|| 'jl You are cordially invited to attend the Opening Exposition of our B 112 || | beautiful and High Class | H I |ln all Departments, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, March 30 and 1 ] I | 31st and THURSDAY, April Ist. We will show a much 1 Ip greater variety and more exquisite merchandise than I al ever before. Do not fail to call during I $1 !E | Opening Days. 1 1 la H ' :'h "¥<!""¥" Emporium's Greatest and Most Up-to-Date Store. i r - -_zz_ ' 11 jj I Breezy | 1 Co an | I Netfs l STERLING RUN. W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium. Mrs. Frances Sterling is reported quite ill at this writing. Arthur Catlin ami ltodney Shives, of Emporium, were guests of the former's aunt Mrs. J. R. Strawbridge, Sunday. Rev. W. IT. Allen left this week for Harrisburg, to attend the Central Penn'a M. E. Conference. Nancie Spence had a "taffy pull" at the home of her mother Saturday even ing. Miss B. E. Sterling was called home Sunday on account of the illness of her mother. Samuel Ebersole, Jr., and wife have taken a 11 year old boy from the Child ren's Homo at Pittsburg. lie is a bright little lad and has found a good home. Owen Wade who has been ill for some time, is reported some better at this writ ing. Mrs. J. R. Strawbridge was an Em porium visitor Friday. Met. Barr received a message Tuesday that his mother, Mrs. Allen Barr, of Hicks Run, was dying. She has been ill for some time. G. H. Howlett was a visitor in town Sunday. Forty-five friends surprised Mrs. F. M. Ebersole Monday evening, it being in eonor of her birthday. She received a large number of useful presents. Re freshments were served and all spent a a very enjoyable evening, playing games. Frizes were given to C. G. Jlowlett, Nettie Kissel and Teoka Whiting. E. C. Wing has moved his mill to Mason Hill. Mrs. F. A. Kissel returned home Tues day from Titusville werejshe was operated upon the past week for the removal of a cancer. They guarantee her entirely cured. She has been suffering for some time and her many friends will be glad to hear that the operation has been suc cessful. Mary Summerson was a Cameron visitor Sunday. A large number of friends both old and young, gave llev. W. 11. Allen a farewell party Friday afternoon and evening. All had a very pleasant time. Mrs. Win. Buck, of llenovo, was the guest of Mrs. J. R. Strawbridge Tues day. CAMERON. W. 11. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium. I A. A. Smith, F. B. Hoag and E. I). ; Krape were business callers in Emporium j this week. L. F. Zaner of St. Marys, visited | friends on Oak Hill, Sunday. Robt. Graham purchased the Lupro j property and is going to build a barn out j the lumber. George Zaner, of Buffalo, spent a few j days visiting friends on Oak Hill. Fine weather for farming. Quite a few families have onions set out and E. D. Krape has 45 young chicks already j hatched out. R. D. Krape lost seven fine young pigs 1 Monday night, owing to the sudden drop | in the temperature. A. E. Lord has just finished trimming his apple trees and expects to have a large crop of apples tne coming season. Wm. McVain attended the funeral of Allen Hamilton at Emporium on Mon day. A. E. Jinks hauled G. L. Patre's sum mer wood on Tuesday. The many friends of Dr. Smith in this community are shocked to hear of the death of his wife and wish to extend him our heartfelt sympathy in this his bereave ment. Michael Fox, of Ridgway, visited his brother, W. 11. Fox, in this place, Sun day. 11. Anderson and wife visited friends in Jamestown, Sunday, at which place the latter expects to visit a few days. LOUISE. RICH VALLEY. W. H. Mitche 11, Dentist, Emporium. Mrs. Warren Fisher, of Driftwood, visited her parents Patrick Dulling and wife, of this place, last week. The remains of Allen M. Hamilton, were interred in the local cemetery Mon day. He was a former resident of North Creek. / Andrew Housler is quite ill at the present time. Ilcv. Carl Carlson, of Kansas, assisted Rev. Osgood to hold quarterly meetings here Sunday. Mrs. H.J. Lewis visited N. S. Cutler and wife, of Emporium, last week. Spring work on the public road began Tuesday. A large number of men and teams being employed by 11. J. Lewis, Path Master, the new appointe of super visor \V. J. Carter. Leroy Peasley, of Elk Fork, was on the sick libt this week. Little Mose Minard had business in the Valley this week. S. D. Housler moved into part of the double house at Cooks Run this week. <•. M.s. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1909. HUNTLEY. I W. 11. Mitchel, Dentist, Emporium. John Drivas, wlio lias been living in | Sinnamahoning, has taken up his resi ■ residence in tlie I). S. Lottie house. Rev, I Fall, of Castle Garden, preached ! at Iluntlev Sunday to a large congrega tion and will hold protracted meetings i every evening during the ensuing week at the Iluntley church. Wayne Nelson has been appointed I agent lor the Prudential Insurance Co. ] It you wish a good insurance policy give Wayne a call. He is a good man and represents a good company. More weddidg bills will ring in the near future. Let the good work goon. Ruth Jordan and Florence Logue have the chicken, pox much to their personal discomfort. B.J. Collins, our hustling lumberman, has Dry Run stocked with logs. The Huntley bojs have started a ham factory. Florence Darrin, of Olean, who has visiting her brother W. Ray Smith, has returned to her home. Ruth Sullivan and Selbourne Logue were Sinnamahoning visitors this week. The Driftwood callers this week were: Walter Logue, John Sullivan, Jr., Grace Logue and W. W. Johnson. Helen Jordan who has been visiting at Wyside, has returned home. Marion and Ethel Hill were the guests of home folks last week. John F. Sullivan was a Renovo visitor Sunday. D. E. Spangler, of Kane, was in town calling on friends Sunday. A. W. Smith, W. R. Smith and Ruth Sullivan were Emporium visitors the past week. .1. F. s. For Sale. A desirable property, on East Fourth St., Emporium. Lot 60x120; improved by two dwelling houses. Excellent lo cation; next door to Schlecht's Green house. Apply to MRS. ELLA MCSWANN, 37-tf. Emporium Pa. An Unnecessary Expense. There is no need of being to the ex j pense of sending for a doctor in any case i of pain in the stomach or colic when a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is at hand. No . physian can prescribe a better medicine, j For sale by L. Taggart. Agency Secured. Mrs. G. S. Allen, wishes to annouuee that she has secured the Agency for tho American Vacuum Cleaner and Sweeper. Call at her residence on j West Fourth Street and see it demon- | strated. 43-tf j SINNAMAHONING. H. W. Mitchell, dentist, Emporium. Edward Smith died at the home of his i mother, Mrs. J. Y. Smith, Monday morn ! ing. Funeral Wednesday, j Mrs. Noel Bushore and children are | visiting at Cross Forks. Mrs. Alex. Mooster was in town a day I last week. Mrs. V. A. Brooks returned from a j short visit at Galeton. Myrtle Shafer floor lady at dynamite shell house is ill at Olean. W. S. Swartwood, wife and family are visiting the former's parents here. J. Ellsworth Fry, wife and son, of Penfield, spent Sunday here. Frank Fry, of Dußois, visited his parents over Sunday. Dr. C. W. Gray, chemist at the dyna mite works has moved into G. B. Bar clay's residence at Wyside. Geo. A. Smith and wife have moved to ltenovo. Mrs.Abbie Jones and son Harold spent a week with Mrs. Jones' parents, Isaac Bailey and wife. James Wykoff visited his parents re cently. J. D. Shirk died at his home, Mon day morning, after a short illness. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon from the residence ltev. C. W. Dickson, had charge of the services. W. H. VanWert and wife spent Sun day at Emporium. Win. Crosby, Sr., spent a short time with his son and family at Medina, N. Y. Mrs. A. A. Cole and children aud Theo. Penrith were in Lock Ilaveh last week. X. X. X. O. L. Bailey is busy shipping his lum- j ber at First Fork. i George Decker, of Williamsport, has 1 moved his family to Wyside. He has j rented the house of Mrs. Gore. The Box mill has another car load j of box boaad lumber which will keep the j mill running for some time. The dynamite plant is busy this week | putting on several extra men. M. N. U. L. Brooks, of Lincoln Farm, j was a caller in town Tuesday. Prof. Milton 11. Bair will deliver an ' address to the members of W. C., No. | 136, P. O. S. of A., on Monday evening j next. Subject: Patriotism. All mem j hers are requested to be present. Will Logan, of Medina, is visiting with j Geo. Foultz at the Mountain House this : week. Thieves visited the chicken coop of Mrs. 11. H. Swart/. Sunday night. (Continued on Fourth Street.) I The People's Clothing House jasper Harris,! Opposite Post Office, EMPORIUM, PA. I Its Time for the New Spring I Suit and Topcoat, the Creaui of E| the Best Styles are Here 9 for Men and Boys & g ß l'aE S to pay I VTOT in years have we shown such a wealth as this sea- H 1 son. Never before have designs been so varied, B patterns so plentifully os values so intrinsically good. We H may have said this on former occasions, but its truer to- H day than it ever was. One visit to our store will suffice H convince you of this claim. ||j Men's and Young Crawford and James B Men's Suits Mean's Shoes and B In worsted, cheviots, tweeds, Oxtords, New Spring K thibets and serges, all new 1909 q. 1 ao en I A D I spring models. Dip front, cuffs ijtyleS tpj.OU and 4. Bp on sleeves, etc. All perfectly Blucher, lace and button shoes ■J§ tailored and finished in the best in gun metal, calf, pattent, colt manner. In the new shades of skin, box calf and glazed kidskin, lit olive, mode, fawn, gray, blue oxfords in gun metal calf, patent 1™ and black. r[/\ • | Q coltskin, wine, green, tan color HI Price «pi*OU 10 JLO caifskin.blucher cut, wilted and —stitched oak soles. Come in and I * see them. Stetson and Howard 5 m ~o — 1 — B Hats. ys . Spring B Better hats are not made than Suits than these. The name Stetson Newest spring shades, worsted 2*l means supreme excellence in cheviot, caseimeres, also navy hats many handsome models. blue serges. Latest 1909 models, I Derbies and Soft Hats, too at double breasted, knickerbockers, H at these <T» Q Cft A AA Norfold, Sailor, Russian and Si prices J.DU. Junior Norfalk styles, 3 to 16 |®| s j 5QtQg 00 | Men's &Young Men's r: £ —: S Spring T r ,. I Correct spring styles, especi- silver and Gold, Monarch and §l§ ally weH made and trimmed in Cluett brands. §f back and fancy mixtures. The All tho 9hlptß are mac]p iU gR black coats are of unfinished rmrP ii n «n h™ nm . til Worsted and Tibit silk, faced to perfect in fit hand laundred' B edge. The fancies are cut me- open front or back or /n coat M Very swa Vry "o? I " odo^ 1 with cuffs attache'" All 1 Price $lO tO 25 ®] e . eve lengths at SI.OO to $'2.00. §§ Prinvely and Victor Shirts 50c. H Pressing and Repairing Done Here. |§
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers