Getrrjeror) &6ur)ly j^pess Shtablihuud f.v O. B. GOULD. 1113NP.Y TI. MULLIN, (Mitor t id Manager. PUBLISIIEH EVEIU' THURSDAY TE H M S O K st: BrtCRIPTION : Per year s■> 00 It paiil in advance $1 SO ADVERTISING RATES. Advertlaeineutsarepubliabedat the rate ofone tollar per squurefor oneinsertion and tiftycentb per square fur each subsequentinsertion. Rates by the year or for six or t href month Bare ow aim uniform . and wilt be furnished on appli cation Legal and Official Advertising per square, three imes or less,s2 00; each subsequent cents ner square. Local noticestencents per line for one! nsertioo, five cents perliueforeachsubsequentconsecutive Insertion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per l nn. 3iiiipleanuouncenientsofbirth»,marriages ami deaths will he inserted free. Business Cards, live tines or less $5.00 per year over live lines, at the regular rates oi advertising No!ocalinsertedforlessthan7s cts. per issue. JOH PRINTING. The Job department of the Piiess is complete, *nd affords facilities for doing the best class of work. Pabticolar attention paid to Law Printing. No paperwillbe discontinued until arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers sent out ofthe county must be paid for (n advance. «#-No advertisements will be accepted at less han the price for fifteen words. notices free. AflminiHtrator's JVotiee. Estate of MRS. MARGARET MULCAHY, dcceaxed. N'OTICE is hereby given that letters testa mentary upon the Estate of Mrs. Margaret Mulcahy late of Emporium, Cameron county, Pa., have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment and those having claims present same, without delay, to DAVID J. MULCAHY, Administrator. Elwood City. Pa., April tltli, 1908. 9-lt Good Liniment. You will hunt a good while before you fiiid a liniment that is equal to Chamber lain's Pain Halm as a cure for muscular and rheumatic pains, for the cure of sprains and soreness ot the muscles. In case of rheumatism and sciatica it relieves the in tense pain and makes sleep aud rest pos sible. In case of sprains it relieves the soreness and restores the parts to a heal thy condition in one-third the time requir ed by the usual treatment. It is equally valuable for lame back and all deep seat ed and muscular pains. 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by L. Taggart. A Caiifornian's Luck. "The luckiest day of my life was when I bought a box of Ruck leu's Arnica Salve," writes Charles F. Rudahn, of Tracy, California. "Two 25c, boxes cured me ot an annoying case of itching piles, which had troubled me for years' and that yielded to no other treatment. Sold under guarantee at all drug stores Ring's Little Liver Pills for bilious ness and sick-headache. They clean the system and clear the skin. Price 25c. Try them. Sold by H. C. MenZan Pile Remedy comes ready to use, put up in a collapsible lube with nozzle attached. One application proves its merit. Soothes and heals, reduces inflammation and relieves soreness and ii ehing. For all forms of Piles. Price 5He. Guaranteed. Sold by R. C. l)od- j son. 3m ManZ in Pile Rmedy, price 50c is guaranteed. Put up ready to use. One application prompt relief to any lorm of Pi! S. Soothes and heals. Sold by R. C. Dodson. vim The Evidence fn the Case. 31 years use in evidence—Mi lions of consumers in evidence—sales made by Hi,ooo agents in evidence. You buy i gallons L. & M. Paint and 3gallons Pure Linsed Oil (at 00 cents) mix them and make 7 gallons best paint ready lor use— cost only §1.20 per gallon—Done in 2 minutes. Harry S. Lloyd, Emporium, L. A; M. Paint Agent. Oxide of Zinc—What Is it? Its the wearing quality ofthe L. & M. PAINT while white lead is the clastic quality of L. & M. PAINT. Wears fully 15 years on outside of a house. Costs ready for use about 81.20 per gal lon. Harry S. Lloyd, Emporium, L. & si. Paint 30 day-i' trial §I.OO i- the oiler on Pineules. Relieve Backache, Weak Rack, Lame Rack, Rheumatic pains. Rest on vale for Kidneys, Rladder and Rlood. Good for young and old. Satis faction guaranteed or money refunded. Sold by I{. C. Hudson. 3m Wheu a man writes as follows don't you think be means it? S. G. Williams, Powderly Texas, says:"l have suffered lor years with Kidney and Rladder trouble, using every preparation I came across and taking many prescriptions all without relief until uiy attention was call ed to Pineules. After 30 days' trial §1.00). Tam feeling line. Money re funded if not satisfied. Sold by R. C. Dodsoa. 3m For the Farmer. (Jail at the Emporium Machine Shop for Bowker's fertilizer and printed mat ter giving directions how to use same to get best results for grain and vege tables. 8-10t. Emporium Machine Co. Here comes the Spring Winds to chap, tan and freckle. IJse Pinesalvc Carbolis ed. (Acts like a poultice for cuts, sores, burns, chapped lips, hands aud face. It soothes and heals. Sold by 11. C. Dod on. 3m A number ot rooms, with use of bath or rent. Apply to Frank F. Day. 11 tf. I Curiosity Not Stilled. A certain Tonili:; pri >ner landed tn jail a'.uost , i'lU'ss. lie w.-.s a man whcv had ligi . in a number of (ho to\v«'s sliatly iran letlons, and 1 name was juvt [y y,-p!I known. A few I days after his in' -oration ho wrote to a friend asking ,i monthly allow- I #Bc® "i $lO id ( !nnod during his , term of impri-on i«• m. The /fiend, re | uleiu boring j favors, remitted thr | amount each niontli during a period | that covered two trials and the long , time intervening. One day it occurred j to him to inquire Into the manner of I expending the allowance. 110 supposed ; it was used to buy occasional extra • meals, u few cigars and newspapers, j but just as a matter of furiosity he | asked for particulars. He found to | his astonishment that the prisoner had I never ordered an extra meal and had | not smoked a cigar all the time he had | been in jail. "Then what in thunder," demanded the man,"have you been doing with that $lO a month?" "1 subscribed to two press clipping bureaus," replied the prisoner coolly. "You don't suppose, do you. that I am going to pass through this, the most critical time of my life, without find ing out what everybody has got to say Hbout me?"— New York Times. The Star Chamber. Perhaps the most beautiful and origi nal scene of all in Mammoth cave is the star chamber. At a point in the i well defined path one comes to the brow of a gentle declivity and notes that the roof of folded or fretted lime stone had disappeared. The darkness is impervious to the rays of the lamps. "The star chamber," announces the guide, and, bidding his visitors to put their lights out and to look up, he dis appears up a side passage. Slowly the darkness above lightens a little; then stars come out one by one and twinkle merrily as in a real sky. A comet shoots across the line of vision; then the glory of the Milky Way appears. The illusion is perfect and the explana tion not far to seek. The celling Is heavily coated with manganese dioxide and lias been pierced here and there with snowy crystals of gypsum. The guides go be hind this ceiling, and the light from their lamps produces the effect of a miniature firmament with the crystals of gypsum for stars.—New York Post. He Grasped the Idea. "Tommy," said ins teacher, "the words 'circumstantial evidence' occur In the lesson. Do you know what cir cumstantial evidence is?" Tommy replied that he did not. "Well, I will explain it to you by an illustration. You know we have a rule against eating apples in school. Suppose some morning I should see you in your seat with a book held up In front of your face.» I say nothing, but presently I go around to where you are sitting. You are busily study ing your lesson, but I find that your face is smeared, while under the edge of your slate I see the core of a fresh ly eaten apple. "I .should know just as well us if 1 had caught you at it that you have been eating an apple, although, of course, I did not; see you do it. That is a case in which circumstantial evi dence convicts you. Do you think you j know what it is now?" "Yes, .ma'am," said Tommy. "It's eating apples in school." Youth's Companion. The Mormons. The Book of Mormon appeared in IS3O. Joseph Smith of Palmyra, N. Y., claimed that he had received it as a new Bible for all mankind. lie began preaching Mormon doctrines, gathered followers, who migrated to Kirkland, 0., and later to Missouri, whence they were driven out by their neighbors. They then went to Illinois, building the city of Nauvoo, and adopted po lygamy, but they met with strong op position there and finally settled at Salt Lake. They had hardly reached there before the foreign soil they had chosen was a part of the United States by a treaty with Mexico. The Seven Wise Men. The names and characteristic aphor isms of the seven wise men of ancient Greece are as follows: Solon of Atheus, "Nothing in excess;" Theles of jfiletus, "Suretyship brings ruin;" Pittacus of Mitylene, "Know thine opportunity;" Bias of Prieno iu Caria, "Too many workers spoil the work;" Chllon of Sparta, "Know thyself;" Cleobulus of lUiodcs, "Moderation is the chief good," and Perhmdcr of Corinth, "Forethought lu all things." Simply Reversed. Bill—l see he is trying to have the judge's sentence reversed. Jill—What was the sentence? "Ten dollars or ten days." "Well, I don't see what good it would do to have it reversed." •"Why not?" "Wouldn't ten days or $lO be just as Vad ?"—Yonkers Statesman. Tolerant Orientals. Both the Chinese and the Japanese have shown throughout their history great toleration in matters of religion. Even the persecution of Christians in the seventeenth century bad its origin purely in political reasons. Japan Chronicle. The Last Word. "Your wife likes the last word, doesn't she?" "I don't think so," answered Mr. Meekton. "Anyway, she's mighty re luctant about reaching it."—Washing ton Star. Be a booster. The knocker is usual- ! ly the man who waits for something j to turn tii) or tries l . get something j for nothing. Salt T/'l-te Tribune. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1908. How Candy F~ocl:d Sandy. • An old K.'ntleiniiii inn village! not fur from <sli s .• Lvpiikfnslotl every lriorn iug 011 porriilge ;>nil in order to save fllel cooke«l 1 \»!i"!e week's supply every Saturilr y. One Friday morning the stuff y.'ome;! very t'ttitl and very salt, and he t.; he must abandon the struggle Ik it. But his stubborn nature forli.nie any such thought. So be fetched the whisky from the cup board, poured out a glass and placed it before him on the table. "Now, Sandy,'' said lie. "if ye eat that pnrritcli ye'll liae that whisky, an' if ye don't ye won't." lie stuck again at the last spoonful: but, keeping his eye steadily on the glass of whisky, lie made a bold, brave effort and got it down. Then 110 slowly and carefully poured back the whisky Into the bottle, with a broad grin, as he said to himself, "Sandy, my lad, I did ye that time, ye auld fule!" —Dundee Advertiser. One Hair Astray. A guest at a certain fashionable ho tel recently had a grouch, lie carried It to the proprietor. "Look here," he said, "things around here are just about as rotton as they make them. When I went to lunch to day I found hair in the ice cream, hair in the honey and hair in the apple sauce. Now, what do y' think o' that? Is that a good hotel?" "Well," replied the genial proprietor, "I can explain the hair in the ice cream. That likely came from the shaving of the ice. And I suppose that the hair in the honey came off the comb. But I don't understand about the hair in the apple sauce. I bought those apples myself, and they were every one Bald-wins."—Columbus Dis patch. GRAND OPENING —OF Thursday Evening, May 7th ~AT THE— —— Opera House, Emporium, Pa, Under the Personal Management of Miss Lottie levecke and Mr. Wm. Levecke Don't Fail to Hear The BOGEKT QUARTETTE In their Vocal Novelty Sketch. //. E. Shearef, Ist Tenor. F. J. Wcis, 2d Tenor E. J, H/eis, Baritone J- W. J EPSON, the eminent Bass Koloist will render "Roll on Through Dark and Deep Bine Ocean. THE GREAT SELLMAN In his wonderful Magic Act. The finest now before the public. Late from Nev York. All This for Ten Cents Fine Reel of Moving Pictures and Illustrated Song by Miss Lottie Levecke. 112 ' I—IMI—■—IM MIIH WIIIiIWBBWWWMMMMMBMWWMWWWWMWIMWMa »■ I Perfect Fitting, Better Tailored | and More Stylish Clothing • Than you will find elsewhere for the same price—our stock of TOP COATS, SUITS and CRAVENETTS ready—come see them. We are showing many novelties in garments for Men and Young Men as well as for the youngsters. Children's Suits Men's Suits Topcoats and Raincoats $1.50 up to $6.50 $7.50 up to $22.50 $lO up to $25 Stetson, Broadway 1 WCluett, Monarch, Gold Special and Samobin J Odl FiS>, and Silver Dress Shirts I __ _ Opposite Post Office, EMPORIUM, PA. SI.OO to $1.50 Hats, Spring Styles Where the Good Clothes Come From. J New Spring Neckwear 25c to 50c, | How's This. We offer One Hundred Dollars lie ! ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned,have known F. I J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be j lieve liini perfectly honorable in ail J business transactions, and financially ! able to carry out any obligations made ; by liis firm. Wai.dixc, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. You Can't be Oownhearted. That is. you can't while you are tak ing Sexine Pills. They dispel the des pondency and by their line tonic action replace that worn out, "all-in" condition ; with buoyancy, vigor and good cheer, l'riee SI a box, six boxes §5, fully guar anteed on the money-hack plan. Address or call R. C. Dodson, Druggist, Empori um, Pa., where they sell all the principal remedies and do uot substitute. Biliousness and Constipation. For yeajs I was troubled with bilious ness and constipation, which made life miserable for me. My appetite failed me. I lost my usual force and vitality. Pepsin preparations and cathartics only made matters worse., T do not know where T. should have been to-day had L not tried Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. The tablets relieve the ill feeling at once, strengthen the digestive (unctions, purify the stomach, liver and blood, hclpintrthe system to do its work naturally.—Mrs. Uosa Potts, Birming ham, Ala. These tablets are (or sale by L. Taggart. AUDITORS' REPORT 1 01 the Receipts and txpendii ures, Liabilities uhd Assets of the Borouqh of Imporiutn for the Year I ndincj March I, 1908. \V. K. LLOYD, Treasurer, in account with the Borough ami Electric Light Funds. Receipts, Borough l-und. Balance in hands of Treasurer, March 1,1 SOT, $230 22 Received from Fred Begor, Coll., 1006 tax 17 2fi Received from John Glenn, Coll., 1907 tax 3103 38 Received from Liquor Licenses 12H2 50 Received from all other sources 911 91 Receipts, Electric Light Fund. Received for Commercial Lighting . $l5O 00 Received from Fred .Seger, Coii., 1908 til* 125 41 Received from John Glenn, Coll., 1907 tax 2103 43 Total receipts Boro.-EI. Light Funds.. $S29a 11 Expenditures, Borough Fund. Paid for Police $692 00 Paid to Fire Department 560 00 Paid Auditor's Fees 42 00 Paid for work on streets 834 83 Paid Sewer Extension 1972 74 Paid for Sidewalks and Crossings 235 48 Paid for all other purposes 634 9fi Expenditures, Electric Light Fund. Paid for Gas f252 00 Paid Engineer's Salary.... 915 00 Paid Supplies, Etc 736 81 Total expenditures Boro-EI. Funds $6875 82 Balance in hands of Treasflrer 1417 29 $8293 11 Asaets, Borough and Iflectric Light Funds. Balance in hands of Treasurer $1417 29 Due from Fred Seger, Coll., 1906 tax... 7 40 $1421 69 Liabilities, Borough and Electric Light Funds. Outstanding orders $144 77 Excess of Assets over Liabilities 979 92 $1124 69 W. F. LLOYD, Treasurer, in account with Em porium Borough Water Fund. RECEIPTS, Balance in hands of Treasurer, March 1, 1907. $1329 57 Received from Fred Seger, Coll., 1906 tax 57 13 $1386 70 EXPENDITURES. Paid Emporium Water Co., for one year SIOOO 00 Balance in hands of Treasurer 386 70 $1386 70 ASSETS. Balance in hands of Treasurer $386 70 LIABILITIES—NONE. W. F. LLOYD, Treasurer, in account with Em porium Borough Bond Fund. RECEIPTS. Balance in handsofTreasurer, March 1, 1507.. $2431 43 Received from Fred Seger, Coll., 1906 tax 173 21 Received from John Glenn, Coll., 1907 tax 3100 00 $1704 64 EXPENDITURES. Paid Nine Eleciric Light Bonds S9OO 00 Paul Sixteen Sewer Extension Bot,ds.. 1600 00 Paid interest on outstanding bonds 149 50 $2949 50 Balance in hands of Treasurer 1755 14 $1704 64 ASSETS. Balance in hands of Treasurer £1755 14 LIABILITIES. Outstanding Electric Light Bonds $3600 00 Outstanding Sewer Extension Bonds.. 5100 00 Outstanding Interest Coupons. ... 142 00 $9142 00 Excess of Liabilities over Assets $7386 86 FRED SEGER, Collector 1906 taxes, in acc tint with Emporium Borough. Balance due March 1, 1907-. 516 89 Paid Treasurer— $373 01 Exonerations 136 48 Balance due Borough $7 40 JOHN' GLENN, collector 1907 taxes, in account with Emporium Borough. To amount of Duplicate ... $7520 15 CR. By amount paid Treasurer... $7366 81 By exonerations 153 34 We, the undersigned Auditors of the Borough of Emporium, tin certify that we have examined, audited and aettled the accounts of the Treasurer of Emporium Borough and that the forgoing is a true statement of the same. Witness our hands this fifteenth day of April, 1908 GEO. A. WALKER, JR., GRANT S, ALLEN, I.E. HOCKLEY, 12-3t. Auditors. ; JTSFUL FACE; ' '/■ If yon haye pirnpies, blotches, ar ether skin imperfections, yo. .cmove their and have a cfer. . :(] beautiful complexion by ur.*i) L h> BEAUTYSKIN *. '..J !'Makes llew T\* \~7 Blood, ~* .p/ Improves the Removes likin Imperfections. Xju * Beneficial results guaranteed or money refunded. \ jf •Send stamp for Free Sam pie, Particulars and Testimonials. j * Mention this paper. After Using. : 2 •"'ICHESTER CHEMICAL CO., 1 Madison Place, Philadelphia, Pa. [ j | A Few Specials: \ \ DELICIOUS STRAWBERRIES | C 3 cans Valley Dew Corn for 26c. J J 2 cans Rtd Salmon 25c. » X I can R. B. Powder 45c. S s 1 31b can Wbite Cherries 35c. p 112 1 31b can Spinach 18c. \ X 1 lb Walter Bakery Chocolate 46c. \ t 1 31b can Nile Brand Lemon Cling £ ? Peaches 25c. % \ FRESH SHAD. S % 1 lb 60c Gunpowder Tea 50c. J 112 Ilb Pitted Prunes lb 20 to 30,13 c. > \ Fresh Lettuce every week 25c lb. X < Malaga Grapes 15c lb 2 lbs for 25c. < ? Chickens, or \ \ Latest popular Music on hand all the C 112 time. J > Free delivery anywhere. I \ Phone your orders. C [T.W. WELSH! r Chas. Diehl's Old Stand, West Ward [ \ \ N N \ V;\ \ V V \..\ \/; A SECOND TO NONE Y ADAM. X MELDRUM & | ANDERSON CO. % 396-408 Main Street, % %. BUFFALO, N. Y. % % I | / | j Carpets I / % We carry the largest line / ofßugsand Carpets in West- - ern New York. We have / the pick of the best patterns * ' from all the leading manu / facturers. / / Vou are sure to secure just ✓ the size you want and the |i y pattern and color you most , • desire when you come here. /j / They cost 110 more than the ' inferior kinds. ' Royal Wiltons, Biyelow Exminsters, J Fine Velvets, S / Bo:!y Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain. ; Linoleums, Oi!cio!iis, ; Mattings of all Kinds. We make a specialty of / / Linoleums up* to 12 feet / / wide for kitchens. ' < I x We Refund Your Railroad Fares ✓ . I = • ■ k , | ADAM, I / MELDRUM & I ANDERSON CO. ; American Block, Buffalo, N.Y. •XV \ \# \ \ \ \ V'\ \ \ \
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