KSTABMSIIED, XK6H. Cameron County Press HENRY 11. MULLIN, Editor and Publisher. PUBUSHKD EVERY TIIT USD AT Entered at the Postolßce at Emporium as second class matter. | Breezy | | Courtty | 1 Netfs 1 lisimi CAMERON. H. W. Mitchell, dentist, Emporium. Mr. and Mrs. 13. D. Krape were Em. porium visitors Tuesday. Herman Anderson, Section Foreman, visited his brother in Ridgway, Tues day. Emporium visitors Tuesday were Mrs. Jack Clark, Mrs. William Green alcli, and Edw. McFadden, of Cam eron, and Mrs. Fred Webster, of Canoe Run. D. L. McFadden, who was kicked last week very severly by a horse, is again able to be arouud by the aid of crutches. John McGrady, of Canoe Run, who has been suffering for some time with a very severe pain in the head, was taken to the Glean hospital Monday evening. William Greenalcli, Sr., of this place, is going to move to Snow Shoe with his family Wednesday. lie is employ ed in the mines in that place and re ports getting along nicely. Our truant officer William McCann is doing very fine work for the board in this place ahd those who do not goto school are sure to board with Sheriff Swoop for a week or ten days. Mrs. Geo. Stuart who had planned on moving to Dixonville, has changed her mind, and says Cameron is good enough for her, and intends to stay where she is. Win McVane has lately learned the carpenter trade, and built an exten sion to his house on Tuesday. You experienced carpenters had better set up and take notice. Truant Officer Wm McCann visited the absentees in Sterling Run and Canoe Run to-day. The Cameron boys had better look out, he is after you next. LOUISE. FiRST FORK. W. 11. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium. Mr. and Mrs. Austin and son, Miss Jcs 3 Johnson and Mrs. L. Johnson, who spent some time with relatives atthe llaynes residence, returned to their homes at Austin, Fa. Hon. John A. Wykoff the Associate Judge-cb-ct. transtcted business at Em porium last week. Mr. Jay Xtisou). is employed by the B. & S. at Pepperhi.l, spent a few days at bis homo at Sabinsvillle, Pa. Mr. .J. E. Bowers, brooks Lusbaugh am] William Swank were Sinneinahoniug visitors recently. Mr. .1. W. Buck & Son, who spent their vacation hunting in this vicinity, returned to their homes at llenovo. Mr. Buck is employed by the J'. K. 11. and Jan. 1, he assumes the position as Con ductor on the flyer from llenovo to Em porium Junction. Mr. 11. Bierly of Sabinsville, Pa., spent Sunday at the home of his brother in-law. Fran!;. L Miller. The social held at the Miller School House, !) •.."), for the purpose of pur chasing Lhrary was a success. Some thing over i>;;7 was realized. The peo ple deserve much credit and thanks for the help they have shown in this very im portant matter. Miss Lizzie .Miller who is taking a course at the Emporium High School, visited her parents at this place. Mr. Christ Summerson and Clarence Smith, who are employed at Hammersly Fork, returned to their Work, after visit ing their parents here. Mr. Amos Bennett is helping to move the saw mill from Cook's Run to Miles Smith's on First Fork. Wc are sorry to say tiiat the Sinnema honing Valley Telephone Co. from Hor ton to Sinnemahoning has had bad luek. About twenty-five telephone poles have been sawed off by some of our unlawful % citizens. Messrs. Jessie Miller, Wm. Miller, Carlton Logue, and Forest Commissioner Crum arc busily employed on Karthus mountain cutting out forest fire lines. Mr. H. B. Muthcrsbaugh of Drift wood. health inspector, looked after our sohools recently. Teachers' Institute which was to, meet at Miller school Saturday afternoon Dec. 5, failed to meet, but on the next Satur day afternoon, a verv valuable meeting was held atthe Gilmore School House. A full attendance of teachers were present. Some interesting talks were given. A few visitors were also in attendance. Sub ject of the Institute was "History." Mr. Ezra 15. Smith, teacher of Ilaynco school, has received some furniture for i his school. Tt certainly makes a grand j appearance. "Ez*' is bound to keep up j with the times. We must uot forget that an entertain- I incut will be given at the Gilmore School House, Friday evening, Dec. 18. Every body should turn out and show their ap preciation of Christmas. A large crowd always encourages those who give the en tertainment. Everybody cordially invit ed to attend. YOIIONTAS. Mr. Armstrong, boarding house keep er in the llammersley, was down the last of the week and bought a half a dozen beef cattle and 100 hens. Mr. Swank had the contract to deliver them at Wharton Monday morning. Wm. Logue jumped from the roof of his house to keep from falling, and injur ed one of his legs so badly that he is un able to walk. Beet Wclton of Hicks Run has his new hotel that he is building on the site of the one burned on the 19th Oct. last nearly completed and expects to get into it by the Ist of Jan. next. lie was visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. 31. Williams at this place over Sunday. The 19th of the month appears to be a kind of a "hoodo" day on the hotels on Bennett's Branch, as many as three of them having burned on that date. M. J. Logue marketed his turkeys at Driftwood last week, at the butchers, at 82 per head. This seems like a pretty good price. Winter appears to have set in pretty early time. Bert Welton seems to think times are pretty good at Hicks Run not withstanding Bryan was'nt elected. NITF SKI>. HUNTLEY. W. 11. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium Edward Skinner of Howard Siding has moved his family into the Logue homestead and will reside there hereafter. Mrs. John Jordan was a Driftwood caller Saturday. Gladys and Carrie Hill of Grove 11 ill were down off the hill Sunday and took Miss Rotha Kreider, the teacher,back on the Hill with them. Bear tracks were discovered around the residence of J. S. Jordan on River street Sunday morning—this is the second time that tracks have been discovered around Mr. Jordan's house and they always lead to Castle Garden. John says that he will get that bear if he has to call on the assistance of Jim Batchelder and Seth Nelson. A. W. Smith has finished his fall plow ing and has started to harrow. Any one suffering from corns, bunions or other foot ailments will do well to call on or write to W. 11. Smith. He has performed some marvelous cures in this section but has given up the job of trying to teach J. F. Sullivan how to sing. Thomas Roberts has signed with the P. R. R. base ball team for the coming season. Tommy now parts his hair in the middle and is raising a beautiful abraison on his upper iip. Lyle Jordan is learning to shoot a shot gun and is rapidly becoming a good shot as the stray cats and dogs will testify. "Dick'' Teats has a new recipe for baking pancakes and those who have sampled them say they are Excellent. Operator li. F. Foster is taking a course in the Seranton school and is uow wrestlimg with the dillieult problems in algebra. Fireman Clyde Collins of Reoovo is visiting at his home this week. Mrs. Levi Smith while walking out side the house Sunday slipped and fell, injuring herself quite severely. It will be some time before she will be out again. Signalman D. E. Spangler of Sterling Run was a business caller in town Mon day. Operators Reese any Jenkins posted at IIY tower during the past week. A series af revival meetings are being held in the M. E church at Sterling Run this week under the direction of the Rev. Mr. Bessey of Machias, N. V. He is one of the most eloquent speakers that has ever graced the pulpits in this section of the country and his words seem to be inspired from above. Already a great number of people includ ing a good proportion ofour young men have testified to a change of heart and it i- believed that a great majority if not all of the people here will be spiritually benefitted by Rev. Besseysearnest efforts in their behalf". Personally Mr. Bessey is a fine gentleman and is very popular with the people of all denominations and the PRESS congratulates him on his splendid work. A pleasant party comprising the Hunt ley Historical Society met at the resi dence of W. H. Logue ou River street Friday evening. Among those present were 11. F.Foster, W. 11. Smith, W. W. Johnson, Clarence Johnson, Thomas Roberts, Ruth and Johnny Sullivan. After the routine business was transacted, refreshments were served and a fine time was enjoyed by all. Excellent music was furnished by the Huntley Orchestra. J. F. s. What Some People Do. Some people let a trifling thing like weak nerves run along because they think it will remedy itself. If they would take Sexiue Pills in time they would save many a dollar, and strong and able to work besides. $1 a box, G boxes 85, with full guarantee for all forms of nerve j weakness. Address or call on It. C. ' Dodson. Druggist. Emporium. Pa., whore they sell all the principal remedies and I do not substitute. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DB.CBMHICK i 7 1908 CASTLE GARDEN. Next Jay is Christmas day. Miss Bessie McPhee has returned from delightful visit to Penlield. Mrs. Kate Murphy of Lancaster, at- I tended Sunday school here Sunday and 1 shook the hand of many of her old ae- I ijuaintanccs. Mrs. M.was a resident ot | the Garden at one time. Mrs. W. F. Hall, our pastor's wife, left here on Friday last for Angelica, N. Y., where she and her son Audry will spend the holidays with home folks. Mrs. Austin Murry. of Linden, Pa., was the guest of her brother, 11. W. llix, one day last week. Benj. Smith has bought out the black smith business of G. W. Gore. Benj. is a fine workman, very kind and obliging. Give him a call. Mrs. C. M. Bailey and Miss Nellie Marsh, of Mason Hill, called on friends in the Garden Monday. The teachers of our day school, Misses Nellie O'Keef and Lois Miller, did shop ping in Dußois Saturday. Mrs. G. W. Gore, Sr., of Picture Ilocks, returned to the Garden last week, after an absence of five months, and was welcomed by her hubby. All is serene and lovely. The Revival meeting starts up Thurs day evening instead of Saturday eve. Pastor Hall will conduct the services un til the arrival of the evangelists, who are E. E. Cookson. of Kansas, and C. A. Hendriek, of N. 0. Ttiey will be ac companied by a sweet singer of Israel, David Scott, of Houghton, N. V., who will have charge of the singing. Every body come aud hear the preaching and singing. A good time is expected. •J. L. Johnson, of Huntley, is a very sick man. The Dr. was called for him Monday. Will tell you next week how it is with him. Bluk Bell. SINNAMAHONING. W. 11. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium. Mrs. A. It. Counsil returned last Fri day !roui Lock Haven. Mrs. A. 11. Shafer , of Ridgway, visit ed relatives here, a couple of days last week. Howard and Ellsworth Fry spent Sun day with their parents here. Several of our townspeople attended the Masonic banrjuct at Driftwood, last Friday evening. .Nace 11. Drum, who has been on the sick list for several days, is back on duty at the B. & S. Station. Mrs. C. W. Dickson spent Monday in lienovo, shopping. A. 11. Shafer, C. E., of Ridgway, was in town between trains one day last week. Mrs. Steward Chase, of Renovo, is visiting friends and relatives in town. Mrs. Martha Beldin has gone to Aus tin to visit her sister, Mrs. Weed. Joseph B. Counsil has returned from Laquin, after a short visit with relatives in that town. Hon. C. F. Barclay is home from Washington on account of the illness of his wife. The Sunday School is arranging for a Xinas entertainment to bo held in the church, Wednesday evening, Dec. 2.'! id. Jno. Shirk has been quite sick but is now much better. Quite a number <.■! our people have the mumps. Mrs. Harry Lupoid came down from Emporium last Fridavand is at the home of W. 11. Lupoid. 1 _ Last Saturday morning Frank Fisher's i house was found to he on fire. The j prompt work of the neighbors saved the i house, although the contents of one room j were burned aud the other furniture in i the house badly spoiled by water. The J origin of the tire is unknown. Dec. 16th, 1008. X. X. X. J STERLING RUN. W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium. Miss Minnie Furlong, of Pittsburg, is i the guest of her mother, Mrs. M. A 1! Furlong. Mrs. L. C. Suminerson is on the sick list this week. Mrs. E. A. Kissel, who is suffering with a cancer, is some better at this writ- i iug. Met Barr, of llieks Run, was a visitor in town over Sunday. The Revival meetings are still in pro- ' gress. Mrs. Ethel Straw bridge has been quite ill but better at this writing. Miss Barr, of llieks Run.was the guest of Miss Gladys O'Keefe a few days i the past week. Nannie Spence, of Emporium, visited j her mother, Mrs. L. W. Spence, over | Sunday. W. M. Summerson. of Hicks Run, i attended the Maccabee lodge here Satur- j day evening. James P. Furlong and wife, of Hor- 112 nell, are the guests of the former's mother, Mrs. M. A. Furlong. Rev. W. 11. Allen was an Emporium i visitor Tuesday. George Herriek and daughter of St. Marys visited his mother. Mis. Ilerrick Sunday. Sed Bunce visited hi* parents Sunday. Jack Killeen has been suflerinu with neuralgia the past week. Mrs. Elmer Whiiinu and Nellie W'hit ir.g were Sinnemahoeinv: x i.-itors Tu".» ,i„N. I Bi.t K BELL {[ Tompkiiis & Horris | || Our Annual Proclamation || j| UP-TO-DATE GOODS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES j| m w T° all the People who Need Lemons, Graoc II Holiday Goods P H yig? Figs, Dates Fruit, , WE cannot enumerate very many articles but W Oysters specify a few and generalize all the balance Oranges OUR STOCK IS CHOCK FULL. 111 THE STORE THAT KEEPS ABREAST WITH THE TIMES |||) I For the Ladies For the Children For the Men 1 1 orse^s ' Dolls, Sweaters, | ffgSSEfy Jgf I Shirtwaists, Toys, ' Cigars, I j2||v W I Fine Underwear, Candy, Clothing, | | Handkerchiefs, from Chairs, and Gloves, | ||P | *° ,C^c eac h- Tables, j Cuffs and Collars. 3 djjl) | I Other Poultry in Abundance i csßßMnmiaßaraßS&ficsßßsaaaßMHßSHi ' FOR EVERYBODY— Dry Goods, Blankets Comforts, Shoes and Rubbers, Fresh and Salt Meats and Groceries in great quantities. Everything we j ggftj have without competition. | iSgK Wishing all a Merry Chrittmas and Happy New Year, as well gag as unbounded prosperity, j jp||| We remain, yours for business, J TOMPKINS & NORRIS J EAST ™ POR > miVl,
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