.* -> . .y; ~ ,r ' ' y -^'«M^|aw^ fljP j iCdYAL BAKING POWDER. \'Z~t Cc-mes from Grapes W | jg&J The only baking pow- EgM SS® der made from Royal BCpp Grape Cream of Tartar Eg|\ T,%jC Imitation baking powders are made from harth '? mineral acids and leave in the food B I | unhealtiiful properties % LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which yon would like to see in this department y let im know by pos tal card, letter or personally. Miss Byrde O'Byrne, of Boston, is visiting her father at this place. Carl Swanson went to Erie last Mon day to transact business. Jas. M. Davison was in Jersey Shore j the first part of the week, visiting friends. Dr. S. S. Smith is entertaining hio brother George, from Canada, this week. Michael Murphy, of Bolivar, N. Y., was a business caller at this place from Saturday to Monday. Miss Anna Smith of Binghampton N. Y., is visltieg her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hayes, an Fifth street. Mrs. H. R. Manette, of Brockport, was a social and business caller to this place, this week. Misa Mildred Green, of this place, was a business caller at Ridgway the last of the week. Mrs. Alice Faucette, of East Alle gany Ave., is confined to her home by sickness. Thomas Waddington, an old time ! employee on this paper, is now helping us out during the holiday rush of work : Miss Mollie Stephens and Mr. John j Geese, of St. Marys, drove to Empori um last Sunday and visited friends j here for the afternoon. Hon. F. D. Councilman, ofSizerville, ! manager of the Magnetic Mineral Water Co , was a business caller at j this place last Saturday. Mrs. D. H. Robertson and Mrs. W. H* i G. Walker, of Calder, were business J callers at Emporium last Saturday. Misses Theresa and Francis Blumle, were guests of friends at Buffalo last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Branson, of Uu- j Bois, are guests at the home of A. A. McDonald and family on Fifth street Miss Encie Howard, departed for Batavia last Saturday, where she is the guest of Miss Florence Judd. Misses Edna and Ellen Aucliu and Christy Mac Donald, of this place, were visitors to-day (Thursday) at Camer on, and were guests of Miss Lena Bair. Wiliiam Dalrymple who has been confined to his home for the past seven weeks is able to be out and made the i PRESS office a social call on Saturday. Associate Judge John McDonald, R>y T. Kreider, A. L. Ensign, J. 11. Fry, Sinnemationing; J. H. Darrin, Edward Whiting, Sterling Run ; W. ! R. Sizer, Sizerville and George Smith, ; Canada, took in the Masonic Banquet Monday evening. A card from Mr. John Gubbins, a ; former resident of this place, and a I valued subscriber to the PRESS, an- j nouncea the fact that he has purchased a blacksmith shop at Delevan, N. Y., j and has moved from Arcade to Dele- i van. Charles Pappazonia, departed for New York City last Tuesday to spend the holidays with relatives. Miss Mildred Shotzbarger, who has j been assisting in the care of Max F # Balcom, during his run of typhoid fever, depa-i,ed for her home at Du- ! j Bois last Miss Shotzbarg ' is a very successful nurse and very pleasant in the sick room. Mrs. Jasper Harris departed for Sy racuse, N. Y., last Sunday where she will be the guest of her parents for the holidays. Before returning home she will visit relatives at Utica and New ! York city. Mr. Harris accompanied ; his wife as far as Rochester. j ; In a personal item iast week we stat cd that "Mr. W. O. Hilliard, of Brad ford, visited his daughter, Mrs. Byron j Jones." The item should have said, I "he visited his daughter Miss Mabel, j who is staying at Mr. Byron Jonet.' on I East Third Street. Take Notice. I If the parties who took my choicn fruit out of cellar along with Mrs 1' E Lewis's my next door neighbor—aboir i a month ago—do not return the sairn ; or its equivalent, will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. A word to the "wise" is sufficient THOS. WADDINGTON. Death Watch. Albert Murray, who for months was night watch over Odell, who murdered his wife, is now filling the same posi tion during the incarceration of the Italian, who recently murdered John Kibe. School Report. Honor Roll Plank Road School High School, Mr. Gehring, Teacher : Rpse Lawson, Dora Bonner, Rena Housler. Lena Kinsler, Belle Wray, Bessie Van Wert, Lena Zwald, Susan Nick'er, Ethel Housler, George Piper, Fred Minard, Henry Segee, Uarl Zim mer. Intermediate.—Miss Quigley, Teach er. Theresa Lawson, Martha Zwald, Florence Nelson, Nellie Piper, Kath ! ryn Kinsler, Albert Zwald, John Bauer, Carl Blumle. Primary.—Miss Heidick. ; Emma Zwald. Mary Bauer, Mary Kinsler, Bertha Segee, Samuel Lind say, Joseph Bauer, Franfc Ruberto. A fancy Xmas box of cigars with either 12 or 25 cigars in a box, will make an ideal present; inquire at Tag gart's Pharmacy. Lost. Between the electric light plant and j Sixth street, about two weeks ago, a ! lady's hunting case watch ; monogram i "D. E. C." engraved on one side and the head of deer on other. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaviug it at PRESS office. Young girls usually have poor judg ment in selecting gifts for their sweet hearts. They should cut out the collar and necktie boxes and retain the love and respect of their swains by buying them a fancy pipe or a Xmas package of cigars at Taggart's.. Wide Awake. Just take a peep at the beautiful show windows. Our merchants are certainly getting a move on and stand ing up to be counted. A few remain in the old rut but they, like the kit tens, will soon get their eyes open. The day has gone when business men can expect to prosper without liberal and judicious advertising Nothing helps a town more than wide-awake business men. The columns of the PRESS displays vividly, a large num ber of wide gauge firms, ladies and gentlemen who believe in judicious ad vertising. You do not have to be an expert we can and would be glad to assist you. Let every business man start the new year on a broader scale. Wake up and demonstrate to the world that Emporium business firms do things. For Bent. A very desirable front room for rent with use of bath, on Allegany Ave. Apply to Mrs. E. S. Coppersmith. 44-3t. Improving. The family of E. J. Smith, who have been sorely offlicted with sickness for the past six weeks are now slowly im proving. Kirk, the young son, was able to be up for the first time last Tuesday. Girl Wanted. A competent girl to do general house work. Good wages to right partv. Apply to 41-tf. MRS. FRANK SHIVES. DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Ilazui Salve. Best Salvo for burns, scratcln and hurts. It is especially flood for j.ilos. Sold by It. (J. Dodson. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1908. Agreeably Surprised. Wednesday evening Nov. 25, the Pastor anci wife, Mr. and Mrs. William Osgood, on Ciimeron charge, were agreeably surprised by 75 members and neighbors gathering at the Rich Valley Parsonage. After singing and pleasant conversa tion, light refreshments were served by some of the ladies. Then followed prayer and and a short talk by the pas tor, Pev. Osgood. The company departed leaving S3B 00 in provisions and clothing, f.'U.OO in money and an overcoat for the minis ter. God bless and prosper all such gath erings X. X. The Theatorium is crowded nightly. Fresh Candies every day at Sugar Bowl. 2t Fancy Baskets of Fruit for Christmas at Sugar Bowl. 2t Buv a handsome merescbaum pipe for the husband, sweetheart or brother. For right goods and prices consult Taggart Leave your order for Buffalo Ice Cream at Sugar Bowl. 2t. Xmas at the Old Reliable is dollars snved to the Holiday purchaser Holiday Goods to be closed out at cost and less at Taggart's Pharmacy. We have an extra fine line of Booth's Chocolates, from 250 to $lO 00 per box Sweeping reduction in our entire line of fancy china, the stock must be disposed of At Taggart's drug store Leather Goods will be cut in two HH far as Xmas prices are concerned. Get them at Taggart's. At Presbyterian Church. Rev. Chas. Carroll Watker, of Phila delphia, will preach in the Presbyter . ian Church on December 20th and 27th, both morning and evening. Rev. . Watker will also officiate at the mid , week service and at Christmas. ; REACHINGTHE SPOT. It can be done, So Scores of Empori um Citizens Say To cure an ucliiiisx back. The paius of rhi'inuaustn. The tired-nut feelings. Yon must reach tli.■ spot —get, at the cause. In most cases 'tis the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills are for the kidneys Mr.s. John Sutnmerson, W. Sixth St. Emporium, Pa., say : " I suffered from nagging backaches and pains in tny sides and kidneys for a long time, caused by disorded kidneys. I also suffered from rheumatism in my limbs, was langid and lacked ambition. I used many remedies but obtained no relief until I learned of Doan's Kidney Pills and procured a box from L. Taggart's drug store. They gave me relief from the backaches and pains, regulated the kidney secretions and im proved my general health. I obtained more relief from this remedy than I had ever hoped for an J I am therefore glad to recommend it to other kidney sufferers. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Ue n.embor the name— Doan's —and take no Othr;. Do You Want a Steady income each month ? Would you invest §SO, in a safe established business, if you could make 84. cash profit each month ? j Write for proofs, and particulars to : HALI.OWF.U. «: NANII, 819, Tribune Building, New York Ciiy. | For Sale. A desirable property, on East Fourth St., Emporium. Lot 60x120; improved by two dwelling houses. Excellent lo cation; next door to Schlecht's Green house. Apply to MRS. ELLA MCSWANN, 37-tf. Emporium Pa. Trying To Save His Life. When we say that Sexine Pills are re sponsible for many a happy person in this world to-day we are not exaggerat ing a bit. There is no tonic builder equal to Sexine Pills. Show me a per son who cannot be restored to strength and steady nerves with Sexine Pills, and I will show you that it will not cost you a cent to try them. They are guarante ed. Price, 81 a box. (J boxes §"». Sold by It. C. Dodson, Druggist, Emporium. I'ake DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder j Pills. They are antiseptic and soothe j j pain quickly. Insist upon DeWitt's J Kidney and Bladder Pills. Regular size j « 50c. Sold here by It. 0. Dodsou. itiiTJTrsi iii ■ mi ——agM«a————m*mmara jj WANTED! Men to represent us either locally or j I traveling, in the sale of a full line of i easy celling specialties. Apply quick ; and secure territory. ALLEN NURSERY CO.. 33-16t. Rochester, N. Y. Executrix's Xotice. Kslute of LEONARD TAQGART\ Deceuutsd. LKTTERS Testamentary having been granted by the Register of Willa of Cameron County to the underßigne I upon the estate of Leonard Taggart, late of Emporium, deceased, all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment and those having claims to pre sent the same without delay to the Executrix. ;j Emporium, Pa. HELEN M. TAQGART, I December 12th, 1908.—6t. Executrix I E> EPRESENTATIVES WANTED to secure 1 V subscriptions and advertising tor the New 1 Amstel Magazine— A monthly, whose mission is J " to uplift and eniiven and cut out the bad." Satisfactory acknowledgments have been re- I ci-ived from many distinguihsed men, including Hon. WM. Jennings Bryan, Secretaries Root I and Cortelyou, Attorney General IJonanarte. Sir i FL Wilfred Laurier, Julian Hawthorne, Mark Twain I 1 Henry Hanby Hay, Hiram W. Hayes. Write at once for terms. Sample cony upon ! H request. NEW AMSTEL MAGAZINE COMPANY, 4 I -lit 102> Market Street, Wiln ington, Del. * 112 SSSSIZZZEZZiSZZZISZSZSSIZm I Watch This Store for Bargains in all Departments. I All the ■"V JL Christmas | Delicacies JJA. Y £> The Satisfactory Store Wreahs I 112 ! 112 1 The Particular Aim of Our Line of Christmas I This Store Groceries and Accessories Has always been to serve the public T , . , a little better than any other in its „ COI "! ,lete ' everything needful for line. How well it has succeeded we the complete enjoyment of the Yule leave for others to sav. We are lite Season. We invite you to come sparing no pains to provide for your "T' \ ® Com P arison in wants-particular or otherwise. So anyway that you choose and if pleas if there is anything that you panic- ,WfcVe " OW,er whlch We will I ularly want for the Christmas Occas- guarantee to execute to yo.tr entire ion, which we do not have in our satisfaction If not convenient for ,„ii • , * - , you to call at the store, use flip well provided stock, let us know in T , , r , ine ■ : time and we wil] take- plea Mre i„ phone or M k [or the order clerk to | 1 1 providing it it po»»il,] e . m| °" r Berv,oe 13 " your con,- I !-- I ■ Gift Suggestions for Christmas Nothing will be more appreciated as a gift than a beautiful piece of China. Our stock is large and varied. Our prices are made to sell the goods. Call and look them over. i i r —-j Novelties in Burnt Wood | House Furnishing Goods Here are many gift suggestions, This department is well stocked I useful as well as ornamental, rang- with the things needful to make 1 ing in price from a beautifully de- house keeping a success and there- I signed Picture Frame at 50c to a fore a pleasure. Practical Christmas I Waste Papei Basket or 1 obourett Gifts, something that can be used I< ■ at -4.00. Come in and inspect and enjoyed every day bringing with 31 ■ this now line before you do your its use memories of the giver. They ■! Vh i P urc h 3s ' n £- be had at surprisingly small cost. | Rfl I Christmas Grocery Saie j j the List for Friday and Saturday w ™K I I I GET YOUR SHARE. 8 11 u £ ar Macaroni j Oranges 11 11 25 pound bag best Granu- !5 C pkg., Imported Maca- Juicy Florich 1 I J J lated Sugar, roni, any style, Oranges, 1 | I II 'f' l " ss 12c Per dozen 25c || "sj Chocolate Drops c AID 11 II Reymer's , S c chocolate S ° U P S A PP Ie Butte! - I I drops, ' Armour's 25c .Soups As- Heinz's 25c Apple Butter, II A Lb. 20c sortetl - T ":r" The Can 20c | I Hams , PopCorn i California H ms(Trim M - Lemons 1907 Pop Corn, ed Shoulder), Smoked Best California Lemons, JI I 0t ... ln A Dozen 25c 4 Lbs 25c A Lb. 10c n rears Beans Corn XT „ _ t _ , „ rf . T- D ~ ~ N - State Bartlette California Lima Beans, Extra quality, 10c Corn, Fears, i A Lb. Bc. 3 Cans 25c 25c Can 20c Baltimore Shucked Oysters. Frash Caught Lake Fish. You Cet Better Values Here 11 Prompt Delivery to all parts of Town. T T T A V 11 sfl Phone 6, Emporium, Pa. J • -STiLe JL/ x \ I « SI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers