Baking Powder | Ejga V Absolutely TW j | The only baking powder made s from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar | | —made from grapes— | H Royal Baking Powder conveys to food the most healthful of fruit jj] properties and renders it superior in flavor mid wholesomeness. $ S.IITAI. S3 S* A K '3" WENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invit< <l. That which you wo tid tike to see in this department, let us know by pos tal card, letter or pernnn<tlf i. Geo. Converse wa a business caller at Olean Tuesday. A. C. Brehm of St. .Marys, was a businesatcaller in town yesterday. Mrs. Patrick Dnli: 1 !* transacted busi ness at the PRESS officu on Wednesday. B. M. Dow, of Rich Valley, was a Piu:.-\s business caller last Saturday. Mr'. E. S. Mor - 'atid family on Tors day tnovo'l into »-nn of R. Beg ;'s dwellings. Makers onr l Carrol Blinzlei, of this place, wer j giv :ta of their grand parents at St Marys, last week. Mrs. Frank H. Murry of St. Marys, was a guest of friends at this place on Wednesday. Mrs. W. S. Swartwood and daugh ters, Helen and Buehla, are guests of relatives at Sinnamahoning this week. Daniel Collins, of Austin, made a short visit here last Friday and was the guest of his sister, Mrs. R. C Dod son. F. B. Housler who has been employ ed as cook in camps at Hicks Run for the past year, has returned to his home in this place. W. F. Scliweikart and W. S. Sterner were guests of C H. Mathews at St. Marys last Friday. Joe Johnson, of this place, spent a few days at Bradford on business the first of the week. Miss Sadie Edwarde, of this place, was a business caller at Ridgway last Friday evening. Misses Josephine Gilbert and Mollie Gould of Olean, are guests of the for mer's father, C. L. Gilbert, at the New Warner. Mrs. Gordon McGiffin, of Ridgway, was a guest at the home of her par ents, Mr. John Hertig and family on Wednesday. Mrs. John Curry of St. Marys, and Charles Deneen of Olean, were guests at the home of E. A. Gerg and family last Sunday. Mrs. Ella Newton Bartz and friend, Mrs. J. D. Erisk and children, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tlieo. Newton at this place. Rev. Mr. Robertson and family re turned on Monday from Canada, where they went with the remains of Rev. It's father. S. J. Hauber, of St. Marys, transact ed business in Emporium last Satur day. He is looking exceedingly well, we were pleased to note. Levi H. Smith and W. H. Logue, of Huntley, two old-time friends of the PRESS were welcome callers last Satur day. Call again, friends; always pleas ed to meet you. Earl McDougall sported the first trailing arbutus on Tuesday, you please. They came as a present from his sister, Mrs. Caton, who resides in W. Ya. Our young friend presented ye editor a sprig. Delicious. Lyman Wiley evidently believed Emporium was good enough for him, after a short visit in the south. He says they have too many guns and knives kown there to suit him. Miss Nellie O'Day, of Kane, arrived in town Tuesday and is at the home of Dr. S. S. Smith. Miss O'Day was a great friend of the late Mrs. Smith and will remain in town until after the funeral. Rev. J. L. Bogue and family will soon occupy the Baptist parsonage on West Fourth street, lately vacated by W. B. Thompson and family, who are now living in ona of R. M. Overhiser's properties. Hon. B. W. Green left last Sunday noon on a visit to his orange grove at Emporia, Fla., to be absent a short time. We did not believe the Judge could forego his usual March visit to the land of sunshine, oranges and flowers. Don't blame him, wish we were there for a visit. Mrs. Maud Moore-Roonev of Buffalo accompanied by two children, stopped in Emporium Saturday night,while re turning from Pittsburg, where they visted Mr and Mas. E. F. Cummings. While here they were guests of Mr. R. C. Moore and wife, South Broad street. Mrs. Rooney's husband died about three years ago. Mrs. William Eberhart, of Buffalo, was a guest of friends at this place last Sunday. A. Fred Lind, of Dußois, was a guest of friends at this place, for a few days of last week. Wilbur Babcock, of Coudersport, was the guest of W. S. Sterner, between trains last Monday. Ralph Sehnee was the guest of his parents, at Montgomery, Pa., last San day. Chas. E Leutze, of this place, was a guest of friends at Ridgway, hist Sun. day. 11. E. Spangler and wife, oi ;-'t. Marys, were gti • 1: at the home > 112 the latter'* parents, Mr. and Mrs. i.. S. Fiek and family, over Sunday. H. N. Knight ami wife, of St " !arys, were.guests of W. G. Gilber ir I wife last Sunday. Eugene Metz returned to Clarion State Normal School last Monday, to take up the spring term studies. Mrs. Fred Husted went to Buffalo la-jt Monday to visit her sister, Miss Hattie Berfield, who is in the hospital at that place. Mrs. Pearl Hopple and,family will soon occupy the house on East Fifth street, recently purchased by Mrs. I. H. Legget. S. D. McCoole, ol Driftwood, accom panied by his brother-in-law, Mr. W. S. Vrooman, were business visitors in Emporium last Saturday evening. Of course they took in the moving pic tures at Theatorium and met many old friends in town. Major Wm. M. Sage, in his 81st year, died at Washington, D. C., last week. Deceased was brother of the late C. H. Sage and often visited at the Sage home near Emporium. His wife died only two weeks previous to his death. J. M. Bair departed for Jersey Shore last Tuesday morning, where he will be the guest of his brother Albert. Rev. Paul J. Lux, pastor of the Pres byteriun Church at this place, was a guest of friends at Warren the ilrst of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Levickie and daughter, Miss Lottie, returned to their home in this place last Friday evening from a visit with friends at Warren. We regret to report that Mrs. Riley Warner does not improve. She is not so well to-day. Mr. A. C. Blum, the hustling secre tary of the Keystone Powder Co., left for New, York on Tuesday, thus escap ing the pleasant (?) task of overseeing the settling of their new home, former ly occupied by E. G. Coleman, West Fourth street. Very comfortable home. Postmaster Chas. Seger returned on Monday from Philadelphia, where he attended the reception and banquet given United States Senator Boies Pen rose. He reports a grand time. We are glad to learn that Mrs. Jas. Davins who has been seriously ill for some time, is improving. Miss Jennie Norrisof Kane, clerk in the Kane post office for several years, visited her old friends in Emporium last Sunday, guest of her brother, Sheriff J. W. Norrisand family. Little of Everything. A complete line of everything in hair goods at Ludlams, April Ist and 2nd. Poultry netting, all sizss, at F V. Heilman & Co's. If you wish choice Dried Fruits call at C. B. Howard & Co's. 5-3t. Syracuse Plows and Harrows at F. V. Heilman & Co's. Rain Coats less than cost at C. B. Howard & Co's. 5-3t. All the very latest in Wash Braids at Ludlams. Melrose Sifted Early June Peas, 3 cans 27c, and Harbor Front Corn, 3 cans 25c, at C. B. Howard & Co's. 3t. FOR RENT—A good house on West Fourth street. Inquire of Mrs. James Davin. Don't forget that the new hats call for the hair dressed low on the head. Get what you need at Ludlams, April Ist and 2nd. The prism of fashion lias scattered rays of inspiration into every nook and corner of our millinery parlors. COPPERSMITH'S. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1909 Mrs. Robt. K. Mickey is seriously ill at her home on Sixth street, threaten with an attack of appendicitis. Mr. Mickey is expected home to-day. Fred A. French, of Austin, made a business trip to this place Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Park Campbell, visited friends at points West over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gilbert, of this place, departed for Indiana and Ohio last Monday on business trip Mrs. 11. N Knight, of St Marys, accompanied them :is far as Buffalo. For Sale. Several fresh milch cows for sale. Inquire of John Bauer, Emporium, Pa. Easter Flowers. A great variety of potted plants and cut flowers, for Easter. Leave your orders early. MRS. JOHN SCIILECT, 6-3t. Emporium, Pa. Special Attractions. The attention of our readers is di rected to the new advertisements of the popular ladies furnishing goods and millinery stores of Mrs. Copper smith and the Misses Ludlam. Both firms ere making elaborate displays. Brilliant Spring Opening. Especial attention of the PRESS read ers in directed to the R. Kuehne an nout '■ ■nienf'. of their Spring Opening Announcement Fe sure you read it. We are prsp ired at a!; times to trim and dj repairing. No piece ot work is too small for our attention. LIDLAMS. Warning All persons are hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of (his Company without a permit from this office, or the Manager at :he works* KEYSTONE Pow DKB MFG. Co. Emporium, Pa., \ugtist Ist, 1!J03 Easy To Mix This. What will appear very interesting to many people, here is the article taken from a New York daily piper, giving a simple prescription, which is said to lie a positive remedy for backache or kidney or bladder derangement, if taken before tho stage of Bright's dis ease : Fluid Estr.ict Dandelion, one-half ounce ; Compound Kargon, one ounce ; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Shake well in a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after each meal and again at bedtime. A woll-known druggist here at home, when asked regarding this pre scription, stated that tho ingredients are all harmless, and can be obtained at a small cost from any good prescrip tion pharmacy, or the mixture would be put up if asked to do so. He fur ther stated that while this prescription is often prescribed in rheumatic afflict tiona with splendid results, he could see no reason why it would not be a splendid remedy for kidney and uri nary troubles and backache, as it has a peculiar action upon the kidney structure, cleansing these most impor tant organs and helping them to sift and filter from the blood the foul acids and waste matter which cause sickness ann suffering. Those of our readers who suffer can make 110 mistake in giving it a trial. Good Cough Medicine for Children. The season for coughs and colds is now at hand and too much care cannot be used to protect the children. A child is much more likely to contract dipthcria or scarlet fever when lie has a cold. The riuickcr you cure his cold the less the risk. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the sole reliance of many mothers, aud few of those who have tried it are willing to use any other. Mrs-. F. Starcher, of Ripley, W. Va., says:"l have never used anything other than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for iny children, and it has always given good satisfaction." This remedy contains no opium or other nar cotic and may be given as confiently to a child as to an adult. For sale by L. Taggart. GOOD NEWS. Many Emporium Readers Have Heard It and Profited Thereby. "Good news travels last," and the thousands of bad back sufferers in Em porium are glad to learn that prompt re lief is within their reach. Many a weak and aching back is bad no more, thanks to Doan's Kidney Pills. Thous ands upon thousands ot people are telling the good news of their experience with the Old Quaker Hemedy. Here is an example worth reading: Mrs. Mary Finkler, 212 Monterey St., llidgway, Pa., says:"For years, in fact since childhood I was subject to at tacks of backache nnd nothing seemed to help me. As time went by the trouble became more severe and often pains in my back extended to the top of my head. I also suffered from other distressing sym ptoms of kidney complaint and when I arose in the morning I would feel miser able and languid. At last I tried Doan's Pills and found them to be the remedy I required. Thn kidneys were restored to their nomal condition and the distressing symptoms of my trouble disappeared. I have taken Doan's Kidney pills on sev eral occasions since and the results have been highly satisfactory." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents, Foster-Milburu Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents. Remember the name— Doan's—and take no other. Paper Hanging. We desire to announce that we are now ready to do paper hanging and painting. Satisfaction guaranteed. WORMUTH & DIXON, 2-tf. East, Emporium, Pa. EM POltllTM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pn., Mar. 10, ISO 9. NKMOPHI LA, por sack... $ 1 60 Kelt's Fancy, •' 1 70 f'et Grove, " 1 70 (iralvun " SO U . • - 75 Patent Meal '• 60 litick-ivheaTKlour 85 Kuukwheat Flour, 101b sack 35 iloarse .\Jeal per I JO, . I r.O Chop Feetl, « 150 Matchless Rgg Maker, per 100 2 25 Cracked Corn per 100 1 50 Screenings ■' 1 59 Oil Meal '• 1 90 White Middlings, 1 60 "ran, j 50 Chicken Wheat 2 00 Corn per buphe! M Oysl r Shells, per 100 75 WhitcOa H,,ier bushel 70 Heed Oats per bushel Huck wheat 1 70 Alfaltu Meal 1 10 Choke Clover Seen J hiiicf T..n'>th> \ Mnrket Prices hniri Mllle'S<W" \ WIC *•' tT3\l. JCTUC2 rwm -^fTTTW—Tg ft*. «"* account o» their style, accuracy nnd Mer«ir» * - ' r^B "/,^ h £S , te» ,n M»£»*n«. On* ;: . . r»n ce»i«. 1 •i ci>ii]h, l.vcry subscriber gets a McCall I **t •Mi-. { ibruribe today. 1 ill-.;: im > . g 400 pt smiumi trIII lrco. Adircus THE McCALL CO., New Yor* AUDITORS' REPORT. 0} Lumber Township, Comeron Coun ty, Pa., Road Supervisors for the Year finding the first Mon day 01 March, E 909. RECEIPTS. To amount balance on hand from 1907, .$ 91 82 To amour.t ol'Duplicate b!7 (10 To amount received from County Treas. 586 00 To amount received from State Forestry, 192 92 Total, $1,520 7-1 EXPENDITURE®. By amount Outstanding Orders from old board, 1907 $ lo:j 17 ISy amount paid by John Schwab on out standing orders 11s Treasurer, 1907,... 73 -18 By amount fees paid John Schwab as Ireaburer for 1907, .* 1 •!« To amount left in Treasurer's hands from 1907, 94 82 To amount of unpaid bills of 1907 paid in Cash taxes 1908 29 69 By amount of repairs on road for 1908, Cash, 537 39 By amount of repairs 011 roads for 190s; Work 180 93 By salary of Secretary 30 00 By purcoase of tools, tile, etc, 90 79 By salary of Road Masters 116 80 By actual expenses of Supervisors, 6 10 By stamps, stationary, etc., 2 39 By discount on $112.10 paid before July 1, 5 55 By amount of taxes to be turned over for collection 219 11 By exonerations to taxpayers for keep ing up private roads, 32 39 By Corns, paid oil orders fcr $813.17 11l 27 By amount of postage for treasurer, 2 82 Total expenses, $1,270 51 To balance in Treasury 155 33 To balance due from account of 1907 94 82 $1,520 74 RESOURCES. Cash on hand, s $ 155 38 Left in hands of John Schwab for 1907,. • 19 88 Amount due from Collector, 1907 135 89 Amount due from Treasurer from uncol lected taxes, 1908, 219 11 Amount to be collected for til ing 501 d,.. 3 50 Resources in Excess of Liabilities, $533 71; LIABILITIES—NONE. INCIDENTALS. , Number of Road Masters 2 Number of mills levied, 10 Number ofTaxables 209 Valuation in township. $11,767.00 Number miles of roa 1 in township, 20 Amount tax levied fits 00 Estimated value of machinery, tools, etc., $191.71 Witness our hands this tenth day of .March, 1909. WM. McVAIN, President. EDWARD SCHWAB Secretary. Supervisors of Lumber Township. We certify that we have audited and examined the above account and find same us stated. Witness our hands this tenth day of March, 1909. D. B. PETERSON, C. O. HOWLETT, E. D. KRAPE, Auditors. AUDITORS' REPORT. Lumber Township Poor District lor The Year Ending March 8, 1909. BENJAMIN DAYTON, Poor Master, in ac count with Poor District. RECEIPTS. Received from County Treasurer $l5O 00 " " Tax Collector, 392 90 A. W. Wylie, note, 200 00 By Balance due B. Dayton 3 09 $716 01 EXPENDITURES. 21 days' serAices, $ 36 00 Expenses, B. Dayton 11 IS Paid Dr. Bush, for Cockburn, 48 i» do L. Taggart, for Medicine, 9 60 do Schwab Bros, for clothing, Cockbnrn 6 00 do Geo. J. Laßar, Undertaker, 41 00 do Warren Asylum for Mary Oallagher 91 r.O do " " " Dan. Britton,... 48 75 do A. Lord for boarding Adam Ritchie,. 26 85 do Medicine for A. Ritchie 125 do Rose Yocum for nursing Ritchie, 5 00 do W. E. Devling for boarding Ritchie, 1 50 do Lupro for boarding Ritchie 8 46 do Alpine House, boarding Ritchie 3 25 do Cash for Ritchie, B. Dayton, 5 00 do Merchandise and Medicine. J. E. Smith, Ritchie 5 00 do B. Dayton, boarding Ritchie, 19 00 do Merchandise for Ritchie, in Feb. March and April, 1908 20 12 do Merchandise for Johu Gardner, Jan. and Feb. 1907, 27 15 do Merchandise for Mrs. D. C. Lininger, 13 12 do Dayton, Poor Master, oalance, 14 83 do A. Lord, retiring Poor Master, 73 21 do M. M. Larrabee, J. P.. costs 60 do W. L.Thomas, making Duplicate,.. 2 00 do E. F. Comley,Auditor, 1908 8 00 do Justice Robinson, Fee, 25 do B. W. Green, Retainer, 10 60 do A. W. Wiley, note and interest, 210 00 do Cash overpaid, B. Dayton, 51 Total, $746 01 Witness my hand this tenth day of March, A. D„ 1909. BENJAMIN DAYTON, Overseer of Poor. We certify that we have examined the above, and find the same correct. Witness our hands this tenth day of March, A. D. 1909. D. B. PETERSON, C.G. HOWLETT, E. D. KRAPE, Auditors. English Spavin Liniment removed Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by L.Taggart, druggist. 32 6m ppropriate Goods for Lenten Season • • • IP fig; I CHOICEST 112 q HOME frksh a tOy made FRUITS JELLIES 1 he Satisfactory Store Vegetables * and JAMS I Saying Prices for Friday and Saturday, this Week I High grade Groceries at prices which mean a sub stantial sav'ng to vou. We do not sacrifice quality for price. All groc<-» - not satisfactory may be returned % at once and the purchase price will be cheerfully re- *§) I futiecl. You run 110 risk. Here's the list for this week: Sugar—2slb Bag best granulated Fresh Smoked California Hams, (trimmed shoul- El 1 5 C pkge Elbow Macaroni 12c, Seven 5c cakes Oak Leaf Soap for 25c. ® 3 lbs choice Carolina Head Rice 25c. I 12c pkgc Pure Rising Pan Cake Flour xoc. H 50c quality Tea, including Gunpowder, Basket H a Fired Japan, and Oolong, the lb. 40c K Three 10c pkges imorted Wine Jelly for 25c. 20c Blended Coffee, 2 lbs for 35c. Hamburg brand, 112 elected Apples, gallon cans 30c. ® I - * 40c Extra Choice Cherries the can 35c. 9 Baltimore Shucked Oysters & Fresh Fish S Leave orders for delivery Friday morning. i Flower and Garden Seeds now Ready 1 Pg We have a large collection of seeds from reliable jji gj seedsmen from which to make your selection. Get «§ B them now and lie readv. 1 Don't Neglect the Stock. SI Feed Pratt's Animal and Poultry Regulator, it A I prevents disease and makes them profitable. GET IT fl I FREE DELIVERY to all parts of Town || I Twice Each Day You G-et Better Values Here. • J. H. DAY,I L Phone 6. Emporium. A j Millinery I I Opening j I April J and 2 I I New Latest $ Easter Spring Hats Styles |j N ° W ° n 1 Ready Hand S I forecast of the exclusive styles approved by close followers of fashion—showing for the first time in Emporium the newmillin- w lery ideas for the spring and summer of 1909. We have many new things to show you—radical innovations that will surprise you. Flowers and foliage are the keynotes, of the smart styles this year, but the shapes are more picturesque than ever before. The latest of the late and the newest of the new will be found in our stock at the lowest of the low in price. It is so easy to give figures and so hard to show qualities in print, that it must suf- Ifice to say—you will find values here to repay a journey of many milea. Opening bargains that loom up like a monument on a mountain. If prices are the magnet of trade onr store will cer tainly be filled to overflowing. I COPPERSMITH'S Main St. Opp. Post Office ft Emporium, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers