lit/atreett Celebrated. TNI very beat And latest improved machine it, use. fel-little at the Mol:11SG STUBS pS 4ACOSSAk BR.Q., in Chninhersburg street, puitystkut g , wht;re you eg bey the hlst and cheapest Cloths. thissimeres and Veatings, and rvory y;riety of goods in the line of .114 N ANI) IWYS Virgoat. You eon kayo them cut get au l made up In pie very seit style If yod wish, at inederitte Ones, and without any tisk whatuyer. GEO, JA.C1.111.3 Atiguit, 20, 1800. Forwartflng. Business, CCU' k EARNSII3fOrS LINE. AYING purchased th 7: Warehouse anti Cars heretofore owned by Samuel Herbst, i the undersigned take pleasure in announcing to the public that they will run et H 5 KO 0 Fl,lElf.ifiT CARS item burg io !Milliners imery week. They Are:prepared to convey Freight either.way, in anyquandity. They will attend, if desired, to the `making of purchases in the city, and deliver ing the goods promf,,C,v at gettysiorg. Their 'care run to the -Warehouse of STEVEN 't•It.)-N & SONS, la.; North Howard street, (near 'Franklin,) Baltimore ' where freight will be ;received lug u Th ey Invite the attention of the public to their line, assuring them that spire ou effort to accommodate all ,who nifty patronize them. Haring purchaked the buildings and lot on he Northeast cornet: of Itc. 'road and North IVatillingt9lt sireetec Cettystirg, their Depot will remain there. 4.ny .errtia. having host :rinse In Chi, forwardlogilifie tiro respectfully la 'tri* to call. CljLe b I:AIIN.SII4W. 4.u. 7,1865. Itentoialit THE GETrysitutim ;ii..iLiGriT GALLERY. fl l lllll undersigned tnkci pleasurisin announ . eing to the citizens of tiktyabrg and the puhliCgencrally that he has relator d from his t it blil room. on West Biddle strpet, , Baltimore_ ;:treaty and nearly opposite the Ito of Fahu °stock Brothers. The foon; he no seoccupies has been recently fitted up_ expressly for hi tinniness. The location is an admirable one, ecialdlog 41m.t0 take pictures In all abodes of 'vere 4 4,4, and with a correctness unequalled w here else. joe L IFE-LIKB PHOTOGR.d.P /IS, f every eine and description, exeented in the neat elle. Particular attention given to tho ARTE DE VISITE, and to copying AMMO , YPES and DAGUERREOTYPES et deceased *tends. Also-- I , pig GETTYSIMRG GEMS, ! a new stile of pl.;trire which has become very °pular with the p ublic, not only for their Panty, but, for cheapness and convenience.— 'IX-THEN for ONE DOLLAR only. Also— 'HE PORCELAIN PICTURE, -hi h fur their leauty and durability arc unsurpas ed. 2 l —7, i pllre nr carry e prepared to cry on the usiness in es various braitches, and heti g bud con siderable experience we run ne rig in f 11.41lANTEELyq PERFECT 6 TISFAC • . TIO.Y. Our facilities for a full display of oar skill are unequalled by any qtber Gallery. in the ;County,'itnd we weold therefore Invite every one to call it the I DIEW GE rrystlpitg SKYLIGHT GALLERY. " Oell and C411113i1111 our Specimena and judge (or yourselves. ; LEVI MUNPER. 1 Jane 25, lane. . . Carrlageuelaking Business. THE war being over, the undersigned have resumed the CARRIAGEiIIAKING BUSINESS, fit thole qld stand, In It+et,Middle street, F#T y 83111411, where they are %tin prepared to pat up work in the most fashionable:, substantial, and'aupe lor manner. 'lt I;nt. of new and second-baud CARRIAOES, BUGGIES, AO., on hand, which they %ill dispose of at the lowest prices; and all orders will be supplied we promptly and satisfactorily as posiihle. ' ' tair REPAIRING POllll with dispatch ? and at cheapest rates. 4 large lot of now and old u.nßsEss on hand fur sato. Theakful fbr the liberal patronage hereto• (ore enjoyed by them, they solicit and will en- Otaitot JO deserve a large share in the fntnre. DANNER a ZIEGLER. • Daly 10, 186. 11 The Great Bone Fertilizer, B . A . II Er ' RAW BONE PHOSPHATE, containing 53 per cent, of Phosphate of Lime, Pad 6.05 per cent. Ammonia. It should be borne in mind that the Phos phate of Lime in this article being obtained eiettplively from RAW BONES and a TRUE HIRICI GUANO, there is Ne PGRTION' it INOPERATIVE, R e s In the case of SUPER PHOSPHATES made from MINERAL GLlAN pd—out being entirely, SOLUBLE in the SOIL, Continues to IMPART its FERTILIZING qual. hies tq the CROPS fur YEARS. 11111 he REMARKABLE SUCCESS which has attended its use for years past, is a sufficient, GUARANTY to indugp those who have not pled it to do so. The GRAIN CROP where this FERTILI7ER has been applied is supposed to hays INCREASED from al to 50 per cent. by its .pse, while,for TOBACCO and GRASS LANDS • its success has been EQUALLY DECIDED. The price in Baltiradre is'utiiform with the ijianlifacturet's Factory Price. GEORGE DUGbALE, Manufactnrer's Agent, 11,05 Smith's Wharf, Baltimore, Md. . War sale at Manufacturer's Price. Cost of Transportation added by SAMUKT, 111 1 M13ST, Gettysburg,, DANA D, fIOWE, Diet" 0.1f0r4. 4ng: G, . - " WI - • Cooking Stoves CV every variety, including , the "Noble 1 11 j Cook,' "Royal COok," "Wavtirly," "Orn tmedtal," POriental," in. Also,' Tin4sart, Sheet-Mon-ware, Hollow=ware, and every xa. {ley of Kitchen Furniture—incltid og a vane- T;.of Lanterns. Also, a clew ant mach im• wolved tour Sifter, for sale by C. H. BUEHLER, " Corner of Carlisle and Railioad eta., Feb. to, 180. Gettysburg, Pa. ATTRACTING ATTENTlON.—Thesuperior Pictures taken at SIUMPER'S SKY LIGHT GALLERY, on We a., ire ititrictlng universal attadtion.' Good judges fvOttnee• them superior to any ever taken in ia place. Call and examine fOr yourselves. Jan. 18.1365. :.. , Cheese); Pb*! PIWITZER, Llsohorger and kulish Ohsose, cap itivtup he had at —, • : •, IiALRFLEISpIPE, 4tir o li. Reg r t door to the' Rost Ciffloa, FrlEff 1)r. It. HORNER'S Tonle and Alters 11, tine Powders, for HORSES and CATTLE roappared and sold only at his Drug Stores 4anuare 25. 1864. GROOHISES. Liquors, Fish, Salt, Cheese, tilitenspware, Wooden-ware, and etery thlllg fillis in, that line at • June - fL :. - • HALBFLEISHIPS. . ,Vow . n Property 4 I' RELIY4Ti SALIiI.--,Seviaial HOUSRS ea be pine:we Private Sale b,y eau. ttt on It'AVI TQCK BBATHEf9. ' "Dec. 15. 1866. ' tf _____ • RAIN ANI3 pltilatGEßlEL—The biggest g taiu-ket price paid for flniin and all kinds for radars. Groner's!, feitllisfirs,"4.l.liyan ssankft on hand for gale et he' fitarehouse of • .4sti Is' cucr a BialtXl44.sit, 'll. e. nrOwit. - 100.000 Bushy. lanais Wanted. NEW.FIFUI AT THE OLD WARRIIoUrtE. wm. N. ETUDES * CO. would inform the public that they have leased the Warehouse 8111 the corner of Stratton street and the Rea road, in Gettysburg, where they will carry on THE GRAIN AND PRODUCE. BUSINESS, in all its branches. The highest prices will always he paid fur Wheat, Rye, Corn,Oats, Clover and Timothy Seeds, Flaxseed, u mac, Hay and Straw, Dried Fria, Nuts, Sottp,lfams, Shoulders and Sider, Potatoes, with every thing else in' the country produce line. GItOCRRIES.—On band, for sale, Coffees, Sugars, Molasses, Srrups, Teas, Spices, Salt, Cheese, Vinegar, Soda, Mustard, Starch, Brooms, Wickets, Blacking, Soaps. kc. Also COI. OIL, Fish Oil, Tar, SM. FISH of all kinds • Spikes and Nails; smoking and Chew ing Tobaccos. They are always able to supply a first rate article of flour, with the different kinds of Feet): Also, Ground Plaster, with Guano' and other fertilizers. COAL, the bushel, ton or car load. They will rya a LINE OF FREIGHT OARS front Gettysburg to Baltimore once mei week. They are prepared to convey Freight either way, In any quantity, at REDUCED RATES. They will attend, if desire, to the making of purchases in the city, and dtthering the goods promptly in Gettysburg. Their cars run to the Warehouse of Nathan hoop & , No. 128 North Howard et., near Franklin, liaftitnore, where. freight will be received at any tituo. They invite the attention of the public to their line, assuring them' th At they wll spare no chart to aceoininoilate all who may patronize them. ' BIDDLE & BENNER. April 16, 1866- tf EMEEM! Removal. CALL AND SEE Ul3 IN QUIt NEW QUAR TERS. GREAT ATTRACTION I MICILIEf. SI'A.SiGLER. would respectfully Inform his _friends and the pykilic generally that he has moved his Storo tutu the commo dious room on the southeast corner of the Dia mond, at which place all are invited to call. He has purchased tho property — and bad it thoroughly repaired and fitted up in thp most splendid style, for the special comfort and con. venienco of his customers. IVe now flatter ourselves that we have not only the best store room in the county, lint the finest stock of goods ever brought to this ail of which we aro now selling at prices to - ttF Y G 0 F;TITIQI 4 I. We call attention especially to! our complete stock of DOMESTIC AND FANCY DRY GOODS, mi - auto; nlNlescrioLions of DRESS GOODS, DRESS SILKS, DENAINF,S, ERTNOES, CASIIIIEItES, CALICOES - , MUS LINS,,COILSETS, IToop Skirts for Ladies and Misses, Hosiery, Gloves, Embroidery, Trim mings and FANCY AIITICT,ES3, Also, Gent's FURNISHING GOODS, Cloths, Cnsatrueres, Cassineta, Tweeds, le., &c. We a,l, now selling— )(matins from l2l to 28 Calicoes from - 10 to 18 and other goods in proportion. Ilavlag made our - purchases when goods were at their very lowest grade in the city, we are now offering bargains that cannot fail to please. We invite fill to call at our SEW STORE and see if it Is not so. 11. SPANG I,Ell. April 10, 1808. ' Estey's Cottage Organs A ILE not only unexcelled, but they are ab solutely unrqualled, by any other Reed Instrument in the country. Designed express ly for Churches and Schools, they are found to be equally well Adapted to the parlor and drawing room. For sale only by. E. M. BRUCE, No. 18 North Seventh St., Philadelphia. tiriAlso, -BRADBURY'S PIANOS, add a comVete assortment of the - PERFECT MR LODEON. [Oct. 2; 18e5,, ly Vresh Supply. NEW Goons Al' REDUCED PRICES 1 2 L- A. SCOTT & SONS have just received another fine assortment of NEW GOODS, eon slating, in part, of Cloths, Cassimeres, CtiBßi• nets, Kentucky Jeans, and Tweeds, fur Gen tlemen's wear. Also, a fine assortment of • LADIES' DRESS GOODS Our stock has been selected with great care, and we are prepared to, sell as cheap as any other establishment in the country. We ask tile public to give us a call and judge for themselves. We defy competition, both as to quality and price. A. SCOTT k SUNS. April 2, :66. Removal OIP BOTH OUR SHOPS TO CSAMBERS ,... BURG STREET. Oerg To-nsy, MAY 17, 1866 We take special pleasure in announcing to our friends and customers that 'le have this day opened our ICE 'CREAM' SALOONS, at our new stand in Chambersburg street, nearly opposite the Lutheran Church. We have had the apartments fitted up in the best style.— Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call. We will also furnish led Cream in any quan tity to public or private parties, at prices nu. precedented. We will also have constantly on hand Fresh Cakes, which we will fa, nish to all parties and picnics at the shortest notice. MEAD AND MINERAL WATER can always belted icy_and cool anZ atoll hears. Having has a life-long experience in the manufacture of the foregoing articles we gels the pitronage'of the 'Wilk izenetally. May 21,186 a. tf MINNIGR & 1180. sl'soo A r ot r ts YeveryrwlerWe E to want our IMPROVED S2Q Sewing Iltvzhines.— Three new kinds. Under' and upper feed.— Sent on trial. Warranted five years. Above salary or large commissions p4i4. The 041. V machines sold in the United States for lesi. than $4O, which' are fully licensed by Bore, Wheeler t t Will() 1, prover i t Raker, Singer 0., and Bachelder. AU other cheap machines are infringements, and the seller or user are liable to arrest,fine and itspnionnunt. Illustrated cir culars sent tree. Address, or call upon Shaw & Clark, at Biddeford, Maine, or Chicago, 111. May 241866. isly Grocery dr Liquor Store. AFIRST-RAT& ,ASSORTMENT of Glto- QE.RIES, cheap. FISH of different kinds. A large lot of -POTOIEAC flatitlNG, at low prise. The best and largelit assort ment of LIQUORS.ever kept in this olive. PURE WINE, B ftAbirty, RYE-WH (EERY, &0., for me,*inal tin 4 other purposes, in quanti titieglarße or small. Also 4IBULER'S CELEBRATED HERB BITTERS. WM. J. MARTIN, Baltimore et., Gettysburg. May 28, 1866. • Lime ii Coal. GIIINN & REILLY have erected two addi thinal Lime Kilns, on the Railroad, and are therefore'better prepaie,d than erer_ro sup ply the best of LIME, in large or small quanti ties. Rurruers aud others cnn hereaftet look for a more prompt filling of their orders, and are Milted to extend and continue their fa vors to a firm which is making every effort to accommodatethem in thebestmannerpossible. 1 . 1:4oy lilt also centiule keeri rtr4 hniirl, fur axle, a good su pply of the different kinds of CARL, which they wilt sell at small profits. Coal and Lime, delivered anywhere in Get tysburg. May 14, 1130. tf NEW stock of GOLD AND BILvEII WATCHES, selected with especial care aud warranted goad Clop keepers, just received and for Sale et J. BEVAN'S,, Qpposite the Bank Getty/14er+ THE beet lot of Upper Leather OCILLAIP, 9t Err girls fils,ke,now ready nod for sale. 4tcCHEA.RA' SCLI. 4 '`W II 4 & Co., C GOTIIIERS, Pi'AA RING TOg 165 £ZD let BALdrigOlil STREIT, BALTIMORE, keep constantly on hand a large and well as sorte4 Mock of all kinds of goods at moderate prices. They supply -orders for the finest to the lowest priced articles, either ready made or made to measure, to any part of the country. They keep also an extensive stock of FURN ISHING GOOFS, embracing every article of Gentlemen's Under-wear. Also, MILITARY_ CLOTHS and every vanety of Military Trim mings as well as an assorted stock of BEADY MADR MILITARY GOODS. Baltimore, Feb. 22, 1804. Schick Still Ahead! NEW SPRING GOODS! REDUCTION IN PRICES! J. L. would respectfully say to the citizens of Get tysburg and - vicinity, that he is now receiviug at his store a splendid STOCK OF SPRING GOODS. The stock consists in part of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, of every description. SILKS, MUZ.IVRiQUE, °DALLIES, DE LUNES, BOVBAZINFIS, ALPACCAS, LAWNS, CALI001•IS, of all qualities nod choicest styles, which will be sold at ProtTs To DEFY COMPETITION. FURNISHING GOODS of all kinds, including Silk, Liucn and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Stockings, &e. Also, a splendid assortment of RIBBONS, Laces and Edgings, Umbrellas and Parasols.- - My stock of WHITE GOODS mil; be found full and complete, and customers may rely upon always getting good goods at the lowest pusoi- Ws prices. Gentlemen will find it to their advantage tc call and eicarnine my stock of CLOTHS, CASSINI ERRS and VESTINGS, of all qualities and choicest styles. April DI, ladd. J. L. SCHICK. Hardware d Groceries. THE subscribers have jest returned Amin the cities with an Daniel's° supply of HARDWARE k GROCERIES, which they are offering at their old stand in Baltimore street, at pi ices to suit tho times. Our stook consists in pat t of . BUILDING MATERIALS, ' 1 , CARPENTER'S TOOLS, 1 BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, SIIO FINDINGS, COACH VLSI/INDS • CA 1 I a b :KERTOOIS, zH°usFKHir.sFlxr7A;EK i iosOFlos4 CR CERT,RS OF ALL KINDS, OILS, I'AINTS, kc., kc. There Is no article included in the several departments mentioned above but what can be had at this Store.— Every class of Mechanics can be accummoditted here with tools and findings, and ilotr , ekeepers can find every article in their line. Give us a call, as we aro prepared to sell as low for cash as any' house out of the city. !OIL B. DANN ER, DAVID ZIMULF.II. Gettysburg, -May 16, 1864. The Great Discovery CIF THE AGE.—lnflammatory and Chronic kfi Rhenmatiam can he cured by using H. L. Id LLF,It'S CELEBRATED RHEUMATIC MIX TURE. Many prominent citizens of this, and the adjoining counties, have testified to its great utility. Its success in Rheumatic affee; tions, has been hitherto unparalleled by any specific, introduced to the public. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by all druggists and storekeepers. Prepared only by H. L. MILLER, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, East Berlin, Adams county, Pa., dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Oils, Varnish, Spirilo, Paints, Dye-stall's, bot tled Oils, Essences and Tinctures, Window G,lass,-Perfuniery, Patent Medicines, Ike., Ate. Or A. D. Buehler is the Agent in Gettys burg tor " 11. L. Miller's Celebrated Mixture." [June 3, Is6l. tr Lanemxter Book Bindery. CA_EU ROE WIANT, BOOK BINDER, AND BLANK ROOK MANUFACTURER, =E! Plain and Ornamental Rinding, of every de scription' executed in the moat substantial and approved styles. rn= R. W. Brown, Esq., Farmers Bank of Lancaster W. L. Peiper, Esq., Lancaster County Bank Samuel Shock, Esq., Columbia Bank. Samuel Wagner, Esq.;•Nrork Bank. William Wagner, Esq., York County Bank., T. D. Carson, Esq., Bank of Gettysburg. Peter Martin, Esq., Proth'y of Lancaster co., Pa Geo. C. Hawthorn, Esq., Register " Geo. Whitson, Esq., Recorder April 15, lltCI. Sale Crying. AW. FLEMMING continues the business ~ of SALE CRYING, and solicits the con tinued patronage Of the public. It is his con stant endeavor to give satisfaction. Charges moderate. Residence in Breckinridge street, Gettysburg. P. S.—He is a licensed Auctioneer, under the Tax Law of the United States. Nov. 24, 1862. Cemetery Removals. - TAE undersigned, being the authorized person to make removals into Ever Green Ceme tery, hopes that Such as contemplate the removal of the remains of deceased relatives or friends will avail themselves of this season of theyear to have it done. Removals made with promptness —terms low, and no effort spared to please. PETER THORN, March 1 2 , 'CO. Keeper of the Cemetery. New Bakery! NEWPORT k ZIEGLER, Mechanical Bak ers, South Washington street, half square from the Eagle Hotel, GETTYSBURG, Pa.— Constantly on hand, the best of BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZELS, kc. Per sons wishing fresh Bread will be served every morning, by leaving their names and residences at the Bakery. Every effort made to please Give ns a Calif jApril 20, '63. tf New Warehouse. QF GRAIN 10 0•0 0 0 W H A II N S TVD " at the new Grain and Produce llouse, in Carlisle street, adjoin ing Sheath k Buehler's establishment. The highest market price will always , be *paid in cash for GRAIN, 'of all kinds, UR, SEEDS, &o. Always oq hand and to sale, at the smallest prOfiti, . • GUANOS, SALT, FISH, ' S GROCERIES, Ace., Wholesale and retail. TRY -USI We shall do our hest to give satisfaction in all cases. McCURDY k DIEHL. Gettysburg, May 11, 1881 ly • - Blacksmithing. UWE undersigned would most respectfully L inform the public that he continues the BLACKSMITHING BUSINESS, at his shop, lately Philip Dcersom's, adjoining Troxel's paint shop, in East Middle street., Gettysburg, where he will at all times be pre• pared to do Blacksmithing work to Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, kc. That he knows how to do alp jobs of the kind will not be questioned by those who bare a knowledge of his long experience at the business. Come on with your work, and roil will be satisfied when you take it away—and for which be will reseire Cash or Couutzy Produce. - ADAM HOLTZWORTa Mar. go, 1865. tf Western Lands. 111 HE subscriber has some valuable NEST• ERN LANDS, which he will trade for ow or more FARMS in this county. The lands are well located, and very desirable for farm ing. Early application desired. JACOB BRINIKERIIIOFF. ciettpaparg, April 3, 1865. BRIN K '- Picture Frames. .4 IRILAT variety of Plartrillt FRAMES, Fio! plain and convex glasaes for sal at corner's Drug and Variet y Store. June '26. 1865. 166. MAett ireit itt94lBr at; le isft li tn re t Mettietlied, Mc. AT TIV. OLD stiocrk. fiIiTAIMISHRO II 1811.1 have associated with me, In business, my' son, lobe F. McCreary, under the firm and style of D. McCreary & Son, and I desire,to say to my old friends and the public generally that since the war, the manufacture of Saddles, Harness, Collars, he., has been revived at the old established and welt known stand on Bal timore street., one square- south of the Court House, Gettysburg, Pa. Having had an experience of 90 'years in this establishment, I feel assured, _that, with renewed attention to business, we can still further merit and receive a full share of pub. lic patronage. DAVID McCREARY. With Increased facilities foe conducting our business, we are beater prepared than ever to satisfy the wants of all those who may need anything in our line. We especially call the attention of Farmers and others to the superior quality of our Plain or Quilted Sent'Side Leathers, Horn Saddles, Hamel', all kinds, with Plain or Quilted Seat or withoutfastenings no. Born, Housings, Plain. or ,Quilted Seat Scotch Collars(leather) Bade Saddles, 61 "(tacking) Plain or Fancy Saddle Sic) Seam Collars, Cloths, • Best Welt Harness Col- Wagon Saddles, Isms, Riding Bridles, of all Patent Leather Collars, kinds, fair or had., stitched or unstitchod rounded or flat, 11 , •st heather Wagon Ifartingals, Whips, 4, 4/ and 5 Carriage harness, all feet 1 mg, . . . styles, silver or blaeltiPlaited Team Whips, mounted, Trotting Whips, Heavy Draft Harness, ladies' Riding Twigs, Blind Biidlos, Whip Lashes, - Girths, , horse Blankets, erappers, " &c., Ste., ki. ' In short, everything that pertains - to a first class general horse furnishing establishment constantly on hand or made to order promptly, of the very best material, and by the most ex perienced workmen in the country, (two hav ing worked in this establishment for the last thirty years.) We are now manufacturing an excellent lot of Ue:ivy Draft and Harness Collars for those who prefer our own to city made work. Repairing of all kinds done at s hort notice and on reasonable terms. All are cordially invited to eall and examine for themselves, es our work cannot mil to recommend itself. D. McCREARY do SON Feb. 5, 18C,O. tt Tlonr! Feed! and Groceries! lIT TUE CHEAP STORE . ON TILE If yon wish to buy, any of the above arti cles cheaper and better than you can get them anywhere else, go to the Grocery Store of the undersigned on the Hal, in Baltimore street, where customers can always be accommoda ted, nod where all are invited to call and see for themselves. The public will always find a full and choice assortment of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SYRUPS, MO LASSES, TOBACCOS, CIGARS, SNUFFS, FISII,.BACoN, LARD, CHEESE, CRAC KERS, BUTTER, EGGS, -A L 8 0- GLASS-WARE, CIIOCKERY-WARE, NO TIONS, &C., COAL OIL LAMPS, FISII OIL, AND FLOUR AND FEED, ALWAYS ON HAND. WANTED. —Flour, Corn, Oats, Butter, Eggr, Bacon, and Potatoes, for which the highest market price will be paid, either in trade or cash. Being determined to conduct my busi ness in a fair and honorable way, and to sell cheap, I invite all to give me a call. HENRY OVERDEER April 9, 113C6. tf Gettysburg Foundry. THE subscriber would inform his customers and others, that he is still manufacturing various kinds of Castings and Machines, made to order, on short notice, such as THRESHERS AND POWERS, (five different sizes of Powers,) Clover-seed Hullers and Cleaners ' Corn Spellers and Sep arators, Cornfodder ('utters, Str.uv and Hay Cutters ; PLOUGHS, such as Cast Ploughs, Barshear Ploughs, Sidc bill and Corn Ploughs; the %IRK-SPRANG HORSE RAKE, the latest improvement ; also' Metal Screivs for Cider Presses, IRO" , RAILING' for Cemeteries or Porches. wall everything else in his line, all at low prices. FOR, SA E.g.—A light Two-horse Wagon, a One-horse Wagon, and a Spring Wagon, all new. DAVID bTEILNELI April 30, 18G6. tf Ilag4iei and Carriages. Tlii WAY! THIS WAY!—The under signed is engaged in the Carringeqn.iking business, at, the corner of Chambersbnrg au,d West street 4, Gettysburg, and invites all who may need anything in his line to give him a call. He pats up, in the very best niahner, Falling-top and other BUGGIES, and all the different styles of CARRI WES. With a full knowledge of the ,business, and a determina tion to give satisfaction, the public, can rely upon his jobs being good. He will endeavor to deserve a large share of patronage, and hopes to receive it. REPAIRING done at the shortest notice, and on most reasonable terms. ,Country produce will be taken in exchange for work. CHARLES js. GILBERT. Gettysburg, June 4, ISGG. tf Fresh Confectionery AND ICE SALOON.—The subscri ber respectfully informs the citizens of Gettysburf. , ,, find Vicinity that he'has a Confec tionery Establishment, one door east of the Eagle Hotel,on Cliambersburg street, to which he would invite their attention. • Cakes, Candies, and every description cf Confections, together with Nuts, Oranges, ant all kinds of fruits, always on hand; Parties, public and private, as well as fam ilies, will be furnished with all kinds of Cakes, Ice Cream, (in pyramidal form or otherwise,) and other refreshments at their houses, upoc short notice. Having spent a life-time at the business, he flatters himself that he understandi it and that he is able !o render entire aaVslaction. Call and see his Confectionery. May 28, 18GO. tf JOrIN GRUEL. Carriages and Buggies. TATS & GULP are no* building a variety of COACH WORK of the latest and most approved styles, and constructed of the best onterial, to which they invite the attention of buyers. Having built our work with great care and of material selected with special relerence to beauty of stylA and durability; we can confidently re commend the work as' unsurpassed by any, either in or out of the cities. All we rsk is an in.spection of our work to convince those in want of any kind of vehicle, that this is the place to buy them. - REPAIRING in every branch done at short noticteand on reasonable tental , • ' Give us • call, at our Faetotv'near the corner, of Washington. stud Chaturiersbird. streets, Gettysburg. ' • P. J. TATE. W.ll. B. CULP. - Mar. 19, 1863. , . Shoes, Gainers, &e. JOHN M. RBILLNG, • Isl °sumacs STEMS, west side, a few doors from the Public Square Gettysburg, h:ts laid in an excellent assort ment et Shoes, Gaiters, ke. , for MSS, WOMB NI AND which he is offering at the very lowest profits. Raving bought for cash, at the latest redac tion, he is prepared to offer great bargains. Boot and Shoe m tnufacturing carried ou at the nine place, and the best kind of work made. JO UN M. REI4LNJ. May 14, 1866. tf Win Ware and Stoves. Tsubscriber respectfully informs the 1.• Public that he still coati:ma the Impious of making ALL RINDR OF GOOD TIN WARR, at the old stand,(formerly Andrew Polley's,) in York street, Gettysburg, where he has the ;argent assortment of tin ware in the .county with many other articlerter kitchen use, Alcl Also COLIKINO 'STOVES k NINE-PLATS STOVkS, of the trig best kinds. 8. (>}. C% -t• A 114 • 712 1865 ; 1101'.v - • • - . ;. • •---- '="...••••;.•-• ~.,,,,,.--;- - ;;- -- - -- 0, ---%,,,, •"4" ,, ........-0 , --.....4.: 7 ;;;;;; - ,;4.7.7....- --- ,»---77, REIM'S I GO TO! GO TO 2 . Coneenhrittif Vbiworisig Evirn — cisa TT / 3 ' WVt"' . . . . 1 1 , 4. 7 1 , 4 , ..,. u —. 04 „ , } .A. 7 O II 7 ,S fo T N A N .I A: D T l i n , : li N u A s. r. I . 7QUAL' to any in the market and enperior j: l 4 CO many, in larger bottles, and at -old ""' ' 2'Y .S'2'o.le:hl, prices. Where Ton Ilan -buy the cheapest and beet Wholesale agents for Baltimore, 4 goods in town, DURROUGH BROS., Corner of the Diamond and York Street. Wholesale Druggists. LlST.—Lemon, Orange, Vanilla, Rose, Peach, Nutm, Celery, Allspice, Cloves, Ginger, Birch, Cinnamon, Apple, Mulberry, Pine Ap ple, Banana, Nice, Iltspberry, Pear, Pepper, Parsley, Strawberry, Bitter AlMond, and Sa vory spices. The great difficnity heretofore experienced In procuring true Flavoring Extracts, has in dueed the proprietor to spare no pains or ex pease in giving to the public an article which will be than,' true to its nnme ' and which will in no instance be it source of disappointment. It will be observed that our extract of Lem on and Orange is n prepared extract from the Peel, which any one may be convinced of by merely smelling them. The price of . Vanilla Beans, too, has caused more useless Extract of Vanilla to be manu factured and sold than any other essence being either made from Tanks Beans, or some other fictitious command. In our Extract we WILL GUARANTEE A PURE ARTICLE! made from the true Bean, without stay foteign substance whatever. Brll's Worm Syrup. TITE MUST INNOCENT, PLEASANT AND EFFICIENT REMEDY IN USE.—A MN any PKII7NCT SY ITSELP.—No at.Tior Od to be Taken.--In this Preparation we have it eluded such tbmedies only as have been tried for years and are known to possess powerful anthelmintic virtues; cornhinel with mild aperient+, pleasant aromatic: , all sugar,. An thelminties of themselves cam of aerform.their peculiar functions or have be desired effect, unless the bowels are kept ni,,derately open. To producethis, gentle purgatives are neces saryAnd,such only ought to he used char can not interfere with the anthelmintic ernployed. The advantages we claim for this Syrup are: Ist. Its power of DESTROYING AND EX PELLING WORMS! 2tl. Its mild aperient effect npon the bowels 3d. Its pleasant taste and odor are advan tages possessed or claimed by very few Verm ifuges. 4th. Tts harmless influenee'nprin the system, consequently- no injurious elfvets will result from its use should the patient have no Worms, but au apparent disease, arising from some other oak - Hotta Cf.use, Willa: is frequently the case. The constituents of this Syrup and its offects are known to many Physicians, who are now using it in their pn.etice to a large exteut. Price 25 cents a bottle The Greatest Lis d inent in 'use. BELL'S WHITE 011!—The Illandert, Clean est, most Penetrating and mast Economical Lotiment in Use.—A powerful Olenginus Com pound for the Speedy Cure of Rheumatism, Strains, Sprains, WOunds, Numbness of the Limbs, Frosted Feet and, Hands. Spavin; Sad dle Galls,. Poll-Evil, Ring Bone, Bruises, Swellings of all kind, and in fact every dis ease for which an Ernbrocatiton is applicable, either in Man or Beast. Price 25 cents a bot tle.—This preparation, which wiginal with na, will be found 'to be one of the nicest and at the s uric time one of the most reliable ap plications extant. Having ,been employed -very extensively since its introduction and feeling satisfied of its remedial properties, we recommend it with the utmost confidence, knowing that no one will be disappointed in its use. It is, as its name ireplies, a white liniment of the consis tency of cream, containingothing offensive, lfpt, on the contrary, will' be found more pleasant than otherwise. Hell's Alterative, OR CONDITION POWDERS I FOR HORSES, CATTLE & SWINE, , 25 cents r. paper, or five'papers for $1 The Immense sale of these Yowlers during the short period they have been before the public, is a sulident guarantee of their great pop,,Luity, and thb decided benefits derive.] fio n their use. hey are confidently recommended not only preventive, bet es a complete cure for all diseases incident to the 1101:SE, COW or 110 G, ns Loss of Appetite, Coughs, !leaves, Yellow Water, Distemper, Glanders, ke., By their use the Horse's Appetite is improv ed, all derangements of the digestive organs corrected, sottening the skin, and giving to the coat a sleek and shining appearance, and may be used with perfect safety at all times, as it contains no ingredienti Which can injure a horse, whether sick or well. They cleanse tire breathing apparatus by ejecting from the air cells coagulated matter, or that formation which so severely clog them, causing a tightness in brea'•hing, and by their peculiar action on that part, they cruse the mucus metnliane to resume its natural dimensions, thus equalizing the circulation of the blood and restoring the; distended vessels to their natural size. For fattening cattle they are invaluable also possessing peculiar properties in incre.ts ing the quantity of milk in Cows, thereby giv ing them an importance and value which should place them within the hands of all in terested. All diseases to which the Hog is subject, as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lungs and Liver, and as a general purifier of the blood we guarantee their efficacy if once fairly tried. lifer'Sold at Gettysburg by A. D. Buehler Apothecary. and by Druggists anu Storekeep ers generally. Ask f.,r dell's Preparations, Prepared exclusively by W. D. Bell, Apothe cary, (Graduate of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy,) West Washington St., !lagers tow,n, Md. [Oct. 16,-1865. ly Cheap for Cat§hl NEW STORE I GROCERIES, LIQUORS, kC Trie: undersigned has returned to Gettys burg, and 'opened a new Store, on Balti more street, next door to the Post Office, and nearly opposite the Court.llotise, where he offers for sale,. CHEAP FOR CABII, a large and cuoice assortment' of GROCERIES,—Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Molasses, ~ 'Syrups, Salt, kc.; with Fish, Bacon, Lard, and so on. Also, LIQUGR.S—Wines ; 'bandies, Gins, Whiskies, Rums, andeverything else in the line. Also, any fittantity of Notions; to suit any and everybody. Recollect this is the place to buy sonar von CABIL GEO. F. KALBFLEISCII 'April 23, iBGti. • - Money Saved I S M O N Y MADE. CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED, ' - AND PRICES REDUCED The undersigned - most respectfully invite their old - .customers and the public generally to call and see their Goods at the new prices. We have. A TULL AND WELL SKIECTED STOCK, which we have concluded to run off at the lowest p )einble prices. Wei intend doing what we say; therefore,all persons deairoty of making money in the easiest way cby airing it in their purchases) will not tail to' give us et eitlWas we premise theta they shall not be disap pointed. We are thankful for the past very liberal pattenige we haveveceived; and truss that we sha‘Flitterit a contianation of the same; and Nottai—u we shall use Oar best endeavors to please all who may favor us with a call. Iftrpon't forget the place. • - DANN'Eft & SHIELDS, - -Fairfield, Adams county, PA. N. E.—We are Agents for Miller's Superior Family Flour, and Jobuson's celebrated. Blast ing Powder. - fTeb. 2G, led& tf 18% o l r f I ) . :: ag ut i a:tv s e k i c o h:,: s., peLh e atit, ti. „1, 3 repared byDr. B litiaNEEt. URR siLyzn, WARE sod - 3 V SILVER PLITED -WARE o tbe,yery best quality, a new assortrnentjust received. Call and see It. J. BEVAN, Opposite the Bank, Gettysburg. DiII:IO,RNEWS.FRADRENT }IYRRti pre serves the Teeth, cares all diseases of th e guuls-and purifies the breath. SIJOAR CURED- II GAR - fresh supply jastreceived. A prima article and for sale cheap by STRICKUOUSRIt i wisorzgv. el Al IfOß.pit'S yon inn get 'mu; !Senates, Cenktse,, Perfunt- Isry, Notions, &o grinitttyletto. • II A T 8 HATS FOR OM) liN.—Soft mastiff brims. lIATS FOR FASIDoNABLE MEN.—Always the latest out. HATS FOR YOUNG MEN,;.--"The latest li anas." HATS FOR BOYS.—Every variety and style. HATS FOR CIIIGDP.EN.—Neat and Ltshioua ble. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS - FOR - MEN AND BUYS.—Cheap and good. SHOES FOR MEN AND BOYS.—A large is sortment. SHOES'FOR LADIES.—Good, the ip and neat. SHOES FOR CHILDREN.—The best assort ment in town. • GAITERS OF EVERY STYLE.—For Ladles, Gents and Children. NOTIONS - . STOCKINGS OF ALL KINDS.—For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. GLOVES.—For lien, Ladies and Children; cheap as ever. NI3CE-TIES.—A splendid assortment. PAPER GOLLAItS.—Fnr Ladies and Gentle. men. LINEN HANDRERCUIEFS.—Bordered and Plain, fur L•idies and Gents. CAMBRIC HANDKER.CIIIEFS.—Nice and cheap for Children. COMBS.—Gum and Horn. SUSPENDERS.—.\ general ag4nrtmrnt. GARTERS.—Best Elastic for Ladies and Chil- . - - - dren. COMETS.—The best fi.ting and most com fortable at low prices. SPOOL COTTON.-01 all colors, cheapest and best. VARLEPY GOODS. UMBRELLAS—At lowest prices. LADIES' BASKETS—Cheapest in town. GAMMON WHIPS:Of 14st India Steel. STROPS—That make a keen edge. SHAVING SOAP AND BRUSHES—The very best. LEAD PENCILS—Of the best make. SILOS BRESIIES—Cheap but good. CARPET SACKS—PIain and Railroad. TRUNKS—Of all sites. seirliefore purchasing always call at the FIRST NATIONAL SToldhl and save money by buying cheap. 11. R. WOODS. June 11, NORRIS STILL AHEAD! JUST F ROA TUE CITY I Nor -8 06. ris has just returned from the Ci ty with the &mit and cheapest lot of ready made clothing ever offered in Oettysherg. DON'T FUGUE f TUE PLACE I Next door to Buehler's Dtug store, where you will find the largest and best selection of HATS and CAI'S in Gettysburg. . . I TE-RU-SA-LEll!—What nice Pants and Vest+ Norris has at his new Store. Ho beats 'em lIIGfI PRICES PLAYED LTV—Norris 30 4 13 Cloves as cheap as they were before the war. AND THE COLORED TROOP'S FOUGHT NOBLY I—lt you don't believe it just gn to Norris' New Store and ho will convince you that "Woolen" Goods are cheaper, than they have been since the war. COME IN OUT OF THE WET I—Norris has Umbrellas so cheap that it is cheaper to keep dry than min around in the rain. NECKTIES, BUTTERFLIES anti everything in,that line at NURIIIS'S. . LOCKWOOD, LIN'EN LIN D I—Paper Col lars and Linen Collars of all kinds mill sizes KEEP TlME!—Fine assortment of Clocks 'ard warranted to keep time at NORRIS'S. VALISES, TRITNh:S, and Carpet Bags, of every description at Nurtitis . s. SARATOGA !—Norris keeps the latest Sar atoga Bats. ON TILE ROAD TO BRIGHTONI—The la test Brighton Hats at SORRIS'S. THE LATEST RESORT.E!—Nurris has the latest Resort° Hats and thu best quality in the market- YOUN'i DRIVING BOY:Sl—Don't forget that, Norris httii the latest Driving flats out. .114,y 7, 1860. X 8 NEW I :kfiI : C I IIMIINTS. 66, 4 G . E zWIL-ILE-MNS I" WHAT A LARGE Stock of Cheap Clothing at PICKING'S. PLATED OUT I THE HIGH PRICES.— Gall and be sltistied by inking Clothing at PICKINGis. T CAN'T RE DENIED, THAT PICKING has j the.largest assortment of Coats, Pants and Vests, in the county. I \MINKS AND CARPET BAGS, in endless 'variety, cheap at PICKING'S. IT IS EVEN SOI A large stock of Over shirts, Suspenders, Umbrellas. White stud Calico shirts, cheap at PICKING'S. N k T ICE! NICER 1 I NICEST 11 1 All kinds Sunday and • every-day suits cheap. PICKING'S. EXTRELt GENTEELER! 1 GENTEEL •ESTI I ! Block Cloth Frock, and Sack :cats; also all kinds of Cassimere, Dark, Cot :oh and Linen Coats. Call at PICKING'S. IT IS INDEED ASTONISIIING, what a large and cheap assortment of Pants con he had at PICKING'S. Tr SEP TIME! Fine assortment of Clocks ‘ cheap at . PICKING'S. N ( O USE TALKING, hnt COO right along 111 and price Clothing,, at • PICKING'S. USICAL INSTRINENTS. Ac• cordions, Flutes and Fifes, to be had at PICKING'S. ARE YOU IN? For a cheap salt. Then 'call at PICKING'S. rt REENR ACKS, or any other kind of good k_lr money, taken in exchange for Coats, 2ants, Yeats, /tn., at PICKING'S. GREAT SENSATION of the day -1 Picking's Clothing Store. CHIEA I', CHEAPER, CHEAPEST—Pick ‘.I SPriag e nd Summer Clothing. G O AND SEE Picking's Cheap Clothing. TOP A MOMENT I—What's 'he hurry? I 0 want to get a snit at PICKING'S. IS - OTHER EARTH is putting on a new snit. In Let &lithe people go to Picking's and dc likewise. lApril 23, 18G6.] Pianos ! Pianos ! •• 'r iANOSI—The undersigned would respect fully inform the public that he can furnish I ANUS of the following manufacturers, or 'hose of other male, it desired, at the lowest possible prices: CIiICKERING k SONS. DECKER B Ito s. lIAZLETON BROS. HAINES BROS. GEO. STECK. A. H. GAM' k CO. STEIN WAG'S: SONS. 116rPartienlat attention is given to the se lection of Pianos ; and when so selectel, in ad ion to the manufacturers' guarantee, the Pianos ire yugraWeed by me. MASON & II A WAN' CABINET ORGANS AND MELODIANS The recent improvements in these instru ments are such as to fully warrant saying they ire FAR SUPERIOR to Any other make. • One of the best evitlen.:es of their merit isrthat their improvements are imit teed by other nakers. The new style, four stop organ, have a Sub. Bass and Octave Couplet, making it an instrument especiktlly adapted to Church and Sabbath School purposes. DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS will be sent by mail to persons desiring them. Pianos tuned regularly. Pianos taken in ' change. PETER BENTZ, No. 30 East Market St., York, Ps Jane 12,1865. ly ____ -- - ----- CALL and see the most beautiful assns % meet of new JEWELRY, such as Breast-pins, Ear Drops, .st J Finger Rings, Locket BE s, Chains, ate, . VAN'S Opposite the Bank, Gettysburg. A. LL kinds of PlCitlltEi r i ergs neatly and correctly copied at the Bacelo aloft. L 12.q 1 1SOIL. ' 1 AbILS' DENSS4II44IIIIfGB, Croat vs. TkOkre 44: - ' 1 • 0. 3 4 1 9 11 14 - - • F OUT Z'S Rem Milo Pectin '•", . vir g • - this wili YELL TER, H 0 0 UG t T Ell l' 1 YEAS, Fu LOSS 01 TITEANI ENERGY us imp wind, 1 tM Imre • sztoc orq W. .11km1101e1101 In L ail diseasesof Swine, such as Coasts, Meal la the Lunge, Liver, this article acts en a apeciflo. • By patting from , one-halt a paper .• to a paper in a barrel of mill the *bore disea - • - Vilf eradic:Led or entirely prevented. I given is time, a weals preventive and curs for thu Lies Cholera. Prioe 16 Conti per Paper, or 5 Papers Sr $l. - EL A. FOUTZ & DUO., AT TIMM • WHOLIIB,II3I DEQ /11D NEDMINII DUO% No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Nd. Fur Solo by DrugskW end Storekeepers through out the Vllit4 States. For sale by A. D. Buehler, Gettysburg; Laughlin & Wbeeling, Va : C. C. Bender & Cu., Pit.rburg; JohusJo i Bolloway A Con den, Dee. 11, 1863. ly The Greatest Family Medicine in the World, SORE TIM, A,'"l", (Lai .DIPTHERIA. The attentbn of the publics, krri ceirelalli\the 'afforest; trout that dreridt ul disease, Ihohout &ru Throat, is calk, tu thu puat runedy kaown Ass StQacbralicees , BALSAM, OR PAIN KILLER; As a sure cure for Sore Throat or Diptberia, Croup, Bronchitis, Scarlet Fever, he., and all other diseases of the throat, and also an infallible romedr for thorium. Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Sick Headache, Sudden Colds and Coughs, Neuralgia, Plithisie, Old Sores, Lc. It Is also invaluable fgr °god Fmt, Swelled Joints, Bites of Vol.- sonous Inseete. /cc., and a prompt and sure remedy for cramp Chulic and all I?eins ‘ izt the Stomach awl 114).1.6. Thisinedielne has been tried in thousands of Mal In different parts of the country, and has never failed to cure If used in 'time, end wording to directiont. A great amount of suffering might often be saved by having a couple of bottles of thie ‘aluAltle medicine in the house. As an eVitieflCO Or its grout qualities the proprietor warrants every bottle to give entire ratistaction. Try it and be convinced of its groat rains. No111:18:1 STONEBRAKER'S GREAT COUGH REMEDY, Ti VEGETABLE COG II SYRUP For the Rapid Cure of Coughs, Colds t llnarsericau Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma,Difficulty or Breathing . Spitting of Blmcl,4lrp •, Stages of Consumptaem, Soreness ti the Throat, and all Affection; of the Pulmonary Organs. This Syrup is an invaluable remedy for the alio viatioh mid cure of Pulmonary Diseases. It bp prompt in its action, pleasant to the taste s and from lie extreme mildness, is peculiarly applicable to the use of children and persona in delicate health. Al an anodyne expectorant, it will always be found 19 be beneficial, by alleviating and arresting the emelt spells of coughing so distressing to the patient.' The afflicted can rely upon its doing of much, op more than any other remedy in soothing the tr i a facilitating expectoration, and healing the 1) Lunge, thus striking at the root of all diacasca eradicating it from the as stem. .• All I ask is a trial of this preparation, as it boa zip equal in its effects, and never fails to give entire satisfaction to all who use it. We Tarrant it in all eases or the money refunded. Try it--only 2b and 60 Cents a Nag. READ ONE! READ ALL! A GREAT DISCOVERY NADI 11 gomg Stanebrak@es DYSPEPSIA BITTERS LIVER INVIGORATOR. ! _ Will Cure All Cases of :l y - NERVOUS DEBILITY, Arid Diseases Originating from • 41-. .DISEASED LIVER and STOMACH By tho In of from one to three bottles tha most '•• obstinate eases of Liver Complaint, Bilious Attacks, Siok headache, Sour Stomach, Flatulency, Dropsy, Los of Appetite, Costiveness : Jaun d i co, j 144. Cholera Slorbus, Female II eaknem and irregularities, Nervous Affection lAA. and General Debility, 1 1 • ramped by exposure, Imprudence, 44A '- or otherwise, Diseases of the Skin such aa Ulcers, Scrofula, Dull Pain in the Head, Yet lowness of the Skin, Dimnc® of Vision, Constant inulginings of Evil and great Depression of Spirit ARE ALL HFEEDILT CURED. This being an entire vegetable compound Is war. MA: and effectual remedy not only for Dye pep& and Liver Complaint, but for all other diseases arWng from a di4organized or a diseased stoma. or Impurity of blood. As a blood purifier and tome or general appetizer, these bitters bare no equal, and should bo need ill, :T 02 7 bunny, as disease cannot exist where they are They are also warranted a perfect safeguard whist Fever and Ague. Ladies desiring a ckar complexion and good health E tumid not fad bars them. They are particularly recommended to those who are Buffering under Debility and Depres sion of Spirits, their soothing and renovatlag power, bang particularly adapted to all such cases. PSIOS $l.OO PER BOTTLE. , efar-Foraol, by A. E. Buehler, Gettysburg, e d Country Healers geuerally, May 7, IBCG. Gass Battle -Add Hotel. , 1115 Hotel, being one of` the relics of the lia. tie ol Gettysburg, has been renovated anti refurnished, and i 3 ready to enteirtain travellers and the public generally. It being a short distanc3 front the - Soldiers' National Cemetery, it affords convenient accommoda tions _for nit visititg, there, and the subscriber flatters himself Oa: none shall leave him die satisfied. Also, loe Oroam and all binds of refresh ments, at all hours, to accommodatrprpme• nadera. Give me a call. ./O,SEPH LITTLE, Proprietor. Gettysburg, May 21, 1866. ti ! • I - ALTAILSESCH Is Selling a Ibiza &A of Goods, because the peoples's* ii -", oet bit he Is d . fined, not to'be wo 4 , , ntall CIDE 1140,a at 94ma'i:-.1 air I - on the co ' Atri!•3o, ISM w . 4.,„ ....ralttrr,, ==tal GO EZ=Z:I This properstlee. long and favorably known, will Mot. °uglily reinvigorate broken down sod low-spirlted horses. by strengthening and cleansing the stiirryach and We . tiniwo , It is a sure pie. ♦rntire of dl dlik e.wis incident lo L Invaluable. ..ves tie quality at the milk. It ba/ been prove,' by ma it experieteet 4 neue the qua. 7 of milk sail am twontr Jr, t and mike WI .tter nrat and net. In natal:Ong t tlt, It Or anthem appetite, loneens ur Lida, and Ann them ihdia Ei= READ FUILTIIER.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers