¥7l,oiutdy i pare i L< 'v- J I 4F From Gmp e | the most healthful W^ Ka of fruits, comes the %3r~3yi ® chiel ingredient of^ The only baking powderJßs made from Royal |/c\V'.of Tartar J&tr 0 i |f*|, | jjflfU. /Sift11 Costs a little more than the injurious hlura i*j ||li||V ~l[]M or phosph-tc of liue powders, but with M I fc T 111 Royal you are sure of pi:rs, hsalthfu! food. sy LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL (iOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which yon would ike to see in this department Jet us kuair !>y poi nt card or letter, personally. D. C. Linninger, of Cameron, was a visitor in town yesterday. Miss Alicia Swain spent Sunday in town, guest of Miss Marion Rentz. Mrs. W. Bubar, who has been ill at her home on Sixth street, ia slowly re covering. Messrs. Itussell McQuay and Earl B. Saunders were callers at Driftwood last Friday evening. Mrs. Stella Hamilton and Mrs. Sey mour Hackett were PRESS business callers on Thursday last. Earl B. Saunders, spent the week's end in town, transacting business, and enjoying a social time as well. Mrs. J. B. Meiscl was called to Cole grove, Pa., last Thursday by the illness of her mother, Mrs. L. C. Burdick Mr. E. H. Bubar, of Buffalo, is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mr 3. W. Bubar at their home on Sixth street. Rev. N. E. Cleaver, former pastor of the M. E. Church of this place, was a caller in town last Tuesday. Mr. Frank Yeager, of Kersey, Pa. was a guest at the home of Hon. F. X. Blumle and family the last of the week. Bobt. Graham, of Cameron, visited in town, Tuesday, and reports the ar rival of a great bouncing girt at his home. Mrs. H. li. Manett, of Brockport, Pa., was in Emporium a few days of last week and made the PRESS office a business call. Miss Dollie Hogan and Mr. Max Bal com, of this place, were in attendance at the Hermitage Ball in St. Marys last Friday evening. C. W. Spence, of Bryan Hill, and B. L. Spence, of this place, were in Sterl ing Run last Sunday, having been call ed there by the illness of L. W. Spence. Frank H. Dodson spent the last qf the week in Coudersport, visiting friends and relatives. Frank was a guest at the Hotel Crittenden." Mrs. J. M. Card, formerly of this place, but now of Olefln was a caller in Emporium the last ofthe week and did not forget the PRESS office. Mr. E. R. Eick, of Manhatten, Pa., who was employed in the tannery late ly distroyed by fire, is visiting in town, guest of his brother R. A. Eick. Rev. Joseph F. Anderson has return, ed home from Philadelphia, where he his been looking after the publishing of the minutes of the last conference Urban Boutain and wife left yester day for Seattle, Wash., to visit their daughter for several months. Hope they may have a pleasant visit, which no doubt they will. Mrs. George S. Hill, of Huntley, was a visitor in town on Tuesday, transact ing business. While waiting for the train she made the PBESS a pleasant social call. Miss Grace Walker and brother Mr. I G. A. Walker, Jr., were guests of I friends in St. Marys the last of the j week and attended the Hermitage Ball ■ given last Friday evening. Samuel J. Kline, of Williamsport. j proprietor of the Federal House, locat ed near the post office, visited in Em porium Monday and Tuesday, being called here to attend the funeral of Fred Robinson. '"Sam's" many Ein parium friends are always ready with the glad hand when he stops here. The PRESS was pleased to receive a call from our old friend of many bat tles, accompanied by postmaster Chas. Seger. Miss Anna Cleary made the PRESS a short business visit on Tuesday. Dr. E. O. Bardwell, of Buffalo, was a i visitor in town on Sunday. Miss Elizabeth Ludlam made a flying i business trip to Buffalo yesterday John Stephens, one of our hardware merchants, made our sactum a visit Tuesday. We regret to hear of the illness of Arch F. Andrews, who is reported threatened with typhoid fever. The funeral of Jas. R. Butcher, whose death we aunounced last week, was held from the M. E. Church last Sun day afternoon. Chas. L. Butler, of Painesville, 0., visited his sister and family in Empori um Monday evening. Accompanied j by his brother Joseph they took in the ! Bucktail Reunion at Driftwood. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Sykes who are j spending some time on the Pacific i coast, witnessed the arrival of the great ; American war fat San Diego, Cal. They visited many of the war ships. Justice B. Nefcy was in town on Monday and transacted business. The , PRESS enjoyed a visit from the ener -1 getic Driftwood citizen, who is one of j our oldest patrons and a prompt one at that. Lee Ilalderman's team broke through j an old bridge near Howard Co's old I mill, on Tuesday. They were gotten | out of the ditch without much damage. : A Summer Normal School Will be conducted in the Emporium ; High School from May 18 to June 26. ! For information address C. E. PLASTERER, 9 4t. Emporium, Pa. Bonds Sold in Record Breaking Times. LONDON, ENO., APRIL 27.— Twenty million dollars worth ofthe consolidat ed forty year bonds ofthe Pennsylvan ia Railroad company were subscribed at 10 o'clock this morning at the open ing of tho Stock Exchange. The bondß were many times over subscribed. Eye Specialist. Prof. W. H. Budine, the well known Eye Specialist, of Binghamton, N. Y., will be at R. 11. Hirsch's jewelry \ store, Emporium, Pa., May 9th. If you can't see well or" have headache don't fail to call and see Prof. Budine, as he guarantees to cure all ; such cases. Lenses ground and litted in old frames. Eyes tested and ex amincd free. All work guaranteed. NEW TO-DAY. Geo. J. Laßar—New adv. J. H. Day—New adv. Royal Baking Powder—New adv. j First National Bank—New adv. R. Kuehne—new adv. Adam, Meldrum & Anderson Co., — new adv. Opera House—new adv. Fred Julian— Residence for sale. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup acts promptly yet gently on the bowels, through which the cold is forced out of | the system, and at the same time it allays inflammation. Sold by R. C. Dodson ) Death Was On His Heels. j Jesse P. Morris, of Skippers, Va., had a close call in the spring of 190 G. He says "An attack of pneumonia left me so weak and with such a fearful cough that my friends declared consumption had ine, and death was on my heels. Then I was persuaded to try Dr. King's New Discovery. It helped me immedi ately, and and after taking two and a halt bottles I was a well man again. I found out that New Discovery is the best rem edy for coughs and lung disease in all the world. Sold under guarantee at I ' all drug stores 50c and 81.00. Trial M I • tics free. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 30. 1908 Revrrent, I hough Drunk. Tlio larjie i i.:j'iflty of Russians of ; the "Hlimm , faith will not pass a J church or shrine in the street without i uncovering their heads and crossing themselves. Travelers have seen in toxicated •"i who were staggering along <il this ceremony, and in the case of those who were too help lessly fudd! i to walk home the frieml or relative who has accompanied a tipsy companion in a sledge or drosky has," while holding him in the vehicle I with one hand, performed for him the j sign of the cross with the other when | passing a sacred place.—London Chron- , lcle. • The Turning Point. There is a time in every man's edu cation that envy is ignorance, that im itation is suicide, that he must take himself for better, for worse, as his portion; that, though the wide universe Ls full of good, no kernel of nourish ing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground given him to till. —Emerson. Nothing Substantial. "Mr. Itoxley had nothing but praise for yonr work for him before the con gressional committee," said the friend. "Yes." replied the lobbyist gloomily, "nothing but praise." Philadelphia Tress. Quite the Reverse. Osmond—Well, you've never seen nie run after !>■ epic who have money. Desmond No. but I've seen people run after you bec;v ■ you didn't have money. Stoicism. "Papa, what is stoicism?" "The after effects of a honeymoon."— Life Dewitt's Kidney and I'ladder Pills are prompt and through and will in a short time strengthen wcak. nul kidneys and allay troubles arising from inflammation of the bladder. Sold by I!. C. Dndson. "E. C. DeVVitt it Co., Chicago. 111. Gentlemen—ln 181)7 I bad a disease of the stomach and bowels. Tn the spring of 1002 I bought a bottle of Kodol and the benefit I received all the gold in Georgia could not buy. Mav you live long and prosper. Yours very truly, C. N. Cornell, Roding, Ga., Aug. 27,1!I00." Sold by R. C. Dodson. Where a nultkude of Sins are Covered The L. & M. Paint covers defects in previous paintings and wears for 10 to 15 years, because the L. & M. is pure lin seed oil binder-pure oxide of zinc-pure white lead, and you help to make the paint by mixing three quarts of linsesd oil with each gallon of paint. Its done in 2 min utes. Makes cost only 81.20 per gallon. Harry S. Lloyd, Emporium, L. & M., Paint Agent. Win. 11. Anderson, M. D., of Soda Springs, Ida., says that Bees Laxative Cough Syrup has relieved coughs and colds where all other remedies failed. Its gentle laxative effects especially recom mend it for children. It is pleasant to take. For coughs, colds, hoaxsent:.s, whooping cough. Money refunded if not atisfied. Sold by I!. C. Dodson. 3m Special Sale A fine line of canned goods. Large ioc bottle Bluing, 8c Fresli Eggs 18c dozen. Butter 34c a lb ioc bottle Ammonia Bc. Two pkgs Shredded Whole Wheat for 25c. Potatoes 90c a bushel. Dishes, Tinware, Post Cards. |j Home-Made Bread j Cookies and Doughnuts Mrs. M. F. Conway, BROAD STREET. -SJ& fensMsip. [I OUR NEW LINE OF A Definition of 'Definitive' m L "J This word when linked to an arti- P ILtJ Well Dona«« 1 OAfi clo > which merits its use, savs: |f| j| Wall Kaper lor IVUO. "Madam, beyond this there is notli |;ri —————————————— Jji X Such a word and such a word only JIS! H§! |! (M'sf\ Lj can properly be used to describe W Consists of the best things from three factories. Alsoj v%\\L T" r 112 the Robert Graves Co. 's line of Decoration Paper of all Eftton S P< 1 kinds - Hot-Pressed Vellum p| The Graves line took first prize in competition at St. Money cannot buy a better writing IS; Louis against the world. H. S. LLOYD. paper, for experience can not prod uce [pi KMPOIIIUM MILLING I'UKjE LIST. A Emporium, Pa., April 1,19C8. J liMOI'HI J,A, per sack $ 1 :to tot's Fancy. •' 60 • et Grove, '• G0 ■ iraliam, " - u Kje..... '» un Buckwheat " Patent Meal " 50 Coarse Meal per 100, 1 55 Chop Peed, i rs ! Middlings ....i , go ■ Middlings. Fancy " Hrun j 55 : Chicken Wheat 1 go I Corn perhushe! ho i While Oats.per bushel 07 Oysl r Shells, per 100 70 Seed Oats per bushel 72 Choke Clover Seed, 1 I Choice Timothy Seed, > At Market Prices I Choice Millet Seed, S R.C. DODSON, THE Druggist, EMPORIVII, I»A. jIS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. i*. t.iionsoN. Telephone, 19-2. •'One Touch of Nature flakes the Whole World Kin." When a rooster finds a big fat worm he calls all the liens in the farm yard to come aud share it. A similar trait of human nature is to be observed when a man discovers something exceptionally : fiood —be wants all his friends and neigh bors to share the benefits of his discovery. ■ This is the touch of nature that makes : the whole world kin. This explains why people who have been cured by Chamber lain's Couvli Remedy who write letters to the manufacturers for publication, that others similarly ailing may also use it and obtain relief. Behind every one of thete letters is a wajin hearted wish of the writer to be of use to someone else. This remedy is for sale by 1,. Taggart. For Whooping Cough. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will keep the cough loose, expectora ] tion easy and render the (its of coughing i less frequent and less severe. It i.-s safe ; and sure. For sale by Ij. Taggart. For Constipation. L. 11. Faruham, a prominent druggist !of Spirit Lake, lowa, says: "Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are cer j taiuly the best thing on the market | for constipation." Give these tablets a I trial. You are certain to find them j agreeable and pleasant in effect. Price j25 eents. Samples free. For sale by | L. Taggart. A Healing Salve for Burns, Chapped Hands and Sore Nipples. | As a healing salve for burns, sores, | sore nipples aud chapped hands Cham ! berlain's Salve is most excellent. It al | lays the pain of a burn almost instantly, 1 and unless the injury is very severe, heals the parts without leaving a scar. Price :25 cents. For sale by L. Taggart. He(iot What He Needed. "Nine years ago it looked as if my time had come, "says C. Farthing, of Mill Creek, InJ. Ter. "I was so run down that life hung on a very slender thread. It was then my druggist recom mended Klectric Bitters. I bought a bottle and I got what I needed—strength. I had one foot in the grave, but Electric Bitters put it back on the turf again, aud I've been well ever since." Sold under guarantee at all drug stores. 50c. Jill 1 ' Spiles !j Graded School*, Sintmill*, N. C."wrlUM° lll ''*l'e»n mv'B Mltuy do all ,„ a claim for tlum." T M 1,," ?Bl fSgStStSNf^SSa LANCASTER. p/>. L- SoMin Emporium by L. Taggart&R. C. Dodso;: CM.L FOR rr r SAMPI £ Balcom & Lloyd j STAPLE DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, I COUNTRY BUTTER AND EGGS. \sk for White Lilly Flou^^ THE KIND THAT ALWAYS PLEASES A 1 ROYAL" CEYLON I blend UJ\ i o ™ HIGH GRADE Sat|gf t st GREEN OR ■ COFFEE J BLACK Saving Prices for Friday and Saturday 125 lbs G-ranulatecl Sugar $1.55. I Best California Lemons, 20c dozen p Spring Brook Creamery Butter, 32clb 35c Florida Oranges, Sweet and Juicy, Doz 30c 15c package Whole Wheat Biscuit 12c. 1 7 cakes Acme Soap for 25c. I ® 15c Macaroni, imported alb 12c. V !ioc canned Corn, 3 cans for 25c. g| Churche's Arm and Hammer brand Soda a lb Bc. Oyster Crackers 7c lb. B 20c Prunes, large thick meated and tender 2lbs H 20c Blended Coffee, 2lbs for 35c. 11l EADOUA RTERS FOR Choicest Fruits and Vegetables FRESH OR IN CANS. I: Booth's Fresli Caught Lake Fish 1 Each Thursday afternoon. Leave I orders for delivery Friday morning. t I Notable Kitchen Specialties. China, Crockery, Glassware, Enameiedware _ __ • m I Prompt delivery to all parts of town ft You Get Better Values Here. J. H. DAY, I V.. Phone (>. Emporium^^l [iSEErESI gj A SAFE, CRKTAIV KBLIPK for SL'PPHKS<«SD MBNSTRUATIOK. H jjj er KNOWN TO i Sold in Emporium by L. Taggart and R. C. Dodson
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers