Vle itltttlsbirre toutpila. HonaramiOUTßaoS—SsiosmaryPun iAment:—On Tuesday, the - 2d instant, a most horrible - edam was committed near Swainatioro', Emanuel county, op a negro Mined Pierce Bolding, utwo the personetf lidjusi Wiggins, a young lady of fifteen years, and the daughter of a respected tidier' of,that county. It appears that she was On her way to sehoonti the village, when the negro rushed fi-om the roadside, knocked her menselesiu, and accornplPled kits pur pode. f3he wart Sound lying inseurl ble by a passer-by and carried borne, and Or. recovering related what had of curred. The officers of the law and others Planed In pursuit of the scoundrel, aud overhauled him near Snrnmervflle, In lie atone county, from Whence he was carried to jail, when he confessed hav ing committed the deed. The aame, night a body of armed men proceeded to the jail, took him' out, and hung Pieriotas to his executioti he Ma ted that he and several other negroes, had loaned a plan on that day to vio late the persons of several young ladle, who attended school In the vlllage,but the others overmleptthemseives and hd sturied out alone, end Miss Wiggins Ni as the first one he met.—Saxannah News, NEw Tour, Nov. 16.—Four distinct, shocks of earthquake were felt itt Eliz abeth. N. J., last night about 10:15 o'clock. The four checks continued some twenty iseeirds, and chairs, to. blcs, beds and other articles of furni ture swayed bound fro. MAILIKES REPORTS Gledy•bury FLOU It, RYE FIA/UR, WHITE WHEAT, RED W CORN, RYF OATS, BUCKWHEAT"... HAY, • ;LOVER-SEED FLA X-S F. 1.1) PORK 2 00 1 40 ® I 50 8 00 ei 10 00 6 00 2 00 10 00 ME= 0 rk (;), 7 00 I , ' Lol R 1 40 ® 220 JIEAT - 1 2:.; - 6 - . 1 32 • 85 1 17 OATS, ........ ....... 811 (,* • 118 rhovErt-s}ED,.. ..... 725 ® 9 Sty 'l'imoTtiv-5tan,........ 250 ® 2 6 0 liuos,l4llund 10 00 lS 12 00 CATTLF.,3-Ihund 8 (N) ®lB 00 18 00 €4 DEI 001 flor.D, Phila., =EC! On the 12th Inst., nt the Ile fortnetl Parsonage, latlvstosn, hy Stmt. Joan M. Clemens, M. 5A1.1124.L CCIIINEY. of 'Hanover, to Allss MARY C., daughter of Samuel. I'. Yung, of IMtlestosn. On th.• nth nt the name place, by thy name, Mr. JOHN IL DurrER.A, nt town, to MI. MANY A. MAAPA, ofellter Non, I ',roll county, Md. Ott the fith. Digt, ty_Rev. M. Itughtnan, Mr. lIENJ AMIN F. KITTINOEK, of Hlghlaud township, to Mims AMANDA DI KHL, young est datuthwr Of Diehl, of Mogotjoy tatip. Du the 101 h hug., by the same, Mr. JOSEPH FLECK to Mlw LYDIA BEECHER, all of thin county. On 1114/ 1201 Im I. d the Reformed Purwoon,v, New Oxford, by ILev. W. F. P. Davis, Mr. JO. SEER HERM AN, of Moon Ipleakant Low toddp, fo Nf c'twlK, of 11,,,H, rmburoc, Athumi v. On the 12th lust. at Llttleatou ti, by Rev. R. Moldy, Mr. JACOB A. BROUliti, of Atlamb county. to Mimi LIZZIKTUOMAS, of Tune). town, Varrol county, Id. Cl= In Springd, id, Maas., on the roof 111 rig of the Mil at Juuu., at the house of her son, lir. McClean, Mrs. HANNAH MOJLE AN, Widow of the late lion. William McClean, formerly of this nisei., aged am years. Funeral at Ilar. rhiburg, mr Saturday pent, 21 st Institut. Chi the 111th of October, of congiNtlon of the Main, in Franklin county, Pn, FIt.I:NK W. FICE:LiFtt.IM, son of 11ev A. E. and Cleopatra lor, aged 3 yearn and It, months. On the 13th 11.11 ii.. iliiithELAZA ANN MYERS. daughter of Folly- Nl3 era, t 44.1 y eats 11 month. and 14 days. . In Frederick elty, Md., on tbr 14th ult., le tie otli year of her age, M1..31 AIMARET 110411EY, N lte 01 3,1 r,. J. M.. Hasty. The de 13tM W 1 aeli W a native of East Berl' . On the Ilth inst., at litintersto n, after an 111nex., of two day ROSA M. y out &amb it r of Hugh and Ana filclllamity, aged :X 3 ear., and 2 months. CoMmunlotted. On the 10th Innt., In Zdeftheraystown, WIL- Id s.n t 'apt. Wm. and ALUM/arias Bro. gunler, aged W years I moat hflathl 21 days. It was sad to s Maw the long and nalnhalsolTer log of this devoted non. Ile bore all h Insulter ink with Christ-lon patience untll death reliev ed and took him tato another world, where milferting and death are unknown. .1. I. B. Comundhiented. On Tuesday week, in thitt plum, RALLY Ch. , - CLLIA, _,lnusler , of Adam W. and Hannah .1 Murls .I.lnte.r, aged 1 y.' 9 nunatis anti 6 days. -Sally, thou wait mild and lovely, kientts us the summer's breme; Pleasant as the ale of evening, When it floats among the UV.. One we loved has left our number, For the dark and silent, lomb, Chimed her eyes In deathless slumber Faded In her early bloom. Roily gate us an good bye. And early passed away }ter pains and anguish now are o'er. she's lauded sale on that blest shore. "ViT.A_INT'TV.r). 1,000 GOOD efiFA TNtr POSTS.r RAILS, and 100 C H AARON SHEELY. Ootty.burg, 20, isw. I 4 A thie iflgrary rartAlrtalnitlentwllliet sivtl In AGRICULTULLIk BALL, on EVENING. Dem. 4th, by Rev. 7. Q. MORRIS 1). D. ihabjeci.: //ow to Rim', with 1110.1twiwww =13::=1 Preeeedr to be devoted to the Athendrout et the Theological Seminary. =I --J-~, GRECIAN BEND I W. J. MARTIW Ts the ranee Lo ft, If you wish, and when , I )ou emu gri ever.) adult tutpeeled to tn • fraud in A FIRST-ct.kaa :1 Grocery and Liquor • Store. The Grecerkta ameba its put °fiber. flyllips, cotheet= Teas, Splash k 6: Ana WIPP" No. , er. Atwara bats' a large quantity OlLlspiaith at allklada, to CHAMPAUNE to cosmos Whiskey DE PUMYR WHISKEY, BiSANDY AND 441 N. br enedletsst assl ether putpootes•, SCHTCII WHISKEY and JAMAICA MUM &chat tmeshea. A. Speer's pate Grow. Wine. Illablera Hear. lead', Lbsearl end Hernias Hitters Betel Keepess viii led by ltvtnQ um • MD tbstAbay an be supplied with Wilson st all ~mat et beton; to please, et Mated rates, ant eave freight sad package. 'Mantua! fur pest patronage, he *Miens ettaillansuse, . . WM. J. If AGTIN. Braila:rote street, Gettysburg MINCE PIES. to WM. J. ron wont all Sire G nreesnairy iniiredlonts loon , good Minor Nov. 111, fell. !IMF" 'Salinas, Citron. Crirr . anlit Cron- tf. berrus. uud Prunes cd. ow. Pat WII. J. MARTIN'S. -Aissigteee Notice.- irms unitersigicuiL Accisocrics of Zahn bireen I " 4 Nue. 44 hIOIO49WR, Adams county, Vic., under Deed a oluatkry assi‘ataelat, in trust for the" of eccOnOts. herein , Vole notice LO *lt porcuttg Ludieitited to artityn . l , nl t; melt LO onll and matte Ilinnledinie pus e and times hnrlng CLoltno tbeut to the sutacribers, residing lu the et.tute properly antbnatinclod for cettlenteut. O Avev . ems YAIOTItit Nov. 'IA MK 110 Mosignees. Executor's Notice. W l flate M. NAOL . tB_ ALE—Lette rs ter Noes. tggii.,..rdsas ty, gouda' to the ajer er=lot a LBO mate' tosrasalp, = gtosa water to all weans ta m aald estate to maim Immediate pay: mat, 4•11 thaw Owetas ablate Wawa the aateattopemat them peoptati aathemtlosted ir at oetateaaano. OBORGIC XING Oct. AIM. It 11E , N,1119VA4,E FURRY, TItE undersltned, having purchased the BENDERS ILLE FOUNDRY, would In. rlnjtls old patron. and Übe puldte icenera,l4, h that e will continue the bustnivia and push It fully up to the demands of the Um.. lie will have good materials and good work men —and attaitys enntigh of both to rill every or lectures der promptly and .tlsfuetorily. He manu• THREISHINO MACHINE* of the very best kind, and not to be !nat. The celebrated "tiE.l4l/HWIVIL,I.EIYIPUOtt," that hix tthe inlet firterlte *Mont' thif i farmersofAdams and adjoining_couutlea,ruade In the moat reliable manner. He in determin ed thin the plough shalknot lose in reputation whilst Ile manutaeMre- In to bib hands—and he a lit are to it that n sufficient supply be kept on hand, to that all disappolotmenta may li#reaftev be itroPted. 141. different patterns of ploughn made at thin entahlishment. Atom, TtIN- PLATE, raltLoll, and COOK STOVE:4--aH well-tented and popnlar--among the very heat and ehenpent in the market. REPAIRING done in the moat expeditious and satlnfactory manner. Everything at the I hat est living rates. A share of patronage is and every effort will be made to da serve it. ENOCH EGETZAIIN. Nov. 20, PDX ly A VALUABLE FARM I=l underalglied nteem at Private Bale, his VALCABLE FAUST, situate in Woods born' 411,1111c1, k roller lea count), Md., a quarter of a mile barn the York ita'st.krion o 4 the Western Stnryland l.ollroo 1 , adjoining lands of Frederick illerly, Mr. Mel:int/111.sta] others and ountal 111$ Acres, route or less; about bti acres are in excellent Wood, with n aulTi elene3 of meadow. An the cleared land hits been lastly limed within the Lot threa ears. Sind 1.1 Inn most prlldtleti,e condition. The inert. are coxed, /04 are all the Intprte.e ra ef ....listing 01 a Two-. Wry KVONt:IIOI.. , E, WWI K. Spring Hot., South, llottw, a Ban k !" Itarn,WagtatSheAl,aud oth er out 10g..., a 711 , 1-r Appte Itturd,firnplenot fruit, on lip pr. 1111,e,,:a Mid r•lanthg 14/1114 %at, near the house, and a small parennt through the Little l'ipe tire, Ir runs aihng Ittil tort 1040 ot lt Thls Is In all t . .wprets a de , ,lmblo prepttrtY, and shnillti Attraet the attention of buy, rs Pet toms wishing to It are requested to 11 un the underslgned rt siding thereon. Terms easy, and marl.. to suit purchaser. BENJAMIN F. BOND. Si-For further information, inquire at the COMPILER. Oilier. Nov,. 31, 21n 8 50 7 00 ONLY FOR CM WE have thin day mark all our good* In the LOWDSTCABH PRICES, and to gtve onreastoMers full benefit of Wall pfc.- 11 la, from this date we purpose dolnika strktly climb business, and will mall at TILE VERY WW, EAT CASH PRICEd to all who may favor on With their custom. 100 ROW AL WOOR4 Nov. 13, 18811. it ill MONEY SAVED 1 W air toto.tantly purcl.raw for dash a 11' the New York uud Ilostou Markets, all kinds of Pity AND IPANCY 00011 M, BILKS COT 10N4 ROOTS Atil) sfloEs WATChI*), SEWINti CUTLERY. aouDs, 00.1.110rM tict4Rm, &C., &C.. &C: . •. . . Which a e are actually selling at all average price of One Online tar leach article. Our tales Ifelisit strictly for cash, and our trade nil. 11 larger than that of env other similar concern, enables int to give better liargalus than can be obtained of un3 other house. TUE LADIES are speo hilly invited to give no a trial. Sa.\n ton CM( ULU< AND EXeIIANUN List. four f lob ny a•tvgn of selling Is as tnlinws: For $2 We send 131 patent pen fountains and checks de..cribing dith rent firth!, to he sold for a ;00 for S-4; 00 for ftl; 10a t +r $lO, de. Sent by niail, fbrallasions larger than awe offered by any Offer Jinn, according to sloe of doh. Slngte fountain and check, 10 cents, Mole and female agents wanted. Need mon. et• In Iltegbotered Lettern. Rend us a trtal efub,ya,i) on will acknowledge that you can not afford to buy goods of any other house thereafter. EASTMAN & KENDALL, AI Hanover tit., Boston, Mama Oct. 30, 18D. 2.10 DIVIDEND T lLE rni4 Prir w lLt u tt . i l sz:l2) k ize sv tn:ll l :lf , ~tili,nl-letroio d genii -annual Dividend of SIX PEI?. al'IN". on Capital Stock, clear of all U. S. Taxet, pay able on aud Nov. 9. J. E.MCiRy BAIR, Cashier. Nov. 6.1.41 M. 3% DIVIDEND. • THE First apillonal Bunk of Gettysburg has this day def lured a setol-stnnual Dividend or FOUR AND A HALF PER CENT. clear of all Uovtrnment Taxes. Nov. 8, nes. at GEO. Ali Pip i t", Cushier .. • • , STAVES FOR SALE. 15,000 O. I FLOUR. 4A Par, 'Tr kV for sale by PETER HE NRY, three miles Kouthwevit of Ctlalit.W4l, Adams musty. Nov. 6, ISGS. it ESTRAY. , C\ E NW' to pretedses alf tlte ae bacrlber. In Hain Monist:l township, about the let of June, a dark red mooly Butt, about three years old, white along the breast and knee, with ear mark. The owner is requested to prove pro perty, pay charges, and take It away. 11. SNYDER. Nov. 13, ISM. Sts BROOMS! BROOMS! • ?TIRE Undersigned enntinties to Mannitletnre 1 Brooms at hls.dd Mond, In Carlisle street, adicitaina.flthe Hannan DepM. Ho will have, during the Fall, a full supply on hand, and gilt to able to furnish them WIAL4HSALE or RETAIL. Brooms made to order or on the allures. Persons having Broom Corn mined dO went° give SAM a call. 13. IL TIPTON. Clattysbarg,'Nmr.lll, /LAS. 1.6 - - INTO TICS_ third account of Samuel Bucher, Com• rAntri of irnairtflgeell„,7l,,Jeohnf Franklin, Adsins county, Pa: has been _Hied In the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, and will be confirmed by said Court on the 30t.h n(NOVCAllikal, WS Vllitas cause be shown lb the ebotrary. 0ctr0.....506. KITtitILLER, Protley. it • ! i • -7 <5 -i-- Milk: first and final amennt of Henry F. M. 1 Peters, tomoans of ?demand Mowry, a Lunatic, of the township of Men:filen Ad nownin, Vat, Las been lUed In the 4,7111( iAnninciti Pleas of Adaindicotinty, nt be Confirmed by said Goon on the dOtb of NO. VI:SMELL, INA, unless cause he shown to dui contriMy. .1. A. 141.1",a111.14ER,Pwth's, Oct. 30, MP, tC Licensed Conveyancer.. H..nr 0. will attend to the ViIITTING Ja. or De:kaki, bfoftTtlAtirtrl,tre, nnd to hoeging out of DAhLitilk: CLLitkl, with tunicy. Any thing entrained to him will be promptly at tended to. Office in the clerk of We Cowls' office, Gett) sburg, Nov. 6, ISLA. II NOTICE. A Ltilutabik&Th at/ firm Qessic 2-1 are requested to tall and settle on or be fore the first day of January next—otherwise their accounts will be placed In the hands of the proper officer for collection The book. MD be found at t►ele,old 40120, t Chambers. burg street. GEO. JACOBS BRO. Gettysburg, Nov.., heat. tf EDE VENTS REWARD. tAli AWAY from the subioslber, la 'HlM lington tozuship,Adogne county, on the Inst., ISCllidrr DPIVAII, sainted. ir bound boy. All peraons are warned not to hisrbor or trust Wm on my atronnt, 'llleatove reward will be mild for bit, rrturo, but no thank.. WAS.It,WA.III. OM. 10, es. at. ISAAC E . NOTICE rpliE partnership heretofore existing bee tween the undersigned In the Prodmv and orwarding.barietess was shosalvel esn the Prat da y of January last., by mutual con sent. The iPalla amounts andalluasettiod business hatre beenleft lit the hands of Rufus E, Gulp, who is duly authorised to setJte up the same. Re wilt be found at the Ware house now In the occupancy of Messrs. fhpluun 4.Mbsan. All penults la icrealad are mule od to tall and settle. HENRY CULP Jw4lT, M. 44' UEO. A. EARN‘SIIAW. r " OF ENPLAAID * O 4 grEEN OF ENGLAND DOAK QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. P. For dolbg %family washtub to the best end cheopeot manner. Guaranteed equal to any la the World! Übe all tbestiesibb braid rosin soap With Lila Mild end Intl/aging bottlitiLs of genuine Castile. Try this Oplopdld sold by the ALDEN MEM WOU.Mr, North Front Street, Fbllade/Pbttlr Sept. It, iblb. ly rt 0 to DITPHORN & H ot OPPILAIrI+a ijr your Dt7 Goods, Ntt am, ttwo atourthweat Paw eras i'a al E, :G Eff rT AT ti Orphau's Court Sale OF INTEREST IN REAL E.STATI pursuance of an order of the Orphan's 1 court of Ailanil et:runty, the subscriber, Ad. rainlainittir aLelxf eeiste Etthrt deceased, will offer at Public. Sale, ou the premises, on SATURDA Y, the 21st day of NO \ EMBER next, the natertia of said decedent, Nisi THE L'N.DIVII)HD THIRD PART OF A TRACT OF LAR I}, situate in Mouni.loy town ahl p, Adams co., on the road leading from Get sburg to Time) town, about six miles from dettymborg, near Horner's 31111, adjoining land. of Newton Horner, John Horner,Ga Habil nr, Henry R. Cromer, aforesaid, Bilas Homer, and others, and containin=l The buildings are a One.agory HOL'eE and Log linen. There is as Orenord and a well of issrose-dalling [fr. water. There are annul 20 acres of Wood land and some timer Meadow bend. hale loisnumenceat le o'clock, A. N o on Bald day, when attendance wl/1 beg/won and terms made know u by lIENRY B. moldiest, Administrator. By the Court—A. W. igitIRTIA, Clerk. Oct. 30, Ise& to PUBLIC SALE OF PERISONAL PROPERTY QlO FRIDAY, the 20th day Of NON:MI . I3M t uest_ the artth.ertber, ihterellas to remove to Vtrelnltt, will expo. at Public gale, at his realileace, In New *nivel, FrAn kW" tosenbhlp, Adalrte rouuty, the fohowlog Putwoul Proper ty. Ttz • . - • oNE YOUNG IlOtk,E, 2 Bogs, 1 Spring Wagon, I Spread or Carving° Tongue, I relst borinK_ Yrnme and Post Angora. Hay , and nsr Volt It, Single anilflosb lust.re.s,lbgrOtali. rt,, , sonic Chestnut Posts, several hundred sitesto to HAI, and 'stokes, twelve or touriren Buildings Logs, / Basket tilelgit, nearly Wilton l ire and old Iron, 2 Patent Bee Buses, number to of niolostsos,‘ Int gar and 01l Barrels, Kegs, toiusoge Cutter, Long L..older, Movang Scy the, Saddle and 13ridle, Itlns and Spode, Cow and attar Citalus, a sundl lot of Iloy, Also T.. 1,14-.. 5 Iledst. 'LIU. 6 sots of Chairs, k.eve rat lta•kine I lk,sk, 2Stands, ISalea, 1 kin n and I c!otl. so. , I sin,. es, two ten-plate, one alx-platt, and ono cooking stol e, u Itli pots, pan, kettle and pipe all CUM. Clete, 2 Wood Boxes, 1 large and several small Iron Pots, Pot liark, lc one and (earthen-ware 2 Bushel Ilasket,, Wood and Tin Bueketa, 1 large and 1 Small Spinning Wheel, Flax Hankie. some Boots and small Shoes, and many other artleks, too numerous to men tion. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. 51.. on bald clay, alien attendance will be given and terms made known by JOUN CARPENTER. Nor. IS, ISOS. to TWO DESIRABLE TARNS AT PRIVATE SALE. T'E.. ll 4, l 7ro' d l i a AV,lttit:, aVnqu" TWO VALUABLE FARMS: No. 1, slttate In Liberty township, *darns county, Pa., on the public road leading from Fairfield to OleDlytt.o mill, '2 cottonmouth of Fairfield, 4 Miles west of Emmittalmrg and Its miles north of MeDivlt's mill, adjoining lands of Jacob Yrlae and others. There are about 2U , 5 AI'IUN in the farm, of which about 100 acres are In Slather and 5.5 acres In ineadot,. Thy cleared had has nearly all been limed, and all the fields hat e water. The buildings are a Two.story STONE Thirst.. with Rtone Kitchen, nearly .. new, St.olll, I>ring House and smirk, two Vt corn Sheds, a ne‘er. fa Ile iling spring of stater near the houe, and several springs In the fields; two Orchards of Peach and Apple trees, No. Y. adjoining tract No. I, and lands o eoh'S rise, Samuel Krse, and others, I mile north or Myliivit's mill, eon min Ina ahout 211 - , ACRES, of which there are almut tC, acres In excellent timber and 30 acres In good mstuiow. The to has nearly all heen mined in the last three 3 r ars. TII" 1 / 1 1111.1111 ale a larae a-Wary LOO nest lyr e aired, unit log and frame Kik 1.11 Stony hank Barn, 1.11. W, Wllll4Oll tt.t. 0 Corn Cribs, Hog Poe, spring , and other out-buildings Alt.", TWO 1.191 K K I I.Ns and E QUARRY on the faint, Tenant Howse, with 0 grant Orchard of choice frill [—apple, Peach an 4 pear. Persons desiring to view the farm, are re quested to call on the underslaresiding on No. I. JOH CLARK. Oct. 9, 1365. tf Farm for Sale 1 VARY at Private tlalo. linnd listed and to excellent condition. Building. and lento* gooil. Plenty of water and fruit SM.x. Rita ate within 2 miles of Petersborg, (Y. 8.,) Ad orns coun Nov. IS, ty. ISM. JACOB B. MILLAR. VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE, Situate on the York and Oetty aim ritTurnulk e, 61•VjZZ ' at ' ari u lkiriTtiL n VItt li p tE'3 portions of wood, meadow and farming land. Buildings and fencing In fine condition, and plenty of water. Any person In want ot a find-rate praluetng farm, with pleasant nwidonce, Ac., wilt dowel! to examine this. propert3 . For porticulurs, apply to Um enbtorther, living on lb° place. SHEPARD SIAM ifERS. Sept. It 1888, tf FOR SALE eAVALUABLE MILL PROPERTY, stith OD Acres of thole° Land, on the turnpike taling from Abbriklatoviin to TilllloVer oue mile from the former place, knowia as iLol linger's Mid. • - ONE OTHER MILL PROPERTY, with 10 Acres of Land, or 120 Acres, as may be desired, on Marsh creek, 8 miles S. W. from tiettys burg, and known as liaralix,'s ALSI, A MODEL FARM, 'All Al of Land, In a high state nr cultivation, 140 bushel', of LIMe to the acre, Nu. I bulitliugs,2 miles went (nun Gettysburg p AELNULD. -Gettysburg, Pa., Aug. FOR SALE. ALAME and very deelralde MUCK MOORE sad LOT, la New Oxlbrd Adams osuuty. Pa. GEXL Altkitu a o. Oeltysbusg, Oct. 2, lata. tI VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE ITUATED Harutllonban township, Ad wellniy, Pa., dos-Ror ycontan CRES, linprmred land, with a STONE DWELLING, large Bank Barn, and all neves easy out-tutildings•, also a FLOUR MILL, 14A W MILL. Miller's and Tenant Houses, with two Orchards—which will be sold cheap by apply ing to JOHN C. ZOUCK, Lund Agent, New °Word, Pa., P. O. Box 40. Aug. 2 4 , 1451. HOUSE AND LOT AT PRIVATE KALE. - THE ontieriagueil oiler MS Private 8•le • . _.. • HOUSE AND LOT TN LITTLESTOWN, situate on Baltimore street, end adjoining laser Snyder on the north and the belle of Morgan ttwope, deceit*. ed, on the south. The Mines is new TWO STORY YEAIitE. calculated tar two lemillot, and well finished In every respect.- The hicallan le one or the beet In the town. Buyers are requested to cull and see the pro perty. /LANAI ET GULDEN. , /I ESTEIt GULDEN. fret. M. IrGS. ite A VALUABLE FARM • AT PRIVATE SALE, ITLTATE in Idountpicluant township, Ad -0 snag county, nearlthe Two Taverns, en the rood leading to Bonaughtown, eontalning Im .Aeree-20 acres in thriving timber, 13 in tricaduw, and the balance excellent, farm 'laud. I nvititYatl nitnat Two-story OTONE 1101.1 Ste Stonewmpring !loose dr., all In good repair. ttuad Sewing, plenty of all kind. of !nat ax. cannot water at, barn and house. Convenient Loan-boots, churches and Price $& Par acre. Early application " Vt . . le, ISBAP 41 $.l. Be* A FIRST-RATE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE, lITITHIN two miles of,Gettyaborg, on the liarrieburg roadoelth all nermeary Im provements, and in prime order. I will eell front 101) to 1110 A. to emitpurchasers.— Ternuirearmiable. For fur th er information, ARIAS' 141 Wil Sept. 57.1.9 C. it ueiBLE ttlburs.ra. SCREETZ'S BITTER CORDIAL. Vii g madmva pg.p.rstiaa i soveadheed to 1 the puha* ei w reliable sabefttOte for the many worthlem oompounde which COW= the market. It is slimly vegetsitle, Coln of various MOM, athhred from the great storehouse of 'Mum and *elected with the utmost care. ii le cot recommended as • 4TLL ALL, hot by Its attest and salutary in fiseoestrponthelisart,LiverrkftelsoYei Stsswah and Howe it sets both as int * vestiare and ears for many of the diseases to which Move orgassaresniVoct. It is • reliable Fesellir klettioins, and rant* taken by ettlior latest or stlitath Mum beserietal nulls. It is a• tillen i qedY rates • eelyfor Wahl% h, .14#1. (xi id PLAINT. LiTeIPEPSIA. Ai • SPIRITS, FA INTINCII4, west DA Se. Yor CHILLS and FEVERS of all kinds, it le far better and safer Mau tin lulus, without any or its,persichellteffettre it Minus on ap , i ril l i=terlit r iltn it alr fa ehrw minutes • 1.11/IPARICID ET JACOB FIFISETZ, gob Proprietor, Per. Vllth and Rote Sta., Pllllnds, ra. ROT,IIIIY ALL IiAL , 44ISTS. N0V.1.1,1508, iy • IPAY UP 4, LI. pertains* intlebtel to , no lete.llrm of Medi° & Benner are hereby notified to Es nitd perDe before the FIRST DAY OF DE. CIEER REAM. fat ;Idarairi amehltht that data will be placed to t e hartde au ornery foreolleetben. The Books are In the hende of Wet. Biddle, corner of Relsof4 and Washington streets, oho fa anthorited nettle the same. BIDDLE a RENNER. 0 4, I t Oil: 4a y 424.40 ,_" :64v i c r e al Denali wop=ou. Z. L. DWI ialekltsiala, Cbedo 01110 1 2111 V C &cirri le I"o- BEST NPPOI ,1140.P.§E I= LAWRENCE D. & CO., Importers and Wholesale Dealers le GERMAN, ENGLISH AND FRENCH FAN- CY GOODS, HOBIEDN, NOTIONS, &C., ate fled Ma Ifestilattlimpee Street, (between llovranl and Liberty Blrreta,) BALTIMORE, MD (kt. 23.16•38, tt WHERE TO GO. tiOR n New Drew, good and Abe", 61* h „,y ohould go to - - ROW a WOODri', For good and cheap &Inallta always go to now a._ 00D8'. For Flannel tomtit everxlMg rO WOOLW, For Canton Flannel, white and colored, pure to go to ROW & WoODB'. Fur cheap and pretty Palm, don't fall to go to MOW & WOODS'. For Table Linen, at low pricesgo to HOA"' a Warns% For bargain, In Dry Good., it, is yourintemst to ge to .11,0 W & WOODS'. For a Double Shawl, cheaper than anywhere eine, go to ROW & WOODS'. For a Single Shawl that will pleas, you, an to HOW & WOOI&`. For Children's Shawls, the beat place la HOW & WOODS'. For Mourning Shawls, %ary superior and cheap, go to R O W & wOODs'. For bargunha In /Ataxia. Hoods and thralls, ao to HOW & WOODer. For a Coot:l'llrib,, or Vest, et err mon and boy RIIMAII go to ROW & WOODS% For Balmoral likistriond Ladies' Vesta, solo ROW & WOODh% For Corsets and Hoop Sklrt.:, the hest place In town Is ROW & WOODS'. For stockings, Gloves, and all kinds of No- Coen, bargains at ROW & WOODS'. nr ladles' Hats, always the latest sty les oat, in greatest variety and -low prices ,_ tate place to go and be pleased is ROW & WO ODs. For a lint or a Cap, for man or boy, go lo ROW & V. 00D , ', For Shoes of all kind~, good and C heap, every body that wants the worth of their money gi~ev ROW di . WOOW. .an " . receiving new Goode every week and are determined to make it ad, autageous to all who may favor us with their custom. In prices we invite comparison. ROW de WOODS'. Nov, 6,16613, if THE, LATEST STYLEi3 or FALL A IST 1) li 7 1 a T .fi' 12 Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Just received by ROBERT C. COBEAN, Chambers/Afro St, Ansi Square, ' GETTYSBURG, PA.; Where the public can Ilnd a large and varied z i assortment, n hien he to ',filth cheap. He m also uu uluetur,.s and repels . , HARNESS OF ALL R g.iiii DS, promptly and an renarmable tonna. Bridles Ratters, Whip., Trunks, Valle., Tobacco; Cigars, and a great variety of Nations. Give me a Ltd/. . [No , ts, Nat. is Court Proclamation. \VHF:IIE6h the Hon. Roweer J. FISHER, President of the SoN era! rt. of emu mon Pleats In the oounties composing the lath District, and Justice of the Courts of 03 er and Terrtriner and General Jail Delivery, for the triad of ati„capital and other offenders In said district, and ISA.. E. WimiiirO: and ionic ROBINSON, Judges of the Courts of llom. 111011 Plcue, sod Justices of the Courts of Oyer and TPlillifter and (Fences! Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders to the county of Adams—has r Issued their pre- ept, beariuptlate the 19th day ot.kustratt ut the -ear ,if our lAmt one thousand eight hundred nd atxty-elylit, and to me dtreoted, for hold- lug a Co - art or Common Plaae, and Guaaral Quarter S•asionq of the Peace, and G. floral Jail la.l,ery and Court of o,)er and Ternkm er at G, tt,tburtz, on MONDAY, the 2.3 d of N 0 V EM Bt it. NOTIIh.4 lIEREIIY GIVEN to cal the Justus+ of the Peat e, the Coroner and the Constabbg ultilln the said souuty, that they be then and there in their 3.144Y'r. 1141110118, with their Rolls, Rsonla, Inonlitittons, Milltlat lons, and an hi r Itemembrs nese, to do t hose t hinge a hull to their °t/let s and in that behalf appertain to he done, and also, they who will proseeute against the prisoners that are or then shall be In the }all o! said sanity of .innate, are to he then and there to pro- seeute against them as shall be just, JIANN, Sheriff. Fiherlfts Offlee, Gettysburg, Oct. HO, 11511 k JURORS FOR NOVEMBER, GRAND JITRY. Franklin—Fr.lerlek Dlehl, (Foreman,) Dan Irl Settle. ElMrunn L. Newman. cumaellarai—,Mmes Meentiougili, R. Sherry. Gettysburg—Samuel S. MeCreory. Conowagu—George H. Kuhn. Ilitrnlltun—Joseph J Kuhn. HunAlltonban—John Ogden. Adorn C. Mai EIMMrMEN Wierman. Germany—John ti Byers. Mountioy—William Young. Berwick tp —Samuel A. Wertz I.lberty-I.ewis A. Wertz, Joseph P. Melns Latamors—Pahl Trs,up, Ja'o K. Lorew - . Oxford—Javol, F. Ms ern, John linuly. Llfflestown—John Diehl. Highland-101m Puha. Butler—Jacob Eppelman. GENERAL JURY 7lree Week. Franklin John Brutly, Isaac Stockslager, Paul Soweri, John. Chamberlin. Ham I Itouban —Robert Wotan, Andrew Mar shall, George Watson, Robert Dly llte, Wm. Culp. Huntington—Philip Myers, Daniel H. Mark. ler, 3. B randan,i snob F. Bowers, Emanuel Brough, Francis Coulson. Strains—Jeremloh TrughinhAngia, John Brinkerhoff, John Kuhn, Henry Thomas. Cumberland-Theodore Render. Hamilton-George Brut,:John rattertion. Beading-Samuel Overholtter, Levi Chronla ter, John Brunel]. Llberty-William Ross White, Sattrinet Elise. Freedoth-4.hria Brown. Germany-Peter Sen 'llliam nutters. Ty rune -)larks Brea Jacob C. PlltenturE Union-John Kindl Wel Shealy - . Idountplessant-W1 am MrSherr'. Moun Uoy-Fro nets Allison,,Levl °olden. htenalfen-Jonas Routzuha, Charles Stewart, Wm. B. then. Get ty - sbu -J. 11 Danner. Nt'in. F. Atkinson. Oxford-. arle* Shiner', Itlehard•Adanr. Butler-haar Myers. ConaWagO-Fetaar 1.. Jenklng. Littlestown-it. S. Seim., Wm. Lam/Inger. =1:112 Freedom—Abntham Krise. Liberty—Wm. C. Seabrook', Imam Corey, ashinelon She See. CllillheriNntl—ionris Johns. U11101.1—}1.4"1,1 , 1 Shorh, John Kru ni rl ne, Jima, Basehoar, George Henry Fel ty, Joseph L. Silo! b. Reading Peter Kanfman, Forgot, Miller, An drew Brough, Samuel 11. Miller. Straban—Jamb lleamer, Joss* Canasitt, John nkerhotr. tioy—Ww.Cou •er, Wlll. Dine. ni—John C. Zoirek, Dio. Id W. Ltlwrcnce, - Br! Ho Oxfn Francln X. Smith. Littlegstow Spangler, Sr. Ci. Yantis. Mounitilensant—i:tirles (I. hillier, Samuel lielseLinari.Johnlitallemlth,Davkl Ilentrleir- Gellpibmg—llavid Swe. , H. J. Ktlthla, Alexander l'obean, Put Id Ziegler, Jolgft Crawford. George Ge) er, Jacob Trozet, Jore m tall Culp., Prankitn—John iialllmaperger, J. 11. Plank German) acob lealy. Hatulltonban—Mcorgo ?trod.. Rutter—Martin Thomas, BerkharLlVert. Menallen—lona. B . ender. Hun • ' ore —Amp Jobs's. Lath:rare-14 k el ribimblich. , Highland -I.lw Hereter. Hamilton—John Picking. Oct. V, itlltl. to Register'a totices. ' NOI7CR I. hereby gluon to all Legatees and other persons ouncerned, that the Ad midstream ftecomtwitarelaattee mentioned will be pementel It therOrpbtaarecalrtloit r Aft , isms county, fir confirmation and allowance. on MONDAY. the 30th day of NOVEMBER next, at 10 o'cioek. A. 11., 100. The account of Jeremiah Diehl, F.xecii tor of John LOW, lite of Comberlaud town chip, deceased. INt Viral end final aceoun• of Samuel A. Smith, Executor of the hut will and testa ment of Judith Gallagher, diedased. 171. Tye sationd and final ilaeoulat Of Aettold Gardner, Atha I Mat rotor of the estate of Beale min Gardner, deceased. , - 171 The nrxt account of John TAllich and Frederick Winch, Executor. of lamb late of Berwick township, &masa& 1711. 24% ,. drid and ding ap.ruitoi Temosiii Margaret Gilliland, Atindundtadrix of the ea tate of Sarah Gilliland, de rased. . . . . 174. The first lkocount of Jacob }larch Ad minh arator with the will annexed of Jacob 24 1 1 fT, h tile a =f, t e,nd anal queotint of Adam Admlnktrafor 01 the eutatu of John Brown, Into of Beading 1 4q.M. county, deceased. no " w 6. 42l h e= iM a t u etm "f ttr " :flh V eVi ) , " w k lll and testament of Thomas 314. K. n ight, deed. W, P. EoLTzwoßni, Register. Oat. 90, 1114, to LICENSES THE following appliennons to keep Res tourante have Len filed la my ottlee.W/tb the rrquisite number of stgnets, and will be presented at the Court of Quarter Sessions, on kiwi DAY, the Inkt of NOVEMBER, Ilaward - hlyets, flanifltan 1 Fohj,.l3loler W*410411. J Ud ollgetigSML . wirk i446 Michael a... 601;4 A. on, ck borou u gh. V. 114Ihrr Oa*. ATSSOLPTION. • TH=ll rig t:6= l arm will make parliunit te; raii= win sJso par all ItablUliaa dise yf "Zvi mot P. /. mum yar. avow- MorQ.,,Ngly AND CFRF:APER• STILL I Eudorr. 40.-6104. , ipmar. H AVW:l4pled a new aad large as- AND 11.04ADEI, .07 4.4 L KiND. CLOTIVN, VASeiID(7.IISs. TWEEDA, MLR*, UIIiGHAMS I LAWNN ReRIDEPHP,' - 11105t1,70:1C.,04 • to Which limy larvito 4444145ea,--4palog mtnaitoceltat+ebakJwist each pricey. Nov, 0, 106& , tf - HOWEItiaIINFASIK TIIE LATEST IMPROVED AND DEMUINE ELIAS HOWE, TIL, SE WING mAcimv.e.s, 'on /uuid and twit! at JACOBS & BRO'B. STORE, I= Orders will be promptly attended to. Ma chines delivered to all parts or the windy. ag-The puldk are cautioned megalagt parting who w the mane of fLOWE. in connoceloa wall their maehinee on aoconut of tha popu larity or the Howe Machines. There are none tmnurs'n unless they have imbedded In each machine a medallion having the likeness of ELI A. 4 HO W 1 Jr., on lt, he. QEO. JACOOS & BRO.. only Agents for Adams county. Pa Aug. 7.3865. tf EICELSIOR GALLERY. TIPTON & MYERS,. SVCCIMMONS TO C. J. TTOON. - PHOTOGRAPIIS, Photo Miniatures,' AMDROTYPES, etereoseopie 7 , lefes of . the BATTLE-FIELD, eraßadscrorice, - PHOTOORAPR FRAMEM, AND ALBUMS, IN GREAT VARIETY, AND AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICE& Alle-We deal in nothin but the beet of Its kind. ( -. all and examine our clock. INI-Copleo con be turrillhed from all Nogg, tivrei el,t.r taken at the Gallery. 'SYRON'S OLD EirAND. Ocl 8, IhBB. tf REAL ESTATE AGENCY. I have opened an agency far the Salo of Real Estate, In connection m WY lnw business In Get- tyeburg; and will give personal attention OEM EX AMMAT'IdN - OP TITLE 4 I, CONVEYANC ING AN.ILP INVEKTMENT OF MONEY, Parties wishing to sell, or buy Wads, may llnd It to their gal vantage to call. Several Farms and Woodland A No. I FARM, Prier., 17,000, • A TR kt - r. NO ACRES, for $1 MO, 4. GOOD FARM. '230 ACREK o ry cheap A FARM, UM ACRES, for 53900, A FARM, 05 ACLUM, for 12 4 w, A FARM. W./WRIT, kr P 2410, A VERIGOOD FARM, 100 ACRE2I, A VERY GOOD FARM, 125 A VERY GOOD FARM, 10.3 ACRE, A No. 1 FRUIT FARM, 200 ACRES, In the neighborhood of Gettygburg—nboa, pro perty in town, for Kale. It, G. IIceRSARY, Attorney al Law Gettysburg, July WO& if WM. BOYER & SON, DAL/ITIS GROCERIES, . ,NOTIONS, - TOBACCOS, &C. &one, Wooden and Willow Ware. Genre luortmeut of 111 Goods -.tdaaßy k;pl In • PLRET•CLASB FAMILY GROCERY. Jan, 10, it RE-BUILT ! Confectionery and toe Cream Saloon, JOHN GRUEL, Piamberabscrg Street, Gettysburg, Pa., next door to Engle Hotel baying completed Ids new Do I Id in it,llas open ed the burst senortenent of Conleetionsever °tiered In 4.7eidyebneg, Including FRENCH ANDOYINION CANDIES, Toys, Nuts, he., And everything itelonging to tlext-ehno'C'anfectionery, with peels( no commottgtious for Ladles and te nl semen, ICE CREAM supplied on shOrtest FRENCH , & COMMON CADDIES, Coustigea, Lappowt,?oya. Nuta, Notices; is and everythiturWoltgl nit to a ifirla.,lias Con fetionery, witti CAU.k.,b, MEAD AND LB.II - Aik.o, auppifOct on ahoft : tttl'oe. Stay 11, 181 X, tf Are prapated to do all Muds of Oadmeistiete" , IMBEI3EI Wi a STALIBMITH- & SON, GIEPTYStUR6, PA., CARPENTERS' AN ctargacioil, —contra tins and erecting lapilldinP* an kinds. Repairing, tr. • they keep eatilslanalf on hand and manaihotare to order, DOORS, SRUTTARR, NLIN DA, RION; DOOR, AND wirmiciioa#Bars, COI auess.- , DOOR i,WINDOW BRACKETS, And anjelhi! A.tßele In the 31u1111ng It!ne. r1 1 •1!MPT/ 1 1'Inrf rincri 19r1BPE +414.1a rek , lLlP•Mis . fiaa work executrd with ilk:rotted. • ' ; ) Sopt, 20, UM. e ,Oktigo - Nl§ " MARBLE WORKS, Oo IlalUnlannAL, opposite Alis Onali•We•Or wirrrwra qa'a, ;very deetitAkee at work executed is Lae FUINOT , OITLE OF THILA6I' EJOUIt—WARiIt—WARNI—A 114144 or ElI .M w4nt llbas Ohl= 1714F5, aloe 1 ...• a eir SW. €40.00 Pet, • a ,M 1 444141 e, 6111 Amp iii WIWI. at 00% As :AN APERIENT, There la no medicine so mach in fat or with those who are acquaint...l whit their action as Itobadra Blood ther are safe. pleasant and tut/411n their operation. and are PutelY vslettaatht tan• M taken by chttilrett aur *al as adult.; try them. =HEM ERE sLE.g.aLE$s ggickrrs. As • inqupdy to *lotho all narrow+ ulelte• ment, and In Itettuest Renoir, n IterrOte; there.. parbapa, no medicine extant which Is re. netnnui letita UMW as SkAbick• gim ach Miters: a Wine learn full on going to bed la all WU Ls repute...l to kuuttuoe wain! awl healthful Bleep. ERYSIPELAS. _ Or, St. Anthony's Fire, clizriA4fteiridknY crud -1,3 th e. lab dileslletesktu \Btu.' Purifier lu eunJuue‘luei Blood =SIM OPTHALMIA, Or, Inflammation of nat."llfiftl 4 qiumtly arlsca Mall le JWMddh.iAte of the *TM dailies of !Whack 8 I{IIBBII . IILO Will. In most callus, effect a cum by removing the cause. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PURE. There arena remedies. now before the pub lic, so well calculated to purify the blood reconntruet (no toßoma, the Rhoit,Yx Cm as 1 - Whack's Blood Purifier, Blood rills And btomaeh LEUCORRHOEA, Or. irhitok. witiditiow kicio Itra" constltutioual wea mess, can be c ually cured by the use of Roback'stittnnelf Haters. Do not let the druggist sell you any other rem -11, an these Ititteru are prepared m Ith coun cils& ref er bade to WU complatUA. alyttAM routed to cure. •AD -.TASTE In the Tnouth In the morning f lea ono of the day, be ueiglevAintom At to tytt the nreanon I Wry my mptou f a train of evils and the very 'weir. 1 1 11=n1nIxtor l t r h " e:1?ace;,; ° ‘11 1 1 U n: ' to the dhM•- ii4JUS aeOllalvian y Jag each bus, and the euitv and danger of at., sot, will at wire be flue e4L NOT A BEVERAGE. Unlike most of the hitters of the prevent day, I*. Raback•s are'nnt Intended ay a pletMent mtimulatingirhigkey beverngo, but aroperfect ly medicinal, containing only sent/lent pare bourbon wilinkerte hold lu nolut ion the me dicinal extractive matter trout which they are composed. • • lirElt The Agents for the tale of It.ohnek'h Blood l'lna,Htomach Ilittfla and 1in,04 l'oriner are A. 1). BUEHLER and J. H. liUllEli flat) a . _ , . Ayers Sarsaparilla, FOR tVlllllPrna THE !BLOOD - The reputation this excellent medicine on, Joys, is derlyad from its rams. matey of whir it are truly marvellous. inveterate Pas. of Scrotaious disease, where the system seemed saturated with corruption, have been Purified and cured by it. 2.rofulotis aft cctions and dhstrders, which were aggravated by the terof nines contaminittiou until they 54 err painful ly afflicting. have been radically eared to finch great numbers In almost every section of the country, that the public scarcely need to be informed of Its virtues or notes. Scrofulous poison le One of the most dtsdrne tlVe MlNlttiles of our race. Often, this unseen and unfolitesinnt of the Orgairdlol, undernonea the constitution, and ins item the attack of en. feubling or fatal diseam s, without domv susptalun of its preset... Agana, It ...A ems to brand infection throughout the body, and then, o some favorable °evasion, rapidly dt t lops in to oneor of Ma bideons tones„either on the anrferha aatotng cltnls in line latter, tubercles may be suddenly de owl tad in the lungs or heart, or t union. lorim .1 in the liver, Or It silos 4 Ito present o hs eruptions un the skin, or foul ale ,scions on some part Of the body. Hanes the °erosional use of is bottle of this i-arsaparillit to inivlsable, even when no active sy ondoins of disease appear. Per sons afflicted wail the folios log complaints generally find itutiosilatt relief, and, at lenstli, are. by then use of this 8.4.811 A PAIIILLA 81 Anthony's lire, Rn.s nr Eryrriprlnt, 781.cr, &oU RArsrm, Ahtfrf Hrotf, Ratmeorm, Norc Drs, bore Lar,, and other eruptions or visible forms of Scrofulous disease. ..11,0 In the more con cealed forms, as Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Ireart. Disxxse, Fit,. Epilepsy, .lienralula, and the varions Ulorrons affections of the muscular and nervous systems. Syphilis or l , ctiereal and 3itmurial Diseases are cured by it, though a long time to required (or subduing these obstinate maladies by any medicine. Hitt long continued use of this medicine wilt cure the omnplaint. Lesvos. Thant or Whites, e berme Ul,, rutions, And Fe male Diserist.s, are omn inonly soon relieved and ultlniately cured by itsurl 41ng mud in vigorating esnet. Minute directions for each case arc Mond In our Almanac. supplied gratis, Illuitunatlsm and Gout, when caused b.l +teen fffulutiona of extraneous matters In the blood, yield gulegly to It, as also Liver Coin plaints, torpidity - , Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver, and Jaundice, st hen tinning so they of ten do. Irvin the rankling poisons to the blued. Tirt4 Sarsaparilla Is a great restorer for the strength and vigor of the svetem. Those who are Lanruld 111.1 slicks ilesporident, !Sleep icss, and troubled with Nev.°. Apprehen sions or lean, pr any of the dna tions no nit* tomatie ref We tress, e'itl find tmtnestlate re• lief and convincing es ideuce of its reStOrliti, e power Upon trial, PPEPA !LLD BY J. C. AYER & CO., Lou ell, Masa Prueldtull slut Aual,y Ur at Chemists., Sold by all Druggists everywhere, For sale by A. D. HCEELLER, Agent, Get tyS bug. ISM.' lyelut J. M. MINNIGH Diamond Confectionery and Ice Cream Saloon, A LTIMORE t Street, o doors thus e Colter Mom ut i o z ei 'v c i U &Mel Winery, I will 110/1 at the very lowest too- IlLs-4aaludlag OILY. lam EM - MISS McCREA'RY• ' ' il•Asi lest returned from Wm silly welt's j " 11. i l le Aritr*S! . .. AND " Also,'Borinet at ' rron in Ks of the !Meat styles, which, - With an angswenient hinn ianahle FANCY A,NA TOILE. (KO , she is eetetuihien Co sell at the very lowest cash prism. - BEADY-MADE BONNETS will be best on ttr gAttlirrll 5 1 101t1A*,`MR 4 .-SOrte Milliners supplied with gomlit to sell twain op, mho insitt sist* oraosblirteralssitst salsas@ with lcuttrsciloas Sept. IS, ISA Sm •; -• • yricr COMIC 001 5 4,, • \ A'ANTI4I, kDAMB k CO., urrx..D3Towi, re,„. w E take tidi method of lug the pub- IT lc that Wu jegyrceittiO,~ new Ooaelt Rhops aL Littleitifte 0, where we are prepan to manufactitui,„4_ordfie nil kinds of 1101- GIES, CAERIAIeFER, SULKIES, eke., on the shortest Lotto/ "ad ,711100, accommodating terms. Our handl naVe been procured from and, , tut we use none but choice material, "ini cab put up work to colllpePP with sur IR nolt w o u*, John W. Tipton, ELHIONAINig.#III4tesAt of the - viscrown . ( jtoo " fa Wr . wai Mt 4 %11* it No atoO csothoot knee rad wlu aware on. QlY e us Des MAO. G'...9t*il;riwk.... °coeds EH kin • WHIM QVll r ice4 7 4" 1111 The OrleilLi.l anti Empire .13.45 E 8UR..1"125. Qt; ME a Dumber of chess Gtoret a ere pat Ilk van last wistenn, and the univenatt atria , it Ulm they 'gave int4ttred the vottaxerther to ordan another lot. Tltoy are dankledly Wa - basti,chaa r prak SIIS moat perfOCl. MON,e eyes sacred In Gettysburg, and st hen brought lit competition net rr fail to assert Ittrir gmpert• ortty, being Nelf•fatallna, perputnel banaminv Wink gile4l.4l4lllltottlng a ittown, eta&Ult& • and antl-dust. darapers, char atu managed, They become a Carotin' , Whet ewer 011 (OATH DltplB I.TS, VA" , known. Also the 014,1,E.31TA1, PARLOR COOK, V.4II4.ITRAWILISK /14 BURNER, a heath ;;, ha klng and t no e comnined. •Peritili should examlne Lin...etas begun T llOOl, lir Iwww*trti Sind AlltinM. buying any other. , , as the) embrace niproye-, - insets and advantage% not found In ky °plot% , now have an oppostaratir oellass aL OW Cat mid are thew. Mao a fallaan,ply of COOR.LNU6Tottma •-• --- aka*, Cottle one, Come all, enlaced orntol• 41 to nuke iota Kl,,e, nalistactlou In e, or) re.pcet. 4. Atop a general asnortment of artieles snitro.' Mg gm kitchen use, de.,lnelud I hg TIN-VV Metal 11011crat, Colt, 31111 s, Sad trona, Table and Tea-spoons, MIR eel and Furks, hlt alles,PllloVeld, ho . =I 00410tburg. Sept, ?A, 14th, tr CARD. AVINf4 Aleppo.' of the . Rxoperstinny H 43ALLERY tollcaare.Tll"ll):6kltY3aitte: I take the orporttintty of ext ua log to the public my sincere thank% for their Ilhefnl pa tpromptronage ta,the past g , and knomlngtdietiitlytiali , rg pataetival phiitterapherit, I a u k for them n and ronfltittfilleo of the Pam*. They hat lug had alinoaktliegae• ,4; timeg, ki 3ift u.'"i/J11". GREEN RIDGE STORE TIIE uudprvigned has orwtted UttoL'EltY AND NO HTORE, at Oreou Itlthiciamilton tux nship, Atlanta county, ilpind Ik. (hrlinle Turnpike, to W BC Ites The attcytion of the public genentlly. Ilia ..took tonal to of BUG, .RR, COFFEFA TEAS. sYKUPs, unfassrm, SPICES, Est*:NcEs, oiLs, IIEI , ItANIA• 11W81p IIWIrTatt4 8 ,41 1 1:11,1111 -8 1i1N .I S I , ' Wit r ai* BRUSHES, &C., &C., &C., &C., In short, a full assortment of everything usu ally found Ina Itrefenhass Store of the kind.— Ms stock will always he found fresh and full, and his prices among the very lowest. No eflurt spared to please all who way patronise him. (:)dte` AUFF. April 24, 180 a. ly P.Wifil744 P44,1144(14 REMOVAL rimy: nnile*lnned hnn nktnehthl hie Cian.N age-making 'shop to the oast elol of Middle street - Gott Ilbani.l 3 a, where he will owl Lines to build all kinds of work In Ids line, viz: CAItitIAGES, TItOTTIIif I h KAI.I,ING.TOI i lli.A.loll, 4 ,.. 2 3,%ikdt,hit * WAGlA(K, &C., ac. llia ' rork Ie nll put tip of Rood innartal and the best of litethanlca,and (annul fall th give aathlfactinn. prieeenr* reasonable. Ile solicits onion, confident that herAn please, . REPAIRING promptly done, at sunder- W. IC. GAI:LAGIIETC. =ZE= FARM IMPLEMENTS. , w 4 ritrommurm- , ' GUM SPRING DRILL rilicE best Drill in urn now all kloiln of I Grain witboatlth part of the Drill. --. • can furnish thein with or without the r ItUA.VOf AACliiHrir y y uagalledit Ito dalootorki kW . ga, 1 larqrrifburg /42nniv madelillialleht:ktilki.,eituido refill ial mills formerly 6,01,11 n this county. fiKPARAMIRES AND THILFAHIRES, Morns HULLER~ HTEEL ~rawaiGENERALLI. A mi. 21, Uir. U. NEW FIRM ariord, :lifer/no COME tr, 147. IRE undersigned have leaned the TRUCK Z WARETIOVNE. in New Oxford, where they are our> Wm On 11w ANT) rahnrrE paying the higheat peleex kW Wheat., Uwe, Corn, Oata, Clo, r and Timothy Neoax, Dried Pre" ha, Roane, Hamm, Shoulders and Sider, 13 / 4 t4Reghtik , i, or an kinds, (4 - Instantly on hand and for sale—dbtlens, Sugars, nyrups, MolaltavS, Tenn, Splees, Salt, ('heron, Vinegar, Brooms, IMckets, Soaps; Fish of all kinds , ahio Coal Ull, Flph Oil, Tar, dc.; Spikes and Nails, Smoking and Melting Tobahime, Ind a thouhand other tinkles—all ,add al, Ow low* est protita. Alamo *mutate Floor and Peed; Pipets?, PhosiMat,s, 000110 a, Coal, Sc. 'FREIGHT (YARN run to Ste, mann & San*, North Howard e.drevt, 11 ways eTer7 *ark. Goods enrriod both ways promptly and at to rates. Thum rotr of the ptiblle PAlelted. Ev erY 4" ' 1" ha fl i M e fORN & BENDER. New Oxford. May 20, WA. ty SELLING OFF AT COST! TFlCtaeir,E un E.6l deraigned, eloNe out the huAlneaa k fSI.,NIA ”FIE AT 04, Lkl• on tiSM York •rtlrirpttP, tirnv zottervoet o' tietty sburg, a good Mock of Cassitneres, Cassinets, Boot., Shoes, Haa, UluVas, Stockings; DE- L CALICOES, Gingham., Berne. Muslin., fine LaMar itandkerehters, Boded.. Nottana, Sc., also Queens-ware, Sione-wkre, Ulasa-ware, and Tin. a are, of all klndsr ()Mkt V, are, Tubs, Dockets, and a pliouquadt °Lbw articles likewise for sale, eleelleut DOC BLE-BA RICELED eV:Y. NOW FOR - UAW/4NA ••(qa . nne, come all, am! be suited.. /YOU Bloat • t It. JOHN .'OII.IIECK. I +1 I (I dial -0 Lug, NEW ANT) LAMM ! t7LBRINKERHOFF, corner of the Diamond c 4 Tor: Areet=r44 e n t rol ep * rhentta'' ' • CLOTHTNG'•Frift TALL ANT/ WIVE% wear. which ho will sell at melt prieet nxbim not fall tsi Latta thorn off very rapidly, ,(40k and Judge toryOurselves. To look. at the CS-, eel lent rtiatsriei, tasteful ehltloy, and triat and substantial sewing, ud then to gethle low 'Peleels+calletteitstatil see tt so much to their Interest UstlOw,. He has Coats, rants, Vests, of All styles and HMS, /SOULS od.Ehoo. kilkirto..of ail Wads, Hosiery, _Glover, Hqncl kerchiefir..BOett-tire, c at las, Linen mod Bo per 00l hire Rthipendenk, Brushes ' VonffOrt Truska. Vanua, uratrrensu, POckat Braves, 14141(Aii11 . 41 4114 Chewing Tuba:eon. Witt a thonaand aged ape other arlikdea, eullavly too insinNe. otta ly taj t iLitta lietwi.p.4per alat• e rt Leathent• Ito all e attention of the _puLlio W him new sto,l:, confident that It Wilt plewie—anti no one or vrill Seri cheaper. ' Don't forip. , t , the Saco—cower ut y uric streat unit the Diamond. Gelt4rJairii. JACOB trirlicEnnorr. Get. 30, NIS. tf GRAIN AND PRODUCE -8 USZAUANIL NRW''W A RETIO'USEI fletE 'noir Iri A .Aotew on Rae eon*, of the Railroad an d North Washington street Is 'finished, and the undersigned ti aa ppoped 144- al new, lu It. He desires to purehaae any quail. Lily of WHEAT, RYE, 'CORN, OATS, r ] 441rAND,t141rurtrtilf4..II t• • with country *the Tiiee •gerevalli, ptiyielg the hitilawt snorkel priers therefor. AN, kerSOF,lele., all kin& otOrocertee , I tity l tM 0141 , best' Lisoill,PentillterWlClTti VW?"' WWI . reset teff-Id n'd *NI IrAcfpfifn.-261' iinithrip d Acsseireows, 121Neetfreareet, former gay, and to iluzliy '.1.11 amble*, darket btreet, In the latter. The patronage of the public ialinititt No effort l will be illareil to iloserve Infii pare .of rt. W.ll. E..I3IDDLE. Getlyatinfg, Ont.,ll.lfiFt, tf sitT34,Aue FMZ=ZZ= SAFES. Panborm's Eisliessfishsollsnien denasilittlittsl.by the most thorough practical tests, lOW, aPallY superior is fire-proof qualities to nuy oilier makee,aeing, Water In copper tuismarta ty IWO preventing relit evapnestlessuid la IttetAttlegt= , fuars tAe-erealtighres t 1 "eerf e ii r a r tEI Dials nnilterl.taggt. AllAßlCAatTalt r lMM . B4tFi t CO. Oet-90.1g: gre. 041Da. T vi :1%1 v ,12 92 "1, ery no .iell . et o tyl t b ow urz 7 sad or. 6. IRO& tl 4172610WeilallOT. rw' - G2`,.)%1V 1 = tgital'7l . OSP& eguakte thew. '_ i I ' 8 . SELLING OFF Ay COST L liovtog clot.t.rmlned to close out IV . ' 4.114.(0 Beady-made Clothing,' AT COST, iii4wabutv, Oct, 2. /Pa. tI -FAHMSTOCKYBROTHERS,J, S. G. 000 Y. I===2lllll NEW.PALL GOODS: 11. sag .‘ largo gum' well etleebel %took at -TALL & WINTER GOOEO. DRESS Of new *glen ea:gaol every wWe4• DOMESTICi4, nt greatly reduced pHoeit. CLOTHS AND cAssiv-Earst, ? ~,, ♦ full amportmonL a vary largo lat.xik.. Wa levier fast reoeived acidlUowillseier NS-WAKid of oar min Impoitittoil; aADD-1V4R17, AND InDX;f4 „ E to .uppl,Y ovvra woual, , OILS PAINTS, st • A Pull •torloor ,1 • ' • •• G",.11 0 C E 1 always on hand Our ateck:oolujOrJalug. almota gveirLlOna 4: V.. t. Ittotob the onniumer may need. nuptial' in west of geode cau be supplaxl at Lam mites ihr patrol:00ot tie well known stane4 at the 13 , RiN OF THE RED FRONT; ' FA lINERTOCK BROTHEtUt • Gettysburg, Oct. SS, 19G. tt • DR: TAYLOR'S':' OLIVE BRANCH. IVM. 'W I HU! BITTER.S. ALt IM and agreetbt TUNIC NTlrtt+7, srQMAcme And t / 33IrrTM - Xts,, Ex trected,eggireir from JLER.OB aid. 04106thi Highly boucles' In DYSPEPSIA, "ENERAL - DEDILITT„ _, AND LOSS erF APZAT/INI luta kn excellent CORRECTIVE be peno ■ußesto6 from Visorders 9t thoAttutia.lll6lo6,os letup, tc. SOLIVEVERY W H mfr. tiep~lf Na. 411 Market Unit, Billadiripliat J. K. TAYLOR OCK! .* . g!,. Is, Ike iy _ FURNITURE. :.- ; D tr.' SILEA E F alt;"' PETERSBURG, (Y. S.) -37,N,A la prepared to ogre to We rw,w aiyunnfir Ia We hue at cheap ae can be bat In Abe , country.- 1t2.P0 rchusers vri II dovrell to can aid ekscal (seat steekbefamboying elaewhile. FURNITURE cqadolo *Wm,. norilling dune masanclisiip, It. and with dispatch. , . . Jan. 91, MIL it C- LOTH.INA-- • ," • • • „rm., Nottenellner brut AA relented Were the env with the . •• TAMEST AFo SART isat.galtivti • • lsoct s .'"' OF .CLOTIGST: . _ .erternriettetl In the eountr.erbteh - bilMial Al-reekorksbar low prime. lids Mask tenet *UP/4 stn-.e AV.E 0 1 6 1 11 2 1 OF ALL ern.= AND A I /E 8 1 I 0 - ‘. 5 3 TA l t * V, C ielf T !.r... /11:8 1 N WASQAttAlet.t... , _ Uoatß ar7 eh ere ant Saline& 'Ant W, I.3leateltandl rienv.eau•Gleekstlelireellilec !ItiPIVIV ell WAR. _ • .ti,r ' TOBACCO A-ND CIGARS, - Iternie, PliKtea.rtieherl, rea4lee, ara l oay t i. nalid eihreetelelee, tennenrererre 'Mine ' ne is spa per advertlentrtult• • VlVUSgiieiellie • 04,0, rf .1 WOOD FOR SALE . ' , _ „ Kg VARY* 041 i. itau Nig* gielCoAT. Ikt sgudota um, moo, $2 alp* $1 per m 44. on As Irmo. Ord. 'AIiCkpL.D. *um $ 3 . Mr - _ F 9 12•494.1.40„ - • A - CLOTHINQ STQar, v eil selsoed ROOF. gaol ot ic ri Ltato, and 1014-saW ******loFlHr slat& 4 13 40 11 ‘ guk - ozTE og THE ...pi,. up a. 141 BL'A,S INr2o:ll'.4fleNT' le, la • .t•. U, • , - Id :Fiia,nortgao or TA* tawrot" VA:o: ECIIMI !ha l ite.] umount of the Meet Mutt Itrititteet the ['elan l'artllt• ttattronet ('ant) •ro olltova to thy putstle, rei one et the nrilltnoet proffinlite Inreitnientx. t. They tare a Ilnst mitrtithigt , npult tt Lirg atin Imi,ortint VAllrnficl In tht , v4g4VJ Yft* law tin') cnn Imkl/41 Ihe I' 'pm only an the rand Is rompletall, nu u n it quo . ) rea}ilii.eprgerlf u rent value. GEORGE 411cgtIt1i. Their ninon trt to It nitted by :web( Nt. t6.1 4 1i1y Allhm Ibttnn nn tho eutlfi, Rat.; 4ir an avempr of Ira[ than two? . mit& C Hon. E. D. Moroi n, nt tho UnHod 14j, metulf4k. rind [ten. ante,. AmOu, or tiw t'ul S4atoolliottno.rtt Itepreßentntlyon, aro USN ter tho borulholarm, to 1 , 00 that ut t Irnkaraaln on• protontrd. 111 I' 1;0% anaumt Dinortnrn n ppOtti lib locehldent of tl,r l nitpt hibiteq. ff'tff "Nip xlOlO 41 tllo,llll o try for fit., menbleniCift . mu l. I 1. Siren tr nttml mate,. enmmtoinficha coallty that t pa I,aut la men Intitt ante atititnt nod In all rexpet.to Amt.-Maw ran nay, eery lanalwoof ho lomrd moot tt. 1I 1'1116,1 HIM.% tiOVVYTIMOhf iej•ta liempany Palm • iontia tattle roma nhiell that the company lotto., for Which It r,,ta fecund inorto w ,y. - a. As m 411110113/ olth It makoa an nlotafti tliattotinit Of fIt,SOU ono. of hind to t pg upon each aid,. Jr ilia road. ' Mai IL The Imu.b. I4U &la poewitt. fnitold, lhr pr.litelouillf ttLw pik)able 10. The , •urnhlgn i1.A.111 the hl or Trlll' sumo wer.. ON ..r u.. 1111.1.111,14 DALT.* Plati,Withih. att.•l Pa3 l a4 uiorftlull .WP 11041, II Vlore U.lllllhUghlhlta 10 I,dy II tWria. ~ uultutv, oLll ho *OOO el:fiord my. tae t Milli/et/LW uf ILu filth, 1µ..1/10. =EI CARPETS,. 4,1,. Au polltleul action can laduo,th. /11kIl 111, it want remain, fur Lhlmer y rte. pr errs!, A T (1/1111104, In gold, /10%. Nit lattwoen'atgat And n no gar cunt. to our rAegtrtinetriad L. than popnble en gold. II( with ouch guarantees, went tattled L 7 t eratzlint, Ito market peke would not . that+ ,lroatt 20 to 25 Ver cent. Lositattm. tllma Lorl. *reissued under Gomaensasa t49ot,y aug appervislon, upon anal. hi liyagilr a Ciawaramont work. Way must matt 1.5 approstelt filet ern rn t pivot. " • • er corporate bona. nookr yo 1100IAINI. - 12„ e igkh, out noon be exltitUalto telkcit )laNtt now, Millen been 11011 3 Sal de.4., am] In:4rib I a unti 111111hAth gave 1 /COU bold. A holt I tell 1111111°1111 tour, okellla. It In not Improbable Lbw, tirhp yot f ilr tlistant, all the rettialuth bonito the Comp my ellll 1 , 01110 WI.It by NO'ine combination errant titliala a draili from the market, exoepkgt x . vttbet 4 . The long time, the high gold It anti Cho perfect vernal% , !mint mak, bond. very r oltott3o fin extort. An toe 43.044 , 1101 in Nn hit It the I.l2lloprill ( . I . IIII I III tIY,JAVO tomt, 111 telntlun to ti 111;f4/1 Wd hualuema mice,nn of their entt or the value anti ;bison, 10 the prim KT 111111141, lam.° beell Ivry t has. rot bpd they therefore 1111ggest that law denlre to Invts.st In their lattitbt tet4L fib me, rub antope to at,, w, of onto. !rho !oleo for the pre.ent Ig bid . Cooed Intorotil at the rate of lu currency from July tat , quit sub tlotii will he received lit titi( the V . 111141! IiATION 11A NI( andTT9lf>rlt(F l S ~4v.~TIONAI. TY I SI3VII4;trATIONAL RANI:, and It York AT i'tl7; CO.HP.INY'S OFFILK . ..I) . NA,FItiAS , NZ, AND D lons s, cisho S RUY , HA NKEMS, Diu, WALL• A . u4 the Company advertised thipughout tlin United states, 'pacts s, frce, ttil przrtoes tbm-rtyi. lgcnl Figenh, war took to fh, no for *W 1 , 4311'11 LET A:4 141 OcE i el,ntliTaing a r, port of the t. 14 work to that date, and a ittorr at4thfuent In relation to the astyen, wDlell will he aunt free on appilealloi dqn,PanY'f Ofilees or to any of the RAI akinta. SLew .I.CIRCO, ;ream, r, Y. August 28, Lena. Am 4'LECT'Itld• : 21te; gr . -- (tph in Ujilna IMEI=7:II3 MEM %a . A . . ' _,,.a ~r I, • 744 _EAR? - IN 144 1 OFNIIUAPii - Nos. 22 and 24 Nassau Stet, TEM 41.131" under i'grrt.- 00- catuTA th 3DiN. ANDREW O. CURTIN. Phibulel YAW. N. FOttlarki itu.en &cc, ku j ED. 1 uTTERFIELI), p u w eil vac, new met: 13 1.1 . kil!1.1i1H11110118. Treasurer Mk Ce dV R A n4r. V, lOW press Company: New York, Saab JAAII:74 NO.X(lN,ltyrealese. N. Y. , hi. PALMER, Treasurer Wagtail. U. TeiVIIIPORINaIIy, New York. F Hit WEHTHAY, Westras, Gib attilatteastle, New York. kWiIuLAS MICKLIN, New York. MET =ES OFFICERS. Wil,l'S.T..!N\!;',.'t,"Peutient sitoßkm YLLIS, (I -Ambler Igatirmal C9TYter ' R "w lE EE e heChl C h lo e , ‘(ll9NrelKu ue : nte mv"i t g Senilnrl4egTrOnnect4 Sporn, (labs Empire by eolumwt , telegzph cable, we propeue !rail 6ln Chloe, and laying d0w.,, , +ntnil mule s et, once, berMeet ports, vit.: Pop; I=l2 cm= n" ' VAsuchu,.. Nlu n to lifti(Alm' Bftashai, Total, , rhe.z porta Gaye a foreign COlll3ll $900,000.0ti0, and an enohnous domeat ibeindewhich we have. the immense commerce of the Empire, rad luting k .POlnta, through Ite canala and rteerg Tim beinglrtld , thla Comptinplpt 'exac.inig land Lines, and eatabliatalne apg trust Worthy means at Comm ut 'MP* multi eenomand there, se eve elan, the communication. of the etvrta .14.Pnoineol, and ocial life, aspect China, She has nonrdal sy sum, and k lyThelkub now of communicating infortna. ta•aty.conalera on land, taxi by rdeanteav '' Ve r "Wealeril World knows that ei vary , bargormonntry, in the , main dem /40 1 1 Put Ivy sta. alize that she mare th an a thin! h r thkr human x Irtfeitereturras made to her central at for taxing parpostai by the locat me amine her population .bur Ilundred a leen rom, mad that Ix more likely 1, aler t n ever the actual aggregate, hiked these, who are over ton pant rely Cllll ItUt 0 read arid a rite.. illexei alba I. {recall-Iw, hot 'her literature Pinar. ailre alat that et Europe. Chna is a ho AWN. hors ital.' -trader.: and tar. latter tIV rr U m l ,u ti r l;7l . lB:ll . ra or lOW It to otalerewe elalifornli" UMW make great use of the , though It there transmit. menaanee eiMur. To.day vent nitre tont of?' ant rwOned mertinit by them eLeitteively the.eine ea intelligence. If the Weep I.s6e:connecting att th a ir great so 111 MY In exlatenco. it la beilewed., o l ww-,14,.1.61i the 1.1i1; 1a1t.1111.1 itbetriletig,,,,,,'"`:;Zr.P,,,,l 'fp:Otter ble.enta.rprlmmammon& Intel t . x.dearee remunerative to caul 01,1101 e neonle. It ts•fa kna pOMIOI Kencelly. , ti i ns t a y teek of o:ti n sel/Lang , Lealtelass mcru " , ° JP, destrubtel l r " editorial articles In the New Ye Deffifi li tn b birunph 444111.14 fa tearer, Are, ianiteeteptia Shares of this Compacty, to all ber, May ire obtained at a5O WO, dews, tl5 on tea HA of Nerrember payable In namt hey liuttalmentstilf commelleing Dwember,i, Pet, on thin W_ DREXEL Sr CO $4 *oh Tura Sfrgel , Phi lefehatee can Ile 0446_1 G t`="?:rece" j ivt l nfttApWallf tallibeesaary Infonnetton on the. uosas. isgs. tr riziferMt. uetr i ana, 2111. tie*. kAgm=%-i,-,t. Railroad ,v4t . , r ms— cp.vrLier.ED NEW YOIVi 36,000 lIMAIR/RO sale Loral DIREOTORS. AIM WANT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers