K"id for l»i«p.|-M Indie « ft rwH- l frnj« AM »riii«L U> IMIH"<- I mil ■ Iv«p"p*i• *• I '■> C |>. 1.1 Cnambcrlain'a Colli, Choltri ami Diarrhoea Remedy. This i« i | • Hcctly r« ''»ble in- lieiw I i bowel l ''iiplaitis and one that It - *«i ho n known to fail even in ihi m ■■ -• > o and daiit'ctiiui case*. I'"t l ,v l» T«i;»ait. Just a little Ca« i-*.ct is all that i liec****•!> i (jive your habv when it is cross and | ■■ cuish. CascH*w« •*t ■ 'Main* no opiates nor harnlul drug* and i - high ly rceoniiiiendcd by mothers everywhere Sold by R C. Dodson. l-or a Lame Itack. When you have pains or latueoc** in the back bathe the parts with Chamber liin's liniiin.nl twice a day. massaging with the palm of the hand for five min utes at each application. Then dampen a piece of flannel slightly with this lini ment and put on over the seat of pain, and you may be surprised to see bow quickly the lameness disappears. For sale by IJ. Tagnait. WINDSOR HOTEL W. T. BRUBAKKR, Manager riidway between liroad Street Station and Reading Terminal on Filbert Street. IKuropean, SI.OO per day and up American. $2.50 per day and up The only moderate priced hotel of repu tation ami consequence in Philadelphia, Pa. IA Few Timely Suggestions! At this season of the year nearly *very mind is occupied with the same S ;hought. What will I give for Christ- jB nas? Practical gifts are most accept- jS ible. G-ifts of real worth and inexpen- m jive ones too can be chosen from the || arge stock of the People's Clothing || Elouse with assurance that every one s correct. kits and Overcoats Fine Shirts rw. r ** on I'<ig showing of pleated R Jill f.S lOr IVlen Doys and plain shirts ranging be- I tween 50c and $2.00. A splendid assortment D *L D L %■ roai which tc make vonr KOD6S g [election. Hverv right Men ' s heav >' German ■ . ' ~8 blanket bath robes cnt fall |S ,v c, color ana model is 11 o 1 j*i .. && and long. Splendid assort- ||9 represented and prices that rU ent of patterns, nean big savings. o 1 • 7 1 . bmoKing Jackets Christmas Shoes I New vScotch Plaidsdonble » faced goods. Colors of H No finer gift or better ' r ' rcen i Wine, Smoke and 9 ~ 1 " , . Brown. Wide collar a pre- 9 -.election than here In 1 .. .1 * r 1 9 Ivalent style. As finely ■ 1 atten Leather, Gun Metal' tailored as your dress gar- 9 fan and Ox Blood. liient. All sizes 34 to 42. Among Other Things 1 Suspenders, Coat Sweaters, Suit Cases, I Collars and Cuffs, Umbrellas. Handker- B chiefs, Trunks, Traveling Bags, Fancy ■ Vests, Gloves. Cuff Llinks; Fobs Scarf ■ Pins. Hosiery, Neckwear. All ideal ■ Pressins and Regairing Done Here. jg Jasper Harris, | Opposite Post Office, EMPORIUM,. PA. ® A Hunk Ai'tnuflt l)rnwiti( The Firwl National Hunk ol I'mporl* mil, Will "(tell i»II .l((»l>taf\ 111. IHi Hi, « Si*mu* ll>'|i.irlmMi( t< yiutf ttit«r»*t .-»•tlt»» rn'rt n( \ - M lmer«»» i« Hit in Ht ' filHuW* mg il»I«"<( il' JMISII; II.M w*h<*< I d iinalt IK in u|t» during tin- HN live <1 1> of' mi)' month tnicrml ln-jjni " MI ili<' liral <•( f}■ :«t Mmi' month. W. will i i»*i(it .••nil compound lntw.*t twic • a >ear ) M*ri'h ft rut mid Bopt Hr*t Alter January Itli, we can ri'ittlvp \ our dcpodl lor nny mini Irom |l.ili and upward* A passbook win be Itlvcn yon wlu-n voa make tbf flr*t deposit; ymi thru haven bank account which draw* internal. You can add to th IN account at your ptrnwrr. If you would !>«» inoHt Hiicccwsful, you should make your money work too. For further particular* you are in vited to rail or write. 37-Ht T. R. LUIYD, I'aahier, 111 Health la More Expensive Than any Cure. Thin country is now filled with people who migrate across the continent in all direction* seeking that which gold cati not buy. Nine-tent* of them arc suffer ing from throat and trouble or chronic catarrh rusulting from nejectol colds, an<i spending fortunes vainly try ing to re-rain Inst hc.ilth. Could every sufferer but undo the past and cure that first negleetcd cold, all thi« sorrow. pain, anxiety and expense could have been avoided. Chamberlain's I'ough Kenedy if famous for its cures of colds, and can always be depended upon. I'se it and j the tuorc serious diseases uiay be avoided. For sale by I< Taggart. Nearly everybody knows I leWitt's Little Karly Risers are the best pills made. They are small pleasant, sure Little Liver pills. Sold by It. C. Dod son. Flats for Rent. Four new flats for rent. All con veniences. 34-tf. R. SKGER. CAMKKON COI'NTV PKIi&H, TIII'KSIMY. IK KKMHI- n>. r*»K. Uhc* w BubbMsdi $ Ch }ri>stm«vvjr ©Q }( \\J} ¥>y j/ x 1 -"enn i nr tk m<m> •■wek't fA ONL Christmas timr when old Mother Hubbard She of the far famed empty c upboard— Sat by her evening (ire alone, | J i Wishing she had for her dog a bone. There came a knocking upon the door, And as she hastened across the floor It flew wide open, to her surprise, TM And, oh, the vision that met her It nearly took away her breath And frightened her almost half to death. 112 There were people here; there were people there; 1 There were people yonder and everywhere. All were screaming, "Dear Mrs. Hubbard, We've brought you something to fill your cupboard!" First came lovely Cinderella, With her prince, a handsome fellow; M'■'/ (If Mother Goose and Simple Simon; g * lln their wake the Penny Pieman; Bluebeard, savage and defiant; jflMJrl JltiX Jack, who often killed a giant; /fcTjSgw (,f Puss in Boots, so trim and nice, Followed by the three blind mice; Then the little naughty kittens, P re "y scar ' et mittens; 7 U/j Sweet Bopeep and Little Boy Blue, /J h JvP e d Riding Hood and the bad Jllir^l) wolf, too; Uk|f j Jack, whose bean stalk ran so high, / / And the old woman who swept the 1 J at -k Horner, with his face aglow; W'~~ The frog who did a-wooing go; Dame Trot and all the endless crew That lived together in a shoe, v And many another known to fame /■- x Y>' -y Had 1 but room to give his name. U This much to tell you will suffice — They each and all brought something nice To fill the cupborrd o'er and o'er. Jfll^ In fact, their gifts bestrewed i.he floor. On every chair and table stood Some article of daily food. <|| | Each nook and corner held a dish H Of either fowl or flesh or fish " fl I ill Mother Hubbard scarce could find A resting place for foot or mind, far While doggie walked on his hind legs For fear of breaking pies or eggs. And, as for all the company, jjp Tliey had to stand outside, you see. ui Yet, as they had to leave quite soon 1 o see the cow jump o'er the moon, It did not matter in the least. But what about the sumptuous feast Inside the cottage ? Must 1 lell The fearful ending that befell The hungry dog who ate and ate » And brought about the cruel fate Jptti V*' ' J jL It is my duty to relate? JrW (j 5 For he, who lived upon a bone, Died when with plenty left alone, JT" i«... . And ere the morning stars grew dim He stiffened out in every limb. So Mother Hubbard buried him. This moral to the taie I give- Live not to eat, but eat to live. '"'..Ml L - fe- ~SPARKIINO] Sn tmnkf, no aoot, bo fllrkar. Ho "fronted" rhtninxr*. norharred wlrka. linrna on! rlMn Willi * l.i*. round, ateadr, wliii« II unit to Uiolutdro|> wlUiout readjual lint wick. "Family Favorite" LAMP OIL n«et llrlit for the pre*. )*•«« aanr Willi erery lamp tronhle. fVwta Bo mora than Inferior tank wavon oil. Almost «v«rj dealer lial It. Inquire. WAVERLY OIL WORKS CO., Independtnt Refinert 112 PITTSBURC, - - PA. iko makers of Waverly Special Auto Oil and Waverly Gasoline*. HARDWARE PLUMBING AND GAS STEAM WORK NEW FIRM DININNY, BURNSIDE&Co WE STOP THE LEAKS IN YOUR POCKET BOOK New Line, Low Price*! Practical Men, | In addition t<i our general Hardware, Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting we i have expert workmen on Tin, Iron of Felt Roofing. REMEMBER THE PLACE. liininiiy, Burnside & Co., Broad St., Emporium, Pa. | Pure Water! i \ DRINK | I WRVSI \ E | Oi&Llf V iILL | | WATEIf" I Clean. Pure ,ind lledltfiv t \ We are prepared to furnish the citizens j s of Emporium this popular Water, either s > PLAIN OR CARBONATED, it) bottles. } j < Drop a postal card—we will do the rest. \ , P The analysis « 112 the celebrated Sizerville | j * Water has made it famous all over the s P country. J ; Address, * i { Magnetic Mineral Water Co.. i SIZERVILLE, PA. I 7ssfia»«g xfOHRiaHKS&BiBBKammDHHnHHRmHiaaHrasnHRBnnaMgi A SWEEPING REDUCTION! | In Ladies, Misses and Children's Coats | | must now go at a Sweeping Reduction. We will now cut the price from 33 to 50 per cent, based g 011 our reasonable prices. This knocks the bottom | from all my competitors. We have a Great Line of Furs that must go Come in here first and wc will show you beauty, com fort and style,at prices you can't duplicate. This adver -111 ent is no fake. We will do as we say. Pour Doors Kast of Post Ofllic. H.A.Zarps&Co. * sKi—pr- zMMmasamz isxEtzzaum-:. t wammam: \\"V"*\\NN\N\\N/- * ADAM. I MELDRUM & / ANDERSON JO. <. "ii'i -iiim Am tntHi-fft ' llfM AHt. S V. ■ 5 THE ; : Christmas; ; Store j * (treat stocks of Holiday 112. ' are now complete now 'i 112 in complete assortment. We jjf }jj wish to impress our customers with the advantage* of shopping ■. tsarly— It in only no doing that the ' full measure of the Christmas t t spirit can be enjoyed. / The individual preferences of '/ t j£r those to bo remembered can lie L considered. The delays and annoyances of ' * the last days can be avoided. ' Selections from completeetockn / / may now be had—and the values / are better. | SHOP EARLY >; % ' Everything for > \ Women > z Many Things for < I Men l I $ ' Toys, Dolls < i I and Games g for the Childron. The biggest r »! stocks in Buffalo. % jg | We Refund k Your Fare / gin < onm ction with the Cham- & bor of Commerce. £ | ADAM, MELDRUM & % ANDERSON CO. 112 American Block, Buflalo, N.Y. \ \ A A \ AAA \ VN MRS. M. F. Conway | I Has removed from Broad , j Street and is now locate yon Fourth Street, opposite the Odd Fellows Hlock. 51 where she will continue to a 1 ( * serve her customers with ! \ Home-made Bread Cookies and any thing in the Bak ing line made to Order. jj Mrs. M. F. Conway, j **fflWEa/w»rtap.rjAi^ , jp^n , .*r«atncr!a*rauir«wr'jf3 *aar.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers