1i0•,1 0 ....t , 2 , ' ..;41 -,-- 1 . 4111,4401 0541Mitqdv l igS Wegilitt; , Ivnitit *re ~,, , .., • .., ~,, „, in . r . ~, ~. „,. .... i it*, old ita:l4 - ia igititiatoili i*t,l F - I c' sl; Es. v aif 4' '' z ' l l ' fi c ; SATES T I ME 1 , . . Oil raps ways . . 'Oat {twat nomads ,s 4 a PlllOll6OllO 601111101 Cpy 'ripe i 1;.,) iSAVE,3 MONET 1 ' 9ziltfr Of iro'l SA.yes LAFIOIII kiitlitifiaLS, ' a new discovery In medicine which I , SAVE , CLOTIIESI EPESTKIVS TOOLS, SAVES WOBEN I ' . BLACK3/441P8 TOOLS, i STRUMS AT THE ROOT OR IIISBASE, , .. 0Q4411 FLNDINGS by impplyleig the Blood with Its mat AND ALL GROCIBRS SELL IT lIPP, lINDIffOS, Pen/arta, 01CW/it NIALVENT—Jau.N. 1 - .Vmsprei MAKER'S TOOLS, This is the secret of the wonderful success of ItLIUSEKEEPER'S VIIC [TRES, • this remedy in curing ALL KINGS OF IRON, ke. DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT. DROP- I s O6 I If4I4S'OP ALL KINDS,I,,, SY. CilitONlO 1/1A11.12110E A, BOILS, v PAllr IS, h e ., e. h 'l, li here 15 ° "Itici'll Nervous Affections, Goals Aid re onts4s4 k Os several departments mentioned' vers. Homers. Loss of Consiitn- Abu" 1004 whet can bie. had at this Store.— tional Vigor, Disease of the very obits of Mechanics can be accommodated Kidneys end illodder, 'FfOrfi„wl.4. tools and flndings,acd llou,ekeepers Female Complainti, gel nee 'Tarr *aside iq their line. Give us a and all di originating in gall, u we are prep wad to sell as low for cash A BAD STAile Uh' Tea BLOOD, p.s sat koyfe oyt yr the city. or accompanied by DIMILITT, or a LOW sl4Ol • JObL B. DANNER, or rum lIVEITYII. . DAM ZIEGLER. Being free :tam Alcohol in any forte, its Gettysburg, ifity 10, 1064. , enerdizing Orem are not followed by corres• ,„_------_ . . —__. „. pousiug r;ucti...q, bet are permanent, infusing • lign Warehouse. I strength, vigor and-•n—Lite zito ell ports of 1 00 B 11 4 il ELS - - oF 011hi . N 1 the system, and building up ii - n-111.04 QOM . 000 WANTED, at the new Grata I STITUT-IU.N. 4 - Preto:4, - H 6 1 .11111, in Goali+le street, aloiß: 1 Agit Sgoteds 1 Buehler's establishing:4. Tlif aighesf. market price wiii always 48 paid I; posh far "InAIN, of all Muds, . .... . !TOUR, SEEDS, he. Alwarn On haul and in; sale, at the smallest prods, F• ~.. • GUANO% - . SALT, Frsrc .. GROCERIES, lc. Wholesale anti retail. TRY CSI We shall do oar best to girt µBelie:doe in ail cases. _ 61cCURDY k DIE - lip. liettisburg, May 11, Isty. 17 _Lancaster Book Bindery. 0 :-s. 1.• - Byuas WIANT, 11004" BINDER, ` AND BLANK BOOK KAMCPACTURFR, LANCASTER; PA. fledn and Ornamental Binding, of every de• porlption, executed in the most 441:05t4iugal end Approved styles. ITIPIRIINCIIB. g. W. Brown, tsq., Furore f; ionic cf Lance.Stpr W.l....Peiper, keg., bancaster County Bauk • gamuel Shock, Esq., Columbia Bank. gamed Wagner, Esq., York 11fin"lk. William Wagner, g m ., yoia County Bank. I`. D. Canon, Esq., Bank of Gettysburg:- refer Martin, Esq., Protli'y of Lancaster co., Pa lieu. C. Hawthorn, Est Register' 0/Q. - Whitton, E 9., Recut*? April 15, 1861 - Ncly 1110.41FP0 1 3T 41SULElt, Mechanical Oak era, South Washington street, halt square how, the Eagle Hotel, GET]: YSBUItO, Pa.— illenstandy en hand, the best of BREAD, MA.CEERS, CAKES, PIIETZEpS, sce. Per, ' eons wishiqg frrap Hreal will hp served ever, 'Reuling, 4y 114FIni Opt; names and residences at the Bakery. Evt,ry effort made to please hi"' us a caIR [April 20,403. tr *swing Mapliililem. THE CU}OVER BAKEIL—THE BEST IN UriE. These Machines have become so known that little need be said by way of recommendation. They have taken she first premium at Kittle late State Fairs, and aes univenally acknowledged 'to be the BEST in 11,110,b.$ all viag hare tried them. The "Grover Maker Batch" and the “Shuttle Stiteh" ere points that have been attained bc - no other }lachiue. They are the only in , chitpli itei sew and einbroi.ler with p•tf•ctiog. These Iliagitines are peculiarly adapted I,q Family use. th 7 app almost nqiseless, sew direc.ly from. the spool without rewjgding, and are elkspie in their cut:ultra...lion. They laic sag to wave, and can be worked by edgiest any Direr family illiquid hare one. They olive /olio; leisv save time, and they save money, sad do their fork better than it can be done )4 hand. Agent nadersighed hew; appointed Agent for Charmers Machines, bag Path/ Wiled stn Agency in Fairfield, Adams county, where be wlll always have on band a supply. Per. sons wishing to buy will please call - aude*am. ins fqr themselves. airNoeilOss and Thread tilso ke skip- VVITHEROW, Agent, lentrftelit. AtiACII/1 county, Poi Mt 27, 1866. if , Groat liieltonsegt.j A *MITT of those who read Newspapers • neyey dire a hasty glance at a business vertlmpent ) pod i . t . a MAN., • eeitianGylas the beet, ilia ,peettjeet and the phespest tcoode in all crest*, actually pelting %Item at break-down prices—too few heed the liotdut their own interest, therefore we have F9yND It t .beit to simply incite every body to call and et/Levine our stook and prices before buying ale dollar's worth elsewhere, for I can and vrlll make it to the interest of ull those who &Moot DEAD )0 their erne interest and who wish to save .ptcnicy, therefore to buy everything IN . pip Thep 4 good an I cheap clothing at my ,toss, where there eiaa just Dept received a ' most magnificent ussortineut of Pall apd Win ed). Goode, ponsleting of Overcoats, Dress ADIOS. 81L1*140,510 Goals, Pants and Vests of all nds, Overskirts and lindPrehirts,Gtockings, Ir3tispenders, Cravats and Nations Clocks, Ithaca] Instruments, and many other things in. my line, all of which I at selling at very luol/ prices. Call on F. 13. PICKINQ, Delti more street, near the public *pare, - A ' CE'TTYBBVIFIC. ..4. dlct. 29, 1866. 'r - Great Attraction AsT BRItiKERHOFF'S CHEAP GLOTHING AND FURNISHING STORE, at the North Corner of tip goilt.emod. The subscriber 14 f $,Misrmatis in receipt of fresh goods from the Eastern cities. His stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING • 4s:tine of the largest and most attiactice i as Wall to the•cheapest establishment of the kind lanthe country. You will there find CLEATS. .I.TTS. AND VESTS, made up in Ow post ,faChionable styles, and pf the best materials, of all sizes and prices, for men and hops.— Mendeakerl'S Iltrnishins goods of every descrip, Lion, Wool sbirts, Muslin Shirts, hickory tSitirts and *rico Shirts, Merino, Wool and "Cotton Drawers, hosiery of every description iqv kin, Ilesiao and Cotton Gloves, Hand ' hfo,?l'lick Ties, Cravats, Linen and Paper C%es, Hats, C tps, Boots and Shoes. Um brian's, Trunks, Valices, Carpet Bags, Clothes tdvo4"„iSholi Brushes, Ilair and Tooth Brushes, Illackiag, Pocket and Dressing Combs, Combs, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, ... - i - l'islolsi Violins and Violin String, rialtforaki Perfumeries, Stationery of all kin is, l'aikirArtives, Smoking and Chewing Tohat eikilitiiiiii an extra quality o? Segura. In fact, lA,t s l mi s h a tzeitverithirf usullpfoun i rtisinswrinitet j av*el of all to come and see for themselves, sea un'iletermined to sell gttods losses than ' .sitrolhorestalilipirgentiO the country. Don't lotget life 7t..e. -Corner of York street and Ihe Ili:mond. J4Ct4/4 4B.444ZWEEQF I '. .1,41 T c , .43t;4. - Wester 4 fowls. rtPt subscriber has some valuable WEST- IiRN LANDS, which he will trimie fqr ppp "pt 'mine FARMS in this copty. The !ands foil 1 °444 , ail 4 vegY 4 ,3 444 6 1 9 for farm . application desired. JACOB 11IONJUIp0FP ! :UettiPtiplg, 4961 3, 1063. tf TITS are , alwsys glad to pee otir friends at iftieritsior. • it still wads in the a.iut! aid pliteiron York street, opposite the ispairasitsysbarg, Ps. V. 4. TYSokr. VAIN AND GROCERIES.- : -Tbio et pricp paid for Grain end al pit fi 6roaMes, Vertititers, lie., o IPe 4,441y . 411 044 fir pile at the Warellei 411 t 4 o f oi 4. 6 * ti 1 . 64 1 1 4, MOTOWIATAO ltr r : ' .Ttgibara. DYSPEPSIA. ASild DEBILITY. From for Venerabli Archdeacon &ott, D. D. Dostutw, Canada East, March 24, 11 2 65. • * am an inveterate Dispeptic et more than 25 years' standing." * * * "I have' been go wonderfully benefitted in the three short weeks daring which I have used the Peruvian Syrup, that 1 can scarcely persa ode myself cit the reality. People who have known me are astonished at the change. lam widely known, and pap bnt recommend to others that which has dono so much for me." One of Ole- molt DTSTINGUISHED JU RISTS in New England writes to a friend as follows : •"[ hayc tried the PERUVIAN SYRUP. end the result folly sustains your prediction. It has - N.tde ty vim spit - of me ; infused into my system new vigor and energy; I am no twiner tremulous .aull debilitated; as when you last saw me, but stronger, heartier, and with lar ger capacity for labor, mtgitt and physical, thin at any time.dtiring the last five years." An EM(SENTDIVISE of Boston, sacs '•j ,have been using th 3 PERUVIAN SYRUP for some time past; it gives me new vigor, liuo)socy of spirits, elasticity of ulq.;cle." ilarytiousANus hire be changed by the use of this remedy ; from • weak, swirly, suffering creatures, to strong}, healthy, end happy men and women rani Invalids can not reasonably hesit tte to give it a trial. 4 pauphlet, of 3: Veto, containing certifi cates of cures and r . etiorpnen4e4ion4 from some of the most eminent physicians, clervymen, and others, will be sent rage to any address. lifir.iee that est.h bottlit ho! PEILIJVIAN SYRUP blowu iu tne ►OR BALI BY J. P. Dtrionsore„ Proprietor, lie) , Street, New York, ♦ru BY ALL USAJGGIhrd. SCUOFULA. Medical Men agree that 103INg is the FIF t ST ILINE'JY or Serotui L and ell kindred diseaies ever diseovere I: Tu. di 11 tLy has 4uon to obtain a PURI SOUltiltuf of it. DR. H. ANDRRS' lODINE W A TER, ie:a Pure Solution of Toll'ne,' ‘ WlfH °UT A SOLVSNT I! A 61041 t Powerful Vitalizing Agent and Resto- ME It wict, cure SCROFULA ia all ite manifold !priu3. G.C/tII.S, SYPIIILIS, SA LT LtittTM; and it hp.q Iron used with astonishi,nz sneeeis in C.L3Ci Ut It inltism, Dyspepsia, Consnl4A lion, Female Complaints, 11e trt, Liver and Kiduer Diseases, Am Circulars will hp seol PREIS to any address. Priee $l.OO a bqttle, or 6 tor $l.OO. Prepared hy Dr. EL ANUEIIS, Pitys;rian and Chemist. TOB BMA BY J. P, leltyllepsw. Se Dey St Feet, New Teel. ♦ID DY ♦LL DIIUGUISTS WISTAR'S BALSA WILD CHERRY HAR BRBS UM/ FOR NEARLY 11ALF A CENTURY, WITH THE YOST ASTONISHING SUCCESS I! CURING Coughs, Chtde, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, In fluenza, Whooping Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Asthma, and every affection of THE THROAT, LUNGS, AND I 1 21. CONS UMP TIO.N; which carries off more victims than any other disease, and which baffles the skill of the phy sicians to a greater extent than any other malady, often YIELDS *TO THIS REMEDY when all others` prove ineffectual. AS .A MEDICINE, rapid in relief, soothing in effect, safe in its operation, ur n , IS UNSURPASSED !law wb,ile 119 a preparation, free from nosiouL in gredients, poisons or minerals; uniting skill seiesee•and medical knowledge ; combining all that is valuable in the vegetable kingdom for this class of disease, it is INCO3IPARABLEI • and is entitled to; merits and receives the gen eral confidence of the public. SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D., of Herman, N. Y., writes as follows; " , WpT4ll:B BALSAM Q' r " WrI,A gives universal satisfaction. It seems to cure a Cough by loosening and cleansing the lungs, and all tying irritation, thus UMOTING rue CNC.9II, instead of drying uo the cough end leaving the cause behind. I consider the Bak. SAM as good as any, if net the best, Cougb medicine with which / am acquaintpl." The Rev. JACOB , SKOHLItIt, of Hanover; Pa., well known and much respected among the Cterman population of tnis country, makes the following statement ter the benefit of the al:flitted : Dear Sirs t—Tlaving realised - hi my family important benefits from the use of your valua ble preparation—WlSTAß'S BALSAM OF WILD CrIKRRY—it affords me pleasure to recommend it to the public. Some eight years ago one of my daughters seemed to be in a decline, and little hopes of her recovery were entertained. I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsam, and before she had taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there was a great improvement In her health. I have, in my individual case, made frequent use of your valuable medicine, and have .al ways been benefitted by it. . JACOB SECEILBLI Price one dollars bottle. YOB BALM BY J , P. Dinamore, WI Dey Street. Now York. Seth W. Fowl. * ken, Proprietors. Boston AIM SY ALL D "(JOISTS. gatiee's Celebrated Salve mares Cots, Burns, Scalds. GMcc's celOyeted Salve cures Wounds, Bruises s lpraiqs, Gramee Celebratt)d Salve cures Boils, Illpers,cayncsre , Gragi l p Qelehinted Salve cures halt Rhenal, Gf i spple Celebrated Salve . cures Chapped Napdp, philtslaias Grape's Celebrated Salvo heals Old Sores, Fleelt Wounds, Arc , _ It is prompt in action, rempsei pain at ouco, CONSTANTLY ost -hand, nit stutortment of and e d uc es the n l oss affirry-looklpg awelli s FINN r 0. 4 .11 SS, PINTOCIILL PH AL ind as if V Mnior- - t l4 lO 4 4 ISOM'S, Card; an.; fl fur ;re f use from tufting relief and q comillete eurp: t.lo Battle Field. PIIOI'O9RATI34 of our. Ooly fde.4.011 mail fop . geneials Aid oilter distiqnshed individuate cents.) - Sise Excehdot p. J. TYS4II4. Fqr I:§3 , 4.7: 6 14 , a5if0R0, Sp Derstieo, . • Newaro f ,s. K sQN L l'ropriqp rl , I T LIONNICWS DUCT+ STORE yqn P 945.94, dzby pfuirlo4a, ppcni f aiyl • alga flo4, good asavwat, P a ir r • 1.%1414 . 004rii io6p. 1 7 c•; . • • „ ElestrlC asap It is used by cutting int° small stievinzs and dissolving in hot srateT, than soak the clothes Eire to ten minutes Ind a little band, rubbing will make tbeni as Cile4.o as twain of hard mitvbine rubbiug woul4'dq l ,il4k Weans sonp, nod the gloss fietiespiLikfrto rebels no iojuiy. We can fifer to tbousacids of toss ilies who are using . it, lad SOu cook! ttot.4* persuaded‘ta do willfcgt DOlll4.S' 4ECTII9, SOAP. Bup . 4 4Y 4LI. LYA DING 4140C44i 7/440,11.1.00r. ?HS lIVIIIIpII. 4 * - - - • . Manur.ettifed: -V 1..?01.11aNS Niti . V. WHOLES,' l.h; tr1114.3C“,- • - i. 107 Sarah 1 - 144 Thwt, Ploiaddrua Nov. 12, 1866 Ilia ' ............g..„' ... .._—_____ 6 VSIAIL DE B4BIS. ,1 THY bliAt 4-4 .peautifier if thq .•ip, TESTIMONiAI,3 FROM CELEBRATED LA- DIES This secret of beautif) ing the skin being known only to -lilelsrs. Jared .1c Rene, they hOnorably state tha it differs from all other preparations. It gives to the moat harsh and freckled skin botL the texture and color of polished Ivory, removing all . discolorations, whether appearing as freckles, esti, morphew, moth or black worm Ip.cks, anti Is especially sibecessful in smoothing out :the marks left by the smallpox. The agents of ilLiEmail de Paris" most con- Wally submit-to the pohlie the earnest en dorsements of such distinguiished ladies as Signora RISTOkI, FELICIT A VESTVALL ' giss MAUGIE MITCHELL, Ma. D. P. BOWERS, LUCILLE 'WESTERN, M. , dati)c Mrs. MMA WALLA% LUDT RUSIITON, 40Eli1t; DE If AHODERITTES, Hiss A. PERRY, and many others, whose high standing in the profession gire.4 the stamp of truthfulness tC their intelligent and genuine approval. The beantful Luckily Writers says: "I find that the mail' !produces all the brilliancy of rouge and lily-white, with the great and peculiar advantage of total harm lessness. it Really adds toitheeoftmess cgtj beauty pf thp skiu." The magnificent Vestvali Rays' "I have suffered so muchlfrom the various white lotions, &c., which my theatrical pro fession' obliges me to ow, that I consider it a perfect benefaction to find a preparat:on which gives the, necessary :whiteness to the skin, and leaves the skin co4l and smooth." Miss Maggie Mitchell says: "I have tried the skin beat tifier 4 l:Email de Paris,' and found th.it it inStantly imparts a natural bloom and freshness to the com plexion." "Jared's Email de Paris" is used es a deli cate beautifier of the skin fit. Theatre, Saloon or Ball ROOM, by the most refined and scru pulous ladies, pro.lucing all the beautitying of of rouge and without their vulgar glare or injury to the skis. Sold by all first-class Driggists, Perfumers and Ladies' Hair Dressers. L. fsabeau, 82 Broadway Demas Barnes & Co., aril F. C. Wells & C New Yore; and Eugene Junin, lit South Tenth street, and Johnston, Holloway Et Cowden, Philadelphia, Agents. JARED & RENE, General Agents and Importers, .lan. 28, 180. 6.0 New York. 4-- Gettysburg FoO' ndry. THE subscriber would inflirm his customers and others, that he is si ll manufactueng various kinds of (listings an Machines, made to orricr, on short notice, finch as THRESHERS 4ND i , owags, (fire different sizes of PoWers,) Clover-seed Hullers and Cleaners, Corn Shelters and Sep arators, Cornfodder Cutter* H , Straw and Hay Glitters; PLOUGS, such as Cast Ploughs. Hirshear Ploughs, Side hill and Corn Ploughs; thej WIRE-SPRING HORSE' RAKE, the latest improvement; 1420 Metal Serpws fur Cider P reifies, IRON RAIPING r Cemeteries or Porches i with everything eTse in hie line, all at lov prices. FOR SALR.—A light Two-horse Wagon, a One-horse Wagon, and a §priiig Wagon, all new. pAvip Apr 11300866. tf Blacksutititing. lIE um i lersigaed would) most respectfully T infornS the public thalt he continues the BLAMSSIETHING 13USINESS, at his shop; lately Philip Dinrsom's, adjoining Troxel's paint shop, in East Middle street, Gettysburg, where be will tit all tinies be pre pared to do Blacksmithing work to Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, ko. That he knows how to do all jobs of the kind will; not be questioned by those who bays 4 knoviledge of his long experience at the basins*. Owns on with your work, and yon will be i satisfied when you take it away—and for which he will receiyg Cash or Countty Produce. I ADAM MOLTSWORTS Mar. ;0, 18G5. tf ThP PasVamad 4 4 TTNIVERSAL CLOTUES WRINGER."— t.) Resides the great wing of Labor, the saving to the wear and tear of clothing in a single year, more. than amounts to the price of this Wringer. It is strange that any family should be willing to do withou.t it. For sale at FARNESTOCIC BROS end at 0. R. BUR LER'S (Feb. 19. PERSOFS wishing PHOTOGRAPHS of their children will fiud it to their advan tage to call at the Excelsior. C. J. TYSONO Gettysburg, Pa. Fall and Winter Gooda. A SCOTT di SONS have just received an- Otherr fine assortment of NSW GOODS, consisting, in part, °Moths, Cassimeres, Cossi nets, Kentucky Jeans, and Tweeds, for Gen tlemen's wear. Also, a fine assortment of LADIES' DRESS. GOODS. Our stock has been selected with great care, and we are prepared to sell as cheap ns any other establishment in the country. We ask the public to give us a call and judge for themselves. Call and see us. No trouble to show Goods. A. SCOTT & SUNS. Sept. 17, 18G6. Cooking Stoves riF every variety, laelbding the "Noble ky Coot; "Royal Cook," “Waverly," “Orn &mental.," "Oriental," &c. Also,' Tin-ware, Sheet-iron-ware, Hollow-ware, and every va riety of Sitcbert Furniture—including a vafie, ty of Lanterns. Also, a new and much proved Flour Sifter, for sale by C. H. BUSHLBR, Cornerof Carlisle arid Railroad es, Ittsb. 19, 18G6. Gettyshusg, Ps. ; Notice. T YDtA HOLLINGER'S , ESTATS.-4.etteve j_j testamentary on the estate of Lydia Hol linger, late of East - Herrin, Adams county, liepoacd, haring teen granted to the under fesiding in Franklin township, York cogaty, Pa, he hersibrgives notice to all per sonaintiebted to said estate to make Immedi ate payment, sad those4saviag chums against the same to ptesent them properly agthenties, int' for settlement. G4Q1148 DICE, Feb. 11, 1861. fltil g;ecutir. ,r o r ,,-.,.. v i n s er ip . , .... e. A T THE C ' i' STORE ON THE InLL 2-1 If you uy coy of the &Lore anti- I It etor of tLe Great Ziagari, by a late Dye dee cheaper than you eau get them anywhere 611* - ~e Oroc,ry Store of the undersigns-I IR illos - , 111, in Baltimore street, it i I TfIiAPOCIIIHILLY DeflieePed telifkPirtrie where costoCaripAgeillsir lye be accommoda ted, and whealfwA t ienkia)ited to call and see for tht+toselrevilsk - pnbtic will always find a foil and elal4ol.ertment of SUGARS, 06111 , 013, TE.4S, SYRUPS, N0LA...4.3E5, LA...4.3ES, 10,11.4C005, CIGARS, SNUFFS, NISH, BACON, IA RD, CH E ESE, CR/A.C• KERS. uurraa, EGGS, ac. ....Alit,— lig.4ssmA Rik a 1 TRY-WARE. NO , ...TWIS. &0., 'COMM L 4111'S, FISH. '.,..1 . 'AO*, ANO SODS AND FEED, .. - ;.:..'t ..__- AiIVA.MOX RANO , `''NFANTED. —Flour, Caro, Outs. Butter, Eggs, "Cott, and Potatoes, far wl , ieh the highest eassaket price will be _pad, either in trade or flub dllapßeinq 44011306dd to conduct my busi -4.4‘ in a fair and hasiontble itad to ►ell elittitp, I invitd all to gill me a call. LRCM{ Y VEP.DERIL April 0, j 8 68. if Grocery & Liquor Move i v in FIRST-RATE ASSORTMENT of ' RO CEI;IES, clicqb FISH of ditrereqt. Is acts. A e lot of POTOMAC HERRN°, ,at low price. The beet and I trg,Nit as ort went of INITOFI,S ever kept in this plAce RUBE WINS, 411,AWDY, RYE WHISKEY, &C., fur nydicinal and otti.r purpobei, in (In tali thine larve or swirl. AIan— MISIILEIVS CELEIIIIA'rED lIEItT3 BITT RS. Wlt. J. MARTIN, Balauore at., getkylobvii. Shy 28, 1868 Cheap for Cash! NEW STOW.: I GROCERIES, LIQUORS, kG. THR undersigned has returned to Gettys burg, and opened 6. new Store, on Balti more street, next door to the Post Office, and nearly opposite the Court-House, where he oilers for sale, CIItAP roe casts, a large and entice assortment of GROCERIES,—Sugars, C•dfdes, Teia, Il.)lAsses, Syrups, Salt, die.; with Fish, Bacon. Lard, and- en on. Also, LIQUNLS—Wines, Biandies, Gins, Whiskies, Rom4,ntideverything elsein the line. Also, any Ti tntity of Notions, to suit any and everybody. Recollect this is the place to buy CHEAT POD. CAB& GEO. F. ICALBFLEI.SOII. Aprll 23, 133 a Adams Count 7 WITUAI, FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY • I.IcoIiPORASED, 11 4 1 1041 18, ISE. Ulatcpaa President—George Swope. 's - Vice President—Samuel It. Russe l. Secretary—p. A. Buehler. Treaserer-r-E. G. Fahnestock. 's , Executive Cinumittee-,-Robert MoCurdy, An drew Heitaseltuaii, Jacob King. MANAGNII3.—George Swope, D. A. Buehler, R. McCurdy, Dl. Eichelberger, ri, 4. Russell, K., G. Falinestoek, A. D. Buehler, R. G: McCreary, Gettysburg; Jacob King i Straban township; A. Heintzeltnan, Franklin; Wm. D. Rimes, New Oxford; Wtn. B. Wilson, Bendersville; 11. A. Picking, Straban township; Jahn Wol ford, Latimore township; John Picking, East Berlin ; Abel T. Wright, Bendersville; Abdiel F. Gitt, New Oxford; Jas. 11. Marshall, Ham iltonian township . ; John Cunningham, Free dom township; John Horner, Mottntjoy town ship; Win. Ross White, Liberty township. $® -This Company is limited in its opera tions to the county of Adams. It has been in operation for more than 15 years, and in that period has made but one assessment, haviorg paid losses by fire during that period amount. log to $13,088—56,760 of which have been paid Muting the last two years, Any' person desiring andniurance can apply to any of the above named Managers for further information. se`The Executive Committee meets at the office of the Company, on the last Wednes day in every month, at 2 o'clock, P. M. Oct. 18, 1865. tr Cannon's M ARBLE WO IV K 3, Oa Baltimore street,Ne trly Opposite the roll House, GETTYSBtT - RO, PA gver7 description of work executed In the finest style of the art. • June 4, ISG!,". tf Groceries, Notions, ate. FORGE H. SWOPE, haring purchased ki the floe GROCERY EiTABLISUMENT of James A. Grimes, on York 'street, a few doors east of Wolf's Hotel, and having. added largely to the already eztacsive assortment on hand, offers the public a variety of Goods trellis line rarely, if ever before, kept here. His SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, MOLAS SES, SYRUPS, km., can't be beat, in quality or price ; whilst hie assortment of NOTIONS embracer almost everything the public can possibly need. Hobse-keepers and others should give him a call before ha) hg elsewhere; as be is convinced that he has the best stock in town, and that no one can gre away disap pointed. mirThe CABINET-MAKING business is continued, in all its branches, qc the old stand, a few docha east of the Stori. No efforts spared to please the public, as heretofore. GoLtysbutg, Nta. 5,186 G. tf Carrfaircynusking Business, THE war being over, the undersigned have resumed the CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, at their old stand., in E,st Middle street, GETTYSBURG, where they are again prepared to pat np work in the most fashionable, substantial, and supe rior manner. A lot of new and second-hand CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, AC., on baud, which they will dispose of at the lowest prices; sod all orders will be supplied as promptly and satisfActorily as possible. done with dispatch, and at cheapest rates A large lot of new and old HARNESS of hand fur sale Thankful for . the liberal patroller hereto fore enjoyed by them, they solicit and will en deavor to deserve a large share in the totare. 'DANNER & MELEE,. July 10, 1885. tt Carriages and Buggies. TATE k CULP are now building a Tarlety of COACH WOlig of the latest and most approved style!, and constructed of the beat estmerial, to which they invite the attention of bliyers. Having built our work • with great pare and of material selected with special reference to beauty of style; and durability, we can confidently re commend the work as unsurpassed by any, either in or ant of the cities. All we ask- is an inspection qi qqr work' to convince those in went of eny-kiod of vehicle, that this is the place to buy them. REPAIRING in every branch done at short notice and on reasonable terse. Give us a pull, at gur Factory, Bear the corner of Washiugtou sad' Cbamoersburg streets, Gettysburg. P. .1. TATE. WM. E. CDTP• Mar. 19, 1864. Fresh Confectionery lip ICI CRUX SALOON.—Thesubscri- Ler respectfully Worms the citizens of 'ettrysburg and viciuitylhat he has a Confec tionery Rstablisliment,'"one door east of the Eagle Hotel, on Cham bersburg street, to which he would invite their attentiqn.. Cakes, Candize, and every descrintieft or Cualections, together with Nuts, Oranges, and all kinds qf fruits, always op hand. Parties, public and private, as well as lam 'dies, will tie furnished with all kinds °ICA.% Ice Cream, (in pyramidal form or otherwise,) and qtber refreshments at their houses, upon short notice. lisylen. spent a life-time at the husinesd, he flatters hitnaelf that he nuderstandaft and that he is able to tender entire satislactioq. pall and sea his Vonfactignerf.• MAV 2; 12(4 t,f ! pills GRAmil. Pine iiiiingleßi T ALOGE lot of Pine Biologie. frq, Si•PP. 40115 per loot • flit sale' at the Lumber ( • of ;4 WI! ill 1 015 WW- , !, .. 1 ='; _ • politic Far away fron) the Ayikinkle of Egypt he enme, Res Sating the eh*. arid himallpg the hime• I A ripe for tile ctioterk t4ef 4 1fe.argi ' lll Pe, 6 e Reaves hhh on ~14 tng si.xßtpqc a? eas e . There et [host. wtio waxo tfonto,...&a ILI at hod E'en they toot but one boftte 4ti4 were cured of their MA Resolve, I t but ha gaiggli.- If over they shake,' Such pleasant, nies Illiferge—Uo oilier they fake. filet a bottle if trot:Ned With nert ous lehl Rabter says It will sum Just tip its ability, Essence of life, num, to.young Wad to old ; A certain preventive from coughs at.d colds. Try ft all. •vl» are troubled with a weak uppctlte. Zest is g I yen by theses Bitters), Ii only used right: In scrofula, colic, or shad filarrinea. None who've tried Itoteitherhaveany more fear. ()real. tidings Lit this, then, for rich and for pour; 41.111 e ran he hod for a Joliet laud more— Itatiter givLs It to those unable to pay), lu no wee of bit k n..ef will he turn them away. F. ItAlif Eit'd ZL\UARI. i WaAT me ZENGIAMI BITTIIIII FIATS DONI.— We publish the following for the bene4t of the afflicted everywhere : "1 angered for a long time of Dyspepsia, Heart Disease ' and frequent attack; of Liver Complaint. Oftea the suqerings were so great that life wasalutost handers Ole. I tried several eminent physicians, and most Qf the popular remedies recommended for such com plaints, but found little relief until a few 'weeks ago I catuipeoced the use of F. Ilabter's Great 2iagari Bituiri, sad am now perfectly cured." HENRY CULL. Harrisburg City, Pa., Sept. 8, 1886. Personally appeared the above named Deury null, and Kande path in due form that the 4 / 4 5 are true as above stated. A. C. SMITH, Notary Public. sir For sale by - G. F. Kaibfleisch and W. J. Martin, Gettysburg. N,... - . 12, itch. ____ • Itiashicer 4 Sigreman, IVO. it WEST MARKET STREIiIT, 4_ll YORK, PA., AGENTS-AND DICALKIIS IN PIANOS AND CABINET ORGANS, MELODEONS, 'AND AU. KINDS ON ICISICATi INSTRUMENTS, respectfully iutoran the public that they are prepared to furnish Pknos of the following manufacture or of any other make that way be preferred : Albright: Itetkoo 4k SeTimid 4 etilekerlsor & Son, linolburv. Knob." a Soo, Gale & gosh _ ISTEY . B CeL6BILATEQ COTTAGE, HARMONIC AND DOVDOIR ORGANS AND MELODEONS These Instrumnts stand unrivalled by any thing found In this Country or in Euiope, as ly admitted by all impartial judges. The most eminent Pipe Organ Builders and Performers, the last to discover excellence in reed Tune, pronounce them vastly superior to all others forexoeedingly quick articulation and round Tone, the essential feature in instruments of till, class.. We invite the severe scrutiny and criticism oi all. r4TENtsVOX HUMAN A TREIIcILO This late and, most wonderful invention (so acknowledged by all leading artists) will be found only in the Estey Instruments. in at tempting to describe the effect of this stop, we are at loss for langnage. Its heautiercannOt be written, but must be beard to be appre ciated. By this stop act ordinary perloimer can produce an effect which requires a lifetime of piactlee for an artist iimin a violin. !t en tirely changes the 140 Tune, giving the erg. pathetic sweetness of the human voice, making it so melodious and pure that it never fails to enchant the listener, THE HARMONIC ORGAN for Churches, Public Halls and Parloyg has a powerful sub-Bass with independent' roods, Harmonic attachment and Vox Humana Tre. molo, and is believed to be the most powerful reed organ made, being nearly equal to a Pipe Organ of three times the coat. All instruments warranted for fire years. BRASS BANDS supplied with instru ments and music at reasonable terms. A liberal di.scount alloviet.l for Chuiches sad Sabbath Schools. sl&•lustructions given tilath'in Vocal and Instrumental Music, at our rooms, and at pu pils' homes, either to individuals or classes, on reasonable terms. Dec. 17, 1866. tf Teas: Teas! /PEAS FOR• TUE PEOPLE. No More 1 . Enormous Profits for Consumers to pay. Fifty Cents to One Dollar per Pound Saved by buying your-Teas direct from "the Im porters. , T. Y, Kelley (k Co., Importers of Teas, in connection with their large a holes.ile busi ness, hove determined to introduce their Teas directly to- consumers at importers' pries, thus effecting a SaVineto the consumer of 40 to GO per cent. Families can now club to. gether fot any kind or qualities of Teas, in packages of one pound and upwards, and we will seed them a superior article of Tea at 5 per a:tut. above the cost of importation, Let some energetic lady or otht.r p..rson ifi each neighborhood, cell upon her acquaintances and take their orders for any of the following named Teas, and when a club of ten, twenty, or more is obtained, send to us and we will send the Te is put up in separate packages, with the name of each person marked on it, all enclosed in one box. As a further induce ment to the person • getting up the club we will send for hissor her services, au extra compli mentary package on all, orders of $3O and up ward. It is perhaps not well understood why we can sell Tens so very low; but when it is taken into consideration that besides the orig inal cost of importation ; the Broker, Specula- Or, Jobber, Whole Sale Dealer and Retailer, has cacti to reap a large profit, and the lona merable Cartages, Cooperages, Insurances, Storages,&c., which Teas have to pass through before they reach the consumer, will readily explain this. We propose to do away with seven-eighths of these profits and expenses, and it now remains with the people to say whether they shall save 50 cents to $1 00 per pound on every pound of Tea they purchase, or be compelled to give their earniugs to a host of useless go-betweens. • PRICE LIST. 00Lorin, (Mack) tO , 9Q, 90, $1 00, $/ 10, heel $1 25 per pound. 0 . EN6LIBII (Week) 80, 9Q, $1 00, best $1 25 per pound. Yopsii Ilyeo4, ((been; GA. 95, $1 ON extra $1 25, superior $1 50 per pound. cOrooll. Rod giuk) To, qO, aQ, beit Si 00 per pound, 'stunLet., (preep) sroo, Lora., per poun4. JA N, $1 Oa, $1 10, $1 25, best, ler pound, cuspowDEa, (Green) $1 3 (1, 600 $i 0;1 14F pound. COFFEE DEPARTMENT. We bare lately added a Coffee Department to cur establishment, end although we cannot promise the consumer as great a saving as we can on Teas, (the margin for profit on Coffees being very small,) yet we can bell Coffees fully 25 per cent. cheaper than retailers charge. Our Coffees come direct from the Custom House, and we roast and grind them perfectly pare, put up in 1 or more pound packages, at an advance of 2 cents per pound. Cur Wholesale Price—Ground Coffees— Pure Rio, 25, 30 cents pet pouud. pin Old Government JATti, 40 cents. Best Ceylon, 40 cents. SENDING MONEY.—Pacties sending o;. ders for less than $3O for Teas or Coffees shou.d send with their order a P. 0. Draft or the looney, to save the expense of collecting by Express. But large orders we will for ; ward by Express and collect on delivery, We shall be happy at all times to receive a call at our warehouse from persons visiting the pith TOWierAenless or not. T. Y. HiLLEY & CO., Late Kelley & Yought, 100. ti 6 Vnter ` 4 !.rter r Jan. 21, 186?. $1; 1)11. OHNER'S - FRAGRANT MYRRH m egrims the Teeth, cures all diieasce or theigemt end parities the breath: Trractrows ITCH ourrtar; it Pr ' tr nal Drot ewe:- Resabirill! 1111310-ETTTSBUSG SKYLIGHT GALLERY. f OM TZkil apilasesigi • - ril ; es undersigned tat is pleasure in anntinn- si ring to the citizens orGyttysturg and the c ... .• o i frgblic generally that he his removed from his old Login' on West Middle street, to Melamine street, end ricurir opposite' the lit oi e "of ?Min estoch Brothers, The room be now occupies bas been recently fitted up expressly for his business. The location is as admirable one, enabling" him to 'Ake pictures in All shades of weal.her, and with a correctness unequalled soy wb.2re else. LIFE-LIKE PHOTOGRAPIT-8, of every size 1:1:14 description, etecuted i■ the finest style. Particular Atfentiou.siven to the CARTE DE YIJIN, and to copying A 111.113.0 TYPES and DAGEILRRLOTTPES of deceased friends. Also TUE GETTYSBURG Gams. a new style.of pic.ture,-which hag ttcorne very popular with the•puhlic, not only for their beauty, but for ehearne gg and conven i ence. _ 81,1{.TREN for UXE DOLLAR_-oply. Also—, Trrg PORCELAIN PICTLI.SS, which far their beauty and durability are unsurpassed. • I We are prepared to carry OM the linsiness in all its various branches, and having had con siderable experience weruit no risk in 017-11?35T.47.7.T0 PERFECr B.I.TIsFAC- -.-- - Our facilities fora full display of our are unequalled ty ilny other Gallery in 1.14 e County, and we would theretore iutite evoly one to at the N GETTYSEIMIO SKYLIGLIT GALLETI . T. Call and exatului; oilr Specimens and judge, for yourselves. LEYI .111.7.1114:R. Jane 2y, rsug. W. E. BIDDLE. 11 . S. BENNER. 1.00.000 Bushs. fij vain Wanted.' STEW F!RM AT THE ULU WALtEIIuUSE.! . 11 WM. E. BIDDLE CU. would inform the public that they have leased the Warehouse pq the corner of Stratton street and the Rail-' road, in Gettysburg, a here they will carry on TUE GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, in all iLs branches. The highest prices will always be paid for Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats,' Clover and Timothy Seeds, Flaxseed, umac, hay and &Law, Dried Fruit, Nuts, Soap,llatus, ,Shoulders and Sides, Potatoes, with every• thing else in the country produce line. GROCERIES.—On baud, for sale, Coffees, sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Teas, Spices, Salt, Cheese, Vinegar, Soda, Mustard, Starch, Brooms, Btelict.s, Blacking, Soaps. &c. Also COAL OIL, Fish iii, 'fur, /K. MU of all kinds • Spikes and Nails SiipoLing and Chew.l ing Tobaccos. They are always nl♦le to supply a first rate artiele of Flour, with Co -410.fercgt kifiLls of Also, Ground Plast'-r, .with Gunoos and other fertilizers, COAL, try the bushel, teu or car load. They will run a LINE OF FREIGHT G.-kfIS from Gettysburg to Baltimore , once every week. They ate prepared to convey-Freight eilMer way, in any quantity, at REDUCED RATE'S. They will attend, if desk , d, to the making of purchases in the city, eel delivering the goo 1.5 promptly in Gettraltutg. Their cars run to the Warehouse of Natnan :loop St; Co., No. 128 North Howard st.,nor Franklin, Baltimore, where ; freight will be received at any time. They invite the attention or the publio to their line, msuring theta ili tt, they Will spare no effort tq it.comiztoditte all %Olt, May patronize them. BIDDLE' k BENNER April 16, 1B66• tf NEW PIMA, AT THE OLD STAND. [enr..:;rdenFro TN 1817.] have associated with inn. eon, John F. McCreary, under the tirtu cud style of D. McCreary Si: Son, an I I deAre to sty to my old friends nod the public generally that since the war, thenntaufacture -1)1 . Saddles, Harness, Collars, kc., has been reviv - ed at the old established and well known stand on Bal timore street, one square south ol the Cutta House, Gett y sburg, Pa. .Having had an experience of 40 years iti tliis establishment, I feel assured, that, with renewed attention to business, we can still further merit and rective a full share of pun lic patronage. DAVID M.CIIEARV• With increased facilit.es for condor tin , our business, we are better prepared than ever to satisfy- the wants of all those who uoy need Anything in-our line. We especially call the Attention of Farmers and others to the superior quality of our ' Plain or Quilted Seat Side Leathers, Horn Saddles, ,Ilarnes, all kinds, with Plain or Quilted Seat! or without fastenings no Horn 'Housings, Plain or tailtea Sent Scotch Cullars(leltlier) Side Saddle LI " (ttekaugy Plain or Fancy Saddle No Seam Collars, Cloths, Best W•2lt Harness Cul- Wagon Saddle;lars, Riding Bridles, — of all'Patent Leather Collars, kinds, fair or black,) stitebe&or unstiithed rounded or fiat, Best Leather Wagon Martingats, i Whips, 4,4 i and 5 Carriage Harness, all, lest 1 ng, styles, silver or black Plaited Team Whips, mounted, Trotting ITeavy Draft Harness, ;.adies;ltiaing Twigs, Blind Ili idles, ;Whip Lashes, horse Blankets, kc., kr., ke Girtbs, Crappere, In short, everything that pertpins to a first class general horse furnishing establishment constantly on hand or made to order promptly, of the very best material, and by the most ex perienced workmen in the country, (two bar ing worked in this esuiblishineut for the lost thirty years.) We are now manufacturing an ereelleut lot of Heavy Draft and Harness Collars for those who prefer our ow i n to city made work. Repairing of all kinds done at short notice and on reasoriftble'tei me. All are cordially invited to call and examine for. themselves, 45 our work cannot to recommend itaelf. D. McC [MARY d: SUN Feb. 5, 1866. LL New Lambe,- yard. THIS undersigned has opened a LUMBER YARD, on the Railroad, near Guinn & Reilly's Lime Rails, Gettysburg, and asks the public to give him a call. His asvortmeut is one of the best ever offered here, and his pri ces afford only the Sm I I est living profit. He bas WHITE PINE PLANK, inch and half ilich BOARDS, FLOORING, PALMS, &c., &c., and la constantly adding to hie stock. Come and examine for yourselves. JACOB SHE-4DH. Oct. 29, 1866. If Inauguration OF LOW PRIGES. .• I. L. SCHICK invites the attention of hio friends and customers to his large and well selected *cock of DRY GOOD 3 - Comprised in part ct French Morinoes, 411 Wool Poplin*, All Wool Del:tines, • 411 Wool Plaids, pl.tin Poplins, Black and Fancy Silks, latitise 'Cloths, , Slack and Ooloted Black Cloths aid Oassinseres, ranpy Ostsinteres, Oassinets, Jeans, Flannels of all kinds, Gloves and Stockings. Also, a fine lot of Ladies' FURS AN? BRAWLS, as well as an abundant variety Notions, all of which wiltbe sold cheap for toe cash. J. L. 801110 K. Dec. 17, 18a6. Lime £t Coal. O_,T.I.PLN k REILLY have erected two addl. ILA tional Lime Kilns, on the Railroad, and are therefore befterprepared thrn ever to sup. ply the best of LIME, in large or small fill a n I.i. ties. Farmers and others can hereafter look for a more prompt filling of their orders, and are ivited po extend cud coatings their fa. yogs to* firm whigh is making every egort to iaccommodate them in the best manner poseihla, They trill AISP C0nN144 ,0 14:lkeap on hand. for *ale, a good sqpply of the different kinds of COAL, which they will sell at small psafits. Coal and Lime delivered anywhesa In Qet. tysburg. Stay 14, 1888. If -, Vag Aush...iethz Ulf liirolalor Galley. Al' in iliaile4 sP4a istiOtietan and with its lima. C.. J, T,Y50.1...4 111 1 , 1 iktill pllitit. ' This Issig mall " r rat eraw i l , known win ibor. .' naihly reinvlgerabe bronco-dors alsO lon -spirited bows, by strengthening and cleansing the stomas! sad later Uwe. It is a rare pre. " - _ o • • Tends' of all dlr. eases ar shi t indisid, LUSO 1' U 1 C 1 ,14.54441 41 1 YELLQW _ 8 TER, X• • , COUGHS, DIS. V TgllPgll, 7E. CRS, FOUND= FOP APPE rI: AND VITAL 310 Y, to Its as *wpm the Ift d, tureens , ths mOodst-stres 4 ;i449j "JO {eaadbtd th e rumm borabi• mama 'late •• Gas:Soaking sad spirits! To tosoors of Cows this preparation Is Invaluable. it Lir-noes the goantity and Ltoprord Os sushi: pi' Lb. milk. It has beta primp by as ..... tool export:peat to ma y. - - .'"-ocijOr" Worm* the oast • till of Lf =4 meats tweet]_rms sent not Pao iho t. i . swill 4 butter firm ata4 sweet. ID tottenlog 41 1 Pr 4 a cattle • ft gives thew "1' . A. t e u , tpprtlte, loosens Weir k ids. an 4 "I --__ ' f:.. wakes them thriro wmpb Mar. In ill Mama qt Ankle, mull am Douai, Marl I the Lunge, Lieu, Om, this article 41 seta as a specific. By putting from -r A • ods-half a paper to a paper in a -• Wirral of will the 4 above dimeames be eradicated _ pr entirely prevented. If even in thee, a aortal"' preventive and curs for the -Hog Cholera, Price 2b Cants per PIPP, Or 5 PaPen for 4 PTIZI.AILICD . A. FOUTZ & BRO., Timms WHOLESILE PEG AND iIDDICINI Duet No. 116 Friuudin Bt., Baltimore, lid, Yor Bale by Druggists dad Storekeepers through rat $4O-Pti4l 4 4 %tick For sale by A. D. Buehler, Gettysburg Laughlin 3 Boshfield, Wheeling, - 14a -; C. C Bender k Co., Pit,sharg; Johnson, Holloway 4 Cowden, Philadelphia. Dec. 17, 11'66. ly A Lecture to Young Men. JUST published, in a sealed. onvrlope.—. - Preis 6 ceqta. A Lecture on the nature, treatment and radic id cure of Spermator or Se!phial Weakness, Involuntary Einisiiione, Sexual Debility and Impediments to Marriage generally. Nervousness, Consumption, Ept., 1 psy, and Fits; Mental and Physical (fleapit city, resulting from Sell-Abuse, &c.' By Ruh, ervi. Cal% erwell, M. D., author of the "Greets Hoek," &c. The world renowned author, in this admira ble Lecture, clearly proves, from his own ex 4 perience, that the awful ctitiseoences ni Self Abuse way be effectually reprlved without Medicine, and without dangerous surgical ope rations, boogies; instruments, rings, or .cordi nit, pointing out a mode of zere at once cer, tain and effet.tual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his . condition 6{o be, may cure liimeelfeheaply, privately and radiciilly. This Lecture will prove is boon to thousands. Sent, under seal to any address, ilia plain, siale.l envelope, on receipt of six rents, or two past nv.e 'limps. Also ern ell's Marriage Guith, pr.cc 25 cents. Address CHAS. S. C. KLINE & Co., 127 Bowery, Kew York, P. O. box 458 G. April 23, 1803. ly Singer's Celebrated. TFIE very best and latest improved machine. in iise, for elle at the CLOTHING STOILII of JACOIS Jr, SRO, in Chatutiereburg etreet, Geo.) sbur,t, where you can buy the beet snit cheapest Cloths, Cassintercs and Vestings, tend every variety of i,:qo , rs in the line of M F.N AND BOYS W EA It You can !lave them cut out and male up ilk the very Lest style if you wish, at modtratg Fiera, 44d withou: any risk whatever. GEO. JAL OBS * BRO. August 20, 1820 Cabinet Furniture. TQE subscribers hereby inform tbelr clot. 'torriers and the public generally, that they have now on Land, and-continue to mail, ufacture to order, CABINET FURNITURE, which, Inc style - and durability, finish anti price, will compete with any in the county.— Our present stock consists of every variety ull Furniture usually kept In a &rat class Furni ture Ware !town. Fashionable, orn.tmentui or plain Furniture m.tnufacturetl in the muss substantial manner, ny milet experienced. workmen, and at the lowest cash prices. > UNDERTAKING. Having a new Hearse, par,icular attention, will be given to this, brsuch 41 their bu•iness, They are prepared to make aid furnish Coffin& of any desired quality, and attend Funerals at the shortest notice—and ou au‘.l4 talus eA cannot fail to please all. The subserthets return their thanks to the public for the liberal patronage extended its them In the past, and hope to meri land rcctiir* I continuance of public patronage. • Shop aid Ware 'lleum third bendier eat of the Square. H. FETE k Littlestown, April le, tf Fresh Arrival. HATS, cars, isuuts t SHOES. POBRAN & CO. have ju.t receiver - and opened another splendid assortment of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS' and SHOES, - for Sommer wear, which they are selling at v. ..y low [tripes considering the times. The latest styles of Summer Hats sad Caps, of ecer)^ description and price. Boots and Shoes, of superior make, andl watran'el to fit, alwa;s on-hand. Work Bade to order and repairing done on short no. Lice, by experienced workmen. Also, - HARNESS MAKING, carried on in all its branches. Persons went. lag ant thing in this line would do well to call. r Dou't forget the old stand in Chambers burg street, If you want Bargains , . COBiAN k CRAWFORD. ' Jame 19, 1965. Empire §ReTTLS SEWING MA_CEIJNES •n •n -perior to 101 others for FAMILY AND, INUFACTURING PURPOSSIS. Contain all the latest intprovements ; are speedy.; noiseless ; du - fable ; and e..sy to work s Illustrated Circulars free.' Agenis wanted. Liberal discount allowed. No - coosignmeoull made. Address EAMES B. Y. CO., 616 Broadway, New York, [Sept. 17, 1868. 17 Established to 1845. TjFNNRY - W. OVERMAN, Cumiu4sluzi 11ESAMANT AWD DEALER. IN LEATHER, No. 14 South Third Street, rbilidelphla. SitirConsignuients solicit* Dcc. 10, We. Iy* rpav Dr. B. BORMNIVB Tanta and Altera.: the Powders, for 110111468 and CATTLE, 1 Prepared and sold only at We Drug Otani . 4* J4nuary 2v. Itlb4. lIICES at' the Pateelslor capitol, be etu Skis quality ant style of PM... • 13 148 caANIVIO• sacrum/A , nesil sad atta inans. . C. 4. TI OM r 2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers