ammo the Nom ll. With corrupt, disordered or vitiated mood, you Pre sick all over. it me burst out in Pimples, or Sores, or towage active, ,or it ay merely keen,yon astir*, depressed awl good f ur or nothing. But you cannot have goixl health while your blood is impure. Avsn's SARSAPARILLA purges out these impurities and stimulates the organs of life into vigorous action, restoring the 'wellhead expolling disease. Hence it rapidly cures a vett lay or complainta which arc eans.3d by impurity . of the blood, such as Scrofula, or Kings Ern, • Tu MOM, Uicers.Sorea, Era pt ions, Pimpled. Blotch es, Bolls, St. Anthony's Fire, Rev or Erysipelas, Tett or Salt Rheum, scald fl ood, Ring Worm, I Cancer Or Cancerous Tuatara, Sore Eyes, Female Ihsuases; such as Retention, Irregularity, Sup pression, Whites, Sterility, also Syphilis or Irene rtal his .rtscs, Liver Complaints, and Heart Disea- ; Sat. Try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and see for yourself , the surprining activity with which It cleanses the' blood and cores those disorders. During late years the public have been misled Lir large boffins, pretending to give uquart. of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they tot only contain little, If any. Sarsaparilla, but often c iao curative properties whatever. Hence, bitter dbimisolutment Las followed the use of tile cariogs etaW,s. of Sarsaparilla which flood the sn ikon, until the mune Itself has become synon ymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound "Sarsaparilla," and lutend to sapply sash a remedy as shall rescue the name fronnthelntai ofoblemy which rests upon IL We think we have ground for believing lb has virtue's which are: irrcsktible by the ordinary, run of the diseases IL he, Intended to cure. We eau only assure the sick, that w offer them tlid best alter ative which we know how to prolvev, and We have reason to believe, it Is by far the ffaost e tree that purifier of the blood yet discovered by any body, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Is so universally. known to carp ow every other remedy for. the cure of colds, Influenza, lio.trseuess. Croup, Itronellitis, Incipient Consuln Olen, and for the ref 14 of (.10n;unidtk o Patients lu n I vanced stages of the dis‘.tuto., that It Is uselmis here to recount the evidence of Its virtues, The world knows them. Prep.kre I by S. C. Ay eat & Co., Lowell, caul sal 1 by A 5). liti.illl6r,GotLyBburg. Sept, 10, 1863. '2.11t To Consuuiptlves. ' The ha vertlen, lunging heel, regored to health la A few w .ekrt bv a very mhople r.on,dy, utter hrvinj nuffere , l for Re veral ye.osu severe !um: Itrnetir)R,Und that tlrettl dhata.s4, Conautop floe —IS nx.lofts to In-Ike known 44 hid fellew fter..rq the InAtort of cure. To nil who desire it, he will Amid it eopy of the preseription use I (free of charge.) with the direc tions for preparing an 1 using tile same, which I hey will fin I a sr loser am von Cossumertoa, As rum A, Ihtoxcirms, CotiollS. and Throat swirl Lung Affections. The only object of the advertiser In Netl,lllll{ the Prescription Is to benefit the afflicted, and spread Information which lieeraseel yes to h- Invaluable, and he hopes every enliwer will try ilk remedy. as It will cost them nothing, and may pmve a blessing. - Portly/1 wishing the prescription FUSE by return tu.411, will please address • Ltsv. 1.:1111rAltD A. WILSON', Williamsburg. Kings cu., New Yffitrk. „Mar. 5, 1866. ly - Ntrange, but True Every young Lady and gentleman In the United fit,atmt can b cur Roinetliing r , PY Mitch to their ad vanthge .by return mull ((we of churge,) by ad- Ormeling the un.lernigne.l. Tito.e having fears of 1) •Ing Will ()bilge by not noticing this card, All othord wilt-please address their obedl - rat 'servant, TIIOS. CIIAP3f AN,_ Mee. 5, 16. ly 831 13roadway, N. T. gar Goary'vtnnagers wouldn't let him make a speee)i at MeehanleXburg, on the IStiv "He briefly acknowledged the hearty reception," and compared himself to the "sun f of Austerlitz," when Gov.. ‘ Curtin was 4lioved in front of him; two factotums dilew the No Prellxto the rear, and Nhe band was ordered to strike up. The ruse was sd palpable that hundreds observed it. A prominent member of the (teary party, upon his retuni to Harris burg, remarked, exultingly, "Well, I'm glad (leafy wasn't allowed to make a fool of 111 in.elf in a" If Geary has -to be hel4 in leading-strings now, how will it be should he be elected Gov ernor? Will he be allowed then to "in,kty a fool of himself," or will lie be managed as he Is now? This is a serious question.—Patriot & Union. tiCrWe sincerely trust that the Radical dkunionists will sond their candidate for “overnot . to every county and town in the Stott.. A few more such speeches as made' tteur York, last week, will leave him in a - minority ()flirty thousand votes. ;enoral" Goary!s , botnbastie announce ment thot "he wns n seldier—had set squaarons in *the field—anti had never known defeat," in.tde him supremely ridiculous; while his distinct allegatbm that all the gallant so,bßers who coin pos e,l the HarrisbargConvention were"shys ters, cowards, skulkers, and hospital bum nier,:," exposed hint to thelerious charge of having deliberately uttered what he knew was positively untrue. We under htamd that the Democratie State Central Cumuli ttee have printed a hundred thou- Sand copies of "that speech" as 1:4, cam iaign document, and intend to *catter t broadcast throughout the Common wealth. —Reading Gazette. ..The National Union Party is Ft i'eep jng over the whole Union like the bright rut/ in a cloudless day. This Is the last yc*►r of Itadieal .13.4mblie4uism. The platform is giving way—we don't intend to be hurt when it fails.—Hilktingdon Globe. Aud, accordingly, the Globe hauls dote* the name of kart' ! tar - The "ferry Democrqt says that at the close of the Disunion meeting at New .Bloonifield, 'on court wee{:, Cieary for "three cheers , for 4bligress!"l course this was because "dongress” Favp three hundred dollars to the darkics for two, years' service, and one hundred do lars to the white soldiers for three years"' hardships. • Ber The Al - ear York T(ibunc beivalls the political prospect in the Empire State. It' says : "We shall have a desperate struggle in Cur State this fall. The coal ition against us is strong in drafty politi cal managers, strong in Official 'spoils,' will be strong, also, iu meney." There is not the shadow of a doubt that the rad ical faction will be compldfely annihila ted this fall In that State by the Democ racy and Conservatives. • eg...The Radicals insulted President Johnson, General Grant,' and Admiral Farragut, during their recent visit to Phil= atle)philt, and refused to extend to them tile hospitalities of the city. 'Diu hon ored and received with every expression of delight ParsOn Brownlow,Jack Ham ilton, General Butler, anti Fred. Doug hs.,ss when they made their appearance In that city. Can the people forget this on the second Tuesday of October? ==ll 10..There l ifl a rumor that two Or 'three of the New Jersey Union State Senators w;llyote with the D,mmerats, and thus defeat a joint meeting of the Legislature. IPll6,The New York Commercial, a journal In favor of the course of the Radi cal Congress, gives its friends in office seine advice which they will do well to heed.- Here it is : " The best. thing Republicans who hold office and who cannot indorse the Pres'. deat can do is to ,follow the example of Cabinet ofileeas and resign. The resigna tions will be accepted." ser CLYMER AND THE UNION! Married. On the morning of the t ith of August, In the Pieebytarbut (Macon Let Newville, by Bev. MI , . Igmorry, 4r. JAMES GF,ITYS, of Tennessee, to Miss if.EI3FAICA GLENS, of >few ville. August '23t111, by tha itay. S. ft. Fran2ls, assisted by Rev: I'. Wallard, at the refiLlenm of toe bride's father, Mr. PETER 4. rW.-VitiLlitt to Miss NAO MI. C., INtii of Tyrone township. In Shelbyville, Ind., August Z'th, by Rev.j .J. Smyth, father of the bride, and Rthr..J. A. Kuhk elman, of Indianapolis, L. It. USOLL Prof. in rsansylvoula Lhilltze, Gettysburg, Mow UN M J. ALE U. SYTH.' No cords, Died. On Tuesday morning last, Mr. MEW. MEM, of Monntjoy towuahlp,M the 66th year of his age. On Wad _tentok. In Fairfield. Mr. I.IAM W R NN 14 his 7lat year. • r Ver fa t & UstAler ;.of n .TostAh l. "emi t t ihasiggter 01 41111, .thaumre. owed .611%18;1f IS SIM kr.7- , Oa flatardoelast. at MitAbru , 44l4l" Mr. MIL/ NIAM MOOS, haloplrtU year, Latest Market Reports. , 0 ETTYSBUR • , •• G FLOUR, _ • • • 10 000 /2 50 RYE FLOUR. - . . 3 23 WHITE WHEAT, •-'-' • 9 111 0 9p RED WHEAT, •• a • 200 2 4 cORN, - - • • 70 RYE . • _ • • 00 DATA, 25 BUCKWHEAT. - . - • 75 HAY, • • . • • 0006 000 BALTIMORE. FLOUR, - 'WHEAT, • RYE, CoRN - 11 - 0(1 , 4, Ti band., - . BEEF ekTrix,* hand.. HAY, - - - A Valuable Farm 1 AT PRIVATE SALE —The subscriber, having relinguiskail farming, offers at :Private Sale, his HIGHLY VALUABLE ?AMC situate in Butler township, Adams county, .Pa., half a mile from Lower's mill, and adjoining lands of Martin Thomas, Henry Lower, and others, containing 193 ACRES, more or' less, with due proportions of the very beat Woodlind and Meadow. Big Conowago Creek forms the south line of the farm. The land is among the most prod actfve, having nearly '9OOO bush els of lime upon it, and is well fenced. The improvements are a Two-story '...- .. Weatherboarded. DWELLING -:ag Oil HOUSE, with two Kitchens, two ':•,7 , ;•ti ' Cellars, two Bake Ovens, kc., suit- ,- r - ;. - --.... . able for two families ;Ait. large Bunk Barn, a large new Horse Stable, Wagon Shed and Corn Crib, two Carriage Ilouses, a very tine Hog Stable, and all other necessary ont-buildinp ; three excellent wells of water, two of them having pumps, and a good Apple Orchard, with a large variety of Peaches, Pears, Cher ries, Grapes, kc. There is a School House on the farm, a Church within a mile, and Mills, Stores and Mechanic Shops convenient. This is one of the moat valuable farina in the count, and persons wishing to buy should net fail o give it their attention. It will be shown y the subscriber, residing thereon. - JACOB RAFFENSPERGER.' Sept. 10, 1861. st* A GOOD FARM AT PUBLIC SALE.—On'' . FRIDAY, the 28th day of SEPTEMBE trst., the sub scribers, Executors oflohn Hit ase, deceased, will o ff er at Public Sale, du tit premises, the Real Estate of sanidecedent, v z: A. PA BM, e situate in Union t o nship, Adams county, on the road leading ;from Feeser's (formerly Bittle's) mill to the Hanover road, about o.e mile from said mill, and about two and 'a half utiles east of Littlesiown, adjoining lands of Wm. Bogen, Samuel Humbert, Jesse Hilbert, and others,. contriming 75 ACRES, more or less—about 10 acres Woodland and i 0 acres Meadow. The land has all been limed twice, and some of it three times, and produ ces well. The fences are good. The improve ments are a one and a half Amy ~ LOG HOUSE.; Log Barn, Wagon ~.i n i Shed and Corn Crib, Carriage .i . .; . .. House, Hog pen, with a Two-story_ _,„.., Spring House, and a very superior spring ,a side. There is a splendid Apple Orchard cf 300 young hearing trees, with peaches, pears, cherries, tce., on the premises. Persons wishing to view the farm are re quested to call on. the last named Executgr, residing thereon. . . iae•Ai the, same time and place will be of fer,il a WOOD LOT, in Carroll cotinty : Zi p within one mile of the above described farm, containing acres, more or less, adjoining lands of WAshington Feeser and Philip Leas. The lot is well covered with young chestnut timber. skarSale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on mdd dAy., when attendance will be given and terms made known by , WILLIAM ItITTA SF:, 4 ISHMAEL RITTASE, Henry Dyeert, Auctioneer. . Executors. September 10, 3836. ts* - PUBLIC SALt• riF REAL ESTATE —O.l - SATURDAY, LJ SEPTEIIBEIt22, 1800 Thteundersigned will offer at PublieS tie, on the •ibove day, on the premises, the following described real Estate, viz: A TRACT OF_I; AND, containing 10 ACRES, in a good stoire - of cultivation, situated in South Nliddletanhip, about one mile East of Pdpertown, on the rphil leading from Mt. /Jol ly to Craighead a Mill. The in- provements are a good LOG: lit HOUSE, a good Frame Barn, a frame Shop, and other out-build ings. There is a neren , fittling Well of near the door, and an elegant ytrang Orchard, with a variety of choice fruit, such as Apples, Peaches, Pears, Grapes, &c. The property is under good fence; and is a moat desirable country home. It is excellently adapted for a truck.fartn. Persotse w ishing,to , view the property can call ou the undersigned, restdia'g on the prem. iiirSale to commence at I o'clock, P. M., on said day, when aitendance will be given and tome mado_known by JOAN lIECICSIAN Sept. - 19, 1836. ts A Card. HAVING accepted au appointment - tinder government, which -neressitates the abandonment of my pructiceberarkonlident ly recommend to my patron as t i medical attendant, Dr. THUS. G. KINZE,Ii, of Bonaught town,. who I know to be an accomplished gen tleman and a skillful phrician. All persons h icing atteouits.with me will please cull and settle the same with Mrs. Ensor. J. F. ENSOB,- M. D. Granite Hill, Sept. 19, 1816. lw Teachers 'Wanted. HE School Directors of Tyrone township will meet at Heidlersburg, on ATCR AY, Dill of SEPTIDIBEft inst., at 1 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of employing Teachers for the Schco!s of said , pownship. By order of the Board, JACOB BOWERS, Pres't. DANIEL Dscsr,Sec'y. Sept. 10, Md. td 4 Teachers Wanted. T HE School Directors of Union township, desire to employ four Teachers for the winter term of four mouths, commencing o n the first Monday in Noreualmr. Salary $3O per month. MARTIN E. BOLLINGER, Preet. Jacob H. Gorton-11-r, Sec'y. Sept. 10, 1806. Boarding at the *air. "QE undersigned will erect: s large BOAR DING 110IJSE on the Faiir Grounds at Buudersville, for the purpose - of furnishing meals during the Fali. His table will be supplied with all the suistantiAls and delica cies of the season, and chirge moderate. OVEELDEEIL Sept. 19, 1866. tf* Notice. JESSE HECK'S ESTATE.—Letters testa mentary on the estate of Jena He*, late of Mouutjoy township, Adams county, de ceased, having been granted to the' under signed, residing in same township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted• to said estate to make immediate payment, and thou having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. EUHNS, Sept. 10, 1965. 6w* Executor. License. PETITION for Restaurant License his been filed by lanais E. Gordon and Z. E. ersh, of Littlestown, and will be presented to the Court, on Tuesday, the 25th of September instant. JAPES J. PlilC, Sept. 10, 1866. Clerk. Wasted'. ," GSNTS—S7S_ to s2co PER MONTH for Oentlemeci, sad $35 to $75 for Ladiev, everywhere, to introduce the Common Sense Family Sewing-Machine, improved and per fected. It will hem, fell, stitch, Tait; bind, braid, and embroider beautifally—price only s2o—making the elastic lock stitch, and fully warranted for three years. We pay the above wages, or a commission, from which twice that amount can be male. iddresa or mall en C. BOWERS k CO., Wks go. 255 South fifth Sweet, Pbiladelphia,Pa. #ll letters cultweres promptly, with circulars aod wrath Sept ' 3, 1836.. lm ~, , -a...,,,~.H~-_, rrxror T)EOPEETY AT PUBLIC BALE.—By ul t . JE" toe of au Order of the Orphans' Court Of Admits comity, the subscriber, Trustee of JOhn Howe, lunatic, will over at Public Sale, on the premises, on FRIDAY, the 28th day of SEPTEMBER inst., at 1 o'clock, P. M., The VALUABLE FARM of said John Howe, situate in Laiimore township, Adams county, on the Carlisle road, one mile northwest of Deardorff's mill, adW.ning lands of I.3rael Flohr and others, containing 37 ACRES of patented land. The improvements are a Two-story Log ROUGHCAST HOUSE, with a Kitchen attached a n 4 a {ll4 good Barn, part log and part f 3 3 , with Sheda attached, and othe ecessary out-buildings, alim three never-fai ng springs of water on the farm, a good Orchard of Ap ples and Peaches, with a variety of other fruit. The laud is in a good state of cultiva tion, having been heavily limed, and under good fencing. Persons desirous of viewing thu p roperty can do so by calling on the sub scriber, residing close by. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, 1 family MARE, 2 Cows, One-horse Wa gon, Cordage, Ploughs and Harrows, Horse Gears Wagon Saddle, Cow Chains, Grain Fan,Work Bench, Boxes, Barrels, Hogsheads i: also a lot of Bees and Bee hives, with a varie ty of farming implements not men'ioned, and some Household and Kitchen Furniture. • 10'50 (412 75 - 243 4, 3 27 95 44 1 im - 90 ay 100 43 (4 49 • It 00 (9 15 00 - 9 00 49 17 50 • 21 00 021 00 - 2800 235 ge`Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by MICIIABL STAMBAUGH, Sept. 10, 18Cti. Trustee. OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—In pin saance of an alias order of the Orpaans' Court of Adams county, Pa., will be offered at Public Sale, on SATURDAY, the 22d day of SEPTEMBER next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., on the premises, the Rtal Estate of A , tgastas Hansel' ' deceased, consisting idea EXCELLENT PLAN TATION, situate in Fteedom township, in said county, containing' 152 ACREO-and 41 PERCH ES, neat measure, adjoining hands of William Bigharn, Abraham Krise, Esq., Heirs of Wil liam Reily, deceased, James Witherspoon, and others. The improvements are a .large Two story Double BRICK DWELLING . • HOUSE, One-story Brick Kitchen, Bank E111;t, Barn, part Frame and Stone, Stone Sheds on. each side of the Bridge, Wagon Shed, Cqrn Crib, Wash House, Smoke House, Dry Huns., Wood House, Smith Shop, two wells of water, a flourishing Orchard of choice fruit, a due proportion of Timber and a large quantity et goo! Meadow. Part of the tract has been limed. The farm is in an excellent neighbor hOod, near Marsh Creek, in the vicinity of a Public School House, with Churches in the immediate' neighborhood. Nearly all the fen ces are of Chestnut rails. Terms will be very moderate. Persons desirous of viewing the premises, will please call during the early pact of the day of sale, and they will be shown the same by the Adminidtrator. for Attenlauen will be given and terms made known on day of sale by H. CORNELIUS HARTZELL, Adm'r. By the Court—James J. Pink, Clerk. August 27,180. is Public Sale UrF REAL ESTATE.—Oa THURSDAY, the 20th day of SEPTEMBER next, the subs scriber will offer at Public Sale, on the premi . A SMALL FARM, situate in Germany town ship, Al mecounty, adjoining lands of Edward Z. Matthias, Win. Feeser, and others, within half a mile of Femmes Mill, containing 81 ACRES, more or less. The improreents are a one and a half story LUG HOUSE, Log Barn with Sheds, Corn- Crib, Hog;. Pen, Sprint , 'House with a never. failing .;:! Spring, a first-rate Apple Orchard, of choke fruit, in fine bearing con Hann, with an abun • dance of, all kinds of other fruit, such as Peach es, Pears, Cherries, &c. The farm is laid out in convenient fields, with water iu nearly all, and has a suffideacy of Meadow. The farm has been limed all over, and is in a high state of cultivation. • Persons wishing to view the property will call on the subscriber, residing thereon. ze'mile to commence at 1 o'clock, P. on s.tid day, when attendance will be given and terms made kuowu by SARAH C. EMU, Widow of Samuel Riker, dec'd. August 27, 18d6. is PUBLIC SALE. riN SATURDAY, the 15th day of SEPTE3f k_y HER next, in pursuance of an Order of the Orphans' Court of Adams county, the un dersigned, Guardian of the minor child of Win. S. Camp,deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, the interest (being two•thirds) of said minor child it. A LOT OF GROUND, situate on the corner of West and Middle streets, in the b)rough of Gettysburg, having thereon erec'ei a Two story Double ROUGHCAST HOUSR, with a B ick-b uilding. Also a Cistern aw on said lot. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. U. on said day, when attendants will 4e given and terms made known by JOHN R. ORR, Guardian. By the Conrt—J. J. Fink, Clerk. - berAt the same time and place, the other third interest in the property will be offered. August 27, 1860. is AT PRIVATE SALT .—The underegned in tending, on account of health, to quit Blacksmithing, offers at Private Sale, his val uable stand, situated in Frederick county, about one mile esst of New London, on the Annapolis road. The impr3vements aro • large and elegant BLACKSNI rli SHOP, a good Two-story Log DWELLING HOUSE, a welt of water near the door, with a pump in it, Stable, Hog Pen, Smoke House, .k.c.; all in good con dition. Any person wishing to ,riew the property will please call upon the proprietor, residing thereon. CHARLES A. SMITH. Aug._27, 1866. 5w PUBLIC SALE /*AR VALUA BLE FURNITURE.—The sub j scriber, intending to decline housekeep ing, will sell at Public Sale, on TUESDAY, 6EPTEMBER 18th, 1861, at 9 o'clock, A. M., tat his residence on the corner of York and Stratton streets, Gettysburg, his Householn and Kitchen Furniture, among which is one set of handsome Parlor Furniture, in Walnut and Hair Cloth, consisting of an elegant French Sofa, six Chairs. and Marble-top Fancy Table, also, a superior seven Octave Piano Forte, in° Rosewood ease ; a handsome Oval Mirror, in gilt frame; abont 40 yards of Brussels Car peting, with ingrain and other Carpeting and Matting, Walnut Extension Dining Table, I Mahogany Sideboard, marble-top Mahogarry .Dressing Bureau, plain Mahogany do., and Poplar Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables, Coal and. Wood Stoves, au.. with a variety of Kitchell i Furniture, and other useful articles. ,'Terms made known on day of wile by JOSEPH BEVAN. 'Jacob Mickley,.4.uctioneer. [Sept. 3. is TRU nedersigned, Auditor, appointed by the Court of Cominon Ness of Adams county, to distribute the balance in the hands of it,.llcCarily, Esq Segnestrator of the Get tysburg ittilroad Company, on his Fourth Account, to and among the parties legally en titled thereto, will sit at his offiae, in Gettys burg, for the porpore of fulfilling the duties of his appointment, on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 31st, 1866, at 10 o'clock, A. M. J. 0. NEELY, Auditor. Sept. 3, 1866. td notositer Steel Plough. THE undersigned has been ippointed an agent for the sale of HALL & SPEER'S STEEL PLO Wll4, manufactured at Pittsburg This Plough has been in use in Adams county for sumo time, and is pronounced superior to any other. A few on hand. JOHN G. GILHERT, Sept. 3, 1866. tf Straban township. 1866. Philadelphia 1866. ALL PAPERS. NVI FALL STTLIA HOWELL BOURICB, urers of PAPFCS fIANGINUS and WINDOW SUMAS, Career Fourth soil Market Streets, KULA, N. B. Always In &ors, a lagge**.ek of LINE', ai I OiL SLIADLI. Sopt, 3,111166. =I Public Sale Blacksmith Shop Auditor's Notice. 12=2!M:31:38:1 Valuable Farm • T ISALE.—On FRIDAY, the 21st (sy of SEPTEMBER, 1868, at 1 o'clock, P. the subscriber, Administrator of th e &tate of Georg* Cashman, deceased, will sell at Public Sale, the VALUABLE FARM of said decedent, situate in Straban township, Adams county, Pa., near the State road, leading from Gettysburg to Harrisburg, about 5 miles from the former place, and 1 mile north-west of Hunterstown, adjoining lands of John Dickson,John S. Graft, John Golden, and others, containing 100 ACRE 3, more or ,e3s, having thereon erected a good Two-story Frame WE ATHER BOARDED HOUSE, good Barn, with :,; Sheds attached, good Wagon Shed and ss Corn Crib, Carriage House, Hog Hen, and oth er necessary out-buildings. There are two excellent wells of never-failing water near the door, and a good Orchard of Apples and Peach es, with a variety of other fruit on the premi ses. The land is in a good state of cultivation, part of it having been recently limed. The- Farm is under good fencing and everything about it iu good repair. There are about 20 ACRES of Timber laud and a fair prooortion of Meadow. It is conveniently located, with public roads leading in all directions. It is near to Churches, Schools, Mills, Markets, he. The Gettysburg Itailrcad runs with:n; three miles of the place, affording a convealect Mar ket and an opportunity for purchasing Lime at low rates. Persons wishing to view the property before the day of sale will call on the undersigned. Attendance will be given and terms made known on day of sale by DANIEL CASCIMAY, Aug. 27, 18CG. u Admiuistrator. Orphan's Court Salo OF RE7 ESTATE.—The subscriber, Ad minist ator with the Will annexed of Peter Wea er, deceased, will, in pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Adams county, expose to Public &tie, on the premi ses, on SATURDAY, the 22d day of SEPTEM BER next, the Real Estate of said decedent, viz : A LOT OF GROUND, situate in lionnt pleasant township, A lams county, near the public road leading from Two Taverns to Hanover, near the stores of Simon Harnish and Mrs. Potts, adjoining lands of Levi Schwartz, Win. Duttera and Jacob Shanebrook, toad containing 3 ACHES, more or less. The improvements are a LOG HOUSE, log Stable, Smoke House, prime Orchard of all kinds of Fruit, and a well of good water near the house. The land is in an excellent state of cultiva tion, and very productive ; and a fine chance is hereby afforded for obtaining a nice small property. - Persons desiring to, view it wilt be shown the same by the subscriber, living near, or by the tenant thereon. Stilf`Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance' will be given and terms made known by JOSEPH GEBBBIIAN, Adm'r By the Court—J. J. Fink, Clerk. Aug. 27, 1806. A& PUBLIC SALE. rI N FRIDAY, the MI day ,of SEPTEMBER next, the subscriber, intending to remove West, will sell at Public Sale, at his residence, near Bream's Mill, In Cumberland township, the following Personal Property, viz : 2 HORSES, 1 Stallion, 1 Cow, 4 fat Steers, 1 Trotting Buggy, 1 Spring Wagon, 1, Two horse Wagon, 2 sets of Harness, Bridles, and Saddles, Check Lines, Chains, Rakes, Forks, Shovels, Axes, Maul and Wedges, Mowing. Scythes, Grain Cradle, 8:c.: BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Iron Vice, and old Iron. Also, House hold and Kitchen Purnittiri, such as Bureau, Ta bles, Chairs, 5 Bedsteads, Corner Cupboard, Sink, Cook, Parlor and Ten-plate Stoves and Pioe. 2 Iron Kettles, Brass Kettle, 2 Clocks, 2 Rocking Chairs, -Rocking Crarlli., Tubs, Bar rels, Meat Vessels, Dough-tray, 'Sihoothing Irons, and many other Household articles.— Also a Silver Watch and 3 Pistols. gleW'Sale to continence at 10 o'clock, A. L, on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by Sept. 3, 18GG. ta HIGHLY .V.kLUABLE LIMESTONE FARM AT PUBLIC SALE.—On THURSDAY, thg 4th day of OCTOBER next, the subscri bers will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, the followine highly vainableiteal Estate, viz: A LIMESTONE FARM, situate" in Carroll's Tract, Adams county, Pa., on the road lead ing from Fairfield to Casht4wn, three miles from the former place and four miles from the latter, containing, 100 ACRES, more or less, adjoining lands of Hugh Culbertson, the heirs of Samuel Knox, deceased, Daniel and, John Mickley; and others. The farm is in a high state of cultivation, and has recently been all limed. The improvements are . an elegant new BRICK HOUSE, with Brick Wash House and 1,-‘, ; ; Smoke lions and a well of we. ter at the door; also a Double Log Barn, with Sheds attached, Wagon Shed .na Corn Crib, ke. There is on the farm one of the finest Orchards in the county, consisting of 200 trees of choice fruit. The firm is well watered, and has due proportions of Timber and Meadow land—is conveniently laid out in fields, under good fencing. Persons wishing to view the property, can cation Benjamin A. Marshall, residing thereon. jar Sale to cp_mmence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, wit% attendance will be given and terms made known by AND:tEW MARSHALL, J -IMES MARSHALL. Sew. 3, 1866. is Register's Notices. NOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees and other persons concerned, that the Ad ministration Accountaiereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphan's Court of Adims county, formOnlirmation and allowance ' on TUESDAY, the 25th day of SEPTEMBER, 1866, at 10 o'clock, A. M., viz 331. The first and final account of Wm. D. Gardner, Administrator of George Gardner, deceased. 832. The account' of John Dickenson, Guardian of the estate of Samuel D. Lock ert, minor son of James Lockert. 333. The second and final account of John L. Smith, Administrator of Joseph J. Smith, deceased. 334. The accountof I.D.Worley,Admin istrator of Joseph Mumniert, deceased. 335. The account of Elias Mayer, Ad ministrator of Wm. Rohrbaugh, dec'd. • 3.36. The first and final account of Wm. A. Finkel, Administrator of the estate of Peter D. Little, deceased. 337. The first account of Mary McAl lister, Executrix of the last will and tes tament of Adalinc McCullough, dec'd. US. The account of Washington Metz gar, Administrator of the estate of Sam uel Metzgar, deceased. S.A..IIIIEL LILLY, Register. Register's Office, Gettysburg, Aug. 27, 1866. td 625. Hoop Skirts. 625. OPKIN'S "OWN MAKE," NEW VALI, STYLES! Are in every respect mar CLASS, and em brace a complete assortment for Ladies, Miss es, and Children, of the Newest Styles, every Length and Size of Waist. OUR SKIRTS, wherever known, are more universally POPULAR than any others before the public. They retain their shape better; are lighter, more elastic, more durable, and really CRIWZR, than any other [Lop Skirt in the market. The springs and fastenings are warranted perfect. Evear LADY should TRT TRIM! They are now being extensively Sold by Msacassis, throughout the Country, and at WHOLESALE k RETAIL, at Manufactory and Sales Room. No 628 ARCH Street, below 7th, PHILA DELPHIA. Aok for HOPEIN'S "ors menu,"—buy no other! CAUTION.—None gen ft ine unless Stamped on each Fid Pad—ullopkin's Hoop Skirt Man. utactory, No. 628 Arch Street, Philadelphia." Also, constantly on hand full line of New York made Skirts, at very low prices. TERMS NET CASH. ONE PRICY. ONLY. Sept. 3, 1866. 4m "Something IMPROVED vauir CANS.— new I—Call and see them at Boehlees Tin and Sheet Iron Factory. Deei dedly the best Cia ever manufactured. ' Also, FRUIT JAM, of the best-}ad taw improved ?Warm [Jam 114.1•1141. A T PUBLIC SALE.—On THURSDAY, the Mb day of BSPTEXBRIL nett, in pur suance of an Order of the Orphans' Court of Adapts county, the subscribers, Administrators of the estate of Samuel Gilliland, deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, A FARM, situate in Straban township, Ad ams county, on the State Road. six miles front Gettysburg. adjoining lands of John Feeser, David C. Brinkerhoff, Jeremiah Shriver, and others, containing 136 ACRES, more or less, with large proportions of excellent Woodland and Meadow. The farm is in a good state of cultivation and under good fencing. The im provements are a Two-story LOG HOUSE, with Kitchen attached,Al log Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, !';'; Shop and Hog Pen, Spring House, with a never-Ailing well of water and pump in it. There is a good Apple Orchard, with other fruit, on the premises. Also, on FRIDAY, the 28th day of SEPTEM BER next, A FARM, situate in Tyrone town ship, Adams county, one mile east of Ileidlers burg, adjoining I inds of Peter Miller, Daniel George Markley, George Fidler, and others, containing 202 ACRES, more or less, with a large proportion of Woodland, and a sufficiency of Meadow. The land is in a pro dpetive condition, and the fences are in good repair. The improvements are a Two story ROUGHCAST HOUSE, Log and Fr ime B trn, Horse Stable, new Wagon Shed a nd Corn Crib, new Hog Pen, and a Spring llouae, having a never-failing spring, with a pump in it, adjoining. Water in moat of the fields. Persons wishing to view the S!raban firm are requestedio call on the last name'! Ad ministrator, residing near, and the Tyrone farm on the first named, residing thereon. sars3ala to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M.; on each day, when attendance Will be given and terms made known by SARAII GILLILAND Adm'r., FREDERICK QUICKEL, Adm'r By the Court—J. J. Fink, Clerk. Aug. 27, 1866. to AT PUBLIC SALE.—Ott TUESDAY, the 2d d.ty of OCTOBER next, the under signed, Executors of Frederick Holtz, decease , !, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, the following Real Estate of said decedent, viz : No. I —A FARII, situate in Tyrone town ship, Adams county, on the..banks of the Big Conowago, adjoining lands of George Beck ley, Henry, Hoover, Anthony Deardorff, Peter Miller, and others, containing 202 ACRES, more or less, about 40 acres being Woodland and ) .3o acres Meadow. The land is in a high state of cultivation, part Waving beep limed, and the fences are good. The improvements are a Two-story Weatherboarded DWELLING HOUSE. with Back-hull- f a ; ding, Bank Barn, Wagon' Shed, nod Corn Crib attached, Hog Pen, two never-fail iug wells of water, one at the house and the other at the barn, with a large Apple Orchard, ill fine be.trino. condition, and all other fruit. No. 2.--A FARM, zit Uttte in Straban town• ship, A lams om the rota leading from New Chestei to NOY Oxford, within a quarter of a mile of the former, adjoining lands of.f.t cob Hulick, Daniel Groscost, P. A. Myers, John Thomas, and others, containing 200 ACRES, more OP lees, <frith due proportions of Woodland and Meadow. The land has been limed,and is in first-rate condition—the fen ces are good. The improvements are a Two-story BRICK HOUSE, with Brick 41 Back-building, a Brick Tenant House, r', Frame Barn, Wagon Shed, and Corn Crib', Car riage lipase, Rog Pen, Spring House, ke.; an excellent spring of water elase to the house, and a fine young Apple 01.claard, with other fruit. Persons wishing to view the Farms are re quested to ciil on the Exeeniors . residing ou the last mentioned. Farm No. I will he offererat 10 "O'clock. A. M., and Farm No. 2 at 2 o'clock, F. M., when attendance will be given and terms made known by DAVID HOLTZ, • JOSEPH HOLTZ, Aug. 27, T 866. to - Executors SIMON HAVER AT PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigned, Executors of the last will and testament of John Dull, deceased, offer at Private Sale, A VALUABLE FAIIII, situate in Butler township, Adams county, Pa., a quarter of a mile from lime! Bricker's Mill, (formerly Hartzell's Mill.)on the roadleading from Hun terstown to Pine Grove, Adjoining lands of Elias Gardner, Wm. Guise, Jacob Rebert, and others, containing 132 ACMES and G 2 PERCH ES, neat measure. The ironrovements are a large Two-story STONE HOUSE, with , Back-building and Wash House, Car-I;r',„ penter Shop, Double Log Barn, with Sheds and Wagon Shed; als s another large Stable with Sheds and Wagon Shed, Carriage House, Corn Crib and Granaries. Hog Pen, with other out-buildings. There is a well of water with pump at the door. Opossum Creek runs along the farm. Time mill race runs along the buildings; a:so several water rights of access to the fields, with a due proportion of timber and meadow. An Apple Orchard of choice fruit, also peaches, pears, .k.c. Parr of the land has been limed. It is convenient to churches, mills, and echooLihouses. Persons wishing to view the property are re- V(Jested to call on the undersigned, residing thereon. t, CQNRAD DULL, JESSE DULL, Aug. 27, 18GG. Gt* 'Executors AT PUBLIC SA LE.—On SATURDAY, the 22nd day of SEPTEMBER next, the sub scrtbel', Evecntor of Samuel Batman, deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, the Real,Estate ot said decedent; viz: A FARM, situate in Strati in township, Ad ams county, Pa., about one mile from Ilann's Station, adjoining lands of John Brinkerh"tf, Wm. Stulismith, John Staley, and others, con taining 186 ACRES and 109 PERCHES, neat measure, with good proportions of Woodland and Meadow. The improvements t , are a Two-story Weatherboarded ;;.,; DWELLING HOUSE, large Frame Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Carriage House, Chicken House, Hug yea, Spring douse, Wash House; Sinoke House, and a-Shop, There is a never-failing well of water between the house and the barn, convenient to both, with tanning water in most of the fields. There is an Apple Orchard, with all other kidds of fruit, on the premises. Persons wishing to view the property are requested to :all on the sUbscriher, residing on an adjoining farm. BarSitle to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by ISAAC F. BRINKERHOFF, Ex'r. ISO( not sold on mid day, the farm will be for rer.t. [Aug. 37, 1866. to AT PRIVATE SALE.—Tbe subset iber offers at Private Sale, his valuable FARM,,sits ate in Freedom township, Adams county, Pa., containing 127 ACRES, more or less. The improvements consist of It good Two. 1 — story LOG HOUSE, and Log Barn, Wash House, Smoke House and Milk House all under one roof; and other 4.utbuildings. There are two wells of good water, one at the house and the other at the Barn, an i a never. failing stream of Water running through the farm. There are two young Orchards on'the premises, and a variety of all kinds of fruit. There is about 25 Acres of good Timber and a fair proportion of Meadow. The land is in a high state of cultivation, and will be sold on reasonable terms. This farm is conveniently located to Mills, Markets, Schools, Churches, Ac., and is among the most desirable in the con nty. Persons wishing to view it will call on the undersigned, residing thereon. A88.A.1 FLENNER. August 27, 186 d. 3m ANTperson baring a good Farm for sale, and will take in part payment, one or more tracts of FIRST•RATS WESTERN LAND, well located, near Railroads, Schools, Church es, Oounty Towns, &c., may And a purchaser ty applying at this oMce. Jane 18, 1866. if ° I4SUPERIOR quality of the boat Louden Draft LIA,ESEi wittior without 01441%. . for oslo by D. 1110113ARY k qOX. = 11,0001) FARMS 2 VALUABLE FAUNS VALUABLE FARM Valuable Real Estate A Good' Farm • Wanted. A GOOD FARM I= VALVILISLB 'Alin* AT PUBLIC SALII.—On SATURDAY, the 29th day of SIIPTEMBRIt zezt, the sub. scriber will offer at Public Sale, on the premi ses, a,DESIRABLZ FARM, situate In Mount pleasant township, Adams county, one mile south of Gulden's Station on the Gettysburg Railroad, adjoining lands of J. & II Miller, John Carl, and others, and containing 163 ACRES, more or less—about 40 acres are in good Timber, with a fine proportfon of prodnc. five Meadow. The farm lend is in a high state of cultivation, all having been limed once, and part of it twice. The fences are in good repair. The improvements ' are a one and a halt story DWEL- ' LING HOUSE, part Weatherfionr. kir dad, purtStonc, Frame Baru, Wag.... r•• • on Shed and Corn Crib, II .4; Pen, acc.; a never-failiuz spring with a pump in it near the house, with a young Apple Orchard and all other fruit. Also, on SATURDAY, the Gth cf October next, the subscriber will offer, on the premi-* se4, the EXCELLENT EARN on which he re sides, in Butler township, Adams county, near the State Road, about two miles from Hi adjoining lands of Cornelius Lott, Widow Quickel, and heirs of Samncl Diehl, deceased, containing 90 ACRES, more or less, with proper proportions of Woodland and tireadow. The land has been limed end is under good fencing. The improvements are two new DWELLING HOUSES, one Two-story Stone and the oth. Hi er Two-story Frame Weather boarded, a nearly new Bank Barn, " 4 1..1 Hog Pen, k.c.; a good well of water at the dwellings, and two springs near ; with a }clung Apple OrchArd, also 4% Peach Orchard, and other fruit. Persons wi.hing to view the firsVientionel farm are requested to call on 1.4.t.ic Storer, re siding thereon, or oa the subscriber, residing on the last-mentioned, who will cheerfully show eiVit r. giirSole to commenee at 1 o'clock, P. M , on said thy, when attendance will be given and terms made known by NOIII MILLER. August 20, 1863. is REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE.—In pnrsuatice of an Order of the Orphan's Court of Adams county, will be exposed at Public Sale, upon the premises, on THURSDAY, the 20th d iy of SEPTEMBER next, the Real Heats of Jonas Fissell, late of Tyrone township, Adams crm. ty, deceased, consisting of A TRACT OF LAND, in sold township, con taining 89 ACRE', 20 PERCHES, neat meas ure, n;Tiining !Ands of Jonas Sterner, Jesse S. Fissell, George Griner, end others. The . imploteinents are a la , •ge Two- story and WEATHERBOARDED :;..4'4 tit HOUSE, Back-building, of frame, ......,. Bank Barn, Wagon SLed, Corn -!...,.,_- ^,, ;'., Crib, log Spring 11 - mse, Hog Stable, Smoke' House, two Orchards, one 01 which is young, with a Peach Orchard, an excellent spring near the house, a small stream running through the farm, and water In noarly every Beld.— The whole of said tract has been limed, and a portion the third time. There is a due pro portion of Meadow, and about 20 acres of good Timber. The property is .itnate in the neigh. berhood of Mills, Churches, School house, Ac. )'Sale to comm“nce at I o'clock, on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by JESSE S. FISSELL, EMANUEL FISSELL, Executors. By the Court—James J. Fink, Clerk. Aug. 27, 18G8. is TALVABLE FARM AT PUBLIC SALE.-11x virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Adams county, the subscriber, Administratrix of the estate of Ca:htnan, deceased, will Sell at Pub lic Sale, on SATURDAY, the 22d of SEPTEM BER next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. The VALUABLE FARM of said deceased, situate in Butler township, Adams county, on the Shippensburg road, t of a mile north west of Lower's Mill. and of a mile south-eaSt of Middletown, adjoining I inds of Jacob Raf fensperger, Henry Lower, William Brame and others, containing 84 ACRES,uf patented land. The improvements ate anew Two story BRICK HOUSE, with a . i';‘,lll.l Basement, a good Bank Bain, with Sheds attached, Wagon Shed, Corn .Crib, and other necessary out-buildings; a never failing well of water at the house and one at the Barn; a good Orchard, of Apples and Peaches, and a variety of other fruit on the premises. The land is in a good state of cultivation, come of it having recently been limed. The farm is under good Chestnut rail fencing. )Persons desirous of viewing the proper ty can do so by calling on the subscriber, re siding on the farm. JANE CASHMAN, Adm'a. By the Court—JaMes J. Fiuk, Clerk. August 27, 186 G. TAMABLE PROPERTY, - 1( N EAST BERLIN, AT. PUBLIC SALE.—On SATURDAY, the 29th liy of SEPTEM- B R next, the subscriber, Administrator de bnnis non cam testamento ahnexo of Philip Miller, deceased, will offer at Ptibliz Sale, on the premises, that valuable property in East Berlin, Adams county, Pa., long owned and occupied by the deceased, afterwards occupied by his widow, and new by the undersigned, consisting of TWO LOTS OF GROUND, each 65 feet front and 220 feet deep,having thereon erected a large Two-story DOUBLE ~,.. FRAME HOLSE, Weatherboarded, . a One-story Back-building attached, it : ••!.. a good Stable, Smoke House, 4 1 / 4 c., . . . with a well of excellent water and a Cistern, and a large variety of choice fruit. A part of the front building has for thirty-five years been used as a DRUG STORE. Persons wishing to view the property are requested to call on the undersigue I residing thereon. . ggge-Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by HENRY L. MILLER, Aug. 13, 1868. te• Administrator. Fourth Annual_Ezhilbition OF THE ADAMACOUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, TO be held at Ilenderaville, on TOICSOAY, WEDNRSDAY and THURSDAY, SEP TEIIBER. 25th, 26th and Nth. OPEN THREE DAYS. Price of admission 25 cents. - Season ticket, including membership, $1 00. The Fair will open on Tuesday morning. On Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock the Judges will com.n , suce their examinations, and it is especially enjoined that no persona whatever, but those having charge of the articles, shall be present at the eiaminations or deliberations of committees. THE ANNUAL ADDRESS will be delivered on Wednesday, the ?Bth, at 1 o'clock, P. M. by AARON SIIERIX, Esq. Competition of all kinds solicited from this and other counties. Farmers, meshunics, and manufacturers are earnest!, requested to con tribute to the exhibition. The Trial Coarse has been enlarged and is admirably adapted for the esinintion of +peed, strength and other quAlities of road and draft hors-s. The grounds have also been enlarged and new buildings erected which are ample and convenient. JOHN BURKHOLDER, Pte.'s. JONAS RAUANZAHN, Trees'r WILLIAM B. ‘YILSON, Sec'y. CYRUS DRIEST, Oor. Sec'y. Almost 27, IB6d. House and Lot, IN NEW °man, AT PRIVATE SALE.— The undersigned offers at Private Sale, a UT OF GROUND, situate in the pleasant village of New Oxford, Adams county, adjoin ing George Shane, on the Gettysburg turnpike, near the Railroad, having - thereon erected a Two story Frame Weatherboardeder im- FIOUSE. with Back-building, a new-re- Stable, Wash Rowe, an excellent well of 'water, with a pump in it, and oth i provements. This is a desirable home. Persons wishing to view the p roperty are requested to call on Philip Thomas, residing in New Ozlord. ELIZABETH KELLER. Ang. 27, 1868. tt Select School. TIIIISS McOLELIAN will resume the duties other Select School on the 17th of SEA . ..- .Sn, Lwow). of September 3rd, the t uu, l o tine. Terms, V 00 per sessioa. Aeg. Itt Mt. id Per Sale. THE BEST IN THE MARKET. TIM VICTUR SUMO UM - Over Five thonsand of these Slab have been made and sold in the last three rams. The belt recommendations can be given. Ako—COOls:'3 IiVAPORATOIt, Ibr =Oda, Sugar and Mol.isses, said to be the best la ugh CORN CR U.SITER,t Three different sizes for grinding Corn In fens ear, 0, shelled—or any other kind of grain. This is a machine that every farmer should Mess, as a bushel of ground feed is equal to e bushel and a half un'round. The high price of feed of all kinds makes an imperative de. eland for some kind _of machinery by which le ea% e. It is a ripi.l grinder and durable. BELLS FOR errunarrEg, SCUOOLS, FARM HOUSES, FU(7,IIDUIRS, he. 111.1tle of the twet steel t ompoditiun. Chtircit Bella insured iur one year. tratouoirnrs(BUJ/ SPRINO DRILL; WITH eltt.r4 ELL'S GUANO ATTACHIIIINT. 4 'I HS is considered one of the best Drlile noW in use. It will distribute any Stud of grata evenly, and sow from one bushel up ta raw to the acre. The Guano Attachment has eves entire satisfaction wherever used. , It so emstrueted as not to clog In sewing any kind of Phosph ttes or Bone Meal. Having sold 11 number of thUso .mtchines kit season, 1 OW fully f ecomnieful them to be what they are represented. Persons wishing to buy should make application early as the supply is mall and the demand great. I'. F. SMITH'S CAST STEEL PLOUGH . liras, It is the only Piongh yet produced th it wil invariably scour in nny *oil. Sreoni, It is now an rauthlislied fact that It. will last from three to sis times Inallar ihnit any other steel plough in use. Third, It draws lighter than any enter Plough, cutting the same width and depth edl lurrdw. . The different pares of the Plough are east 1a moulds, into the exact shape desired for the mould-boards, shares and land.sidet, giving the parts most exposed to edits Kay desired thickness. The shares can be sharpened by any,blacksmith. The steel is perfectly male• able and walks kiadiy. Elge tools have bees made out of pieces of the plough by black. smiths all ovtr the country. Fur sale by W.ll. Win% Agent, Aug. 27, 186 G. Near Gettysburg, Pe. Sewing Machines. MBE BAKEII.—TIIN BRST IN 1'. 4 1]. These Machines have become so Hell known that little need be said by way of r.emillnemlation. They have taken the first I.r9ini:let at the bite State Fairs, and art universally acknowledged to be the BEAT In use by all who have. tried them. The "(ironer I Baker Sikh" nod the "Shuttle Stitch" are points that have been attained' by to other Machine. They are the, only larch' nes that sew and embroider with pit realm', These Machines are peculiarly adapted to Family Tit y are almoit noiseless, so* directly from the spool without rewinding, and KO simple in their construction. They bre easy to manage, and can be worked by altnostany child.- Itvery family should have one. Meg sore Gabor, dery acre State , and they save maw, their work better thru at can be dons by nand. Tt.e undersigned , having been appointed Agent for the above 41:whines, liaa established, an Agency in Fairfield, Adams county, Where he will always have on baud a supply. Per. sous wishing to buy will please call and mato+ , ine for themselves. &rs;P\eedies and Thread will also be sap. plieU. .1. S. WITH h:110W, Agent, Fairfield, Adams county, Pa, Aug. 27, 1860. if Sehenek•K Mandrake PLUS. FORLIVEM COMPLAINT, A SUIi.STITUTF. FOR, CALOXPL. If your bowels are rOottve. - TIIY THEM. ' - If you have worns, TRY MEM. If your breathJalutd, TRY TIIFf. If you feel drowsy, TRY MEM, If you tire low spirited, TRY TIMM. If yoti have a sick 11,..t.inche, TRY THEM. If you have taken a drop too much TAKE A-FULL DOSE. They only Cost 25 centx a box. , MA' 1.11.8 M Blue Mass, nix 1 other preparations of Merrill'. actually produce Moro sutferinn and death than the disease., which they profess to cure. And yet this corrodre mineral ao denounced by the elle• pathle d9etors, to preacrtb , .l by them almost UM. ver4ally lu Liver Complaint, Consumption Of Luugs, TILE MANDR.IKII PILLS - . are orimposed entirely id roots and lierbs, obtained front the great Storehouse Of Nat are, and their salutary eta-eta will appear as soon its the tnedl cinels brought to the test of a fair experiment. MCIIENI'K's MANDRAKE PI LLS do not produce any nausea or ,iekncas of the sunitnch; but whet/ glveu for Dyspepsia. it mu' bo proper to use thee/ tit conueNtoo alth FO'IIENCK'S IttarlWEEl) TO:sne. Ily thinjul HMIS treatment the digestive faculties are speedily restored to their fan vigor. and the worst eatios of hollgesti in may lie cured.. When we reflect that the liver Is the largest Internal organ of the hoill% that to It Is assigned the Important duty of ditering the blood and preptiring the bile, that it Is eiil Jei t to many dis - orders, and that when It Is diseased or inuetivo the whole holy smfors sy trithetlcally, It is nut, surprising that a rootlet ne which can restore the healthy operations of the Liver shoulj prodtsee wonderful changes In the general health, and. effect cures whirit may app e ar to be almost mi raculous. Headache of long continuance, severe pains in the side. breast and shouldel is, aching of the Ihnlet, ft feeling of gi neral weakneell and wretdie.iness.a ii I other alarming and d minding sympnmis, bulb ative of Imperfect or, dlaurdered action of the liver, are sue,llly removed by the use of SCIIENOK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. Costiveness, Piles, hitter or Willrerurtationiklald that Indescribable feeling of oppression, mental anxiety, l'inguor, lethargy, and deprossion of spirits which unlit a man ter the management of business and the eniovinent of life, are all relieved by the use of StIIIENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. Da. licit %NCI( —Dcar Sur:—l take pleasure in sendiag von a vertlficate ill 'Vial 'lon to many you have already rwelyell from suffering humanity. I can scarcely find language siitikiently strong Mr express tai v lil.lllllVlt ci .itificatlon of the wonder ful cures your MANDRAKE PILLS and SEA, WEED TONIC have effected in the entire cure of OSIV of the most stubborn vas..., of the affection of the liver. For three year. I ...offered beyond de scription ; all my friends, is well us myself, came to the conclusion Unit my Hine in this life wow short. Such was the terrible condition to whit* I WAN reduced that life to me had become a bur , then: my whole syueni was in a state of inflam mation: I could not eat. I could not sleep: my whole body was tilled with pain; swelling would arise In my wrists and ankles, rendering theta totally useless. On several occasions I wt. attacked with it rush of blood to the hand, WWI\ wwaW fell me to the ground, anil I would be ear. fled away fur dew,. 1 spitted to several eminent phyalcluns of our city, who administered all the rordielnes that they thought would reueb avow. but of no avail. • • • One of them said he could do no more for Ina. and advise I me, as alast re.ort, to drink ood liver oil. Not relliohlim the horrid trash I declined to take It.. Aecilent put your advertisement In my bands. I culled on you; you examined me and told me the nature of my illaease. You then or tiered me the Pills and Tonic with en observance of diet, pledging your word that in one week £ would find myself another man. I followed your advice, and, us you predicted, an astonishing carer was effected. I continued your Pills and Tonle for some Uwe, and now thank God for hia good mow, and your valuable medicine, lUM on mono restored to perfect health. I meet earnestly recommend those who are suited ng rom affection of the liver to glee your Pills and• Tonle a fair triar, and a cure will be effeeted. I have sent ma ny persons to phi, and they have all been cured. Any Information my falow•ellizenii may require will be freely given be the subscriber, at his real. deuce, No iild Federal street, between MI street and P.Astyunk road. Cif t HUN JOHNSON', !Ir.. =Zl==ao Dr. Schenck wi'l be profesiionally at Me principal office, No. 1.5" North Sixth street, comer of Commerce, Phil.tdelphia, every Bat. until, from 9 A. 31 wail 4 P. M. ; No. 32 Howl street, New York, every Tuesday, from 9 to 8; No. 38 Summer street, Boston, Illus., every Wednes lay, from 9 to 3 ; and every other Fri day at 109 Baltimore street, B.ilLifllo,B All advice free, but for a thorootch essnlnh tion of the lunzs with his B.espirometer, the charge is three dollora. ' Price of the Pulmonie Scrip t and t Tot.ic, each Si 50 per bottle, er $7 30 pip half dozen. Nand:aka Pala, 33 cents per Wk. For sale by all Drug;ists and Sept 3, 1866. its • For Sale. TIME& choice FARMS, as follows: 231, 133 and 124 acres each.; ad three near the Borough of uettpsburigi eneire Mods aad good building's. Terms accommodating. e GEORG& 4RSOLD.- Gettysburg. Sept. , 3, 1866. a Bark Wasttel. subscriber wilt pay VIVI?. DOLLAIt% CORD A K OAK BARK, , liv64l4.stel.Ri for BLACK fi f e C Tanner, ialkettyiburg. • J 044 RUM; " lus 18, 11166.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers