«Rp® jH pRnVEMt^ OATS VARY IN WEIGHT. Lighter They Are the Less Their Nu tritive Value. The difference in the weight per measured bushel of oats in various parts of this continent is very marked. In some instances the weight runs down to 24 pounds. In other instances it runs up to 50 pounds. The feed ing value, therefore, will be affected somewhat proportionately. The legal weight of a bushel of oats in most of the states is 32 pounds. In Canada it is 34 pounds. in Maryland it is only 20 pounds, and in some of the eastern states it is 30 pounds. The weight of oats is affected by variety, by the weather and by the cli mate, says Prof. Shaw, in Orange Judd Farmer. As a rule, the larger and plumper the grains, the more heavily will the oats weigh. When the weath er is such as to produce an excessive amount of growth of straw, the weight of the grain suffers accordingly. When it produces an insufficient amount of straw, the quality of (he grain is again affected, adversely. When the weath er induces rust in the straw, there is a corresponding shrinkage in the grain in size and in weight. The greatest influence, however, is that of weather. Cool temperatures at harvest time, which ripen the grain very slowly, are favorable to the pro duction of heavy kernels and plump grain. This explains why it is that oats are usually heavier in the Canadian northwest and in the American north west, also, than in states farther south. It also explains why in the southern states oats, as a rule, weigh lightly. The difference in the feeding value of oats is very considerable. It would not be correct to say that the differ ence is exactly proportionate to the difference in the weight of the grain. It is correct to say, however, that the difference is very marked when the oats are dealt out to animals by measure. BARBED WIRE REEL. Convenient Device for the Handling of Old Fencing. Here is a device on which we can wind barbed wire which is much bet ter than an old barrel. The reel is mounted on a truck made of old buggy wheels with short shafts. The Saves Old Wire Fence Without Kink ing. cart may be drawn along by a man while a boy steadies the reel to keep it from unwinding too rapidly. For winding tip wire, says Farm and Home, the machine is best pushed just fast enough to keep up with the wire as it is being wound on the reel. A crank placed upon the reel proves service able in winding up. FARIVI NOTES. Fat fowls are only fit for cooking. They are poor layers and uncertain breeders. You will find some men who find fault with the way the Panama canal is dug, while their own farms are nn drained or ditched. It is easier to criticise a large thing than to do a 6mall one.—Rural New Yorker. Horses watered before feeding re tain their weight better than when watered after feeding grain. Highest monthly egg production, in some tests at, the Wuei Virginia ex periment: staiion, was noted i:i March, averaging 1(! 2-i! eggs per lien. When the farmer considers that, a ton of well cured alfalfa hay is worth about as much as a ton of wheat brail, he ought to see that it is profit able to protect it from the rain and the dew. He would scarcely hesitate to provide suitable covering if he had several tons of bran in the field ex posed to the elements. Hay caps will soon pay for themselves by the finer quality of the hay they assure, aside from the larger quantity of the best grade that their protection guarantees. —F. D. Coburn. Exercise for Pigs. Exercise for the pigs is very im portant. To confine ihem in a small pen during the winter is to fail in al most. every instance. Their nest may be small. In fact it should be small enough so that it will be kept warm by the heat of their bodies, but they must have opportunity to run about. Exercise develops the muscles, keeps up the appetite, and goes as far as any one thing in promoting the health of the pigs. Lay Out in Long Rows. The garden should be laid r)ut in long rows and rows wide enough to adfCit the use of hoi*.. and cultivator. Mosl. of the work of keeping plams free from weeds can be done wi% horse and cultivator, and if plants ar\ heavily mulched with straw or any coarse litter, weeds can be kept down more easily around and between the hills, thus saving a considerable amount of hoeing. SELF-SUPPORTING BUGGY LIFTER. Device Easily Made and Which Will Do Effective Work. To make tlie buggy lifter shown in the accompanying illustration, use one six by one board six feet long and two pieces one and one-half by one, three feet long. Two one-fourth by three iron bolts will be required. Put one of the bolts through the long board 30 inches from one end and The Buggy Lifter. through each of the short boards four inches from one end, placing the short boards on either side of the long one. Then, explains t lie Prairie Farmer, place the other bolt through the other end of the short boards, clasping them together with an inch block between. Twenty-two inches from the end of the short end make a notch and an other 20 inches from the end to hold the front and rear axles respectively. FEEDING VALUE OF CORN. Difference Found Between the Dent and Flint Varieties. In the feeding of corn there has been exhibited by experimental work the nu tritive value of the dent and Hint va rieties and this difference seems to bo distinguishable. They both seem to give returns equal in the feed lot, whil< other analysis shows flint corn to be slightly richer in protein. At times there has been a great deal of contro versy over the difference in value of the white and yellow varieties, but so far as experimental feeding is con cerned no difference has been found in their value for feeding stock. Sweet corn has a higher feeding value than any of the other varieties, as it is not only richer in protein, but very decidedly so in fat. The very ac cepted opinion among feeders is that new corn does not have the feeding value of old corn that has been cared for. This is easily understood be cause of the decrease in moisture which takes place during the storage of the grain. There Is, no doubt, quite a difference in the taste of corn, this undoubtedly is as apparent to the stock that eats it as it is to ourselves. A well preserved sample of corn has a more or less flinty texture and is espe cially rich in what might be termed a nutty flavor. This kind of corn comes only from a crop that has been fully matured and well preserved. In reference to cornmeal appear ances do not always give the actual condition of the product. It may vary a great deal in taste, as it is liable under circumstances to become rancid. Corn and cob meal has its highest value when it is ground fine. If too coarse it is not likely to be as easily digested as that of a fine texture. Thus it goes through all the lists of feeds with which the farmer has to deal. Experience in the appearance and the selection is worth a good deal to the feeder. MAKE ONE FOR YOURSELF. This Clod Crusher and Field Leveler Will Do Good Work. The clod crusher and field leveler for plowed ground shown in the ac companying illustration may be made any size desired, says Prairie Farmer. A Plank Clod Crusher. Six pieces of 2xo timber may be usfd, set on edge as indicated, and placed four inches apart. They are held to gether with blocks having holes in the center, through which are passed one-half inch iron rods, 32 inches long. Why Failure Comes. Most failures come from planting varieties that are not adapted to the particular soil, location and climatic conditions. High-priced novelties are worked upon intending purchasers by the smooth-tongued nursery agent. They look good on paper and the talk the agent gives of some varieties makes them appear truly something wonderful. Better results can be ob tained by sending direct to a reliable nursery. As a rule, plants can be bought cheaper and they will bo bet ter adapted to your soil and condi tions. Place for Fruit Garden. Most any soil that will raise a good crop of corn or potatoes will answer for the location of the fruit garden. It should be near to the house, con venient for the housewife, not that she is expected to care for it, but that she can better oversee the work that is to be done by other hands. Milk, being a great absorber of odors, should he kept in a room away from other foods. The temperature of .the milVc room should be low and con want. Cold running water from the spring or well about, the milk and ciqaain vessels will produce about tho rigflft constant temperature. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1909. INHERITED KIDNEY TROUBLE. Could Feel It Constantly Gaining Ground as Time Passed. Mrs. Prank Roseboom, 512 W. Wash ington St., Moscow, Idaho, says: "Kid tney trouble was he reditary, and my parents spent hun dreds of dollars try ing to cure me. I waß nervous, my eyesight had failed noticeably, my cir culation was bad, sleep fitful, heart action irregular, and my back so weak and painful I could hardly stand it. There was also an irregularity of the kidney secretions and a cold always made the whole trouble worse. I could tell many other symptoms, too, but shall only add that Doan's Kidney Pills made me free of all of them." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. GOOD STORY TO POINT MORAL. Told by Rabbi Krauskopf, Who Be lieves in Divorce. "Rabbi Joseph Krauskopf, our elo quent preacher," said a Philadelphian, "sees good rather than evil in the fre quency of American divorce. He sees in it a sign that American wives will not endure the treatment that Eu ropean wives put up with. He sees in it a promise that the married men of the future will live better. "Discussing the divorce question the other day, he told me that they who perceived only evil in it reminded him, in their illogical and confused view point, of a little boy wiih whom he once took a stroll. "As they strolled, they passed the young girls of a neighboring boarding school out on their daily walk. The girls moved in military formation, two by two. In front were the youngest, in skirts to their knees. Next came the older ones, in the order of their ages, their skirts lengthening with their years. And in the rear came the old est of all, the young ladies, whose skirts hid even their boots. "The little boy looked at the girls. Then he frowned and said: " 'Why is it that their legs grow shorter as they grow bigger?'" CUTICURA CURED HIM. Eczema Came on Legs and Ankle*— Could Not Wear Shoes Because Of Bad Scaling and Itching. "I have been successfully cured of dry eczema. I was inspecting the re moval of noxious weeds from the edge of a river and was constantly in the dust from the weeds. At night I cleansed my limbs but felt a prickly sensation. I paid no attention to it for two years but I noticed a scum on my legs like fish scales. I did not attend to it until it came to be too itchy and sore and began getting two running sores. My ankles were all sore and scabby and I could not wear shoes. I had to use carpet and felt slippers for weeks. I got a cake of the Cutlcura Soap and some Cuticura Ointment. In less than ten days I could put on my boots and in less than three weeks I was free from the con founded itching. Capt. George P. Bliss, Chief of Police, Morris, Manitoba, Mar. 20, 1907, and Sept. 24, 1908." Potter Drug Jt Cbeui. Corp., Solo Props., Boston. What Ailed Tommie. Tommie was eating walnuts. His mother cautioned him about eating many, fearing they would make him sick. Presently he came in. his hand on his stomach and a very distressed look in his face. "Those ruts have made you sick, I see. I just knew they would," said the mother. "They haven't, either," whined Tom mie. "I am not sick; it's just my pants are too tight."—Delineator. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Signature of 111 Use For Over 30 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought. Hospitality. "And did you enjoy your African trip, major? How did you like the savages?" "Oh, they were extremely kind-heart ed. They wanted to keep me there for dinner." —London Opinion. A noniPMtle Eye Rpmpily Compounded by Experienced Physicians. Conforms to Pure Pood and Drugs Laws. Wins Friends Wherever Used. Ask Drun gists for Murine Eye Remedy. Try Mu rine in Your Eyes. You Will Like Murine. Like Producing Like. "How did that manager come out on his beauty show?" "I think ho made a handsome profit." Pettit'c Eye Salve 100 Years Old, relieves tired eyes, quickly cures eye aches, inflamed, sore, watery or ulcerated eyes. All druggists or Howard Hros.BulYalOjN. Y. By the? time a girl gets old enough to believe (hat men don't mean the nice things they say, she is so old they don't say them any more. Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Sore Throat will not live under the same roof with Hamlin* Wizard Oil. the best of all remedies for the relief of all pain. Some people would have to work overtime if they practiced half what they preach. OM.Y ONI? "BROMO QUININE." That Is LAXA'J'IVH HitOMo yUININK. 1,i,0k for the signature » 112 W. CiKoVIS. rsuit tho YVoriii over to Cure a Cold in Uno Day. 25c. The dentist is invited to attend many a swell gathering. A CURE FOR FITS. The Treatment Is to Accomplish What Science Has Been Strug gling to Attain for Centuries. The intense interest that has been mani fested throughout the country by the won derful cures that are being accomplished daily by epilepticide still continues. It is really surprising the vast number of peo ple who have already been cured of fits and nervousness. In order that everybody may have a chance to test the medicine, large trial bottles, valuable literature, ms tory of Epilepsy and testimonials, will be sent by mail absolutely free to all who write to the Dr. May Laboratory, 548 Pearl Street, New York City. Proving His Caution. Elder W. H. Underwood, chaplain of the state senate, was walking down a street at his home at Clay Center re cently with a friend. Another friend, with whom Underwood joked a good deal, met them and said: "Elder, I thought you were careful of the com pany you keep." "I am," replied the chaplain, walking right on. "I'm not going to stop."— Kansas City Journal. Every Woman Will Be Interested. If you have pains In the back. Urinary, Bladder or Kidney trouble, and want a certain, pleasant liorb cure for woman's ills, try Mother Gray's AUSTRALIAN I..EAK It is a safe and never-failing reg ulator. At all Druggists or by mail 50 cts. Sample package FREE. Address, The Mother Gray Co., Le lioy, N. Y. Tight. "I would that 1 might share your griefs!" "You'd look mighty funny with one of my shoes on." You will respond very quickly to the Garfield Tea treatment, for this Natural laxative corrects constipation, purifies the blood, and benefits the entire system. It's the easiest thing in the world to point out the proper course for others to pursue. "Brown's Bronchial Trorhes" relievo Bronchitis. Asthma, Catarrh and Throat Diseases. L's cents a box. Samples sent free by John I. Drown & Son, Boston, Mass. Some people avoid popular concerts because they are fond of music. Mrs. Wlmlow's Soothing Syrup. For children teething, softens thegurns, reduces In* flammatioa, alluy s pain, cures wind collu. 25c a bottle. Things gained are gone, but great things done endure. —Bishop. Those Tired, Aching Feet of Tours n<»ed Allen's boot-Ease. 25c at your liruggigt'a, Write A. H. Olmsted, Lo ttoy, N. Y., for sample. The airship habit will take an auto mobile income. TOWERS FISH BRAND WATERPROOF OILED . ja 1 355 l CLOTHING will give you full value for every dollar spent I yV and Keep you dry in * Vt the wettest weather. VrJ/ii t y suns *322 mf_\{ SLICKERS *322 JTr*r'• POMMEL *352 TO\ R SOID EVERYWH£P£ J\j . / CATALOG r/!EE Jfl SgNf A .J.TOWER CO. BOSTON, US A. TOWER CANADIAN Co. LIMITED TOBOKTO. CAN. JUST DOUBLE 320 ACRES INSTEAD OF 160 ACRES As further inducement to settlement of the A wheat-raising lands of \pfcs fg A PHJ Western Canada, the PA M Canadian Government * as increased the area ' that may Le taken by a homesteader to 320 acres ICO free and 160 to be purchased at $3.00 per acre. 1 hese lands are in the grain-raising area, where mixed farming is also carried on with unqualified success. A railway will shortly be built to Hudson Bay, bring ing the world's markets a thousand miles nearer these wheat-fields, where schools and churches are convenient, climate excellent, railways close to all settlements, and local markets good. "It would take time to assimilate the revela tions that a visit to the great empirelyinK to the North of us unfolded at every turn." — Correspondence o 112 a National Editor, who I>islted Western Canada in August, 1908. Lands may also be purchased from railway and land companies at low prices and on easy terms. For pamphlets, maps and information as to low railway rates, apply to Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or the authorized Canadian Government Aeent: H. M. WILLIAMS. Lew Building, Toledo, Ohio. is dreadful to suffer and despairing to hear. Why threaten the health cf §CT jSjre your lungs and the peace of your family when you can obtain immediate Sn &Sy relief from Piso's Cure ? Remarkable results follow the fust dose. Taken &a| regularly it soothes and heals the lacerated tissues, loosens the clogging ESs [VI phlegm and stops the cough. Pleasant to the taste and free from sjdS Kg] opiates. Children enjoy taking it. For throat and lung diseases, DO Says Country Know of This A New Drug Compound Which re lieves Constipation and Puri fies the System. It seems certain that the farming class of people will be free from many of the common ills heretofore affect ing them as the new drug compound called cascaroyal pills is far more ef fective and a hundred times cheaper than the table and mineral waters used by the rich. In fact, one of these little cascaroyal pills (Blackburn's) is far more effective as a mild blood cleansing physic than a whole bottle of some vile salts or mineral waters and the action is pleasurable, not Much of the chronic lameness in horses is due to neglect. See that your horse is not allowed togo lame. Keep Sloan's Liniment on hand and apply at the first signs of stiffness. It's wonderfully penetrating—goes right to the spot—relieves the soreness limbers up the joints and makes the muscles clastic and pliant. Sloan's Liniment will kill a spavin, curb or splint, reduce wind puffs and swol len joints, and is a sure and speedy remedy for fistula, sweeney, founder and thrush. Price, 50c. and #I.OO Dr. Earl S. Sloan, - - Boston, Mass. Sloan's book on horses, cattle, theep and poultry Kent free. These New Towns in the Northwest All Need Men Hundreds of new towns arc springing up all over the Pacific Northwest. The big, easy fortunes being made from fruit, farming and stock-raising, are making these towns grow fast. They all need men who know trades — they need you, whether you have money to invest or not. Never, in the history of America, has the man who works with his hands had such a chance to make money, as is offered in the west today. You Are Losing Money Every Day You Stay in the East You would not stay another day in the worn-out East, if you knew even half the truth about the great Pacific Northwest. Families, who went there penniless S years ago, are spending this winter in California. They bought good iand at low prices—paid for it gradually—today are independent. Opportunities are greater now than ever, because the country is more developed. Ask us on a postal to send you our free book, telling you all about Oregon, Idaho and Washington. We'll also tell you what it costs togo there. E. L. LOMAX. C. P. A., Omaha, Nob. '" DISTEMPER A/rVvA il ' il4 UM.\ & Catarrhal Fever /112 I _ # \ 1 Buro cure and positive preventive. no matter how 1101-HCB at any ape aro Infected or |L/fo M * hill "exposed." Liquid, trlven on the tongue; acts on the Blood ami Glands; expels tl.a I"rl« 1 112 I poisonous genus from the body. Cures Distemper in Dogs and Sheep and < holer* In iCJIVy +JQZI Poultry. Largest selling live stock remedy. ( urei. La <*rlppo among human hetngn \ 1\ and Is a fine Kidney remedy. 60c and 91 a bottle. $6 and flO a dozen. Cut this out. Keep *t- Rhow to your druggist, who will get it for you. Free Booklet, " Distemper, Cauec* l~\i " Y and Cures." Special agent* wanted. SpOHN MEDICAL CO.. B c a »K& GOSHEN, IND., U. S. A. Tjh Trade-mark l \ Eliminates All Uncertainty ' s an a ' jst^ute F° r ' your own raBaKBIi that it is on the side of every keg of white lead y NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY TEXAS STATE LAND Millionsof acresof school land to bo bold by tlio State. SI.OO to 16.00 per aero; only one-fortieth cash and 40years tiiuo on balance: three per rent inter est; only $1*2.00 cash for Hit) acres at. $,"5.00 per acre, Greatest opportunity; K<*Hl agricultural land; send 50 cents for Hook of Instruetionsand New State Law. J. J. Hnyder, School Land Locator. 11*1 oth St., Austin, Tux. Reference, Austin National Bank. MF IBM I Hi I m&Lum BALSAM I Jjjjß ntnnnn'a licuutit<co the hair. I wHNever Fails to Restore Gray! KfCi * <" Sair to its Youthful Color. \ w "ui: Thompson's Eye Wafer A. N. K.—C (1909—12) 2274. drastic. This cascaroyal pill does not cause the usual griping, straining and pain which accompany the action of cathartic pills and mineral waters. It is just a new scientific drug com pound made from castor oil, cascara, wild lemon, black cherry, sulphur, etc., but being made in large quantities by the Blackburn Products Co., Dept. K., of Davton, Ohio, it is sold in packages of 15 for 10 cents or 45 for 25 cents, and any druggist can supply the reader. The above firm will gladly send a free package to any one who writes for it. If the reader wants the experience of a pleasurable physic, tonic and blood purifier, write for the free package to day. CjZ& if"*™. caai&ne TOILET ANTISEPTIC NOTHINC LIKE IT FOR Tup TrrTU P ax, ' ne excels any dentifrica I lit 1 Eiki " n in cleansing, whitening and removing tartar from the teeth, besides destroying all germs of decay and disease which ordinary tooth preparations cannot do. TUE" RjGftlfiTU Paxtine used as a mouth- I lib mUV 1 n wash disinfects the month and throat, purifies the breath, and kills the germs | which collect in the mouth, causing sore throat, bad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much sickness. TIIF CVCO w ' ien '"flamed, tired, ache Int Ei B E.V* anc ] burn, may be instantly relieved and strengthened by Paxtine. PATAPRSJ r >oxt ' ne w '" des'roy the germ» WM I ftrinn that cause catarrh, heal the in flammation and stop the discharge. It is a sure remedy for uterine catarrh. Paxtine is a harmless yet powerful ~ ".--3 germicide,disinfectant and deodorizer. Used in bathing it destroys odors and | in leaves the body antiseptically clean. KjgggjW J FOR SALE AT DRUG STORES,SOc. fj ' OR POSTPAID BY MAIL. g BV® If LARGE SAMPLE FREE! THE PAXTON TOILET CO.. BOSTON. MASS. The difference remember fhis — it may save your life. Cathartics, bird shot and cannon ball pills—tea spoon doses of cathartic medicines all depend on irritation of the bowels until they sweatenough to move. Cas ca rets strengthen the bowel muscles so they creep and crawl naturally. This means a cure and only through Cascarrts can you get it quickly and naturally. 880 Cascarets —10c box — week's treat ment. All druggists. B incest seller tn the world— million boxes a month. 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers