RNTA BI.HIIKD, 1886. Cameron Coaoty Press HENRY H. miILLIN, Kdiiot <ind Proprietor OnviLi.iv PROUUPOOT, Assistant and Manager RAYMOND KIKES, Assistant Foreman. W. SCOTT STRRNER, Assistant Local Editor. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY | Breezy | 1 County I I Ne«>s 1 CAMERON. Frank Sullivan seen his shadow by moon-light Sunday night. But was not scared—only frightened. Jack McFadden is still wearing that big smile. To the new boarder arriving there last week. Its a girl. Operator Harvey returned from his holiday trip and worked several nights at Driftwood, returning to his job here Monday night. The section men enjoyed Monday as their New Years Holiday. No work. A. M. Pelkington, of Canoe Run, shot a large wild cat last week close to Mr. Webster's residence. Ed Schwab had a runaway last week, but no damage doue to either horse or sled. Herman Johnson and Mrs. Hilda Johnson, of Emporium, visited Herman Anderson and family Monday. The recent breakup spoiled the sleigh ing for our young folks. No more trips to Sterling Rtin for awhile now. E. M. McFadden was an Emporium caller on Monday and repurts busiuess slack in Emporium as well as Cameron. School has re opened after a long vaca tion. Miss McDonald who is unable to teach on account of a sprained ankle is relieved by a teacher from Emporium. Jan. 3, 19 1 ]. LOUISE. SINNAMAHONING. A. J. Barclay and Arthur Bailey went to Buffalo, Tuesday. Henry J. Darrin, of Sterling Run, was a caller this week. Fulton Brothers are painting and papering the M. E. Chuic'n this week, Alex. Shade visited at Keating over Sunday. John Logue was a visitor at Oak Hill this week, looking for a wife. John says he needs one very much. Hay Denniny, of Driftwood, was a caller, Tuesday. Amos Fenton was a caller at the county seat Sunday. He came back with a pleasant smile. Nace H. Drum, of Dußois, was a visitor, Tuesday. J. B. Council, of Tyler, is a visitor here this week. Noel Bushore came home from Buf falo, Saturday to visit his family. John Poley is at the Williamsport hospital, suffering with a lame foot. Johnson Smallhouse. of Lorshbaugh, was a caller, Tuesday. J. Henry Logue has finished his ice job and has gone back to Hunters Rest for the winter. The Siunauiahoning Improvement Company met last Wednesday evening and appointed a volunteer fire depart ment. Dr. Mammon, of Belleview, gave the members present a fine address on the good of modern improvements. Geo. I 1 ish was out after game last Monday. He reports seeing 17 foxes and nine wild cats. Say, George wasn't it a dream? Josiah Berfield is visiting his daugh ter, Mrs. W. H. Metzger, at Idamar, for a few weeks. John Swartz says if John Logue gets a wife at Oak Hill, he is going right over for one or two. Council Brothers are putting u tele phone into their new store this week. Chas. and William Crane have taken a job of cutting a hundred cords of stove wood for .J. B. II ay ties this winter. I'red Caldwell killed a small bear the last week of the season. He followed it for seven days before he killed it. Pretty near a ground hog case, no bear no meat. Losue Brothers lofct a valuable horse last week. "Fin Johnson appeared on his milk route last Tuesday, with a new sleigh and a fine string of bells. Drbmr Thanks. KDITOH Pit MM:— I wish to thank the friends, at Hterl ing Ran and vicinity, for the surprise Christmas box which 112 received. Al though this is a laud of sunshine, it is a not a laud of flowers, for it is tnossly a dry desert, and the brightness which the IH>X brought into our home can only be realized by those who have been in a fur distant land among strangers Will write personally to all soon Miut Al»l,Y I'lTNifM, Columbus, New Nexico Luna County. SINNAMAHONING. Ed. Counsil and family, of Laquin, Bpent Xmas with his mother. Dr. Mamam, of Bloomington, 111., spent Xmas with his daughter, Mrs. C. W. Gray. Amos Swartwood and wife visited in Emporium over Xmas. Joe Counsil, of Tyler, is spending some time at his home at this place. Airs. J. 11. Baird stopped in Williams port several days last week. C. H. Cordie visited at his home in Oil City over Xmas. Miss Myrtle Shaffer spent last Sunday a week, in Punxsutawney. Mrs. Wm. Piper, of Renovo, is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Brooks. Miss Lottie Caldwell spent Xmas in Dußois. Mrs. Grant Johnson visited in Renovo, last week. Chas. Shaffer is in the Williamsport Hospitat for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Sizer visited their parents in New Castle. Mrs. Samuel Ivreider and daughter Rotha, oT Driftwood, spent last Wednes day at the M. E. parsonage. Mrs. Chas. Shaffer is visiting at her home in Jamestown, N. Y. Mrs. Day, of Renovo, visited her mother, Mrs. Johnson, over Sunday. Miss Jessie Liuhtner was the guest of Miss Helen Ruse, of Johnsonburg, over Xmas. Frank Wolfe is confined to his home with rhevmafism. Mrs. Smith is visiting friends in St. Marys. Mrs. M. Baird spent several days with her daughter in Johnsonburg last week. Mrs. C. W. Gray spent Thursday in Emporium. James Counsil transacted business in Emporium on Wednesday. Miss Bertha Fulton returned home last Thursday from Butler. Miss Benette Bennett is visiting friends in Galeton. Prof, and Mrs. Graves spent th< ir Xmas vacation at Mansfield. Jan. 3d, 1911. X.YZ HOWARD* SIDING. Mr. and Mrs. Horning, Mrs. Bert Close, Mr. and Mrs. Hobson and Mrs. E. Close attended the surprise party at Lathie Bliss' in Emporium. Through the kindness of Mr. Jollop, about a dozen from Howard had a sleiirh ride to More Hill on the evening of the twenty-third and attended an entertain ment held at the church by the Bryan and M ore Hill Schools. It was very stormy but the ;hurch was well filled. Edna Horning entertained several of her friends from Olean on Xmas. Mrs. E. Close spent Xmas with her daughter, Mrs. Charles Parks, at Em porium. Miss Mildred Turley was the guest of Ivadell Close a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mathewson, of lschua, N. Y., are visiting their son, George at this place. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parks and children, of Emporium, visited their par ents and other friends, a tew days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hobson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenley at Emporium on Xmas. James Reed, of More Hill, who has been sick with typhoid fever for some time was taken on Saturday to hospital. Rev. Lehman will commence revival services at Howard school house, Mon day evening, Jan. 2nd. Miss Margaret Dodson and Miss Helen Smutz, of Emporihm, were the guests of Ethel Fisher on Friday. XXX Weak, Weary Women. Learn the Cause of Dally Woes and End Them. When the back aches and throbs. When housework is a torture. When night brings no rest nor sleep. When urinary disorders set in. Women's lot is a weary one. There's a way to escape these woes. Doan s Kidney Pills cure such ills. Have cured women here in Emporium. This is one Emporium woman's testi mony: Mrs. Phoebe Morse. Fifth Street, Em porium, Pa., says:"l have taken Doau's Kidney Pills and can strongly recom mend them for kidney trouble. I pro cured Doan's Kidney Pills at Drug Store aud their use relieved me of a lung-standing attack of kidney com plaint. I take pleasure in making the fact known that Doau's Kidney Pills can be depended upon." I 1 or sale by all dealers. Priee 50 eents, Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents. Remember the name— Doan's—and take no other. Look for the Bee hive. On the package when you buy Foley's Honey aud Tar for coughs and colds. None genuine without the Bee Hive. Remember the name, Foley's Honey and Tar and reject any substitute. Hold by Emporium Drug Co. Latest Popular Music. Miss May Oould, teacher of piano fort liaa received a full line of the lat est and most popular sheet music. All the popular airs. Popular and class ical music. Prices reasonable. 44-tf CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5) 1911. HUNTLEY. Miss Clelln Caldwell, of Sinnamahon ing, was the guest of Mrs. Alonzo Duell, last week. A. W. Smith reports finding a large nugget of gold while digging the cellar for his new bank barn. Miss Bessie Billings, of Sinnamahon ing, ia the guest of John Drivas this week. A. W. Smith's new cook has arrived at last. Squirrel says "she puts the grub up in fine style." After a long vacation the Huntley school commenced again on Monday, with Miss Nellie Whiting, of Sterling Run, teacher. Miss Viola Smith, of First Fork, was the guest of A. W. Smith and sister, one day last week. The prize fight between Mrs, Spit Fire and Mr. Arm Strong at the opera house last week was quite amusing. Spit Fire fought well but Armstrong got the best of her in the tenth round. It will be a close thing whether Wayne or Clarence will get the new belle who just came to town. A. W. Smith, while walking track near Benny Hollow on Snndav night, was attacked by a large wild cat. Squir rel said that he thought tjje cat was going to get the best of him for a few moments, when about that time B. J. Collins' large dog came to the rescue. The dog and cat fought for fully Mi minutes, when the eat after tearing al most all the skin off the dog broke loose and run for the woods. The dog was not able'to walk home for some time but B. J. says he thinks he will pull through for he bathes his wounds every day with Dr. Kilburn's Japanese Oil. The cats dreadful cries can be heard every night in Benny Hollow. J. S. Jordan and Wayne Nelson has several traps ret for him but he seems to be a hard fellow to catch. Squirrel says he is a monster and thinks he will weigh about 50 lbs. A. T. Smith has accepted tfie position of lamp man at IIV tower. SPORT. NORTH CREEK. Mrs. Mary McClenahan and children returned Monday of last week from Em porium. where they visited relatiycs and friends over Xtnas. Ethel Britton spent the holidays with her sister. Mrs. Mary Griffith, at Ilicks Run. F. A. Lewis, accompanied by Myrtle Lewis, spent Xmas with his daughter, Mrs. Laura Brundage on West Creek. He also visited his sister, Mrs. Milda Morton, at same place. Garle Lewis, of Mina, spent Xmas with his parents. John Long and family, of New Town, spent Xmas at the home of Charles Barr. Mrs. Louti was Miss Lilian Barr. A sleighing party surprised Grand ma- Carter. Xmas. She was the recipient of some nice presents aud had a very pleas ant time. V. M. Dow and wife, aud Mrs. Moon, spent Xmas at the home of Ed. Cool. Mrs. Alice llockman returned home, Saturday from Black Creek where she visited relatives and friends during the holiday season. Hazel Chandler, Clendon Moore and Norman Solveson attended the Xmas en tertainment held in the Chadwiek school house. Wm. F. Lewis visited the city Friday. Mrs. Florence Cool visited the city Tuesday. Mrs. Rebecca Spence came up from Emporium Friday and returned Monday. Guest of Mrs. Annie Housler. J. W. Lewis and Henry Carter visited relatives on llich Valley, Wednesday of last week. Winnie and Otto Chandler visited the city Wednesday. Ernest Housler came home Thursday evening. He accompanied James Hob son in taking Corydon Housler to Warren Hospital, Saturday. Willis McClenahan and Leon Wood cock went to New Town to work. Mrs. S. M. Housler came over from Rich Valley Tuesday of last week and is staying with her daughter, Mrs. Solveson. Malvin Hamilton visited relatives Sun day and Monday. Leona Wheaton was guest of Lula Chandler, Sunday. Mrs. Ethel Housler and Mrs. Jennie Smith visited the city. Mrs. Blauche Dow and Mrs. Florence Cool visited the city. John Bull speut Friday night with D. N. Chandler. He was on his way to New Town, from Austin. Harry Hoekuian, Ed. Cool and Ernest Housler Sundayed at home. Beatrice Taylor called on Grand-pa Lewis, Saturday. R. Burton Moore was guest at the home of Fred Solveson over Sunday. lieorge and Arthur Warner spent Saturday with Everal Smith. The boys brought their coasters with them and had a fine time. Ralph Woodcock, Henry Carter and T. 11. Britton were in town Saturday. Mrs. Berniee Moore, of Rich Valley, came over Sunday and returned with her children. 'I hey were visiting their aunt, Mrs. Solves. in and family. Hazel Chandler is helping Mr*. Whea ton with IHT work this week. J. W. Lewis and Henry Carter tran* •etwl bushier in the city Monday. Ilev Hall is holding meetings in the school house this week. Mrs. Hall is al so here. V. M. Dow and Wm. F. Lewis were to the city Saturday. Tressa Britton kept house for Mrs. Hockman during her absence. jßluf. JAY. STERLING RUN. George O'Keefe and Mildred Straw bridge after spending the holidays at home, returned to Lock Haven Normal, Tuesday. Mrs. Ed. Whiting, who has been quite ill the past week, is better at this writing. E. H. Hughes, Supt. of the Mt. Hope Coal Co., who has a leave of absence tor three months, will be stationed at Corry for awhile. Sec'y George A. Walker will attend to the business during his ab sence. Miss B. E. Sterling who has been quite ill with lagrippe, is better at this writing. Miss Mabel Wylie returned to her school at Holidaysburg Monday. Miss Teoka Whiting, after spending the holidays at home, returned to Wil liamsport Tuesday, where she is attend ing the Dickinson Seminary. Mrs. Samuel Smith, who has been ill for several weeks, is no better at this writing. She is growing weaker. Miss Flora Ebersole, of Buffalo, is home for a visit. William Beamer is visiting friends and relatives at Philipsburg. Mrs. Mark Sherwood and children, of Genesee, are the guests of J. 11. Darren and wife. E. 11. Hughes brought his large St. Bernard dog I'rincc to Al. Lynch last Friday. But Mr. Prince did not like his new home and left for his old home at Emporium Saturday, where he ar rived in safety. Prince has located at Cooks Run for keeps. Ed. E. Whiting attended the "Mum mers" parade at Philadelphia last Satur day. Have not heard whether he was a "Mummer" or not. Mrs. Ada Ilulsinger and son, of lic novo, were visitors in town Saturday. A. A. Smith and family returned home Friday, having spent Christmas with the former's parents at Beech Creek. Eric Mason, of McKees Rocks, is the guest of his grand parents, Rev. Ebersole and wife. Milton Whiting, who has been lumber ing for the last year at Berner, W. V., is home for a visit. Dr. W. Ray Smith, of Huntley, has a number of patients in town, whom he has been treating once a week. So far he has been very successful. A very enjoyable party was given at this place by Mrs. Alma Brooks, on New Years Day. Who entertained her sister and three of her brothers, immediate members of the Whiting family. Those present were M. P. Whiting, ltid«way; M. W. Whiting, Berner, W. Va.; Mrs. G. W. Herrick, St. Marys and Elmer Whiting of this place. The unavoidable absence of Ed. 10. Whiting, ol this place, caused disappointment and regret, the only flaw in the real happiness of the day. It is seldow that a family of six reach maturity unbroken as has this one, several of whom have passed the half century mark, hale and hearty. BLUE BELL. FIRST FORK Did you get a new leaf turned over? Did you get it dated January Ist, 1010, the first time you wrote it. We have had such a long winter al ready, that the January thaw showed up promptly. Last Thursday night, it took the ice out of the stream here. John Caldwell and wife spent Christ mas at Dußois, visiting relatives aud friends, returning home on Tuesday. On Wednesday morning, in the big rain storm, he started out to help Fred Cald well rund up a bear, which he had been following for several days. They got him on the high hill back of Lorshbaugh depot and skidded him down to the depot and brought him up on the noon traiu. He was a fat yearling and they realized about twenty-five dollars for him. John shot him and that probablly will be the last one we shall hear of being killed this season. There are a good many old fel lows in the woods yet left over for next fall, as those that have been killed this season were mostly small ones. Swank Brothers have received a new farm grist mill aud this is the third that the farmers here now set up within a mile. Well they need.them as they keep lots of stock and with the toll troui their threshiug machine added to what they raise, have more grain than any one else on the stream. William Caldwell and family went to Sinnamahoning on Saturday and spent a "Happy New Yeai" with friends at that place. Percy Swauk is hauling sawdust from the old mill at the Jake Smith place, to the powder works in Wykofl Run. The Company housed the ice just before the thaw. Mis Harry Itukgarber, of Stevens county, Wash., is visiting her parents, W. W. Wykoff. Harry has gone to Panama to help fiuish the "big ditch." Norman Tcribcry is firing on the B. k S. It. It., while Pout Master Tcrihery •» working at his trade plumbing iu ('oudersport, John Thile..a» * trotter i* ou tie* sick : list. Ntr Bri>. ! Elaborate Home Wedding. On Tuesday evening, Dec. 27tl>, 11)10, the largest and most beauti ful wedding ever witnessed in Port Allegany, took place at the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. ~ ocr.tr? ot-'rg parties being Miss Gertrude Alice, their only daughter, to Mr. James C. Moorehead, of Fortress Monroe, Va. Hotel Butler was a scene long to be remembered when more than two hundred invited guests, many from 01ean,Coudersport,Em porium and other places, took their places in the large dining room to witness the happy event, that would unite two loving hearts. Promptly at nine o'clock, the beau tiful strains of Lohengrin's Wed ding March, wafted from the pri vate parlors, as the bridal party entered the dining room in the fol lowing order: Rev. Father Wil liam C. Becker, Rector of St. Ga briel Church; Groom and Best Man, Clyde Moorehead, brother; Mrs. Butler, mother, Mrs. Cush ing, aunt, and Maynard Butler, brother; Flower Girl, Miss Bea trice Butler, cousin; Bride's Maid, Miss Ella Renn: the Bride lean ing upon the arm of her Father. The contracting parties took their stations under an arch formed of Smilax and a bell of Lillies of the Valley and Smilax. After a few words of good cheer by the Rector, the solemn bonds of wedlock were securely welded, the beautiful ring ceremony being used. came congratulations did we witness, nor - • ->•- congrafctt-lfl* especially for the bi-ide, pleasing personality lifßt made her a general favorite of all who knew her. During the ceremony Miss Mary Seel, pianist, and Miss Tes sie Stroliuber, of Olean, N. Y., violinist, rendered beautiful mu sic. We shall not attempt to de scribe the gowns, etc., but must say the bride looked "just too sweet and lovely." The groom, who made a very favorable im pression upon all of the guests, is a member of one of Virginias old est and most respected families, is certainly to be congratulated upon his choice, lie captures a heart of culture, refinement and lovliness, that will grace the home of the best in the land with honor. Em porium extends its best wishes as well as Port Allegany for it was here the fair young lady first saw light. Congratulations and pleasantries being over the large number of guests were invited to the ball room and dancing was enjoyed un til mid-night. The caterer in the meantime having taken charge of the dining room. An elaborate dinner was served promptly, the bridal party and family of the bride occupying an elaborately de corated table at the head of the di ning room. Mr. and Mrs. Moorehead took the Washington Flyer at 2:10 a. 111., amid a shower of good cheer, rice, and "God Bless You Both," for their Southern home. The bride was the recipient of hundreds of costly, beautiful and useful presents, from admiring friends North and South. Virgin ia and Pennsylvania are now solid ly linked together. We cannot close this hurriedly written article without expressing the thanks of all guests to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Butler for the pleasure and great kindness mani fested upon this auspicious occas ion. No parents could have dis played greater lore than they, when they parted with their daugh ter—the pride of their hearts and home, and the favorite of all who knew her. The following Emporiuuiites were guests at the wedding: Mr. and Mrs. Chan. L. Butler, Miss Mabel Butler, Miss Beatrice But ler, Miss Mary Bailey, Mr. Frank MeCloskey, 11. 11. Mullin and wife. Old Soldier Tortured. "For yearn 1 suffered unspeakable tor ture Imiii imliyHtion, coustipation aud liver trouble," Wrote A. K. Smith a wur veteran at Krfe, IV, "but Br. Kind's New Lite Pill* tin'il ma* all ritfht. They re Miuply great.' Try litest lor any Ktoum<-h, liver or kidney trouble. I < Inly Jsc at all druggist*. Election Notice. CAMERON POWDER MANUFACTURING COMPANY. THE annual meeting of the stockholders for the election of a Board of Directors and the tranaaction of such other business as may be laid before them, will be held at the office of the Company m Emporium, on Monday. January 16, 1911, between the hours of one and three in the afternoon. JOHN BCHWAF, Secretary. Emporum, Pa., I>ev. I2 4 > '©'A — 44-4t. Register's Notice. BTATK OP PRNKSYLVANIA, T BA COUNTY OF CAM EBON. { BB: NOTICE is hereby given that V. A. BROOKS, .Administrator of the estate of Margaret Kmton, late of Gibson Township, deceased, has filed his first and final account of said adminis tration and the same will be presented at the January term of court, next, for confirmation ni st. W. J. LEAVITT, Register, Register's Office, Emporium, Pa., Dec. 14th, 1910.—44-4t. Register's Notice. STATE OF PKNNSYHVANIA, > COUNTY OF CAMERON, J NOTICE 1' hereby given that ROY CAMP BELL, Administrator of the estate ofSamue I Clark, late of Grove township, deceased, has filed his first and final account of said adminis tration aud the same will be presented at the January term of court, next, for confirmation ni si. W. J. LEAVITT, Register. Regi> ter's Office, Emporium, Pa., Dec. 14, 1910.—44.4t. Notice of Meeting of Stockholders THE annual meeting of the stockholders of J. the Emporium & Rich Valley Railroad Com pany will be held at the Law Office of Hon. B. W.Green, Tuesday, January 24th. 1911, atone 0 clock, p. in., for the election of officers and the transaction of such other business as may come before them. A. C. BLUM, President. Emporium, Pa., Jan. 4, 1911. n!7-8t Administrator's Notice. "VTOTICE is hereby given that letters testa mentary upon the estate of Edward S. Mur ry, late of Emporium, Cameron county, Penn sylvania, deceased, have been granted to Frank H. Murry, of St. Marys, Elk county, Penn'a. to whom all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment and those having claims or demands will make known the same withoutdelay. FRANK H MURRY, Dec.B<Mo,_47.«t. Administrator. Notice I« the Stockholders of the 'one National Powder Com i' j\J OTIOE is hereby given, that the regular -L> meeting of the Stockholders, and the elec tion of a Board ot Directors, of the Keystone National Powder Company, will 'be held at the office of the said Company, at Emporium, Pa., on Tuesday, the 17th day of January, A.D., 1911, between the hours of one o'clock and three o'clock in the afternoon of the said day. „ HENRY AUCHU, President, Emporium, Pa., December 31st, 1910.—47-2t. ELECTION NOTICE THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Emporium, Pa., Dec. B, 1910. THE annual meeting of the stock-holders for ■*- the election of a Board of Directors and the transaction of such other business as may be laid before them, will be held at the Bank on Tues day, January 10, 1911, between the hours of one and three in the afternoon. T. B. LLOYD, Cashier. EMPORIUM DRUG COMPANY We are busy tak ing inventory and .assisting our new manager Mr. Robt. B. Winkett to be come acquainted with you. Call please. Emporium Drug Co. Waverly—the beat By petroleum products w Rf made—all made from vl ¥j high grade Pennsylvania n [ Gaaolinei, illuminating oil*, j | lubricating oil* and parra- j 1 fine wax for all purpose*. j 100 Page Booklet Free telle j H Waverly Oil Works Co. J Hk Independent Refiner* JnH B PITTSBURG. PA. /M A FREE TRIAL Jfw PACKAGE 3 (fk Mnl to «M»O«I« wlM> will t»nU PML Pvk'a Hui.l Met! <V.I • H »>, N \ Ih.s old ctuhliahtd h«* Jit. 112 ARK Altai aftfvtt m *ll • ftaotia tl«i, niH«u«a«»a. Ulill Utu IrnlU. Oi*if fl CHII.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers