes re- j inaintngunpaid after IHw-emWr IMb next i there will be ;.u addition of five |aer ecn i ins. Bv order of the Board. FRED. KURTZ, VSm Trea-urer. Mv hair was falling oft", I us<xl two lot tics of NATL'KK'S HAIR RTSROAA "aiVK ami it chcvkthi it at one*. If i> I clean, safe and efficient. Ifyour drug ust has not p>t it, send direct to PROCTER PROS. Gloucester, Mass. . >ee advertisement. 0ct20.2t. Frank Erdley.of Aarousburg, rais ed an ear of corn, which, hv actual c< uut, had 1526 grains. LARUE POTATOES.— Mr. Andrew Gregg, from up the road, brought us j • tie twenty potatoes, the other day, which are fine fellow*, and hard to i In- at. lie brought three varieties, the ; California, white Uncus and Peach- i K \vs. If we mistake not, the largest j lit- -s brought to this office last ( • ar, wore also front Mr. Gregg, and i show that large potatoes are not a' chance thing with him, aud that he j can do lite same thing over again, this, Andv brings us the above lot of t"::c ones, and bus piles of the same - !* kit yet. Such jvotatoesare worth j a h zen thanks." Mr. C. F. Herlacher has returned .. :n the city, and at the stand of iler-! lacier A* Cronmiller a splendid stock j of coods is now offered to the jveojde I - i this neighborhood. Their -1 taent is complete, and equal to that J e.f acv store in the valley, as to quali-1 itv : ":.l low prices. Messrs Herlacher CA Cronmiller ate uow making war higii prices atad Lad bargains, i".,i iutile all to come and put in a: l and iu the good fight, aim save mot:-1 . v by accepting the bargains ther now k iu r. j P i V.U want furniture elitap —tu- j Lie-, chairs, lounges, ies*, stands, 11tl teads, Ac, go to Thomas I.inn, I , ;>w Is offer's store, BellefLnte, and VoU will, find a ;argc RUA und I • e T iace to g't no honest deal, aiid j the : ill worth of your money. Read i advertisement. B . -3^, (.KSTUE HALL FOUNDRT AND MA - T i-LXE SHOTS — As we metilie-neil in , e eolunttis a short time ug>, the j ajiuvv cjUUuluncut has IKI II jat-*i j 1 . Messrs. Van Telt & Wolf, two t-n-1 ti i ' rising busiiHss tni n, w ho will carry .t: the business in all its branches, t AU kinds rf sgricuhural impl ments, are manufactured, and castings of t v-1 try sizeat'd description ntadelow!er.l The funudry is wjuai to any iu the j county for its capacity in doing heavy j work, and old and exjierieticed hands; arc employed, hence aii work turned out i* guaranteed. All kinds of ma chinery and implements repaired. Plows, stoves ite, on hand. Call in with your jls. farmers sud all others, viftii wish any work done in their line and perfect satisfaction will be render at the Centre Hali Foundry and Miichine Shop*. An hnp ofthe RKPORTKK office, tee iia trunk on the stage, theotherday, ;!"Mrs. Oyster'" thought he would like U> have a lady of that ;.a>ue for a wife. Hie reason was, u believer he and she fell out there v-ciuhl brand oytier-strw in the fatnilv. He's a blackgeerd. NEW HOTEL. — R. II Duncan's new hotel, at Spring Mills, will be opened this week for the cntertain . cut t-f the public. Mr. Faiirhm, of Hartkttoa is the proprietor. Wc hud tha pleasure of tteiug shown through this hotel a few days ago; the main building is three story, th - first floor being occupied by Lar-ro; m. office, dining room end billiard rm.m ; the t- coajand third floors by comfortable sleeping apartments. On the second floor of the north wing there is a fine hall which will be found very service able there. Wc do not know what thennnie ofthisnewhoteli* to be, as it has not yet received its baptismal, suffice it to say that it is one of the nicest arranged country hotels we know of. ACCIDENT- — And. Lytic, son f Pierce LytJe, ofPiue Grove, was badly hurt,on it Friday. A colt which he attempted to drive in a buggy, took fright and ran away. Young Lyflewas thrown from the. buggy, became find iu the Hues, and dragged some distance, before he bscamc disentangled. ♦♦ - ~ SERIOUS ACCIDENT.— We regret to jearn that Mr. John Orvis met with a vei v serious accident on last Sabbath evening. He was driving on the road near his residence, in a buggy, when a dog from a neighlmr'a house, suddenly -prang out nt the horse, causing him t) run off. Mr. Orvis was thrown from the vehicle, and fell upon his head causing a coocussioti of the brain. He was taken up insensible and re mained in that condition during the night, only regaining his conciousness next day. We trust his injuries may not prove dangerous and that his rc tovery will be speedy. In conse quence of this accident the special •onrt which was being held at Belle fbnte, was adjourned on last Monday is Mr. Orv'w was one of the principal counsel in au important land-trial which had already occupied the whole of 11 st week. Court adjourned for w eks, when the trial of the ease wflj be resumed. son* UW.UK us on Ri-portsr fur j Itafis-i'j and '7O will much oblige by niail ug us amount due. KIUBK--Tl* grist-mill ami barn bo longing to 1 hoina* Way, near Storm*- town, this county, were" destroyed by tin;, on Tuesday night of lust week. It is supposed t hi- fire originated (Vftui , the engine. On the same night, the dwelling house of Mr. l*ineh, near Fine (drove Mills was also destroyed hv lire. LARUE V 11:1 it -Mr. John H.Hover, near the lied mill, in Totter township, had one acre of corn which produced ITo bushel* iu the ear, and live tie re* which yielded 765 bushels. What farmer beats that ? Mr. Witt. Eakin, ( f font re Hill, last week shot a Intck, weighing lUO lbs. Deer scctu to bo plenty this season, we foil! of a groat luuny being killed. We wi>h one would come near to our cilice, we would torn our "'•hooting stick" on him. * • I IIANKS —John li. Urvis, esq., will auvpt our thanks for a |atr of fine Chester while pigs. Mr, Orvis, be std< - standing among th<'t<<reiuot legal mind* ot ibis slate, has also got to be a j sucot-sslul fa rut v r, and his endeavors ill j tuifobucing improved breeds of cattle ! and suite are wmthy of all praise. •'LOVE'S lasm 1.05r." Mr. Jacob Koch, who b\* a short distance below litis I (>!•, oa |u t Tuesday did chtuv gray- I squirrel n|> a high tree nesr his house, and I lorthwilh ordered forward hU "piece" and I snoauniti. n. Four liuie* did he send up ihat tree the little leaden pellets, but *quir- Ily didn I get hurt w.Tth a will The little ,-rittor not liking to t>e bombarded in that j tyle, tirnk outrage, and made a straight coat t til dou n that high tree, jumped on to la big red oak, and holed himself. We I don't know- "how high saivl rod-oak was, I but that don't matter. Jneob tell* us it was three I'uet thick, and that wa-pr-Uy "high" for thick. But Jacob, nothing daunted, was resolved upon hi*game, amideteruiin carry the war into Africa. He sent for his faithful axe, and et to work, and did ! actually cut down said red oak, which was three feet "high" in*, and never tired until the king of the forest with s mighty swoop, stretched his length upon the dust, three foot thick—and the squirrel, yes the squirrel, we mean the gray squirrel, it really had the impudence to runout and up into • hole ot a much thicker tree. We didn't inquire of Jacob whether he cut down that other tree also, but if the prices of cord-wood suddenly oolite down, the readers of the BEPOKTKK may take it for ! granted that that other tree caiue down too. Jacob B. So It has taken a sub-contract for grading two additional utiles of rail road—making three miles for his job, which commences at the turnpike a short distance below Ccntie Hall, extending w e.-t along the Manor line. Every man who takes a wife Buys before he marries her, (.*, rtsin little bridal gifts. Which with love he carries her. But he never purchases Any thing that pleases her Half so much an sewing machine. Which from trouble eases bee. ti for : Singer St wing Machine, Ye who think of marrying. For you'll never find a gift Better worth the carrying. Ye-, g>> to Zimmerman 11 o A Co. and buy a Premium Singer Improved Sewing Mncbine for n bridal gift and po domestic storms will ever darken your matrimonial sk v. • -♦ * Th*- Hroekerhotf House, oell.foiile, nnder Me--r*. Thompson A Son*, now 1 ran* among the most elegantly furnished : and best conducted hotel* in the state. i —Our friend Fred. Decker, of Agricul- I tural College, liati a rib broken the other day, while urc-tling. —We arc told a match gauieof base ball ■ is t come off at Potter's Mill*, on Satur- J day, between a club from 1 •■agcrtown and j one of ltoalsl-urg. —We had remarkably fine weather thi* j fall, and so little rain, that the water* gof i t- be Tory low. Sim e Tuesday tlie weath er ha* been rainy. Our farmer* have been bu-y busking ' corn—the crop is a g-md one. Tig- t'luto , crop h.i- also been large, ami a- a general thing remarkable for siae "f tlao' ••var iant*. i —Grading on the railroad has now , reached within half mile east of the Fort. ' MAKE A NCITK OF THIS. —It is as toiiishittg bw largely the * olhe Singer Hawing machine run up. They keep the leailnll the time by thous- , amis over any other. This is a fact us shown upon the books of the Rev- ' euue department. This is attributa ble to no other fact but the one impor tant one, that Singer Sew ; ng machine is the best in the world. The demand very frequently is larger than the sup, ( pi v. Make n not* of this all wlia i wish to have a sewing machine, andits no family should be without one, that one should always lc the best, and the best has proven to le the Singer. Does every imaginable Liud of sewing —plain and fancy, work.*easy,does not get out of order and is perfectly fault less. This world renowned machine is sold by Zimmerman Bros A Co:, I'ellefontg, yyho have the Hgency for this county. Dyti't bet-arc ceeiug the .Singer machine. W. ' 11 ■■ The elections iu Mar-iiiles on Sun day resulted in the success ol tlie ul tra-Cm holic candidates The Ilonapartiat intrigues iu Franc* have njpi'tiutcd to little. Ihe broils on Corsica wcr# greatly exaggerated. Napoleon regards himself as the only legiiint itc sovereign otthe French people,and depend* uhoiJ a plebiscite to restore h ni Ml wituksc, Oct. !M.—A special to the Sentinel frmu jJcluik IV i*ron*ifi, *ay them are largo Are* in the seven ■ii'lc-e.tst of there. Barer-, Jke., were hmned near Hpc.r, yeaterday. Other <1 e* are reported. The city is filled with dene smoke. - ♦——— A distressing tragedy occurred at Zia ncsvslie the other day. The wife of a law yer was lying at tl e point of death from consumption, when the hushniid in a fren ay of grief -In J himself dead in her pres ence. Tell inipu £• igipr she Hlio expired- Tho Tlcnocr Narrow Guage. Philadelphia. October 28.--General Pal mer, president of th Denver and Kio Grande Railway, telegraphed from Denver Colorado, j." the trustee* here, that the road wa* finished yen era ay 'o Colorado Springs, seventy-six miles, and Is now opafl fpr V. r * v " el and freight. Thi* is the pioneer three Ut road of the country, and a number of the o(finer* of other narrow guage road* throughout tho Ullb'iJ rc now at Denver to examine iu operation*. A )#rge sum has alreudy been realized by construction train* carrying passengers and lumber. Tfig f urpc* "f the narrow guage system i. S.grypy. lire being pushed to Sante Fe and tjie H*. Jyoffl* yjtlley. Ivj KCTION N<)THIE.-The stock hold <j ersofthe Centre Hull Mf g Cotup., are herebv notified that the annual election for five directors, to muiiage the affair* of .-aid company for the ensuing year, will be l. I*l >t Ci'litio Hail, at the office of Km. sjumnou, op Saturday November 4th, 1871, int > p i.;. Itv order of the boftd ; > 4 r yoatrn OjfffXttiH. | J MO. SB *>'*<♦*• KV 'y- Presd.t. j I 27oct.'Jt | Dial of Juror*. 1.1,1 ot Ui**.t Jarar* arw* l.r N,. -uiUi row • j IXHIH A It Is;I ~ÜBH>nolna 4h M.<nd| "I Nu. Kn.ißsluH' I*,-' OvUck. N Woww* Kuilita .lm> A l(.vVi-). J H.m. Jmo lUin> A MUU't. > W-iwr. W K.*r. ' tob.Ni> N tlaehM. .1 i tltt-ion H Kl.-lt-rO HSISI *W| LIWM, IT RWSTM*. A L-K|. ||la ,)n Vtt*us, N'WillUius, h.11,■!.. Jno I'wHU a W -I-SI. H Hvtl r<miwM| ti H Mot WIN ib J H rteuutw.. AU.-IS W'u,.r vdatn UlMnlM MiiMl'ura a M tiiwt, U.I ,* rail, ,lrni |>,i NN.OIMIH-1 IIIH *,l ('.Hill A It lJt, .-.MIIUH H.'tii* Wit MIMWUI N llatns I'ha, tl .iriu.oi. It A auqk I'WiU .1 lliuidito.e Ibliri, IIIMINO UNIOIM It I It. ■>, M .1 J W ilium. A a itMijf. t KUl> t .|aa, 11,.. HI., X ll.a.nt l. ft*!.:,.*., 1 I M,>Na,Nurt> a'wtta. J Hra. Vl>. la H.-1a,t.,l *>*,.* WIN, It Kiuiualn* W ...aava, a l.lUll.ntl ratten A lli.-i-, U M.lta.i„ H..11. I a, l MuuVK N He. k W I' I a..,,. -. , II Kbtalv tNsbi M Mill,. Waa Haal,.M' H.aa) Ji. I'.. . , 1.e.. lUstuO. a NU.abiu. |a ttlalaa. .matt*. I V KVIINI M.o .n It Vo.u. v. *n ■ lt,.>. >r. t' J .ii.i wa. I. n 11. Paainn.lUo W II HtaaWlt, t ~r*u-.H, e I it M Maaeer. a ril-ol ->*.■. Sia,...lite* A a ,iMioaii J a i.tin, J | ,a,uau. M THoU Milo.i,Nrj| > At ti.utut Waa la.W Mtlw i.—iA lu.l> t*al l Peril tun.a. ,lt.en to I NVa ..-1.-i 1.-,.-. .-I I' Naal eoaauaen.iibi MNIHIm alae ral. ul lie, A |a I- I HotUnoale * V W t..lUn>cl> t a.ivae. ra A .IN "aa. Cvuti bK. r*t. Her. Wut A)ea*M.lel J |-uel,.e< T <wa sewa A 1N..*|,10 SOM LL.rv.ler Ilea Mat J 1 U4.*. It Hue).. II ' Hollo V H.. |. b'I ; o A l> >*. Seeelam-I Claall,.bur. A M0!.,..ue., |l I. W.j C.ll'.u, A Settar. W I I j} l **.. PC Aauiaaerwo.i, WII kiv,. W.lh, * 11 Awe. Ham*, iu a.lent, ItUan, Adaat We„o llaa—lot.. Iti Ttttuuiia,,, II W Hull Sallo ; lao tltvou USefai . la l etlunt.i Wile., tonulb K* !■**. H k Sua*. I.rea . llot UIIKNUI. >|.raiaß; Jo. Mailer. J la MUler. ailiiiw*. II Siarej lja.oa.laeo. ft S' llaalen Muiuaa.U Beau \\ lahiugton, 0.-tober "JJlld tle.irgia |U|vra hveiva,.! lie re to-day iiutntiali anoe eiurenee in Jed'er-on a-ouiity iu that slata whkall resulted 111 the death of two liiell, one of them a while nun named Coleman, having bea'ii shot lay a caaloreal man named Fierce. Tlt.-re are .onrtia'iing *toriea con oerning the nffnir. The Itepubiiean- say that Coleman went to Pierce's house fair tha'purposeofofferillg violelicet., him. The Democrats deetal-e that C.denuu out to serve a magistraie . warrant, when I'iorve resi-ted Mini shot Coleman. Fierce deal but subsequently returned to his home un der the prola-clioti of bayonets. Fierce was given to the civil authorities for trial, and while in custody, a band of di-guLo,! men took him from the officer, it> believa d, killed him. It i* reported that the soldier* have order* to arrest a number of citizen* living iu the vicinity and there is witch exciuiniant. II ' * A hou*eand lot favorably located tin Mniustreet, Aaron.burg, is offer, N! at pri vata- -ale. The house is a g,*od one, and the lot among the bast in town, with mi abundance of fruit thereon. Also lOacrosof mountain land. For further particular apply to JOAXXA S, KraTZ, Us' l 'J7. Aaroiisburg. WAIl! WAR! On High Prices. DUE AT EXCITEMENT. 11. It. SMITH. of Totters Milla. X E XV (i (MHIS ! \\ i would most respectfully i from hi* fr.eln' customer*, and the public gener ally. that lie ha* uki-n po*e*ion of Thompson'* old quarter., which have been remodeled and improve I atad i. now pre pared to acecMabHalato all who may favor hi in by calling. . NEW G(X)I)S! lie 11-.asjusl rcceivinl line of the lavrge*! st-M-ks of ail kind* of Merchandize c.-r brought tj Centre county, w hioh he iiiteml to -ell at sculi figure* a will make it an ob ject lor all persons to |>urvluuc. Families laying iu winter supplies of Uructiie*. Dry Good*, Aii'., should not fail to give him a rail, a* lie feel* confident hi- price and superior quality ufg.>od* will amply 1 satisfy all. iiu .Iwli of G It (1 C E It 1 E S coi,-i*u of Coffee* of the best quality. Tea*, Sugar* of all kinds, Mola-se*, Ki-n, Salt, Chee*, llried Fruit, Spice*, Frovisi, n. Flour and Feed. aSce., Aii*. Our slock of D K Y tl GO D 8 i* large and varied, aud we will ju*t say can supply any article in that line, with out eiiumeraiing. KEADY M A D EC LOT 111 N G a large stock of ready-made Clothing for Men and Boy *' w.-qr which wp will dispose of at a very small advance on cost. B .ot* and Shoe*. Hals and Cap*, Hard wara', Wood and Willow Ware, Notion*, Faiicv GIMKI*, Carpet*, Oil cloths. Wall Fapers. \\ indoW Shades, Ac., or lift* ly. fffIEONLY USA Monthly Gift Knti-rpii-o I S.jO,(KK) C'aali and Valuable Trizcx. Deeelnber Id, IH7I Capital prize . (MX) Gold. Ticket-Si —six for SV Sen,l for circular*. A. IS VV. TA Y LOB .V CO., F. O. box 1401, Cin'ti, O. tfjoct lm. AGENTS WANTED FOR A Book That-Will Sell! -' MTctttCLt II r TII r. R KNOW XK t SIGN Olf IJ I- IT/,. Thi< is an original, Interesting, and in structive work, full of rare ftm anil humor being mi account of the A I'THOK'S FKO FIISSIONAL LIFE, lii- wonderful trick und fent*, with liiughable ineialeiit* and adventure* a* a Magician, Necromancer and Ventriloquist. Ilhptmt'd with 1(5 Full Tage Enoruvings, beside* the Author's ftntraif op steel, and numerous small cits The volume i free frmu any ohjectiona bl > matter, being bigli-toned and moral iu its character, and will be read with inter est. both by old ami young. It give* the most graphic and thrilling accounts of th effects of hi* wonderful feat- and magical triik*, causing the most uneontrol.ablo merriment and laughter. Circulars, Ti-rms, &e., with lull infurnui lion, tent free on application to Dl T mßt,l) AMI MSA D. Fublisher, 711 SBIISOIII strn t. Pliilwdclphia. oct27.fim. f OTS FOR SALE at Centre Hall. Jj Will be *<dd, at public -ale. at Centre Hall, on Thursday November 2nd, 1871. TVJ'O VALUABLE LOTH Belonging to'thVCsldiP <•! T'ter Durst, dce'd, aontalnliig itbouHl Acre*, igjftln-1 ing said town, and sltunto OIIU of tinon <n the Brushvalley road and the other iu tin' rear of sunic, TERMS will be made known on day of sain".' Bulg to eomiiicniic at 10 o'clock, 11. m. JliiilJlM. FO'ITEB, JOHN lIISII KL, sept.2m. K xecutor* A DMINISTBATDK' NOTICE, Letters of adtnilil-tratioll oil tile estate ol Jacob Gent/ell sr.. lato of Gregg twp.. Centre county dee'd.. have been grant< d by the Register of saul county to tin* un dersigned. AH per on* having eluim* ugainst the estate of the decedent are re que-ted to present theiu for scttleincnt, and tbre indented to the estate to make pay ment to the undersigned, administrator, Without delay. J A.COB GENTZK LL, jr. kag'io.fiw !T Adiniuistrutor i I)KATI IS. '• VI " th S-pt.l VuiSih ■ Jane, dau-iii?- i i i- K Spy kef, fi.rtti r, iwlv of \ 111 month* ami ill day Nivii II i s. .iti Count\ Mci Il" .'III, I 1 • \\ . rd t' - ) Cllt : month- • ' y 111* leave N wife ! ami 7 rhil- ' ' n li. I> ■. | F.r tlm Rep t, !>•' t ill I <l. |p, . II |l||) 2Ut 111 Ocl, It- ! I! ' . . mill .lill uli (r of : John n . M U 1,. 1, n K .-d 18 years, ! 8 111. lilt hi Hint i I day •, j 'I ti. - x it'iu Ki'l with i tin* I * i-h •' i I', nl>.mt j four *n h<ro hot sickness with roiuiii bi | no.', tint (iiwii ex ! pic- . 1 . . 1 in,, folly resigned I t-i her 4 • i i. .. t > .(in thou to > livr p 1, th .1 ah h' . . ! ' I Hill noI .ml , ti him, >. I 1 about in u lu-m --<tut I .. "'1 11.. ithii h* j left behind !. 11 cv hi. iiiYi nl lii rm..: f.i - t. ' 11'..! tunica he, j lull pi"' . 'li ' 1 nil-Hit.- eft hi j I hill' I |.| til.- ! Mir-- - ' I .-I ,-t expiring! bivsih -I,- -ci 'I sin hum-- • 1 ... nl people nl -1.1.1. ; , itt, .ol:..,I iil HUnh ••'■' had ehurge o j till- lit b.itif u j I bring .1 • . , . tomb, they unit 1.11 ih vi -iti;;lng "Over! tll.-l. ! I, IIVu it. | io■ n • what frt iii| it- • * . < v * -vi i'n hnthrd ill l .. . 1., livr i lJ ht-r vi" . .1 1 ill u ti.i knew i tin- 1 1 ■ ••urr. i i 'f In, h thu -1 Hunt.. ; I time, hut tht*ri i mill ti In, ,ir.-in., in thi brent t ■ itti ha* begun II mm . . , ,r til mill glo rious world, !.. -n-th ■ <m, ~f mi-ht lll'. - h:. \ r 1. I-.- K • koii 11. ■ . n ~n.t in-! bright |. ... y ti,.- . lii-it) nlliea ■.on, briii.- ! • ... ... - -Uii.-ii i-- hei bll ma* .1 ~.. - . 1 -t- ih i-v port in tun iiiru 1 . . mil, 1W a .IK N MARRIAGES. t >ll I. i . •;*. -it th.- Evan gelical t" :I M Stoat, Mr. Jaouh K M I V It-r, bulb nl thi. 11 AI the I 1' ,--itlio lull in-t. bv lie ... I Mi -r. .Mr. J.'hi D. It 1 \ I.Mi ofGreg,; ;. , ii.i, . \ .Mv u„ KTS. Co . t- ■■ • k Mu---r. i\ lit- A it iI . It ye. ... TO ... C v ..Bartey 7.1 7U Ci . I'nliituM :tt Lar.l per 01 • .. I'ork |.r pound Oh Butter ..I PI .ii. r |.er tm #lsTall iJ" i - Hi.... Hum la. Ml I.liti 'i MARKETS Ourr ! ■ John M tlowell. \V ir . • ! : •! t I It * - ti*i C-in 7t .... ' - h' ltrli-\ 65 Chiv. r ■ . .1 ! .1 K> ..'Oil, 4" l Silt JM; It*..-I, ; ..Hut: . hgfr •Ji.t 1'!... /D - :i < T0;li ! ! A1 Ki IU i'i ,l> RRIt lvS! X1.1.K . v I 11' UK ATTIIK i "MAMMOTH" FuinU v Store! THOMAS iilNXaj J On Ah .t . Pawa'o. | r i '. '•! 1 lurormiitx my l f.i' . I u J sum :•••' 11i.tM.11tm , I inti-io . It. ;• Hat ,th IWI. itaiuot' < Mr II .rri- h-miti}. Will I . Btl.siiU'.si ->t M. ! . Punt tun -t | hi- U- lat j , u > ,J hi cm* J i U nil :i • 4 , I 1 n. •• -uii \ i. t. 10 :r\KK!i'j FiLLEO. Or.ler. fwC • lal| at i.IV t-T*' j All.-th.o • i • > ANN. Ii I'll, j } , : \ -n* • Fiu' : > v blic Sale Th,- It' ' i*- :-r jHir l. Im'".l, j lying irt , m thero4 ld-j I"? fr> Iti: : t IS Rl.hurif, Will Vj t' :• . t\ I it |t|:iUW ().i ; \ > i.Uor 2't'l, l- N I ut I ii*i-l ■'. - ■ . . timiti. Tliin (arm j '* - 1 A I.intl HMI , ■ii '1 Ai ro* CM-I lilt of Valti.tli'.- i'tutliorlatt-l, the h,I . .Ii • 'vo l and underi ill,- h- I 11. •! .'II .i' -M. :111-l l'.'Ui-S -nl i the hi ; . > , i i'l th-' valley. w!ii ', 1.-, • . I.v ! -1 uii-i l-Ttilitv, !...-in in t' -utri pountv. Thi tiuj-r - run-l-t f n | • > ; I'-ru k IIuuo, >A It -*V ■ . I njirins h" I - JUnk Barn, u i'.h w.; . ,1.1, ill., r end, nN-il „U , ..iitu i hlinx*. Th- ; l-roini ■ 1 1 . . , !\ .11 Water, cundn.'t I '• 1 1 'h ' metal pip - - hi A •> a I , Oroltai'l with nil fr i ; Thi. : l alioVo tMi! j Fort, I 1 ■ th- pr -; >- !.. ' s 'ill- Tor .t • h'i-I tua •, ki> ..v.. : . ■' >r fiihnor jiiiriit it-; lar- " II irri*wp., or Joii i i' - 1 1 II A PoTTKIt, • -'!N ItlsllKL |.pp.2m KKOOUIum. j UU-lTßii iJr.IBUGL.ED, fat ■; .iv T 1,..V IVu-iM H AT Model I bookstore. 11• -in , \\ at I lii-oooli.-r a Ml-'/, OF Jesus llio Clitisl, Tin ri'IILHWTIOS OF Tin: 1 HI: I'm .-ale only at R.tnkiu'a Model lluokbtoro, Bellefjnte, I'a. Rlllv\T I'l,OOP! 1 I I'll tin n|' Hit t iti.iti*, t troeeriea, No tiiiim, II lll| ware. Ro 1 ly-niitile I Mot liinj;. nifO lHotitii l of , other article* OA It 1(1 hi) OFF ANI> I-V MK|) VT vy the Cheap t'f ft \ | Herlachcr & Cronmiller. t'KNTRi: HALL. PA 1 now nif.'l-.'l ut jiri. i' 4 laivi rth 1111 lilt- loWt'nt |>rt t, ■ u|ii, Nutlo I*, (Ir- i rte*, llnnl. ire, 4|u- .n*ar- \VI-„IINII *il!w *rt| It 1. .' ill I iU ati',l iu i . t, u li.tigni Ji oi l ' 4i-.<rtUieil ol'oi orylhittir tIOOHS V K.U V NK A K AT TH K ~ til,l) PRICKS. Di'esa floods V 111,-it h-uititiil variety, —>n-itinf of all ih ■ uovoUlt c*t the •euL.ui, ivli.tu .'on-111, i iiilir-ueloi a *. Im-I| akirti*, I'.A I. M lt A L SKIRTS, All we a*k iltat jrou will t'AIJ, AM" K\A M IN'K oi'K STtbC'K \ I I. K II" OF H UN K.--H, illv >*r pintl .1 , .! A .111 ■ - llmtie d-'iihli iji.l -I- ill- l-n-i- ami ImltHtft apt I PfiM-JK'CtS nl HIGH PISICES FOR GRAIN The ,1.1 t i ll,n e i 1 kell if the wttv ~ it tin- M l ' 11. Milroy, fo *it r!\ "I 1 1 li 11. -I A fh.'t ti. ml -it.- nou ■ .re ! '.i, 1 111 kind-at <•ruin ami U, nl the I ih.l market 11 i-r 4'.1*11. nit I'l urin ami t.11.'1, caii.tilltit -ui liumt, f.ii -ati', a* .*a ~ 1 Im hw , -! F.irni-.* .1 Cvutfi - -uut) are ro|Mi't uilv Itll !t".| t>' K'4 !• lie S o*ll. We jfuar-ituoo t-- ui,, -itii i. ti-ui iii all VtCM Wl iAl.i HKOWX. apt£l.3iiii ■ ANI AT I'ltl VATK AI.K. \ 1,.-. of i .ii.l, 11 iu.; tirr.'ift mnnhlp. •ft tile Intnl. - of I'etilt* r*'. k. holW ei-ll Pt-uu linll ami Spring Mills h ntti-ml ti |ii A ate i||n It l.lj.etl* lamp "I* Uuoliauau ami L. 11. M tbllro, runuiniu# 24 ACRRS more or - About 8 -icrir* ,*ifii*t ol irt cho-s white pirn- till! I-of, tile balancr 'lt-.-iti-d an,l under ciiUtv utb-n 4rm an HenloW. For Atrtlu r partioular apply to 1 II IIKS NICK, tS. (ire** twp. HOIMi AND I.OT FOU Th-} uml- r- stir I .(Ter* at privata ale bt> holier ~ i bo -iti! tie jii Church •tr- it. TV i'.ir Halt The iiou*. i. a new w . -tory frame building one -ifthe rinet ti the mlghlmrK-Hul, arid in one of the - .1 i-x'atiou* in tin- I,mil. There l* i new : up -n th- lot F->r futlirr pariicu : \t.K\, sIIANN'oN. 'IA iV o FAUMS AT I'll I VATK SALIC.) # fhe Uttdrl (jaed oflcra hi* * a-uablt* I j (triii, .ilioul 1?) iiiili' tM-t of CVniro llall, ,t private -ate, it cntaO * 101 Acre* f Laml 1! clear, i:. aJdlUon to aK.ul 15 acre* o( j h,* I -I while oak muSjeflnuii. The iui* J ifl-ieiuellti area Nan la •lory frame dwol- Fi litiK hot! ■ I'- ' I no# batik * , ' tV bam nml ii to --try oul* i < -t'B bu idiiiK , and id*-- a tenant , !• ,|o! o ..hi *v I'.-r at the mi.ll'j, art ■ IHMH, nlan n well <•( water at tenant], lou-e, ami :i tr • tin <>f running water j lir-*u;i;i the la• d, and n - -ton- - up-ti the! j Utnd. A wood jrmittf twrhard • Ui.- prtvij !uii anu ail kind* --f chaice fruit mur , h-.i* 'l'll f.-r-.n a tl* J•• M Clln-L lld-vw ti-.( rnt* Dtir*t, and!<i farm oreiij 1t - * Ftiilio l'urt. ALSO tn.-lhet !< like ,*n ai the (lor- j ne, iliriri --a Mr i.i) 1,1-uicalti, nh*ui iji, jnile from - Ha .Mining 272]| l .. | ,lh U! - I.", • l*OUlt III!, - ! thoVrlnn i Theim- ! . nU are a taro Mory dareltltiw h-mel aad ahm a tenant kowi I: ha| ihi-',.- rl'aril ami ail kind* of naiit, and,. • L-vrm! (Mil rpriar' "f walrr. Taw farm' Well - ii4-d tot >i - i-liujl iiC - la • Uritt*' F--r furlh. ' part.eiiiat. si'pn ..I ußik duk r, U !■ - - U. C- aire Hall ; I jl |t Tint Kits! i' anil Hie Besf! Tilt* Larifcsl & i stock' of ii FALL l-tK>l>S! .11-1' L'STACKING nt f K Ft. LEU t MESS Fit, in . . ..-il .r. blr • ill.bop street, i ttulieiiilite, a here ; liuve juil ojM-mHI the (fit, uhe*pet iortre* , u- well a* tlie bo-t aortad UH-k -i(V#eni ' ,:i Mellofoiitc. HE HE LA hIES, 1 ihe plaeo to buy your Silkr, M -hair- AJo/.uiuhi | i , ll'j- , Alp. lea*, Pidnills lain, Ilrillianl", Mit-tiii*, CalioM**, Tiek F'aneL. ttpera Fl mel., La-li--* (Mat I illlt, tiolil* CI--: ti, L i<lie* Saotptea, \\ hiti i'ekni . Linen TahleChrtlis t>iun(er|Hine ! - Frio *4" 'Unlerpanc*, Wlnii- an 1 C-dorin 1 I it, Nupkio.*. Ih ••**i iifcj- nndKdK'nX' I "A"nit-'!. i Cuiiitis */. plu r.V Zephvr I'ai' I eru*. i'i, I\' C-it ton, Shawl". \\ or *• la fc k --t, I tool' SKIRTS, I "lire il JIoi-rv, Fn*. 1!,H1L,.50 win* I. VDIKS AND .MISSKS SllOKs' fancy ROODS OK NOTION LINK roil GFXTL KM FX, ! Rivilyntiuli' Clothing of Kvory Die j st'i'ijitioii, for Men ami iloya. Theirn.wk ..t'tp'KLNsU AKK Jit OMOI CKIUKS e.uinot he excelled in quality or? price. t 'all in nt tli • I'hlln.lelj'hiaStori' ami eon vin. .. y-ei ,(i that h F.LI.Kit At MUS sKK iiave iny t!iin< you want, and do hn- , due.•* on (lie priiiripii" of Sales am) Small 1'rollts" apSthrt" (IP. M 8 Vs d I'll itM'i'K AllK r \KM , T It c P I a ft* TO BUY i IIHAP SCHOOL 800-\S. IS AT UVINGSTONS \V IIOLKHA LK i ItnOK STORK. Hut !b>llefoiile, Pa. FOR SALE. Th uii iui h.M a ii i-1 of timber i lan*', k eati-1 between the ltrii"h ami Thick Mountains nearly due suuih of lie , herihurjr, cuiitaiiiiiiK 17! acre*, which lie oiler for ale. Il t* well timbeiod, and] M-V iiiTiccf-A from 15ru*h \'all"y. For all desired iiiforinalioii call on the uiidvriiiriiDil. C. It. IiKITEK. | Aaroiisburg, P. j Notice. oth-n .-I the I*ewibiiiKi ihntr and Sprncii Crooh It R. Co. Philadelphia June Oth, 71. Notice i* hereby itivell that (he Brl in* •talmeiit of live dollar. |a-r share, to the capital utock of the L- wi-hurg, Centre and Spruce Creek Hail Koad Co., •uh.i , in the town-hip. of ilarri*, P-tler, Oreag. Pan ii am) llaimo. Centre county, will ne payable -in the flr*t day of July IK7I, am) | •uhiiMplent iliatnlimil*.* of live -lolUr-pcr • hare, will he dua and payable on the rfmt -lay ut each *ucc<-edlnx mouth until the whole U |iaid I'aymeiiU of the alnrr in ' *ta(menu are hereby required U- IM- made to (tie trea.lirer of (lie Company, at the -ilßce of the Centre County Hanking ('.mi . patty Bellaftwia Pa. dOHKPIf LKHLKV, T raurr. N. li. iny perMMt i e*irig can pay the, whole off at oil-'e. If payment* are mil I punctually ma la th- law allow* ou prj •'ent p.-i month t" be chafgnd In a-I.lltl n Attention Farmers of CENTRE COUNTY I oilN M DOWKI.L l having lea—d tin- Ware ( hoii.e of C-ipliu \ Strunk ill Milroy, i* now i prepared to pay the biglo—t aa*h pro e for nil itin-lii ol Grain Coal. PIU r and'Nalt, . -oi-ianity on band iiuyliVAui (. k.v I it k II a I I. Coach Mauufac tory. L • v i Mum _r, at 111, lOUbliahtnenl at Centre Hall, Pa.. kee|ion hand, ami for *ale. at the moat mi-miiahle rate*, a Urge *t-**k .-f Carrlaft#s, Bt'KKitiS, & SprltiK Wagons, Pi.vis and Fwmrr, in-1 vehicie* of every de*.'ri|Uoi made t •nl -r, ar.d Warranted, to be made of the bt't a Ct4 ** ■tied material, and by the nowt • killed and eampataat worktuea. Peron wanting anything In hi* line arc r*qne*ted p. cai! and examine hi* work, they will find it n<l t" t ex- ellct for durability and wear vkw SZSETXSSdPQT J. A J. HARRIS. NO. 5. HUOCKKUHOFF tto W A new and complete Hardware• ha ■ 10-ell -ilMinwl bv the in Ur.H'k •rh-tr, new building—whjre they an pro* par-.1 t-i m-11 all kind, of Uulidingand ILmsi KurnUbiug Hardware. Iron, Httwd, Nails Buggy wheel* in eU*. Champion Clothe, Wringer, Mill Saw*. Circular and Ham San , Ton noti Saw . Webb Saw., leeCreau Free**r, Balli Tub*, Clot tie* Hack*, a ful a*ortme<it of Ula*> alid -Mirror Plate of al ite*. Picture Fram •*, iV hoalbarrow* (Ti til |k>, (oil <lil Lamp*. Helling, Spoke* Felloe*.and Hut-, Plowa,Cultivator*,Con Plow* Plow Point., Shear Mold Hoard* and Cultivator T-eth, Table Cutlery. Shov el. Spade, and Fork*. liinge*. s, r,*w. Sah Spring*. Hor—Shoe., Nail*,, Norway H*hl, Oil*. l**rl, Lubricatiag. Coal. lJnueed, Tanner* \ni 11*. Vice*. Ihl low* Screw Plate. Itlack*inilh T>e.l*, Factory Hell*. 11-u*e Bell*. IMnner Hell*. Hong Itell*.Tea Hell*. Mnndttoiie*. Carpen l*r T.hil*. Fruit Jar* ami Own*. PalnU, 4|, : 7.'.7 j' *T ! V."f-.- News! See Here! TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE The undesigned hereby informa th.- rilir -n. of Pennavalley that he ha* lur j chaMw) the TiuUep hen-lol'ore carrii**! on by the 0. H Mfg Co., an-l wit* continue] the .atue, at the old *lan<t. •" all lU Hunt* ... in th- inanuftetur*. of *rt>vi: pipi: *v hpoitixu. All km,l* al repai.iog done. II - ba il w ay* on band Fruit Cam*, <f all Site*, BCCKITS, CUPS, DIPPF.RS. UISHKS. AC. Alt work warranted and charge. r.*a~n able A hare of the public pair, HI age *o liciuwl. ANU UKKSMAX, in-pTOy Centre llall | r/LLLKIt JkJ \HKKTT A dealer* in UUUUS, M KDIC)NFS, CHUMiCALsj al*o all the STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES.; A very large a*- •ortment of Tot- I.KT Aari.-uae, F 4 h* *' V OiM.d* Sns|i, Jte., 4c., The tlr.—il qual ity of P. A /o K ST gat., IV.-SKT K SIV KM. Scteeoa* and It vr.Oß* WAU. l'Aricn iv ORRAT VABIKTT. PHKSCKI PTIONS. compounded liy com petent drtiggkl* at all hour*, day or night. Night customer* po I night bell. ZKLLKR Jk JAHKKTT. Hi.hop St., Hellefonle Pa. JunlS 1 jCKNTKE HALL Tan lard. The undcr.igned would revpectfjilj in form the citixen* of ('. litre county, that the above Tan Yard will again be put iu ! full operation, in all it* branchea, by them. G.VHK Wanted. The hlgbot market priia* will be paid [ lor Hide, of all kind*, rile highciit mar ket price will nl*o be paid for Tanner'* Itark. The public patronage I* solicited Satisfaction g uarauteed. ■IiMILLER A BAPOKR. CHEAP MUS C. Sf 11-l'Kl ItKH.H to PTKHs' -\J fall' At. MOM in Y get all tin- liit->4t and h.-.t Mu.ic lat niiu and two cent* a piece. Kvety num ber contain* from Sf to s* worth of new Mu-ic ; and il can bo hud for 811 cent*. The July and Augu.t number* contain Thirty Piece* of Mu-ic, (72 page). *hcet-HiU*c -1..,-, and will In- mailed roraJtiawt*. Ad ,lre# J. I*. PETERS, j'.tii Hrotdway, New Y-irk, n^('iOKIRWiVI inn SK. Alleottcaey Stmd, Bellefotttc, I'a. I). -lUHN!St)N A Proprietori. A VI K* r CI. A** HOT V.1., OoMVoRT \ llt.K RIVOMa PROMPT A (TKNDANCK. ALL THE MODERN (!ON VKNIKN CKS—AN D REASON A ULF. Charge*. The pmprietor* otter t* the traveling public, and to thoir country fiieml*, tir-i cla** accommodation* and careful atten tion to the want* o!'guest* t all time*, nt lair ritln" C-qrufitl Ipmtler* qu<l good *table ling fur bomoo. An oxcollnt table well nerved. A Har supplied with tine liquor*. Servant, well trained and everything re quisite in a llrst cla** Hotel. Our locution i. in the biuim-t* part of the town, near the Post Office, tho Court House, the Chur ches, the Hanks, and the p iueipn! place* of business, renders it the mont eligible place for those who visit Hellefoete on biui or pleasure. An (luuiibua will carry piuuuugen* niiti to qin| troiu q|| traius Iron of unurgn, /CENTRAL HOTEL, Corner ui Third V J iiod Clu- tiiut Street, Mitttinburg, Pa Joliii Shower.*, Proprietor. It* Central Location makes it particularly desirable to persons visiting Town on bunnies* or pleasure. H. A. Taylor's Livery Attached. )uu9B,ly Young and Devlin^. CITY STOKK. II ;l WIIOLKBALK AND UK TAIL I .! rhe largest ami hunt nonrlni-'tit ol Roods. j (■rueerii'*, II I tools. & SIhMLSg Notions &c*. in the county, give us a trial ami sav* ft >mi l-l l 20 |K*r ( ctiL on your pur <'b;i-s f-ul v2K. 4 a I'.'lllilltl & Soil, - Boot&Shoe Makers r t Next iloor luWiq; titer A **■ u* St,r * BclUtouic. i J j We mar.ufaetu[f to O'der. r Our work i* neat and durable. Our prices are very mod-rain. W <• warrant to give Mtisfoctom. W. have the LAID JEST ami BEST •lock of Ladle'* and Children a .-hoe* it. (own. We art- re<-iviug goods every w--k. W- wish an examination -fur good*. The Perm .-valley trade I* rqccutly iu -tur *t-ck, we thiflf , we can please all who rail a* t>- tyls quality, and pri-m, We study l<- mtiliu r satisfaction, and although we have had *!> estend<s<l trade f--r years, *t r h.ive nefm given a customer cu, U< c t-uplsin septlotf A HA I'M, ERTVOLP F MCW XTALTAL* • raoxr, ntattoi- *: , jt. -i, f-mte. W 1 N EH A N I> L I it It ' The subtcribcr pt*-ifu!!y call* the at ) Motion of the public to Li* - tablishm at, ! *'h rr he it prtqtaied u. furnish all kindsot Foreign and Domestic Lhpt -r' wholesale al the low* t coil price-, u i ichr- warran ted to be the bet qualities* r .rding U their r<w|teciive prices, (it* u.*k e-m-ist* of Uye, Monoiigabcia, Ir. i and othet W'hLkios. ail kind* I.t Brandies Ii Oin. Port. Msderia. Cherry, Bis-kmrry and other WlssMM best "article* -at a reasonable rats-s a* can be had in the city, Champagne, Cherry, Bin, '.berry, (tinge; and Carraw ay Brand ,-- Pure Jamaica anu New EngSaiid Hum. Cordial -f ail kind* I lie would particularly invip Farmers, 11-.- Itel keeper, ami other, to call ami rxainim hi* large supply, to judge f,.r tbeuMefve* and lie certain -if prctir-ng chat they buy, which can seldom be dene wbt-n pi.rvha ing iu the -|ty, !*arerjia tfully requested <i give hi* liquor* a trial, apltt Wall Piijier. clieap from 12 t 20 cent* per 1.0 l t ]!ert| frr" j Hf f FA LU BOA LKS, --! ih<- but mnk< ! fr-im 4 lb* opto Iju ixxil ! aplO'CH. IUWIK.V TT'iunx, DRY HUAHDS. Plank and for *ale by 11.. i. 1 Wtumv, apltf i*B I pIPDiS-CrT ANPMILL AW.s. b. 1 i v/make at lawtv A Wn-ox. ; apltTftK PUMPS! I ! 4V'ootleii Pit iti ps, ; AND PIPING. The vin-lersignod would r. -iwctfully call ' I the aUeution of the cilia.-!) * oft entrv county, , and Pcnnsvallcy in particular, to the fact j that he i* manufacturing Y/J£ 3257 ' made at h->mo or elsewhere. He use* none ] but the b l material, UKWAHRKXTS THRU ]to give sati.faetion, 0* being the most last jilig and durable, si RKHI--R TO T; OLD • o-nleu pump, Iming arranged to let the , Water oil and prevent I i cexing in winter. ' Pine, irnplar or cucumbt-r jmmp* alwayi jon band. Hi* tuatirial for puuqi* i> all sawed from large tiin!. r, and are thu> Secured against Check in-urCracking, All order* bv mail promptly | PI I'-lkiti, ii.aile or (lie best material, ot 'five inch M'ttlitling, joined together a th coupling blocks, tmudesi and wat ranted to Kland any prt" -ure required for ordinary use. J'rtcc* of pi ing rangi from 12 to 18 cent* per foot, >--; id order* to e| J. 1 h Li. Kit. 1 Miiesl-urg, Pa I 'lt a rial Vaa e s AND CASKETS . AIH-TIUHT AND IN DKSTRITTIHLK 1 ft>K ■ Protecting and Preserving the Dead. The uiidersigned lakes pleasure in an nouncing that ne ha* secured the Mile agen cy in thi* county for .1/ K T A L Lie A X /> 0 L 4 SF lStiriti! < i)wt's ttiitl ( iiskris . which are *•• widely known as to require no • special commendation The METALLIC IIC RIAL CASK, with it* pr--ent im ■ proved style and finish, Us entire harmony 1 with the teeliugs of the liereavcd. it* per fected ailju-tiiienl* and appointment* in whatever relate* to the pi- creation and protection of the hisly after death, confirm its utility and entire ad-iptnes- to the pur |h>S for which it is de*ii'md. COFFINS of .11 uescrijition* furnished at the shortest notice; uml all order* filled promptly night or day. Tlu- Dead laid out with care, and tuncrul- and escorts sup.-r intended in person. HENRY HARRIS novfit Hcllefouta, Pa. ILLKRB HOTEL, W Uw.r-i. p. Stage* arrive and depart daily. I'liis favorite hotel i- now in every respect one of the most pleu-alit country hotels in eentral Pennsylvania. The traveling com munity will always find the boat accommo dation. Drovers can at all times he accom modated with stables ami pasture tor any number of oattie Q* liut-*ns, julyfi'timf (4K4. MILLER. QPIMDUt atlPMtt for wogono, all -i 0 *<-s, at the sign of the Anvil. aplo'tlß. litwtN.t WtutOM. IA.MPSOF EVERY VARIETY ami j kind at qplOLtttt IRWIN & WILSON'S. CLOTHlNG—Overcoats, Pants, Vesta, and Dress Coats, cheap, i|t NY'olf s. make* " 1 i-rioesat IRWIN & WILSM>* I OOKING-GLASS PLATESofallsiz J for sale by IEWI.V* WILSO.V. -* > 10*68. TA P ANNE D TO I LET SETTS. AND ♦ I other Japanned ware, attlie Anvil Store, apltftSß. IRWIN & AVILSOK. CIOFFIN THI MM I N r GS J a large M*ort / uieut at * WILSONS A CARD. •W Imtnniorid uppueitt*; the Bush Huu-c mid ere irilliif oat our •tuck left from the fire nt 1 irpm *. Wr> j sw settling up ur book# end srcaunt# and 4 ill !<• iiiiicb ..blip. if t<> mi* „nd all to call in I '.-tilt. their account*. W uld nay Ito our l.ulitttfuu* fried. and t u tumet*, U> 4mm* accept our mt,< re thank* f> r ih: ■p iien u- patronage they have air*>* be t.iWcd on i, BCKKHIDK A TIIoMAA. < MX)I) NEWS FOR TiIEPEOPLE,j Groat Attraction and Great Bargains! ' IHIK uudordgned, drtorwlnd p. imm th< 1 j.<>i>ular demand fur Luue frier*, (*• : •iieetnilly rail* the attention of the publi. )■> 111* loek ' f M.VDDLKKV, •tow .ilfered at the old Hand. Unsigned *• |.eiall for the p<i|<te ami the tine a, tlielar ,-mH and timet taried and easurl ! .omit of * *\Mlcs, i J utiie*.-, Collars, i iridic*, I, j.f ev.-ry dm ri|*thui and quality ; Whip#, i . 'i ll iu im'lni!iyiliiii| cut.phi. to lir-i --la> establishment, he now offer* at price* 1 rhleh will suit the limes A iriier variety, a better finality or finer •tyle of r'eddlrry ha* i *rr before hern of.' seed (• ihr public. Cell and xainln* our' t<e kind le Niltfoi before purchasing*' sdfawhwe. Determined to pb-a*t my patron* and thankful f< r the liberal share of patrennge II -1 .-tofore enjoyed. I respectfully solicit a f<.etiiinanee .if the tame. JAI tl DiNGKft. Centra Halt, V KW XRW GOODS Al> P;\nio Prices. tKTKK DCVLING A WILBON, farina ouri hi ~d Ibe extensive *tor of lovaM, Gillilan IA Co., and addcdtothewi t finiiie prn e. U-g* as*>t-nt of \l:\v GOODS, iVy are enabled U> *.ll at (11,1) FASHIONED PRICES! \ iaryre variety f Irndtce* Jlma tiuwb ' Great Bargain* in Mualiu. mid (a lie-use, Ready Made Hulking Warranted to Suit Our ('loth* and t'e-sitnvr*, Cntit he excelled TfIKIU GROCERY DEPARTMENT, \* every on. to assortment and too ,irire. Svt up, Sugar, Tm, Coffee, Canned .ruiO, •leilie*. Itome-tie slid Porrif i Rrull*. Climr and pantriia of ail kind*, and every other aitieia be lunging |u tb. Grocery Department. Thry Wkolrtaie at lltilailfijihia limit* JC" Parmer*, M<vhiliita and Laborer* Wok Pi your internal One dollar saved i* i dollar in p.K-kot. Then rail ami a at .bat a*t..tii*bingly low price* FOitSTKU DKYLIXG A WILSON, \ re -elling their Dry C e|* and Oruecriue. rA*X trouble u. *how U>**l*'ld If tbey are nut a* repn inntni. we wiH •*y you for your trouble. Don't forget the )!**, JtgrTURXKB BUILDING-VI ) ip'Mf Allegheny St.. Bellefuute Pa. j j JEW IN A WILSON are constantly re j ceiling new good* in their tine " II A R II W A R K of every desrriplhwi tecdu.r i price*- n.-v being opened every day apltf 4>. \\r J (J KTI hLI. > >1 lIOLKSALK WINE A LIUI'OK STO K E Bih-*p 'tnci, Itcllefoau-, in tin-Stonebutl- j ding i.iraierly acoipiol by the Key ftoue Bakery Take* pUa-ure in iitforniiug the public lhai' .• herp_ conatantly on hand a -apply o. j choice Forcitn anaDotneuic Lijoor*. j Alt iltrrtt*, Krs nml tnkt aariaafu I rxi cowfaia thr fH t.tity rrjjfrJteufml. Tlie attention of practicing phyiciab l ailed to hi- -!.n*k of I'l* ftK Ll^riOES. -uitakic f.>r medical purpurea. Bottle* iug, and demijohn* conntaotly mi hand , lie ha* til- UNLV PUKL XKCTAKI WHISKY iu b.wn. All liquor* are warranted to give faction. Liquor* will he told by tl,e uuart. J barrel, or tierce He ha* n large lot oi . IKMTLKU Lhil.'Ußj? Of the Bitf*; |i,t<. on hand. <*•!•.itdoiit iSal he can uleato eu-tomer* He roifwutftilly<4left* a -hare of public pa : ' . uiy 14U ■ COACH MANUFACTORY. nm-Lire, h i H |lS•uaoufbtAuring< -uhtihuiei.tai, iA. Yeagvrtown, on the Lewiatetgt | and Itellefonte Turnpike, ha* now on ham a Hue Hock of t 'arriagea, ituggiea, Sulki.v i and Soring Wagon*, which he not vJcn for tale a* aupertur in quality SH <| iyle> u anv ounufacturtnt in *ho <-untrv. ' They are made ui the very* l>c( *ea*ond -lock bv llr<.l > l.i*- practical workmen, and flni-bed in a -tyle that challenge* ctiipari*oa will.! any work out of or la the KaHern citlei and can be *old at lower price* than tha* inaniilactured in large town* and oitie*, aiiud-; high rent* and rutnou* price* of Hv- i in*. Being ma-tor of hi* own -itantion, ansiott* to *>•! In hL arti*tical profe*aiw and free from any annoyance* in hb buat net*, he ha tint.- and ability to devote hi* -ntire attention lo hi* profaaaion and hit cu*touters rendering -ati-faction alike tt all patron*, operatives hb country, anc , hini-elf. | Call and exauiiae hi* Ouok and learn hb price*, and you cannot fail to be aatufied. Ii 12 P A I It I X G of all kind* done neatly, promptly, ma' rea*nnbly. Y-agertown, June IS. HhJH —ly. nm tU.K AND SINGLE BARREL fowling piece* at -pipits. IRWIN it wiusqy. j ph'NTRKHALL ROTUIt, I VJ dquv StraiuLblt. Proprietor. Siagys arrive qnd d|rt daiCv, for all' points north. *oqth, ea*t and wot. Thi* favorite H.itel ha* been refitted and furtii-hed by it* new proprietor, and i now m every re#poet one of the moat plea*ant country Hotel# In central Penn-ylvais j The travelling community and drover* will alway* find the he*t accommodation*. Per- ' •on. tr.on the city wbhing to *i>end a few; wool - during the cummer in the country, will ttud Centre Hall one ol the moat hawti. j tiful location* and the Centre Rail Hotel; all they could deire fur uom'lVirt and eon I cnioncft. NATUR* K ' S Ltestomtive (kiiiiniiis no LAC SULPHUR —No SUGAR OF LEAD—No LITH- " AI-'GE—No NITRATE OF SIL-,< VEU, ami U entirely free froiu thi J Poiaoiioug am! liealth-tieatroying Drug* ufHnl in other Hair Prejiara lions Trannparent ami o|ppr u* orvatnl, it will not soil ti.u fineat fabric, —perfectly SAFK CLKAN uii'l EFFlClKNT.—aeaidera- J turn# L.WNO SOUGHT FOR AND FOUND AT LAST 1 I It reatore* and prevent* the Ilair from becoming Gray, imiiart* a .'oft, glo*y ap pearance, remove* OnndrtiH', i* refreshing to the head, check* the Hair from falling oil', ami re-lores it to u grout extent when prematurely lost, prevent* Headache*, cures all humors, cutaneous eruption*, ami unnatural Mat, AS A DRESSING FOR THE HAIR IT IS THE BEST AR TICLE IN TIIR MARKET. IR. O. SMITH, Patentee. Aver, Ma**. Prepaied only by PROCTER BROTH ER.**, Gloueester. Mass. The genuine U nut up In a paiiel bottle, made expressly | fur it. with the uame of the article blown in the glas*. Ask your Druggbt for N*- tuhk's Hair Kestoranivi, aud take not other. [' two three cent stainu* Li Proc- j, t.-r Brothers for a "Tmti*iio| Huimuh ! Hair." The ibfikKuutiop it (.outuuis' U} worth 1-' at.y person. ' liep.lyji Forsuioat Ouut'fe Hall by \\'n. Wulfi and A CroumiUer. I a To ilh fiil.lki —The Wit-on N* I In tier ftwd Shuttle Hearing Mackioe. Bear In inind thi* fact, that the Wib.m ,sewing machina company are the pioneer .ln introducingn first-ctsM Shuttle sewing machine ah a rentonabk and low price Thi* machine combines all the elegance, !ini| licity, di.rnLilitjr and strength |M***il>b for hnv agwing mar tune to attain, and they g are The firl and onlv fir*t-cla-i low-price ! machine* put in tie market Machine* without voter 5*6. It U abo adapted to et - cry varieiy of family *ewig and iigi'i tor.tig. It aiobracva all of the !.- I*.r". i t rl.d • -I. i.tial i;b m nl* embodied it. iMMiiiitir- pai.Mcd within the paat twenty tear,. Ais.ichii.cnt* fr <b>ing ail kind* m wofk Hf >• de for U.c machine. 11. t'ld l- lav. believed fr a bmglioic that a r- -' • liable Sewing machine cotttd he .imra(Mi,.n-d and ul4 at a MMMMMbIe 3 twice which, we hnv# f.-und the WHm New Under-feed sewing machine to he. All we a-k to convince the *t *keiti tal that v haw the Itcat tew n.g iiiarbfgr, U a ■ i it teat examination of the new Wibor. VuderSw ed awhiw. Mn. him-* well ha delivered anywhere in MtMin or t'enue roan tie*. Ait machirm* warranted for Ave yenra. &**< ins Y KataaAUwe. A L*i'>, ug£* *ut. Agent*. Milroy. Pn On Marriage. Imp far Tswf Ken. on fiRKAT fiOCU 1 1 mu and A toils which Isteiihiw wit:. Marrisg' and ruin ih- happin— *f th end-, -wkh -ure mean* af r-lwf for tt* Erring and Unfortunate, dbea#ed and <L>-- bilitated Sent hi *eeld letter envelop • free of ebe'gw. A.Ulre-s HOWARD So yitouth Ninth St., Pbitede'pbla, Pa artllly ' WB OKKAT M At-K'Al. HAIR FORCER! Will fan.* n henwtifltl act oi Whbker. . r Muotarbe in fruui two tu three month-, any pemm over 12 years old It U one ■■ the bed prcparatiom* to make the wbi - grow. that rver wa* known Dwb# it b •sCdml to produce a very lnm • beard. It doe* not in any way -t er in sure th* akin. Try h—it b* h—King, Pri.-r S& cent* per buttle. r four for >5 stent by malt, mot-paid. tt any adlr*--, •* reeeiiu f PrttU. Addle**, W M C* WAG - X KK. ArcndsvlH*, Adan. Pa, -*nii.i Iv. A" DIiIMSTRAIXtBii XGTIfK I. U-r* .-f admiui-tratio*. t-Ur e-Ut-- t f Mo hart Wirland. late U Karri* tw Cetiir* c-untv. 4c*d . having ben gmt,'. U the wad-e-tgnait. all per-.o* indcht*Sl * he *eid aUtaU'a*w rwqueettei to make lu. uediata settlement, and th*. hnviwg deito* te pcc-ect them duly atheU.< ..•# I fr peymcot. |l, T Wtatavn r. ittuoi. fkiy tt Adr.iinbtmfor i lvxicrTors notic jjPj umentary tu the e-iat- •< ;>*•. | Kerr, late uf l'.*trsowa, hip. I rutwew l.v. dee'd . having 10-en grat-.ed ! • the e derigned. all perm iadetu-ol to ttc • o*tat. are roqueted t- ra .■- ie.-m.dba alt'ei. n.-al, and those h • .ng • littt t t present them duly wwltent*.U*i f<t j".'; - •n-nt. * Jic Sf-xgnge* w: t-jfcdW. MveewPw BilaL!> lr Buggies *d '*. r.a?!- r. ■taee in wee; Five Roll- -Htto, *; pUrtP) lawta a U tout L j Dr. Crock's V.ifEc; T Thmt aad < < • • *• 1 > <vfl " bVje. Dr. Creak's WK. 3 OF T #— 'te o-un ■>- . Sa >W*'-*, Qiia.' > l-.k amt * . ; •' Qnths k Sc&iucrGea p m. 1 H " * "(HI • ttMm wt •*'* ■ hjjr f4* u*. *#<■ -. Dr. Crook's WINS OF Til. tin* .-Wrn4 a,. - ■Nns,, *ltd Kim* "-VIM !{"•• Asthma. ZrochiUi. .■ u'C-' Dr. Crook's WOTE OF Thi S -te- 'W <a -e •* -* *v PCTILITT. "" - - ' . S-i *."•* ' 4 sec* i- as- - a-r >1 Dr. Crook's WW* OF TA: I;, • |bs *... ... , , -te ajrlea* Hi* - Appetite. Stomach i> r*u*e* m* j Llrr. *M |-* ilwta ie • *a— • 'he la* la H 'f ■m-1 m-a ear* .-{ Dr. Crook's WIKE OF TA* ll;> arINS • •*. f> p. 't.G '•>* iMh pC ' - ' .** i a—evi-J. ,*swei"> EIsaETIC. •• ofiwutmlae ib. *ty —■i.u.a* wbe*. • ve | v-rlul U. a r- I - . he*e Cuted. Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAE! t- * ♦> >• tbe mod - i. t 2r.kea dsw> - re.i,e-M* f wdmaU i CetitltStiwi, % vhhsh t • wt* *eed far MM. c V. #• en-naeratail. Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAR t K> (•■**• nsfa la BIWSi lIZfZTZLL ?+> - . „ i dhr a*# XArrr. I Jr. Cook's WLN T E OF TAR! :t -- '*Ue amav aviso,a •'rut # I healthy wha u ,| w nneMs tu >oemlOL ;rgi sea™, I -let ttßjm>-giVTTix >m'# i>ro|wrti*s trie.l by j- I _ The asOlfe Kir. M qnt<t>ea "I M> ft r>f -!>■ >* >ulst**,| a.ib Jrpi '•>--1 T'U* pee,... j&hF DR. CLevfOS SYRTJ; POKE ROOT Msktag Ihe pre)-.. l?mh Serefulw DieeMOi of th;: Sr* kea-devit Coast: *o| AiafyfT* jC" or rewlrir. - a. remedy to ptuifp : t£ ™h the slood. r. ifiadUr.CBOOZS;: P* :s to ho certci r,mWMhad reliable ia Its a** WtiotL Paiailaßosc: ¥ m f* l ' wl Polit^^ 2 J| Any diseesejlepe*"!!. | ****" f/fflg/ Oliver Crook u r x.\ ♦ v<'- li ,• WANTED .■ -Oitr OwttTlMudK'' ' ."'ji'ti-Ki Pqw. r p * nun. I<>:>.<■ I Vftin*, |,| (HI • l.f.'W r v*. v Vat'or't-r *-*•-tee n I'sl net v ( kr<„u 4 |Vtut Wee.*. wlbt<t* nw< u;- ft,\. f.'-nd a e-ui Miutuf. n ltai. pl* 1.U.1 O-ietniwsn ILlst. t-l.lre \\. E. GtiUi]i, Uul.lislier, Hayton, 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers