ESTABLISHED, 1860. Cameron County Press HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Publisher. PUBLISH HI.) KVKRY THURSDAY I - As Helpless as a Child, Rheumatism the Cause.' I : inds Almost Immediate Relief in ! Uric O, the Remedy Recommended \ Alone for tiiis one Disease. T. B. Singleton, 919 North Elizabeth j St., Lima, Ohio, advises ail who suffer j with ithematism, 110 matter what form | to commence at once a Uric-0 treat meat, and find in it a harmless, speedy euro. He writes as follows: "After being stricken down with Rheumatism for four years, in which time i Mpent over §400.00 with doctors and treatment at Sanitariums, T have fonnd right here in my own town a remedy of wonderful merit. Through the recommendation of Druggist Vort kamp, I have used two bottles of Uric- O, and can truthfully say that it has dono more good than all the other : medicines, baths and doctors combined I was at times as helpless as as a child and could not even dress myself. Sinou taking Cxic-0,1 feel as active in my limbs as ever, I am again an i.ble bodied man. -Vnyone en*'uring with this terrible disease, should at once procure u bottle of this remedy. Uric O is sold by druggist at 75c and §I.OO a bottle. You can obtain a liberal sample by writing to the Smith Drug Co., 863 Smith Bldff., Syracuse, N. Y. .Stomach Distress. Every family here ought to keep some Diaspepsiu i:i tie house, as any one of yon may have an attack of In digestion or stomach trouble at any time, day or night. This harmless preparation will di gest anything you eat and overcome a sour stomach five minutes afterwards. If your meals don't tempt you, or what little you do eat seems to fill you, or lays like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heartburn, that is a sign of indigestion. Ask your pharmacist for a 50-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin and take one triangule after supper to-night. There will be no sour risings, no belching of indigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling in the stomach, Nausea, Debilitating Headaches, Dizziness or intestinal griping. This will all go, and, besides, there will be no sour food left over in the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Diapepsin is a certain cure for all stomach misery, because, it will take hold of of your food and digest it just the same as if your stomach was'nt there. Actual, prompt relief for all your stomach misery is at your Pharmacist, waiting for you. These large 50 cent cases contain snore than sufficient to cure a case of Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Stiff Neek. Stiff neck is caused by rheumatism of the umscles of the neck. It is usually confined to one side, fir to tiie back ol the neck and one side. While it is oiten (juite painful, quick relief may be bad by applying Chamberlain's Liniment. Not one case ol rheumatism in ten requires interna! treatment. When there is no fev< . and no swelling as in muscular and chroaio rheumatism, Chamberlain's Lini ment will accomplish more than any in ternal treatment. For sale by L. Tag sart. A Pleasant Physic. When you want a pleasant physic give Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets a trial. They are stiild and gentle in their action and always produce a pleas ant cathartic effect. Call at L. Taggart's drug store for a free sample. The Best on Earth. Protection against Accidents and Sickness is an absolute necessity, ft costs but §5.00 a year for $15.00 weekly benefits, and $2,000 death claim. The only policv paying such liberal bene fits. This Company also writes policies for §IO.OO and §25.00 per year. Liberal commissions to agents, by the German Commercial Accident Co., Phil'a, Pa. \V. R. Sizer, Gen'l Agent, Sizerville, Pa. C. R. Husted of Emporium, is a representative of the Company. Drop him a postal—He will do the balance. In case of sudden injury this Company provides temporary re lief to the amount of §25.00. if notified by wire of an accident. 17-ly. This i;> the most dangerous tins' l of the year to catch cold, and it is the hardest titm to cure it. If you should take a cold, a few doses of Kennedy's Laxa tive Cough Syrup will act very promptly. Its laxative principle cures the cold by driving it from the system by a gentle but natural aetiou of the bowels. Chil dren especially like Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup, as it tastes so good, near ly. It is sold by all all druggists. The best known pills and the best pills made are DeWitt's Little Karly Risers. They are small, easy to take, gentle and certain, and are sold by all Druggists. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wopo ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never lails yold by L. Taggart,druggist. 32-6 m. Latest Popular Music. Miss May Gould, teacher of piano forte has received a full line of the lat eat and most popular sheet music. All the popular airs. Popular and class ical music. Prices reasonable. 44-tf. Do you like good fresh Candy and Nuts, if so call at C. P. Howard Co's. 5-3f. Life Not Worth Living. Don't say life i.> uot worth living. Take Scxine Pills and then when you feel ! the new lile coursing vough your veins vnu will f' i'l a net* interest in living. ! SexiiiH I'jl!.- ar> '■* It. C. D idsi.n, Druggist, Lnipiuiutn, l'a., where ! tlu*y sell all the principal remcdi; sand do not substitute. Pi ice &1 a !><•:<; .-ix boxes ; Pull guarantee. Was the House for Snie? Kvery luiu.-e finds quick sale when j painted with the M. l'a lot. A coat adds value as weli as appearance. It al iso ioereascs it, saleable :haiiees. The L jA" M. colors are bright and lasting. L. A M. is used in punting by evejybody. j ( hie reason cost is only SI.-" per gallon when made ready for use. It's Metal Zinc Oxide ind Lend combined. Tt wears and cowis iiko gold Hold by Harry S. L'oyd, Emporium. Eggs for Hatching. From thoroughbred Single Comb White Leghorns and Barred Plymouth Rocks. One dollar per 15. Satisfac tion guaranteed. JOHN F. SULLIVAN, 3-13t. R. P. I)., Driftwood, Pa. - Fine \V i"k and Under Shirts "elling at haf t. C B Howard & C »'s. 3t. ' 1 ' k i-Vkv :' 4tt^:^ < : Thursday and Friday, i. :: " | April Ist and 2d / : We kve taken great care in II We will oar stock of Pa ««™ Hass an(l Novelties. | buying our stock this season and Weareshowing this season the most complete line we haveeverhad i i. r 11 These hats were selected from the best to be found in New York, { f mi have something ror everybody ni , , , n ~ , || > ' f 111w&$BuKDws> 5 J 3 Cleveland and Buffalo. # \| 7||| | and the prices are right. We extend a hearty welcome to all. 11, iPf I " I t ITnr A MC fourth" street," TOrapW Ij %J ULi/\IVIO, EMPORIUM, PA. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1909. SINNAMAHONING. W. 11. Lupoid, wlio broke liis wrist about two months ago at the powder works, is so as to do light work at the | works again. N. K. Smith, of the Batchelder Marble Works, hi Lock Haven, was in town last j week taking orders. W Bowman, of Lock Haven,was a | caller this week. With Mike Sullivan for weather profit j and Jim Batchelder for head rooter, the ! j Sinnatnahoning Ball Club will surely win i the penant this season. Asbury Summerson says he will not desert the home team if he did goto 1 lluntley to help J. K. S., organize the Huntley Base Hall Club. George Wylie, of Tunnel Hill, was a caller Tuesday. Naco 11. Drum, agent for the 15. & S. ! 1 11. It. Co., took dinner with W. W. j Wykoff one day last week. Several small forest fires have been started this spring; it looks as though the I lire wardens will have something to do tliis ! spring if it keeps dry weather. I The Sinnnniohoning Base Ball Club j met Monday evening and organized for J he season. The following officers and players were elected: M. Hlair, p.; J. | i Kussell, c.; T. Fulton ss.; C. Council, lb.; j jF. Welton, 2b.; Council, Mb.; N. | Drum, rf.; I!. Foultz, cf.; <i. Barrin, If.; ; i Jas. Kussell, Manager and Captain; T. S. I Fulton, Secretary: .J. E. Baird,Treasurer. | ; I'iteller Blair is n former star player from i Mercerburg; College and did excellent | | work during last season. 'Big Chief" Russell is well known in base ball circles, i having played the last three seasons with the Lock Haven Autos. Fulton, Wei j ton and t lie two Councils are known to be four of the fastest inlielders in the busi j oess to-day. Last but not least are i Foullz, Barrin and Brum three of the swiftest outfielders and heaviest hitters l in the country. As to playing the game these three fielders luid thirty-two giand stand catches to their credit last season. Mike Sullivan has accepted the position I as weather regulator at §2OOO per year. Jim Batchelder, the veteran rooter, will Ibe ou hand to encourage the boys. The i pusititon of official umpire will be filled Jby J. 11. Bairdthe old has been. "Buzz" e.m call a strike with his eyes shut. Let everybody boost; don't knock. The boys will opm 'be season on the home ground A |'il 15th. Bkijsk Local news on every page. We say without hesitation that Be- j Witt's Kidney and Bladder Bills are un- I equalled for weak kidneys, backache, in flamation of the bladder and ail urinary j disorders. They are antiseptic and act j ! promptly in all eases of weak back, back- 1 ache, rheumatism arid rheumatic [>uin> Accept no substitute. We fell and rec cotnmend them. All Druggists. BeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills' are the best bills made for backache, j weak back, urinary disorders, etc. Sold by 11. C. Bodson. Always a fresb line of Crackers and Cookies at C. B Howard & Go's. 3t. ■ Kseesiarsraai j?*j| jifyoa havs any difficulty in rf i Waverly Special tiß chines. Distilled from Penn- fjfoj from your dealer or garage, com* syivania Crude Oil—light in pa* jgro £*a| municate with us at once end we freedom''from'ca^b'nfj|||j jag m that you are supplied. £|»y ■'*> and will not ffl j|| Waverly Oil Works Co. An Ideal Cough Medicine. •■As an ideal con-!; medicine I regard Chamberlain's Cough Betnedy in a class by itf-ulf," i-ay- Br. It. A. Wiltshire, of i Gwvniifiillft, Ind. "1 take great pleas ure in to the resulrs ~| Cliaui beriMio. Cough Medicine. In fact, I know of no other preparation that meets so fully the expectations of the most ex acting in cases of croup and coughs of children. As it contains no opium, ehlo- I roforin or morphine it certainly makes a most safe, pleasant and efficacious remedy fir the ill- 1 it i- intended." For sale b\ L Taggurt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers