|| Breezy | County 1 112 Nerts | HUNTLEY. W. H. Mitchell, 1> nt i.-,t, Emporium. Mrs. G.S. Hill, of Grove Hill, was the guest of \\\ I'. Smith -uid family Sunday. Mrs. John L. Johnson loft Tuesday for Conneaute, Ohio. where slu: will spend a few weeks with her dauji'i r, Mrs. Ami Collins. Thomas Kilburn. < ( K MM *;ient Sun day with his lather. tViu. K Uuru. Mrs. Geo. English, of Castle Garden, called on friends ant relatives in town Sunday. The Quarterly Couference held in the old church, at this place, Saturday and Sunday by the Weslevan Methodists, was well attended. Brother Hall, of Castle Garden, assisted by llev. Osgood, ot Rich Valley, had charge of the meeting. They presented some grand truths to the peo ple. Brother Osgood is an able speaker. William Wylie, of Pine street, attend ed the services here Sunday. Mr. Wylie is looking hale and hearty for a man of his age, 80. Ezekil Skinner, of Sizerville, has mov ed his family back to this place again. We are glad to have Ezekil with us again. He is a jolly trood fellow and well respected. Mrs. J. M. Knglish, of Castle Garden, attended the services at this place on Sun day. A. 11. Jordan, of Grove Hill, called on his parents, .3. S. Jordan and wife, Sunday. Elmer Hill, of Grove Hill, called on friends in town Saturday. Wayne Nelson is on the sick list this week, with a very bad cough. Win. A. Nelson and Clyde Collins, of Hicks Bun, were callers in town over Sunday. 11. F. Filter, first trick operator at H Y tower, was called to Benovo to work in the message room for a few days, in Wm. McCartin's place, who is off on a vaca tion. C. 11. Lupro is filling the vacancy on first trick at HY. Don't forget the Mason Re-union, which will be held in Mason's Grove, Wednesday, Aug. 18,1909, rain or shine. All the decendents of Joseph Mason are to attend. There will be a reunion held every year, hereafter as long as the Mason family exists—if no preventing providence. Sate Game Wardens, Alvia E. Smith and Lawrence Smith, of Sinnamahoning, Pa., took dinner with A. W. Smith at the Willow Dale mansion, Sunday. W. W. Johnson attended the lecture at Emporium, Thursday, Aug. sth. Harvey Mason, of Pine street, was a caller in town Saturday. s. B. GROVFHILL. W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium. The following people from Grove Hill, attended the quarterly meeting at Huntley Sunday: Albert Jordan, Elmer E. Hill. Mrs. Geo. Hill, Audrey, Carrie and Gladys Hill. llev. Hall, of Castle Garden, accom panied by his wife, called on friends here Thursday and Friday. He preached an able sermon Thursday evening. Darius Ives has returned to his work at Hicks ltun. Elmer Hill has been assisting B. J. Collins, harvesting his oats. He was al so working on the road for Pathmaster Logue. Henry P. Hill has gone to Potato Creek to haul chemical wood. John Leonard, Jr., has taken Darius Ives' team to McKean county to work. All crops are suffering from dry weather. A. G. ANOTHER LETTER. W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium. John Leonard, of Colegrove, who has been spending a few days on the Hill, has returned home. Henry Hill has gone to Colgrove to work with his team. The Driftwood callers this week were: Henry Hill, Carrie Hill and Gladys Hill. John Leonard has taken Darius Ives' team to Colegrove to haul chemical wood. Darius Ives who has been home doing some farming, has returned to his work. Gladys Hill Audrey Hill, and John Leonard were callers in Huntley Sunday. The supervisors have made a great im provement on Grove Hill roads. G. S. Hill while working on the town ship road saw a bear and two cubs. Elmer Hill, of this place, visited friends in Medix Bun last week. Mrs. G. S. Hill and daughter Gertrude, were callers at Huntley Sunday. Crops are looking good on the Hill but are badly in need of rain. I. X. L. Palmetto Molasses and Globe Syrup in cans at C. B. Howard & Co's. Cedar Shingles $4.50 per thousand at C. B. Howard & Co's. STERLING RUN. W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium. | Boss Overtnrf and family, of East : Emporium, visited friends and relatives in town over Sunday. Mrs. Alfred, of Galeton, was the guest ! of Mrs. Henry Layton, a few days the I past week. Albert Smith and family visited at Cameron Sunday, guests of Boy Page and wife. John Ilousler, who has been ill for some time, is able to be around again. W. M. Summorson, of Hicks Bun, was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. S. G. Howlett, Sunday. J. B. Strawbridge and wife visited at Ridgway Saturday, guests of Win. Ruck and wife. John Whiting returned home Tuesday from an extended visit at his fat'u r's camp at Tyler. Mrs. Leonard Smith left ttie past v--< e» to visit friends a New London and nan bury, Conn. Mrs. Frances Sterling was stricken with paralysis Tuesday and is quite bad at this wriitiug. Mrs. Orlo Miller aud son, of Buffalo, arc the guests of the former's mother-in law, Mrs. Justina Miller, of Huston Hill. The little daughter of Albert Smith, who has been ill for a few days this week, is better at this writiug. John Schwab and wife, of Cameron, were the guests of the latter's mother, Mary Sunnnerson, Sunday. There was a lawn social on J. E. Smith's lawn, Thursday evening, for the benefit of M. E. Church. All had an enjoyable time. On account of their being no rain the buckwheat, corn and late potata crop looks very poor; also thejrainy day pic nicers have not been out. We would ad vise them to turn out, perhaps they will bring the rain which is so much needed. After a few days visit at home, F. J. Lynch, accompanied by George Barr, returned to his work at Elkland, Friday. Miss B. E. Sterling, who has been nursing at John Gleason's, Driftwood, was called home Tuesday on account of the illness of her mother, Mrs. Frances Sterling. The Emporium visitors this week were: Kathryn May. Nettie R. Kissel, Zoella Mason, Mrs. C. G. Howlett, Mrs. 11. L. Spence, A. F. Anderson, S. F. Ebcrsole aud Joseph Marshall. BLUE BELL. SINNAMAHONING. W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium. Miss Margaret Williams, of Philadel phia, and Miss Grace Garson, of Pitts burg, grand-daughter of Hon. G. W. Huntley, of Driftood, spent a oouple days in town last week, visiting re latives. Nace H. Drum and Chas. A. Counsil went to Driftwood last Saturday to see the ball game. Mrs. Stuart Chase and daughter Anna, of Renovo, are visiting M. Blodget and wife, at Wyside, Pa. Arthur H. Fulton, of Chicago, who spent a two weeks vacation in this county, returned to Chicago last Thurs day. His family will follow later. Congressman C. F. Barclay left for Seattle last Friday morning. ' Col. J. O. Brookbank and S. D. Mc- Coole, of Driftwood, made a business trip to Sinnamahoning last Thursday. Waldo Brooks and family and Mrs. M. J. B. Brooks, of Driftwood, spent a day last week with relatives in town. A. H. Shafer, of Ridgway, spent Sun day with his family here. Mrs. Ileese and daughter Helen are visiting Mrs. Mollie Baird. Mrs. Thos. Williams and daughter Marguerite, Miss Nellie Huntley and Miss Garson spent Sunday with Mrs. C. M. Wykoff. Owing to a rush of orders the dyna mite plant was compelled to run in full force last Sunday. Mrs. Millie Mathers is visiting her sister, Mrs. Herman Losey. James Quiggle has returned to Sin namahoning after a few months so journ in the west. John Bailey, of Philadelphia, is visit ing A. T. Swartwood and wife this week. The Ladies Aid Society held an ice cream social on Mrs. Swartwood's lawn last Friday evening. It was fairly well attended. The second sermon by our pastor, Rev. R. W. Runyon, on"The Char acter and Life of Jacob," will be preached in the church next Sunday evening, Aug. 15th at 7:30. N. Silin, wife, and children have re turned from New York city. Orville Shafer and children, of Bene zette, spent a few days with his par ents here. Mrs. W. H. Metzger and son Leon, who were visiting friends and relatives here, returned to their homo at Ida mar, Indiana county, Pa. A. J. Barclay made a trip to Cross Forks this week. James D. Counsil spent a day this week in Lock Haven. Rev. R. W. Runyan's sister Mrs. Swan, of Washington, D. C., and niece, Grace Hilliard, of VVatsontown, Pa., ars visiting at the parsonage. Mrs. V. E. Crum is visiting relatives at Emporium this week. Mrs. A. R. Counsil and Chas. A. Counsil were called to Keating Sum- CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1909. Final Reduction in Millinery Beginning Friday, Aug. 13 th, we will sell all our T rimmed Hats, "Kails" at following prices '.mniiwiin r Take your choice of any Trimmed Hat, former | | price up to $5.00 jj, 'OO (f\ ' :v || 5 Choice of al! $7.50 to SIO,OO / 1 Trimmed Hats for - - ' Ml J Mi imi UNTRIMMED HATS. ~ "_ T SI.OO to $1.25 Untrimmed Hats each - 10c GRACE GIVING V Y - i r $1.50 to $2.00 Untrimmed Hats each - - 25c tIBCT lOrm $2.50 to $3.00 Untrimmed Hats each - 50c Corsets SLENDER WOMEN, aa well as those of average figure, Si »l' t he E " el F °' m Our Great Summer Clearance C movement, correct deep Sale Continues in all Depart breathing and graceful, easy ments. Now is the harvest in one of the many Erect p Form models. time for Bargain Hunters They arc Beauty Builders. Price SI.OO ' "* RTT TTTT T fXT TT En, p° rium ' s • iV U £i OIN Greatest Store Mit last Sunday on account of an ac , cident to Mias Helen Counsil, who was visiting at that place. They returned Monday, leaving Miss Helen at the 1 Austin Hospital resting very comfort- | ably. The accident was not serious but a few days of complete rest and , quiet are needed before Miss Helen ■ will return home. X. X. X. CAMERON. H. W. Mitchell, dentist, Emporium. The ice cream social held Saturday ! evening in McConneir.s hall was well at tended. The new township bridges are now completed aud make quite an improve ment on our roads. A. A. Smith, of Sterling llun, visit ed (i. L. Page and family Sunday. Mrs. Bessie MacMurchy, of Calder, who has been very ill for the past week, is reported improving rapidly under Dr. Bush's treatment. H. H. Rockell and daughter, of Re novo, visited relatives in this place, Sun day. James Hayes, of Emporium, and sis ter, of Washington, D. C., visited friends in this place Sunday. Mrs. James Leonard was taken sud denly ill, Friday, but is considerable bet ter at this writing. William Berry, of Sterling Run, trans acted business in this place Monday. Hulda Olsen, of Madera, Pa., is spend ing a week in this place, visiting her sis ter, Mrs. E. D. Krape. John Schwab and wife drove to Sterl ing Run Sunday evening 'and visited friends and relatives for a few hours. Our new school house is rapidly get ting in course of erection, under the able supervision of Welsh and Fitzpatrick. Train Despatcher, "Dick" Benton, of Renovo, visited Operator Krape for a few hours Monday. llulda Olsen visited her friend, Paul ine Barton, in Emporium, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. Rebecca Haines and children, of Pittsburg, who have been visiting, her parents, Albert Lord, Sr., and wife left for their home Tuesday morning. LOUISE. Administrator's Notice Estate of NANOV RUSSELL, Dccetwcd. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testimen tarv upon the estate of Nancy Itussell, lute of Gibson township, county oi Cameron, state of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been is sued to FRANK IRVIN. (referred to in will as Frank Irvin) of said township, county and state. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment and all claims against said estate presented for settlement. FRANK IRVIN, F. D. I^kkt,Attv. Administrator C. T. A. August 11th, 1909. *26-61 Granulated Sore Eyes Cured. "For twenty years I suffered from a bad case of granulated sore eyes, says, Martin Boyd, of' Henrietta, Ky. "In February, 1900, a gentleman asked me to try Chamberlain's Salve. I bought one box and used about two-thirds of it and my eyes have not given me auy trouble since." This salve is for sale by Geo. C. Taggart. Nothing in the line of Canned Goods, Meats, Fish or Fruits but you can get at 0. B. Howard & Co's. Sale of Straw Hats have exceeded our expectation, but have a few leit. If you desire one, call at G. B. Howard & Co's. Don't forget always a fresh line of Crackers and Cookies at C. B. Howard & Co's. ( No matter how long you have suffered Foley's Kidney Remedy will help you. Mrs. S. L. Bowen, of Wayne, W. Va., writes: "I was a sufferer from kidney disease, so that at times I could not get out of bed, and when I did I could not stand straight. I took Foley's Kidney Remedy. Oue dollar bottle and part of the second cured me entirely." It will cure you. Sold by all druggists. Notice to the Stockholders of the Emporium Powder Nanfaeturing Company. NOTICE is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Empori um Powder Manufacturing Company at the office of the said Company, at Emporium, Pa., on Tuesday, the 31st day of August, A. D., 1909, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of the said day, for the purpose of altering and amending the by laws and substituting other by-laws, at which time and place there will be submitted to the meeting for the rejection or approval, to be determined by a vote of its stockholders hold ing a majority In interest of all of its stock, the following amendments: To amend Article 111, Section 1, so the same will read as follows: The officers of this corporation shall consist of a president, vice president, secretary and treasur er and a board of thirteen directors. Also by adding to Article 111, Section 5, which will read as follows: A meeting of the stockhold ers for the election of four additional directors to the present board of directors shall be held at the office of the said company in Emporium, Pa., on Tuesday, the 21st day of September, A. D., 1909, between the hours of two and four o'clock in the afternoon Of the said day, said directors to hold their office until the next annual elect ion and until their successors shall be elected. FRANK SHIVES, President. Emporium, Pa., August 9th, 1909 . 26-3 Administrator's Notice. Instate of SAMUEL CLARK, Deceased. ATOTICK is hereby given that letters testa mentary upon the estate of Samuel Clark of Grove Tow nshin, Cameron county and Slate of Pennsylvania, deceased, having: been grated to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims against said estate are requested to file name, duly authenti cated. ROY CAMPBELL, F. D. LEKT, Administrator. Attorney. Siunamahoning, Pa., Aug. 11th, 19<>9. 2C-4t Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy Never Known to Fail. "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and J >iarrhoea Remedy siuee it was first introduced to the public in 1971, and have never found one instance where a cure was not speedily effected by its use. I have been a commercial travel er for eighteen years, and never start out on a trip without this, my faithful lriend," says H. S. Nicholas of Oakland, Ind. Ter. For sale by Geo. C. Taggart. Take Notice. All persons are recommended to take Foley's Kidney Remedy for backache, rheumatism, and kidney and bladder trouble. It will quickly correct urinary irregularities, which if neglected may develop into a serious illness. It will re store health and strength. Do not neglect signs of kidney or bladder trouble and risk Bright's disease or diabetes Sold by all druggists. Take Kodol at the time when you feel what you have eaten is not digesting. Kodol digests what you eat so you can eat sufficiently of any good, wholesome food, if you will just let Kodol digest it. Sold by all dealers. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Pure Water! DRINK SIZERYILLE MINERAL WATER Clean, Pure and Healthy. We are prepared to furnish the citizens of Emporium this popular Water, either PLAIN OR CARBONATED, in bottles. Drop a postal card—we will do the rest The analysis of the celebrated Sizerville Water has made it famous all over the D country. Orders may be left at Geo. F. Balcom' • (store, or water may be purchased by th ■ case at the same piace. Address, Magnetic Mineral Water Co., SIZERVILLE, PA. AUDITORS' REPORT Of the Receipts and Expenditures of the School District of the Borough of Emporium, Pa., for the Year Ending June 7th, 1909 i J. P. McNARNEY, Treasurer, in account with School Fund. RFX'EJ PTS. Rec'd from State Appropriations $.'3,231 81 liee'ri from State Appropriations for High School 337 ~<J Rec'd from John Glenn, Coll. 1908. 4,072 70 Rec'cl from Tuitions 35 00 Ree'd from M. M. Larrabee, lines 15 00 Rec'd from Cameron county, share of Dog Fund 101 OH $7,703 O'J Amount transferred from Building Fund *. 1,112 67 $9,211 60 EXPENDITURES. Teachers salaries $7,500 00 Teachers salaries attending institute... in () j Treasurer's salary 60 00 Secretary's salary 50 00 Johnson & McN'arney, Attorneys 25 00 Delegate to state convention 15 o>> Books, supplies, printing 805 01 Freight, commencement, postage 31 20 $8,703 30 Outstanding orders Nos 1118 and 1124.. 10 00 28,713 30 Balance due Treasurer trom last audit. 83 U8 Balance 384 33 49,211 60 ASSETS. Balance in hands of Treasurer #3Bl 3% LIABILITIES Outstanding order 1099 of year 1908 18 00 Outstanding order No. 248 and 273, of year 1909 100 00 sllß 00 J. P. McNARNEY, Treasurer, in account with Building Fund. RECEIPTS. Rec'd from John Glenn, Coll. 1908 $3,007 43 EXPENDITURES. Rent of Rink for Commencement S2O 00 Freight, telephone, water 117 04 Fuel, gas and wood 409 94 Insurance and repairs 441 70 Janitor 558 65 Janitor supplies 47 63 Amount"transferred to School Fund... 1,412 57 $3,007 43 J. P. McNARNEY, Treasurer, in account with Bond Fund. RECEIPTS. Balance in hands of Treas. June 1,1908 192 39 Rec'd from John Glenn,Coll. 1908 1,504 34 Rec'd from sale of Funding Bonds Nos. 1 to 38 inclusive 3,800 00 $5,496 73 EXPENDITURES Paid Building Bonds Nos. 7 to 18 inc. $1,200 00 Paid loan of First National Bank for Funding Fund 3,800 00 Paid interest on loan from First Nat'l Bank 73 03 Paid state tax on bonds 15 50 Paid interest on Refunding bonds 105 31 Paid interest on Funding bonds Nos. 4 to 38 inclusive 70 00 Paid interest oil building bonds 48 00 Balance in hands of Treasurer 181 80 #5,406 73 ASSETS Balance on hands of Treasurer $lB4 86 LIABILITIES. Outstanding refund bonds $2,000 00 Outstanding Bldg bonds 600 00 Outstanding Funding Bonds 3,800 00 Outstanding Coupons 6 00 $6,406 00 RECAPITULATION Of account of J. P. McNARNEY, Treasurer. ASSETS, Balance in School Fund $384 38 Balance in Bond Fund 184 86 |569 21 LIABILITIES. Liabilities in School Fund sllß CO Liabilities in Bond Fund 6,406 00 $6,524 00 Liabilities over assets $5,954 70 JOHN GLENN, Collector 1908, in account with Emporium Borough School Funds. SCHOOL. DR. To amount of duplicate $4,173 25 CR. By amount paid Treasurer $4,072 70 By amount of exonerations 100 55 $4,173 25 BUILDING DR. To amount of duplicate $3, 058 70 CR. By amount paid Treasurer 3,007 43 By exonerations 81 27 *3,058 70 BOND DR. To amount of duplicate $1,530 00 CR. By amount paid Treasurer $1,504 34 By exonerations 25 66 $1,530 00 We, the undersigned, Auditors of the Borough of Emporium, Pa., do certify that we have examined, audited and settled the accounts of J. P. McNarney,Treasurer, and John Glenn, Col lector, 1908, with the School District of said Borough and that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the same. Witness our hands this 18th day of June, A. D, 1909. GRANT 8. ALLEN, GEO. A. WALKER, JR., Auditors. 26-3 HUMPHREYS' Humphreys' Veterinary Specifics " For Every Living Thing on the Farm." Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Dogs, Poultry. A. A. For FBVEBB. Milk Fever, Lung Fever, B. B. For SPRAIft'B. Lameness, Rheumatism, C. C. For SORE Throat. Epizootic, Distemyar. D. D. For WORMS, Bots, Grubs. E. B. For COI'OIIH, Colds, Influenza. F. F. For COLIC, Bellyache, Diarrhea. G.G, Prevents MISCARRIAGE. 11. H. For KIDNEY and Bladder disorders. I, I. For BKIN DISEASES, Mange, Eruptions. J. K.For BAD CONDITION, Indigestion. At druggists or sent prepaid on receipt of price. 60 cts. each, 500 page Rook sunt Stable Chart to hang up mailed tree. HUMPHREYS' HOMF.O. MEDICINE CO. Corner ' WlHlam ami Ann Streets, Now York. Caution Xotice. | Notice is hereby given to all persons concern ! eel, that my husband, Harvey Kephart, having | left my bed and board without just cause or pro | vocation, and caution all persons against har i boring or trusting him on my account for I shall ; not pay any bills of his contracting, now or ; hereafter. MRS. EMMA KEPHART. Emporium, Pa., Aug. 2, 1909.—25-31.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers