Jj LE C/ILMIRIT^X PROPOS of all the present talk .:[ about woman suffrage, let us take ' ,;/ # a glance at the inhabitants of a jl small village in Switzerland, or, more accurately, the dwellers on r "' QM CL 'be mountain slopes about Cham jflkvlT> pery, In the canton of Valais, j jrffl-i' that sequestered und charming m hamlet which lies contentedly at jp» til ' r fl Wj the feet of its famous neighbor, the Dent du Midi. There the sturdy peasant worn- CSiti en liavi' solved the "equal jaaiana' right ;" matter to their own sutl> faction. Votes were never a fac tor In the question, but trousers were, and have be< n calmly appropriated for their own use; so it is as man's equal In freedom of movement and attire, at least, that the feminine half of the community tend their herds, cut hay on th" almost perpendicular hill sides, and clamber up and down the stony and tor tuous paths leading to th«'ir mountain homes If Ameri< ans uiu as yet in almost total Ignorance of tuls little sj>ot t successfully hidden for years at the extreme end of the lovely Val d'lllb'i, It Is by no mean* undlni'ovored, nnd, owing to the recent fo' iKn Invaalon, «h«• fair traitors to the con ventional ,-klrt have ln'corae H* why as the proverbial chamoU, and one must *eek them upon their own heights during Ike -umiu»*r hea*on, *lt«n the uew electric trauittuy which ban sup planted the old-time dill**nee render* thin vil las" nlmoat too acccMMltilt to the evr-growluff tourlft army En route from Italy, one leav<* the Simp lon line at Mnlnt Maurice, ride* for u few minute* In a ahuttlu train of doubtful comfort, and. ar rlvln* at Moatbey, take* the train, which liu me diately cofuß)*ncM an ucnt of the fertile val ley ThroiiKh vlneyaid and cbantnut grove, over roaring mountain Mrenma and put varlou* ham leu, tlu little train wend i Um was. ever upward Leaving th»« hi»«t of the plain below, una grad ually emergt* Into an atiiio*phere uf ctttlnaaa thumper), the end of the railway and th« la*t Villa* • iii ihe valley. Hum 3, '<1111 f at «| übuva the »e« Kji-vpt It* bracing air, otiu la uiicimuulmm of the alilMdtv um .>ll nht M lawny th« Infinitely greater le ti-liu uf the! Junta du Midi aud the la»ut* ttlanrhaa, their »blte "teeth" »u dueling In tie tnll.l.t that on** »< l inn- iln almu*t ivn |>re*>m curtain of rlo ,d ahlch veil* their bright nee* ,S«.|||>» 3o« fatt below the Vlllagtt the rap- Id and tt>>i->> Vle«< lonae M ih.it delactabla tt»b ih» timbre, ruche* do*n ibu Wed ul th« valley from It* emri'ir In tb t'ul d»* t'uiu, another muuu tain, at wb<»a« <iuiuu.lt It* . tin frontier uf and a tuatom* hou*«, and Irwu ah'tue >»ae may continue mw'i walk In k't.inew tu t'hauu.n'* Th« country t b>i tin da la walka and climb* to null the a> tat or lavaporteaaod mountain eer Kit *t nnd tarem"at of tk< a u the **< .at of the lii du Midi, mere Ikm iv.wu it.i in Might t»f | eaveu Iweth, tit" llautu time la iwat pup alar aud leant tiangerut** I'mlr* uau alii leave tUatupetr In tba afierao.ia, *up a* lUnuveau, snatch a few hours of Bleep, and are off 1.. fore dawn In order to reach t!»«• *umiult for a fit r reaching panorama of the *uu kI»M d Alp* uttuklng from their uleep. It was at thi* little elialet of llonaveau that one party, lindlng th Ir hope* of an aacent shut t< i'fd by torrential rain, resolved to play bridge and amuae themselves «.« be >t they could until the w tama' hours. but ' KIIKII It ax ithe In spoke" and accompanying laughter evidently Jarred upon the proprietor * nerve*, for In th<- morning their mod fiit bill wa* embellished with the at range Item ' Kttra I'our bruit fait pendant la null ifor noue made during the nlghtl, 5 franc*." To return to th«« village, It* one street lined by chalet* with gayly flowering window bone* and neat garden*. hotel*, p«aatnu.4, and little ahopj let u» occupy uurselvee with the cuaniupolltan throng that wander* bark and forth ttu t»ns Auguat day Th»- Hotel I>eut du Midi 4'hauipery'* l.u*. *t and mo*t modern hoatelry, la Ike beat point of vautugx fur auck a turvey. t'boo*liig a comfort ahl« chulr from beneath It* *trtpeit aanlna*. w« •■all a wall re** wearing due uf thi typical *car let kelihM* uu her head tu bring u* tea \\ kite waiting *« ma> lUten tu tke urvhi »tra and mar vel at ihe man) lountrla* of the world represent "t In thi* auiall turner uf It Thu KnglUh and Kieiuk element produmlnate, and a* yet th« Amarlcnn la In the Minority, but el< < irl«li>. aieam k« at and all iku eouimudltbi* of niod«tn llfu tkat eapectalty reiumiio Md a plaee tu kla tukury luvlng k»art are faat doing away wltk It a foim«r aim plblt) Wli4l a 112». Id In »bib t.. tudv b in.an MltlNi Wkwl • liai aetiilMti a, and that I nun glble *utuatklng wklck ftamp* tnd' libit >b« typwe tt «»> H ewiMffy lei It. van I her* simm a I turner prime mlalaiar uf Austria elf for a aalk writ fa Uu beautiful «Me kia fu» tartlera bmiuding in «t bla h< I* 4 4l*n>i CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1910. gtiished Roman and his two sons are returning from an all-day climb, their arms filled with Al pine roses. Here comes an English army of ficer, pack on back and alpenstock In hand, off with his guide for"the Dent." A little Indian princess tosses a bit of cake to her squirming and anticipatory dachshund Out in the garden four hilarious Parisiennes are settling their ac counts at bridge. A Greek countess flicks the ashes from her cigarette, as she sips her tea In company with a young Roumanian. An Italian ad miral strolls into the "poste," and the Inevitable American girl returns from tennis. So one might continue Indefinitely, for Swiss, Dutch, Russian, Hungarian, and even Egyptian are all represented In this out-of-the-way little place to such an ex tent that during the annual tennis tournament lodgings of any sort, be It ever so homely or primitive, Is at a premium. It is In June, however, that Champery Is at Its loveliest. Then the fields are carpeted with massi s of wild flowers of the most extraordinary beauty and variety, delicate orchid-like blossoms that might have been hot house grown mixing with the more sturdy ones, and It Is with real ro- Kret that one sees them swept away by the relent less scythe In havliis: time. In the heart of the Tillage lies th< newly restored pa-ish church, with Its unique and ancient crown-capped bell-towor, from which a veritable chaos of chimes peal forth on feast days. Mention of Champery would not be complete without a word as to Its favorite strolls, the Tetlt" and "Qrand I'aradls" -two lovely wooded spots b) the rapid V'leze, where one may sit be neath the pines and listen to Its noisy itiusto— snd "lei Oalerleii," a natural rock formation lu the sheer cllfT rising from the right bank of the river, and from which a splendid view of the Ul lage Is to be had. Hut It Is toward the east, a halt hour distant, that we wetul our way tuost fre<]ui>utly, fur th»r« lb i "I.e t'alvalre," a ston« cross sot upon a pro jecting knoll which dominates the eutli> Vai d'li llc* far down to the p».n • ful Valluy of 'h«« Rhunu and across to thn distant p* uk* of ChausHy, Oumnitluh, and th«< Mont d'<>r KitstciilitK in the ■tin. From this point, midway bet»•<«>* th# valley slid the mountains, sealed beneath that ciuea, utcin.il symbol of duaili, urs may boat watch thu lltyslcry of the dcpattliig sun as It sinks b<-htud the Co) du Com, Then the veil that hangs all day before thu iWni du Midi lifts, and (!»•• dyiug rays slowly Mood the mountains' cold. dead white n«sa with the rosy glow of life and olvrnai promise Finds Homes For Children lla. oHlly two lsti» parlies of ihltd en left I,lf nri»i«d b; lb* Allan llnar CoMltua, t*afialn I'ook, for ij-ari) tuittbilsi of U<>« sn<l |liU was lrout tl< Klrt b.i . isd tint itiilili o wste uo>Kr tb» iutm of Mtse Idrt, »ku trstmiiii ill the iblp 'ills tad; lot* 101 l foi if !"»»■ lit tt«*oit<o iii'diio mt i bae uib* m owl o»«r «ud (lit. 10 lit tliM i«otMtui*4* >4 t aiidUa I|«ui} la the t 'Sikst woe the ui|fttif> ti<«t sbUli b i |<4w owl mot' 112 lite 4i,»yl»i# i t t'.i Itouo ROOSEVELT REnjRNS AND IS GIVEN AN OVATION SELDOM EQUALED The Mighty Traveler Goes Buoyantly Through % Long and Trying Reception-Parade, Showing Lively Interest in Everything American The White Company Receives Unique Compliment for the Sturdy Reliability of Its Steam Car From Mr. Roosevelt and Family Theodore Roosevelt and Party In White Steamer.) After fifteen months absence, exact ly as scheduled, Colonel Theodore Roosevelt disembarked from the Rai serin Auguste Victoria, Saturday morn ing, June 18, at 11 a. m. To the keen disappointment of a large group of newspaper correspondents, Mr. Roose velt absolutely refused, as hereto!ore, to be interviewed or to talk on politi cal subjects, but his rapid fire of ques tions showed the same virile interest In public affairs as before. If the welcome tendered by the vast throng may be considered a criterion upon which to base a "re turn from Elba," surely there was no discordant note in the immense recep tion-parade, nor in the wildly clamor ous crowd which cheered at every glimpse and hung on his very word. The incidents of the day in New York wo-o irnny, but none belter illustrated the nervous energy and vitality of the man, the near-mania to be up-and-doing, which he has brought, back to us, than the discard ing of horses and carriages for the swifter and more reliable automobiles. The moment the Roosevelt family and Cost of Spontaneity. "I want the office, of course," said ihe aspiring statesman, "but not un less I am the people's choice." "We can fix that, too," said his cam paign manager; "only you know it's a good deal more expensive to be the people's choice than it is togo in as the compromise candidate." TAKE A FOOT-BATH TO-NIGHT After dissolving one or two Allen's Foot- Tabs (Antiseptic tablets for the foot-bath) In the water. It will take out all soreness, smarting and tenderness, remove foot odors and freshen the feet. Allen's Foot- Tabs Instantly relievo weariness and sweating or Inflamed feet and hot nerv ousness of the feet at night. Then for comfort throughout the day shake Allen's Foot-Ease the antiseptic powder into your shoes. Sold everywhere 2Be. Avoid sub stitutes. Samples of Allen's Foot-Tabs mailed FTIKE or our regular slz. sent by mall for 25c. Address Allen S. Olmsted. Leltuy, N. Y. "Foot* Tabs for Foot-Tubs." An Answer in Kind. "How did the trouble in the family start ?" "The wife, it seems, got tired of her husband's heavy wit." "Why didn't she slinply niaKe t. light retort?" "She did. She threw the lamp at him." For Ita-d, Itching Ryellda, Cyntm, Sljes Falling Kyel.isl,.* and All Kyei That Ne*d '"are Try M ;rli.«- Eye Halve. Asep tic Tubrt Trlul Wae—Mr. Ask Tour L>rug nif in Wrlto Murine K>< H« iio-dy f■„ t'hicagu. 'Cheatileal expense accounts coiue under th>' head of pluy bills. I j Weak Women •IkiuUl heel suLh warning* a* h«a4- *t he, IM>rYUU»lick*, Le.lt ulw, ll«- Modlon aitU wiiiiiwM aiui (unity the ») -it-11l With I hi* 4hi ol Jo'iivAimJ &Hlii fetal iHMtkM !• |M» mh| immediate party landed, they v/ere whisked away in White Steamers to the home of Mrs. Douglas Robinson at 433 Fifth avenue. A little later, when the procession reached the corner of Fifty-ninth street and Fifth avenue, Colonel Roosevelt again showed bis preference for the motor car in gen eral and the While cars in particular, when he, Cornelius Vanderbilt and Col lector Loeb transferred Irom their car riage to White Steamers, which were in waiting for them. After luncheon at Mr. Robinson's house, the entire party, including Colonel Roosevelt, again entered White cars and were driven to Long Island City, where they were to take a spe cial train to the ex-President's home at Oyster Bay. The supremacy of the White cars with the Roosevelt party was again demonstrated on Sunday, when the party was driven to church in the White Steamers, and a group of some forty prominent Rough Riders were taken in a White Gasoline Truck to a clambake at the Travers island club house of the New York Athletic Club. Your Liver is Clogged up That'* Why You're Tired—Out o# Sorts—Have No Appelite.^R^ CARTER'S LIVER PILLS \ JHHuuiliu They do' IffIITTLE their duty. JMSEF ||VER j Cine J&p&SWI ■ PILLS. Cnnstipa- jjr \ (Auhß Miliaria, Indigeitioa, and Sialc U«adacfce. SHALL FILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL FRICS GENUINE must bear signature: DAISY FLY KILLER,: SEA SHELLS : variety, by mull, for !i.'» cent*, tienuiim Pink Coral N«*ek!aoe wltli springclntp, by rrgUicrrd mail, one for 4? el*, or three fur #1 00. Shell Scarf pin one 10 renin or thret? for M rent*. Lucky Old shoe Plu, two ahoen on a pin, iwo |iiiiM 10 ceiil*, one dozen, 4f> ci'uU, ntamp* taken. I.arv uliowy shell* atul curio* for fair*. elm re It bazar* oti comminution* J. I . row I I I. Wuuko|ii«, 111. l\ M. A. STOCKERS & FEEDERS Choice quality; red* am! ro«u% whit«- fa» • m or aii*Mi<* bought oo order* Ten* of Tlioo»aiiJ» to »«!*<»• from. s*tUfu«-tion t.uar aiiit . l. < orrn*i<ond*uce Inviud. iomi> and »r« lor >o«jr»«lf. National Live Stock Cora. Co. A' iiilt«r Mitjui Cil> , M* , Si. Mo., S. Oiu*k«, N*fe. Up-Set Sick Feeling that follows taking u dose of castor oil, salts or calomel, is about the worst you cao ensure Uyh —it given one the creeps. You dou't have to have it —CASCAKETS move the tx>wel» - tone up the liver without theee ba4 feeling*. Try them. Jlt l VULTi I* « Uu» lot a weak'* licat.ucut at .liuajrUt. tuim MlUi ill U« aiilU WlitLu Ui|<, • UWMk. H.u . r h i" ■ :\v 'i- 1 mtimt wr 'A'«' „'nr • tr m VHagoMi* aI u i'»i *U». b-1 it * k >a# t... h c PATENTS 7
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