EMV!Mr =3 1, Di. 111.1.111 RD ERN' FRIDAY LY IL .1.8TA111.11 Trove —Two DOLLARS per annum in attmner —Two Bottana AN! , BUTT rgwnt It not pd.! In oda:lnce. No Pllbß , Tiptioll (lAA Inueal, unlem at the option of the pub. 11,hor. until all urreveragen are paid. A orrarismervre itowrted at the usual rate% —Large reduction to tiny. who advertise Le the year. Tun Pitt Nrr'SG. of every deecription—from the einallest label or card to the largest hand• bill or poster--done with dLepetch, In a workmanlike manner, and at the lowest living rates. o riga on Baltimore attune, a few doors above the Court-llouve, on tho oppoelte elde, with "Gettpbeen; Compiler Orrice" on the betiding. Attornies, Physicians, &c. n. MeroN3Tf/71T, Jonah. Aft.frnr, ATTOH:qEYS AND COL:NbELLO2I.4. DDIeCONAU4,IIY awe.clated JOHN 14. K RALT'llf , Esq., In the Prtettke of I.aw, St his °Mee, ono door west, of Buehler's 1 , ; lig Store, Chambenthuncntr....t. Special attention, given to suits, colli_ctiolui and s,Uletnent of estates. Alt itgal bust nee. and ...1011., to Pen.,ton,.., ilounty, P. sett ly, ana Duatax,x agulmit te4l Stn'teel, at tl s, promptly total efficiently attend to. Igunl Worrnnlx located, and /Andre ['arms lor aale In lowa and other Weletern .11111.4. Nov. LA 1.7. I=l A TTORNEY AT LAW, Will promptly attend to Eli .gal Imninestet entrume , d till., It. lia•llug the prdN 1L tr Prnsionm, Iknm tv, Burk Puy, 1,1.1,01 oth e r , tgalh,t. the UultaKlKtatem 11101 Slate 1.,11 erilosentn. e I n North-west ....rner of Diamond, Get ty sberw, I'. au a. II li, 1 , 17 tir NEELY, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Particular attention paid to ..liection of Penalonx, Bounty, and Buck pa v. t lie H. E. corn yr of the Diamond. It v•dmrg, April a, IIIS S. tf =1 'l"rtnts,LY Af LAW, ji LITTIEST(AVN, PA., ~t ill promptly:Mend to collortlonn. eonseY wuting rive le, Ac., and sdl mho r mo,t, w 4; ronrldu. 1 to Out, redet u k 'Ora et, at the of for tr. 1)r. lahorO, uud lath-rip that of Ma hinzer loot M. hi nt. =INEINSI EDWARD R. DUEMLER, Arroit.m.,y AT LAW, Will talthnnly and prompt ly attend to nil lmalneam , !attuned to 'him.— Ile aptalta the Getman language. IJlllea at rho s.tine pinee, in Routh Baltimore btreet, near HUhe t'a elrug More, and neatly opia. aide Danner d Zleg'et store. Gettyaburg, March 20. I= 1J.1 . 1:1110 located at NEW SALEM, (Me.. 1 1 1.'1103 txtown I'. Franklin twp., not county, offer,. him profewOonal xervieen to th° Jstriet atte•ition to profesoaunal (lath., t, merit noollare of pat ronage. May . .6), IVA t f Dr. J. L. Bd EIIR, DlPiStrl AN AND nUP.G EON, MIDDLE J TOWN, .kciatna couu ty, Pa. (Mice In Cen tre Bqu promptly attend to all collft unlooa of Itemise prolasalonnily engaged. Aug. 7, 1' 10. tI LW. W. J. 3(rCLUII.E; pHYSICIAN, SUIVIEONI AND ACCOUCIIEUIT, llnc lag permanently located In New Oxford, a ill pi .tetice his profession In all Its branches. Mend% and all others desiring his pro fc..loital services are requested to call and at his office, to Haim, or street. May 51, 15117 tf EZES=iI RAVING L4)rATEI) AT EAST BERLIN, Al) 'M 114,pr, Ihel by ,trtet ittDrltion to his prof,- Nlohnl dui lev I o ton merit n elukre of the public pal routtee. April 9, tuts, t 1 =I 1 -I" AS RF-41iMF.11 the Prostlee or Mod!eine in LITYLENTOWN, and offurs his ser -1,94 to the public. Onion at his house, cor ner of Lombard ntreet and Foundry aliey, dr the Railroad. Special attention given to ..`4B-in Diseases. Littlentos,L, Nov. 8,1887. I= () FEICE .IND I, WELLINO, A few doom from the N. E. corner of Baltimore and High almeta, near the Preqhy tc rian Church, (3 et lyeibUrg, Pa. ,April DR. I). M.,ECICENRODE, -HAVING Jumt returned from tho Universi ty of Maryland and ilospltala of Balti more, has; /orated of HElDl.Flll...littltii, and otters Ills probassional eery/el:a to the public. April 21, IVOI. .11 .7. L. 4 71711 ENG E HILL, M. D., D ENTIST, line Ids office one door Went of the in Chandairstion; Street, and oppo.lie 10. Horner'. oilier. Where liana wishing to hi, e any Dentril Operation per. lormed o `11,04 t 11111) let tel to cull. 10 ni N.,: re lire. liorner, Rev. Prof. M. Jacobs, Pref. NI I. Sltvver. Gull) edout g, -11,11 II,'; DR. WM. STA LESM 1711, I)m- NT. hag 11Naitkil per m anently 111 Get tvibuty, and offers 111 e services- to the public. lila room is over John M. Alinnigli's I utile, tine ry, col I taltimore street, Itlew doors Omit the Pablo. Silo tee. Persona In want or full 4,1 - partial SI N OF TY.F.TI 1 arc int ll.vl to call. Tern. reasonable. 'I'EITiLEXTIL\(T -1 it wlth lath or no pain, by local alueLacsat, 101.0,11 ell by narcotic spray. opt. 14, 1,0, .NL.I,I*G.F.L'S B()Ot avil ShOe EMT)Othnn, BALTIMORE STREET, TWO DOOlll4 KOUTIT OP VIM' Pltnitrin JUAN Clllattlll. Cthe,oily with file 1 1 ‘" •st gelt"krn,tll,frgl,l 01 llools,Shoes - und ' Cialters, for .47IiIng a and Summer, ever offered In Gettysburg, 11. Block consists of LADIF-S• CONCTRE.S.9 GAITERS, LA DIE,' 13 0 ItA I, ()A IT E11:4, LADIES' COMMON OAITERS, LADIES' KID SLIPPERS, all ,tyleq, • LADIES' MOROCCO BALMORALS, IN LAIUIE VARIETY. GENTh RENCII CALF BOOTS, (jENTS• ANTI:RICAN CALF 13o()TS, (iENT:i' LIP BOOTS. GENTS' CONGIII•4 GAITERS, GENTS' CA.LF,IIALMORALS, lENTS' SLIPPERS, ull Styles, OEN'T'S' 111100 ANS, Al'., AC. MISSEs' CONURESS 0 11TI•IRS, ISsES' 11.1LMORAL (I kITERS, I , SFS' MOROCCO ILILMOILALS, AC., V., AC., Al'. BON S' CONI.,RESS (1 IITF.R.S, 13‘)Y1' CALF I) ILITORA LS, BOYS' 11110(LANS, 1.C., AC. nassexcanatann LARGE vAluEry. Also, Boots anti Shoes of his own manufak lure conittantly on hand. All will N. Watt at the lowest living profits. Buyers, from town and country, are Invited to call and examine goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confident that I can please all who may call. Tile MANIINA(TCHING of Boots, Shoes and Gaiters will also be carried on, in nil its branches, as before. Repairing done on short nett,. By erriplovhig none but first-elates orkinen, Ana Wang none hut the choicest leather, hefeels confident of maintaining bin former reputation. Certainly nothing will be left undone to deserve It. Thankful for past favors, be solicits a con. 'tenante of public patronage. I). 11. KLINGET.. Ortlyabarg, Aprill7. 186 S e__ _ POITTZ'S W UOLE.VLLE DRUG AND PATENT MEDICINE DEPOT, NO. 116 FRANKLIN STREET 13ALTI MORK 51D. ON the dissolution of the co-partnership of S. A. Foutz tt tiro., August. Ist, is , I, Dnvid E. pout: junior member of said firm, purchase ..,1 all the right, title and interest of the retiring partner, P. A. Pfoutz, for all time, In and to the manufacture of Patent Medi cines; awl, having devoted ranch limo, care and labor In gaining a thorough knowledge in the oompoundmg of those preparations, I DM fully prepared to oiler to the community FOUTZ'S FAMILY MEDICINES pare and unadulterated, namely: lourz's Mlrruar.—Fotrra's LITE Invicionnymt on HEAL= aRSTORER Fourzn VIarEARLE Lariat PIMA—FOUTZ'tI Oxon Byline PunTz's Caminwran HOME AND CATTLE Putemons— Writs wawa A RLgAYIC LS.A.GII STRUP—SHELXIIICE AinnittrYon. DAVID Y.. Fuvr«, Kole Proprietor, Ationt for "Dn. Glitovies itAGNISVIV SALVE AND PLASTER," the "DEER OINTRENT," alsl the "liREAT ZISGARI 11ITVAIL9.." air/ also bare ma hand a full assortment or DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, Window-gin..; F;xtru•ta and Exaenee , i of all tlavonil all the popular Patent Medicines of t bed:ly .• Perfumery.Halr 011 A, Flair Dyt , ,, and hundreds of artklea needed by Mereliantn, Farmers and IfnuM•keepera. Come and ex amine my Mock and priced. and If I Lannot, cult you, you cannot be suited is a/AM/10re. DAVID E. FUUCL • At the old stand, 116irranklIn street. Feb. 21,18tia. 17 ILTENRY SIIIREMAN'S Ir2STATE.—Letters L 1 testamentary on the extate of Hen ry Sh re man, late of hfamiltsin township, Adams en,, deceased, having been gmntod to the under signed, residing in the same township, be hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said mints to make Immedlatc payment, and those having .141111th 114,241.1. the 1,4111 e to pre ' sent (hem properly authenticated for nettle ntent. MECHANICAL BAA'ERE ()et, it, Brat. it• Executor. NEW -BAKERY, N POILT & 7aF,GLEIZ, Routh WirshMelon street, (me rumnre from the Engle Hotel, HETTYSBUII.G, Pa. Crm xtrxistly on bamkthobtha of BREAD, CILACKERS. CAKES d rr.ETZELs. Persons wishing fresh Bread w ryryr li n f a b... m , ,,,, lrLed :47 inorain t t e b i Llz e avd . aVel , emit ..xi d o to Weal*.Ve ua a Bail: Al:o4k 1863 it e ~: - ...\:-...,;,.. - • . - -.-- '-f •----'`' -:- . ...-- ..• ' ~.. ~. 111 4 ... -- a f row , - --N v "., ',-. .R.'"..'r... tirU M• , y .k.wA: : VA:" i , .,..4r.: 4.5. „ ' v COMp IL E R . _,......" By H. J. Stahle HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. AND Ifoofland's German. Tonio. =I I=l THE LIVER, sromAcH, OR DI- (lESTI 01:0 ANS. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Is composed of the port (or, as they are ,modlaally of Itanta, }lvey', and liark , t, making a proparntion,lliKn ly concentrated, anti entirely free /rum hadto atlna..aures of any kind. ROOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC Inn comblnntlim of nll the Ingredients of the Bitters, wait t h e p,n t, at quaitt) of Santo C... Ruin, &ii , In.tk ug one of the wont phasant nod nis i reentile reinealles ever olProkl to the public. Those preferring u Medicine free from Aleia tale nsilituixture, x-111 Lase Hoofland's German Bitters. Those lebn h we 110 Obit, that to the otuabl tuition of the Bitter+, 00 statkil, will wit) Hootland'e German Tonle? They nre both equally good and irontnth the AAlite medical N, the choke be twee tt the two In ing ft toe , 'water of WNW, the Tonle luing the niost palatable. 'rt. KUM - M0.5, f orn a variety of calls,. such AA Iniligestlott, Dyspepsia, 'gun calls lleld lity, 0,, I, very apt to I tee Its funelions tie stupid. The Lher, sympathizing us It CIO,. with th e Stumm h then tsiemnes affooteil, the rennin ol which 1,11.1 t h, p,ittvnt sutlers maul sc I end or more at It e tollou.ng dlaetuie a: IioNSTIPA iN. FLATULENCE, INWARD PILES, Fl'Ll,.Roe. OF 111,001) TO THE. HEAL., ACID)Ii OF THE STONIACH, 2:AI - i-di:A. II EART-111 RN, DISGUST hilit Felt lil, FULLNESS Oti WEIOHT TI 1 STOMA( 11,` , EituvrA- TloNs, LUTTER. INC; AT TIT TIIE STOM ACH SWIMMING OF THE HEAD. . - HIT fill 11/D rI/ll' I' I/ LT TI 11 EA ING FLUILTERINL , AT THI, HEART, cHoIZING OR sUb FoUA.TING SENRA TIoNS WIII,N IN A LYING PORTURE, DIMNEHR VISh IN, Lull. OR WEBS BEFORE THE RIGHT, DULL PAININ E HEAL/ DEl • l‘. lENCY OF rEnsiq- RATION, Vt ., .I.LoWN )F THE SKIN AND PAIN IN THEsIDEI3AcK, CHEST, LI Si IN, ETC., Fl,f7sflEs lIEAT, LIUILNING IN THE FLY,II, 1 I INSTANT EV AULNIN6, uF UWE., AND (it:EAT DEPLL.,,ION uf• The suffer, r front the, tilre,utem hould ex ertlnc the ere:o4 cotton In the selection of a remedy for its e.ete. oureltaaing only that which hr Is 10.11 r. r 1 trots Inn In vesthmileutt uml Inquirien ponee ,, es I rue merit, to Aklllndly colilpoUnded, is free from I nlrrrioum ingruJt •nte, and lire. estnitliMett for itself s reputa tion for the cure of thew , diseattes. In this connection we would submit those well known remedies— HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC. PREPARED DR. m. WKRON, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Twenty-two yearn since they were first in troduced into thin country from Germany, during which time they have undoubtedly performed more curer, and benefited imfrer ing hummity la a greater extent, than ROY other remedies known to the public. Thene remedies will eflectually cure Liver romplainl, Jaundice, li,pepala, Chronic or Nervous ehroniclitarrhoes.Diaease of the Wile, a, and aI I In , cas... arising from a Disordered Liver, stonutth, or Intestines. DEBILITY, Ram Him; from nuv eltUde la hate.. er; PROS TRAM)); OF TELE sISTENI, induced by Severe Lal.r, Ilarcl4:dpe, Expo bun's, Fevers, as. There is no medicine extant equal to these remedies In stu h eases. :X tone and vigor is imparted to the whole nyxtem, the appe tite le strengthened, fond in enjoyed, the stomach digests proinptiv, the blood is pu rified, the complexion becomes sound and healthy, the yellow tinge IF eradicated from the eyes, a bli m. is given to the checks, and the weak and nor% out invalid becomes a strong and healthy being. YERSONS ANTED IY And fcellng the hand of time weighing heavi ly upon them, with nil its attendant it N,wlli find in the tine of th, BrrrEtts, or the TONIC, an_ elixir that NNIII illgt❑ new life Into the Veins, reistoru lu a meniaire the energy and ardor of mora,youthful day a, build up their shrunken (nut., and give 'health and happi ness to their remaining year, • OTICE It le a well-established fact that fully one half of the female portion of our population are seldom la the enjoyment of ;,mod !MIMI; or, to use their ouu expresvlon, "never feel well." The) are languid, d. s old of all energy, extremely nervous, and time no appetite. To tide class of personq the BITTEItS, or the TON 1t7,1s especially recommended. WEA I)ELH'ATE CHILDREN Are at etc strong by the use of either of these reined', ft. The) will f ore every ease of DiAItASNIUS, w ithout fall. Thotnetufit of certificates have acetunplated In the hands of the proprietors, but space w ill allow of the publication of hat few. Thrste, tt will he olefen ed, are men of note and of Stich 14111 IltiLng that they toast he belles ed. TESTIMONIALS. Hon, Geo. W. Woodward, Chief Jostlee.of the Supreme Court of Pa. rites: Philadelphia, Mart h 10, 1867. _• "1 nod 'lloonaud's tiermun litters' in a good tonic, useful 1n diseases of the digestive organs, and of gnat benefit In rases of de -141111,), and want of nervous action In he sl s tew. N nun truly. GEO. W. WoODWARD." Hon. James Thompson; Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Philadc/phia, April 223, consider •Ifoottand's German Bitters' a rofeubiessedicme In case of attat ks of Indiges tion or Dyspepsia. I can certify thin from my experience of it. YuUrR, With respect JAMES TIIO3IPSOS." From Rev. Joseph H. Kennard, D. D., Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Church, Phila delphia. Dr. Jackson—Dear Sir: I have been fro quently requested to connect my name with recommendations of illnerent kinds of mein. eines, Lit regarding the }inane° so out at nap appropilate sphere, I have in all cases declined; but with a cle , r proof in various Instanaw nod pal tla Marie In tut 04\11 funnily, of the tisefirluets of Dr. lloolland's German Bitters, I depart for once from my uncial course, to express my full eons lotion that, for yenerni debility of the indent, and r.rprint ty for Liver Chrispitunt, 11 LS II safe aad csduable preporahon. In some cases It may fail ; but usually, I doubt not,li will be cry beneficial to those who suffer trom the above causes Yours, very respectfully, J. 11. KENNARD, Eighth, below Coates St. From Rev. E. D. Fendall, Assistant Editor Christian Chronicle. Phelada. I have derived derided benefit from the use of Hoottand's German Bate" and feel It my pH% liege to recommend (hell as a most valu able tonic, to all who are suffering from gen eral debility or trout de aces arising from derangement of the liver. Yours truly, E. D. FENDA.I.L. CAUTION Eloofland a German Remedies are counter feited. See that the eignatu re of C. M. JACK- S)N, Fr on the wrapper of each bottle. All others are counterfeit. Principal odice and Manufactory at the German Medicine Store, No. 631 ARCH Street, Philadelphia. Pa. CHARLES H. EFAXS, Proprietor Formerly C. Al! JACIK,',U.N Co. PRICES. Hoofland's German Iltitten;, per bottle, - 8t 00 V half dozen, - 500 Honda ntra Gentian Tonic. put up In quart bottle*, St 50 pee bottle, or a half dozen for $7 ad. not forget to examine well the ar ticle you buy, In order to get, the genuine. *a-For sale by Drtiggiate generally. Jan. 17, ISO& ly Administrators' Notice. UEIiMY UARTMAN43 lielTATE.—Letter of tithalnimtration on the egitate of Henry trtman, laid of Franklin twp., Atlanta en, deed., hoeing been granted to the undersigned, madding In some tea-m.l4p, they hereby glee nothw 11 l persona Indebted to &aid eatato to make immediate pa.) toent, and those haring aipainat the rune to proient them pro. allthuntleabal for twttletneut. *MIA II HARTMAN rgrkmKMAl4A.l 4 , Oct, 2, Gt Adult° lr,tratort, Executor's Notice. Sale Crying. - A.W. FLEMMING con a num the I - insular oz SALE CRYING, and solicits the con tinued patronage of the public. It is hi. cocoanut endeavor to tire satisrfation. Charges moderate. Residence In West Mid dle street Gettysburg. S.—iie is a neensed Anctlflneer, under the Tax Law of the V nited States Itov, 24, no to 110141011. X & immur e. b o bs Vie.ty your Ilty as Ow earllbinut esraer of ISiDYbY 0.. GLOBE INN, YORK STREET, NEAR THE DIAMOND, GETTYSBURG, PILV7rA ITIHH undersigned would most reepeetfully norm his numerous friends and the public generally, that he has poreluised that long established and well known Hotel, the . . "Globe Lan," In York street, Gettysburg, and will spare no effort to oculdnet It in a man ner that will not detract from its farmer high reuatlon. Ills table will have the best the ma r k ett can afe,rd—hts chambers arena.- chant and comfortable—and lie bans laid In for he. bar a full utock oft Ines and II ore, There is large enabling attach." to the Hotel, which will be attended by ut tenth e ostlers. It will be his conettant endeavor to render the fullest satisfaction to his vests, making his bone on near a hence to them as possible. He tuba a allure of the public'e patronage, deter mined as he ix to deserve a large part of IL— Remember, the "Globe Inn" is in York street, but hear the litalnancl, or Public ftqaare. SAMUEL WOLF. April 4, 1161. tf GLOBE INN, G rTTTSIIIIII.O STUAT, LITTLESTOWN, ADAMS COUNTY, PA. madersigned, having purchased the 1 - db.', Inn" property, in liettyeibUrg street, Littlestown, would most respectfully Invite a altar° of the public's patronage. tie pr o m lees the best the market can afford for his table. with the choicest liquors to his bar, endcomfortable beds and chambers. With considerable esperiew 0. he thinks he can Justly claim that he knows how to keep 1111010. There la large stabling silo-riled, as well an grass lots for droves. Anaitentive ostler always on hand—none other than an amain moklAting one allowed on the premises. Tie it, this a large share of custom, and will spare no effort to deserve It. JOISN GREEN. Littlentown, May 29, 18&R. 11 EAGLE HOTEL, NEW OXFORD, ADAMS COUNTY, PA. MEE undersigned hay in purchased the Mar -1 tin Hotel property in hew Oxford, Adams i county, will conduct tin future, under the mune of the "Eagle Hotel." He pledges him self to spare no effort for the comfort of his guests. His table shall have the beat the market can afford, and his bar the choicest liquors. ILLS chambers are spacious, and can not tall to gis e satisfaction. There lo com ma hose stabling uttita hod to the Hotel, wbla h ulll be att, nded by o reliable and me comnicsiating ostler. The proprietor hopes to reeek e a liberal share of public patronage, and a all .thra) a try to &nen e lt, Itetnem ber the - Engle," in the northeast corner of the Dim noud, New Oxford.. I= I= KEYSTONE HOUSE, CUA.MBERSBURG ST., GETTYSBURG, PA WM. R. MYERS, PROPRIETOR. THIS is a new House, fitted up in the most .1 aptmwed style . Ila lontio ery n a ls r, j.leasa e n n t i bus been made f central and cunt or the accommodation null tiomfort of guests. The Table will always Imre the best of the market, and the Bar the beet of wine, and liquors. There is monnodlous Stabling attached, with an accommodating ostler always on hand. ••• •. Thia llnhQ ix nuw open for the entertain ment of thepublir, and a shareof patronage is aolicaeLl. Nu etrort will he spared to render antkfartlon. Jan. 11, Im7. tf EVERHART'S rI 4 TUNIC. LIN HOUSE, „L . cons Nit. OF HOWARD A FHA:CALM STUMM, HAI.TIMURE, MD. Thin Roma: - Is on a dreg t line between the Northern Central and Baltimore tr. Ohio Railroad Depots, It bun been refitted and comfortably arranged for the convenience and the entertainment of guests. Nov. 20, tofb. tf COUNTY AHEAD ! Yhe Excelsior .pstleia Manufactured nilirelyof Leattur, autism.* neat , than Cuilun ar Ll/KOl Orb, Fur ;en ire unaurpaiseCi. PATENTED PSIDICARY 18Th, I%', BY BURKHOLDER, WORLEY & GROVE, J. L. WORLEY, Sole Agent for the EXCEL DIOR PATENT NET for AMunsnouniY. LIAR constantly on hand manufactured ,Ul_ Nets of the above Pataint. Also, SA DDLFD, HARNESS, COLLARD, Mil I ii,FS, WHIPS, TRH'S RP., • BF s, A D EVERYTHING pertaining to a Horse furnishing eatablish men I, MR-AGENTS WANTED to sell Territory for l'avent Nets, also to sell Nets on commis sion in the county. Alt communications should be addressed to _ . . J. L. WORLEY, York Sulphur Springs, Adams co- ra. April 3, Irii24. tf NEW GOODS CHEAT'—CHEAPER--CfIEAPEST I T F you wfsh to buy good and cheap Goods, 1. cull at JACOBR k BRO'S. STORE, near Mieris Hotel; In iIIiAMBERFIBUFtO ST., Gettysburg. They have the very best se lection of goods, such as CLOTHS, C.ASSIMEIWS, TWEEDS, the market can pssinoe, and are determined to sell them as cheap us can be sold any a here In town or country. Any person wish ing to hate them CUT, can have it done free of charge Thou desiring goods MADE rP, Call also be accommodated. We warrant the best work and the best ❑ta to be bad any where. No humbug In what we We Dave on hand the very beet and mast dun. ablo SEIFI A VO MACHINES, and are al way 8 ready to 14 alt on cuaLomers.— Full satisfaction given in operating ma chines. Call and examine. We warrant them to be the beat In one, April 8, 1867. tf JACOBS dc BRO WATCH - ES 1 WATCHES!! lEMUS isTROTJSE Is largely engaged In the Watch trade, and has lust returned from New York with an un usually attractive assortment. He offers such bargains ye cannot fail to be acceptable to buyers. His stock embraces a large lot of the CELERRATED "AMERICAN WATCHES," GOLD AND BILVER., .T. B. Bartlett," Win. Ellery.'l and "Ayala ton 3 Tracy ;" with Watehea or almost :all other makes. Ifyon want CHEAP andGOOD Watch, eallon LEWIS STROCSE, At hie old Stlind,Carllele elreet, nearly oppoelte the Depot, Getlyebarg, Pa. iGI-Ho continues the Grocery, Notion and Confectionery busLuess, us heretofore. =I NOAH WALKER & CO., OLOTHIEBB, WAHHINGTON BUILDINO, IGS AND Pr 6141ATIAIO7fA Hr., BALTixosz, ND, KMW constantly on haul a large and well assorted stock of all kinds of goads at miderate prices. They supply orders for the Attest to the low wit priced articles, either ready made or mad e e y to mitsgare, to any part of the country. Th keet also an extenalve o FURNIFIHING GOODS , embracing s evc tock ry f w ild." of Gentlemen's Under-wear. Also, MILI TARY CLOTHS and every variety of Mill tory Trimmings, so wel I as an amittled stock of READY MADE MILITARY GOODS. Baltimore, Feb. =, VOL FARMERS!!! TRY THE ALTA VELA PHOSPHATE! IT is composed principally of the celebrated ti moo trout ALTA VELA. Contains three per cent. OfAMONIA, PIL ample quantity ot give activity twttecatt int Daryl to the Vegetation, rind a large quaintly of soluble DONE PHOSPHATE OF LIME, together with Potash and Soda., the...DUAL eliquettla of a COMPLETE MANURE. The high estimation in Which It is held by tin , many thousand farmers with arc lising it In preference to all other kinds, is a Matt guarantee of its value. PRICE tBe.oo PER TON OF 10 BAGS, 2uo Its EACH. Send for a pamphlet, Addres9 TILE ALTA VELA GUANO CO.. 57 Broadway, New York. July 24, tom. 11 WESTERN LANDS. RAVE some valuable WESTERN I.=. welch I will trade for one or more Y taM= Thebbada are we ll loaded,and rZ: kw " WwW* .l. ElNlFVOirte ww . setarsbara, Abell I, UM. 1.1 FlL,'"4lor‘. amika;;UP"- GROCERY' & FLOUR STORE. r'Ll. MEALS & BROTHER HAVE removed their Store to the 'Selo stein property, on Chambersheig street. where they plop.° to keep constantly on Sand ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES, Flour, Inca, Notion., &c. Also, VEGETABLI9 Su sermon, fresh from the city mud country. They are determined to sell cheap as the cheapest, and as they on ly ask the lowest living profits, they hope merit and twelve a liberal share of public patronage. & April 10, 1869. tf ISEAIB LUMBER YARD P.E.710 7:E1l frilE Undersigned has removed lits Lumber J. ]aid to the north-east corner of thral l.= street and the Railroad, but fifty yards from his old Imatthm, where he will be glad to have all In want a Lomb, to call. Ws stork is larger than et er before, amt constant additions tire biting made to It. lie has WHITE PINE PLANK, INCH AND HALF IN:11 BOARDS, FLOORING, SCANT LING, rALrms. all of which will be sold at the lowest liv ing rates. Call and judge for yourselves. My Lumber is good and cannot fall to 01, e Rath.- faction. JACOB BREADS. formate very cheap. Gett3 shorg, May If SELLING OFF As rapidly as I can make roomier more GROCERIES & LIQUORS. HA VI \G Just returned from the City with the largest and Ooust varied 010.0110.LOUG of tine Godn ever altered here, I expes eN erybody to look to their interest and buy where theN rail get the cheapest dud best for the CASII", Co that Is Inv (motto. I. ANHUI' of all kinds, consist ing in pal I Or 8 , , ruts of all kinds, Mulattoes, Sugars, iont s, eat, spices, de. FLDUIt, ItAt. u\, LAlt led Beef, large lot of very good sugar-cured khans, No. I Mackerel, Shad and herring. MY LlQLltilt.% cannot be surpassed In cheapness or quail!,, front l um mull Nk hiskey to Pure Fts nth Brand), Holland Ginter Itye Whiskey—for modleal or other purposes. Hotel Beepers can besupplhd with Liquors at City prices, end sas e freight and pm kage. M tattler's, Hooded - IW,, and Zingarl hitters, also A. Speer s Grupe Wine. WV. J. MARTIN', Baltimore street, Cieflyhburg. May 29 , IS6S tf 1868. U3LE 1868, NEW GOODS! .7tbst _Excellent Astortments T SELL for very small profits, and elm at do- Y. lag a very large business. FASHIONABLE SHABEI OF FINE SILK MeM IZAMM=I FASHIONABLE CO=gllM OF ALPACA =3 POPLINS. FRENCH CHINTZE -4 , PIQUES, PERCALES AND LAWNS. BLACK. SILKS, PLAIN SILKS, PLAID HILIC. SWISS MUSLINS, JACONET MUSLINS. CAMBRICS._ •. BLACK ALPACA, COI, RED ALPACA BLACK ALL WOOL bk:LAIN. RISTOM SHAWLS,CASHMEHE SHAWLS THIBBT SHAWLS. monut, CASSIMEREti;CLOAKINGS, ENDRILLING, L'OITONADE. EN TABLE L'OVERN, TABLE ' LINEN, NAP KING, TOW ELS. BALMORAL Idlellt.TH, HOOP NICIRTS. PLAIN LINEN HANDKEItCfIIEFI. EM IMIOPDERED HANDKERCHIEFS, HEM STITCHED !IA lIKI.RCH ILLS. MENN LAD!FS'. INII,,ES• AND CHILD REN'S ULOVES AND STOCKINGS. I am constantly seeds lug the latt...t sty lee of Dress and Fancy Goals. My stook com prisea everything usually found in a first chi. DRY 000D$ sTortfi, to whirls I invite the attention of the public, fueling assured that I can safely challenge comparison with all other stores in quality of goods and low ness of price. J. L. SCHICK. Gettysburg, May 1,1565. tf NEW STOCK OP 'WRING AND SUMMER GOODS AT NEW OXF ORD, ADAMS e 0., PA. Our Motto iti.Binall Profits & 94 , 4 Sales. nITIE undersigned would most respectfully j_ announce to the citizens of New Oxford and vicinity, that they are now rec. , log a large and desirable stork of NEW GOOiet, bought sun, the mount decline, and tau offer superior fudueemteta to our customers. Our stock IR complete and purchased with an eye to Lisa aunts of thin s. ,11011, ton.isting of 1 q.y Goals, Cirorerles, Ready-made Clothing, Fancy Goods, Notioug, Loots, !shoes, Rats, Hard -wale, qtaens-a are, Ortml.tt..tax, Sc AlllO. Stn 1, itar Iron, Horse Shoes, and all kinds of Iron Tog, slier with many uthei artl eles too numerou, to mention, all of which have beets bought at the low tat liguros fur Cash. We rasp, ctfully solicit a call, to liev - tug that we Lau make it to your Interest to buy of us, fur we are determined to sell goods at short profile. Come on with your utouey and we will give you lull value for P. Give us a call lo fore purchasing sinew here. FREY & SCH.NEIJ, Successors to J. C. Zwick. 6 Sou. May D, 1868. am' AR. JAMES CRESS, DBUGGIST, STORE IN BRANT'S BUILDING, BALTIMORE ST., L/TTLEBTOWN IJAV opened a New DTMO WORE IL and fitted It up In the best style, I offer my stock Of pare and fresh DAL ON to the elLizene of Littleetowu and vicialty at the lowest market rates, consisting in part of DRUGS .AND FAMILY MEDICINES, PURE LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPO- BEM, PATENT MEDICINES HORSE POWDERS, Pure Spices, Dyes and Drug Stuffit, Perfnm ery, Toilet Soaps and Fancy Articles. A full assortment of brushes, Stationery of all kinds, Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff. M al-oore's Eleetro-Magnetic Soap wilt Wash with hard or soft water, mid or warm. Clothes washed with th soap are made beautlfully white without boiling or blueing. This Is the best Soap in use. Try It, It is warranted not to injure the hands or fabric. JAMES CRESS. • Littlestown, May 13, ISO?, ly MORO PHILLIPS' GENUINE 13LPROVID Super-Phosphate of Lime STANDARD GUARANTEED. YOU SATS AT XAITTFACTUarse's DePOTS, No. Ti North Front Street, Philadelphia, BM M!M! . . , And by Dealers in general tluunghout the Country. The SOMBRERO tire...o of which ]TORO purrs IPS' PHOSPHATE le and always has been inanafeetured (and of which he has sole oontrol for the United States,) contains fifty per cent. more Bone Piesaidlate then flew Bone, therefore It Is more durable. The ad. ditlen of Ammonia gives it greater fertilizing value. Over seven years' experience tins proved to the Farmer that It makes n heavier grain than even stable manure, and la not only actis a but lasting. —Prise 306 00 per ton, 2,000 lbs. Dlaeount to Dealers. _ . . . . MORO PHILLIPS, Sole Pro •rietor and Manufacturer March 13,11151. • SOLDERS' DISCHARGES. HAVING procured the proper Dttek,•t, I am prepored to RECORDSOLDIEILS' DIS CHARGES, in weoriloutu with o recent ea of the I..tulslotura frills) lvonla. Soldiers ore motioned against daloy la te,ls ir,nll4r. Wbf. D. /lOLTZWOJITLI, Register & Recorder of Adams moo LT. Jane 5, 148 t HOUSE PAINTING GROSSE et. WA RNER, 110 CSR. Pet/INTER, South Waahlrutual at., Oettyattupu, GOOD WORK AND MODRRATE PRICES July IS, 1867. WOOL WANTED rptiF, highest market pike Win be given Mr Wool b 7 DUPUORN ♦ Rein4l..k.N. May SOM. N. W. Oor. elquere.l3etayibtug. GL kfOl-Wl.llll—Tooltderg, Nooks, tor.—o good samorianeut, you= r t & OM L ADOEB 4 IIas • good jOel• of Perlina- Mow or am au IF. 14. \lll ~q GETTYSBURG, PA., NOV GILLESPIE & CO., Dealers in Flour, Groceries, Xotions, j•c•, GETTYSBURG, PA., LNVITE the attention of the public to their large k of Ituoda, at the old Gaud, on k street, Gettysburg, next door to the (ilube Inn, etna.aLsting ot the beat tat GROCERIES, Sugars, Syrups, Maumee, Carnes, Teals, Spices, Salt, &c.; tho lIEST JilLll.:De3 OF FLOUR In the runrket, with Hamm Shoulder", !kid. Nab, Dried letup", Confections, &e. Also, EI:=! In great variety; Cedar and Willow-ware, Rums and Crockery-wars, Basket., SeSP , M. Tobaccos, and a thousand and one caber articles. BUTTER A-ND EGGS, - nice and fresh, always (or sale. & Co. will spare no effort to Menne, and are edundent ol being able to do ao by conatantly keeping a full and choice stock, and selling at the very lowest profile. COUN TRY PRODUCE wanted, either for the cash or In exchange for goods, highest market price allowed. JOSEPH R. GILLESPIE, DANIEL CASIIMAN. Jane 19, 1549. tt NEW DRUG STORE AT NEW OXFORD. 11111Eundertiligned boo opened a Drug Store 3_ In Now Oxford, Adams County, and re apectfully calla the attention of the public to LL stock of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES_ \ DYE STIEFFI, WINDOW GLASS. PATENT MEDICINES and a full assortment of DRUGS; in a word a complete stock ot °orals g, nerally kept in a drat-class Drug Store. All of whion have been purchased during the past two weeks and will be sold low. All the articles foriperil manu factured at the old cretuldishment to East Ber lin can be had here. Understanding his basi l:twos perfectly, and selecting his goods himself, be is able to warrant his Drugs pure and as represented. The public are requested to give him a trial. D. M. MILLER. New Oxford, :%tay 8, WU. tf TO THE BUILDING COMMUNITY, .IND .kLL UTHEILS WHO WISH TO IMPROVE. Tif,t'dinctrar.',lll7.'7, l g,ll. 11',4°' "4 the CARPENTERING BUSINESS, at Ms aid stand, on 'West street, Gettysburg, and Is ready at alitimes toaccommodate those wanting anything done In his line. Ile Is pre pared. to furnish all kinds of work for building purposes, of the best material, and as neatly and cheaply as Goan be doe at any other es tablish/I:lent in the cou nt 3. Experlenceli Landes always In random, _`nod work egeent,d with promptness and dbcputelt. Thankful for past la ore, be Leper, by atten tion to btmlnercs, to re e liberal sharer)! public patronage. LiiiiITZMAN. June 17, Isc'7, tt IaSSINGER & SHIMIAN, NO. 2 WEST MARKET STRLET, FORK, PA REI=M:11113 PL&NOS, CA BIN E.Tbit(i Pt Ng: MELODEONS *ND ALL K.l NOM OF 31CSICAL IN:ITHIJMENTS, respectfully infolltt the public th.tt, they nre prepared to Mrnikh Plarion of the following mannfuetureor of any other make that may be preferrf.,l: Albright, Bellies & Schmidt, Chlekering & Son, Bradbury, Kaaba & Son. Gale & Sou, == COTTAGE, ANL 1:0111)01$ ORGANS AND MELODEONS. These last run. Ms stand unrivalled by any thing found in this country ur in Europe, us Is admitted !wall impartial Judges. The most eminent Pipe Organ Builders uud Performers, the lw.t to disx•o%er excellence In reed Tone, prvuouncod them v.ettly superior to all others for exceedingly quit k csrlkuhitlon and round Tone, the essential fentuie in fisstrunientil of this clan. We ill tie tile sect re mrutiuy ♦ud criticism of all. PATENT VOX HUWANA. TREMOLO. This late and most wonderful Invention ,so acknowledged by all leading artist , ) will he found only in the Esrey Instruments. In at tempting to clownish the en, et of this stop, we are at loss for language. Its beauties cannot be written, but must be heard to be apprecia ted. By this stop an ordinary performer can produce an elicit w Islets requn es a life time of practice tor. an artist upon as lolio. It en tirely c bongos the reed Tone, ON ing the sym pathetic so Lt Mt, ot the hutlauu s OlOe, mak ng it so melodious and puce that it never fatly 10 can hunt the listener. TILE HARMONIC OFICLAN fur Church, a, Public Halls hold Parlors has poo cub-13,iss to ith Indope ndh nt reads, Harmonic. lataChlllo/a 1111C1 VOX liuntauw Tremolo, and is h.a see. d to he the most !soh er r!!! reed organ mad!, Ilentig nearly equal to a Pipe Organ 01 three times the cost. All instrument. NI .trran tad tar flee years. -04-Bitlrher BANDS snppheel with Instru ments and music at reasonable to rms., .'a Moral discount alloy ed for Eliurchesand Sabbath Sellouts. 4; — lnstructions given both In Vocal and Instrumental Magic, at our room., and at pa l:alb' horuea,either, to Individuals orelaaaga, ou reaaoll able lerntr. Doe 17. IfMNi. tt " CARRIAGE- MAKING BUSINESS. 17421 " un " the Car , ,== AT THEIR OLD STAND In East Middle Street, Gettysburg, Pa., where they are prepared to put rip work In the most fashionable, aubstantial and fi u par lor manner. Abut of new and second-hand C ARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &C., ON HAND, which they will dispose oral the lowest prices; sad all orders will be supplied as promptly sad satisfactorily ss Possible. REPAIRING DONE WITH DESPATCH, and at cheapest rates. A large lot of new and old HARNESS an hand and for sale. Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto fore enjoyed by them, they solicit and will endeavct todeserve a large share in the future. EZ=l3 July 10, 1665. It McGUIRE'S SPASUSEE HAIR DRESSER, -..'%R promoting the Growth, Beautifying the atr, and rendering it dark and glossy. other compound p.sesses the peculiar properties which so exactly salt the various conditions of the human hair. The use Of this oil as a hair dresser has Leen tiniVerlial in eve ry section of the country in the Spanish Main for centuries. No preparation of art could give that elegant luxuriance and abundance of hair which have so often been the admiration of travelers In Spain, This oil Is highly and delicately perfumed, forming an article Uri rl nailed in excellenceaud upon which the Span ish eo pple for many years have set Its seal of enduring approx al. EZEIBEI Mexican Wild Flowers Shampoo Lolion, For removing dandruff and Fleur( train the head, whitening and perfuming the skirl This article to entirely different from anything of the kind et.er ()doted In this country, and ht warranted free from all poisonous substances, This valuable lotion was used by the Emperor Maximilinn,anti Empresa Carlotta.of Mexito, and nniverwilly used by MexiCans for three hundred yearn, -be t 1 wnall for the bead—lt is cooling, cieansing, and refreshing. When Lima need it at once relieves headache, MEM Wild Flowers for the Teeth, All those who are In tavor of white teeth and a pleasant and perfumed breath, should at once use hlrGuire's WWI Flowers for the Teeth. All these preparations are put up In the most elegant and ornamental manner. We make no exceptlon In saying that they sre at ornament to a lad,ils toilet Labia, and tons complete without them. Warranted satisfactorFor money refunded. Dealers will bear this In mind, bold by all re spectable Druggists In the United States and Cantulas. Address orders to RICHARD MeGHIRE, Depot and Hams factory 3k9 North Second St., Phila., Pa. Sept. 11, 111111. LAST NOTICE. 1.1.. persons indebted to the late firm of AMetTWA' & DIEHL will please call and settle. If not paid beforetbe lot of December, the Books will - be left In the lianas of an 0111- twr for collection, without regard t U. Pennons, 4W 1 J414 Oct. 11, 1381. If &enters' Notice. TORN MARTIN'S ESTATR.—Letters testa mentary on lb° estate of Jetta Hartle, late of Latimer° towns-Wit, Adams at., deceased, /avian Open granted to El undersigned, the &stemmed u&idiag Mt same totraMAL and the Wt-named reed In Pittsburg, _Ma they beraby give to to all Perim* tuPsOb: ed to said estate to make lm tole poz meat, and theme having Maims woe to present them properky au= " MeMod /or settlemeo . . CRIS Rh_ xim. .. 180. iLaWILII 715 11 W ir sokap : 0 k 13, 1868 ALL'S WELL. The day's ended. Ste I sink to sleep Xy weary spirit seeks repose in thine; Father, forgive my trespasses, paid keep This little life of mine. With loving kindness curtain thou my lied, And cool In rest my burning pilgrim fent; Thy pardon be the pillow tor my bed— So shill my sleep be sweet... At peace with all the world, dear Lord, and thee, No (ewe my soul's unwavering faith ran shake; All's well, A hiehever side the grate tor air The morning light may break! ll= I= Poetry Se bitter sorrow. And the true and sterling song !Used In a human bosom From a sense of others' wrong. Still the best and loftiest poems, iblent iia the deepest pain, Wander ILke a ghostly shadow Thro' a heart where Love bath lain MEM They sat upon the front door mat Where softly shone the moon, And listened to the mcede that Came from a beer saloon. II hi manly arm did round her twine. Their lira in klmem met And when he naked, ••Wilt thou be Wine? The said, "I will—you bet !" A HUNDRED YEAS IN JAIL. A certain house-breaker was con demned in the latter part of the Oat century, in France, and under pecu liar circumstances, to a hundred years in the galley, and, strange to relate, his man made his appearance in his own native province at the advanced age of . 19) years, he being about al years of age when the sentence which condemued him to such a dreadful punishment was passed. It Is difficult to conceive what the feelings must have been with which he returned /19 soon as emancipated from the shackles which had enthralled him for a centu ry, to breathe once more the cherished air of the scenes of his Infancy. Bourg, in the department of Ain, was his native home, but time had so chan ged the place that he rehogniketi it only by the church of Boron, which was the Dilly thing that had under gone no aletration. He had triumph ed over laws, bondage, man, time, everything. Not relation had he left, not a single being could he hail in acquaintance, yet he was not R ithout experiencing the homage and respect the French pay age. For himself, he had forgotten everything connected with his early youth; even nil recol lection of the crime for which he had suffered was lost, or, if at ail remem• bered, it was a dreary vision confound ed with a thousand other dreary vis ions of days long gone by. His family and connections for several generations all dead, himself a living proof of the clemency of Heaven and the severity of man, regretting, perhaps, the very irons which had been familiar to him, and half wishing himself again among the wretelied apd suffering beluga with whom ha fate Lad been so long associated—well might lie be called the patriarch 01 burglars. THE MYSTERY OP AN OLD POSIT A letter writer,. In describing Fort Marion, one of the defences of St. Augustine, Florida, gives the follow- Jug story: Fort Marion has an old, solemn, and rather threatening, war like appearance. The outer wall, five feet thick-, of the material called coqui na (ko-kena,) foundin great abundance on the beach, near the lighthouse, has quite a slant, or inclination inward, several degrees from a perpendicular. An inner wall, two and a half feet thick, standing perpendicular, keeps In position a bank of sand some eight or ten feet thick, between the outer and inner walls. Behind these walls are arranged the casemates, strongly arched overhead, and extending all around the interior. Upon these arch es and the walls a floor of brick, stone, and concrete is laid, whereon the heavy guns of the fort are placed; very few are lu position now. With in the enclosure of the fort below are piles of cannon balls and quite a nu fn. ber of old Spanish guns, partly eaten . by rust.. In 1858, while pulling some heavy guns In position on the fort, an arch gave way, making a hole some five feet wide, disclosing a cell hither to unknown to any person living. In this old and strange apartment were found one or two gun carriages, made of mahogany, finely wrought. Dur ing the excavations made by the offi cers, one of them accidentally discov ered the appearance of a doorway that had been masoned up. They deter mined to test the reality of the sugges tion, and removing a few stones re vealed an opening into another cell, where was found a bedstead, on which lay the skeleton of a man chained to a huge staple in the wall. Beside the bed stood an open mahogany chest five feet long, two and a half feet wide, sides of plank two Inches thick, mounted with huge Iron strap hinges and three enormous locks. No clue has yet been found to the history of this case, or to the offence of this terri bly punished victim. ANOTEIER ENOCH iItDEN• o CACE.— According to a gossiping fortign cor respondent, Count Sartiges, the min k ter of France to this country a few years since, is the son of a lady whose matrimonial experience was sitnilar to that of the wife of Enoch Arden. He • says: Bite was married to an officer of the navy, who left her one morning and never came back to her. Twelve months afterwards she learned that her poor husband had perished in a storm off the Antillca, and in a few weeks she received an official certificate that he was dead. A few years after wards she married M. de Sartiges, a very wealthy nobleman,. descended GM./ an ancient family, with whom she lived very happily. One day M. and Madame de Sartiges went to the theatre, in Lyons, where an opera was performed, and took front seats lu a procenium box. The house was crowded and M. de Rartiges was re. quested by the manager to permit a stranger to seat himself in the hoz. When the performance was over Mad ame. de Sartiges rose, and upon reoag wising the stranger uttered a piercing cry, and fainted away. She had to be e.arried to her hotel. .Next day the stranger asked au Interview with M. de &dips. He told him he WIUI the Grit husbandoilLedsk - e 40 gistiges;but assured him that no trouble should arise in consequence. He returned immediately to America, where he bad ttved in the meantime, and married there a daughter of a Philadelphia merchant. • A *AMT 14F.31A11i I( ARLIN'S WI N DI. E. Yesterday a rural looking lady and gentleman of Sterling, Cayuga county, called upon one of the Justices of the Peace, and expressed a wish lobe mar ried. The pair were made man and wife. This morning they re-appeared and each in turn desired that the pro ceedings might be annulled. The la dy was particularly urgent. She charged that she had been entrapped Into marrying the man who stood be side Ler by a piece of unparalleled de ception. She had been corresponding with her cousin iu lowa, \N hom she had not seen since she 's as a child, aud during the correspondence her rota live had wood and won her affections. He wrote that Le was coming on here in December to claim her hand and take her to his home in the West. On Monday last the swain to whom she was married made his appearance; claimed to be her cousin, ,kc. On the strength of the representations, she had reluctantly consented to wed. She has mince learced that the man whom ahe had married was not her cousin, but a wretch who had secured a wife by base deception. The man acknowledged his culpability and pleaded in extenuation that the lowa cousin had real him the letters of Ids Intended; that these had influenced him to do as he had done. His con science smote him so grievously since the accomplishment of his treachery, that he had made a full confession to the lady he had so shamefully wron ged.—lie had hoped to reconcile her to the fraud, but she would not. Ile was now willing to make the only amends Le knew of, viz: have the marriage contract iumulled. The ruagistrafe suggested he had not the power to untnarry them. He ad vised that, 8.9 matters had progressed thus fur, it would be better for the lady to make the best of a bad bargain, and accept the situation. After a good deal of perbuits'ion on the part of the bridegroom, the lady finally decided to accept the advice of the ruagbitrate, on the as,,urativo that the said bride groom would "make it all right with the genuine cousin away oil to lowa." Upon this happy settlement the lady dried her eyes, mid the happy pair de parted.— Oto/Vego IN. Y.) Pell/admin. AN AMUSING DILEMMA A young person of Cuiveroilist faith, many years — ern - CT, wheif the Simon pure Univers:lli:Cm wa , Pt : Ai:lied, star ted westward to attend a Convention of his brethren in the faith. He took the precaution to carry a phial of cayenne in his pocket to sprinkle his food wish as a preventive of fever and ague. The Convention met, and at dinner, a tall Hoosier observed the parson as he seasoned his meat and addressed him thus:. "Stranger, I'M thank you fur a leetle of that ere red salt,• for Pw kind o'cur'ous to try it" "Certafuly,'l: returned the iNirsOu ; "but you will find it very powerful; be careful how you use it' , The Hoosier took the proffered phial, and feeling himself proof against any quantity of raw whiskey, thought he could stand the "red salt') with tin penny, and accordingly sprinkled a junk of beef rather bountifully with it, and forthwith introduced it into his capacious mouth. It soon began to take hold. He stint his eyes, and his features began to writhe, denoting a very itiliarmonioua condition physically. Finally he Could stand it no longer. He opened his mouth and screamed "Fire!" "Take a drink of cold water from, the jug," said the parson. • "Will that put it out r.)1.1 asked the martyr, suiting the action to the word. In a short time the unfortunate man began to recover, and, turning to the parson, his eyes yet swimming in we•_ ter, exclaimed: "Stranger, you call yourself a 1 Ver salist, I balievel'l • "I do," mildly answere4 the parson. "Wal, I want to know if you think it consistent with your belief to go about with hell Are in your breeches pockets." A SLOW REGIMENT.—In New Jer sey, in the early part of the war, there was raised a regiment which the men joining understood was intended for the cavalry service; but which, when complete and fully organized, ,Was placed lu Elie lufautry. The members never forgave the deception practiced upon them ; and whenever an unlucky cavalry man passed by, lie wati - sure to be greeted with the cry of "Butterfly," One day, during a heavy march, in which the members were very much fatigued, a cavalryman passed by the regiment in a gallop, and met with the usual reception—the men yelling ut the top of their voices, "Butterfly! Butterfly !" The cavalryman, who seemed to know the history of the regiment, very quickly turned in his saddle, and with Ineffable satisfaction exclaimed, "How—are—you—Caterpillars ?" DIIIIAMS.—To dream that you are lame Is a token that you will get into a hobble. When a young lady dreams of a rot fin, It betokens that she should instant ly dlscoptinui) tight stays, AO always go wahnly and thickly shod wet weather. To dream of wimp betokenuit corpb*, in which you may expect to get latli= ered. It you thearn'of team,' it Is a sign that you may safely speculate (ill a tall blubbet. If you dream of a clock, It Is a token that you will gain great credit—that is, tick. Josu .131.curcus safe:, "If a, man haint got grit enough to stand the teniptaahun ova gin cocktail, how . kan he fight . a real difficulty when he gts a chance ?" Ws often censure the conduct or others when under the same eireum stances we might not have acted halt so well. Ir "breittils the ;Out of whi4 a funny Wag a fashiotial4e : coat Isn't lt, 51st Year--No. 7 wags THE 'MATTER writst TILIT =I Snyder kept a beer saloon some years ago "over the Rhine." Snyder was a ponderous Telo.oll, of very iras cible temper—sudden and quick in quarrel — Kit mad iu a minute. Nev theless his saloon was a great - resort for the boys—partly bbeituisi of the ex• eellence of his beer, and partly be cause they liked to chafe Sny der" as they called him ; for.-although his bark was terrific, experience had taught theln that he wouldn't bite. One day Snyder was missing, and It was explained by his "frau," who "Jerked the beer" that day, that he had "gone out fishing mit ter boys." The next day one of the boys, who was par ticularly fend of roasting old Snyder, dropped in to get a glass of beer, and discovered Snyder's nose, which was big one at any time, swollen and blis tered by the sun, until it looked like a dead ripe tomato. "Why, Snyder, what's the matter with your nose?" said the caller. "I been out fishing mit der boys," replied Soy der, laying his linger ten derly afainst his proboscis ; "de sun it beso het like ash tier tifel, uut I burns my nose. Nice nose, don't it"." And Snyder-viewed it with a look of comical sadness in the little mirror buck of his bar. It entered at once lu• to the head of the mischievous fellow in front of the bar to play a kilo upon Snyder, so hovent out acid met half a dozen, ut his comrades, with WilOal he atianged that they should drop io at the saloon one after another uud ask :Snyder "what's the matter with that nose?" to see -how long he would stand it. The wan who put up tl,te Job wcut, lu Bret with oh, companion, And seating themselves at a Laido nulled fur beer. Srtrier-hreoght it to them, and. the new OCIMPI trxelalmedquo lu SaW 111111 "Snyder,'what's the matter your tto.c "I yust dell you, friend; helix I been out fishing wit ter lioys, ant au sun ho blunt 'em—zwi lager—den cuutx—all right." Another boy rushes in. "Hullo, boys, you're aliekl of me ltibi time; ',Tom: I'm .lu though. live, Sti,ydcr, tiring mire a glass of lager And a 1 , 11,1. (appears to e4.itch a sudden glimpse of Snyder's nose', looks wonderingly 111011.1r11 L. anti then bursts out laugh- Ing)—/LA he! WhY.tilly‘ler,7 hUALß! — Whal's the wetter with, that nese Snyder, of couple, caul see my ru❑ In having n burpt itu.ie, or having It laughtd ut., and he says, In a tone seemly emphatic: "I've hem: out hishin' :nit der goys unt do sun yust so hot like ash der Wel, mit I Luria iu pose; (latish all right." Another torn:cuter come, In, and Insists on "Setting 'on up" fur the whole house. "Snyder," says be, "fill up the boys' glns.es and taken drink youcself—ho! Liu! ha! ha! hn! Snyder, , cyhiwg the matter tVith that 71050?" Snyder's brow qarkens ith wrath by' this time, :hid his voice grows deeper and sterner—"l been out ffsh in' mit ter pot's on der lettlo The''sun bete hot , hail, Wit I burn my bugle. sow, dat fs More vat T don't got to say." "Burn your nose—burn An the hair off youi head for what t care; you needn't get toad about it.'' It was evident that Snyder wouldn't stand more than one more tweak at that nose, fur he mail tramping about behind hie bar and growling like an exasperated old bear in his cage. An other of his tormenters walked In. Some one sings out to him, "Have a glass of beer, 11.11y2” "Don't care about any beer," says Billy, "but Snyder, you may give me one of your best cigars—Ha-a. ! ha l hal ho! Iwi he! he! Ladleha 1— Why—why, Snyder, what's the mat ter with that nose?" Snyder WILB absolutely fearful to be hold by that time, Lie face aas purple with rage, all except his nose, wlilek glowed like a ballot the. Leaning his ponderous figure fur over the bar, and ralaing his arms aloft to emphasize boa words with it, he fairly roared : "I've been out liabits' wit ter pays. The sun it bests hot like as hall-taints:v. tion. I limit my hose. Now you no like dose nose, you yust take dose nose ant wr-ser-wr , wring your tutu Amer ican lingers wit ens ! That's the kind of man vot I am!" And Snyder was right. AN ELEINIANT'Ia MIMORY.—A re• cent traveller in India relates a singu lar incident of a tame elephant that es caped during a stormy night, and ram biedofFto his pad ve jungle. After two years, an elephant hunt having taken place, a considerable number of ani mals were .trapped in au enclosure, called a keddall. It happened that one of the hunters was the keeper of the runaway elephant, and to his sur prise, he thought be recognized him among the wild, herd that was cap tured. His companions Laughed at the idea. But calling his,old favorite by name, it at once came forward and showed such signs of good will that the man, thoughtless of hts danger, climb ed over the barrier, and the elephant kneeling to receive him, lie rode away to his pickets triumphantly upon him. A WsnmNo TO Docs.—A man pato frig through the country during an es• citing local political canvass, rode up to a farm-home, and thus accosted a taw* headed urchin who was seated on the , top of a gete poet "Bub, wberel your pa?" The youngster eyed thestranger curiously a tigin7rii, — and Thin replied,: "Pap's pet , gone down than beysut the cow-shed, to billy our old dog.,, The durued old fool killed hisself bitrklu' at clindidateli fOr constable. Be you one?" The traveler rode en, A 01113 AT gawk saw for the Ant time a school girrgoing' through some of her gymnastic exercises for the amusement of the little ones at horde. After gazing at her with looks °tinter est and commiseration for it while, he asked a boy near by "If that gat 'hid tits?" "No," replied the lad, eon temptuously, "that's gymnastics." "Oh, 'tic, bey," said verdant, "how long has she had 'am?" A BEAR, and thirty-Apr pounds, , was shot daia OLT* w4b!st oaa handrail and atl.y,rods As sailfaad',_stiOa In 1:1411, .15 j ew t lENaps.hlra. F4 - si While She sensation was • • 301171,115 T OF A 11.0011111141-OLASO. A few years before hie death, the Emperor Nicholas of Russia sent a looking-glass dram size and beauty, with an Airr!busy to the ' China. VIM looking-glass - }lad te bier carried all the way froutt-h. Petersburg to Pekin by human hands. Despite the immense distance which had to be performed in this manner, the looking.. glass safely reached China; but, in the Meantime, difficulties had broken out between 11w.sla and China, and "The - Son of Heaven" neither aikllted the Embassy, nor did ho accep the pros.' ent. A courier was ilispateued to SL , Petersburg, and asked the Emperor" what was to be done with the looking glass. The Emperor replied that It should be carried back by the same route and In the same manner. When lie gave this order, the Grand Duke Michael happened to be present and offered to lay a wiger with the Empe ror to the effect that the loOking-glase would, be brokeu on the way back to St. Petersburg. The Emperor accepted - the wager, and the bearers of the look- log-glass received stringent 'orders . to be LIS careful as possible. If they should break it, ou the road, they should be severely punished; but if they should bring It back safely, they should receive a handsome toward. They carried it back with the moat In credible care, the men bearing It by turns, and safely reached St. Isaac's Place, in St. Petersburg, with it, where the Emperor stood with his brother at the window of his palace, and laughed at having won the bet. Sot on the staircase of the palace one of the car riers slipped his foot and fell down, dragging several of his companions after, and the precious looking-glass was broken into a thousand pieces. Thu Grand Duke, thii - refore, won his bet. GERMAN ItEVORINIID MYNQD This body, which luta kioen in setalon In our town, adjourned yeaterday, the 29th lute. There wu;volie hunched and geveaty iteila;ate.s pr,yaent. Oa Monday last, Rev. Dr. tierhart was Inaug urated Prorestme ot Didactic and Ilrao tioal Theology !tithe TheologlealSoinl• nary, fitureersburg, in placeot Rev. Dr. Barb:tug-It, Thu most exciting 011a:sof thuantaaan was the casual Rev.' Dr. Bomberger. Tliis gentleman pub lished, to February last, among other tlthigs, the following: u'rlioi o veto C Dr, tie:hart not purinittt to uutui nute their candidate for theological professor, "This refusal to ['Bow those desiring to have their candidute - >f ari a moat extraordinary proceeding, unknown even among secular poll tlciatia, - and without a precedent In the (Introit. "Wo eharge the Bynoil, under - who:3e bola and entire control thu Theologi cal Se:l:Mary is, with being the 'litur gical a l ilnll as becoming Mo church ly as to cent, in he !reformed." Thl , s language' the Ps'ncal almost' ortanitriously resolved should be re tracted by Dr. llomirscr, Tutor pen alty of ‘llulil to hint of a seat In the hydy. (hi Saturday last; Dr. Dumber ger illetl,th follow ing pappr, ttihhA IN as rectlft.ctl by the Syhod as hotiora tde and satisfactory; "I refract the publicittlon of the words or Inertia:re which are deernetr objeetion able by this liyuod, and regret that they eltoold hitve becolUe the tga culut: of ollence."—Jrayorstoicit Afait t , :10th. A (gluons "tell tale" apparatus is ill use at a factory la Mulhouse, Frames. There are four night watehmen on these premises and they have to make ten visits to 93 stations, In all 930 via- Ou 'commencing his rounds a card is delivered to each watchman, which he c.aries shout with him. At every station be bee to visit is a frame of the size dfille - elfrit' IIL Wlileh , ut a given time, a stmnpvesentaliselfand impresses a' stamp on the car& The marks are so arranged that whet:Oho whole are printed they aorta one cora plete design. Any delay Or omission on the part of the watchman leaves's blank space on the card, which tells the hour the man failed in his duty. When going on duty the men push their cards into rs kind of little box and as this la done the exact time it which they are de livered is printed. All this 'contri vance is coinpictoly hoyoud the men 's control and there is no possibility 9f tampering with the mechanism. No description of the apparatus would ho Intelligible without the drawingyibich accompanies it. A gatt - grsa - illustration - of the force of a mother'S love Thr i ller child has re: tent!) , bthn exhibited in lowa. Tire ciremnAtanc'es ate reported In noticing the pardon, by fine. Merrill, of* wo man, Catherine McArdle, who had been sentenced four years ago to the State Pen itent.is.ty, farlre.. She cola fessed to the murder of her husband and was sentenced to. be hanged, but her senteuee watt commuted by Gov, Stone. It was afterward toyed that she was entirely innocent, and that her son was the guilty person. To save him from the gallows, she hail Roomed that she watt guilty of the came, A PARIS paper says, the Rev. Mr. ➢taurach, of tivonla, - begs - the public to send hint old postage stamps, for which he pays one thaler "a thousand and Sends them to the Getman mission In China'. They are In great demand by the Chinese, who use them to pa per the ivulls, blinds , Oka., of their houses. The mission takes advantage of this new fashion to exchange the stampe for the children Otthe poor, who are sold. as shivesor thrown into the rivers when Oleic' parents cannot support theta ; 2,000 stainpa eave:the life of a child. IT is related of a certain minister in Maine, who was noted for his long set• mous, with many divisions, that one day when ho wan advancing 'among, the teens, he reaclied.at length, a kind of resting place In his discourse, when, pausing to take breath, he asked the question: "And what shall I say more ?" A voice from the congregal lion responded, "gay omen !" IN Great!, Barrington, at d large party ills other evening, while a'young lady Ives playing the piano with a peculiar tenth, a bystander - remarked, "I'd give a world for her fingers." He' was greatly taken abaek by Per prompt reply that he might have the whole hand—for his own. Three cheers tor leap year. A YOUNG lady having eternised hes grandma that she *Wild eiser marry , a mit:LW fellow "011 the faee of the earth," repaired Stith him, after th - old lady died i _ to, the Mateutoth Cave in Kentmeki, and was married under. gro4lid• IT la as latereethig - Illittt to too & young lady with both hands in loft dough and a•seeageßou allk end of bar Shift Ease" It is isporedi going to rot* .tseaslttal• tittkiitutisi prophein, $8,1160;111%, ' .4 Li "oct, 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers