THE CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. ESTABLISHED BY C. B. GOULD, MARCH, 1866. V0L.44 Wedding Bells. TAGGBBT VAN WERT. Cards are out announcing the marri age of Miss Flossie Taggert, daughter of Mrs. Helen M. Taggart, of this place, to Dr. Floyd Lee Van Wert, of Wood lawn, Pa., son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Van Wert, of New Castle, Pa , for merly of this place. Miss Taggart stole a march on her many friends at this place and went to the home of her sister, Mrs. George Deike, at Kittan niiig, Pa., where the marriage was quietly solemnized last Saturday. The bride is one of Emporium's most charming and accomplished daughters, being a musician of high standing. Mrs. Van Wert has spent her entire life in our midst and we regret that she will not continue her residence here. The genial doctor, also formerly of this place, needs no introduction to our citizens, as he is well and favorably known. He is an industrious and an upright young gentleman, having com pleted his course in medicine last spring. He located at Woodlawn, where he has built up a steady prac tise. Dr. and Mrs. Van Wert will be "at home" to their many friends after January 15th, at Woodlawn. The PRESS extends its heartiest congratula tions and best wishes. LA FKERT Y—BUR LING A M E. At 8 o'clook last evening, Miss Cora Belle LafFerty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blair Lafferty, became the bride of Mr. Elmer E. Burlingame, formerly of this city, but now engaged in business in Johnsonburg. It was one of the prettiest weddings ever solemnized in Altoona. The cere mony took place at the home of the bride's parents, 1219 Thirteenth avenue, the Rev. H. L. Bowlby, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, and the Rev. Dr. E. li. McCau ley, pastor of Grace Lutheran church, where the bride is a member, officiating. Miss Helen Lafferty, a sister of the bride, was the maid of honor, and Miss Margaretta Blanchard, of this city, was the bridesmaid. Mr. James Kil gore, Jr., of the Altoona Trust com pany, and Mr. Dana T. Ackeriy, of New York, attended the groom, as usher and beßt man, respectively. The bride was gowned in white satin, trimmed with princess lace. Her maid of honor wore pink brocade and Miss Blanchard's gown was of white silk grenadine over pink messa line. The house decorations were in charge;of Mr. Wbithred, aud the home was tastefully decorated with white and pink roses, palms and ferns, with hangings of white and pink. A reception and wedding supper fol lowed the ceremony and the bridal party and guests were served by Caterer Fisher, of Huntingdon. Mu sic was furnished at the wedding and during the evening by Professor J. Mahlon Duganne's orchestra. After the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Burlingame departed for New York, where they will spend their honey moon. .They will reside in Johnson burg. Miss Lafferty was a teacher in the Irving school, Lexington avenue and Second.street, and was held in high regard by the school authorities and students. Mr. Burlingame, until quit ting tthe school world last summer, was principal of the Irving building. Among the many beautiful presents received by the bride and groom is a large cut glass plate, given by the teachers of theilrving school. Altoona Tribune, Jaw. sth, 1911. The Prosperous Farmer. The value of Pennsylvania's farm products in 1910 is placed at $173,362, •kit). More than 11,000,000 tons of hay figure in the totals, with almost 1,000,- 000 bushels of oats, 323,000 bushels of potatoes. 380,000 bushels of rye, 1 ">Bfl, 009 bushels of shelled corn and 1.556,- 000 bushels of wheat. Placing the crop value of the country at |3 178, 117,- 773, it will be wen that Pennsylvania's contribution amounts t<> one-twentieth of the whole There wan an Increase of land under cultivation of 200.000 acress. Westerncrns and other* who base fond y l>clu ved that Peiumy Ivania was compost 11 of coal andiron in •qtial parts will pleane take notice. The increasing demands from Eu rope lor American wheat has caused a raise in the pi ice of (lour front ten lo 30 cents per bushel, while the western farmer relusi-s very largely to sell, waiting for larger advanco in price. Special Offering. Next Saturday, January i ith, a beautiful 9*.'50 box of candy will be given away, almolutHy free, at n| ni . o'ulok, pin. Kveay 10c purchase in tde during the day entitle* you to a number. HK* K H & Co License Court. Argument and License Court was liold hore last Monday afternoon. llou. Harry Alvan Hall, President Judge, and Associates, lions, tl :o. ,!. Laßar, and Jolin A. Wykoff, presiding. All licenses for Shippen, Emporium, Driftwood and Gibson were granted, including the new application, (Sizer Springs House,) were granted. All applications from Lumber were held over, as was the Mountain House at Sinnamahoning. Judge Hall has plainly laid down the law to applicants for licenses, em phatically impressing on them that they must not sell to men of known intemperate habits, or to those under the influence of liquor. The Courts of the State seem determined to enforce the law governing the said of booze. Recently at court held at Ridgway Judge Hall called all applicants for li cense to appear before him and made plain the fact that if they desired li censes granted tliey would have to obey the law. They must not sell li quor on Sunday, nor to minors, and he laid special emphasis on the matter of selling to men of known intemperate habits, and to those who were visibly under the influence of liquor. These two points the judge was emphatic upon. Game License Law. An effort will be made by the Game Commissioner to secure the passage of a license tax bill, requiring every hunter to pay SI.OO per capita a year, it is estimated that from 100,000 to 150,- 000 resident hunters frequent the hunt ing grounds. At §1 per head the rev enue would amount to several times the commissioner's biennial appropria tion. It is also argued that a hunter wear ing a number, which is registered will exercise more care than is now the case, and that violations of the game laws and the accidental shooting of people will become less frequent. Taken lo Hospital. Weduesday morning, Mr. Murdiek McNeil, of Rich Valley, was taken to the hospital at Ridgway, suffering with an attack Of appendicitis Mr. McNeil has been in poor health for the past month, but last Friday he was taken suddenly worse and Dr. Bush was has tily summoned to his home. Mr. Frank J. Lewis, of Rich Valley, accom panied Mr. McNeil to the hospital. Passed Examination. Miss Ethel Fisher, of Howard Siding, passed a tfery successful examination in telegraphy at Renovo last Monday. She has been under the competent in struction of her mother and was well prepared to meet the requirements. Mrs. Fisher has very ably tilled the position as operator at Howard Siding for nineteen years and is thoroughly dependable in every way. We con gratulate Miss Ethel in her success and hope that she may be stationed near town. At present she is doing relief work on Third Trick at Howard Sid ing. The many friends of both Mrs. and Miss Fisher, at this place, will no doubt be pleased to learn that they will continue their residence at How ard. Does a Cow Pay? Does it pay to keep a cow? Th is question has been asked many times and has received much comment. Fol lowing is a statement given by Mr. Chas. H. Edgar, of this place, which gives in detail the receipts and ex penditures in connection with keeping a cow. Expenditures. Hay and fodder, S6O 15 Feeds and roots, 19 14 Barn rent, &c, 11 OS Total of cost *BO 34 Receipts. IHI, pounds of buttur, $ 54 02 Hl9'. quarts of milk, •'ill 97 liiO quarts ol butler milk, 1-1 35 One calf, 1 00 Total receipts, $122 34 According lo Mr. Edgar's statement tin re was M gain of $42.00 in one year. Maticabee Installation. All member* of Emporium lii\e are requested to attend tint Annual lustal lation of Oflioera to take place Irlday evening, Jan. 'Kith, It'll. A Banquet will be belli immediately after the ceremonies. Let there be a large at tendance. JACOU HUM-MAN, Commander. 4H-2t. Co.Hi Piano lor Sale. A Bradbury Plana (square) in good condition Apply lit I'KBsf uflW, 37-lf, "Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable." — WEßSTEß. EMPORIUM, PA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1911. IT. W. Smith Purchases Hotel Goodyear. Last week a deal was consumated whereby Harry W. Smith became the proprietor of the Hotel Goodyear again. Owing to the sudden death of Charles D. Weed, the bouse was left without a landlord, and Mrs. Weed did't feel able to assume the responsi bilities of its management, and know ing the value or the property Mr. Smith was prompt in making a proposi tion which resulted in adding one more popular hotel to his chain. This gives ti> Mr. Smith three of the best hotels in this section of the country- The G odyear, at Austin; The Warner at Emporium, and the Clinton at Renovo, and those who know the gentleman know that he can successfully conduct three as easily as one. Walter R. Phelps of Buffalo, with his mother and sister, have been installed in tho Goody car, who, under the tutor ship ot Mr. Smith, will make this hotel as popular with the traveling public as it ever has been in the past . Mr. Smith's many Austin friends are pleased to know that he is again inter ested in our town.—Austin Autograph. Installation of Officers. On Wednesday eveuing, Jan. 11th, 1911, Emporium Aerie, No. 955, F. O. E., held an important meeting. The following officers were installed hy Past Worthy President James A. Law, with the full ritualistic cert mony of the Order: Worthy President, Guy A. Klees; Worthy Vice-President, James B. Mulcaby; Worth Chaplain, Guy W. Thompson; Secretary, Harry Derby; Treasurer, Floyd F. Hilliker; Trustees, Charles J. Howard, Bernard Egan and H. W. Mitchel; Examining Physician, Walter H. Bush; Inside Guard, Ed ward T. Zwald; Outside Guard, Joseph C. Wortman. The Worthy President-Elect ap pointed the following to serve during the year 1911: Worthy Conductor, Past Worthy .President George K >m pher, and a House Committee, consist ing of Floyd F. Hilliker, Leon R Felt and Mose J. Harris. After the meeting all adjourned to the Social Rooms, where James K. Songer, the Eagle's genial Chef, had an elegant Dutch Lunch, awaiting the boys. After partaking ofthesumptous repast, all departed for home, with a firm resolution to boom old 958 during the coming year. Attracts Attention. We are gratified that the 28-page edi tions of the PRESS issued just before Christmas has attracted wide attention and very favorable comment made by ueighboring editors, many of our sub scribers and especially our advertisers. The following from the Port Allegany Reporter is right to the point: "Emporium is getting considerable merited attention just now by reasou of the holiday advertising campaign inaugurated by the business men of the Catreron county capital in their local papers. Emporium merchants are only doing what business men of other towns will have to come to. Three years ago there wasn't a better mail order towu in western Pennsylvania than Emporium. It's merchants had neglected to keep the people posted ou their stocks and the favorable prices. There was space to sell in local papers aud the mail order bouses bought it. But the merchants united in demand ing attention of the people whose pat ronage ought to come to the town, and now Emporium is spoken of as one of the hustling business centers in the upper Susquehanna basin. Here's to the Emporium business mon who read the writing on the wall and then erased it with the publicity sponge. These sponges can be secured at the newspaper office in any town " That the persistent advertising in the Pit KHS lias set our readers thinking seriously on the mail order house proposition is very evident from the lact that we are compelled to turn down some flittering propositions and shall continue to do so as long as the home merchants mauibwt a disposition to wake up aud let the light shine through our columns. The time lias long since passed when I lie merchant can lean back in his chair, expecting the trade to come his way, unless lie IIH«.« printers' ink liberally, Every successful I merchant is a liberal adver tiaee, every day or every week. We Heg Pardon. The PHKSH deeply regrets that we failed |o mention in connection with the other Emporium guests lit alien dance at the Butler Moordhead we,l ding, the names of .Misses Julia Buddl and Kathryn Ifogan, who were as|M)> J» ly invited guest* ol Mrs. \l strelmad previous to the wedding They are intimate frieuds of the bride. Bouquets Still Coming. The Cameron County Press, of Em porium, comes to us this week in a stylish new holiday dress with a bril liant colored Santa Claas overskirt. The special holiday number contains 2-1 pages of news items and special Christmas articles and I=i printed in green ink, giving an additional holi day effect, to the entire publication. Emporium may well be proud of the PKKSS and its progressive editor, Henry H. Mullin, to whom the Ex press extends congratulations and best wishes for a prosperous New Year.— Lock Haven Daily Express, Dec. "24th, 1010. We beg pardon for not acknowledge ing the above generous compliment. However friends, of the Express staff, we wish to offer our sincere thank* and can assure you we thank you cordially, coming as it does from one of the ablest edited dailies in the state, a paper that almost daily goes into our private mail for perusal Long live the Express along the lines laid down by that grand old man we loved and revere his memory—J. B. G. Kiusloe. Bank Election. Last Tuesday the stockholders of the First National Bank of this place held the annual election of officers and di rectors, the following being chosen. President—Hon. B. W. Green. Vice President—Hon. Josiuh Howard. Cashier—Mr. T. B. Lloyd. Teller—Mr. (Jhas. E. Crandell. Asst. Teller—Mr. M.ix K: Balcom. Bookkeeper—Mr. Allan Randolph. Clerk —Mr. Arthur K.Catlin. The solidity of this institution, or ganized in 1884, now ranks as one of the most reliable in the state, its assets continually hovering around the mil lion dollar standard. That means care ful, safe and sane management. To the Ladies. Ladies desiring a strictly tailored corset, made to individual measure ments, can secure the same by leaving their order with me. Call and see samples of corsets, style book and samples of material. Over twenty styles to select from Prices from $3.50 to $15.00. Special attention giveu to stout figures. Guarantee against rust or breakage for one year goes with each corset. FI.OBA MACINTOSH, Dressmaker. Over Ludlam's Millinery Store. Annual Meeting of Fire Deprat ment. The annual meeting of the Empor ium Fire Department was held at the City Hall last Tuesday evening, all the Companies being well represented. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Dr. H. S, Falk;Sec'y, Mr. C. Harold Seger; Treas., Mr. A. C. Blum; Chief, Mr. A. M. Haupt, Assistant Chief, Mr. William McDonald. Several important ques tions relative to the good of the town was discussed. The department voted Mrs. S. E. Murry §125.00, as a testimo nial of the esteem in which her de ceased husband was held by the de partment, he being at one time Chief of the Department. §50.00 was given by the Citizen Hose Company, of which deceased was a member since its or ganization. $25.00 was given by each of the other Companies —The Moun taineer, Rescue Hook and Ladder and Hamilton Hose Company, respectively. The department have decided to cele brate the Fourth of July with an old fashioned Fireman's celebration and Dr. Falk, the President, will appoint a committee of three to solicit funds and to report at an early date. After the business was transatced refreshments were served by Seger & Company. DEATH'S DOINGS. Kt'SSKLL. Mrs, Allen Kusscll died at the family home on the Four Mile on Wednesday, January 4th, her death resulting from an accident which happened in the early part of the summer. About two weeks ago she was stricken with pneu monia and her weakened condition could not stand the strain. Deceased is survived by a husband and five little children. Shu had been the mot lies of eleven children, six having preceeded her to ti»e "great beyond.'' The tun oral was held at the home last Friday afternoon and services were conducted by the Rev. J. F. Andorson, pastor of the M. E. Church, under the direction of funeral director Rishell. Interment was made in the private burial plot on the Russell farm. The PKK«S extends its sincere sympathy to tlte bereaved family. Congressman Hurclay Kscapes Ai - res! Washington, Jan. 10. While motor ing in the vicinity of the Chevy Chase club with Representative Charles F. Barclay of Pennsylvania, and a num ber of members ot the diplomatic corps, Vice President Sherman was held up and detained by Maryland au thorities because his machine didn't curry the proper license. After ex plaining that he didn't kliovr th'lt lie was in Maryland, the vice President was allowed to go. Third Annual N,de. I! S< .• r \ Co., thi' | |>u|ttr I m»li stfi < I I 'hotliibk' M>-t< li.iiit* uit it t. iii iu this Uuti, in their fall uaje •ad th. tr eh anscv -at.-, to xauu.u.'. Jaa. I tih. I! . I . .1. Lilly aI,, ~ ... , II , tI, ,i ' H For Male, I Hie pari ot a double residence tor SPECIAL LETTER. WASHINGTON, January 10.— The an nouncement that Representative Mit chell Palmer, of Stroudsburg, will be a member of the House Committee on Ways and Means should be highly gratifying to those Pennsylvania Re publicans, who, deceived by the cam paign of slander against the head of the Republican ticket last fall support ed the candidates of the Keystone Party. As a member of that Commit tee Mr. Palmer will assist other Demo crats in preparing a bill that will pro. vide the sort of tariff' revision Penn sylvania lias voted against in every campaign in which the protective prin ciple has been even remotely involved. Mr. Palmer, although a man of some ability, was not selected as a member of the Ways and Means Committee be cause of any especial qualifications for the work of revising the tariff. His ap pointment will be due to the desire of the Democratic leaders to recognize the large vote recorded against the Re publican party in Pennsylvania in the receut elections. Champ Clark and other Democrats who will dominate the House in the next Congress be lieve, or say they believe, that the re sult of the Pennsylvania elections in dicated dissatisfaction with the pro tective system ar.d a disposition on the part of the Keystone State to attach it self to the Democratic party. The candidacy of Mr. Berry proved entirely satisfactory to the Democracy. In the Fifty-Ninth Congress, whic'i as sembled in December, 1905, the Penn sylvania delegation was composed of thirty-one Republicans and one Demo crat. The solitary Democrat had been elected by a small majority in the Berks Lehigh District, the strongest Democratic district in the State. Since then the Democrats have steadily in creased their representation and in the next House they will have a delega tion of nine members. Throughout the campaign last fall the people were warned against the slanderous attacks upon Representative Tener. From the stump and by loyal Republican news papers it repeatedly was stated that a vote for the Keystone ticket would be a vote for the Democratic party. De spite this waruing a considerable ele ment of the Republican party support ed the Keystone candidates. Their votes did not elect Mr. Berry. They did, however, elect nine men who will speak and vote against the advance ment of Pennsylvania. The Tariff bill the Democratic party in the llouso will pass will strike a blow at the in dustry in that state. It may or may not become a law. If it should not its failure will be due entirely to the fact that in the Senate are loyal Republi cans, who are still fighting for the maintenance of the tariff system which has enabled Pennsylvania to attain in dustrial supremacy. The Keystone State may congratulate itself upon the fact that it will not be misrepresented in the Senate. Senators Penrose and Oliver are protectionists without a flaw Their influence will be exerted in an effort to prevent the destructive tariff' legislation, which will be pro posed by the House Democracy, to which liedy Pennsylvania, as a result of Mr. Berry's "victory" was so sub stantial a contributor. "Children," said the minister, ad dressing the Sunday school, "I want to talk to you a few moments about one of the most important organs in the whole world. What is it that throbs ; away, l>eats away, never stopping, never ceasing, whether you wake or sleep, night and day, week in »nd J week out, month in anil month out, year in and year out, without any volition, on your part, hidden away as it were, in the depths, unseen by you, throbbing, throbbing, all your life long? And during the pause of oratorical effect, came a small voice: "Tin 1 gas meter." Bake Sale. A Bake Sale will lie held in the Head ing Room on next Saturday afternoon, Jan. Ilth, by Mrs Koht. It. Warner'* and MISH Horn's Sunday school clause* of Emmanuel Church. Bread, pies and cakes will b« on sale. Don't for get the time ami place Saturday jil'tei noun at the Reading Boom, Attended Funeral. Mr C. M. Eelt, of th:s place called to Raleigh, N. C, last Sunday, by the ilwtfh of his brother lit law, CaptaiN Thoma», d«u bating t»»eti married to Ml** Lulu KELT MHHIII years ago NotUw. k will iniit® n limit <HJ ituttibtr uf \| % nil V U| IM* I'lmiNirmui, J.m **tt I? M. TERMS: $2.00 —$1.501N ADVANCE. TUB WEATHER. FRIDAY", SIM iv Kliirr ■ SATURDAY, Fair SUNDAY,IIniu or Snow ASfiETH First National Bank, EMPORIUM, PA. At the close of b'lsim «*, Jan. 11 1811 $953,527.73. STAKT 19 li HI OUT. j Isn't right now a Rood time to take stock ol | your financial condition. Inu i . the pnst 10 ) years of prosperity how much ol ,our income have you saved? Not so much • j i should? j Why not stait 10! I right no".* by o; ruling an ac- I count at this bank and save - our luture income? j We furnish deposit slips, checks and pass | books free. SI.OO Starts an Account. 3o INTEREST PAID ON .SAVING BOOK o ACCOUNTS ANIJ CERTIFICATES OP DEPOSIT. : DR. LEON REX FELT, DENTIST. Rockwell Block, Emporium, Pa. DR. H. W. MITCHI-M., DENTIST, Office ov< r A. F. Vogt'- Shoe Store Emporium, Fa 12y The Churches, FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL. RKV. J. F. ANDERSON. P.;-»t >r. Special cvangelistru scrvic will be gin in thi> church with the comfng I Sabbath. Tne pastor will pre oh both morning and evening Mis- Helen M, Jonep, of Morris, Pa., ar i~\ .ing< list'fj gospel singer, has been engaged to as sist with the music during the first two weeks of the meeting. Tht young woman, while a stranger here, comes well recommended by pastors with whom she has labored in special ser vices. It is expected that she will sing at both the morning and evening service next Sabbath, A cordial wel come will be extended ; al! who come. * * EMMANUEL CHURCH. REV. M. L. TATF., Rector. The following services will be held at Emmanuel Church Sunday: There will be an Early Celebration of the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock Morning Prayer and Sermon at 10:30 o'clock. The sermon will be especial ly appropriate for Sunday school teachers, and for members of the Home Department of the Sunday School The theme will be, "How to Secure a Working Knowledge of the Bible." Evening Prayer and Sermon at 7:30 o'clock. The sermon will be one in a series entitled "Some of the Prominent Patriarchs." The sermon will be a char acter study, the subject will be "Abra ham, the Friend of God. ' Every member and friend of Em manuel Church are urged to attend the Friday evening service—a large choir of Juniors ate attending these services Every Junior who atteni'-' every ser vice from now until Ivi-t« : will receive some rewarc from the Rector. StratiK»ri .'v* always wen me at Emmanuel Cuurcn. FIRST BAPTIST. REV. J. L. BOUI'K, Pastor 10:30 a. m.- Sermon. 1140 a. m Bible School. 6:39 p. m. V. I*. Praise .Service, 7:30 p. m Sermon, "Life's CJoal and the Toiling Man." "Every man fights his own battles and the ordaincr ol" life prospers the man who lut* the line hard. What is your goai? Are you limiting any head way or are you standing at the Ist quarter pout, hanging onto the lence with your hands, and beating a tatoo with your feel, raising a lot of dust but making no prograan. God love* the chap who moves aloug iloiu„ noiue thing and getting tonewl »re. Are you doing something' or do you ui«<a»ur« the achievements ol life by u pobt-r de< k, a cigarette and a dime no . el." Increasing Traffic Middle divtMiou of Ptuiuiy >•* very l>u«> and ten lirtfiut'u haw been pro moted to the piwition ot i ii|(niotM-N lu ordi*r to hit ri'.nui the miiulmi ol i-stra and regular m. ti nettled thirty iiien have I**# given i<o»ifit>ui Honor Noll. KuitowiUg I* the tiouor 101 l of regit lar attendance at the liryan i 111 I School, titr month enilhiy I amury 4th, tltll Miwm l »tbi rand l.ora I.yon. .\J ima H" \ I.A w»'>.V I'e«> Iter W C*T. U. V tmg »| (he W I' T I will be held at 'hi hon .■ Mr* I I' Ntruysr, Thurnltiv evveiMK, .Jaitit»iy If, Pill Malil 112 llli i * Writo I NO. 48.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers