4^ V W '^'' v vTM^h. END OF THE SEASON SALE| fc Commencing Friday, December 11 and Continuing for Eight Days & fy We will Sell for CASH our Entire Stock of Millinery |g2 Hi and Notions, Etc. fjt ® Friday and Saturday, Dec. 11th and 12th m Mjj\ Trimmed Hat Days On these days we will have one dozen new TRIMMED HATS to show and during this Sale will sell our complete Hat stock at 25 to 50 per cent, discount. MONDAY, DEC. 14—-Fancy Feathers and Wing Day. On this day we will put on sale our entire stock /\lgiL, |P||r of Fancy Feathers and Wings at ONE HALF regular Price jfPt TUESDAY, DEC. 15. Plume Day. Lawn> Nainsock and Pi ? ue > at 10 percent. |,v We have some exceptionally good values Jr \/*3_ vjK discount. Wide Embroidery Flouncing at \* \ Mil to offer in Black, White, Green, Brown, 25 per cent, discount. |JyJ / Grey and Red Plumes at 25 per cent, dis- c * Corset and Hosiery Day. twiSr if i w We carry the La France Corset, and on ii; SSSJ J\ this day will sell the $3.00 Princess Mode! , •fsm WEDNESDAY, D«. 16, Un,™n,d H.tD., S??IS«£SSSa i;:"? On this day we will display a good as- __ sortment of dress shapes in all the season- SSwj THURSDAY, Dec. 17, Ribbon Day, M Fleece Lined Hose ijH/ iA$4 This is a Strong Point. We carry noth- IMBH at 19c a pair jr ing but the best in Ribbons. All shads and A line of Fancy HMIVMO -^B%l widths, Plaids and Fancy. Prices from 2c Hosiery for Xmas |pt| JJ| pv'*', tf&Wm fEIDAY, D." 18, Whil, &H.d S Da,. All yard goods such as Persian Lawns, j\ I 1 j iffiffr Striped and Bared Dimities, Linens French 1 Mil | ' rvvl ;ffe The Goods offered during this sale are all this seasons. Everything new TjjjL ~ In our Millinery Department we are Prepared to do Trimming all the Year Don't Forget the Date IBre gLUDLAMSg CAMKKO,J COUNTY 1 H KSS. Till KSDAV, DKCKMHI.K to
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