}! I -om~ s»<-2i;.«fC3t"i>.;£l^Bn£SnGas^nS3 &SSZZl& ' _HT,-,"?,J-.' .m#CMK^MBOIMfiMIMIISaa-t~ )^WmmMMBCW || CLEARANCE SALE]j I <J9LfL This Sale Includes our Entire Stock oTciothing jyjt I i-S ]|Wm*\ 112A new 'y purchased for our trade, from the best manufacturers of the country. I i]l We are determined to reduce our stock and propose giving our customers the [nWM I IS iMmmM II benefit of tke great SLAUGHTER IN PRICES. i I • ' ;'F™ ; """' "™" M^^M>^ ,lsaM T IV y nMI | i || |jj { "" '"""^ CT——mrais.-i, ||„,j I II ( J ~«w '|J CALL AND SEE US, THE PRICES WILL DO THE TALKING. |f *%» 11 | Sale Commences | Friday, January 15th, 1909 j| and Continues fo |1 - •""» Children's Ms al Sacrifice Prices ~ |i MbuV l.laok |-h,»t», regular pnccStO.OO. Sale price $7.75 Men's fine Oxfords, Vicunas and Tidbits, bought to sell for 813. to pieee and three piece suits, bought to sell (or f~M Men's Dress worsted, all colors and sizes, value $12.00. Sale Sale price - . Aq gr at- .5. K , ,5..J0, .5. <•>, 4.00, 4.50 and 5.00. Sale price II pnue ----- $8.50 Men's Rain Coats and Overcoats, bought to sell for 815, SIS and !••>•>. -4.>. -.9.), . $3.95 $ | line Worsteds, Vicunas and Thibets, bought to sell for 82L> ' 50 ' price $10.95 to $14.95 PjHlfc flt PriPPQ I PCC Thai Pno* tn IUI«|/n ©l.>, 814, 81-», SIS and 820. Sale price slotOsls Youth's fine Dress Suits, sold for 8(5.50, $7.50, 810.00. Sale .. LOOO I lidll UOST TO if!BKB | 1 Men's 1). v ,; Ow, ,- >ats, lining and cloth guaranteed, bought to y I>,lC( ' 84 > 8,) < VI1(1 " $7.00 Men's 'll • *7Qg B 9 sell for BS. 00. Sale price - <fe/r /r n 1 oaths good wear and dressy Overcoats, bought to sell for 80.50, . all sizes - - . $1.35 I | ' 'i i,' Wit ii' "\r 4. r . X " 87.50 and 810. Sale price 84, 85 and . <±>»7 aa [ Men's Worsted and Cashmere Pants, from cbl 4-r\ Q Pin Js mS M. n's V hitc and Lancy Vests, from <fcl OK <to 5 ~. ~ , , . Jp/.UU , r , T . „ SI,OU tO (i.OU IS fc w tpx.tCO to «p(&.OU [ A big line of Cmldren's Overcoats at cost and less than cost Men s Dress Pants, none better, from <fep OK +* o »ys I 1 I 1 1 ——J-. • I Children's Pants from .'{«.» cents up. ? X ° d ' /D || Sill #lilrifirflll Savinff fnr Villi 0w for "Mag reliable goods is wiqaestioed. We handle only Si | H , l t ' le ® )est !Ba^:es an have no old goods to unload on you. Come in and » I II IOOK our SLOCK over and see the wonderful bargains we offer in every department of our store. ~" j i [j List of the Many Bargains that Await You, so Come Early I ft ■ Men sfl Underwear, 50c value, sale price 39c l Jo y ß ' Heece lined underwear IQ.- I■ % ' I II Men's nil wool shi.ts and drawers, 81.00. Sale price 79 c Men's heavy wool hose - 39c DoUglaS Shoes I I g Mill's fine m.'di and heavy weight underwear, value ■en s cashmere hose - C Men's shoes, regular 82.00 at - . <h-i>vfr I 81.25. Siih rice .... g8 Men's heavy wool hone .... 100 Men's shoes, regular ' 2.50 „t . . linS I || Men's Ovcrsl.ir, oq. Men s black dress sox IOC Men's shoes, regular .'5.00 at c | a II Men's Bin Fl.in I Overshirts - - . "7Qo SllH peiHlers ... . 19c anfl 39c Men's shoes, regular 3.50 at - . I if RicJu-y. Men's I Hue Flannel Overshirts 40 to 1 'SO gioves and mittens from 39c to - - $1.37 Men's shoes, regular 4.00 at - . JEo'ok I II Men's blaek an<t white work shirts - . qq Men sand Boys caps - - . 19c Up Men's High Top in Tan Blucher, regular $5.00 at 4d_'nn I I Me„Vdr,ss shirts, all colors - Men's 82.00 black and pearl stiff and soft hats s l<2 s X „ kwa ,„. li)e ? 4 '°9. I I Men's 1.,,.„ d» shirts - . . 79 Men's 8150 soft and stia bats, all colors - 4 ply linen collars (Barker Brand) at " " ?®° Men s 8-5.00 soft and stiff hats, all colors - a>p pc , T . ~ " 10c | It Please ,lie Date, Jan 15th, 1909 Count, will never lave «Pen.ng be a red 'ett.r d,y. Prota .W„„ ,b, TW, „ick Opening Date such a 112! tli' m ° Ve ance Sale WI " al)oun< ' Wlth saving opportunities, which will surpass any omg op- tlling eyer j ie | ( j jn t }, is county j t w jj| i, e w j se to come early, and get first choice, as Frida y> Jan. 15, po umy again. et usua „ y come We will have bargains enough for aD. rqnq t o your share of it. N0 GOODS CHA RGED DURING THIS SALE. EVERYTHING STRICTLY CASH. a ' m ' R. SEGER & CO. Next door to First National Bank. EMPORIUM, PA. —' ■ nmiiwm ui • ■■■ ■ if CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, igo 9 .
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