*ft tun PH RAPH ALBUMS, ps ,„. tompiler • PPtDAr. .r 1q ihr 10, 1848 ' iii w 11/ROT ECII -:-' l3474Afirw; .. • . DROEGHT The folios ing is en extrnet from nn , address delivered before the Llvingitoti County Agricultural Society, Prof. It: C. Kedzle: Some may ask why are forests titres 'oozy ? in not noyliortion left In forest . 109 7u ch isuproductive capital" "..And doe' aot a wise economy demand that thews unproauctive forests should he closed up as soon as the owner can Com- maid this mesas, and the whole couatry he made prodwelive!kThese nre Impor -12411 iplestions, and Abollid receive an !..n OM. if trees are of 'no ..er% ice in the veoitomy of nature except to ittrifish fuel and timber, then any surplus beyond these wants in a useless , drawback on the pmducilveness of the country; "cut it stems; twhy cumberet it It the ground?" But there are other reasons why forests alionldlbe spared, it'd one is flielrcorftml Over e4trenie ductuatlons In the rain-fall of any region. The researches ofsthod ern wlenci... accurate and careful obser vation; as well as the history of the past, vhow Ilia( a country abounding id tor ' cots l,e more tool-t, has a more copious and equal rainfall, abounds More In .springs an d,st reants, aud us iltOunevence of all these Is name exempt from great and sudden fluctuations In temperature; from late *oats in 1 4 prIll g and early hosts in the Fall, Thus Egypt from thy earliest' period 'sof history has been spoken of as a rafhleile region ; but slime 3lithoinet Ali has-made Ills latmeuse, plantation s of trees, showets have become frequent. The containing Influence of forests over rain-falls is also 4litu4 by the tact that countries untie supplied with forests, and having abun ilantrraJas and immunity from - trek, their forests having been destroyed, have been scourged by drought and frost till the forests were restored, when i.hey mice more became fruitful ; or, If the inhabi tants would not restore their proteding ?ornate, the Mern band of fimine threat. ened to wipe out a race that would not reverence the order of nature. Thus the Cape de Venie .1111111111 R, so !mined from their greeuuess, have been stripped of iheir forests by their improvi -dent, Inhabitants, since which time tire vinger terribly tmir. periodical droughts nometiMeN no rain Mill ii , sr for three year% nt o. time, and 30,000 inhabilantg,or one- thtrd of tho popnlstion, have. isirlsholi. Thus famlns ent*ikrwii the Inhabitants mpitiloody am they eut down the pr tecUng trees. IL has been proposed to replant the forests, yet such Is the lano• ranee and Indolence of the inhabitanta_ thnt'llttlebh9 been done towards rotors- tion, and it is probable that the entire nice mad• be eut IT to be replaced by those wlio have leatmed that the "tree - of the field is man's life," _ 410111171MIZAL FOR ■UTTEROIARIHY At a meeting of the Little Falls*Far !nter'S Club, at. Herkimer, N. Y., Judge 'Owen made some remarks no feeding warn Meal to cows, which are reported as follows, in the Utica Herald: Re found no ground - feed so good, for butter-making as Indian meal; he made ajutmher ht experiments In feeding and fle best results were blituitied by feeding; • it dry: In that state, the AMMO took it slow, moistening it with saliva and thor oughly nueldiatittg it. In feetauglt wet, lie thought it passed directly to the third stomach, and hence WWI not properly ffselmilated. Had n large cow, of the Holderness breed, upon which he expert- Mented to see how nine!' meal could be fled with profit. Found that feeding two quake at n feed, and to ice a day, woe all she' would bear. This, In addition to hay, brought down the milk In large quantities. By such feed this eow ydedd ixd fourteen pounds of hotter pt i ir week. Her highest produce • was lorty:one poundaof Cutter in fifteen days, besides thirty quarts of milk, which was saved out for family use. Did not regard fur` nips as of much value for mileb cows; preferred potatoes, as far more valuable to feed. HAAS ANN ESSIF We copy the following two reeelpts from as exchange, and give them for what they are worth : (loot) ilvoi.—After hams have been emoted; take them down, and thorough ly rub the flesh part with molasses, then immediately apply ground or powdered pepper, byttprinkilitron as much as will stick to the molasses. Hams treated in this manner will „keep perfectly sweet for two or three years : , Thls must be done before the fly dilts its eggs, for aftar that is done nottiim will stop their rav ages. The Above has been practiced in our seetion for twenty years. One pint of molasses and one and a half or two - pounds of black pepper are sufficient for Any ordinary family. Try this plan if yon want sweet. halm, ?o' vo Prricht: Begs.—Take five pounds of Rol salt, two pounds of brown sugar, one and a half cuuees of saltpetre, and three gallons of water. Mix all to gs tlpt and boil until 'the Ingredititita Are dis4olveil, which will rt quire but a few minutes. Pour this on_ one hundred pounds of fresh beef packed tight and weighted don n in the barrel, and It *ill keep idea and sweet, and be very - Mitch :better (1114. than so much pork. " ' ~lnsrtcwrtox.—Tlaeeuatom of not mas ticating the food completely is a very common . cause of dxspepils. Before the stornah.catt net properly on food, WOW cation is necessary to break the cohesion or the organic matter, in order to alit its solution In the stomach. It extend.; the Mutate of this itibetance to be acted upon ihy the juices of the ntomach, In the same matisteemi:ptilverizaxion ails the action of chemical solvent& upon common rolt tett There is elan probably some lOU ''`eties of the saliva, which mastication ! Mingles with the food, in aiding the Relation of mild 'matters lu the stottutelt; sitthotigti thin in undetermined. At all tistathi; mastication, mechanically con sidered, mints dige.tion and nothing Ia uit:gia likely toast . as an injurious irri trait tlie alimentary canal than on- Mastlceted Itiod.—By n Phy,th-iad. .14411PITCrnON OF M.ILK.-It Is stated that itatervromee have discovered, but philosophers have snot erplained the rea ;eon, that tafit suddenly rooted after he itora the cow, keepit tooth longer area °thereto°. The sheep rait- Octal metito4 et reducing temperature in three.* four biAouleir ,to any _ilailred point, may yet Mid a general and very useful application Sn irillk•dairies, al though It. effect Upon the production of batter Se ouestionable.—Snientifie Atac4- , liktpi.ami keep best when boot and dill. 'tkeitedi change of temperature induces ttilt,ColisPejtfelt M`,, , stoleturet ou t be akin, :41d ti4eunlyeit cinitiolteate vtrnh4h with Übe is iu of the apple,4 eorereti, - ;1177 11 1'S 7 5 ?"". - the •K ol k . . iiatter oa ay. • • Iheibi. OPP .43= :1144 4 .d"*Inv*. • .LADIES' COMPA. NI( T‘,9, "ET , T,s4 ' Ivltrrrsa rit.4slxol, PEtiFU . ,iIERY, Fancy China and . itolieinian Vaasa, "OVA, &C., £l'„ NT J. M. tif ARNEVI, Oppnatie I ahnemtgelue winr, Betlembers, *et. Z, VW NEW DOOM GEWIIE ARNOLD Hee now opened A isms Stock oiCLOllia, CAA. MIMERER and READVAIADE clrrnpriz madly .of hln own ntunignetnie, conlfklog ot. all staea of COATS, i Iop.ANTs, .... SUIRTs; D AW ERS,. CRAVATS, &At at prate* to einte M - • ta,, , s Calf, exam ine and judgo fnr yottml vet. E= SOLDERE X.EvID-12VrIRTE•RS, At NORMA' STORE, 1s tho Placa to get, & W.INTEIt (100-1)E; CifEAl' FOR CASH: I F2 on wont It ehottp Over-cons, g 0 to Nounis.. IN you want a good ellollPtlfou-efat go to a701(111.S . . IF you wont a alma . 1 ' el got" . UnalS ; IF s' want a tout pair at Enna! NOUTI;4 . . IF ) wont 2 goottebetip Vl 4 to swims.. • IF you want a F,4.nlllo:lt:AßL:: " l t iA l i ntals... , IF yoo wont a late Phil Utyle Ca go p iosoßßis.. yon Want a good pal! of flno g l o aaho i l im l / 4 IF you want a F.AffItIONAB . go to \Oltityw'- I F you waut, IL good Frettell Ca v il you wow.. goad Umbre 1/a,go to Nottok:: IF you want a" P"" "'U lf; to NORMS'. IF you n out a faahlonable ault i ftgat l . l4 ` IF` you w ant atlyt It lug In the Cipt t i c ftv : r4t ) tp t i. , l 4 tte,- r . y„„ t , riiugaxotul 830;01E, go to NORRIS . .. IN a 'Cr, wont goal IVY -ig't4if3•7ol3fAl7;l•l- Also--A Urge stork of CAFIRIARES IN THE ME. Persona ;waterlog tho goods to Ready- Clothing, nut be iletomeroftted et the low all pct.,. THF.4). C. NORRIS. Oct. 11. OWL of ... -s WI. C. BTALL9NIT'H & SON, UETTESTURO, PA., CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS, Are Pr°Pared to do all kluda of Carpentering —contrneiing anti ereeting buildino of ull kinds Revelries, to They keep mesh - wily oil band awl rfututtfdetore td order, ' • poonk RfurrrEits, -MIN LA, 14ASft, 1XX)11 AND WINDOW FRAIIM, CORNICE, ILKIIOR • WINDOW BRACKETS And any other .Arttee In thoi Balding Lime. *won& material gonatantly bind, ezpe rienetai woramca always lu refulhatau, and work • (=muted with dispatch. Oa-Oolern promptly atteuded to s.pt. %), 1147. ti FRESH ARRWAT. 0- 0 0 S FALL ANt) WINTER WEAR at :the ktofe of -4 0 -15.0PTT do .SON Their stock consists of MERINOES, all s4ylei - DELAINFA, all styles " CALICOES, au styles )113PLINS, all gnuten CLOTH A S AND CASSI3fERES of all fityleo mot gOoliti: Persons wanting GOOD GOODS and GOOD iIAIWAINS, Should not fail i Gigolo the Store of A. Nanlr A SON, , Clotnthrburg slreetAnd Square Gettruburg, PIC Oa, 11, lAA, THE It . NST WASHING WAOHINE, gthiterallthed oven It, =le. the TOWS. SHIP API lITFtot Admits eoulKy.lbr DE tbIiEPS PATICNT "We% to the exitAparr, ablemar and awn. Names that bat yet been °Strati to the public. The Rights will be sold on resoloos- terms,' Tina la a flue opportunity for ener- Bette nuns to inane GOOD WA.I7 anataa tnrj. r trellirnr arm u IltFa : ' A wimple inouttlue will be !nrintsbed any "moon spinObr dieser a Bight, tr elltlrett, it e 62. Call at the store of Dip4l...susirman,N. W. co?. litilatire, where the to aflame may be :mop oral tried. FRANK b. RUPW.A.b. Gettriburiii, lane YI, ietiL Middittnitrieg Vie lAMB 11 /WA 14,Atiirs 9f ler, WA et Min a ' home 4. r- IMMO& tic t ga ir it; 3 A VALtABLE4,FARM, - . , • • . ' zl i 7l, itiinit?l, „-fit3D3, INN/SOO BUSHELS BRIAN WANTED, , AT PRIVATE SALIM. tli t t 7v mrtE, t • 1 NEB' AND Roof) (1001 Si AT Low ritroDA. , E. • MITESHIEW i NEW FIRM AT THE OLD WAILEHOCSE. -- IDROtO4 . I 1 Ita, ttuorts, ar„,, L t t a e Ithdelllignecthrotreithireel to Get yitntrw, atilt . t ____ Pt now reset ring, large .tr.et i of W11 1 . , E. HIT , D . LIS*I.3O, wrltild Inform the pub.. frilE,a=if t n i t;ll, , t, ,, trztio , t i : , ,, .1 . , , ,, has farm- 1 t r4 . 1, 0 1 - 11:A t ig i c . colj, n xii.T . ge o l ib. o t eg • , • , I y hip eleitarn the WarotlOunt' on . Dt I' DOOM', . !hemmer of Mention stroet anti the liallosol, In m i. •VA Ir ABLE E I,IIM, i IV•unt Hotta,. abort he olllgiplor %air - ME:kr rTIHE tmdivistaned kag opgrAl a n.Mr, Root and •, ' riett3 rt. nt. alo , re they alit crlnt on SltitrtteUp Weentaln.rter at•st riot , 1,,,,,,,11 efm,g,l,Y, FOB 1...M1114., a large awl eh ince ararnitn tof L ,tilhoo Mare, tri it I,l.TlMOfili STUF.ET, one ..‘'13770-VS, Dfil,-loPtiatt head water. col I MI, l'lpe Creek a fairooellear, • - , donrilOaltit of We Preobyiertan Church ape neerg'• OROt'ER IBS, ' THE GRAIN AND PRODrell RUSINF344, three inillenifrean W,liii in, r. ,ol a ,diort mil e' .1.. • , • 13 , opposite Heenutry's Saddler ithop, where hit Q.,,U.E.ENS W 4 RE, • - Dan tlw Wlartern Mar% iiII.L 111ull nod, adJoinlng guriAßs , corpfsig , TEA*, mog,,,Lfggirda, rt era att attractive astiOrtlatelitt ORICOods In a ga latok of David ShrtN, ,I, ..• , N11K111.41; autumn , , ' ne, all new awl selected Wlthj he gredleat . HARDWARE,' in all itv branches. Tha hixbest price. will II- Nirlowtratte Chwou it , , 'Y rir, owl silvers, con- , UPS, , SALT , *Cu with rigHt , r has z . z ,_ ROOTS, RIiDES AND HATS. i ...,,,, he patd for \t heat, !lye, Cavil, Oats, ("lover Mining iPI AGREs, mon ,a hint, wit& Ittir pro- i - • , . 'l , ' it m a the attentitm of my eOh:mem and the ' .4"r l 11 " . " th Y B ' e ds .F 1 . 1. " 1 . f 4 .f.ae' 1T.3. and podia el of excellt at W00,11.,1. , 1 mat Meadow. i„ .. BACON, LARD, &C. \'l_ \ DIES' CON 0 ELKUS GATTI:Rs, i oommanltEto my large stock or (kakis, which 1 , raw) Dried Pratt C. Mg Soap, Itatas, 'Shoulders and 001 ‘.. Pot toen - with 0. erythlng else In the the zoo Is illiteratliii i.t.it l'ili ,• .1.1 c., in and rate "" LA HIPT.' 13ALMMAL GAITERS, : am now Mortar, at toiler fares thin they hat - ii , „, mr , ~. lino. , etAtivallan, having ho, il 111 ,i •• iI) limd, and un- • \ LA11111 . 3 -, 0./11.40N, GAITERS, - 1 Dew More the war, and at prkoyhlch cannot , eyi,,,,,4,-. : v . der the very best ad 10. Inc Ihe tarty can't he ; _ . Nite., LiquOrs,- , , AD/ IN' NA fatliAltAl. 1101 0 - 8, - i raa nd ii n ty at v ri ,r k i e . t , h , e h p . ttecl iro rte ,,,,,,,,v rart ? t er . * With „.. eve . r3 . : ' ' • ' I ' ll " - • ---4 m lama . for Selo, °Mil " , SU excelled for•t in. ga moth ot Mae:lt, oonni, or any - f N i t All•al: VAlit li 'TY. 0-trraZi•it'r',4rotTa, S y n ci ti!firiq, ' S ''' ltt . n P lr ''' , Ort' B" lioi l i t rt, " ll 4"' irett ‘ -' other env...4'6llst Mr It"sring . 1 1a... asa ,Y dent ra. WIN FJ‘IITIANDIER, DINH, WHISKIES', ((rag', 1 any In the. trade, I ant afar, pre inept I•le polalleurflorkina ...act iii i , et, - field. ire • ens Blanking, —4,, de. .klso VoM, OIL, Flab The improvemonts are a Twas, , oy fll4l. i is. ; t ng Aye hr the line. , GENT-I. '3f UN sek LE Jlllll - 11}1. 1 competition In low priruu Moo AO &MI ail 011, .Thin,,,, ~.1 i „r nil kind.; Bpik, and ble BRICK lit 'Est', nat h' u , , Brick Ili , Al.o,ary 4 ={ h v i tKNottonri, to suit Awe and - ti.USTl,hutEN's li - .IP ROOTS, I quarters. ' Prompt conformity to tholoweat market prier. N•qt,... 5 ,,,,,,,, m 1, 1 1,,, h ,' , ,, 'IV. , tw w i nil T ° hoc , ' '.. ,t ,,,,, Rack.bullaiing, and 8.,. 10,1 d, a Sante if , ,e,..,,,,,,,,dy -4^ Brick Hint Item. nom stn.:, 1 'orta I 'nu .1111 ' ate ht the plaew to boy CHEAP if - OR 4 ' '.O GE.NTLEI IN's CONt a Itlss li A ITkals, UENTI.EII X SSI,IPP Mai, ALI. STI‘I.I7A, ', /". 11- W e ' malll°l- m 4 rat ' .i,l eto klipitt) ri nrat rat rti ,,l firricmic , 4 „ . rte ot col% ti Idi the different kinds...l re,l. nog Ilmilir, brick, end aflrtiolt r "tie root, cmoke VASIL 1 '; OENT!.I , II '. 'S 8A1.N.1, dALs, -Mao, Ground Plaster, with littnll94 111111 11,111111 . -111/11.1", Wlllll.l Howse an 1 sprang Hots..., .rant , -• ~gyp, P. EATAIFLEDWIFI. GENT( I.:3vi:N BROG X Ns, ,t, '. , Petoreburg, 0 .. ..9.0 Oct. 40, Pe'. fertitirena, i•O k 1., by the t•tedo-I, ton or tor Matt anq, all under caw roof, Botch( alf nu-e, Warta. A p r il .. .,x D m, go , , TtlY will run a - am , nn shop, with 41.1 .111-IA111 , 11111:T ; 11 ac,er. up4sE.F4 . roNri • f.:us . 0l 3 rrEir.. :,, NEW FIRM ! _ _ _.,_. _ ~ , fad Nag oral of a1it...4)9111 ny, 111, It, 11111V1K1_1•1.• .1// , `41 . 11 , ' 11 11.011). 01, t. ) i rEmu. - liniiii iiiriiiliillOpririC nor lt t!..^,-, , riiii.i. hoice. Th IRON—IRON—IRON! 31 ins-.' ,filit iv ol HAL - MOT: 0 FS, , , ~,,i , ,,,,,,,a, op, a , lip of 1 , 1,11011.4 10.111111 ill til t. , , &C., AC., da ~ ad'. rough repair. 1 hen I • 1,1 it., pn nth. ,ala MP I 1 ---••• . Ap1)1,111.11F11.11, mill, frill I*ed a il th •criptlonr. I , lICEVSI C ONGR ESS 11TEltia, .* The yoga rt• in located iti a pleaasatat neighbor. , ~, hood, a ith three Milte coin col.dit, a. s, ell to. I ' . 80,. 12 kl,r IRL3I RAL.u, 'e - M l / 4 1 - "EW 0-001,S I 'olparches, school laraoks., - into, 1111.1 111.1114111 C 1 CETtIIiBURG FORUF- 11010 . ... EltiNiA,..iiii, de., di% • . phpa, • i •go 1 _ TItlY is one of the moo, deenrobig pry ipi rth, In i IN .. Inalwriticla reelievtfhtlY triihrm the palate ' Also, Root, Intl Shoop of hi• 1•11171 111nUfAfillft /// / CalTOlllawfity, and ahookl conunaud 111, amen- I that they i gn ,..",g,,,j. 1..,,,,, i,,,,,,,,,,,,i,,,, , , ots.taitt Is on hdini. lion Wail in *argot Wet eLtita farm*. I with their Steam MID, sad are now mannfactrintr 14 - AX -- , l l.l, lqp i t t l x. out , i p a i l• r f e tilmer i partner, and Parrots whibing to View It oar rey toirsteit to mill ' All will be sold at the low.A. tiring row., lmo Ittt he Nilderghtlieri, reteilina tkieteou. Boyer., from town end 1• 11110 1. are . Inv ed to A T.AIIGE ATOM Olt GOODS, 3 cli k L MORI:LOPE. I PAGED AND HA3I3IERED TRON, . - ~ ir }, tto Its -.• , rl r vii 111, r I NOT TO RE Ii.NDERS(ILI) 00, .;I" FA, 'a ii or ray other part of the eflllnl rv. "Quirk ' 1111 Short profit/6 - la ray ititittni I* cart ,A - , ..•ck of Goodalffonsists of ' es and the On . ithe sii % 1117 GOODS, Linen glut G OCERIES, • ot the lat se all o to, N( lONS, QC) • ENS-WARS, lan, June 2i, , _ _ lIAR . -WARE, ;et LDW.kILE Ai EART EN-WARE, RATS . CAPS, _ BOOTS •k• SLIOES• ,I,,,erlbets have Jul In fact, everything kept I a FIRST-or,m4ii . with air lrtuoespe a 00UNTRY s'l'OlU. C o mae at I nee my stook. No charge for showing flood!. • HARDWARE & ORiJCLIIIEri, J. H. TA C O ! 3iBADGII. Hampton, Nov. I, 11417. 41n IIeCtIR,DY A HABITIITO -,- . tinALPlia fa CARROLL cOVNTY, MD. IMBIMII9 !` VALUABLE PROPffltthi,S =TEM RN R, ZORC, LAND AGENT.,' ' NEIetIiTORD,.%IPAXSCOrSTY, PA., 11 . 641, for n number of desirable properties, tp wIIIM he n.Slns the attention of (large wishing 10 purchase. Two No. I STORE [STANDS for sale or rent, wilts Kock of anode doting • good lgiginagig, sear Railroad, situated in heardlifinges; goo" chimer for persons inhingto engage hi (lie T. ion gin en an v A LIMESTONE FARM of Yr' acre., near Rail road;belek house find all neeewunryout.htlildings. A LIIiiii,STONE FARR on nerd, with Flour on,l Saw 11th, house, barn, and oilier out.lmilds lag . , sheared in nallllll,lrt 4 °Mite , MI L, InVniUes from lialtlinore. A I.IMEISTt E FA It M it nes , , brick house, brick barn, tri flab e 1011, from fittitini, 41..1 ft( F, NIIRN Witt, 114, 7 111,,,,,, 111 a ronutt .111, near 14``llrw.d and Depot, e, XJ(I hewn ior doing all kitidg word:. A bu r, em I Tom n Intl will be /sold with the alio, e-pr. perin If FAILNI OF MO .1( :Rau, in 'Ono.. county, ;or e1 h,1 1 . ;! , Ilona`, gout (tar,,, Al'., near, till gissi Fain, Ae„ tliree-unnrten. of n 1011 e nom it 'n111,11141 AILitIOD, A weal riper,: terrns Map,. APA HAI OF I.K ..teltES, on the Carlisle turn. pike, under good cultivation, a ith in Large Brink Rouse, Rank Porn, owl other out-buildings, all new A LARRE FLOUR MI 1.1., with 25 Auros of land. The mill has font pour ol liurrs,und all miseliinft for doing nierelnant nark. Best Mater power lu the rotalt,l A FA Rai OF ITS ACRES, near the Hanover turnpike, on which is et t wird a good House, Itarn, and all of la r neceatiary A FARM OF ma AORES, Nast land, with large Brick 1101141,11rtm, anti 2 Tenant 11uten.40.,,, in in a frtmt the Conlm ~go ImpeL V ESTS, A 114 YfEI„ In New Oxford, tuo-ntory, roomy. and eonNenlent for buainena. Good chance; te :Vlrtt, ) ;Illcisber of good itonsen and LOUD fo r . out lv In w ho exrd, Peon w wlnh to buy Real Fatate, an well he Gen.e who wish to *ell, are requitated to eve the 1.-sula.erlhiPr can at his Mare In New OXford; Ad dreg., JOHN ('. t.nn.l Agent, New Osfunl, .1(41.1m( minty, .1 2 a. I, 1%7. ly Forwarding & Commission House. FLOUR AND YERD, I.Kls ANT, r;noceitir.m. ir;lk p o i ll u V e e t Derb.l...t{bg left% e to. Infortn the mail le t lint we are onntinning the hominy.. at the 01 stand on the corner of V. laWlalngtun end Ita ilkunt atrevt oil more PXtt.liNlNeVarille than heretofore. We are pay lug the blithest market prices fir FLOUR, GIIAIN ANI) ALL KIND 4 (11'.P.Ito FLOVR and FEED, SALT, nod nll lthiltt of tiRiIf•EILIF,N, kept eontstantly tin Intint and for otbin,ell,lpt r hypo tiled ran 1.4. hail All V501..11 . Eine. tsTElt, iota aplll ktittk of FERTILIZERS, eon.tantty on llftinLtir litinutited tit tinter. A ItEPUT.AI7.,LINE OF FitEmrrr will leave, our 'Warehouse every TUESDAY MORNING; and accounneilittiou trail, 0111 lie run ne occasiou may require. Hy lid. , arrange ment we ore prepared In eonvev Freight ot all tlineo to and from Bali . Ail lei of thto Mud eutrUated tO uo, will be promptly a I Wailed to. Our earn ran to the Wurelloose of Ste% canon Soils,lo3sNortn Hoe ant street, Balt !more. Re ingdeterrained to pov good -price*, 101 l deal fairly, we invite - evert body to give ne n CULP h EARN:ARAM'. Aug, 13,1%1' SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE, C'eett hp Huiwinvia (bourepritiont for thoreh nr riatimunion Purpoica. 01.110, ,riteilt f t r VOW - and Mytkly Pampa TO ME. • VINETAILDS, NEW JETCSF.-Y. the market amproduce, owl are determined to eel them as cheap as can be %old anywhere In town ergoantry. Arty pent= wishing to have them (17T,ean have It dune freae or charge. These _ dentrlnggoods MADE El', ran Coo he amommo- Spetes Port Grape Whir, Four i rare Old. : dated. We warrant the beat work and the hest 1 Ma to be had anywhere. No hatultugla what we 11 14 1/S potty eldebrated mil/I e Win. , IN =grin ! 4 44/ ciom taw xi, or the Oporto Gin , raised 1 : e have on hatki the vrty best and moat durable country. Ito Invaluable SEWING MA CAINE% Tonic and Strerwthenino Properties . I " i a m nlitz:trptr e ctu n !y Lo o iwnq . cni . etnitorn u er: Full Fr•nninirpaned br City other native hie. Be- V te O re J uice " the gra P e. r i " ( " 1 "' vier. ' antrexa ' n ' ttnt i . v We in —J . 4,7;llf. wt. ti. ben r. lopeera own personal Rupert , r.,ap, tin. purity ~, anditenutnent-is are guaranteed. Tice },.hugest .. nae • ' . child nuty.partiace or toe trenerotw qmill licit. and the weakeia 111%1014 may We It to rah /Intake. It rartri t t e n ‘ l a eu ri rtt i :Mlll a t i. a t r o elr , a tlVi l ell ' t ' .4 i tl i m ei tt: wet the wa t ‘ger.,,g. It 1., In every rental .1 WIN t: TO ItE BELLIED OA. Invalids us, 4pes.s's Port ••; rape X% int% females u.e speor's runt tirape Wink . Weakly_peraona find a imnenl lls use. Sinsyr 8 WilleB In 31.wpkal+ ore preierrk4l In otti r wino& Rold by Druggists/int] Grace,. A. Speeeo Vinrynni, N(.18 Jorocy. (Mire, 213 • roadway - New lurk. Austad SO, ISM. PELOUBET ORGANS AND RELODIANs, ITNAVrejOreLY awarded the FRIG fere, a L T JGeId eledsl, "AR THE BEST CABINETOR GANS," American Inatlisie, New York, Octo ber, lea /Wine pronounced superior in Qu.sr.rry,, row- Ls and s.ARIETY or Tos r., and In umber of coin- Manikins. "Aftihe beat Inatrumentli Of Afnerien It ere there contending, whichever won the battle iconic' have nothing left to conquer,' —Anufrieon Art Jahrnol. (edited by a well-known mwficni rrillc. , They have also taken the first premium ever exhlted thin Reason. PEDAL ORGANS. one, fa o and three hankx of keys-.lx. glaea—so to $1,500, Without %Ingle amt double bank' In Rim! variety F1(15 1. These ttrguna, wt to their smooth , ut ehorns, unequa q } B ,o ntity, diems, lled pedalg, and general organ l solo slaps, etrength of If ke effeei A. are superior for, rhureb,, Par- Lars and s,thoolp. They are pot up In ea.'. Out- W• 111114, veneered Walnut , new and untyne sty t0. , 1 end f..4.-A,nt YALt•Y•, ,, d, of aplen dld &glans owl tinlah,npd of the tit ship—lf being intended I hnt eneh lontrunient Quill he a model of lta elle. All InutrumentA down to a flue oehno portable Ntelodeon, base the beautiful Treuttililitt Mop, !thou! extra rhnrlf A Mtge rinnottiment refrinfnnif no hand at our GENERAL WIIOLESA [,E A NI) RETAIL WAREIIOOMsI, MI Broadway. • Our /Unfunded Circular awl Price limn, with our new •I) lea are now ready, Semi for a circu lar. tqfl An:BM rmros b • Manufaeturfint, No, nil /Banda av, April 0, lair. New York City. HAINES BRO - 13. PIANOS. GOLD AND SILVER, viz: * 1,,"P, Al, itnrtlett," Wan. Meer." fleet "Appleton TESE Fianna are Universally 'acknowledged A Tracy ;'• by commtteut J udgea equal to the hest Plante Made. For referenom, they have man) thormuni , with Watehm•of almost MI other masa. blelty and country resideutl, Inel,qdkuit largo num hers of the Wish Mt:lmola. Rua i narirs. elf, : If you want CllKAPatut GOOD Watekerffl on These Pianos have not Only stood the oonllim- ; al nee and bens y practice of one y.nr, lad tlf,, e i LEVIR RTWA Ij`RE, i been used the 'IWO fifteen tens.. to the utnitht , -At his old lataatt, Carlisle atreet, ant Whet lon oft Mute uinna them. -nearly opposite Ma-Depot, (tetl:3 , l;lM. kti- t 'nosy io:F 'lnnen PREMIUM:S AND :51E, DALI 4 ~ * WITISREVER EXHIBITIFID. Ruch has lettim the ad-Ho cantiones the Oroeery, Notion and flow I demand for these Plante, that MIMECItti. ' sentionery taganeaa, as 4,..1nf0re, , Ur . wo4 l a to it ll le a c y c e tefit u o ' fTiVr i P t l o agf‘ ' dune 21, 1567, if - , *-- /Tavilla now or,e of tho mord extensive and oampleto Forforks. la Wag V n Rad Mateo, Facto- ; NEW SADDLER, SHOP. rim atm* covering 5, l Man sere of wronnd,eom- , WWI* a frontage of 219 feet on Mid Avenue. - /IN t h e IllW., They are UltdoUhtedly the ebenpeNt dolt-chum ' —cm, .ortil l 1• 14 , . 41 1 4 r o, amillk m ‘ ati ° e 't t t r o h n n t r e g r', P n l ll Plano,. in market: Fatfy guaranteed fur 5 yenta- da of ''' ' Isettd Ott Illustrated Chen tar. - -.5 .. Mt !TAMPA Rftfrfil ikt. I me n Av e MS, S. illitMll, ii r ft: Semen Avenue, Wing Lora (my. A grit 0, 10.7. THE PIANO OP -A MERIP PALIBTB POI PARXII4II AND OTHEAII, FrE Grafton Mineral Paint Co. are now inatin. acturing the Beat Chespent mold Antra. e Paint in nee; two want well jag on, naked wtth pout Linseed, or will last or /6 geese; It is ot a light brown or b e Nicotinic* odor, and can be changed to green, ton t. etennotrati, toilve cr cream andto aull the taste ot coratunee Rt . ileasen, Berne Fences, currim, Iva eft, Balla end Woodenwpww, cultural Ilnytietoenta C 4111.1 jaaera, weals end Alin? vane Manufacturer haring= AC tele t h e _jait .4 E i . " Zrar t eta n reTtrfi r trer= bid 4300 t rip* Will enplair eat ,, N l ZlAnstZ b iet t Al In a morP4r i t =....isavaitoag DANIEL B PenziWattenil.new 0 961.4 4 (ge ti;,;ima to , = mach :us Plomo.Ratne-ahoe and Bar Iron, and re agleettully M Ile Blackantltba and Denten+ to Rh , them teal ng aatiatted that they sell/ be able to pi ea:se to to quality, Antall and prim . 'N. B.—The highent morkrt prier mitt for ertmaght &unwrap iron. B. & W. Ao. IT, IMO: iv 'Farmers, Attend to Your Interests 1 GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY. subscribtr would Inform hie onittomere stud others, glint he le stall manufacturing ra. rione kinds of meting. aad Mac Mara, made to ooter,on shall n•uice, such as ((five different alms of Powers,) CLOVEIFSEED AND CLEANERS, MAN SEEL LEI% AND SEPARATORs, OORNIODDER CUTTERS, STRAW AND RAI cUTTEIGS; melt Hot eamt Plough., Patrthear Mones. FO , l O llll and Corn Plough.; the (ho latest Impmvement; also Metal Flereirs for Cider Presses, for Cemeteries or Porches, with everything elm. 411,4 low price, FOR SA light Tiro-horan Wagon, a ilirfa bone Wagon, and 4 spring Wagon, all new. lit‘ ID STERNER. Aprll3o, IMO. a I•TVI7T GROCrEIVr 1.1" E opened n new fIROrr.RY, In fiettp: long, nu the north ,r,wt hirner of lbe Publ It unft tuts ejnq ree,lved n•pletultii n.u ,, rt 111 , 1 A of FRFN. Ineluding sugnrg, enliars 314) !-y rups7"reng, Spkeg, Tnbaren, t+4ll, Fl at, ligtua, f.lioulder., de. auto, Frill 44, Suar4, Fin er Artlele•4lml NaLmn atiur Al"e+‘ o . 1 I,:e. 11 111111 i.l)t: I 10 EF. .11-Sll . k 1 till n, Inst ifurvltAt4l for 1 ,4 11: u e nee tovrli Vet, cheap, 1.11 V,.. I.lon II HIV! jo.in.. tor 3 ontrwlx USE Ropt. 21, INTL tf CHEAP—dB EAPb 4 ,lt—Cll EA PEST ! j t . ' r o t wish to boy good and otte,ai. (Anal., exit J.k(X.)lOl S BRO'S. STORE, new Alyern'a Hotel, In CIiAHHERSBITIbri ST., tieltintilirg. They hat e the very best %election ot goods, such as CLOTHS, (lAMIMERER, TWEEDS, April A /81C. t f NRVTITRT 4 ZIEGI.FII, 'MEW A NWC.IL EA KER,a; - , !Routh Washington street, one; silustre from ay. Faigle iiniel, uFITIr•Br 110, Pa. Pt - that/tufty o n bond, the beat of BREAD, CRACKF.O4, VAKES, PRETZELS', dge Persons wishing frer.h Bread will 1w ported iele7.ll"Titnij, names and pr A rtu r A a rdl , ive zrrall. NEW SEAR STORE. TiTlmeimalned announces to the eitizenzof open ‘le, l , ll,l4o,oll.nd the yloLnity, that he haitjast He will keep on hand the twat IIRANFrs, and 11014- sigttufgerwrc Are pewee( sole thronokas Ihr rov , nry. l tvls!..lll ar tllr Covert living price., and at wholesale and retail. Fie la agent for the IllebrantutiVrt,l To berm Works, and will sell their Chewing Totme en, ata holeeale and retail. /Es Store Sa in Charnhersburg street, a half o; tune westost (her-nate Hotel s rer the south *hie. •M'ACdf INtilY)>. ItI6RROW EIi. Oct. 25, 4.1 WATCILES ! NVA.TCIES!! T EWlit SITHOUSiE / J la largely engaged In the Wateh trade, and hoe In.t returned from Neu York with an unusually attractive aesortment. He often etch bargains ste cannot fall to be acceptable to buyers. His ;dock end,raeee a large lot of the 1 CETI/MATED "AMERICAN WATCHER,. = WAMN SADDiEfi, otiose nn the lowest. !Apo Dk4ff 4 l ll' ' •• ; '*X I %UMW 6 . 0 V - 41 ;1=0 1 10= Awns I " VeforfragliiWsl QC".BattleM f aSi ik? _ • 1 "11 02 4 4 a , aPV• WPC,: Ma* V.Q7. . • .• be ct ir • • sidt - • 106 " CHEAP I%* - CASH ! FIRDWNIAN it WARREN TIMV , 4II - ERS AND POWERS PLOUGHS, xvisrAirrersG ItOR4F. RASE, teav 11.‘TTANc; BARGAINS E!ZiO3 IN FTTIcF;BU'ReI 4kniN ettEfiS*KON GROCERIES, Abtn, QUEEItif.tyARt.(IONFECTIONS JOHN CREAK, NV, cI:ES.S. NEW GOODS I= BMI - :ERT. NEW SEGAR STORE; I= eA Rai &AP. RAIIN.SB, 1)14 g 1# 1 1,7 14 1 *w , , a 1171430114044. PlANAlntinfas, • ,„ • lrf.g• ?Milt la., J. M. ROWS. ' NEW BOOT ds SHOYMIE. = chasing cleewto I , I tmnined to chesp—s 'nth. cheaper then any other house k. the county. lte strict utter (101 l to loodneas, and dealing fairly and squarely only c‘orybodY. hope to merit and reek tie an encouraging Shure or lte I V;A r l• t' ..l? l ;i'nf:' , 7t; of flout and Shoes will also be carried on. In nil Its 4raneins. Boots, Shaw and thilten made to order. Re pairing done on short huVe—autl uu effort spared to nice satisfaction. None hot firsts clad* workmen emplo3 ed. flaying a life-lime nsperlenre at the ikll4/11t.., i bet confident that 1 call please all nho ut.q t all: D. 11. IZLINGF.Is Gettysburg, June 2i, P. 17. - - HARDWARE AND GNMWM. ' 1111 E subi..•rlbels have ie.( ritiri)ed from the ettles with au lituherise ittAitittY cu bldt they are °lli ring at their obi stand lh Bal timore street, at pekes to salt the times. Our stoelcColl , llXti in part of IWILDINO NIATERI.\ LS . CARPENTEWSTOOLS, RIALASMIT/114 TOOLS, COAcII FISIONII I,SMOK FIKDINGS, CARISET MAKER'S TOOIS, IiOFSEEEF.PER'S Ttps, ALL 'HINT* ,F IRON, de. cisOoLIMEs OF ALL I:lNik 4 , 4 DICK, PA There Is no article (radited In the several des pat t melds mentioned above but what cult be hart ! Itt this store. Every rings of Mechanies can he necommoorinted herewith tt,ols and findings, and housekeepers Can and every article in [heir line. GIN e us a can, as vie are prepared to sell an low for cloth a. sue logo• Oat of the city. ji WI. B. 1)1NNI•lt, ItAV Gettysburg, May 15, laar, NEW DRUG STORE, IN NEW ONEOET), THE underolgned hn• (Tenni n Drug Store in Nowmcord, Adams county, nod re.poctfhlly , ' ,013 14 e att'Uti r 'n "C 01 . ?Ono to his StrYlf of PAINT 9, OILA DYE-STUFFS,. W INDOW LASS. PATENT MEDICI N Do, sant a full maw:wino tit (4 DRUIIK: In a wind a 44;1,01,10e •t«•k of Gad. g,•nerally tept. In a r 61.- rho., Drug More . All of wldc•h have 1...eu lair cli.e..e4 during the poet two week 6, and will he old low. n a/ell rt lelex fornierl3 - ritaimiltet ti rod at the old ealabilahnient In Fan Berlin ran he had here. Underatandl in; 111. lnwlnen , o rhirl I), I nnd celtrtlog hh. good', hltit6elf he h. able to war mitt hia Drut pore all 4 oa rt•prr.^uh.l. The pub lle are requexted to alxe WM a trial. ft M. 11111. En. New Oxford, Ma) 6, INV. t f GREEN RIDGE! 4Q - - NEW STUEE AND NEW GOODS; -us Jorr N OR/1 C H AS mintai•ne,l More-keeping 01 OREEN HI r ~ in Hniltcni oq,„ rin the llntapt , ,n turnpike, and mould Inform the puling , that - be ii, Jll%l r.•torn , ll Ir.. the 1.11) it II ..x4ll , nt ~,utrtit,ent nt 1 , I1\" 00111 R. fatOrFRIES HAMMY %HE 0.41"FEN44-WARF CEDAR-WM - 11% TIN- Y% 114 E, 1 . .% :5 DI NOT/ t Tohnersal, k c .te.—lndee.ll, ain and e•amplcte nne 011;0041,, iosnit the neces , it stud tastes of all. Ills prkra am na lour an the very lowe-I Calteoes at la e. Ills and Afuslins nl II rent 4, .instano.s. • Ile feel, thnt hi, gooda pile, will he ',nip,- tO the pol.lin,r tl.,,fore I tyk It, a large .thare of eu4tom, froth mein nod Air. I'A - 411 forget the alvice—the Green ItiAte Shore In the place to get the fill worth of your money. April 22, hie.. tf NOAH WALKER & MTIBMII22 ItVA:iFUNGTON 13(.7/LDIN,J, 111'1.iND 1t BALI IMOKE STItt.ET, lIALTIXOREOOID., ITEFR Constant!? on hand a large and well:i -n voted took b all kihds of goods at molerute prices. They supply orders for the finest to the lowest priced articles, either ready made or made to caftans,. Many part otthe country. They keep also an extensive stock of FUR NISHING Dft, embracing every_ article mf Gentlemetce Under-wear, Alto. MILITARY . , • (7,140T11S and army Variety of .SIIIRary Tem zning44 OR uell ns an aa.orted 'took of READY MADI...3IfLITAR.Y CKNAki. Raltinvore, Feb. :2, I+o,/. BRINKERHOFF'S Corn Sheller, Separator and Cleaner. ande.,lgned would inform the Agrienitm [al public that he. low purchased front the Patentee rd, this evirmirdlitary Machine, the Pat'. , rot Right for the tstates of Perlnsylveitin and Titan:land, - 7 lirinkerholEs Corn Sheller, Separator and Cleaner, is pronounced lit, last nuieltine of the kind In this country. And in proof, it may be ' mentioned that the “Advisory Committee ap pointed to select Implenti it, for exhibition at the UM, onus' In Paris, in 1037, have selovled this Sheller as the last' In America,. anti et the reimest J J. (': Ilerh, ,U. S. Agent, a machine licisboen shipped to I'a rim li,r exhibition. The Met may also he staled tint at the great trial of Agricultural Implements, at Ainburtr, N. in July Wet, ender the auspices of the New ititlittitte .Ifgricultinnil the Brinaerholt l'Separittor and (leaner was reported by one of the meal etdopetent font rilittPP , to+ the io'.t Corti Sheller out. They was, "We hos e rate fulls' pm:it/lined end Choi oughl, tested this C11(11 , `, anti have no hiwiletidm nn proniadielng it Ike beet (LI n Martin it; The report b , slimed 1.1) such nave as hildt Stallion (Muhl, j President N. N. Slide Agricolt lira I !society •. 11. I'. Johnson, S.,rettiry to R. 11111"; Solon Robinson, , grientturel Editor N. Y. Trihunet Edvrords odd, Aaricultitrul Editor N . Vines ' Prom anodic 11,11* eornplln i ,ni ., .„.;- TION , TIII- axle nit es, the following, (Min t New lock 04erlrer, Is deemed sotiletent . '"AntooK all the Hand t ern Shelton. made in New York and Albany—and roe rAngle !Inn illlfollaren more than 10.000 annua l —not one COO enter the elrele ith the sheller.jist Ins eat ed by J. 11{Iiikerhotr, .Nutturn. New York. It shone, aepuraten nod eleatta, rapidly and mall), at one operation, no fled nn tin earn ran he put In tmthe hopper." The underakned is now prepared to dl.pose of covyry RIGHTS, Hu will have 511.EUX.12.4. ready for male In the county of a month's All lateral° he addrataal to P. 0. Box nitl, ciettydburg, Pa. March 11, PtC7. The Quaker City ButtineeiCollege, I=l PHILADELPHIA TO:Mog. con4plate *no thornUel vuppnln tea Onrinnerelnl School In the CoontrY. Conducted neon the he•rt wystem or irmt ruction, tovt uting tulvantlig ,- .lt 01 the itight,l , mier in every •piiSpivhs. IMPORTANT YOUNCi AIEN nip" desire Succeint an Promotion it 1i0n111.4 (Mr. ?ILA CTICA 1, F.TITT,VTIi ;lc FOR Tilt TDIES. The Commercial Viso' s,. amhnioes Book Keep ing, Commercial Cal flung, penlnnivthtp, ("or resprindence, Rustnemi Form.. Custom of Trade, (=elBf 1 t .Ikriof, Deteetint nee. This Ornifite tar becoltiptuteil Lu three months. EECIMEI 4warded Orivihin' rrre4er V.al and by nn tltorlty Of law TO I,PIGIM tAar,jitt 1 k tidlltrOttAlßLl (ftLYS4R, .0 the boll' one With shallar. power, to the gtokte, or 14uhe I.Titaikttßaier. OTHER RIOVNCHER, g T: g UrAmt., te g Il l hz d hq , Ifht t la . natte., Engl. ROW: is.ll,,grjegMlNpf 4 - 4..9 1 )1.: this Ingtitotlon talat 10- ;;,g49:ttt?+4l,,y,Al..jvc; ae low god th ke theaaest anA Mori e4tett. wank a; . tpalt, awl being ram poketl almost e vela. i age t y . ol rrtM) URI Bltalaraa. pre cpwd toy no other = l . / d seat. by Mali to flu) athlreita, apott rgteMiA of ats YOUNG MTN lovand to send for elreularA, or irtint the Onitegt" (or tort her 'A' in forma t ton, - I, FAIRBANKS, 4.21., Pre•ddent. T.41.,b . TS IfirsOicitre lat*TntitT: a lw• LAST ti9T I k; indebted to the isle PM _11( t ALLI 27 & MERL wiltraesaalt a t t i r: Ik acro ca , .Lriabe beet In the re t 4ITRIt e : an °Meer 'for , collet , I,,tioi!b.otlt retard to ber Ml-R,pl DIEM. 0 'et, li, 147. it t • fo4 , : orr clowns. I , %, P =4.*-4 I am now prepared to arrnmmodato all Ingaali ty and prim lam determined FLOrn, GRAIN; . GROCERIES, &C. rivig nnderaigneti are paying, at their Ware ./ h name, I a Carnal.. 1411.0 t, talialulag Hall, the highent priors for FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OAll , t, RUCK WHEAT, CLOVER ANO TI MOT T. NEDS, POTATOI44, and Waite pnaturenx to give them a tall before lattllll4. They hare eortatontly On howl for .ale, I= Molasses, Flyrups, Coffees, Sugars, with Salt, Fish, 011 s, Tnr, Soaps, &wort sti i i TAM . Toboeem eke, Al U hest V' brands Fl tTit, with FE Eli Of all kinds. They likewise hare SEVERAL VALEABLE FERTILIZEns, PoWhitt Partite OttAno, Rhodre Phosphate and , A A Mexlean Outman. Whilst they pay the hl lest market prices (or all they tmY. they sell at the logrost ns Ina profit.. They tutk 'chare of public patrPoafe. itYe Witfinr, WU to Furry ekto RonkErt MoCURDY. WM. R. ILAMTLTON. (irttyshurg, Jul) TIN-WARE-4 -STOVES. LARGE.4r ASsOR:6IENT OF TIN•WASE =I S. G. COOK'S, (foriner tndrew PolleY'C: l ali.o.onwof TTIF: RFAT CCXMING RITIVF:St IN MATMEr, rtmongwltioh ar• the OLD MU IN lON, compnomlNE, ==! I= FP914 . 01f11.1T, =I AIR°, mnnr other article.% tor Kitchen me:, which will be - sold RR low nq at Rny other jiltv.:c I.« tiie torinty 1211=113 PICKING JUST FROM TILE CITY ! OLOTHIN 1 CLCITING Prices * Rediseed ! Reduced / Reduced! FB. TICKING, Alt *rho the . ittyl with . enormeue stock ot new CLOTHING. NOTION'S, oifent bemoans of the martauttonlithrhgthnntetor. Top the amertiou, MI sake 14 that bore DOME AND REM COME it NU RPM! and Judge fol themselves. Hr has COtteTS, 21:cit e M . Gaga ClotitCaacX eatttlt, ?t tst` Cass ere Sark Coate, Fat tart Flack Coots, Tweed Kara Casts,. Black Ciuol.re Am P. . Fancy Fasstmerr Pants Kennet Panyt, Tweed Punta. _ VENTS, ClothTeetp t.„lteelraere . t orte, Satinet Veete, Velvet Teets, (lerrneteVeett. 6 )IPOTICINR, Moves, uspenders, Mack Litoves, HandkercbleiS, - lierk Ties, tiprtnitAtneks, Parr & Linen Collars,.tr, CLCMICH, tight-clay Clucks, Thirty-hour Clots s, • Alarm Clocks (Mt hie PI oria, Trunks stit.l I' nthrsliss. . . 4/jP• Areardeona,* Flutes, Flles,. Vtolln %triage. Buying ..144e ;Weal and haw* decline, PICK ING can .ell at the very IDWEifF brie ea. No doubt about It. Everybody pays so: • Nov. I, leis. IBSINGER & SaERMAN, ISTO. 2 A' MI 1' NIARKOT FURRET., 020., PA., PIANO & VIEVIETII I arbr, 31i 1 GODEO" AAiD ALLAMMI or MI:DUCAL /NIATRCIIENTR, Eetfully Inform the public that they are pre ett to furnish Plano% of the following mann re or of sty other mike that may be pre frrnwl; Albrlirbri, Itelise=l:tldt, m Chickens.; dill: y . Keane It , Sers. -• - Bale e tion, RSTICI'4 CRLKIIRATKE , 1.131 1 AGE, HARMONIC AND BOUDOIR ()ROA X 9 .4 ND-ALRL ODEON& Tpeee iaznents stand — ;lll;: i ivalled by es n V.lft.fri by .11 im thi n, r eqL",tsil.lO vl r P‘uerra,.. , t iztttowdricoqcga,tx.gvn,.r, lu r . , ; l nT . le r ra, p e nommen them vastly superior In ati other, l'or ex cen4isigly attack art,letnation and rntrat Tons, the assetnthtl Tenpin. In . Instrument./ of this rill. W3j r.1AT5V11114,7 4. 0 , r ) • This la and mast onde Ins cau knoutedged by all leading artletc2svlil ho Patina milt , In the itatey Inetrumente, attempt to deecrlbe the effect of this stop, wo are at Uwe for language. Its beauties cannot be written, but must be hoard to be appreciated. By this atop an ortilnierk o perfortner can produce an effert which reg,n an time of practice for artist neon .It en tlrely ehasaages the reed Tone, '4'g,ll4,lltil"., l gV`lAiaf" 4 . 1111 )AiM t never fall. tTanelrant the listener. •THE HARMONIC ORGAN for (Ihurebed, , Puhile 3ftl an*,lttrlorm nail a powerful non-Sans With Independani reeda, floe molar attachment and Vms Humana Tremolo, and - la believed to he the mon! nowern• Ined . or fmade, being neon) equal to a PJpe Organ of . 4 1„ Wile% l'heakont,a • 1 irqtromenta ~,ura, 101 l far 11, , 3 rqra iiiiMVIVY II O. /Minn") X.K . lrWt r /K7' l ' and mask. al reaadmith aring, A Metal dtanunt allowed lb, (217rdhea and iI4WI 4 00 / M °- at Fi alr,,,krlr l tnarcH til ! IP ;I % tiri4alp i ll i, :' aiv, i t and dlV qr ida&!!a. On r4at! onnos .17 if BAi~,s WARM, THE oa CtrilirlTY, DOLLAWS psr , #AW 4 4110m4 Ta , , 4 0 4 /4 1 111 7 . Juna Is, Pot: VegiktVlK r ini t ea* I C I M A Prf Ar i Ltme tea, "V=ll4 41 7211, 'l4l ' Now. tf j w. F~ V*Dt.f. =9 from fiettvahurw to Ball Ininrentice e, rl Wee'. They are prepared to convey Freight Other wits, In any ottsaititv, ItEllet 'Ell HATES. Tltr will attend, It d‘ . .ired, to the ntoktrta oflatrvita`e. In the city, Yid dells ering the Itooti• prompt l~ to ~. nu GvttYahota. litelr car, nth to the Wr ,treltottae of ;Natit R oo", , U . 4 ;Kurth Ilowapi st., near Frunitlin, I%llllllore, where freight w be re eelved at arty tithe. 1 try Invite the httetit lon of the puhlk• to their line wanting them that tht y will apare no etli*t to areononodate nil who WV% patronize thew. _ . • 1111)1.14: R 11F.NN538: April W, IA6II. if NEW UMBER YARD. tuaderalgne it d rta opened it I.I7ItRER. rARD, en the Railroad, near tiatinn & Ills 'a I.lmre SIIM. Gettyaburv, and al*, the mthife to give him it call.. Ws aktoottutent Ie one of thg, boat ever nernat here, and h 1 ,4 price% afraid Indy' the smallest llftryi profit. tic hoe WHITE PINE PLANK, INCE AND KATY INCH BOARM, ywortrNa, rALINGS, ‘C,, MC, and h coiottnntly adding to Ids sloelc. Come end examine rot yountel %%It. EINZIMIB FRESH CONFECTIONARY , - AHD kg 084 . 4 X NA LOON. rralE gnlatetiber roapeettnlly Inthrma the eat .' and of OW IyAllar nd lint he Inie tionfeetiotntry Ilithment one door east of the Eagle lintel, on eIitMBERKIII'Rti I+TRF.ET, to which he would invite their attention, r4M I D tort r with NUTS, oRANIIIOI4 and nll kind* of FRU always on hand, $4-PA IFS pnldle nnd private, as well or PAMILII, will he agnlehell wllb All kinds of 1 . %1I:0 , k, It (lIP: M In pvraml4hl form or otherwlneo an In her ItErIIIO4IMENTS, nt their honsen, upon ah rt notice, - MIIV I / 1 10 anent. flat tern himself that e he In able to give eoti tall and net hln Uuaf k May w, 1,3136. tf Great Oceiowago j.0 ! 000 HIJI4 • IrEIh IHEAT ir ANTED, 4 in. tl titlermlifned, hot Ing rerindeled Improw 1,41 hb4 Nee Clilletel. 1.11111 oonnlY, ittonnerlv mired .. Walnut. OfeNe, now ..Grent i,'•onowego la.peepared tO. do all kinds of work In bin limeleiltl% cannon) dia*:l„ v gulbra ltl:claturfialKrt:ik fra, Illae c iwlnt, ' w h e,,ery Jo It ro 1, t.4:l l llllelt A nl W a ofii7blber, of tho'shortteallee, A Folllo , l In need of lumber and none, ran put la log span 1/I.W.ffOtl, thrown fee Lambe! • of wheat on the top, have the v heat eNellitflged for flottr and the log Flawed, thn4 KIN lug n thnibb , trip— nft nil heenuse oft he perfect marblner3 now ern el 111 these 111111`, Life 11,01 yrr, orkmen, he n 111 he a/de in aieryl - nrly Thanttni for paid 115 ore, he hopes fora vont Intlallee of the unne, 11, MYER/I. New ('heeler, April 2.2, 144 ll* SEWING MACHINES. The Grover 4 Baker,..-The Reit Io Athol, They illiVa teloni gnu pram Om at all the Into Write ' Fairs, and in unit ne. ja,tedited to the BEST in'ese by ttll who I-have trivet thou. The .. r.roier Bak , r fitlte " rind the “Ishutfle KULA' pre point- that have been attunsed by no other Mahine. Ilse) a, the only ninehlnea that saw and embroider a s th per fection. These Machine* sire peenliariY odained to Family ewe. Thom is re nokele4s, Reit'lttrectly frotn the *pool Wi (lion N.Nt !rling, and are else. pie In their eonsdruet ion. Me? . AV` ..any to matt atte, and ergo be worked to almost any Mire Ever) family should hate one 77ey sore /rthrre, lime,and they r III)4$ their work betty nine it rot lIN 4.11111 5 tautens Ma ch havlnu hoon ill4/111(.4 Agent for tin- 1.1,0 ye Mach illl , . 10Stal ilpthr , l .tgeti• ey in Fsiireeld, kdalus county, wh. re he will al ways have on hand a supply Tenons wishing I to buy will please call WA exatuisse for thein• / *elven. 9. O. COOK /11.1-Noo , llea and Throad N. , 111 algo 7,e goppllncl, 7. S. WITHEROW, A•,,t[uat, .ketaniscoullty, Pa.. Ang, 71, 1863. tf Oettyaburg Railroad. TrANGE OF CONNI.:CTIONB.—On and alter C Wedneeday, Noyentkitil oth, INIP, Fatiatinger Trainaer leewe arid Arrive nt,(Jettyithilrg,, and make lionorieleona,awlillown: MAT FABBF,10l:R MAIN 'nu loAvatlatt)A. borg,at eLlil A. aer., with pawengere ter York, Bar. rtiburg, N and the orth knit Weet„,orrii Ink at liana,- r ti net au withintt ettange of ant's, at 10.45 non uee,ttng with the Feat Line Booth on the Northern Central Ball. way, and arriving at Baltitrioni at 14 x) noon. Aleidoonnertharwlth Mali Pruitt mom Baltimore north, arriving in liarrieburg at tOOP. M. Arri ving at tiettyabura 12.40 P. M., with lawaengera from Harriet:are, York, Baltimore and Waal, legten, syroN,T) p..kgMENGEIt Tli.‘lN will leave Get. P..aburg 11/0, P. Ni , arrls Me It Jinnover Junc tion at 1.30, owl connecting ss I th mull t rain south. 'Arrive at lialtin,re at a till P. M. Arris eat (wt. tyshurg ZOO P. 01., with plusal.l) Re, from Phila delphia,. ILftertahurg and the Noun and West, and also with pamengens front Baltimore and Wiannagion by the haat line north, wbleb lealten Baltimore at 12.10 noon. Passengers gists eave Baltimore In the Train at X..WA.M., and arrlvein fletlyhintrirai 1 2,10 P. It. Ur lease Baltimore in the r 11,4 lime at 12.10 noon and arrlVe in Gettysburg al 5,10 H. lint one eltamee of eats by the first train, either was, eft: at Hanover J unction. The fast Line oil the Northern Central will not atop at any local Aters t lona, except York, Hanover Junction endPerk ton, Connections certain. . MEE ADAMS COUNTY muTr4L FIRE INTWRANCE COMPANY INCORPORATED, MARCH 14, ISII OF FICF.ItS. Pre.l,lmat--(k.orge Vire Pranklent—SA.ll)mq It.llll‘sell Neeretary—D..t. Rae/.ler Treasurer—E. G. Yeihnestoeic . . Executive Commlbee—Robert McCurdy, An drew Itelutaelman, Jamb King. :dalliers—George Swope, D. A. - 11, MeCu y, V.h.lielberger, S. R. Ruasell, U. Values rock, A. D. Buehler, H. 6. Meenutr), hut t#aburg; Jacob King Strabau tuwar.hip; eintsaman, Franklin; Wm. P. XJord; Wm. B. Wilann. Benderaville; H. A. Picking,Stgabun; Joh+.l3,lfoN Lail nP; . 1 . 1111 picking, I,..tiat Berlin; Abel T. Wright, Beimtera vine; Moller F. Clitt,,..New (Joined; Jae. IL 3E2r orddial!, Hamiltonban; Jolla Cannlngbarri_Free m Tulin Horner, HatintlOY; Wul• ._ Liberty. 47-I'ttla CaMpany telira It ed iu Ito npersalcirre to the ethinty of Admit', It bag la-en In (or more than yeArs, "L on g made but peps asairukimantiti ides. by lire during i.hnt. iteriott an t onunint to .t 788 of Ny bleb Inure beenp aid rtritin.K itmx, peruon deul rill; an inatlrou,' can apply to any of the abuN e mused Manager , tat turtlwr informall•M. -• * ' N.-The Ez.eeetive Conunittee t tnertx nt the nf fie:rce o y f lU r ttl4 ""l nn n 4ll,r. (N., 11, 1 , 441; tf A Lecture" te' Young Men. I VW published, in a sealed ' , nye. J lope. Pr/re 6 mutt A. Lek'tture on the Nature, Trent• TAB tuent, and Radical Co re of Aetnitial Won 1141014,'03 , Sporruatort hoot, India,' h} Self- Involuntary Erniwritass,ltapote k . , y, T"- VQ‘.l.B Der litY, IMlN4llMoti r t. to Maar age Generally; Cif : 4 triptian, Epitapay. }qui and ; Mental d eal Incapacity, 01 —my,non. Fair 4, crbl' ELI, M. 1) , Authorlif the "Ciralati Book," eta, Wqrld-te:iciwrod -tattaw, P) in lila attaiirable re, clean , , flrgVP4, fr 4,171 him MV tarperioneo, ChM the aahil rataietittene, a of Slat- Aims.. may be efibetually tonprvett arlthast medicine, and Witbont &internat. surgical qperationa, bangle.; instruments, rings, or cord) totingout a mode of cure at once eertain Tll` effectual, by which every imitator, no matter what hWattdl tton may he, tuay rare hii.elf cheaply, ptiarata ly,atr.l 144506/IY. 1 , 4 ,1 1 :, tie .r 1 ,, ,0ri to 101 3 1 in d .: and t4inirsan s. atept, uwier writ, inn plain elvrlope, to any an Teratot Of ei t rents or jian paclatte ernes he n.lirr..it Int the he 11.0. DR. a .1A ERWALl.:34“:lfatriagefloßic," pr, re rent , . Attire. (I/LAP 7. C. Vl.lllrE & 00., IT Bowery lieerVork, Pon 0131e0110.14134. Nor .D),i8433. 3m er .4,,ig.,1.., 4 . „FOR N:I 4.T11:12( albli iiilvfmot i N nal Imprxtal r ur grii: 74 7 0 1,1 u o r i f rtnzi,l4,i kitrAtit, . Si waS, New IMP, • SehOhnhille Tor Sale. MBE A e n rr aa irl let'Orse Pc arßhj Qin the QUAKER iil 4 . ra awx•r iihaadaphi. icu t a k m cb , m , ~ ~. 0 ,• i the com.rci,4 427;i -±L;.' 'Dr la,ki„ i M -'"in- 7 e4l4i' 4 St the " ' 41° ..7 ' ; r*7r lZMltt3dj-7---- BALTVkIys. C. 4,:ritsow, IMII TILE BEn I& THE mirrs.T t", • MOORE'S RURAL NEW YORKER! Grcat 7bwo owl Conntry-Wtrk TIII%)I2I'ItAL I• tho Lending andl•rrgeAt Men- I It I.rt,re4pop. r Itm %Auk, on urn t --Nnperlor li% Moo awl nrirt% (if 'on I Mir. and Ilootrt,s 01 .4 piK.lllllllCl`, t rnihrne, Anon , Agtkutturtil, tit N•14.1111e, Etluert- Storm'. I.ltenry and Neu p• Mattcr, Inierxporwed Ifith Why, than 11) . W IL romnrlv.er. Departnltnr, 111.111,1111 g gri , kilt urn, I 'NAV , /.1 ternt ore, (Tort Irolrurr._ S,terk. .Irl, liusDnuary. E.lumtiou, (.ruing, Doi ry 1%4%, lout n 1t1 0 t1 , 1111,6 PAM.) krehitiortllre, (lenvral New, I%olairr4 10 ) l:0110413 „ 1 . ..11\11114 . ,0, rkut,4, N% 141. 911,41,t110111, kAw)n, .3111,E. The floral Sew l'earker is n Na tieingd femmm t, eft, 'Om Ink; large ly In ill, Eatet anel NOM, and mantle. It I . rnylely. the RPM Thlent In all laTartniele Ink, Ilk mrper fAlitura,eantrltaitorn, .tr, n.rnyt heft ninny of the beat I ; arniorm, r., anti 111,t A Li t 1,1 tuttkt 411111 Ith II in hriet the aural InAmy f:,lf 11113hIgItlett, Nently Prlniael—}'r Walt , l'"etlll—Mor !warn..? I e, z 1 lel Flllltr Ohl nth WlWtever l'ontiln . . Village let ITN , YIN: WANT THE a f'R AL, Yttilt FAMILY AND FItIIENDM "CT IT' Forth IA oanl.trat to tho hantm 01011. Not,• that It In not 41 111.01111, toil n 1•11r1r4' 111141 1:4 ,1111 . 111 Woelilv mitt thin \ 01. XIX Wlll wutertAllN Fanh :no ...nntn Inn Fight Donliletznorto prlta , 4 41 In 001,11 4y/e—1 7.1 . 0., POP 111111111141, MO bog ivr than nut ,gh irrlountal of It, ii`hotn. Title Rhin, Itutex, Ai ut chi,. of l 411. 9'111111 , 4-0,11 n loot: td plebe of lon ;01 Iwo ropy. 101. XIX lo•ohinJan.A Now I. Ilia ft oke lo voba.-rlht , tool elub. Groot Oflors Tl, l'/111 , kg. I.IIK. Sperllo , lo4, Sligo.. Preoll not I,•nt ro•e or thr.4lllllrlnsbero of role ylorter, OCT, 10 JNII.) nn Irlol, lee Only Fin en I.!lddlenr 0. T. 1100t11 , ,, -• flochm.l,-r. A. I'. 71In gpleudltl i'l.wo , pither, grew') ent;tro.,l unit impro% t d , IQ tdte of tin mood re•llithle, tuteitt Suit Wm tat I*, so. yahll4 f , l . v s , 103.1100 ( t it healltllllll., 11l 1 111111.1141 f•//10tt , 113 11. Iti,lolloo, Witt. fi•Vt Inhflmtl even„ Inc.. rrp re.,t.mritryt Nett litymitheitt, No, ell len ltl A.. IMO /ea, 1 l . gllrnlen rr,l heMhdes , l'hotogittidtt Montt.. tryatftrorm Etittinort l lig , Selenet. and Alt. /Ilene.., Meehan'', 11, 0111,M, CllO/11610, DinlitttOrlorepi, peOtllf• eVory itrotos. story of Ma, IA ill nod Ult• I•CII.NT/./ I(' to be 44 mat Nultutt In thehr respeelhe Lalllng4 111, eel ohd Ptryteenl 1(1115 will Ml\a them litutdredm of Dolpirot benhnn nnordlnry 00Itt WAVY°rg ittloWlellitP, the 411 t, 010 Welt heymnl peenhlrt r 0 II oute. All pt. Irllt4 omitted, 9, It It the elelinx, pryld I.het 'PAOLI) . MIMI,. or Prl, ote tIl nnv .jtol,) the Work bound. /I prelti`n AO fin rlo too,. lite 31:0113 10.11110• In ot lb, St tttill I? A m - nmke it xptilitillit ?atone Of lirorlt tint•lhou w+d quo rtut potoo , tsitilVolellt to overt.. foci . r.ff ,,, 1 Sew 1111 l • e. 1 . 111 enee.. 7 . 1 . 1 . 11 n . I. I.‘", 1, 1 Wg,k Term, tone ear, $3; lea 11. year. 91 .111; I 'lttim Ten I'oolo for otte 50,,11,wn, 1 . 00,4 bent grAlw. Addrvo. Ml!t'lN (? P,tt k !Mu, Sew 1 11 .0 1 MY hr the 14(11,4411th' .t Vl+ I. etettmethin WWI the peldleal lon of the IRpt.r, 1111,• seted Its /toll, Moot of PoleOl II for 01.11 , 411 . 13 yettttl. ANsiten., lonot tor l'idvillot Itat t• 1,. tol made 1 111 ,111th 1 hell. iteue,v. .hlose than Inn I I 1111.1t.oth - Thotwon , ‘ les oaten base naught the 00(111 , 0 of tlit l • rom 1, m or , of Ili. /•IcIYXI.i R' AV/. !lII' emmortt In kt thol,lllfiltlll4lll%. l OwslilletlionN and iolr b.,. It, hlvPntun, L. R oo, try, l'mophlehi treteertilN l'ltteot I 101•uf till I ',ion!, 41./r.A. IIII1o1Aulitt• Boil olulne, etintaltilint lie Me, lotelent Emma% l tryo, and the I'iltte4 Sfuten ht 'on idle., with 111111 s 0101 Re ceipts tor Meeh,lnle. , 111011,1 ml nv,ipt of '2, 5, , P. - • IKT. =I fe-ttwe at the htolf.pw, tke uudrnotindi Qui thdt Nntisfurt \tiausiry. JOHN' G13.1.7F.L. !E r MU.ltit,T 1 }:\).\L}: lit:M . ll)V F.l 11t 1 llREtill,.% IIITIFIN! / knee teat.o,l there limp,. In my own prortleto, 'OS ot ten i enre, vitt( It hitt !Imitate lio too, thin rat'. Int, el 'teen ttevegot it) nll4llllll i . • • ow. .11, that to 4. , an nowt., (11111', ptwlttely 1 11141 dltininli•ioth , .IN emow 01 Sel/00. itroICIINI. 11% Nt olt A. 41. jA • tetllelne, In all nlvelt 2 ra+emil I itevr, 1.01 , , 111 , \ 11011, .11111 ‘llO In, l• 114411 dig Male, r*.... 4teho t.l to It for the txxlvt ,4 health Altitomity.o 45.5104 ntt stud putdrist., they Art. p:11,114, Jaitligl ,,,, t, and 114,1% I, 115,.1? at nil 01411'.., i X.Copt ~ heti bkVllll I, 10z . ..1.1001110 i ht• il he, 11.,[14, 1 li, 1 has, bel,ll oat ell., rly eitiplt.,ll 114 4.011. mil ph, .lelnilrAtt } tan, :Ind 1,11.01110,n. well \ rt. 111 hi, tn 4 It pr. Irv', 0%,r t,•lt V 1.111,, allil 1 lint .0 :., I 1,. 4,, .11 of Ihe 11,1 1 'totality et (idol ,• I cok.Atl ~ I . 1 , 101 nvatht 14 Chile Vili , .1 , } nt,it n'tl iii.fr the northern Mrl. 1.• , ..ti.1 , ,,5{1,t0., %I ere 0 . ,.... 1.1 In Ito Ir Ilona , prl,‘,ll, 11l ~1 loo,om 1,01 it , . hale kr, II .4.10 Ult. 1 , 1'0% etlr, 411141 I 145,pr awl II 4 , 4 a• ti.a,ti s , tillere, 1,4 \t: keen helletille . .l. I lent, ell it, are Oat a rt Ire. , i 1 hilt' itl lit ilnain e MI 0f,,,a,u0t it,,,, 124111 114 , lintla t kr IN had Now., 111141 mitt lint I m 1,. I.' one bolt IN O 0.,44,. 0.,44,hts i ITIaV lull 1100 the hyth,l4 of renll, pewle miltereN, 'l'.• all , ttt,..ttir. t Won awe 111 . Wart , s : pith, Ira, thlllehlt, eveefinl,lN, iaj1e,1141%.• r etta.trhele.l liteni reel I nil, I ottorrl lea, Or the lee . a 1110.6 OW ... tililt (00011, I NI .11,1 ti.hy, Iry a IKlttir.4 in, 10'00'.., Fiw.Nrii I t hit it retest. 111 , 011, 1 - 101111,11..1% 14417, ration, their 0011011 i.. , Illf ore ail, I and 'Mt 1%.. Ulan SW p 11, , pII.IIPIN. EXIII/Vii d tuna, bearing toy I.4l . +lll,llP , ,lltelAriplall . l./14.11111.1t .s, Th o • 3 1, 1 ,1 i he ohtelned of nearly twin, dint. 141 In !Ile mural I V, or 1)) enekbl.l,lg the pi fee i tl '• cl. \UK tit t'l 1„ New lie% eft, lon g 4l loner J ‘Htlint Yin . Ow IMt pd /Stahl:Jive Can , Wt. .1 , /IN It. 1. 1,).i. PreettelnyeThytileinn. New lilt en, COllB, • Prio 7.1 "y 0 per bath March 25, 1,407. ooWly $lOO „REWARD pm, me.llrine Mat will nurn COINHO O Tll ICLII.H; IN THR THROAT R'HOOPtsol•nlro 1:1=7:1 tiONSUNFTIVE 000 - 4{N na qufek Doe'ii Com); Balsam t OVER ONE MILLION noTTLts haye been sold nnEtnot n xingie I nogta ore grits Ilitlfn re known, W.• have. In our ponsemlon, y quantity of ar t ap,s, .nue of the irtnn PIIItYAW! ANN ti; it °err one itry Fp a (walk, as to enable tbn patient to expertortslo frP.I3 Two or. three i loeea bilwiribty Chin. rieAtano , In the TA Pat A. half tmttta .10,16 Orton corn pleay aural the moat tilublJorn Cnuph, and yet, thnanh It is 00 MIL, 801 i speedy fn its operation, it Is porn etly let, heti int rely vegetable. It Is very togtverthle to the te, and may he administered to chil dren Many ne. Sn oAes of tliftlrl" st 111 guarantee a run.. It takCn. In nnw.on. No 'tune', should be tetrhaat ll' It is within I In. ceaat, of nil, it being the eheept.n. and 40.1 niedielon.nrlmait. C. G. CLARK & CO., Propuetom Ne* Hat I.n, Conn, 3 arc.ll:li4 lag. N*l.l' A PUPERLI STOCK. OF FINE 001.0 ANTI Ell.- V Ell WAre4l._,)4 wAnit INTEI) To RUN. AND TINGM4I7(iHLY RF:DII,ATF:I7 AT TILE UAW PRIDE OE 410 EACII, AND feATIS- F 1 'PION UFA RANTE F.D. 104 ittolld Gold Hunting 1.1 Melte* . 4 . 2.1111 to ¢INN hot Magic Caged Gold Writelog MO to `sett leU LagileagWatehen, enameled . 1110 to leg 200 Gold Rant Ina etuton. Wateham, ZlO to tint aig UOId EIMPIIfr EngIIMAGIVem.. 110 to MO lortGoid linnunie Dna. Watcher— Ph) to met 500 Geld hooting Amer. Wale! en, 100 t0t..1./ 500 Silent Blunting lwveria. . to 1.111 :eto Silver Tlunting Dnplextet. „ 71 le JMI SW tettlillatilet.` St a tehee.. Ito to 1,000 Gold film Ipa "'opines ... ,10 to 71 1,000 Ilhaglianeemsfillver Watelete 30 to II)) AIM Ranting %liver Watch., to 10 5.060 Awanted Watehm, all kinds 10 to 7.1 The IRWIN clock will be of on the roe ri-ten oNV..I.OICF. etAlf, giving e. ory pniTott n 11IM001,1 of ROM Sll, er "WAR% for (10, w tritont regard to veiny! Watratv,Dao, Proadway, New Vtteh, wisli to Immediately also°, ~r mo t , ;• meg. n)ocent hack, Cecil thilate.N. nrl.llldi,, the Art 01,, ars placed in seitlea ertvel opon, nod well n) Madera arc entitled to the articles named Itt their certificate, upon payment of Ten Gators, whether It be a watch worth -SIAM Or One wgrin que.t. The retqrrrof oily of ogr eartiticat a s tMe, yowlo the article]; named t hereon, upon put - nien I, I rrespflue of its worth, and as ou,orttell, valtlerl I,4a'tkoil 810 la named on tiny cattlepoe, It era l at calor be &wit that, Weis gO lottery. hut a straight forward INgflinao tianigeotion,wll l, ll may he porttelpKtod. in even by the matt Matt. M A it 'Ogle oePtignate will be sent by atoll, post paid. upon ree. , lpt 0f25 mli ate, ve Mr SI, el...en fottet, thirty-three rota elegant premium fur 1, aigtygila sad more caluable prezulorn far Illy, anethundred anti most superb Watch for 615. To agents or those wishing employment, thin IR an rare MMOrtunl L.!, I tarn leg Rine:a/Ay cond.:Viet latidnigg, thar authorliad by the Government, and open to the moat careful verntlny. Watches .icnt.by ftigyro.., with MA for eollotalon on deliv ery, sn that no dieltraletsctlon can pegaibly Greer. Try UR. Atlttra. Witli3 ITT, 11110TFIER GO., Importera, PR Broadway, New 'York. it 31,..C4'RPT. Ira:' =I 4 .1, •"1 r"NT111.“105 , 1 , (111 y 7111 MIN r rert,l - 4 7: 71.: " St 1 I tho Amoy tIS .ii . Pre Alio no It s i,,,,,s Iry to W.17140(41 0011441 In al nta gen of I o,..emptical, ( Lug/a, 100 l Rheinnesitha "euralgta. Jou- nd iOnOlki4ohn s ll`Mknoo and Sok (n the Ik ek, Rid. and Kidnenn, Ctrnor. Annvi/n/o, Oki Harr., F>yetpetas, EWA Wourtd•, Burrts,../irrixs, Sore or bylanseti Throws, /nn-Tina l'In• Nov., C r4Ymat " t 4 6.l . no, ono W n le nonderio I tn. pel It ha., et prormed, flight .Ile , tritglked rbtit tin' ai,,,, OM. to *tiling to relr o Kt Intrlnnto 11-wr ite, In order to introdanelt !MO ovietr (Unity 44 the ertoteF, X TIV7:1 1"I tr 1 4V%:/1Q4:t 7 44 -j % V ilftnin . *lid til thIPFAWII ,I Itti P I i' rifyguotelL.Di -Medley , ht p T. /Wpm , likii/elt, Sohn Winebrenner, I. L, Schic , k. IlEirMerthanta ran get a ituppfy try coiling lit 7, WINEBRENNER:Sit Wholeogle Itrteee • Aug. 5, MT. ly Cemetery limnls. the, •ea SWAIN cif fgualas W, . .r zi - " Mardi ralik gear* vi the nowe'7, rliF: VII LI) IS 11 HE VT: AHOUNIIS: WI:ITM 1t pwrisci! ANL, si..M In 'ME Tt■IINIVTAIKIII 1. 186 8 . Scientific .11)? erica 'I-, THE - BENT P.IPFIR t% THE WORLD rultllsliell for Veorh• RTER la" A eI , STI' HY. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS: INFLuE:I7. t = Gifts for Christmas & New Years 1 - - - - -- DR. L. J. GROVE'R IMlVFitstm Magnetic Salve and Plaster.
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