ESTABLISHED, 1860. Cameron County Press HENRY Jf. MULLIN, Editor iiiul Publisher. PUBIiISI4KI> KYHKY Till KSt>AV ■V' • o: .» n a-t *, -. •* TKiv.iHßwaaanuHDan REPUBLICAN BOROUGH AND WARD NQitii'«AT!GNS. Burgess, JOSEPH A. FRIENDEL. Constable and Collector, HOBI\ RT It. McQUAY. Overset - of Poor, FRANK (!. ,lUDD. Borough Auditor, GRANT 8. ALLEN. WARDS. Councilmen, JOHN T. HOWARD, West MARTIN FOSTER. Middle, 14. D. SPENCER, East. School Directors, JASON LOUCKS, West. I. K. HOCKLEY, Middle, Judge of Election, WALTER MORRISON, West MARCUS LUC )RE, Middle, T. N. HACKET, E ist. Inspector of Election, LKE WELSH. West, CLIFTON LAIIRABEE. Middle. CUAs. l. BARTON, East. SROWS HAIR" ON BALD HEADS. Bali! Ifenried People Mr.y Get n New Chance in Life. Li these liays when youth is the m iving factor in business; when a man makes his mark at thirty-five and is n*ady to retire at forty-fi\ «•; when busi ne-s houses pet sion Hie man we call '•middle aged" rather than allow his lading influence to intrude upon the commercial tush, ;• bald head is almost fat !to any man's hopes. The follow ing must therefore pr >ve int< resting to people win ;;!•« losing t.' eir hair or who are bald. Resorein is one of the latest and most effective germ killers discovered by science, and in connection with Beta Napthol, which is both germicidal and antiseptic, a combination is formed which destroys the germs which rob thf. hair of its nutriment, and also creates a clean and healthy condition of:he scalp, which prevents the de velopment of new germs. Pilocarpin is a well known agent for restoring the hair to its natural color, wh> re the loss of color has been due to a disease of the scalp. Yet it is not a coloring matter or dye. This combination of curatives mixed with alcohol as a stimulant perfects the m<>st effective remedy for hair and sea.p troubles. The famous Kexall "93" Hair Tonis in chiefly composed of Resorcin, Beta N ipthol and Pilocarpin. It makes the » ip healthy, nourishes the hair, stim ui nes the foliioles. Where the head is a ■ eady hue, it enters the follicles, re v talizes the roots, supplies nnurish mi ut and stimulates a new growth. Ve want yon to try a few bottles of R xall "93" Hair Tonic, on our per s .al guarantee that tlie trial will not you a ; nny if it does not give j u absolute satisfaction. That's p: oof of our faith in this remedy and i f hou'd indisjiu'ribly demonstrate that w know what we ar talking about wlien we sa;, that R xall "93" Hair T .tic will grow 'i iir or. bald beads, ex ct t of course, where baldness has be.-n of uch long duration that the r its of the hair are entirely dead, the 112 -icles closed and grown over, and tL scalp is glazed. R member, we are basing our state irn nte upon what has already been ac c by ihe use of Kexall "93" li ir Tonic:, and we have the right to ; 'urr ''!( ii •vii.' i it has done to hund i ■ is of others it will do for you. In a tv> i.t • u cannot lose anything by V'ingita ti il on our liberal gtiar i <e. Two s.zes, 50c and ijl.oo. Mrs. J> . A. Rockwell, Emporium, Pa. I'eam of Well Trained Oxen for Sale. The undersigned offers a well-brob t- and well-trained yokeof oxen, eight > drs old, weight about 3000 pounds in t • aggregate They are bulls. Guar antee them to plow well, wagon or ri d, are fast walkers and bridable. iil rum tread power or binder and do a kindN of team work on farm. For price and other information, address, FRKD DUNLAP, 48 2 Olanta, Clearfield Co., Pa. Stomach Trouble Cured. If you have any trouble with your ;v maeh you should take Chamberlain's « v tnach and Liver Tablets. J. P. Klote, «. I'Miria, Mo., says:"l have used a gtoat many different medicines lor stom - rii troubles, but liud Chamberlain's iv imach and Liver Tablets more bene li ial than any other remedy I ever used." F r sale by Taggart. A Sprained Ankle. Asa rule a man will feel well satisfied il he can hobble around on crutches in two or three weeks aftsr spraining his sukle. and it is often two or three months before ho is fully recovered. This is an unnecessary loss of time, as by applying Chamberlain's Liniment, as directsd, a cure may as a rule be effected in less than i ne week's time, and in many cases with in three days. Chamberlain's Liniment aisooHbrds great relief in cases of chronic and muscular rln umatism. Twenty.five and fifty cent bottles. Sold by Tag gart. HANDICAPPED This is the Case With Many Empori um Peof'e. Too manv Emporium citizens are handicapped with a bad back. The un ceasing pain causes constant ini-.-ry, mak ing work a burden and stooping or lifting an impossibility. The back aches at niaht, preventing refreshing rest and in the morning is stiff and lame. Plasters and liniments may give relief, but cannot reach the cause. To eliminate the pains and aches you must cure the kidneys. Doan's KiJney Pills cure sick kidneys and cure them permanently. The following statement should con vince every Emporium reader of their efficiency: J. \V. Lahivc, 12t> Grant St., Ridg way, Pa., says: "Doan's Kidney Pills have been of such great benefit that I can highly recommend them. For years I was more or less troubled with kidney complaint and suffered acutely from pains in my side. This trouble inconvenienced me in many ways and I knew that it arose from disordered kidneys, as the secretions were uunatural and distressing in passage. I was advised to try Doan's Kidney Pills and immediately procured a box. In a short time I felt better in every way. lam glad to give Doan's Kidney Pills my recommendation." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents. Remember the name— Doan's—and take no other. School Report. Emporium Public Schools, monthly report for month ending January 12, 1909: Number of pupils enrolled during term: Males, 324; females, 366; total, 690. Number of pupils enrolled this month: Males 309; females, 313; total 652. Average daily attendace for month: Males, 283; females 316; total, 595. Percentage of attendance for month: Males, 93; females, 91; total, |94. Number of pupils present every day, 352. Number of pupils tardy, 112. Number of tardy marks, 209. Number of visitors to school, 25. Parents are notified that periods in the school year, the first week of the term and the first week following the holiday vacation, are appointed for be ginners to enter. Children who reach the age of six later in this term should enter school next September, as it is impossible for primary teachers to establish more new classes. Misery in Stomach. Why not start now—to-day, and for ever rid yourself of Stomach trouble and indigestion? A dieted stomach gets the blues and grumbles. Give it a good eat, then take Pape's Diapep sin to start the digestive juices work ing. There will be no dyspepsia or belching of gas or eructations of undi gected food; no feeling like a lump of lead in the stomach or heartburn, sick headache and dizziness, and your food will not ferment and poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Diapepsin costs only 50 cents for a large case at any drug store here, and will relieve the most obstin ate case of Indigestion and Upeet Stomach in live minutes. There is nothing else bettor to take gas from stomach and cleanse the stomach and intestines, and besides, one triangule will digest and prepare for assimilation into the blood all your food the same as a sound healthy, stomach would do it. When Diapepsin works, your stom ach rests—gets itself in order, cleans up—and then you feel like eating when you come to the table, and what you eat will do you good. Absolute relief lrom all Stomach Misery is waiting for you as soou as you decide to begin taking Diapepsin. Tell your druggist that you want Pape's Diapepsin, because you want to be thoroughly cured of indigestion. Latest Popular Music. Miss May Gould, teacher of piano forte has received a full line of the lat est and most popular sheet music. All the popular airs. Popular and class ical music. Prices reasonable. 44-tf. Flats for Rent. Four new flats for rent. All con veniences. 34-tf. R. SEOER. Kodol for Dyspepsia and Indigestion will digest any and all food at any and all times. Kodol is guaranteed to give prompt relief. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Cured of a Severe Attack of Bron chitis by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "On October 18th, last, my little three year old daughter contracted a severe cold which resulted in a bad case of bronchitis," says Mrs. W. G. Gibson, Lexington, Ky. "She lost the power of speech completely and was a very sick child. Fortunately we had a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house and gave it to her according to the printed directions. On the second day she was a great deal better, and on the fifth day, October 23rd. she was en tirely well of her cold and bronchitis, which I attribute to this splendid medi cine. I recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy unreservedly as I have found it the surest, safest and quickest cure for colds, both for children and adults, of any I have ever used." For , sale by Taggart. Warning All persons are hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of this Company without a permit from this office, or the Manager at the works. KEYSTONE POWDER MFG. CO. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903 CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1909. Fever Sores. Fever sores aod old chronic sores should not be healed entirely, but should lie kept in healthy condition. This can be done by applying Chamberlain's Salve. This Salve has 110 superior for this pur pose. It is also most excellent for chapped hands, sore nipples, burns and diseases of the skin. For sale bv Taggart. Agency Secured. Mrs. G. S. Allen, wishes to annouuee that she has secured the Agency for the American Vacuum Cleaner and Sweeper. Call at her residence 011 West Fourth Street and see it demon strated. 43-tf The Best on Earth. Protection against Accidents and Sickness is an absolute necessity. It costs but §5 00 a year for 112 15.00 weekly benefits, and §2,000 death claim. The only policy paying such liberal bene' fits. This Company also writes policies for SIO.OO and §25.00 per year. Liberal commbsions to agents, by the German Commercial Accident Co., Phil'a, Pa. W. R. Sizer, Gen'l Agent, Sizerville, Pa. R. R. McQuay of Emporium, is a representative of the Company. Drop him a postal—He will do the balance. In case of sudden injury thin Company provides temporary re lief to the amount of $25.00. if notified by wire of an accident. 17-ly. English Spavin Liniment removed Hard, Kofr or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, I ling Hone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one bottle. A wonderful Blemish Ci:re. Sold by L.Taggart, druggist. 32 6m KNtatcofK.G. Coleman, Deceased 'VTOTICE is hereby piven that Mrs. John W. i-N Coe, of Wampsville, N. Y., and Hon. B. W. Green, of Emporium, I'a. li/vve been appointed by the Orphans Court of Cameron county as Trustees of E. G. Coleman, late of the Borough of Emporium, County of Cameron, and State of Pennsylvania, deceased, to whom nil persons in debted to said estate are requested to moke pay ment. and those having claims or demands, will make known the same without delay. GREEN.V FEf/r, Attorneys for Mrs. John W. Coe and B. W. Green. Trustees for E. G. Coleman Estate. January 25, 1009.—P0-6t. —mm■ iii in inimiHiiiiiiwiiiiniiiiimiiiiiiiiii | MERCHANT j TAILORING 1 Owing to the business de pression of last fall I have a large amount of heavy weight goods on hand, which I will sell during the months ol February and March at Great Reductions I Remember these are all 1 first class goods, new from I the mill and are handsome ■ patterns in greens, browns, N also fancy blue stripes. - THEO. 1 1 HABERSTGCK. I HARDWARE PLUMBING AND GAS STEAM WORK NEW FIRM DININNY, BIJRNSIDE&Co WE STOP THE LEAKS IN YOUR POCKET BOOK Fuller Gas Lights#! .50 Mantles Guaranteed months REMEMBER THE PLACE. Dininny, Burnside & Co., Broad St., Emporium, Pa. Battlefield Nurseries GETTYSBURG, PA. C. A. STENER, Proprietor. Grower of select Nursery Stock, Fruit, Shade, OrnamentaiTrees, Shrub bery, Small Fruits, etc., Asparagus, Strawberries and Hedges. Also Hand and Power Spray Pumps. Plant Locust for timber. Catalogue free. Be your own agent. Write to-dny. \\ N N \ \ \ \ \ V \ \ W SECOND TO NONE Z ADAM, MELDRUM & / ANDEESON CO. < 396-408 Mil in Street / ✓ BUFFALO, N. Y. j Spring I I Wash I I Fabrics j | Ready j I Buffalo's Finest Showing § y /"\UR magnificent assortment y ''il wash fabrics for ' y 1909 is now at its best. The as- «112 '/ sortment this year is most exten- / . sive and includes novel weaves |2 and (lnishes which are now % •' shown for the first time. New / patterns ind colorings in unlimi ted variety and a most complete '' / stock of the staple always wanted / fabrics such as, £ . Genuine David & John Ander- y x son's Seotch Zephyr Ginghams These beautiful fabrics have / been famous for three-quarters of / y a century. A very fine line in % solid colors, checks, plaids and < / stripes, 32 inches wide at 40c and / y 45c yard. -y b Other Fine High Grade . Wash Fabrics ' Linen Pongee at 39c and 29c. / Mercerized Pop .in 25c. / Japonika Silk 29 c \ Novelt Japonika Silk 66c. • / Wm. Anderson Zephyrs 25c. . Irish Linen Crash 39c. |> New Seersuckers and (Singhams cents. , Wm. Anderson Shirting Zephyr i.'- % 26c. % t V iteal French Linen Suiting 75c. U y Efleure Vnile at 50c. 0 Irish Dimity at 25 and 29c. $ V> Hollrnds and Crash Linens 25c to )y §1.50. A Linen Pongee at 29c. '/j. New Percales 'fe > Novelty French Fabrics $1.75 to §2.50. \ / SEND FOR SAMPLES. | | g $ ADAM, % MELDRUM, ANDERSON CO. | American Block, Buffalo, N. Y. % 9 adviser \ \ \ \ \ iHaoEEr-iM^-jßanaaaaia-jtjriarjrjuaacaiaamMl ctraga Goiigk,Colds, WhocpngCoi^h This remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or other harmful drug and may be given as confi dently to a baby as to an adult Price 25 cents, large size 50 cents. ?|f£PECIALOFFER:^ij Ai»de to Vew TS*i«lnrn«. A trial Will It mako you our permanent customer. xj 1 Prize Collectloii II the finest; Turnip, 7 uplencLd : Onion, 8 D°Bt varie- * tlua; >0 Byrinu-flowerinif linib-—Co varieties in all. QCARANTEKU TO PLEASE. HWe to-day; Mention this Paper. "SEND 10 CENTS , \ to cover postage and packing and recti to thin valuable j t cvllectlOD of hci'dw postpaid, together with my biir J & Inr.truetlvo, IteautSful Seed and Plant ltook, I A V9llv all about the lleat varieties of Seeds, Plants, etc. A g&ilW. Bnckbee, BUC E K o ß c E Ao s a T D nE i E I. Jj V • &■ 7s : JvW; " Kk There are "Icf'nll Pattemaanld in the United than o. ■ 'iv oth r m,kr o I naitern*. I his is or account of the." v *. ' "curacy ann simplicity. nirCnll'* iiiv -! nr'The 0"'«n of Fashion) hat mil «tii \f-»t» 7ne On* more . ! ■ • nber* ' 1 'l ~*s -i.ui. •• • r- r^tsSOceiits. tv.i ib r. •"> t't ''' k ' v subscriberget> a McCall lat tem I'res. > • c/ibr ' ;v. I ndv Airi'.'H ' v i Kandsom- premiumsoi li!. •• icath com. 1 ™*» unit lic ' • 4 O pirm.ums »»-ut tree. AilJres* THK McCAI.L Co , Kew York IA SWEEPING REDUCTION I REGARDLESS OF COST I In Ladies, Misses and Children's Coats must now go at a Sweeping Reduction | We will now cut the price from 33 to 50 per cent, based 011 our reasonable prices. This knocks the bottom from all our competitors. I We have a Great Line of Furs that must go Come in here first and we will show you beauty, com fort and style, at prices you can't duplicate. This advertise ment is 110 fake. We will do as we say. Ladies Waists at Greatly Reduced Prices Four Doors East of Post-Office. H. A.Zarps&Co —HEP—m■ H. S. LLOYD ■ I The First Requisite 1 j I Jtjji iQfta letter writing is that the paper H B irrri V T used be above criticism. | H j!™, jj nr \ ]B| Your stationary should reflect h | Eg jffll your taste, character and refine- ■ g V Ji ment, and convey your personal- I 8 CP The Eaton, Crane Pike Writing i LMpjjy J-iw Papers are always the first choice * II °f discriminating people. They ■Hl3(l /' are by far the fin est social corres- V? pondence papers made. They '/ are first in quality, and absolutely correct in style. Thsir artistic and painty boxing adds much to their general attractiveness. Come in ann let us show you our line of the juatly popular EATON CRANE & PIKE papers. ' H. S. LLOYD, Masonic Block iff if I o*l 1 ' 1 1 K 1 | White Sale | 1 We have just received our new White ;6 !||' G-oods for Spring and place I' !on them on sale (| Friday, Jan. 29th vmk English Long Cloths, 15c and 18c per yard l J|< ffl Nainsooks, 18c, 22c and 24c per yard. j|f| |g| Persian Lawns ißc,2oc, 25c, 30c tor the 30 in. goods. ||| Persian Lawns , 35c and 40c for the 48 inch goods. |M French Lawns, 35c, 40c, 50c, 75c for 48 in. goods. ffli s||) French Nainsooks, 75c per yd 60 in. wide. This is a M beautiful new material this spring. Be stire to ask to see it. |sj |KSs The NEW FLAXONS, which take the place of the 111 finest linens is much cheaper and gives as good satisfac- ffl These goods come in the plain at 22c, 25c, 35c and in |flj fs| the barred at 25c and 35c per \ard. ' " ||! M All the new Barred Goods that are so popular for un- ®1 dei wear this year. ||| A fine line of Embroideries. LUDLAMS | Street. EMPORIUM, PA. J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers