Ottigsbitri omplitr. YALI * TABLE FAII4II. 15tTElir° SALE ! TIIE - HOLIDAYS. ==! 7,7mlw;m4Pimm Yew Sitheergiters.—Preinium.—This is the beginning of a new year, and a very prrper time• to subscribe for the COASPI- Jaa.t. Ilie_paper !greatly enlarged) con tains weekly net only all the-news worth pubtlahing,with agricultural and other nscful 'reading—but rtlitoNt large amount of valuable to.itici bearing on the politi cal Issuer or the day. In loe.d matter It nh'vays In the lead. Our list Is already large, but It can be Illeremied—andshenia be, the itniortance of the coming Presidential campaign considered. As an inducement to our present subscribers to assist In the desi rable work, we =kettle folfowingpfrer Any one now a subscriber to theiDosi .. ribtin, who will semi O 9 the narnoa of four nevi , aubveribers, withflir rash in dd. nunce, (eight dollars,l will receive it credit of one year's subscription on his Own account—ln other Words. fora new subscriber sent in, accompanied by the each, a 1'10111113 4 OF !WT1 . ..CF....MN wllll,e allowed as o ereait on prebent nutiterip- tloo. Who will h; the AIM to g 9 into this work? ClltertATV TlttlTli - Word in SPlOton.—The enlargement of the has Lroaght with it a ea,E:y loci eased outlay—not only time neeeee,ary ,in the spitrt t lut every week, almost every day, Aince, for labor, paper, and other materials. And all this we are compelled to - meet without (Inv (WPC in the prier - c!T sulowription: But ore 'we meeting It? fiearcely—nol— ,,,Nyhy? Simply and solely ..beeanse so nomy'who owe us don't pay. Ourtipti ness Is larger than ever, end yet we are getting ,comparatively 1-ifss rash than ever. This system won't do, and can't Le followed long unleass backed ay a 'for tune—ivhieL printers seldom' or never are. Ili& remedy, they, b+, prompt' pay ment. s Not next month, or next /wring, but outre—at once—befure Another day, or at MIRA another week goer . by. We eannol 4 ... bre on nothing, nor can our ‘vorkinen—nor will the paper-maker die -1 enK e the fruit of hie capital for charity, or errs' on credit. A mew year Is about to begin. Delia ply op, and start mint s (lean boot for than I Help us to adopt the each .q . lish It 14 r thest h lni everybody, hod a e rtirtml resort to It under our heavy To that goodly number who pay 'wild vu nee, our thunk 4 cannot be too often ex pre,,.;. But to that clam who neeto never to think of pa) ing the printer, wd have o n ly to nay—itry en' onre:, me? sure f orthcr tr o uble / =I fieftglahowg Fl,ol'll, EVE WHITE WHEAT, 1{1:1) WHEAT,..... ...... •••• /LA F . ..... . iIIICKW If EAT, v„. I= I.A X 1,1,0-. D OM IBM ikettimort • , „,. 0 00 ® 10 00 . 440 6A 2 75 FLOUR, ( Olt IVE! C 1,11-81EED„. T uTu r I 1 V-SEED, 11‘)08, V ha n d.oo. A 00 (n) 10 90 BEEF' U rrLE, Lund... 700 06 lip 00 11 %V, ... ....... 23 00 ( 21 00 Go, 1,, Philn NIARTRIED t Ito . 2tl I n 41.. trt Trelll,llll% SehllVikl it county, by Julm Jo n es, A. It -lltt:L of York sulphur spring% Adam.; f eountv, - to Mins EM fi J Rt , ;(1: 1.f., of theformer plare. mume the printer . x as yyx,y handsoirwly re hints•nsti, fisr whlsh:mahy thanks; Wa'trader tipr happy couple oar con iontabttians,. “Oli, fair ow} flow'ry In• their i•n -1110,1c3 nll. bright nlwfia than— Anti brighter Ite ench eoming day - - rrk and liatm•n 1w lust' them. - 4,n innuar% I, 141:4, at ht Patrick . % t 'torch, bl Ilarrinharg, )ty . P. Maltrr, Mr. Tilt iM Sri T. N. ofthin Wave, 1., Miw JAZ ZY}, A. KNII4IiTttN, at lintrarbWrg. (hl the 21ih HIL, nt 1 ork, 1. 11, Miller, tiENIII K. DAN NIX, 0 t txthi 41, to Mko JULIA, tlmlghtel of L'lnales Wetoh, yr "fork. ith the 2111,101...1n Nox KlirAtoti,Cumberladl H,y, IL IL Fleck, Mr. El.l WAGNETt Mirq, M. Imth of Culia.Arr.. INIIII units cin the 2.1 bud., Jaen'. sublet, Alit{ UTAH mi.,yEtt ) ork rule ly , to !lna . 11 tltY 111'1117' 4 11.k oithlgeounly. on the :nth nit., by fler. .Ineol, Ziegler. Mr. M 1 RFC EA., of Altbottstiorn, to tat`qt C.Vrtt MN I', It \ FFENSPFIIIIEIt, of York county. 1)11 OW 17th tat, In 1 . 11,..4 . . P. Wing, D. P. Mr. • MVOs ON, ftinlierlY yf Mitikitnlf 4 OM, u.toNbst.JENNIT". tltb..u•Off, all of Comber lo tut curt Pt) , t to the Ibth ult., sot the tenidehre of the bride's lot loot. by It, r lestoe Putterson, Mr. 3, HEX:- VI:I N, l'untlorion , l boo ntslor, to MI., ANNIE E.., , lougliter of Copt, John Horner. of Mountioy too ship. • ot the 21-t of Nar.m.14.1, 147, nt Mot Liontopy of rt Emo l'harterollirlisle, to: Hee. Vt'rn. Kt ills. Mr. t 11A11.1.1.X41).0001( w Mlss ELM I It. J. lAN/Pi, Moth of Brodersvillo,tbiS nty. hi. •Ilst Init., by Rev. E. Itreldroblutgh, tIEOFttIE I.ll'iN to Mb.. FiAlifilF.T E. WOI - Font>, Moth of lorervioan totrn"tp. - • on the INt nit„ tlt the Madero* of her oephetr, Al tintor, In Itatttmore, NllO4 3.14111) 11. ta, og l ed yeanh cotonmnietted. N.t St. toull, Pee. 121. h, 1107, T.IDA VElt, tughter of Georsr and Irlntira Orm er, cgel IlyeArs. IN NlF.lloltiPt. , Oh why mllOllll we weep for_ihe henven4pt% bloftscnn That the dal! frosts or.wiuter cuUmlgU toihe muh, 110. sneers of tlcsi Utah In ppy ttynr pllnr♦tcd, lu nuushlne and frog - ranee forever to bloom. A, the /love tains Aret In tkle tree - top 10 fl ying, 11 lust the w 41,1 'tempest roar. o'er the Mkt - 10411041 .cd, • storms, She wltitrel her Muhl upu gird, - To ',owe erntThllns on the boson; of laud. Thawll •pang may return with iota bad-song dM= And summer the ebrtra ft earth Inn v Unfold But we *en the lumen budded dubsy That died e'er tilbl end alp ita aorrows Un CM! Though cyan muy fly on, though terapettA mity gather, Vet still In Our heart, thy memorywe'lltutVe fresh 1111 the zephyr, en on eel at the singing Of the murmuring angels who, sigh o'er thy grave, Then ht.effetil ktiteter Inight y hien from heat on, Motu ttiVlmnn , In the clot - It mmo tweet so • lure benr, SOMP helm for oar hem it tramp n kind Father ' given, Ffog e V•6olfrOW.lnif ntOglen.Wko wee, for thee ' /i BoY4R SON, nrowinte TI 1 0 01 - .1•014 - 081, • -' ::,TO/3A6:08, 4C, 7 All 4 O, Stow, *Jade% and IVillorw Warr A general asportment ef all CrOOS • usually kept la a F,148`14 'I,AO ri,) , l4 ! Y CiR9CFRY JASI. Mg Mil: M - •-e 7 -, • 1: MY absence, there will slave ben 4.horologh ly competent operator lu c of the Excel tualler o LI and under all elrennie lon before It . . P4l l 4OVe 9,4X40,4414 ummiwrr . 14.1 _ -- • ,475=1N0t ISM MUSD ill pliretinnee ,rqu mall n 1 II; nrphait. (•ourt N li t "N343 11 4.4 V 'e4 , " ( VI I I fr. 1'..• " 41' . f ootc. Orr FOR - old> cli Ens I• of A.IIIIIN MOW. , . thy 1111111'1 0 O01 01 1 Xlll 1..11 al mt.serthr tt t'qt.. la qa.t - ...r.ittitua w-- ' - ' Pointe A endue,on lie orenitkaa. oft aIATI * RDIsT, .eti at PIO the 1 1 1.111..111 1.1111 1 e.kictow, in Non hog the lot day of TESS l'A ItY next , imluAnir totrooilii. \Ain, , I 11,riln. on • - 1 raet 01 land known e• the lln form ...inirrli belonging tot .g, .1-J. Rohn, , ” r , , ~,,,,lo nw,,t.;, lily DIM , . lug othuilde 14". - PAINN Pe , onal Pt •lpeill. •ix • ' E- IC "Thill.A FAME," H. . , 1.4. 2 .1. 2 to the enAtetd Jahn nuke, deOelVol, ' -, WORK I lORIARS, a Yearllnk roll., 7 moo, _.. • , r at aetherebta g Skeet, oat/ door to Ow .E/2ifose RO lllghlind tushlp, Adams rounty. 10.10111- COW*, 171111/11A Of (111 1 131 to 11 f 1 NOl k by the toned Ina ia..a. of Flesoit,luft_Lat , lutw,Johla llok an•l efile.l: l hloul of Toting Vat le, 2,..r. be.rey with 1t..P. , • ter, X c gt,„„,„,„ntainina T wo El I! sultEll AND ,i• ,riz,„ ; pig, a lIIIMIen Of Slep,b4, I ,Thlee-In , latlro Wag. , • ..." T RE only asttak , rized agent In this place DIMS TT-FOCE AClib•gb, 111./001 , forty-tire sires of I on, for four or six Serene, With- lied, hoeh a‘ good are poi 'n.mlnl . Luna, and u 111.1301.1.4 r, 11, 4 1 new , 1 Fntein , 1441 re Wlt,soU, 1 , 3 r Inn,. 4,l,rt4tX . xerlleney, (Inds ilinilstiturFnq., nnaotinees to pontoon the rero.thnier is nattuallfedow„ " The .1 lan ewe s 1 One or two-Bono. Wagon, 404 iroo4l an Mllll is troll watorol And Nef) .1111f1We for atstoek new. 2 Log Slats, one new, south 414111111 ,, rniinenA, boot. The building,. are a Two.ritory TAX. 1 Sleigh IlllJ,larin.q, 1A.% R..+l Tltlealiing .Thi- A .1 " . P . 'l' ll ' of 0.-4, r 4 tolit ^oti ^urr.elha 0,,,,t --.4 V. 17.tTi I EiMIOA It DEP IfOl' , E,lngliant, ' ' thine, Willi 'Double, a I•o a T.. eller.. tom Fmme Wagon Shod, COlOl o'll. Ur& 0 . Vanden. with Musk., r, i But Lose Reaper and I'' , Rs'l lie le WM - feg ,e elVing at his Sl ,, re, the pen. end Gotnirle, \ lark , quantity of '' linewerges gisol a. dew, with lad(-1 a kor attnelnal, limo Lae Irian put pit the l augthe InAl two 11 , 1 sp z ,„/,,,,,1 . , 4. , ,, , ~, ~,,,,,,i 1N taw, I ( i n ,. Baggage and Equipments of the * Ohl Gentle ! Drill, noarls n• . , tirst-rato Whinowing Mill ant luie tilt nate ikbotit rho loth, from 06ttystuug. ' Cutting !Mx, 2 imir Hey Lolders, a its Duo, man, • • which an tribe distributed In nip profo anti oN./.. 3111.1. 110 M NEM SALEit ; in a golxl 1411.1 ' "baba., 2 Lo ploughs, 2 D ou ble, and :: 141wAle . i end at watt prime Xs will astonish evsn .Iroprovlt , nidahhoringul, and le .011 worth the ' shovel Piranth., 2 Corn Fork. , 2 M0r0... I Dreg, ''''''' l • atteution ' of ,flpitallsts, or fanners wonting a , I Wheel-harrom , 2 net, Ilrettlil*Wl...+ln Rood 11 , • lim, The vile will be almolute. , now 4 nets of Front Gears, 4 lionslner, I Wagon tin., IA 110 think rs rent its big as cart wheel. • hale wilt root Ittenee li t I o elo,lo Teniot made I Saddle, Side Saddle, Collars null Howie., Reiter. know LI on dB) of rase , ... ~..,,,.. ' 101,1 Chnito., OM Illutiles Lon awl Fl ft I 4 I linth• . TOWS of e.ery description, to make cheerful F. 11 . 111 - FifORN. /other., Al 2seto Mot Tmee.,2setsltroa.t chatm,istubleatri ANN E. HOKE, Actin , , Miele -tre, Sprondent, Joakoo ;at irk., pang tbe hearts and Jubilant the spirits of thejuvenile se • r.... 1 of John Hoke, doe d. I forks, Pit. It Fo"1:., Ittike., ,Itto ,b. Cam -liar, Jscon )(Intl-><v, Anethateer. Dun. n 0,,,,... make,,,, pie,. ~- i rk gene, ~,A . , ! popul Ilion, and . aupply of FRENCH and COM- Jan. 14/, Pl6B. la , , Ina liarao,Flax Brake, twee Meal mat \Veda.. . . . &e a a. ,11th HousAlold owl Klrellon Porn It 11 0. 3111:‘• ' ‘ 2'. / HFS4 . to*Weet . . and MO and m°lll.° PIEIBLIC SALE /melt n• T11.11,V.4 .INO CliAl 11-t, 11,..1.donde„(atplarant, , perpotuallgeobigdi e the utfbet ions of tho, w hose •• Cook SION, tool F Noire , • ' 1 en-nla te for _., wile l " ' - ' hearts are throbbing In ant Mimi ion of changing 'flea Ir, Sink, Spinning Who, I, Chopping Mkt ' I ALL'', SIX PERSONAL PROFF.IITY. • hlta• Snk:tat' Stoller, Lord Pet, 1 barrel , Of the!r rolltlllloll In life, and a auperelothdrinee of ..- 1 l'ldiNlVinrttar Meat Yromels, Tight Barrels. To* . I CliN FRIDAY, the ?Alit dol l ` ot FERRI' 111 Y i t hurt., Iron Pot and Ratko., n lot of Rene/toe, ' nit TI eAKIN to make ant the Wedding and a s.triety of ;her ankles, too 1311111 , 11 . 011/1 r., ‘./ next. the aultarrther, Wen that to quit farm ing, Will sell at faille Sole , tit 01. reeidonee, in anent lon And frolidny Faded's, ' • Hu mitten township, .VIIII4IK wanly. on the mall 1 .." I. . u* ' ' n i 9 `''' i ''' k • A • If .° ''''` l ' l In A 1 c ' sn ' Tt ' Ve ' n7cl " nee will he given 1111 ' 11 term, lending from the coritsle Turnpike tout,' York I,L 'I `. ' ' Aben, OR.klitiES, LEMONS, NUTS, and a Turnpike, tw.,7niePallYellu Ahhonstuwn and the .g,...'' k now n il) 14/C11..t EL ALwiNr.. I -..... thongam artll one other good things. • soon. MeAsnee front New Cesfont, the following ~ r no - rit ra, Anetioner. .. Personal rumen 1 , six: 4 Hit. %It OF Rung 1101V.Lb, 'one an extra l Ike. 2. ... 157 - 5, ' Nulnable horsey :.•_ trip old, and 1,10. a brood fain- W• nun:o 1 two..yeer old Colt, -I moot-rate I Oil', ; i I'LBLICALE. , lowest pores, and to he soil At the smallott elters, 1 hulls, one a Durham, 2 IRlttstd Son ; with Pit.t, I Mond 4 1 'rbree-inell l'ocr-horse Weg- I _..-- i I Oxalis. Call in, old And yonng, male and ferns*, on, nearly new s - !Carron-trend Wagons, !TWO- I 'pi( F", subl oboe, intending to rein , WeAl, , ion,. Spring N 1 ago", Hay enryltrae, 2 Threlhing X will sell at Public Salo, at the ti ts -mt ~• Nt'lltnot, I good Wire•tonth ',take Ornin firth, , I ll ' lls, forna il, ov. nod by 31/ Peter llraltil, °hoot I woad I lurk , ve Renner.Wlth ell the ' flxtnre , to O. ', and hall nilletienet of Entinittelturg, on 111. , )00. 1 BPI., Plolll2ll. lint ro., ruloottor, shov• I road 1,01, t o 7,1111,,,,,. ~,, wt.-0 , 2,1,1,A) . l'Thilfell, Double 4111 , 1 slnale-troo.,Hind.nd 1.'54111 the Loh •hok ot JANl'All'i, 1.,a, at a 0 , :0r.% .k. Not .22, ISM .4f tesst., nllll I ollar. and Itrell. s, link, I hallo, I.ll Sil e folhrtrinr Personal Property, NI - - c,,, I h:, ns . ,- Batt ehatllm, Lou l halm isprenth r ,- , ; oIIEA 0 .4 NVOIIS ill.nt , ES, I ‘ , l ~,, h , ro ' „ 'and .1 1 1 olio , ' k.nol• of hum a. subs nod lo r, in rah ttod for ilt a. 1•1•110 or istrut /01 , 1 1 ri,.• - O. u ,.,,1,41 A hue some liollimllol , l and En, hen 1 t ototg hlo 01 , 41 trinre ot the Rod had -toi I.: l SPECTII,r N OTIP El Fnittlluiv. , , I Miloll Cton a, 2 Blllk, 011 e II 1/10 011 11111.1 1110 111!” I" 11 _ 1,111. ON I 11111111O01 , ' All 10 0 tlllek, A. IL, on said F-Teesa Ider, 2• obi: 5 hollora, one and ill. , 11111, 11 bell ntletel,anee 1,111 10, Os ili and ten, yess4 1,111, to: go/1.1 k....0...k: I: all. 01.',.11 N. , I ..tgol. . - Made Lanz 11 by ' nne It Dodd-trend KO, one nurn•w do., otn• . HENRY ST' WK. two-honer tio., .ithlone apt MK 4 hs, , O‘ ,l harp... ' 1I ee I/ All Ntlioni it May Concern! APAM I:, ...TER, Anil ionovr, ~ all In good order; /The rookamav tam ay and linr.. 1 hiu. 10, l'aa, lig. • ; t 0... I 'mato sproarl, I Rpm:a rlla , 1 11 11t 111 drill: . I MI. I threshing ninehtoo, 11 . C.1.•-genrol nisi - doublo eltaker, In good order, I .la .it non I 1.40 ti 4 I SA LL'. stone Insd, I Dail . hi, , .irrinal.g, 1 pale wood lel dtr 1 01011,1 414-Igh, 1 llo•li l' ,, tux, o 1 arm 1 , ,a10, 2 ft - barehear plough., 2 1 1 11tarie .144.1 I , lon.. silos el f Ils TUESDA Y, the loth dm , of FE1111I•Alt l • plough, 2 barren s , ors fork, 1 spomde Jilt i„J next, the totbsterlher 1111(.1111114g to quit farm- I , .Dahl. t! enrryln_ , . elm tn., 7 lot elinitst, 1 !trial hal ing, will Kell at Yonne ;tale, a t his roshlenee, In er. Ilea' :1.1110. 101 .4(401 chitin, it 101 ''l I rebl• , Huntington ton uslitp, Adams county, two and I double and single.trooa, 2 haat trough...l 0 , 1 , 1111 a It.tlf tulles...tot Poen:burg, and near Traikoa'a elmin.,t. brete.t , hain., ~...t. in eer Id t.t.ot 1., 4 room*, the fbiliya•ing:Porsonal Protkrty. A 1/ 1 sets front Moor , . ltoollht a, b 41,1 Snit'., I Dun -0,11.1.0e1D 3,1A44,1'..`", ~! Blooded COWS .3 .Milt h Intrwi I 11 , e-itoSa Ilse, a lot 01 id0111_1:1 1,1111, ONO (.riti be rr,i, or nearly BO 1, the tint,. of ' %tn.:on andtllo, I I !mu .1,1.110, 2 .Lilts, 'a.. 1,01:, ' ' salt ~ I bag, Bull, .1 Narrow-tr.-ad Wll,Oll, , I 1 11111111 1111.1 11, Ilea, a lot of tit..., fork., 1 4 !1.1-.„ lOrit-hursie, I I hrood'ul,o, end the other Ise..- I .110. ob., ha..., rte, lierne.) Plough. .tad Ilan tor.. Corti Forks, Woe. litlF.Elll,l,O AND I:11'1'111'N 1. • FRN !Tilt I, 11A VI.: it 4 1a lawn to the , diee mei bought's' on 11, d. Gay ladder., ,i1..,1, 2 trrincLatottes, AN In- 2 Inn., dlnlng table.. I breatilhat tIo., I militia:LTA ' no. Ina MILL,. 'tilt log ilox , 1 ••• v. kuolso3 • lb. , p- 1 but ono, I desk, I ,=”re, I hi lotion rat aboard, 7 Nib er nod Ithiver, too d lam itarcrat, Sint. - f st, ad., 2 1t1.,1t in thogenv•lo., tool Innitre...ea, I 1 • u 4 4,, f.. IMO 111.. - 11211,-100111 Rake, o, If-All , ,AntriAor, N 5.1.. olio 1,. 1 •.1 to -1.4 tom, .1,1. e ,4ro in okg 010., 10. pi le, a full lin, ..I 11..1 , , and .111..111 1 0 ,, ; 1411 15U 44 kt, Mr' , Goo , . , Rh ' , Mar*, Ito-, 21trat do., I Mott !Pylori:, loohing,gbeetec,.ixto , es. , C dies, Limn, Whips, 11.11; Log .11.111., Haller and •,I ton-plate with large dram and 1 , 13.., I erini: and 4 ti, hnhea,...!Sp,oeleas,Dolibh..ilillSihgh -1 rt.t..., I pastor: 2 kettles, 1 LIT.{I I IIIIII 1 10111111, 11 1 , 11 111 . En, ancl 1 /16.!, 1.' , 11 tor, Rakes, ( f ,, 11 'tar, quirt lite ea root, . tl.'t ...!,...... And Ito. 111, Nink,lllll elOn Illn, MEM N 0)... !.. .. SI 0.. to 51 in, 11,11 k, sk , ig., , -1” ,, k 1 Gr.. to ''t milt •• , 11n , In lora., no at tub, 0,0.1 10,, taint':., Intel:vie, 11110.. NI the 1011. "Al 1 modlt . of Gar , Alr,,, , JAt , w.;:k : beg., tairrol It vinegar, churn, ft lot of llotowehol•I rota gitehen I , nroOnre,rneh RV 1, , ii , Xl,ll 10/ I/01111,1. 0f Mid, NOlMan, nrlll,llo . lolil 1 1 lON sli A'S AND Fi VIA' ilrl -4 , larat Ton- ‘tufler, lard pre , . ,1 101 or OtgA, 1,, 00, liolll 111'.. 2 111,1111. `',llo. t , 1.0.1•... fl4llll 11101 r. 2 oases of 0r,,,.- 11,0, h 0,,,,,: ,, 7 ~,A. nil ~,,,, , r „, „ 411',,'1, . 1n 1 ere,Com, r ent0,, , ,,,1. 1 1,..0, 1 loots, Stall.lo, h. t- , ,1,7- 1/N On lilt-:111, 11110 1 , a. r• ... •If . brat and r, .• 114 :•'1 . 111 , 1 Pol.. Al eat S •asols, 1 ,11,0 Barrel, 1111.1 a , ~I'lln'inlf. varielgot art alt'. b.. tototeroto. to ntentt,,, we 11`.1. 1 OF . 01. F -.\ credit of *data month. Sale to, tango. 0.1 at .1 o etooh, .1.... id , •nt nand , .111 he gl, tt Ito 4111 1 0111111 /11. , ,,, lon .1011..1., ON' day, „lieu uttonel.tner. watt Ile 01,n ,ila t• nos , the giving lots or Itor ti 11 oto , o ad h Pp- Th. alto. h , • laiool el, tally, hearing tab t• al .111 .1.1, 01 .101 IN FiChilS, of 1 , , API,' nil-11111. of tin CO/11,11N a nd tinilerOlie nth LaWle II 7.11.F.N. \ 1n..10111 ir. 4 , 1 I , h 1, 41 he1.11144-tie.l lei propel IV tot., 1/110,41 1111111 inn. 111. INN, to, _ I ~,, Ilk d for. 1.11,1L1 It. _. l Ales I LOU 1 , 111 . 1 f. \ nolln.e •r. ~ j$l3l 4 lC SALE. ... .- 1 , ,a7 t ,, 1 ' .."'' • ~ FjtjE/A tb0,43 0 ,t lln 1: of FEltit-II'ARY' nest, anhaeuttee,i.lotonaing to foll forming, will sail itti . elWk /Wow at lila rosldeuee, I n l'uni berland too a‘lhly, A(Laina county, one mile we, t -of (lottylabarg,oll road - 1,....a1na to Fan 11...1d, 000 l Propel t, yla 2 JLEAT) 1)1 , WOIIK SIVILSI:I4, ,one a mare wtih ColtA, I threw yeAre, ~nil the other 'two learn old. I good Cow., I Ilea,. 4 rdo_a•y, a taiu,ala I geell k 1.-L.IIIIW r.1111 . 1.1g0`, l'rouglt, 2 Plotigh‘, I ILu tuw, 1 I)out,le 1 , 130% I I Single .It,, el l'lough, Corn Fork, Three-horae-true,T)ouhle and :.Ingle-t rev., Spread, r., Win -toot It 1.141,e, 01, lug , V. influx:llw F.II k., liu lcra, Chains, Itrevelthanda,Fitml (lt at Lines, I "0110 r,,, ISrld Llaitera, Wagon Saddle, and it ot of 11, lalllllVreMS w 131Ull iOll. alannwriceat Id o'elork.., A. N. on gala , wh, , Attetulance will be Lc...en and term. 11111.111..1,110W11 )000 7 00 tl.l 1 00 1 40 1 011 H on r i , „ 1204) 44511 1 71* 11 MI DAVID DAVOIIEIITY 14,8. th • QUARTERLY STATEMENT onTYil3 MG ll ( 7 ;; :t . pot Pon n“ and 122,R17 54$ A. tiondx M.,orr ^lr s eulution .... L 50,00, IA Bornlig . 0000 00 (Nntla . _ ra 1 70 0 1 75 1 12 ® I'2l 141 x• trr.inin her flauli , I Imus . IMEM 14et.11-state B I , N) en r 775 (s 8::i 2 :,( i (~,, 2 75 littaL elmwation - . Pruitt navi Lee ' s • State Circulation . Ern 111vidends:i;paid 1,706 ithoouptg . • I trx•ettry thekthe stove atataicnt le correct to the hoet of „14.111nt1 Oliti ottehh:r. ...Jur:7 ' l6;lW 36 to - el NOTICE. /VILE tintlemninedi laavltai sold their Ware j house, and dissolved partnership, hereby ggtve .7s t r i get t ru ' p th w . ll . l d iTltr , t?“ l v i . th iek 4 TV: All Indebted, therefore, are retprested to make Inurtea late pavment, and thtete having claims to pr....ent them Ram. .111, for the 110 .ent, be of the Warelionite Gt make , ettlemettnt. t l I.P r PIARRSH.kW, * Jan. la, ice, tf Executor's Notice. fENRY IVERT7.'4 -FATATE.—Lettera tftto mentary ou One extate of Hurry Wertr, of Strni.laut toumNlllll, Adams tV, VR„ de- Reawed, having berm toxinl to the anderAlipte,l, 14,1.1111ns; la the matthlp, he hereby irtv,t nOtlea 1,,Q all pet.on4 Indented to nill,l pollinate to !Mike jtantecllate payment, and thnae having t , l4llnf - agalnott the `loll.. _to prevent them pro perly amlbent tett for pin fluent. JOHN WrIITZ, Exeontnr, inn la, I. 8t Administrat'or's Sotice, \ lIGILLTLAN WI/ESTATE —Lett4nfa.l - ninthdration r.l. n. nn theemtnteof Sarah iitl- II md, late of Ty . robr tole/nada. li.ibinnt roan (l, fl,eit. )11, lug bee n granted to the Millet - rending In the ton teihip, herein g 4.. t Ire to all 1...N0nt. Maeda...l to .al.l to oink,. immediate pa) mod. and (hone has Mg via 1111,1 again/it thr name to itrerent them miter- It ant henticalearfor settlement. It. )A. F.ITERSIT, Adminixtrator.e. Eireoutors' TT AMR" 1.11.11 FAIT %TE.—Lettern testamejl tj tiLry nn the eater.' of Jacob Lll!eh, late of k toninthto, Atilllll4 county, Pa, eleeensad, .hating been gennteel to the thulrodgneel the tent nnmed mehttng In Portollse tontrhl as n, Ye& noway , and the hat named remolingto gerwlek tOWnslitp, Adams oonnty, they hereby etve oo• Nene to all oenom, indebted to enure to ft.akt 6 immediate partnent, and those having rinksan Sant telt the come hi present them proper ly nathentfrated for settlmaent. /111iN LI LICH% FIthDERIOK pin.. 411 1438. . NEW FIRM . FM NeW OgierA, Alla= only, paw 4,131t0111 ER A p i e t M i t m tle WAirelaßlar reoratly <Kra - fav art auwanAtIieVIGHTF4PRIVFJA fit • 911A11.1 AND PRODCCF.. • corinantly toad etiewoe*t4cl , LV BER,, EVAii AND oaocr,al7_ lIERIA, gAVL New orJoill, Nov, 1, DC. 11/1 , ilap I N4 lll4 4 ; : t t#I d 4 4 4 4 '' 11 cl l ll l` street ' , itlAttlps to bodner . sistip benvier than ever. Re ?talcs hie Old frlepds and Use ft 41,1 le to call. WYPIONS, 0R.00E41P14, tX)NTACTION 4 , CiAltai,TOlENeetki, *C,, 4e., kis Mrire vniuyq arks /line camp* th.alli• cl.,Nwsl. WV!. Wirt lae pc‘er...-ReAPLY oPP - Ale Ihe thdlrond ai al ton. 4 • Clev,rantrg, OA 11, 1867. tf NOTICE,. Lw Th i, bwv..cotow. n . mita Want &a, iui ever, VAD.4444I4,IIKPAiv, etiortit I Amu 4 me te Popish VerD witlirittlec.. TV,Jr4 Rtuff will leave the 1 as4loool *Mier wait JAW 411hriamer qr Vorkaw a Seidler, elating III , : hind au,51, , 1tr iflier*the I ' same ''' 1 .4. ;r a 7=114,21 14 1 7 : . TI WLI. Sept, Hie. a -___ ' - igitilrouli ~ t lit , wil r l:be be/411 et thliellaserot IP, . . .i , M I tumble, oe 'ONDAY, the list p teat, at 2 o'clock P. M . The sap . for a fr4ll4=l.,== TXss, PUBLIC SALE • A Valuable Farm and Town Lot. ON TIT.NIPAY, the :110 of ttA•EMITER lust., the milk...lll,er will utf•r nt Publle Sole, on the • A TRACT OF . GRANITP! T AF), curtain on the llalluann• till spike, In l'urnbi•r laud town , hlp, a short dambinee below the Crllle- It n, and near the thtlysiong imo,angli ,louring .thrthaill Spangler awl J. Genrice Walt, •oat:Offing more or * In taaai ati , nn 111,1 under gond tenting. Fr icons litg :0 Vie, tb thieriaa• ttnenlion .lohn K. fatn er. nes, 1 ,, a voluAble lot, 1111,1 PUMAId eommaud Use 11tte11l lout Or low 'era. - Alen, on TtIEMPAY,tho7th ofJANI - ARYllexi, the ambseriher will otr. , r at Put,he Hale, tak the , prela hes, WI '1 VA 1.1.71111.1.: FARM, situate In Butler township, Aduins county, near t the New % Illy road, nest hail n note rant of .31 td- 1 , dielown, adjoining lan& of John A. Shitgli, To- hints Royer, George 1 lollehatigh, Jacob Itattl..i, t.mta sperger„ind others, and einlng I I Aelti,,, Ilion- or less, shout 2.: ill, IN MelldOW Intel loner,. Tnnher. Tne Farm 11 under good volt in stu n :,, part nt it having been limed, and the fele', Ale welii. 1•11,` , 1111lrin em, nts. , ten I4,...^e'rnii- LA:, utory lilth 'X' 11l itrii':,, MI ill n I: dehe.. y r„ attn. lied, a Itrirk gNI nu!: liarn, agon ~ heti, 1 ! , Corn C'rib, F 7.., P. a. %Vocal Bone, ninth i' , two tine 0 ells at - Cater, one at the hut... Mill the . other at It, bars There Is 4/11 the prelllihre it ; large Apple orchard, been.l.-prilell.o4, p, a, K, eherrits, M•; two st r. IMO. Of neater tan ough the 1:11, , P, one never-fall:ink 11,1+ ii II most dealrahle property, and located Jan. 1%8 . ii In :113LN:1041a, neighborhood. I'c nos r ikellle tai - - - —_ _ slew the Farm urn' requested toen LI on the under- , signed, residing thereon. (lITTYSIIIiIIG Hale tit ereillnellee nt I n'elnek, P. 11.,0n each dny when attendsuert will be' glees aml term. 1 , . made known by ' . DANIEL BEITLEIL i LINI E Ii lI,N B. 11)01 4i .! L... ~04 OU I , A)}w IMI 8.1 13E31 EE=2l ..... iso,nue Oo . 74,Y3S 40 14;5 61 SHERIFF'S SALE. TIIE undersigned lout bought out his former N poseminee oh.* writ of Vaiolitlonl Vs pone., . outliner, Wm. Guinn, and now contintiat the 1 1.011, (1 41 .1 ('tart of Common Iheas of • AlinMs coma), Pa., and to ton directed. will he expentst to Public Kale, at the Colftt. !lose., In j THE LI3IE-BURNER° BrISINES43 a,ttv.i...g, on ITCII.I , kl, the nth day of J \ NV:kit% uest, at 1 "%Jock:, I'. M., the following I hittotelf—at the Getkisitorg Llme Kilns, no the lkssertbod Ilea I I,state, Vii i A lire 1W GliorNlt. batiste In the 150rongit comer of the liallrend and North Strat ton Street. at (Celt) xburg, rolllllV, 15a.,114131,iri n..r "f G , Org o It, winter, on and 1.1 .' 001, 1 Thankftd for past pain:forme, he will endeavor to hitteritne, tut rite met fronting on Itersloara bolero , ou the uot4 , rota 1,111.111 g ha. IC • deserve its tstntiousnec, by prosecuting the hest. to an alley Ott the south; Improved with II OM` 1111:1111.11fAIO, t” s „, s igorout.l) mid ou tv4 large a scale pos it k Shop, and tither 4, ith a few frith tret s Alli , rent kinds. selllttg a good artiele and Kit lug Seised and taken In execution tlit • with godel 110(41%11re. Fanners rind Miters may look 110[1 , 0 to the Vilatnottratrlx t WItIOIV 111111 heir , . P lll r ll. / 1 ‘N:' l ,l sit , " "r• for the prompt tilling dottier., Siterlfi's (Once , tint() g, , INT 7 • S. T.ll t of the purchase money upon , Ile ”Lanisontintl, the all Nile. b. the sheriff 11111144 e paid ol er 'mine- I .ilately alter the property 1x struck down OT' 111.11 failure to c , totitly therewith the property wil l tot ;loin put up formal, r otfering Ile most pointhir kinaD. frottolreepers Ho ! For Ch as ristoi • arid others sit * Onltl glee him 01,11. Blsek.mith DIAMOND CONFECTIONARY ! renul . erwtnntly on Innitt, 13Etri V \ A' rEit.46N IMMES JOHN M. MINNIGH ; Vsburg. Airelum reeetv44 and Pt now opening one of 1.1 the llorwt. nanortmenie of I'illtllir.ll./114 and t LI DA4iOOlll6 , es 4.1'14,141 Mln Get tYstol rg, fiettyeborg, Nov. 1.,. I. tf eowlet log yf • TO rs OF ALL KLVD.S, CETTYSBURC FRENCH AND a).IiMON CANDIEs,/ KATMNAt. BANK, Flil 11A, ORANOES, 1 —7. LEMONS, I VT'', 4 " ' TIOVERNMLNT EliMit+, of all klud•,'LlOrttTlT mid Rohm NOTIONS OF ALL, liiNps. . tozvPs-vlarny wrpip converted huh; FIVE- S/T . O/11 ant eanilnedint etock, on Baltimore 4 ywEmn, Rom* w i t h,.. t ,h arse. ' TV: kt r alk e lf in'" • I MIT POUND JITTERY/4T NOTES CASITET). • CLOCRS, WATCHES, I The ificoner - reackzela ot i cigT.p . ...pd - J EWSLItY; , -Ar C. ' 4 TLer=. 6 :llZiVll . 447gcr,TlA.,l7,`,V,Nr."r _ , CALL AT , ... 1 cirttalitt ItHt tuT.TIA . ExEorTarm. • _SOUP, 4. Afoailin . V.KPSl, intell'A wl FirECTAGDEINKITV adraltr , d- 1 Per WV., , ( 2; ' NRW ' JENANEI , RY STORE, , j it pew OM I. ram a sir. ... . On Zip*. amt, oppwri l e ,the Bonk, sal- I '4 p‘r eclat. Pre • imematha. •, tyitnirg, Pa. 1 . if pee amt. feel - mealles: A :EA' .tr;rit Isl.ollllo - 7% . 4 Apt u..scitaln 1 • rllO3l THE. CITY. reTCOIIS NV billing Information in regard to U.S. siLyEa AND -PLATHD IA'ARE, B o nd., and StoFka.of all landx, are lilTr 41 . . ' ortyr its e. Mil, awl wel4ll give an Icyormation M rsICAT.• I SST RY II FINIR, cheerfully. I :VA, rte., _tt i ele tYlr a Ttn • A , Trst . _r u' em'frtgilre.. • • . . Mame, Rmattlitt, nun everythin g belonging to the J. le;atoirr IlArit, enabler, Ingtruntente. • Ritzthiajt Intl el klntle nit wort- fi vier Rae antere Gettysburg. Oel 4 . 141/4. if • " prnstpu N and on Iwtonttabli. Op*, • . • ___ ' kirtal work warranted 1010 e tir c l , r ,-,-, • 9IIIIT Mstamitt nnigot•nrnint . tnt t rte . jot 4 : • • ...,;,.- if . .' .; i• ititTreifi4L OAK - : ropEAN & iftifßlVElt .. RA. 4i-s'4 1 , 4.T.4ci , . Ht .44,iti! ;Toil 0 a WIT ,tteply of _ - 1 WillaiinTo/ 0 1 140 ortFckallepnitilli,he hilinws: 1148 , 04 1 4 1 Boots ma um, 1 - 4 Per Mll.PerlirOtT ffer I rmar. 4 46 fi -• .. of laToestutiti., Mr kvintei roe, which thstp are netlike nt r,4l"nri , tl pilot.% They nti. - , ittnnillra, WO BUILDERS. imp . : liiiehool Directors of Mount Joy township 1 sill Fee, lye sealed propooals, untll the third isetairday ta January swat, for the building of THREE NEW SCHOOL 110E8E131n , id t yke.: si6lp-usseat White Rath one etTvp weirige, and 011f.N.Ft \I. JL OA. • , !the other at lizel lui v i Ut e lie bliat t r e rZki ! fiettaburA ; Jia r, ut 1\1 . 1: 1 ? - 1 , , Isoutt6 4 y1fIL . 4 . lWe l Wrat . ll4. Thstkloardwesega the right r::: i 'l l!' t riTilifltti - -. l ' in;il i ' . ilusly ttskiethi . 1/ irr,tino• raj:21.640y or all WM:, ,14 John, ]Soren Rn t • My. rip. r, .11.011 , F i Unger, R 3 opler of the Board. • Sec:Minh Bleseeker. JAM}S REL....I:Zit, Pre.klellt• r Battleßls lisic.--Jont • ph Woli, CiN4l64 , 4iilXiii4 IsAwo LionTicrt, lit apflaivi , T) row-flour) svnitio,, • l . , . Dee '4`li . ., ISX: RI Ca rninln 411.-E4 l .l4Kopoer,Lt.t.ll , lnsiaer, 1 Itenditai -- dnouti 14 : Titutglillastlgh. Abrahams Ban* EleefAlayt. _ 1 V. , l lt tnAterlasul-IstnesTisuaiwisw, Vila. Curreno , FIICST N 1.T10!••• 14. II - 0S .V. Os tiaTrisrl un: I. pU. ,w If.oho ..., 'MO.. B. riimk/ • I ee ' I ' l'ir ' ' ' / at,Wo-iloory 1... Olt t,Jolin Bitabe3. i AvT ' ,, ,; .- ;,4, " P ,:zi e tn,l,,V rttr/It • rawl-John Munselnuus. otnie, MI • l 11• HAT: the 1 4 { 1 1414 of JANVA il t jiroutioN -JOn l l l . l 4:lPutlnancN. lawbolaw. PM, n 1 I 0 Mock, I', Id, Littlest°. n-Phillp Heinle:, Eplimii,„, lf.iiii.: i I CIEs/. .6.RICOLP : Cushier. John W. Ilefilleur. 1)no, V, tart;. td . ~.,_ Butter -44M Gintiiiitt44.4v.itartirtt :-• OF THE MUM, Written h 3 Moi .i,enyind iiLitlii- v. 0 ,.4.;,,„„0„ r A d0 v ,,,,.. BOOK ~,1- - ;;74,,,. ..11.Azr i g..,1141:,; - : , ,iw; It.ll%"L'l/10•„o,,t, Al, P!'er t :,%dlLt,”, .r,nr—r r k T . n _ ~,, 1 , 7, „ ~. roop4 alit 4x* f 44,4gfri; n , li • t 1 '‘ , 41; 1 7 , Pins' i Jia1.410.11-11PIWN IAWY.IIee, Hence Wolf, LAVotiEticE D, DiEtz t i t co., I Will . e . n v°ll l''''ll Naito to '6l O {ll ll, nifi, A , '''' ' I v l e i h 'l. ,;-' (, ~ T.'', i. n . q ,, nPft alenalion-Henn Efgoelman,John 1%134044er. • lure red trigklr ' . 4.14. 1 , are a dw.,...., ~, 41•••1 del opt ty ~rxe .0, V' • tlitilli.• +mini igiforwe- Toone D. +Corbin% ._ plicil it 63 ift ,„ . emslo3 1.0 iienerid .Agents, and 1 i „„„„_ / ,„„ i4c .4, 44. y ..1 .,„ 04 ?..,. i WAOW,i6 ‘I I , akuums Co - p.a.n i 11•4 44,,LE 'sl•4 ticine•••.ents in Agen t s •••••11-iirod ul ,e,, g l a n, Ii MIN WA OF Mit, Fr (NM ' rAtlll 0 -4 1. 0 01) 4n r_•il'lrtiFio NIATIA MO • 1,4 ft fealty With no. I•iir toll ',aril:llllu. and ', c.,,,,,,,, ~tor i t m.i.t.ft, Hengy cluk.i f y., . I tII'ARTY POOBSI :: •-: 1• :- (34Iiiii" term., uddrenn the publishers, , Alga 111. IS' '' ' J. it BURR & co. 11.1./4tl, wen . , -.-- - --- --- --•— • '', - ---, - I a • Ph° llll o 4 " up re " 4 " )4t 0114 a, 44 : 141 ' e N ' inrtil also puPetuise ::r sell STOCKH and-DONialal Dec. Ti. nia. 41 litmta 1 Brooms 1 i • ..., • , - Th443te, *Pip, Tr:min, A WIN., Tobacco, CI- of,ert kinittrN. or eimit, ail ..ohintimot mi 4 Waatt4, a ciajwil *pi _ nil continues to zusanAreture I I N eve n' NAwn iml "*"//' /`' IT ' l ' ldi ':g* /'''''//' tltottit,l otruti t, LW - Wk.= r R a nk t d a O m" mli ‘" °,,,, , "4"liGna alwaSe" I win at an tom e& pity the itione„iT wc..y. t.t . , ow' in tli:VgioAllSVAXleti "red in I J lb' itaklro..l thti.i. He Will AIM , ' : ' •'' every house ,' aft hand. Cull 'af 1114 . 2:1 4 stiffigif - Clkti Chantbershurg , '' =l 4,l " n = a ffi I th i s i ntTOZZAirtia l it VL6na "'' '& I -- No inki West Bskrawreiffneee, „ r, i ( GOLD apd Isll.l ER, sal wlll tt tck! k. , 1, , ,,5,t4 r rt.t., tte 12Votri&tite mi.k = " trerer 1° "` l o r ss lal l "lr u "tk ' a° /°"' iiMul " ' M:l3 Bilirillitnre,biod . ,. "6" Neal "I " j er Pl n .S M P I(re I trrottla Ali irfklidieivotltrAPH Ad hotel o l , o o . egieit. pouter ar costumers ow obtained yin r . oveil It i v .. to A "'lam t.t . . B. 1 . TIPTON ' ~ entocetb 4 ,..r— - atnt s a°ll° "= llo l - Aittiar urcuosii.:•. .., bee. %, 0 0 , . rotor Bs great and perpetual. Fullatt , - t i.,,iit y 4," . 0,., I s. uc . ;A. 4 perminiags.. voli mplautitedimink. 4 , ~ tori i rtsadars Wail mi c l . irp s ga ws. :i I .-- .. LfAc i l l igt a" ' pr. Ansoui, titialitios: . 4, iml . t i h:L t ili iv lth4p iii. gis4 t 4. • . AK 111 •I • 31" . - t rt Ittl tto m ult illua lot kali 3 ` ... ' '7 , ' IK . ' 4 1 1 datribtoi, Vox. tiAst,i, ft tO i l ti l / 4 / 0 . -/ t N a natlataa'at tO boy w intaest i P amireaniv ltiblamtaamoftaia tita g rirgamma l ri a s satt_a*Aut ..- ‘7.. '0 ' f. Fag alei TA*. MP* , Ca 11~Str . 1 0 1 111/111 _ 44171 4VgAbit s N.'" Am. of .1 .Dff rim. , r. - ~ II! ft", y (mkt*. Coa, %Ma II . . ... • ' *" -4 " * "*l. - new. tti4:pasita al ' lila mtmir, 1R ver large, lProuglit at 11N ver.r and ynn will la , sure to and Kennet hlng to foltoose 8E.411 IX, 311.;17) EMEI DUPHOPN & HOFFMAN AT:PAC.IS, Art tro DELA IN'ES, cb, to 10 PRINTS, brat, 12! emits 12 eent., 1111:t3LIXS, 7 to 2t.1 cent. CLOTHS, 51 '25 to :kW CASSIMERES, 75 Om. to 40. BLANKETS, 4 .2 an to eg pair SHAWLS, SI- 25 to 811 FURS, all prices HOODS, 30 cU. la S 30 INT,OVES, 10 cts. to F.. 2 06 HOSIERY, 12' to 75 et. Northwest Corner of Center Square, '7TY581.11.(3, COAL BUSINESS, Lime 111111 Coal delivered nap where In (fel 3.<c08 neir.m riamaseir. $ ag .. .PROSk'ECTC'S MEM " .A.C#E-" Donheratir AnilN and. We Jour:ant t • ___ • 9 The :attention oft he Taemarrat le andlftli:uanTit tire calumet of tin. aeon no railed to the Dolly /mad WeAIS lemma fhb' widely etrenlat9d Jour nal. The allesemination of rend political doe [Allem alitoUld connumnd the mrarst aggention of every tram Friend of I to• 1 . 1111,11 and the f'onatltu- ; tine. The evrtafgA Of the pleat polltimf year aro full of sign Menne, Ihe upriNlng ofl 1.1.1 K the atestran tis.e polio 01 Itad loalka clearly showq that tin. nukt44o. are determined aa, to remote again to punier the great Thmaer retie parte, v cry page of whose hiNtory Is *Wed whin the glory' and in osperity of our common enuntry, inure ellectual method for preaeu fink the Truth can ho aevined, titan in eta cuistatm Democratic journal& It la the inten tion of the Proprit tort of run Ann' to make it, in en err any, wort lin the .upnort nod r•ontidence 'bat to i t . Im provement,. nre conteMPTatal In every depart ment owl palnsor expeffse le spared to I keep t in the front rank of American Journal ism. The atit.T Artg cangtallis the I:ATKA - II INTF.LLI GENcE ISOM Al,l. PART ORLI , xllll Itr. tides Ott hiotorOMERI, TErolc, HMl:aro, and all the current 401,4tIonth Of tin datV tiLOCtit illteingeftve, Mart, t It. ports, rrce. I 'urn 111, Mock ttuatatlon, Marlin. awl I' out inerrial Iteltarta 1.l Vul.l le unthvl low+. l'ure4. and I banratle Correapaudeuce, Legal ILuports, Hook Nelkett, Turin teal t'riticisma, Iteviews of Litrralare, Art and /dinar, Agricultural Slut terc, .11.4.4..cad0n51d culdo.t44 ar. ‘,t gra era! Illtstrst anal important,. Besides nyerlal Teleara au+. J h.t• 1)11 the the .4.meat red. Pr , , , Ar Jevons r. ery part ry th. Unaterl 674ttes mot 51(11 the Press rforparches Nye/red by the Affmaffe ('rile; mid the netts imp. at/ purls 0J /Af - Tope bronghl by the stertmera, 4 fn./unify feleyrrugt el I from what erer (runs the /Hemmer Itr.l toterheit. The WEi KI.T Alt m 111 hen 1114 1.1 1. - Ti: COMM.:NM- I as or N KIEI4 or TKA. WEEK, and asides the legating editorials 1 the Chilly, will contain a large amount 6f Intermllng Lila; ter prepared r - preway for the we, iii, Issue. It a 111 be In all re spects.l 11W , r-et. ion F\slll.\ RN it., particu larly adapie, I 1., the Pelitleinti, the Farmer, the Merchant, the }nuttily 1.1.41 the pencil It,. oder, Las his. it. fuel, eN cry rim nutteristie of A LIVE. A /W4l. IL At ton earl.. day will the he him I'll I I INT,. 51.111 oue 111 Illy nno-t 1444pular and fasetnating author., and Ii is .11.4, the Intention to pubit4M. from 1: la Leek, Jo Lime ....E.. 11l 4lko } ear, Ili r.t.1.1 Mar ut.Lth. lifter n-Ar 0011 TKRY4 or Tier h 1.11.1.-011 C 0011 V, one yet?, 69.0 a; nix nitaillts, $4.40; linen fhotitila,; tie arty loui period, nt the rate of •sx fx.O.LAtt per month. twmerd craitoced totTerrattly m twiraner. lancing. , on the Dully. ihl rIN cent. icor itiltirter, or one dollar mud twenty ent• per annifitt, to he prepaid at the ,Inlee of dell, erv. T.nif st., or TOL \\ r. ii.1.1.---4.1n0 ropy, one year, 1.1: five ropier, one year, lets cop'ea ope year, $17.70, twrutr collie, one year. am. The AtidL.hri et, tit-.troll" of extending the lit- Mien,. of their Wrokly P.rstie, have determined to m-tl,rue Is it...halloo in its price tot will place It a the reach of even man In the eountr3. Therefu, to inept the 111111114 Of till dames, from and after Januar, I, haNTlie Week b Age will he furnbilled to ( lairs at the following extraordina ry f.iteo.: One Illludnat mph ~ones ear, QllO 100 In And 011 f <4ll\ eXtra to the getter tip of the club —nalall Iona) • npleaa at the name nth,. Seventy-the ropiest, one year, tine address, fa alai On Anal one Caws extra. to the ga It, tip of the elub —additional eephe at the same prier. Ft ft rlgdc. , ones ear, to one add nee:, .1,2 :AI And one eons a xtrn tan the tzetta 1 np aat the doh —whit I lona I eopies at the a.m. Inlet, nne year, one 8,1 , 114 , 4 A, 1.12 itO Anal One t opt I' XI rx to the getter op of the club - td,lll 1011.111 , 1p1„ at the price. l'hirt copies, one year, one id, ens,, $l2 fai A ttal One ropy extrn to the getter up of the club —add itlonta ooplea at t .ale prtav, Tn nitt a one sear, me *noire., • And on, rops rxtra to flit . ip•iler op of Ho . • lob - adlii110 , 1:11 COphji 111 the NUM' 1.1 . 1 . 111 I`. far p OUP Si - And ono t opy act,a to ilia gi [ter lip of i•ipit • at lir salt, prli ropii ~,,, tonne sohlri,,, itrlnes, .11Inn nth •It raring,ll, lit ,get VII,‘ flit 1,41,1.‘ 11114“4, f•Viery - 0116tP.MII hunt r‘ermainn, 1,4 nt to nne a Tle nlinve term. a 111 le' rialgllv adhered to. lining. 011 PoI 11,111. i, or po.t"thee Order.. I.llNllllil tot he g,riler 01l he I,MhUsher., being mare!, urge pt Merida.. to al* at h. r mimic of remittance. All Si ho algal inliney by liiiprtiaa meet pre-pry Entire.. chargeig., Specimen roplca of the Dolly alai Weekly sent gnat on a ppOleation at thir of fice. Advert hagmentegg insert...l al ninilerate raft., .Atlitraiga WFJ.FtIf gi 110111 t, till ('lnert trill street, Philadelphia. Jun. 1, INS. It ' A FIRST-CLASS FARM AT PILIVATE 13ALF., wcf i ltlN u r ;o ‘ 2ll w ett i nf ‘ ( “ tf i t i ttitrt,b,nzga,runithmerffnwr e- moth., tout% ilritite oilier. I vfrli vtell?from P 1:10 to 10.1.%eres, It. .ml porellammt. TerliUt reatlollll,l/Iv. For further In forliint 1011. npplo to W M. tivtlYabOrt. Pn. Sept. 27,14 T. if IV - in.:HEM; the flon. Itountr rI4LIER, Pro. Meld of the 14everri 1 • 'nurth of I' 'lean In the a ouuthw eiIII4XVIIIK Duo 19th In•drlel, and JU^llCl` of GIP Court , . of • er and Terminer unit lienerul Jill Delilt•sy, for tht trial of all enpltnl and other offenders Lt N 1,1,1 411%triet.1111,1 1 , 01 Wu. HIS se 1111(11,Ase MIMI:S*IY, Eats., J mho% of the of 111 l mutt Ple as • rtr141.1.0 law of the (burin ofe er mut Tie Jitine• null,,,inil Jul] Dell% err , for the trial or :II e,wltul arid ofber 01- fender%lit he et urn irf 111Y-11W ,!I•oolt.ittre•r pn,,beArln g ,l.ltt• Cie Arthditeof NDVRMBER, lu rite) ertrof..ur 1 41 one tinnutand eight hundreq and s•xts -,Ve•ll, ..11 , 1 try 111 e Court 111 IL . OIIII/101 - 1 1111.1 11;e111.1111 QIIII, lierusloitr of the Peace, and 14,41,4-.1.1.M Beltsdry and (jrot • Vie and Terminer. lit (lett gbutr, on Mn •): DAY, the e of /AN U Alt Y.1,4%4 Nt /Till.: IS 111./1).71Y (// YES to oil (vs of the Pour. the Cf .roner and the hlt o Igithlu the coJt county, that they be tlrit and there 10 their properpersons, with their Heflin, 11,01,1 K, 11111111,1t10,1, otter Itementhmnees, to do these things which to their of and lu that lshalt appertain to be dune, and also, they who will pre:emote against the prir - otters that are or then shall be in the Jail of salt county of Adams, are Us be then end there to peasocute airsln4 them as shall he Just. PHILIP HA. N, Sheriff. Sheriffs r Vico, shore, Dec. '27, Hanover Branch Railroad. S O N ge "l n i :l f t t is 'r cul " :ll N e l li t aTioeg . l7nt h iri!•ll itTlron n ti will leu r ‘e follews• FIRM' THATS will leave Hopover nt A. with pwwwkigerr. fi- York, INtltto,orr. linrrk toirg, anti the North and \Viet. This tmln ar tl%ra at the Junitlon 10,10 A, M., connecting with IM' Font Li.' SOIII.II, Inn the Northern t in inch arrlit 4 ill ttaltluturo nt 12.4t1 P. M., rin.l ni , o with the Moll 'Frain North, whirl, arrive. at UnrrietAini ut 1.:.% P. M. ea Tillh t rnt. return , to Ititnover et 11. - 0 P. M., end arrii tit iiellymintrk tit P. M. 91t '.IN nt 2.4.11'. M., and nil IN, al tltr.innc (lon ut .:.40 P. M., ~n 11.4.t.. lug Itlt tiu TrAln , knatlk, echt, It orrl, ws.nt IS„I' It,u r ut 0...) P. M Pamenger4 t.r thl. train fur York. latV user at the Jut , Mut until hit I'. M. Train rntoron to llnnol, ri nt 1.4.1 I', M. With plu....ettget , for H 11110 N er (Rt. 1 sburg ttnnl tlnstowu. Prtu.rngerm lent !nit Balt Inmra tor linnet . er, Ch t. tvnbtirg oust Lit tleot on, will take either the Mall Trait' at 8.10 .%, I. or the Foot Lim, at 1:4,10 P. N. 'JOSEPH I,RIB, Ariont. 1 , 47. Empire Sewing Machine Company. SALESROOM, 616 BROADWAY. N. Y. , if I . . 1V1) I I %xi i.v %cNF. Thlpt machine ham a I..troight lum.lle. porpon,licahitare ire, Dinkel; th e I Attar or 14hut 1.10 14titch, whlt.h oelllier rip nor rasyl, and On boll; skit ; perform.; p.•rfmt Kew Lug on sure tlrr;rlrt too tti ourtrrial, motion, Moll or silk throw!. II !III:lila, FF1.1.15., 131 , 71.., FIR CIF I I.TS.I`I. krt., and u t TII Family Altiellitte, It has no superlo; Pore, with Ileironer and Itroliler, P.irt lento r ottontlon Is paid to our New liti• prove.l :Slomultet urine, Ala. lithe,a The, nut light twl oremonitor:db....* 0.01.e1e........11111,1e, /hirable and elitrien t. For sloth or leather work they hove nq eoittlw; puns. No. 2 Ilaeht ue, with Hemmer a nti_Bral4,ll $7l. No. If Ilachltio, ==={ll Itegieter's Notioes, xT OTICE is Iterettv even to nil Legatees glut PI uth~•r p,,,onn eolln rned, that [tie Vtlvitil.- nd von Amon 'OA heretnattar m t - 1 eeol.x It 10 he pmented of tbl.l c 4 , 4r t Aohi r w er ,..,_ ty. far aknattesantAnh 10 , 1 aikttranee, an MON. , rile '2uttv da.. 4,1 J \NC %ICY next, at tO 4;(.1.x.k, .t. ' In: ha The nett and than areanat of ,meth 14r, Adudnietnnar of the estate at Mergaret Leer, de. neaheaL Pal, The On{ And final nononnt of nerrtor ff. Monfort, AMU Inlet rator of Ido estnie of Fennel:4 Monfort, deceased. -, 101. Tile first and Hunt lineonnt of Jolnt-F.% RAP MK., Administrator of the Wale of Henry Fickle 10te of Latimore tom - 11411p, Adams no., &refuted 102. The ueeount of Andrew Bonier, Adininb: tratur pendeute Men( marah Doll deeensed, W. D. HOLTZWONIII, freebiliker,. Dec, '^, 1147. to l=:1 ' 1,56.. MIMES LEM =I ProclamatiOn. I & W. FABNINTOCEIR6I, ittINV at W 061 1,4 `44.ii Ike rha•otbeftl4l'.%l.l( 1,11 ilm•l'llemprat. ?11. - 1•11..1N „ the elh•opeal i/11 , 41,111A1•L 114)W .k W 11111144. • A. 41 t he, 411.apoeaCYKICINON - 8 ' l ' F A. LltrC 4 ' .It . , motth.. thettpeat AIPACA WI I Ito ('heal +t DELAINer, ' ; zra.kworoi 11 the Cheapest se% t he i Issorst (At•EtIMFIRK 2,41 the chem.-0 JR-% 110. ItoW tWuOIIIII • Melrthe Cheeps( seilthe Cheapest Srli My Cheapest 1•••70N,. UAW a WOOIkS . Nrll SLANICITTS Sell SHAWLS Chess Nall NOTIONeI Cheap. /KR; & WOODR . '... hell foietuill and will 4LPACAS sot .t tis , . Inw r.t price.. . IMT3CEICUZI Ins It: es prvi.p.) 1.. • 0411.110 I.:X.1111W nn.l 1106.44, aot 14, 11r.o. RibbonN. tiernffintown \al n, Susi...ll.ler, Koala+, Wars, .tringN and IZo.ln. nlw stti on Itsoad Jan. 3, ISUN. t 1 DO YOU WANT P ('HEAP ANII GOAD FALL AND WINTER GOODS. gowntr, taarF mixvic * atkvlr —• • * slum : 1 4 K all kvid, lark.*. "Yes!" Everybody Answers.. THEN' GC TO THE NFIW STORK (H' _FIBBER?' (s• ELLIOTT, Opposite the (Mal-hm•se, Oeptyborj. Do you 'WANT 'cheap nod good Cloth, exe,lnte, , Sat It n,Jentilt,t'nrdk Verb illoveg,Sump re rodent, Neck-tlev, or any t hlng axe ngg, In the gentlemen wear line! ' OM to 11F.BETtr & ELLICITTOI, DO YOU WANT cheap and good Sllka . Al- r pacam, l*tert. I ilogligu.x. L. ll- , < 4 . ,, , (Hove lio.ber), Hoop Shirts, Ousels, or I anything else desired fur ladles' near? io to lIHISEItT di ELLaorrs. DO VOLi I WANT cheap and good Mmdins, " 0 Siteetiaigs, Tiekings, f tirpeting, Q 114.011111111,, 1't111,1,04X. V• 111d1.1 , hlialles, or nns thine el,e 111 the kiwi* I . fin h. 111.:11V:ItT 1 Er.t.itirrs. Doyon WANT (brim and good Ems? YOU You %111 dud a m 114.1014 Noon nool At I7F111:11T d ELLIOTT'S. Who are now ,•olliort goods at irler-+ Mal mama Tis h. ‘IIIIN 11, .1111) me fear 'Delve*. MUNIM TO THE 11131,11'. Busi llt I.talto(te , and tliffikillo) 1M Avr Lase uu Immi .1 hart n,. n 1104.111 ol BUREAUS, BEDSTE,M)S, Tubb*, nirner Cupboarda. SattA, Stant& Derwin', Brb•enno: nj;liircrent I indit ; inahairl creiwthillil in the errbi nct-inuking ALSO, FIF:ADV-74.%.1iE MADE Tri oßpElt. MI of whleli will hn finishes! prnmptly at the old grind, on South fialtlinore street, oppoefte Winebreuner's Tannery. The undersigned ha Ing had'over it yen re' experience In the business, flatter theincel,es that • they ran make it gnat! work an any When., if not better. New begun tier. and others st ill dud It to their advantage to roll and buy from mg, as we are determined to genus low us poaelllr to Sett the Unica. Dee. RA, WB7. lint HAY AND 'CRAIN TI : /.1 • TER - Ili 111111 ,illll4l uuoll.ltttdnnut ill 10 MP dn. 7 , , ftf Civil , .4111 1 arry uu GRAIN AND lIAV BUSINESS, Ili the old stand. GILA:MK STATION. Octo 11111 rod. Tilo ;..• vreintrefl topay , pcfr, Vir Mt AND V. keep nil kliub• of (lIMCEItI Es, S. biI'ANOS, Sr_ 4111,•11 ti %111 •••Il ut 014,1.1,014 , 4 profit. Of s, 11 , nil .in 1.4..• tar ritrur it ksx A WINS. • A DESMATII4 TOWN PROPERTY =ZE gII? untleralune4 offers nt Pris ate hale the oht la )11.131N I oW at t I teJour illet, of l l l.l ITne lii house bt nUiPitti II till lb st:ole, anal eoutulun (wet, e larue r 0.0., There a mutt, net er-fallhut Sp, Ing Itt , t-rate Sutter In the tint 1 1 , A. of latch vOltlletiell With It. The Ineattlon N. r% pletimut one, and II ith a little whltt tonal outl. ' otthl IN matte one of the most couttortuble unit di Jlolll. ht the borough or It% vleltut E= Robert D. Armor, GAS FITTER, PLUMBER ANDBELL HANGER, ~111 date. half r, nlu.rr a from the CblAri-Aurae, GETTYSIII."It(., hA., W i kn li enVork ls, loTe 111 a e at ni t usru le t r 4filo l g ' manner, 1111 d prim as low as ran poaalblb li alTordtal ta mak , a vl na. ' (MA PIP}; laruishrtl, as well c,.CLandolier!, Brackets, I)2up Lights , kr.4 also Vt .. ATER PIPE, llPTSrig r =i d tall ' ir ‘ to t KPl4 o 'g r ~‘ t !nn t ' e ' r i ' lli t tn t 4r h er, eye lid& lio% clot turalslast It ileslrt,L De. nt, LICENSES otrlee, V• th 4 mintsito itamlle of algurra, and be ttn•wnted at the Court of quarter Senßibllli, on )14 :NDAY, the Zrilt Clay ar.I.kNU-1- 11Y next: , TI VFW: 1.1(4....N5.F. William FMsera, bretcpthurtr ,,,,h.,,or IrMletiratat, Last 13...rifq, Vreilthrtek smith, Mummasburit. (tearge tamely Franklla tawn , l4. ItF,CrATBANT StOltei. Edit Nerltnp Wm, J,Sitc.A.l.le, itautlttotlhan taWl,Olll4 A. W. MINTIM • ►Fr, Z, Jury Lint—January Court GRAM) .11• RY. fictryahorw—ltobert Moro r I .4Foreman,. Ito n ry Culp, Wrn. Bo cr. H het Innil—Oecirgr W. Scott. Corn Selland—Wm. Roca,lienry L. Bream. Ilarnion--Jacob !teaser. Tvronc—John Comm!, Ezra 31, Nionallen—Krunnel Mesta, Mon ..u— Tao near. Strut/au—Jeremiah Shriver, 4 Donohue, John It; Lic4 eq. Lattniore—John Martin. 1,14=1.11 1 -44 .. 11a1+ ry 4 , 1 ;.. 1:0rner. ilunttngtonennze A. Potent, joaPyh , A. Wlerman. Hutler--George H. Whrl. Itra,,tlt. UutonFnnikliu-1 kg , hi K. Snyttor, John Cole. F,41.00 , 11 • .Co.nowarin—}4mitticl Schwartz. Ihrir the torgeotia the etionoLostutpling of `r+ DR r a O O..DS MERINOF24, CI DETAINER; cLoT.O,I6AtFII4,6I.ii,Ns, • AtiAN Epi, ser;. rli y; QUEEK.AV %TIE, t he illrga44 N lrk lu Nte county r IFAUDWA RE nllO Itinkllrry. In MI It% tirmndien, ,d no lowest, GROI'F.RIFS,4;I' on kind.. 111QN,A ND NA LA`, LA, • a Winne], 141011.8 at prices lIKEYINO COXYKTI nos. 'Give pa n rail MO examine onr stock FIN OF THE RED FRONT I=EFEri J. L SCHICK, I=l LI ErrY4l:l,'W P Has in" ris,l% oil a ,p6en411,1 amiortinott • 2 and Whiter n I. if 0, n7ilniorking - 111 purl n 1 . FRENCH .11.1:1111 NOES M. Vis at. WIN j Ns. NEW STILE , 11 . 4 VNt'l pfirLlN•4, a ti , tl: Pi 'PUNS,' (lAvrina, 'W4I4 - 11. CK le.%Ni'l" SILKS, 1..\ DIES." (1.n.%%1N11 (1411'114 NEW STYLE OF FALL (WOOS, DEI.As;Es AND cALIeoFI4 FLANNELS IN (iHEAT VAR! en, I BLEACHED AND BIDOWN BERLAND CLOTHS, CANipd ERES, CAMSINETS CAPHAIERVITH .t! , ;11 JEANI,r, I .L.II)IEN* FI'RY IN GREAT WARTFTY I:IAIVES .t7CI) CilltsErs, 1T.% N,K 'II I F.Fs. cour, k foe, WrATIONERT %ND re.nri• NIERY MpR IS C. If TO COLLECTORg • TWE atm CIF State and County Taxes Am requested to o ke II milolitiolll.llhry INAS! ny ow. szoilAritly* erAolkt dim:4 TOrio+ I= 113 orler of III.• Iloorti of 15, nn. 1,167. 1 7 .170.1' PACIFIC RAILROAD BONDS. EIZEIME2 TIIE First National Bank of Gettysbutg F :, agetit for jloratilt! of t h e File4T.lll()ltT -4AGE UN/UN PACIIIIIttpAILROAD MIX MR CENT. tiOLD /NTEItErIT BONDS,at /10 (vatic tell the dollar. Intereel payable aemkilittlaatlr at the counter; • All I ,, v ,, wtry inthentotou igh,.a. - Oel I yxl,ll rg, N.W.19,11167 .VOI'ICE exprrAtisrTsT , • Poirvownle.tmlic no ncetiniond refillaing nearly NINE PER PENT.. nro 14+,111.4,4 to onllot tha Get tintcart„ National Bank, and obtain eireidars of MP Wales Porillle mut MM (•.Mewl Paella. Rotllama Campmate* I= Tl. ,. !•*iltVe4lllarltS. see dittilfgraM I nyt i n faN or ,tea /rift fuereetoinat Ronda vul 4e Owl at nil glues "I 4.1.6.E1e55# where all Ofortpittichateoneerwing said Inveet• mentekik ill eberr(ppy be given. , SAWA' The Wonder of the Age! Dee,lo.lBlfh ar —, W A irgigl l M l gul l =tria is . a , OR. R. HORICERO EIL/4. York. dna , t. GaltFabsula,Va.,, v. .....- fr4iry ! yam( In our tint will Irewad at llie 1015'04 Driek.. tit, eUS stall Old mow toftibutavivea. faiF Moak PHeAril.IN .4.l7loaltracits7;- olztagf t tl=reotiloa, aid b'atiey ckx4, ( n 411,.. and um Hare wiAumatil vnG Pa:, i iht ProCer tairra iir i oata 'r a ' s, " ==r • Cash OPVBitTiRi pawl Tor, flacon a 4.1 nutter. - . • • • lIIIENIIIMOI.O4 &'w Anion% merdieci - 60hse witiAalt eha rice. 84,11. 20.147. tf •, 7, 7 - . H ,-) i'.- ;4,,Lai 5'4 -•- ' , DRUGH. MEI , UINEK PATENT MEDRINEIt, ' New groovy .atte!' Thor Store. mTATIoNERY, Matta:MERV. $0.414 liktUltH.. WA . TOLIAT A ItTI(10,_ DYE KM1411; tan- MEALS 4 • tattiTli ER,, k CI:U4 BAKING tolta, fItEA 3f OF TARTAR, Li A VINO dithea.3 A I.4iWiTi: V, I. LAWR arid .I.A.thti,.ua.t,i. um, ea;„ ,gc. , . • I p. vx(i,g - } 4 , 1 ke tt iy:,..u.„,... it .....i.....- .-rua4I44I;UVAL fur Wedkiasl , PrProm. . ult.) , .4 - it %.1„.,,,,..6:,;."1.,7).;,,te,',,:. t. 4. . ~......„ aca ouxs, a aallabia. anawy oar : tUo therw:l . bl i.}:vets.l.lo.attgrelnl:r:Lr... ellupo7.l Mar; rougla,roclu, eke. • rlre IttiekilklUed )iit;ll, as Otoap so ibo ding , I alkd'ax nry mar gArttir I4ox err !Wily -- t ........., All attleleA werrunted pure mud griptu'e EMi t , MUSLINR, OINWIAMS', I '.‘Ldl COES. &rki, In every vntlete. 111111 It rlq•np OILS AND PAINTS .1. 'l. WA 1.17:1{. Clerk ti FA). ‘RN4/1.1). Clualle4r MMMII/4, x. iketlrßY and VARltaln ,4 , „ tws 3±4l:Lne 4 PYritn? , NO•V. PACIFIE,I4I : IAtOAD, 2111111111. f f. 1111.0 . 11 1 11111 Onui ACROSS TER 63.Wi11`4:1` , 1T, efbrim xvirn. Vile brings the 110 fiC lr the. etuditm 6.4 at the :11ekv MntinWne, and 11 In nnin'ennt not th" Wm* lOU he 1111.1 thirty tattoo tarter,. be lean. P.... Oa blabotalpOnt ott Ow nod. kV .kialuir). The max,tionm grade from the foot of the totem. tattle lb the salaniit hil.tit eighty feet to the virtlb., while Ihnri et ramsymAtem miderlakviek gap isimh iisrd.4 Week Illajbb rook-caltisip tit 14e ,stem elope VII confinee throulth• the winter, itutl Were is no realm to doubt (hot the entire grand firer Mfht p*,lll, will for repro P r IRminewl In Thu mum" itquritlittl Air tfir kuuttniellou of s... tuk.tintut Nl4llOOOl W.if It or% whint. Iln SUN IN•r I:„1141.:,1 ill.. ,m, frymi ikkusft ton per fix. is Il kit It bike. a ,Rll44litlll ae *reit/11v, land oktokert / ;mkt utt iu Wl\ /Amor 11 Itol ll,' IhU ..‘14•41. 110 1110111 lit ',unlit . .. Tk.o. h It erity•lilllo .4'04401 , 1 1..g1111.1111.1, 41.1 miler It I hot: both y ll'itlll4l /..kluakikt tutu pinutotsthvni k. 114 all nriton•bi It Ont.:lsm mud, 4U Atptillutt , f Ilk tipikoir. %Ingot., and all Uh , itivenxitr) roll ktuck qua other equit 1.. Thu l'eltutt iiittatio abut mak.. q auttullott n( 41,11101! hewn of laud tuthe ultkat will ht , ll ,Oltitrrtt Oi rt, Vi tilt COlttpftu;. Nitwit of Ilan lona lli the Ilia Libitum Om Hong!. prllle In the vrtyrltl, ?111.1 ittrgn• v. 11014 Mr ,+ , v.'lN , ll kith hint% v I,lltr 1.61.•11111.1 to 0 , 10414(i1ik kot 1110 Cowpyit) I. mhos mlll.ll/.011 lot lyllt• °a n 1.h...1 )Inrtualte 11).1.1. 1, nu 01111 1 11111 1 1 10101 Ih.• 11,01‘. ol Ih , • 1.1,1011111,111 .11.1 un 1104. 1111111. M. I). liluntait NW Ito). unka• Aun. an. 141.. But»111.11,1c1m, awl tie" cam pony najy 1u thi. w ork Kai/mu, es, no thnt lit. nlaaym n'p^•`.•ut 1111 nl Mal prortueils %Mut% `Ttiopulltorbust 11,1,11a1 of Uw, (Inopooly Is lino litnnlreal Mallon Do!lam, of wink It our Ilcf willloloilufvo 11..11 1.101 In upon lino w ork al nonly dour. EARNINWA (IF 1116 IXIUTAXY At prrnont, the prentA of the tlollstmnr am de rived only rrosn lja loon/ trout, hut this nl rAul) utneln Worn tloio solllelt id to pey (ho harms( on All the Wahl. the Colonials' von into% Mind nisother ?alias:ere bunt, It In not ttottln lltat whin (tie net In otnntdoted the throllith tnlllr of . t)te only lino contiortlog the Athsolle Poritl. ?states wIA 1,, h0w.1.• nnettot filers. 'will be m ronotll It Imo .1- *AA ha done at strysllloldt , rote.. will 1. , lintleod Sint thil Union nollb , Ron rood In, In It t,A filenvoinerni WihnA, built tinder the goners blot ti linveratinent ofli en, and to N tame in tent with f)osenStnerlit moors, coil I lint 11% howl., aro 1.04.1 under Agoverntoont 14.11. II is bt , llvved)lint no tdniilsretwurOiyls swa carvisilly ii.tnlAl, nciol/Wrrnp4.44l upon n hirer or toory ftiontsh , liropprt,y, litho I 'ompoo I= nlvt ntren4 prvnent nt ( . 14NT-LCII" THE Pt n.LAL art itio rhea pent Nu-rarity In Ina market, 1.o`1111( inure than Li INT 1,1)1. !OWN' thlifl r. N. fitmira. TTLPrpay or PIX 4q fl or,NT. t N (inr,n, or otter WINE PPM CIFINT, upon tho Inwpominot. nulnwript/rom vrMI lor rnertird in tiItIYTYP -111'1W, Itv tI t7ITt SltVltt I IN.VTION4I, DANK , ntl FIRST N \TEAS II it %Ng, and In New York nt the snuy's No. PI Nanwitt ntnri, tool hl I tViNTINKNT.II. N BANK, Nan-. anti street. k , lIKIE t l.,jtnnl,rrn, No. :el Wan .1., Jolt NJ. I •Iwell A WON, iiloll.ol . l*, Q. Wall .1., , nog hr Crinftphny'. ' wit 4 , rllntvl Ainvitv Iltrungliout tlvr United State 4 nhoulti be nintln In drurtv or other fun& pnr In New York, *yid Ibis liontin will Ito Rent (err of I itharge hy return cnitrnsa. Portion mulverrlblng through lorul nigeutn, will look to thrna per flunk war drllvrry.. A NEW PAPPPIITYR. - ' ANn MAI', tau:why; Ito. Proven of the Work, Itteonriirrt Orr ritruitrue , 1100,, nod l sant 01 bomb, innv tie oinsilnimi M thrt compflity'it I )111tou or of I in iiiivnrtlentl Arkin, or I will hp run.' VIl Appl eAt Am. JrqrN J.eltviNl,Tcroutner ? Doe:1141.17. lin STOCK P.ILL c• 11/7. i Telt GIIOD', i . .AT J. '. 7 . 1) ci1:..t.: ,( 1::*.4 4.1 '.% , ft "MP. P.A. . WI ibroJt o tki 1144 serrigmt fr. oaf ite rk r, wiseih. kt • . "Intl k Int 1ni'..e..."4..5i5fL1.1...11:"..1'mu,r7i,1n,11,1.11.71‘ I=l 41ftr Mork voropkbilA Its• pail of 1. umx( 3tERI. 4401' Kt.S, Ik' lALllOOam. PllO6, fltroterp•l !Intl I'll lilpmehed ; IWtis stoorlliN*ll, lialmory* NklrU , Iple,T. x.l7lfm,•*, - e. MEN'S W I , lMuduting. M rnirl of limed dna ' or Mock atul •S 1.11144.11 eta, IDI,, .Ifft 1....)ter 1 , 1,111. I+, I 11.1..r-.lllrts I,Loasti Ortiwk•rm IN. n;, NI Ie /1 1 4. HAM, •tiul (.%IT, 11k.1 % 'tg tgml Ito. kml, In a • A. IMENiiiialiall= 1111tI , W %HE, .Iteh /0. Tlre ion, Sprithe. sheur 1111.1, mill 01.41. S41,•••1 lion«. Shoo Misr, Nail 11 , 1.15, 11,1tiultert,1 4rooi, %orfirc, Splk..., Mhos lit.l Puur Lat , he.. NerwoßThlnf%,l , ltst, (flux. Put I , I 'III NA. A tij h.:):NM-W.% E, n. Iho Wll. Thankful 4r putt hop. to nrrrll the .hhiin I he tutu,. MfM!%liiMi GRAIN is GROGIM23. THE BRICK WARELLOUSE AT NEW OXFORD. irtinntaralghtd, WilbfaOrandomat, In New alotd, Minna rountit .t oc tho highest yin .. for Wilt:AL ItTE4. • 0.111% MCA It ANA ICEMOI, CKWIMAT, Farmer, inay *wave notir , upon Minting *a Mad Unwind for theft pnalnteat Ilae Itrlrlt•Warehnuse. unable gets's aenatannt 4m hand, lot R•10,11t. the loweal Rennin. 4[1.1s of tiatiriifkar.. HALT. PTAH. (MANOR and ether VI.RTILI ZKithr-VOAL, ke. • Hotline a NIA ItKET VAT,. to Minnow. fwin. vievit.. :Mg OYU& awl other lifileles leva - m.l order, kw. The car nuns to tatontswat dt tenni, Ini North Howard St rett. abate of pu patronage selleiteat, and ovary ediwt mode to pfeww, ADRA TEAM AHRISTX: N.‘w Oxford, Nov, Is, PAW, ty GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE. A LAWIE opaoriltent of fin, 0 OC' 1: T. IF. St, Train, Corre•es, Somas M,i.o 1111401. Salt Brown Muannt, elit•ap, prime nrw erov Hietu M 011111.1 . ,, and nn gruitivtailryrarn6; M 044 It %i - k;BAI: 1, . be" lu ke.*". ..\ iI..[NUIN Of 44 t.IFQVQI!,ft Sod retail, . a tgav 'Car Enna). LLY.I. LL IrNmy, SW al aid of fivir In Mit ilqiqt; VB. tier • Herb Wiley., and the - Great 111 coal HI h.." f,P ETW B oit.= WINE. • , • • WU. .I. !LAMM • Ilsttdibinesstreoly April 5, LFV. cb nwtt foul rt. may. r r u l .11 ti. 1144 IlitCl,4 a. f Y.PA Andrew t• t u t air, L C C A "' r 4 . 4" catirmis nig won' leex tonic puhfj4 it t bi tv lags*. inoirthoitnisiio..l4 ving ounelytentble experience In the bitublifalb: he fluttery; Minuet( II .4.. b e 14111/u• aybee to render yeatOfactlno lu nit ampA,„, pot ,ma? , 044/ces . vnurtrelM, Adritsei, ric Na.. 8 , War 48' • - , - ANte . 4x,ct4TV..izstXKlNd•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers