| |^ K|N6 Powder I Absolutely Ttzre || The Only Baking Powder || || Royal Grape Cream of Tartar I|J ||J A Guarantee of Pure, KKsfjgA & Healthful, Delicious Food il I Efl=3= II " EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY.J PRICE LIST. Emporium. P.'., Jan. 5, lUO9. | N IS MOPIIII.A, per s:ick $1 I'i I Felt's Fancy, " 1 05 I PetUrove. " .. 1 65 Q rati am " 70 R.ve " so I Patent Meal " ->0 j Buckwheat Kiour Si , Buckwheat Flour, 101b sack 85 j t'oiirse Ileal per LOO 1 50 I Chop K i d •' I 50 j Matuhless Ekk Maker, per 100 50 j Cracked Corn per 100 1 50 Screenings " 1 .I,l* Oil Meal " 1 85 I Middlings, l 60 \ Brau I 10 Chicken Wheat 1 83 Corn per bushel M Oysl r Shells, per 100 75 White? Oats, ' mshel 6"> ( Seed Oats per bushel Buckwheat 1 70 Alfalfa Meal 1 40 j CboneCloverSeen, ) ChoiceTiinith v Sect'. > At Market Prices j Ohoice Millet Seed. i R.C. DODSON. THE DRUGGIST EW I'ORllim. I* A. 1 "A ; I :r; -v wwW i,y j I>■ LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts. h.v. »»«»Jn"iOrvi rolephone, 19-?. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contribution* invited. That which you would like to nee in this department,!et >JH know by pos tal card, letter or personalty. Miss Thressaßlumle,of this place,was guest of friends at St. Marys, last Sunday. Mrs. Win. McDonadl of this place, was shopping at Buffalo, last Thursday and Friday. Henry Auchu and daughter, Miss Edna, were business callers at Buff alo, the last ol the week. Miss Jane Evens and niece Miss Edna Cruise of this place departed for Buffalo last Saturday. Miss Florence Beck, one of Empori um's bright little ladies was a PRESS caller last Thursday. Miss Lena Lena Kinsler and Eliza beth Streich were very pleasant PRESS visitors on Monday. Miss Cora George, of Port Allegany, was a guest of Miss Julia Bair, last Friday and Saturday. H. L. Crispen, of Dußois, the newly appointed representative of the I. C. S., was in Emporium last Priday. Richard M. Crum, a state forestry warden, of Sinnamahoning, was a busi ness caller at this place on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Olmsted of Jack son avenue are visiting friends in Coudersport.—Monday's Bradford Star Mrs. Lawrence Fisk returned to her home in this place, last Saturday, after visiting relatives and friends at St. Marys. Mrs. Mary Shadman, of this place, departed for Dußois, last Tuesday, where she will be the guest of her son, for a few weeks. Mrs. Laura Byan and daughter, Miss Nina, of this place, were guests of Mrs. Richardson and family at Drift wood, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gerg, of St. Marys, were guests at the home of the former's brother, E. A. Gerg and family on Broad street, last Sunday. Mrs. Warde Lewis, of Rich Valley, vf t Usiness caller at this place on 1 I and made the PRESS office a - / nloaaanf. larltr Geo. A. Walker is transacting busi ness at Philadelphia this week. J. E. Leary, the gentlemauly tele graph operator at Junction Tower, was a pleasant PRESS business caller yester day. A. H. Shaffer, surveyor and general encyclopedia on nil land matters in this section of the St.i'p, in' transacting business in Emporium. Joseph Marshall of Chapman .'Mil, was a a'KBSS caliei' «.i> TV - lay. Joe, who formerly was :j II -.itl >: ,112 Empo rium,is an industrious young man. Messrs. Ernest Orcutt of Ooudtrs port, iind Harry Kelt/., of Ka.it-, .v« re guests at the home of iiennett I.entze and family on Second street, the (irst of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holler, :md daughter Gloria, of Wichita, Kansas, were guests at the home of 1\ P. Rents and family on Tuesday. Mrs. Heller is a niece of Mr. Rentz. Mr. E. J. Rogers, one of our ener getic milk route men was a Pit ESS vi it or on Tuesday. "Teddy"' has aim :-.t completely recovered from his recent severe illness and is actively at work. Miss Flavia Lathrope was very agree ably surprised last Friday evening by a party of her friends calling on her. The evening was very pleasantly spent, and all present report a jolly time. Baggrge Master Asa Murray, of P. & E. R. R., is proud of that big boy that took possession of his residence last Friday. His name is Thomas Robert j and has alre.idy tried on Dad's cap. Chas. M. Kresgo, of Dußois, visited in Emporium yesterday afternoon and evening, calling on old friends. He made the PRESS a social visit. Mr. Kresge has been visiting in the south for some time, accompanied by his wife, who has been in poor health for a long time. The iafant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Murray is very low with pneu monia. Mr. Murray was unable to at tend to his duties as night watch at the jail last night on account of illness. I Miss Vina Murray was called here ! from Ridgway on Wednesday, owing to the illness of her little sister. Linn Gr Ooodnough, of Cornwal!-on- Hudson, N. Y-, visited in Emporium the past week, guest of C. Jay Good nough, his uucle. Mr. G., who is busi ness manager of the Local-Press, pub lished at Cornwall-on-Hudson, was a very pleasant PRESS vistor on Satur day and we enjoyed his call very much, having found him a very bright and intelligent young man. Daily Service of R. F. D. Our very efficient Postmaster, Mr Charles Seger, informs the PRESS that after Feb. Ist, three routes will be served instead of two. No. 1, Four i Mile and North Creek; No. '2, Rich i Valley and Clear Creek; No. 3, West ; Creek and Moore Hill. W. R. John i son will serve No. 3 temporary. On | Feb. 13th a Civil Service Examination for Route N0.3 will be held at Empori . um. Candidates will procure blanks , at post office at once, for they must be ! filed at Washingtoif on or before Feb. j 3rd. The continuance of this daily j service will depend upon the patron i age, therefore the patrons on the routes j will do well to deliver as well as receivo I their mail through the delivery. The department requires every patron on the routes to secure good mail boxes. Postmaster Seger has been to consider able trouble to secure this daily service and it is up to the patrons to see that it is continued. The business is based upon the number of pieces delivered and received and an elegant plan is to keep your families well supplied with reading matter. Take the PRESS if you are not already a subscriber; $1.50 per year; and subscribe for a daily paper also. The Post Office Department has again given the carriers another in i crease, to take effect Feb. Ist, viz: -No. SBIO.OO yer year; No. 2, $864.00 and No. j3, $720.00. This great convenience will I no doubt be appreciated by those liv | ing on the three routes and well should I they, for their mail will be delivered ! promptly every day -at their homes and the post office. Wonderful! We read of ye olden times, when it took weeks lor mail to be delivered even I short distances. Shall we live to see j Unolo Sam deliver his mail via air ships? s CAMKRON COUNTY PRKSS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1909 Don't forget tho basket hall fame between Oleati niul Emporium on Fri day evening. Watch aud wait for Mountaineer Miiihtrel announcement. School Directors Convention. ('ourt, House, Emporium, PH., Satur day, Januury 30, ]?)()!•: Devotional Exercises Rev. .1. F. Anderson Muflic, Ptapils from Room 3, West Ward President's Address, "A Business Man's View of the Public School," Hon. I. K. Hockley The Public School a Public Invi ailment, 11 r. It. K. McQu iy 1:80 P. M. Music, Emporium High School Elements of Agriculture in Our Schools. Prof. M. B. Ogden School Room Sanitation, Dr. Bush What Directors Can do to Improve the Teaching Profession, Rrof. C. E. Plasterer School Room Economy,. .Prof. George P. Singer, Contrail State Normal School, Lock Haven, Pa. Assoication Business. 8:00 P. M. Music, High School Orchestra Recitation, Mildred McQuay Domestic Science and Manual Training in Our Public Schools, Hon. Josiah Howard Solo, MissOrnce Walker Recitation Mildred Lloyd Address, i'rof. George P. Siuger Teachers and all persona? interested in tha public schools are invited fo at tend the convention. / Colic end Dir.rrhoea. disenv.» aj-iiekly cured by ('liatiubt.rlaii)'.« C'dii'. Cl> i-ra aud Di .r- Ihi i Heniudv. Tlic remedy ! 1 -i- 4 bi • n in un: fV.r niiibv > nr-, and .'ua-a a wid i |aU tniion lor its eair< s of these (list l'nr Mile by Tii»^art. Cascaswect, the well known remedy ♦or babies and eliildri .i. will quint the little one in a .slioit ti'ne. The ingred ients are printed plainly on the bottla. Contains no opiates. Satld by It. (\ Dodson. Run Over By Ox Team. It is seldom tint wr hear of ox tenuis iimvadays, but ilu'i iatetnany people who feel so lazy and d»"inir>U!i that if an ox te.;m came along iba»y w< uid not feel able to set out of the way. For such people there is no remedy njual toSexine I'iils, the rireat nerve and body builders. Price SI a box. six boxes $5, with full guarantee. Address or call on 11. 0. Dodson, Druggist, Emporium, where they sell all the principal remedies and do not substitute. GREAT CROUP REMEDY—A trial bot tle of Dr. Qalvin's Celebrated Croup Tincture, warranted to relieve any or dinary case of croup in 30 minutes, mailed free. Address J. W. Garney, Scran ton, Pa. 48-3t. Will be Big Show. The Mountaineer minstrel entertain ment to be given in the near future will add many new and novel attract ions. A number of our best lady sing ers will take part in the program. Suiting His Theory. "When I hear of a new theory," said a Helen! Ist, "I am reminded of the two geologists. At a certain summer re sort one brilliant afternoon the young er geologist from his bedroom window saw the older man rolling a great rock down the side of a mountain. "lie watched the work for nearly three hour:. The old geologist, thin and little and white whiskered, had a hard time of it to guide that rock al most as blj? as himself. But lie per severed. He got the rock down where he wanted It just as the dinner bell rang. "The younger man said to him won derlngly at dinner: " 'What were you doing with that rock this afternoon, professor?' " 'Why,' the professor answered, 'the fact is the thins was COO feet too lilcrli to suit my theory.' " Willing to End the Company. A Chicago man who once permitted himself to be persuaded to back a the atrical company was seated in his of fice one day when he received a tele gram from the manager of the show. The troupe was somewhere In Mis souri, and the telegram read thus: "Train wrecked this morning and all scenery and baggage destroyed. No member of company injured. What shall I do?" The answer sent back by the Chicago man was as follows: "Try another wreck and have the company ride in the baggage car."— Chicago Record-Herald. Gently Broken. "You were a long time in the far cor ner of the conservatory last evening," suggested the mother. "What was go ing on?" "Do you remember the occasion on which you became engaged to papa?" inquired the daughter by way of reply. "Of course I do." "Then It ought not to be necessary tar you to ask any questions." Thus gently the news was broken that they were t«> have a son-in-law. Art of Eating. Eating i.s not merely an enjoyment, r? Is ft science that must be learned, an art that must lae acquired by Intelli gent patience. The man who at mid dle age has not discovered what and how much Is suitable for him has not finished his education.—Health. Lots of Reasons. Robblns— I don't see why any actor shoulil ever be out of a job. Bobbins Why? Bobbins According to tho ad vertisements. every good flay Is full of good situations.—Exchange. County Commissioners Meeting. The Commissioners of Caiileron County have changed (he time; of their stated meetings to tho lirst Monday of eaeh month. 48-3t. Good for cuts, burns, bruises and s'Tatclies. but espcciidly recommended fur > ■«—DeWitt'* Ciirboliz d Witch Hazel S. Hi; Sold hy 1! (!. Dodson. p. B Jteel's | | Saturday Candy Sale | •> Continues popular with lovers of \ s fresh honip-rnauie candies. High c i in quality uml low in price. Our \ v NOUGAT "tail's liwe more," r .Special Satua-oay 26e per lt>. c J Our lai'v. 1 variety of Taiffit * ai.d J i BrlttU nat 10c per Ih urn unnur- \ J passed. Crisp fresh Salted Pea- 112 j nnis at 100 Ih. • OUR MOTTO S \ Purity & Cleanliness j £ Ice Cream, anrl Grape Juice 3 for Invalids i J J. B. MEISEL. <, ' SPEC! OFFER FOR to CENTS TPLwc will Bend postpaid our FAMOUS COLLECTION I 1 pkp. f»0 l»ny Toinnto .... 2fle 1 jthjr. PrinrcK* KudUh .... 100 1 |ik)(. SflMironln* (VlcrT . . . !!Ob 1 ill:. K»rly w.hc ftl | Ctl.Ki Kf . . . 15« 1 pUtr. Ftillcrimi .'a!nrl(ft lafllure . . . Ill® Also I*2 \ nrirlii-k Mmir.- Hu«rr Ketria . . 2SA SI.OO Writ® today! Send 10 centa to pay postage nnd packing ami receive the altovo "Famous Collection," to gether with our New and Instructive Garden (iuido. GitKAT NORTH 10UN Si;i l> CO. 476 KOHO St. Itockford, IllinoiH 2 LEAR LICHT^Bj f'Tamily Favorite'! I LAMPOIL | j^pp& Absolutely the best oil possible \> 112 to produce from the bent knov r *j I source —Pennsylvania crude oil. \ Smokeless, Bootless, odorless. j { Burns clean and steady to the last j drop without readjusting wick. _ j j Your dealer knows it's good oil. J He can supply you. j [ Waverly Oil Works Co. ■ | Independent Refiners & Pittsburg, Pa. J JOL Also makers of Waverly Special Aato JM 'ifaßL Oil and Waverly Gasolines. DR. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS. Directions WITH EACH Ylal in FITO I.anguegn. English, Gerar:."in, Spanish, Portuguese and French No. FOE Pr'ce 1. Fevers, Congestions, Inflamiratlonn 2.3 2. \Y uriiK, Worm Fever, or Worm Disease V.5 3. Colic, Crying and Wakefulness of Infants.2s 4. Diarrhea, of Children and Adults 'JS 6. Dysentery, Grlpings, liiiious Colic 23 7. Couzlas, Colds, Bronchitis 2.1 H. Toothache, Faceache, Neuralgia 23 9. Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo 25 10. Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Weak Stomach 25 13. Croup. Hoarse Cough, Larj aigltl3 23 I t. Hall Kheuna, Eruptions, Erysipelas.. 23 15. Hheaanantisati, or Bheumatlc Pains 25 Itt. Fever and Ague, Malaria 25 17. Piles, Blind or Blooding, External, Internal.2s 18. Ophthalmia. Weak or Inflamed Eyes 25 19. Catarrh. Influenza, Cold In Ilead 25 20. Whooping Coush, Spasmodic Cough its 21. Asthma, Oppressed, Difficult Breathing 25 27. Kidney Disease, Gravel, Calculi . 25 ijß. Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness 1.00 29. Sore Mouth, Fever Sores or Canker 25 30. Urinary Incontinence, Wotting Bed 23 34. Norc Throat. Quimy and Dlphthorla -25 35. Chroiaic Congestion*, Heailaehes 25 /7. Grippe, H-"y fever and Sumner C01d5....25 A small bottle of Pleasnnt Pellets, fits the vest pocket. Sold by druggists, or sent oc. receipt of prtco. Medical Book tent free. HUMPHREYS' liOMEO. 2IGWINE CO., Comer William aud John r>treot*. ttev York. Sour Stomach No appetite, loss of strength, nervou* ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol relieves Indigestion. This new discov ery represent* the natural Juices of <)lge> tlon aa they exist In a healthy stomach, combined with It j greatest known tonlo and reconstructive properties. Kodol for dyspepsia does not only relieve Indigestion and dyspepala, but this famous remedy helps all atommoh trouble* by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Bin, of Raven jwood W, Vi.. uyl: — " I was troubled with sour stomach for twenty year*. Kodol cured me and w. are now usint It in milk for baby." Kodol Digests What You Cat. Bottl.i only. Relic**. Indigestion, sour stomach. belching of a;as. etc Prepared by E. O. OaWITT h CO.. OHIOAQO Sold by R. C. Dotlson. Home Made Jeliies and Jam ® GUARANTEED STRICTLY PURE. CONTAINING NOTHING BUT PURE ft FRUIT AND GRANULATED SUGAR I CELERY T\ A IS* C? SPr:,NG " 1 LETTUCE J~\ I BR °O K % RADISHES CREAMERY „ I he Satisfactory Store A Cranberries BUTTER S§ Our Friday and Saturday Special Sales Are coining more attractive each week. We watch I the market for opportunities to make money saving ft prices to yon. Are you alert to these opportunities. A I Here's the list for this week: 39 Sugar—2slb best granulated Sugar, $1.55. Baking Powder—ilbcan Royal Baking Powder4sc. Bird hood— pkge selected Bird seed 8c Pickles— 15c bottle Heinz Spice Pickles two for 25c Rice—Choice Carolina head Rice, 3lbs for 25c. ft Soap 7 cakes Oak Leaf Soap for 25c. A I Baked Beans— -20c can Hinz plain Pork and Beans, g 18c; 2 cans 35c. Worcestershire Sauce —20c bottle Van Camps Worcashire Sauce 15c. Prunes —-Large, meaty and tender. Regular 20c Corn,extra quality roc canned Corn, 3 cans for 25c. ft Raisins— l 2 l />c package Seeded raisins full lb TIC. ft ft Apple Butter can Heinz apple butter 20c. ft In the House Furnishing Department Regular 10c Roll Toilet paper 8c or 6 rolls for 45c. Regular 10c Tin Wash Basin Bc. " 2 Regular 2sc i4<jt Galvanized Iron pail 20c. Regular SI.OO Tea Plates imported semi-porcelain, ft M embosed with floral decoration the dozen 80c. Regular 12c Scrub Brush, fine quality each 10c. ft Regular sl. ro "Mrs. Potts" Sad Iron Sets each 98c g| 1 Baltimore Shacked Oysters & Lake Fish § I Leave orders for delivery Friday morning. Pratt's Poultry Regulator—a guarrntecd egg pro- ft ducer. 25c and 60c package. Peerless Crushed Oyster Shell—lt makes hens lay ft and keeps them healthy 10c and 50c. I FREE DELIVERY to all parts of Town 1 You Gret Better Values Here. • J, H. DAY, ! L Phone 6. Emporium. P pi II CONTINUED INVENTORY SALE 11 II 111 Rfonlfofo bathrobe and Bed! 11l OIUII *0 I y Blankets, very cheap fSgj ||| Ladies Furnishings—A most complete 111 !gj at greatly reduced prices. m gi I Special, T " IS m | ig| A great reduction in prices, on |gl ygf Winter Kimonas, short and long, jSg| |||j Ladies and Infants night robes ega made of the best outing flannel; |||i IKS for style and comfort are un- j||| OUTING FLANNELS. S 12c Outings reduced to 10c 10c Outings reduced to 8c gll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers