■«, bjiwi 8 m if 112% -ti I SL©k ImmCM€"MSC when eating, Jtha" your .food .is of highest wholesomeness —that it .has nothing in it that can injure or distress you makes the repast doubly comfortable and satisfactory. This supreme confidence you have when the food is raised *\^ith | Baking •Afosolwflfitefjß^shs*® The only baking powder made with Royal Grape Cream of Tartar There can be no comforting confi ! dence when eating alum baking pow der food. Chemists say that more or less of the.alum powder in unchanged alum or alum salts remains in the food? £ ■ L.OCAL. DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which you mould the to nee in thin rle/itirtmrntjct us know by pot n.l card or letter, personally. Miss Ella McCarthy, of this place, is attending the Renovo School of Teleg raphy. Edward Breene,the obliging clerk at the New Warner, was a business caller in Williamsport the last of the week. Mrs. Fred Webster and Miss Alicia Swain, of Canoe Run, were shopping in Emporium on Saturday afternoon. Austin W. Woods, one of Couders port's popular young men, spent Sun day in Emporium visiting his friends here. Misses Mollie Stephens and Clara Garner of St. Marys, were guests of the former's brother, Mr. John Stephens, the last of the week. Dr. 11. W. Mitchel very. pleasantly entertained the Messrs. W. H. Bush, John Stephens and Leon Gilbert, at cards, in bis apartments last Friday evening. Mr. Luman Andrews, of Couders port, was in Emporium last week, hav ing been called here, by the illness of his brother, Mr. A. F. Andrews, of the East Ward. Prof. A. D. Ericsson, of Grafton, Til., who was former chemist for the Key stone Powder Co., at this place, made a business trip here the last of the week. J. 11. Johnson, who has been con ducting the Roll-A way-Rink in town for the past three months, has left for his home in Williamsport, having clos ed the season here. Jas. Ostrum, who has been farming for 11. C. Crawford, at Keating Summit for several years has moved to Ship pen township where he will have charge of the O. S. Peters farm. Miss Mildred Green, of this place, who has been assisting in a miilinKry department store in Buffalo, lias been compelled to resign on account of ill health and is now at the home of her aunt, Mrs. M. A. Rockwell. Mr. Lewis Taylor, of Tucumcari, ; New Mexico, visited relatives in Em porium last week, guest of Mrs. Jennie Webster and the Jones family, on Third street. Mr. Taylor's wife, (Mrs. i Webster's sister,) visited here last sum- j msr . Mr. J. IL James, operator on the Pennsy line at Huntley Tower, and a resident of East Emporium, returned to his homo here on Monday of last week from Warren, having been called there by the death of his father, men tion of which we made last week in the PRESS. Mr. J. P. Grant and family have ! moved their household goods from j East Emporium to Olean, where Mr. j Grant can attend to his work to better advantage. We are Borry to lose the Grants from our town and wish them sufceess in their new home. The PRKSS will follow them. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Shaffer return to New York to-day, after visiting re latives in Emporium for some time. Mr. Shaffer is manager of the National Powder Co., office in New York, being ! also one of the owners of the business. ! He is doing well and prospering, we , are glad to learn. Our old friend J. Harve Drum, of i Sinnamahoning while in Emporium on j Tuesday, attending the election of ' county Supt., took time to drop in and see the PRESS. Harvo is employed by the Perley Lumber Company in Cam bria county and being a good lumber man fills a first-class position with this first-class Company. Prof. Ling, was re-elected principal of the Lock Haven city schools, Mrs. E. E. Matley has returned from ! visiting at Johnstown and Pittsburg. B. J. Collins, of Huntley, was an I agreeable PRESS visitor on Tuesday. Frank J. Kellev, of Austin, was a ,business caller to this place last Mon day. Mrs. Mike Huggler, of Ridgway is visiting her sister Mrs. John Robinson, on West Fifth street. Howard Dodge who has been in the Southern states for several months re turned home yesterday. Mrs. E. S. Coppersmith is still unable to leave her home, having been a vic i tim of the dread grippe. Mrs, James. J. Sherman, of Cincin nati, 0., is the guest of her son, Dr. W. 11. Bush, of this place. Mrs. J. M. Butler and Mrs. C. E. Connolly, of Port Allegany, registered at New Warner last Monday. Mrs. Jacob Slaigle, of Sheffield, Pa., is transacting business in town and looking after her property. Mr. F. A. DeCamp, bookkeeper with i "Climax" Co., at this place, was a PRESS visitor on Saturday. Miss Richardson, of Curwensville, is j the guest of Miss Nina Bryan, at her home 011 North Broad street. Ed. C. Whiting, of Sterling Run, j transacted business in Emporium iast j Saturday and registered at the New j Warner. j Mrs. Susan Sterner is in Austin, hav ing been called there by the illness of her son, and daughter O. W. Sterner | and wife. Mrs. Kathryne Bush, night operator in the telephone exchange of this place, ha-< returned from an extended | trip to Dußois. Miss Lena McDonald, one of the ob liging "Hello" girls of this place, is still confined to her home by an attack of rheumatism. Mrs. John Kackenmeister and daugh ter, Miss Bessie, and Max Spence spent j Sunday in Sterling Run, the guests of J their uncle, 1,/loyd Spence. E. D Dubuque, of New Castle, Pa., visited his numerous Emporium friends over Sunday. Ho left yesterday morn ing for New Castle, Pa., but did not go I via Buffalo this time. Mrs. Frank McCabe, of Rochester, N. Y., who has been the guest of R. C. Dodson and family for a few days, left on Wednesday for Austin, where she will visit before returning home. A Summer Normal School Will be conducted in the Emporium High School from May 18 to June 26. For information address C. E. PLASTERER, " •R- Emporium, Pa. Eye Specialist. > Prof. W. H. Budine, the well known Eye Specialist, of Binghamton, N. Y., will be at R. H. Hirscli's jewelry store, Emporium, Pa., May 9th. If you can't see well or" have headache don't fail to call and see Prof. Budine, as he guarantees to cure all such cases. Lenses ground and fitted in old frames. Eyes tested and ex amined free. All work guaranteed. NEW TO-DAY. Geo. J. Laßar—New adv. J. H. Day—New adv. Royal Baking Powder—New adv. First National Bank—New adv. R. Kuehne—new adv. Adam, Meldrum & Anderson Co., — new adv. Opera House—new adv. Fred Julian—Residence for sale. Eggs for Hatching. S. C. B. Leghorn. 15 for 75c. FRED K. ZIMMER, B*tf. Gardeau, Pa. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 7. 1908 DEATH'S DOINGS i Mrs. E. 11. Snyder died at the Kane Hospital 011 Wednesday last after a long and severe illness. Her Drs. ad vised taking her to a hospital, so on | Wednesday morning her husband 1 started with her, but after reaching the : hospital at Kane, the journey had been too severe and she only lived about an hour. She leaves a husband, four chil dren, mother and two sisters to mourn her death. Deceased was brought home on ; Thursday and buried in River View I cemetery. Funeral services were held j Friday afternoon at two o'clocklin M.E. ' church by the Rev. Dickson. Deceased was a patient Bufferer and ! a loving mother and trusted in her | Savior to sustain her in her long illness. ! The family have the sympathy of their i many friends in their bereavement. KNICKERBOCKER. Died, near Port Allegany, Pa., May ' ] Itrd, 1908, at the home of his son-in law, 11. L. Whiting, Lester Knicker bocker, aged 81 years. Mr. Knicker-! bocker came to Emporium in 1863, from I New York, engaged in lumbering and lived hero until a few years, ! when 110 resided with his adopted j daughter, Mrs. Whiting. Deceased j was in the employ of Hollister & Co., ! | and C. B. Howard & Co., as scaler for many years, in fact as long as he was able to conduct his work. Wo knew 1 "I.el" Knickerbocker intimately and greatly respecied him for bis many ex cellent trai(« ot character—honesty, charitableness and great love and kind ness to his family. We deeply regret our inability to be present at his fun eral. His remains were brought to Emporium yesterday noon and laid at rest in the family lot in Newton Ceme tery, beside his wife, son, two daugh ters and two brothers. Farewell, old 1 friend; you will receive your reward for the groat charitable acts you per formed on earth to family and friends. ! Bathtubs are Scarce Abroad. Americans traveling abroad are often puzzled on the subject of baths, says the June Delineator. We are so used at home to the luxury of a porcelain j tub, that we feel as if we had fallen in among,the heather when after a dusty journey we find that there is no bath in the pension There are always pub lic baths in European cities, frequent ' ed by people of refinement. The baths are kept immaculately clean, and the ! prices charged are not high, say ! twenty-five cents for everything in- . eluded—soap, towel and tip. If you like a bran bath, which is most refresh-1 ing, you can have a sack of bran to throw into the bath for about ten cents. Valued Same as liold. B. (i. Stewart, a merchant of' Cedor j \ icw. Miss., says: " I tell my customers I when thev buy a box of Dr. King's Now Life Pills they get the worth of that , much gold in weight, if afflicted with j constipation, malaria or biliousness." | Sold under guaranree at all drug stores. > Win. 11. Anderson, M. I), of Soda I Springs, Ida., says that Bees Laxative j Cough Syrup has relieved coughs and , I colds where all other remedies failed. Its 1 gentle laxative effects especially recom mend it for children. It is pleasant to ' take. For coughs, colds, hoarseness,! whooping cough. Money refunded if not atisficd. Sold by il. ('. Dodson. : Don t cough your head off when you ! can get a guaranteed lleniedy in Bees Laxative Cough Syrup. It is especially recommended for children as its pleasant to bike, is a gentle laxative thus expell- „ ing the phlegm from the system. For coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, I hoarseness and all Bronchial trouble. 3 Guaranteed. Sold here by 11. C. Dod- t son. 3m \ The Host Common Cause of Suffering, ' hhcuuiatism causes more pain and suf fering than any other disease, for the rea son that it is the most common of all ills, and it is certainly gratifying to sufferers to know that Chamberlain's Pain Balm will ! afford relief, amd make rest and sleep pos- I siblc, fn many cases the relief from pain, which is at first temporary, has become j 112 permanent, while in old people subject to ! I chronic rheumatism, often brought on by i I dampness or changes in the weather, a : permanent cure cannot be expected; the j relief from pain which this liniment af- I fords is alone worth many times its cost.l c 2f» aud 50 cent sizes for sale by L. Ta<'- 1 gart. " ® |B our new line of Definition of i Definitive hi ■jjU 11 r 11 m-v * l'his word when linked to an arti- it; 112 Wall Paper for 1908. f-- "Madam, beyond this' there is noth- fjjj [ij I ying to attain." c® 105 ' Such a word and such a word only Ji| I Consists of the best things from three factories. Also Hie Robert Graves Co. 's line of Decoration Paper of all jTjpL uj 1 " Ms V • Hot-Pressed Vellum | The Graves line took first prize in competition at St. Money cannot buy a better writing 111 «L against the world. H S LLOYD paper, for experience cannot produce fil iwp- * * one. }Ur -se«3Eiaei!si2E EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. 1 Emporium. Pa., May 5. 1908. NBMOHHILA.nersaok tl 30 pelt's Fancy, " ]OO I Pet Grove, 60 (irahani, 44 ~ 0 Ryo «... 44 cn 1 Buckwheat 44 Patent Meal 44 . . 50 | Coarne Meal per 100, .!.!.!!! 1 i»o Chop Feed •• , „„ i o i to M'(ldlings, Fancy'• Bran inn j Chicken Wheat j go I Corn per bushel. | un While Oats. jicr bushel ..." 117 Oyst -r Shells, per 100 Seed Oats per bushel j ChokeCloverSeed, 1 | ChoiceTinnthySeed, S At Market Prices j Choice Millet Seed. > R.C. DODSON, THE Druggist, i:"WPORII!M, PA. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. JfW~ ' ; i. I K. C.UOUSON. Telephone, 19-2. | Special Sale ===== A fine line of canned goods. 11 Dishes, Tinware, Post Cards. Can Dried Beef 25c. Lima Beans per lb 9c Seven bars Acme Soap 25c I] -A II Presn Eggs 20c dozen. M j |j Home-Made Bread || | Cookies and i ] Doughnuts i i > l Mrs. M. F. Conway, BROAD STREET. The Cough Syrup that rids the system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels is BEES LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP Bees is the original laxative cough syrup, contains no opiates, gently moves the bowels, carrying the cold off through the 1 natural channels, Guaranteed to give satisfaction or mosey refunded. "j"* Vlf I*l n A oure gti.riinoca If juu uvi ' FlLESr^supposiiorij r j , ; D. Matt. Thompson, 8o ( . 112 '.jSchooJ*. Btntetrlllt, N. ( write.; -1 can ««v fc A j l ® »'* for tlii-m." Dr. fl. M. D«ror. ; ».v .|i. n Rock, W. \ a., writ 1-9; •« T»uy iriro universal sail-§/" I 3" in" Tl on., »rlle»:|S J a a praotl. Eof S3 yean, I have fuumt no muudv t„ W . 1 ' »**""«• MABTIN bud*. LANC.STrn o. SoMin Emporium by L. Taggartb R. C Dod.'c■ | CULL FOR r SAMP! C I ' Balcom Lloyd • STAPLE DRY GOODS I'AND GROCERIES, I COUNTRY'BUTTER AND EGGS. —— mammtmm —a— ■■ML —j—— nmma ———— J A-MA-KA The "*■' lb; jiz DA I I HAM pc r c locp ih The Satisfactory Store • iac LD - 30c aLb A KcTthem'lfave thB t iuifn«! , n inß V? ro ® erie ? at Day's. All orders no matter how we ■ thAt same careful attention. More and more people are Undine out H that the Day service is best and WHY NOT? HAVE YOU ninMr 112 n , , ■ come to the store, use the -phone or ask for the order cleik to can y SAVING PRICES FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. l'liro i i„ h..n liest Oranulated Sugar Jt.r.s. H Ire Lard iu bulk, a lb. 12c. Springbrook Creamery Butter alb 32e. M Best Califnrmn r c Oranges, sweet and juicy, 30c dozen. H 50c pk«e SearchliEht Mi?chM« 2 "°' " Ellte "canned corn or succotash, '2 for 25c oT 'atchcs JSc. Large bottle Blueing Bc. A %>" oirArflb 2 a lb 11c. YOU CAN'T DO GOOD COOKING IWit!'oi:t « lih to rook with. We have a complete lioe 01 notable bir'iiClAX-TltiS for jou t.: .elect Jrom. Oihnore Grater. ST^AM nDcsn-teiog. Vjrj) CEREAL j cooker ' much In tin csln utcaas a cuiinnon I lr jktl .'l' You have never tasted grater v ill i-i an i really good oatmeal it » hour. The little \ J you have not used the Iknivea cuti tiny ,-y,\ Steam Cereal Cooker. do not tear. ( , s J I . 10 csnis Ceato. JAR It call bo used for ! Pit • I' f,LLLiI . u dipper, funnel. n-TTif *o fp uit - jar filler, PitfV«\ T!W ' I" • luVrQ H trainer, etc. Th.'in- I1IH« Aj»"T " Jmbbs rtlTTi trrcliongeableimrti ftfOHr Pr- iS!b cents. DIrPER thev litfUld will not ■*P*c •1V r Aiams &ISMO aoium i cuk . li tt.MS. Itwillmake 1 SAVORY ROASTER. I^iyr^tljan I reninving cake The only Sanitary Roaster : no seams or V cr.rnars. As easv to elenn as a jilate. Always ) gives good results. SI.OO. - 10 cents. 1113 so much easier ic do yc jr housework if you use our up-to-date Kitchen Utensils. I Prompt delivery to all parts of town You Get Better Values Here. J. H. DAY, ! Phone Bmporiu^u^|. BHHtoS || EYC R* KNOWN TO' F AH. J' I I have Ib. iu uend your ordera to ur <ioe# U ONI T EDMEDICALCO.,BOX 74. LA«CASTCR. PA WUBSH Sold in Emporium by L. Taggz/t and R. C. Dodson
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers