€141616 IDAY titlPpla 4161 of MARCH. inst., W bon to qustitatta • 0 ,1114 e, hta reaiihknee, I D • • Waillitlclraatal tont?, Cdie asUiiiminatispostsf Mositit'a Tavern, the follow -1.1160411.PrIrill•4, 07 ort ft, (3 of thou Wares 1, 11014004 Two-ren"rling Colt, 4 Melt Cows, &raja* fresh, ) 3 Heifers, 1 fine Bull, 3 IV/kW Bow, 7 Shoats, 1 good Theee• hoselloa, with Lime Bed, Hay Oarriages, neatly now, Tbseshing Machine and Power, trlph-geed, Grain Drill, with Guano attach meek I*riag-tooth Rake, Winnowing Mill, Corn Sheller, Sled, Sleigh and Balls, Land Roller, Grindstone, Wheel-barrow, Three-horse Plotigh, 1 Two-horse Plough, 3 Double Shovel Moo Ate, 1 Single Shovel PloOgli, Throo.bOrse Harrow, 1 Cultivator, Corn Tbreadorse, Doable and Single t • • t• itieechisallds, 2 sets of ?root deeaar ti Gears, Conars, Bridles Wagon fiaddle, Aihtood Halters, Riding Saddle and // Lori ,Cow Chain}, Butt and Breast Chains, JockeySticke,s t MAI tocks,'Hi . lovels, 147;cke, Oran in the Ground, Cross-cat Saw, Hand and Wciod Saws Planes', Chist4s, gni a: insist/ of Dues[ article, too numerous to *mention. Bele to commenci, at 10 o'clock, A. M oniaid day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by JOSHUA T. BROWN. Jacob Mickley, Ann-floater. March 25, 1267.*; Public Sale. ArkW FRIDAY, the , 29th day of MARCH inst., 11_7 the subscriber, hating sold his prceperty In Cumberland township, will sell st Public Sale, at MA residence, in Gettysbarg, near Kittle siiißenaer's Warehouse, the rollowlii: Pert otitil Pioperty, riz: 1 BAT MARE, 1 Cow. t Heifer, I lenay Lind' Brijory, 1 One•horxe Wagon, 1 Spring Wagon with Bo ws , and Cover, 2 Rockaway lioeiteMakosi 1 Eleigb and Bell F, Hay Ladders, 1 sot •of Illseaess, Patent Ciitting lion, Corn Shelter, 'Winnowing Mill. Shovel Plough, Cott Forks, Saddle and Bridle, Doable and liingle-trees, 2 Grain Cradle., Mowing Scythe, Shitkitg Fork; Hay Forks, Deng Forks, Cow Chains. Also Household and Kitchen Furni -lure, viz : 1. .81111.11 AC, 1 Bedstead, 1 Corner Cap• board, Table, Ten-pieta Stove and Pipe, it lot of Shoemaker Tools, consisting of Boot Trees, Orlmping Boards, Letts and Beach' Tools, with a rarirt; of other articles, too numerout to ineati ode. - Sale to cessenee at I...o'clock, P. M., on •aid day, when attendance will _be given and term made known by CORNELIUS DAUGHERTY. A. M. Flemming, Auctioneer. - • March 26 , 11107. Postponed Sale. jlf consequence of the inclemincy of the :weather, we will sell the balance of our ersonal,Property, on WEDNESDAY NEXT, (the. 27th of Starch last.,)—raiot or shine— vossisting of 3 excellent DRAUGHT HORSES, 1 young Ware, welt broken to sarAle or her esies, 1 Plough, 1 Sleigh, Wheat Fan, Mower . and Reaper, as good as new; idi of our House; hold Furniture, consisting of Tables, Chairs, hltands, Bedsteads, Sevretery, Desk, Bureau end Book Case' a good article, Stoves end PAP!, an excejl:eat CaOk Stove and Fixture., ashes Fire Wood and Curl Wood on the pound, aid a great mop other articles not saeptioned, Sate to commencreat o'clock, A. N., oa said day, when atten d ce will be gives sad ,y,terms made known b 1 March 25, 1867. lice • . One Cent Saved IS 'WORTH TWO EARNED. moiggv-sA.viNG people, do not pay out hundreds . oftloilare for BROOMS, when you Can make eningh in one evening tO last you a year, which will suit you Letter than the hest , you tow buy at any p'ece. This you owl tro-, I wi-tt warrant it, if you will buy O. W. KELLOGG'S PATRNT, which will cost yon but a - trifle, and will last you 3 our life time. Then -no further expense for Brooms. is no 4 made of materiel whi:h is liable to break; nor does it Maven with screws. It is in no- way , liable to catch or tear."' person's clothe', or mar furniture. Ms neither too hea vy,' nor too light. It is lees complicated; less labor to make, and costs less thad'iny ottier,:and it sweeps more grace fully. , All wkiehave used It win recommend it as highly as myself. Samples can be seen nt siiny of the Printing Office' in Geatysbu-g, or at the Keystone House; and at John A. Snow den's, in F w Chester, who has purchased territorr v aad is prepared to sell family or township rights to the citizens of straban, T) rune and Huntington town'hipa. ..Family, township or county rights can be secured by calling on the undersigned, at I. B. Houser's Hotel, in New Oxford, or if you trait, you can purchase kir your families as the agent comes round. When planting time comes, jug plant a lit. tie Broom Corn Seed and be prepared to make pine own BrOoms, for the agent will teach you in a few minutes, so that yet can make ea gad a broom as any one. L. F. DEAN, New Orford, Adams co.. March 15, 180. 4120101• Pa Bounty Account. STATEMENT made the 11th day of March,' DM; of the Bounty Fund of Mountjoy township. Moses Hartman, Peter Orndorff, Wm. Down.; over, Jacob Rohrbaugh, William Koone, J3eathan Cillb-ert, (School Directors) ; Mi chael Fiscel, Treasurer, in account with the Township of Mouotjoy, in the matter of Bounty Tax— Tar issereeil for OA year 1864, 14,58 Y 64 Tax farmed for tile year 1865, 4,615 15 • Egotteratlons for the year 1864, Percentaxe pai& Collector, Bnlends In hands of James Collins, Collector, 44 39 Rsonerations foe the year 1863, 305 16 Percentage for Collecting, 88 34 Balance in hands of James Reever, Collector, • 154 33 Amount paid twenty-three recruits, 6,80 0 03 Interest paid in Eienk arid - Stamm 330 27 Tiesatre peteentage, Mamie In hauls of Treusrer, $1,138 53 We do-hereby certify that we hare examin ed iad settled the above account in the mat ter of litounty Tax , RI far as laid before ns, and find It correct, and that there is a bal ance of Eleren ,Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars and rifty.three cents ($1,138 63) in the hands of the ,Treasurer. WILLIAM SLINE, JOHN HORNER., March 25, 1867. 3t Auditors. , Good News to Farmers. ALL who want to make • genuine war , 1. ranted FERTILIZES, that will cost only .1 per ton. ought to send their address, with a miaow, to F. - C. KENNER, Ladiesburg, Md. Nb risk to roe in this. It has been tried. March le, 1661. 4t- Notice. JOHN SHRBL2 IIgTATII.,.-Lettere of Ad 'Svition on the estate of John Bheely, late of ifonntpleasant township, Adams coon ty, filming been greeted to the under gigue& sagiding in the lime township, they hereby give statics to, all prong indebted to said setatele make immediate payment, and thous baring elitism against the same to pre sent them properlyauthenticatedforsettlement. PETER QUICKEL, JOON B. BUBBLY, Match 11, net— It Arim're. Melee Western Leads. IHATS on hand some choice Western Jamie, wail located near Railroads, Coun ty Oharrhes, Bc.hoolkbowses, which b ariii nantintage at a fair pries for Red Estate in Adams county. GSO. ARNOLD. 18frt. Ct = s b e in t i. plaCe ta Est all Made s =I T! eonneetlon Islas their HAT and EIROB 1 business, E 0 W & ' W 0 0D 8 Lan ope•ed out • lOU •nd entirely new stock of Per the LADIES we have all the L TEST STYLE'S of For lien and Boys we have Cloths, Caasimers, /earn, Tweeds, Outipnades, Nankeens, Drills, Denims, ke. ROW k WOODS. March 25, 1867. THE following epplicat 4 ions to keep public _i . houses of entertssiument, have been filed In my office, with the requisite number of signers, sod will be presented at the Court of Quarter Sessions, on MONDAY, the 15th day of APRIL next : Samuel Wolf, Borough` of Gettysburg, John L. Tate, 41 II Israel As nt, " SI Henry Koblet, Borough of Berwiqk, Francis J. Wilson, 9 II Hersh k Jones, Borough of Ltttlestown, Philip Semler, II 64 Joseph Barker, " ii Levi Krepse• U IS • George W. Rex, Butler township, Emanuel Diller,C6nowago " Samuel Eicholts, Franklin " . George Bear, 61 6/ Israel Little, is ss Levi Pitzer, - u . ' u E. P. Kittinger, " u Samuel S. kohts, Freedom _ " Joseph Kline. Boutin — con it John P. Becker, " u . • Sane A,Reed, II 14 Peter Shively, Hamilton-ban " Ale! Benchotf, ,s u . Stough k Fisher; Latiinore " - 0. P. House, Measliest " • Charles Myers, II ill Conrad Wagner. E•tplesiant " .. . Jacob Martin, Oxford ' -0 Isaac B. Houser, 45 LI Francis I. Smith, IF u Jacob L. Grass, Straban si "' William Sadler, Tyroue Hannah Mimißer, Bortugh of Gettysburg, 'Theodore Pfieiger, Borough of Berwick, Adana koth, - C..onowago township. 11T01111 Wm. J. Martin, Borough of Gettesburg, Geo . . F. Kult,fleiscb, " 41 A. W. MlN'tEß,Tlerk. Psal. U. Bingos= Deputy Itereh 26, 1847. curs F OR • eardicij c INFLUENZA, TICKLING IN THE THROAT, WHOOPING COUGH., or reliere EIMARD FIALL. Oft. S. E. HALL:, CONSUMPTIVE COUGHS, as quick as Coe's Cough Balsiimi OVER ONE MILLION BOTTLES have been sold and not a finale instance of it's failure is known. We have, in our posesufon, auy quantity of Oertifiestes, some of them from EMINENT PHYSICIANS who have used it in their practice, and given it the pre-eminence over every other com pound. IL does not Dry Up a Cough. but LOOSENS IT, SO as .to enable the patient to expectorate freely. Two or three closes Will Invariably Cure Tickling in the Throat! A half bottle has often completely cured the most Stubborn Cough, and yet, though it Is BO sure And speedy in its onration, it is perfect ly harmless, being purely vegetable. It is very agreeable to the taste, and may be ad ministered-to children of any age. In cum of CROUP we will guarantee a cure, if taken in reason. No 'amity should,be without it! It is within the "teach of all, it being the cheapest and best medicine 'extant. C. G. CRAW{ & CO., Prorrietors, Naw Haus, Coss. March 26, 1867. eowly Lyon's Periodical Drops! - T UE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY FOR IRREGULARITIES! j r have tested these Drops In my own prac tice, over ten years, - and do not hesitate to say, that nothing has yet been developed by medical research, that acts co powerfully, positively, and harmlessly, in cases of female irregularity, as does this medicine.;. In all recent cases it never fails, while thousands who have been long neuters, are ledobled to it for the boon of health to-day. Although so powerful and positive, they are perfectly harmless, and may be used at all times, except when specially forbidden in the directions. They have been extensively employed by trnieentphysicians in France and England, as welt Its in my owd practice, over ten years, and I have yet to hear of the Fret instance of failure. I could give you testimenials of their efficacy from all over the northern and west ern States, were they not in their nature pri vate. Over 100,000 bottles have been sold the past Jeer, and I hope and trust as many sufferers have been benefited. I am well aware that a remedy so potent to remove all obstructions, may be used fore bad purpose, bat trust that where one bottle is thus used, ten may fall into the hands of really needy snifters. To' all who suffer from any irregularity ; painful, difficult, excessive, offensive or ob structed Menstruation, Lucorrhea, or the train of diseases that fcliow, I would say, try a bot tle of Da. LYON'S Zama Pentomest Dam. Being a fluid preparation, their action is more direct and positive than any:pills of powders. Explicit directions, bearing mylat simile, an— ccuipany each bottle. $9,282 83 $ll6 76 89 41 MIMI $8,064 30 They may be obtained of nearly every drug gist in the country, or by enclosing the 'grit* to C. G. - CLARK & CO., New Haven, Conn., General Agents for the United States and Canada. DR. JOHN L. LYON, P►ICTICIRG PXTIIIOI4IW, New HSTen, Conn ierPrice $1 50 per Bottle. March 25, 1867. eowly 11111111 - undersigned has now on hand, and continues to manufacture, large quanti ties of EARTHEN DRAINAGE PIPES, which he offers at 8 cents per foot at the manufacto ry. If desired, be will lay the pipes, either water-tight or lease-jointed, at • reasonable compensation. They have been tried in dif ferent parts of the county, with entire ate cam. Fir the drainage of cellars, *c., noth ing better can be used. Specimens may be seen at Kalbfielsch's store, in Gettysburg. The, manufactory is in Oxford township, near billy'. mill. Poet Office address, New Oxford, Adams county, Pa. JOHN BECKMAN. March 11, 1867. 6m 5 - JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, will be at his office, (at his residence,) in Cumberland township, on Tuesday and Friday of each week, to give his attention to Justice's busi ness. [Dec. 3, 1866. 4m THE Collectors. O State and County Taxes, for. 1865 and .1866, are hereby -Notified settlemeets of their respective daplisates utast be made at the coming April Court, is - , • teem* oa the 16th. Bro Mer it the County Beane*dowers. • e - J. N. WALTilkintrlt. March 18,; Mt. to ... = Offlanat, NEW STOUE•I , • GETTYSBURG. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. DRESS GOODS' D 0 M E AI S D T I C S . Tavern Licenses. Et RSTAUR*MT LTlNiti $lOO REWARD. Drainage Pipe.. Philip Bedding, Collectors, Pay vp. - Pemba Ouzo 8u to BAUGH►g • RAW BOMB SUPER4BDEPM4TE OP LIME, pE lU RK BAUGH & BONS, &e Proprietors and Manufacturers, .Deloworo River Chemical Works, PHILADELPHIA, U. O. A. For WHEAT, RYE, BARLEY, CORN, OATS, POTATOES, TOBACCO, BUCK WHEAT, SORGFIUK, TURNIPS, HOPS, GARDEN VEGETABLES, and every Crop and Plant. Especially recommended to growers of STRAWBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, BLACK BERRIES, and all SMALL FRUITS. More than 13 years of regular•use upon all descriptions of Crops grown in the Middle and Southern Statei, has given a high degree of popularity to this MANURE, which placet its application now entirely beyond a mere ex periment. BAUCHI'S RAW BONE SUPER-PHOS PHATE OF LIME is eminently a success as a Substitute for Peruvian Guano and Stable Manure—end is offered to the Agriculturists of the Northern and Eastern States as a fer tilizer that yenl cheaply restore to 'the Soil, those essentials ,which have been drained from it by t constant cropping and light ma nuring. IT is very prompt in its action—is lasting in effect to a degree unattained, by any com mercial manure in the market, and is afforded at a much less cost than boughs Stable Ma nure, or Peruvian Guano. The Labor in volved in Its use is far less than that of ap plying stable manure, while there is no risk frcm the introduction of noxious weeds. sorFarmers are recommended to purchase of the dealer located in their neighborhood. In sections where no dealer is yet established, the Phosphate may be procured directly from the undersigned. A Priced Circular will be met to ail who apply. Our MEW PAMPHLET, "How to _ Maintain the Fertility of Asuritan Forms," -90 pages, giving full ititormation In regard to the use of manure, lc., will be furnished gratis on application. BAUGH k SONS. 14lee No. Se South Delassaro dams, PinteDILIPIIM, BACHZ iikOTHERB k CO., Os al Whole.tale Aleuts , 'No. 18t Pearl Streat, corner deadar. ' 1 New Yoe'. GEORGE DUGDALE, Wholesale Agent for Maryland and Virginia, 91 is 105. Smith's Wharf, BALTIMOBN. liareh .18, 1867. em NT .GP ROPE E RTY R A N T PRIVATE E SALE OPITKIN&CO. 5,000 New and Second-Hind TEAS HARNESS. 10,000 BRIDLES and COLLARS.', 3.000 SADDLES, all Styled—s2} jo $2,00. 300 Four-horse Government WAGONS. .2,000 WAGON COVERS, all Sizermew &worn. 5,000 BLANKETS, and HORSE COVERS. Also, a large Stoek of Reins, teed Line., Whips, Buggy and Ambulance Harness, Por table Forger, Chains, Single-trees, Lead Bars, etc.. etc. Wheel Team Hareess,—little worn—all Oak tanned Leather and serviceable, Cleaned and oiled, $5 00 per horse or mnlS, including Bridle. Lead do., $4 00. Wagon Bridles, $1 04, Collars, $1 to $2. Extra Hair lined Artillery Case do , s2} sad $3 00: Double Reins, $1 75 to $2 25. Lead Lines, $l. Halters, $6 to $l2 per dozen. Officers' New Saddles $lB, with Plated Bit Bridle, $2l ; good us new, $l2; with bridle, $l4; valise Saddles for Boys, $6. I Wagon Covers, made to fit any Wagon,— heavy linen, $3 to $6; superior COttoa Duck, $6 tosB. 12 oz. Duck, $9 to $12.1 1,000 Hospital Tents, new and good as new, 10 oz. duck-14 feet square—s3o Oo $4O. Officers' A. Tents, 7 feet quart., from - $5 to $B. 10,000 BAGS, from 12 oi. Duck, let quali ty, 2 bushel, $9 00; 21 bus. $lO 00; 3 bus. $ll per dozen; 2nd quality, $7, 50, $8 50 and $9 50 1 SMALL ORDERS SENT 13Y ' ; EXPRESS, C. 0. D. PITKIN & CO., No. 431 k 339 North Front st.,, Phila. No. 5 Park Place, New York. No. 485 9th street, Washington, D. C, Price list sent on application March 11, 1862. 2m Register's Notice N OTTCR is hereby given to all , . Legatees f l and other persons cc:lucerne , that the Administration Accounts herein&ft r mention ed will be presented at the Orphtuy Court of Adams county, for confirmation lend allow ance, on MONDAY, the 15th day Of APRIL, 18d7, at 10 o'clock, A. M., via: 10. ,The account of George Boyer and Da vid Dentrick, executors of Adatil Gardner, deceased. '; 11. The second account of Phill - WeriVEr, one of the executors of the will lof Jacob Weaver, deceased. 12. The second account of George Weaver, one of the executors of the will! of Jacob Weaver, deceased. 12. The account of Jane Cashman, admin istratris of Willis.= Cashman and trustee for sale of lands under' proceulings in s Orphan.' • Court. 14. Second account of N. W. Wdods, Esq., executor of the last will and testament of Carson 0.. Moore, Esq., deceased. ' 16. The account of Wm, R. White, execu tor of Samuel Loudon, deceased. 16. First and final account of !gruel Little, administrator of David Little, deceased. 17. First and final account of Uriih Jacobs and Samuel Jacobs, executors of George Ja cobs, dechsed. 18. Second and final account of Henry Culp and Hon. D. Ziegler, executors of the last will and testament of Peter Culp, Sr, dec'd. 19. First and final account of George Throne, administrator of the estate of Andrew Rife, late of Franklin township, dece , ,serl. .20. The account of Lewis B. Worts and John Z. Welty, administrators of the estate of Henry 'Worts, deceased. • 21. The second account of Daniel Stall smith, acting executor of Peter Trostle, dec'd. W. D. HOLTZWORTH, Mural 18, 188 T. Register." Duphorn & BoffinsA. NEW STORN.' ON Mt NORTRWIST CORKIN ON TN! DIL- 110111 D, GITTYSEURO (Kodiak or Ifoke's Ct. oar.) DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CAR- PETS, QUBEINSWARE, &C., all of which have been bought at the lowest market prices add will be sold acoordiagly. Give thetas call. No trouble to show Goods. F. D. DUPHORN, • S. W. HOFFMAN. Oct. 6, 1866. Photograph, Albinos. TAE largest, most beautiful and cheapest lot of Photograph Albums ever offered in Gettysburg, just received at the -EXCEL MR GALLERY. Albums holding 50 Pic tures gal $1 75. Our stock comprises over 30 different styles, among which are the cele brated everlasting Chain and Binge Back. These Albums we have bought low and are determined to sell lower than the same quali ty caa be bought for anywhere in this county or out of It. • C. J. TYSON. Jan. 28,1867. Hay Wanted. TSS undersigned will pay the highest mar ket price/ for HAY. Inquire at Spang ler's Warehouse, Gettysburg. GEO. C. STRICKNOUSIIR. Nov. 2S, ISM at 1 • N order to prove the mentions made in favor of procuring PHOTOGITAPIO3 es the edgier Gallery, sell sad- slit for, peer • IgTURIL lie chow i vrill leo .repise you erie'pleiiiitririth ths4pelt sued elms* • Imre your order. o: t:TYIIOX. Brinkerhoff 's CORN - SHELLER, SEPARATOR AND CLEANER. Th 6 undersigned would inform the Agri• cultural public that he has purchased from the Patentee of this extraordinary machine, the Patent Right for the States of Pennsylva nia and Maryland. Brinkerhof's Corn Sheller, Separator and Cleaner, it pronounced the best machine of the kind in this country. Ani in proof, it may be mentioned that the "Advisory Com mittee appointed to select Implements for ex hibition at the Universal Exposition in Paris, in 1867, have selected this Sheller as the best in America," and at the request of J. C. Der • by, U. 8. Agent, a machine has been shipped to Paris for exhibition. The fact may also be stated that at the great trial of Agricultural Implements, a' Auburn, N. Y., in July last, under the auspi ces of the New York State Agricultural So ciety, the Brinkerhoff Corn Shelly, Separator and Cleaner was reported by one of the most competent Conimittees as the nest Corn Sheller out. They say, We have carefully examined end thoroughly tested this machine, and have ao hesitation in pronouncing it Me but Corn SluUir waxer saw." The rtport is signed by suet' men as John Stanton Gould, President N. T. Slats Agricultural Society ; B P. John son, secretary to same; Solon Robinson, Ag ricultural Editor 1. Y. Tribune; S. Edwards Toad, Agricultural Editor N. Y. Tinier. Front among many complimentary newspa per nodes', the following, from the New York Observer, Is deemed sufficient: ... • i'Among all the bland Corr Shelkars made in New York mad Albany—arid one single firm manota.eturee more than 10,000 annually —not one can enter the circle with tho Sheller just Invented by J. Brinkerholl, 'Auburn, New York. It shells, separates and ermnssa, rap idly and easily, at one operation, as feet as the ears can' be put Into the hopper.'{ The undersigned is now prepared.to dispose of COUNTY RIGHTS. He will have SHEL LESS ready for sale in the course of a mouth's thus. All letters to be addressed to WM. WHILE, P. 0. Box 246, Gettysburg, Pa. March 11, 1867. Itailroad Butldirek AND CIVIL ENGINEERING. THE undersigned are prepared to contrast for the BUILDING OP RAILROADS, and will perform the ENGINEERING of the same, or not, as may be desired by Railroad Companies. having had a number of ypars' experience In Railroad Construction, we Later ourselves that we shall be able to render satisfaction to Compaui.s projecting new enterprises of this kind. The preparation of the back ready for the superstructure, or the entire work Boleti ed ready for the ;tilling stock, will con tracted for. Reference as to experience and ability if required. ROBICRT IRWIN, SON & CO , Sun Iron Building, Marsh 18, 1887. 4w Baltimore, lid. Wanted blintedlately.. rVE HUNDRED MEN, to act as salesmen for COBBIN'S ILLUSTRATED DOMES BIBLE, comprising upwards of 1,500 town quarto pages ; a Commentary of 17,000 notes from different Commentators; 700 En gravings; Family Photograph Department; Extended Coreordance• Maps, Biblical His lor3, Chronological Tables, .kc., A book that always sells. Our average sales are 500 copies per day. As a standard Bible foi Families, Teachers, Ministers, and all lovers of the word of God, it has no competitor. Fur particulars, address H. A. STREET k CO., Box 222, Parch 18, 1867. 41 Harrisburg, Pa. Notice. ESTATE OF HENRY SPALDING, ESQ.— Letters testamentary on the estate! of Henry Spalding, Esq., late of Germany torn ship. Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, the first named residing in Germany tcwashiP, and the East named residing in Oxford township, they hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claim. against the same to pre sent them properly authenticated for settle ment. JAMES SPALDING, _ _ D. C. SMITH, March 11, IBM 6t Executors Notice. TORPH BAKER'S ESTATE.—Letters of LP administration on the estate of Joseph Baker, late of Franklin township, Adams coun ty, deceased, having been grunted to the un dersigned, residing in the same township, be hereby gives notice to ull persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to pre. lent them properly authentica.ed for settle ment. HENRY KNOLISB, Adm'r. Starch 4, Mt 6w Wanted. BLACK OAK BARK. $5 CASH nR CORD wul be paid for good Black Oak Bark, deliv ered as Bandoe's Mill, on Marsh creek, four miles northwest from Rumitsburg. HENRY CRONISTER. March 11, 1867. 6w A Fine Farm FOR 4 3.41,13.—A desirable Farm, 207 Acres, r with gogd buildings, fire soda halt miles east of Frederldk, Md., can be bought on easy terms. For full particulars, iniinire of the Editor of the GEPTYSEUSO COMPILER. • March 4, 186.7: tt Eihovo, Gaiters, &e. JOHN IL REILING, TN 13111LTOG7 STRINT, west side, a few doors from the Public Square Gettysburg, has laid In an excellent assort ment of Shoes, Gaiters, kc., for MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN, which he is offering at the very lowest profits. Having bought for cash, at the latest reduc tion, be is prepared to offer great bargains. Boot and Shoe manufacturing carried on at the same place, and the best kind of work made. JOHN IL REILING. May 14, 1868. tf Pay Up ! IMITE undersigned having retired from busi- I seas, be asks those indebted to make populist with as little delay as possible. Such as do not,setile before the first of Jane ary next, will did their al:coat-la in the halids of an officer for collection. - JOSEPH 8, •GILLESPIR. Gettysburg Now. 26, 11186. yerjxcittsitm is ow motto ;, to please . tof our shit; end to render satistacticte o * i hiltsitu, one determinetim. C. J. TYSON tiettylburt, " 444 -..- The National R EAPERS AND MOWERS. Hof heists' Patna, The No. 1 Machine has two Driving Wheels, Hinge Joint- and Folding Bar, making it very convenient to move from one place to another; i■ very simple in its construction, extremely light draft and durable, cuts 4 feet 10 inches in. gran and 5 feet 2 inches in grain; is a Salt- Raker and Side Delivery, and is capable of cutting a whole field without binding a sheaf, and does the most satisfacto ry work This Machine can also be used as a Eland Machine without Injuring its qualities as a Reaper. The Machine is warranted to ,iut Grass as well as any Single Mower flint cuts the same width. It is • strong two horse Machine—three or four can be used, if required, in hilly ground. GREAT IMPROVEMENTS have been made for the coming season. The Machine is also perfectly balanced, no weight on the horses' necks in Mowing or Reaping. No. 2 is a light two-hiftse Machine, and ie differently constructed, cutting on the right hand side ; and in front of Driving Wheels is a Self-Raker and f3i,ie Delivery. The differ ence in the width of cut is 6 inches. The shifting lever and the raising and low ering levers are both at the driver's right side, add with his right foot upon a pedal and hi■ left upon a foot-step ioi he has the power and control of the whole machine, be can raise or lower the platform from three to fourteen inches, can throw the machine out of gear, and regulate the rake so as to make the sheaves large or small, and all this at the same time and without retarding the motion or speed of the machine. All Machines warranted to give satisfac tion I For further information apply to LSWitli BUSHMAN, Agent, 9 miles loath of. Gettysburg. Marsh 4, 1887. If . BRIREMAN'S NATioxi.LsoLr-Dmeakerwo HTICIIL SPAM TOOTH Horse Bake! Patentee September 9th, 1862, and Re-Lulled De umber 61h,1864. This Rake is atrlndependent Steel Spring Tooth Rake, and has proven itself to be the most perfect HORSE RAKE now in use. With this Rake the Horse does all the work, both the Raking and Discharving, by the dri ver moving a lever a few inches, which throws it in gear, and as the horse moves forward it raises the t•etb and discharges its load, and then shifts out of gear itself, the teeth drop ping down ready to rake again. By this ope ration it is easily understood that the Raker has hardly any work to do at all Important improvements have bees made of late, making it very simple and durable in its construction. Thousands of them have been sold in the few last years, and given the best kind of satisfaction. Apply to LEWIS BUSHMAN, Agent, 3 milea south of Gettyebui g March 4, 1887. If. New Saddler Shop, O"the Hill," Baltimore Street, Gettys burg, Pa.—Constantly on hand, or made to order, all kinds of RIDING SADDLES, WAGON 'SADDLES, CARRIAGE HARNESS, DRAUGHT HARNESS, RIDING BRIDLES, BLIND BRIDLES, COLLARS, FLY-NETS, Ac. al low at the lowest. March 4, 1867. tf • At the Old Business. LBWIS KU/LIMAN? has re-commenced the TAILORING business, in Chambers burg street, between Washington and West streets, Gettysburg, and asks a share of the ctOiom of the public. His long experience in the business enables him to guarantee good fits land good work, 'iatt the latest fashions will he consulted in cutting whenever desired. No i•ffort will be spared to render satisfaction, and be reels sure that all who patronize hint will toe satisfied. His prices for work are as low as thee can possibly be to afford him an economical living, and no one could in reason ask them to be any less. He asks his old friends to give him a call, as well as the pub. lic generally. Nov. 12, 1866. TN my absence,-there will always be a thor oughly competent operator in charge of the Excelisor Gallery, and work of all kinds and under all circumstances must give satis faction beim it can leave our Rooms. C. J. TYSON. Money, Free-as Water. 10 ACTIVE Local and Traveling A .OOO gents Male or Female, of 11l ages, are wanted to licit trade in every City, Town, Village, Hamlet. Vorkshop and Factory through out the entire world, for the most saleable novel ties ever known.-600 PER CENT. PROFIT and READY SALE WHEREVER OFFERED!! Smart men and Women can make from $6 to $6O per day, and no risk of loss! A small capital re quired of from $9O to sloo—the more money in. vested the greater the profit. No Moneyreqnlregl In advance—we first send the articles and receive pay afterwards! If you actually wish to make nu6nsy rapidly and easily, write fir full particu lars Ind addrette MILNOR & CO., (Prom Paris,) 210 Broadway, New Tork City. Feb. 26, 1851. lF Notice. tILIZABETH mAcKLsrs ESTATE.—Let rj ten of administration on the estate of Eliz abeth Mackley, deceased, late of Straban twp., Adams co., haring bees granted to the under ingned, residing in the same twp., they hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those haring Claims against the same tc present them prop erly antkientieated for settlement, PETER MICKLEY, MARY J. CASHMAN. Feb. 25, 1867. 6t* Administrators. TIDgUND F. GIIBERNATOR'S ESTATE.— Jej Letters testamentary on the estate of Ed mund P. Gaberiattr, late of Conowago town ship, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same township, he hereby giver notice to all Pereons indebted to said estate to make i 101111•• diate payment, and those having claims against tie same to present them properly outlaw:al cated%r settlement.. JAKEri W. GUBERNATOR, Feb. 28, 1867.. 6t Executor. pIIPNORN k HOFFMAN are receiving New Goods every week from the eutsrn Ci es. De aot fail to give them a call, on the orthweit Corner of the °guars, Gettysiirg, 11111 b PHOTO( ittis lyvii in tbik . - eritirty, arilifedi it theibelisiktis t llery, tWairerg, opposite the !tank. J. M. ROWE Notice. Mir Sale. MST INrat MARKET.. Tillll VICTOR, 80600 MILL.. 1 1 7Tioa thinned °tibiae 14U$ have been mede and sold in the last three years. The least recommendations can be given. Alao-000K'8 SVAPOSATOR, for meting Batas and Molasses, said to be the beat In use. CORN CRUSHERS. Three different sizes for griuding Corn in the ear, o; shelled—or any other kind of grain. This is a machine that every farmer should kale, as a pasha' of ground Coed is equal to a bushel and a half unground. The high price of teed 01 . 101 kind' makes an imperative de. mend ter some kind of machinery *y which to save. It is a rspii grinder and durable. BELLS FOR CHURCHES, SCROOLS, FARM HOUSES, FOUNDRIES, ke. Made of the best steel composition. °numb Bells insured for one year. WILLOUGIIBPS GUM SPRING DRILL, WITH CROWELL'S GUANO ATTACHMENT. This Is considered one of the best Drills now in use. It will distribute any kind of grain evenly, and sow from one bushel op to three to the acre. The Guano Attachment. has given entire satisfaction wherever used. It is so constructed as not to clog :n sowing any kind of Phosphates or Bone Meal. Raring sold a number of these machines last season, I can tally recommend them to be what they are represented. Persons wishing to buy should make application early as the supply is small and the demand great. F. P. SMITITS CAST STEEL T'LOVGL'S. First, It is the only Plough yet produced that wil invariably scour in any soil. Second, It is now an established fact that It will last from three to six times longer than any other steel plough in use. Third, It draws lighter than any other Plough, cutting the , saute width and depth of furrow. The different parts of the Plough are cast in moulds, into the exact shape desired for the mould-boards, shares. and land-sides, giving the parts most exposed to wear any desired thickness. The shares can be sharpened by any blacksmith. The steel is perfectly melt able and works kindly. H.lge tools have been made out of pieces of the plough by black smiths all over the country. For sale by W.ll. WIBLE, Agent, Aug. 27, 1868. Near Gettysburg, Pa. 628. Hoop Skirts. 628. NEW SPRING STYLSS, "Our own make," embracing every niw and desirable size, style and shape of Plain and Trail HOOP SKIRTS,-2, 21, 24, 21, 3, 34, 34, 34 and 4 yards round, every length and size waist; in every respect First Quality, and especially adapted to meet the wants of First Class and most fashionable Trade. "Our own make" of Hoop Skirts, are lighter,. more elastic, more durable, and Really Cheap er than soy other make of either Single or Double Spring Skirt in the American Market. They are warronfsd in every leaped, and wherever introduced give universal satisfac tion. They are now being extensively sold by Retailers, and every Lady should try them. Ask for "Ilopkins' own make," and see that each skirt is 'draped "W. T. HOPKINS, Man ufacturer, 628 Arch Street, Philadelphia." No others are Genuine. A Patalogue con taining Style, Size and RetaiLPricee, sent to any addresa. A uniform and liberal Disdount allowed to Dealers. Orders by mail or other , wise, promptly and carefully filled—Whole sale and Retail, at Manufactory and Sales rooms, No. 828 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Skirts m•ide to order, altered, and repaired.' TERMS, NET CASH. ONE PRICE ONLY. T, HOPKINS. March 11, 1887. 10m Latest Fashions nEVAND J. W. BRADLEY'S CELEBRA -1.1 TED PATENT DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DuLIBLE SPRING) SKIRT. The WOIDIMPUL FLEXIBILITY and great COM tORT and rt./MIMS to any lady wearing. the Do rtsx ELLIPTIC EXULT will be experienced partic ularly in all crowded Aseemblies,Operas,Curria gee, Railroad Care, Church Pews, Arm Chain, for Promemade and Rouse Dress, as the Skirt can be tolded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a Silk or M uslin Dress. an invaluable quality in crinoline, not found in any Single Spring Skirt. A lady having enjoyed the PLEASURZ, COM- Pas?, and great oosysstssos of wearing the DUPLEX ELLIPTIC STeer SPRING SUET fur a single day, will never afterwards willingly die pence with their use. For Children, Misses and Young Ladles they are superior to all others. ' They will not bend or break like the Single Spring, but will preserve their perfect and graceful shape when three or four ordinary Skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The Hoops are covered with double and twist. ed thread, and the bottom rods are not only double springs, but twice (or double) covered, preventing them from wearing out when drag. ging dosvn steps, stairs, dkc. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all ladies and is uniCersally recommended by the Fashion Moraines as the STANDARD SKIRT OF THE FASHIONABLE WORLD. To enjoy the following inestimable advanta ges in Crinoline, vie: superior quality, perfect manufacture, stylish shape, finish, flexibility, durability, comfort and economy, enquire for J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic, or Double Spring Skirt, and be, sure you get the genuine article. CAUTION.—To guard against IMPOSITION be particular to NOTICE the skirts offered :ts "DUPLEX" have the red ink stamp, viz: "J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Spiings," upon the waistband—none others are genuine. Also Notice that every Hoop will admit a pin being passed through ths centre, thus reveal ing the two (or double) springs braided togeth er therein, which is the secret of their flexibil ity and strength, and a combination not to be found in any other skirt. ' FOR SALE in all Stores where FIRST CLASS skirts are sold throughout the United States and elsewhere. Manufactured by the Sole Owners of the Patent, WSSTS, BRADLEY dr CARY, - 97 Chambers h 791 81 Reade Ste., N. Y. Jan. 21, 18 , 17. 3m Iron••-Iron---Irot GETTYNBURG FORGE. ' The subscribers respectfully inform the public that they have erected a Forge in con. nection with their Steam Mill, and are now manufacturing FORGED AND HAMMERED IRON, such as Plough, Horse-shoe and Bar Imo, and respectfully invite Blacksmiths and Dealers to give them a call, fee: tug satisfied that they will be able to please as to quality, finish and BRINGMAN & WARREN. N. B.—The highest market price paid for wrought and scrap iron. B. & W. Dec. 17, 1868. Tin Ware and Stoves. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he still continues the business of making ALL KINDR OF GOOD TIN WARE, at the old stand. (formerly Andrew Polley's,) in York street, Gettysburg, where hiktiss the largest asportmant of tin ware In the county, with many other articles for kitchen use, ke. Also, COOKING STOVES k NINE.PLATE STOVES, of the very best kinds. 8. G. COOK. Mar. 12, 1865. tf Nottiee. CATH ARINE ACELEY'S ESTATlL—Let ters or administration on the &Mite of Catharine Nackley, late of 11ltraban town ship, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same township, they hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement PETER MACKLEY, , MARY J. CASdIiAN, Feb. E', 1967. 6t• - Administrators. For Bent. TeHS VIRGINIA MILLS, with Miller's Rouse, and other privileges, one mile from Fair d, Adapts county, for rent. Enqoire of Maj. Jobn Musselmart siesr Fairfield, or of if. I W. McCLRAN, Feb. 11, 1861. .4,- ; Gettylparg,Fa. • LADISS wanting a good ar . tlelin'tft Peel& wary, Fancy Soap, Cr Saw are shipol.rrn upplied at I. L. SCHICK'in. Milil= ' /115011111.1.11112 . 0r0 .... 144 W i ya *.;;1$:::.:8•-i— -en the Sitfrielat, h nut Iffelliefflit) of 181111ta17auUngeSA, et ~ Weakness, Involuntary floniZet a l=o I tear". Mental and Phytgeal I meets to Marriage, etc Alen, tleuset, imay, and Fite, induced by aelf-haMsfeaos or Mittel ettravagance. V"Price. In *sealed envelope, only 4 Nati. The celebrated author, in this admireeklagelpreie dearly demonstrates. from • WWl' Ye Syr selll• easeful pradtlee, that the alarming esasegaisess of weltabsse may be radically oared wilkoftet Ike dangerous use of Internal medicine or them cation of the kulfe-. , mintlug out a Mode atones simple, eortaM, sad etroctuil,br of which every sufferer, so matter wlliaraidieaggl• d I tlon may be, may cure he smolt ob saw, Wings ly, and radically. erThls Lecture should be he the kande Of irvilly• youth and every man la the land. Bent, under seal, in a plain envelope, tO'ilW address, postpaid, on receipt of at* on, or tra post stamps. Also Dr. Cul verselPs "IllaretleY Guide," pries 25 cents. Address' 1.40 isanlia4sa% CRAB. J. C. KLTNE4I. 127 Bowery, New York, P. O. .x Feb.2s, 1807. ly Crisper Coma. Oki site was beautiful and fair With starry eyes. and radiant hair, Whose touting tendrils sort, entwined. Enchained the very heart and mind. CRISPER (OM A , fur Curling the Flair ar stall Sex into wavy and glossy Ringlets or heavy massive Carla. . . usingth l 4 artiels Ladl lea and (Mailmen sail beautify themselves a thousand fold, tie the only article in the world that a•Ilt curl hair. and at the same time mice it a beau I. glossy appearance. The l`risper Coma not curie the hair, but' lac borates, beautifies sser clem.nroui it; is highly and dkightfully parturassi, and is the most corn Mete article or the kindlefer offered to the American public. Th Crisply, Coma will he sent to aay address, Sealed aikci postpaid. for $l. Address all orders to W. L. CLARKE & CO.. Chemist. No. 3 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, N. Y. March 4, 1887. ly !There cometh glad tidings of joy thug, To young and to old, to great and to mail ; The beauty which once wags° precious adadasik „,js free for all, and alt may be fair. _ By the Ilse OF CH MATF,LL AR'S WIHTE tllainfi En. ANIEL for improving and beautifying Ole complexion. The meet valuable and perfect preparation In i f use, fur giving the skin a beautiful arl-lik• tint s that is only found In youth. It tek= moves 'ran. Freckles, Pimples, Blote es, Patches, Sallowness, Eruptions , and a 1 Impuri ties of the skin, kindly healing the same, leaving the skin wh ate and clear as alabaster. Its WO PM not be detected by the closest scrutiny, and Wog • vegetable preparation Is perfet tly harmless,' II Is the only article of the kind used by the Freneb. and is considered by the Parisian as indispensa ble to a perfect toilet. Upwards of 30,000 hOttles were sold during the past pear. &sufficient guar antee of its efficacy. Price only 75 cents. 15614 by mall, postpaid, on receipt of an order, by BERGER, BilurrB et CO.. Chemists, 295 giver Street, troy, N.Y. March li, 18Iff. ly Whiskers AND MUSTACHE:SI—Forced to grow upon the smoothest face in from three to five weeks by using Dr. SEVIGNE'S RESTAURATEUR CAPILLAI RE, the most wonderful discovery In science, acting upon the Beard and 1r In an almost miraculous manner.. It has used by the elite of Paris and London with the most fluttering success. Names of all purchasers will be registered, and If entire satisfaction Is not given in every Instance, the money will be cheerfully refunded. Price by mall, sealed and postpaid. Si. Descriptive circulars and testified. Mats mailed free. Address BERGER, 1/11V_FTS & CO., Chemists, No. 7f85 River Street, Troy, N. 'Y., Bole Agents for the United States, March 4, 1167. ly Beauty 2 AUBURN, GOLDEN, FLAXEN AND BILXIN CURLS, produced by the nso of prof. DNB. 11,EUX' FRISER LE CHEVEUX. Ono &pplh cation warranted to curl the moat straight and stubborn hair of either sex into wavy ringlets or i heavy massive curls. Has been used by tt• fastaionables of Paris and London, with awl mei gratifying results. Does no injury to VA hale. Price by mall, sealed and postpaid, $l. Live circulars mailed free. Adores. BERT BHUTTS & CO., Chemists, No. Zig River Streik, Troy N. Y. Solo Agents fur the Unittiti awes. Match 18i7. ly Excelsior ! Excelsior 2 CHASTE4LAR'S HAIR EXTERMINATOSI For removing superfluous Hair. To the ladles especially, this invaluable dept tory recommends Itself as being an almost indispensable article to female beauty, Is sadly applied, does not burn or Injure the akin, but acts directly on the roots. It is warranted to remove superfluous hair from tow foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely. totally and radically extirpating the same, leaving the skin soft, smooth and natural, Thla la the only article used by the Franc ,11 sad is the only real effectual depilatory in extittettos. Price 75 cents per package, sent postpaid, to any address, on receipt of an order by ISERGER, SHUTT'S & CO., Chemists._ 285 River Street, Troy, N. Y. March 4, 1867. ly Reparator Capin!. Throw away your false frizzles, your switch" your wig— Destructive of comfort, and not worth a fir Comeaged, come youthful, come ugly andbilr, And rejolcs in your own luxuriant hair. EPARATOR CAPILLI. IL For restoriffig hair upon bald heads (front' whatever cause it may have fallen out) and ton ing a growth of hair upon the fuce, It has no equal. It will force the beard to grow upon the . smoothest face In from five to eight weeks,_eir hair upon bald heads In from two to three mental. A few ignorant practitioners have asserted tOwt there is nothing that will force or hasten tile growth of the hair or beard. Their assertions are false, as thousands o f living witnesses (from theh' own experlence),can bear witness. But MO will say, how are we to distinguish the4enolue from the spurious? It certainly is diZoult, se nine-tenths of the different Preparations adver tised for the hair and beard are entirely wares less, and you may have already thrown away large amounts 1 Rich* purchase. To such we would say, try theeparator Capilli: It will wilt you nothing unless It fully comes up to our rep. resentetlons. If your Druggist does not keep It,, send us one dot lar and we will forward it,postpaiel together with a receipt fort ,o moue.): which vilW be returned you on application, providing entice satisfaction is not given. Address; W. L. CLARKE dr. CO., Che N 0.3 West Fayette Street, Syrucuse nr , N. t, March 4,1167. ly The World Astonished AT the Wonderful Revelations made_ to , the great Ast rologi at,M ADA E /3. A. PE11.14.10a, the reveals secrets no moral ever knew. She restores to happiness those who, from dole. MI events, catastrophes, crosses in love, Wee ot relations and friends, Ices of money, &c„ have , become despondent Rise brings together those long separated, gives In tonnat ion concerning ab sent friends or lovers, restores LaMar stolen pro perty, tells you the fatalness you are best 44401- ed to pursue and In whet you will snost ilsue easeful, cautels speei,ly ntarriages and tells youths very day you will marry, gives you the manse. likeness and characterlstics of the person. She reads your very thoughts, and by her almost Ilfte , s pernaturol powers unveils the dark and hidden mysteries of the future. Front theaters we Beata the rtrmament—the malefic stars that overottoN or predominate In the configuration—from the aspectftand positions or the phinetivind the fixed stars in the heavens at the time of bieth, she dr duces the future destiny of man. Fell not to consult the greatest Astrologist on earth: [toast* you but a trifle, and you ma.t never agotn heetr il lt favorable an opportunity. Consultation feet. w likeness and all desired information, 11. Par as living at a distanee can consult the Madame, by mall with equal safety and satisfaction to them selves, as ilia person. A full and explicit chart. written out, with all Inquiries answered Mei Ulm nem enclosed, sent by man on receipt of the above mentioned. The Orietest secretly will Mt maintained, and all eorrespondence returned or destroyed. Iteferences of the highest order fur nished those desiring them. Write plainly the. day of the month and veer In which you we,. born, enclosing a small lock of hair. Address, MADAME 11. A. PERRIO,L P. O. Drawer SI, Runkle, N. March 4, 1847. ly Afflicted/ OUFFEE. NO MORE! A) When by the nes of DP. ZOINVILLICIII ELIXIR you can be cured permanently, and it a trifling cost. The astonishing succors which Woe a this invaloeblo medicine for Physical vote Weak nee& General Debility and Loss of lifuscular Faergy, Impotoecy, or any a the consequences of youthful indloireelan. rea ders It the most valuable preparation ever diee' 4 cowered. It will remove Mt nervous affections. slim, ere' towel. inealetvitY to *LIMY orimillineirat ices of memory, confusires, thoughts of =pee , fears of insentty, he. It will lee the sitOotlte. renew the health of those who bars, destroyed it by sensual miaoor evil p Yawn tinn, behurnbugged to more by Doctmar and ignorant practitiouers, but es ' witittiat &ley for the Elixir, and be at ones - restored to lioalth and happitlawL A Parteet. t Is Guaranteed In every instance. Price, frit goer bottles to one address, Sit One bottle Is sofftelent to infect a dm in '441 ordinary eases. ALSO, DR. JOIN VILLE'S SPECIFIC PUll. hr the spee4 and permanent core of Chino G al l l e &M t, U ut r t e o t n h s r of InhaecKbaldgeaeG a r n a d v eßlletru Wre effected in from one to five days. MIL= 4 prepared front vegetable extracts that are km on thesystem,aad never nauseate Westport ach or impregnate the breath, No enemas or diet Is necessary while using Manioc or ossg - tbeir action In any manner interline with busies.. pumas. Fruse.4l par tom. Either of the ..re vrientioned Wk.* sent to any addfts, clearly sealed, and try malt orteXpress, on receipt of prim =L . ell orders to azgeza. wpm's & co., 42b No. Au Wier Street, Tr:. 4 Marolt 4, lAA'. ly a. SUPERIOR quality of the brat.,Loados. Draft RASES, witii Or Witki4,lll . tor / ' lofts, for mile by U. MoOLEASAf nil • •no over the entirtitioek of Ati- - ' FUSS mind FRAMES, at 'diV SIMI* alloy, and nierted•eilellt deorer iliiit fraction-of cost. Nor to year eine for Mr/ galas. C. J. TURIN,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers