|^Wss Established EVO.B.QOU^D. iIBNRY It. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISH Hi' K Vl£Ui T THURSDAY TERMS O K SUBSCRIPTION: Per year $2 00 It paid inadvauce t' SO ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisements are publishedat tbe rate of oue lol!ai per sqoarefor one insertion and fiftyceutH per square lor each subsequentinsertion. Rates by the year or for six or three months are ow anu uniform, and willbefumished on appli cation Legal and Official Advertising persquare. three imesorless,s2 00; each subsequent insert ion 50 cents per square. Local noticestencentsperlineforoneinsertion Ave cents per line for eaclisubsequentconsecutive Insertion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per inn. Simpleiinnouncementsofhirths.marriages and deaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, live lines or less J5.00 peryear over five lines, at the regular rates of advertising No iocalinserted for less than 75 els. per issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the Press is complete, And affords facilities for doing the best class of vork. Particular attention paid to Law Printing. No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers sent out ofthecounty must be paid for ta advance. Ij'No advertisements will be accepted at less ban the price for fifteen words. » 112 Religious notices free. Election of County Superin tendent. To the School Director* of Cameron County: Gentlemen:— ln pursuance of the forty-third section of the act of May 8, 18 >l, you are hereby notified to meet in convention, at the Court House, in Emporium at 1:30 p.m., ou the first Tuesday in May A.1).. 1908, being the sth day of the month, and select, viva voce, bv a majority of the whoke number of directors present, one per son of literary and scientific acquirements, and of skill and experience in the art of teaching, as county superintendent, for the three succeeding years: and certify the result to the State Super intendent, at Harrisburg. as required by the thirty-ninth and fortieth sections of said act. MATTIE M.COLLINS, County Superintendent of Cameron County, April 10, 1908.-9-3t. Administrator's Notice. Entile of MRS. \MARCiA RET MI'LCAHY, deceased. 3 N'OTICEis hereby given that letters testa mentary upon the Estate of Mrs. Margaret Mulcahy late of Emporium, Cameron county. P.»., have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment and those having claims present same, without delav, to DAVID J. MULCAHY, Administrator. E!wood City. Pa., April llth, 19U8. 9-4t PeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve. It is perfectly good for piles. SolJ by 11. C. Dodson. Rheumatic Pains Relieved. Thos. S ten ton, postmaster of Ponty wood, Ont., writes: "For the past eight years I suffered from rheumatic pains, and during that time 1 used many differ ent liniments and remedies for the cure of rheumatism. Last summer 1 procur ed a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and got more relief from it than anything I have ever used, anil cheerfully recom mend this liniment to all sufferers from rheumatic pains." 25 and 50 cent bot tles for sale by L. Taggart. Ring's Little Liver Pills for bilious ness aud sick-headache. They clean the system and clear the skin. Price 25c. Try them. Sold by I'. C. Dodson.Mm MenZan Pile Remedy comes ready to me. put it]) in a collapsible tube with nozzle attached One application proves its merit. Soothes and heals, reduces inflammation and relieves soreness and itching. For all forms of Piles. Price sde. Guaranteed. Sold by R. C. Dod son. ' 8m Man/an I'iie Remedy, price 50c is guaranteed. Put up ready to use. One application prompt relief to any form ol Piles, Soothes and heals. Sold by R. 0. Dodson., 3m 30 days' trial SI.OO is the ofter on Pineules. Relieve Backache, Weak Back, Lame Back, Rheumatic pains. Best on sale for Kidneys, Bladder and Blood. Good for youug and old. Satis faction guaranteed or money refunded. Sold by R. Dodson. 3m When a man writes as follows don't you think he means it? S. G. Williams, Powderly Texas, says:"l have suffered ior years with Kidney ami Bladder trouble, using every preparation I came across aud taking many prescriptions all wiil.out relief until my attention was call ed to Pineules. After 30 days' trial $1.00). lam feeling fine. Money re funded if not satisfied. Sold by 11. C. Dodson. 3m A Twenty Year Sentence. "I liavejust completed a twenty year health sentence imposed by Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which cured me of bleed ing piles just twenty years ago," writes O. S. Wandever, Lcßaysville, N. Y. Bucklen's Arnica Salve heals the worst sores, boils, burns, wounds and cuts in the shortest time. 25c at all drug stores. Eggs for Hatching. 8. C. B. Leghorn. 15 for 75c. FRED K. ZIMMER, 8-tf. Qardeau, Pa. Here comes the Spring Winds to chap, tan and freckle. Use Pinesalve G'arbolis ed. (Acts like a poultice for cuts, sores, burns, chapped lips, hands aud face. It soothes and heals. Sold by 11. C. Dod on. 3m Plenty of Trouble. is caused by stagnation of the liver and bowels. To get rid of it and headaahe and biliousness and the poisou that brings jaundice, take Dr. King's New Life Pills the reliable purifiers that do the work without grinding or gripir.g. 2Dc at all drug; stores. Miss the Easy Road. Two young exponents of the strenu ous life on I>i<>Nil\va,v were sitting in a hotel loith;, the oil r evening discuss Ing tJieir jtiaus I taking some "bIR money" in Hi" 1Y >. One of them eonlVssc.l that liN alary was "only $43 a week," and lie v..is having a hard time of it In keeping the wolf from the door. Sitting near them was an old gentleman who overheard their conver sation and was evidently interested. "Yon fellows are making the mistake of your lives." the old gentleman said at last. "You are chasing the will o' the wisp while you have the means of wealth within your grasp. Why, I'm considered pretty well off financially, as you both know, and 1 never re ceived a salary of $45 a week in my life. lint T saved money when I was your age, and I found opportunities for investment that soon put me out of the salary class and made me a business man on my own account. The trouble with young fellows nowadays is that they can't see the opportunities that are given them. They have their eyes glued to the get-rfcli-quick idea so tight ly that they pass by tbe only sure route to wealth."—Xew York Globe. Handwriting. As a rule, clear handwriting is more common with persons who do not write for a living than with those who do. Authors, for example, are creating something when they write; their mind is concentrated on tills creative work; their thoughts are generally ahead of their hand, sometimes a whole sen tence, and they hurry to keep pace with fliem. The result is bad hand writing, but handwriting with individ uality in it, if not character. There is a theory that plain writing is most easily forged. This is not true. Ob scure signatures are most easily forged and the so called freak signatures, which nobody can read, easiest of all. The best signature and the safest for a man who signs checks Is neither too prim nor too Involved; just plain, ev eryday writing, done in the easiest way, according to his temperament. Such a signature expresses as much character as any handwriting can, but it doesn't tell us a thing about the man's moral makeup; not a thing.— Boston Globe. Wanted His Dues. A reservation Indian was disconso late over the breaking of his ax handle. He laid his misfortune before the "farmer" of the reservation, who, through pity, took a new handle from his private stock and adjusted it to the ax. The farmer then noticed that the ax was shockingly dull. So, motioning the owner to turn the grindstone, he expended a half hour's time in sharp ening the blade. When the rehabili tated ax was given to the Indian he was childishly gleeful, but still lingered about, indicating by his actions that some feature of the transaction had not been adjusted. The farmer was a little annoyed and called to an interpreter. "Ask the old fellow what lie wants now," he di rected. After an exchange of grunts and ges tures (lie interpreter announced, "He wants 25 cents." "Twenty-five cents! What for?" "For turning the grindstone."—Har per's. The Other Way. There was a hopeful gleam in the eyes of the young man with a slightly retreating chin as lie approached the father of his ladylove. "Will you give your daughter to me in marriage, sir?" he asked in as firm a tone as lie could muster. "I'm afraid you are not well enough acquainted with lier, young man," re marked the father. "Why, I've seen her twice a week for nearly a year," said the astonished suitor. "That may all be," said the parent, "but if you knew much about her char acter you'd have said, 'Will you give me to your daughter in marriage?' " A Poet's Slip. A correspondent of London Notes and Queries has "caught out" Mr. Kipling in an extraordinary blunder. He finds it in the "Last Chantey" in these lines: Then said the souls of the slaves that men threw overboard: "Kenneled In the picaroon a weary band wero we. But thy arm was strong to save, And it touched us on the wave. And Wo drowsed the long tides idle till thy trumpets tore the sea." "Of course," says the commentator, "the word Kipling meant to use was barracoon, the technical term for a slave pen. Picaroon means a rogue." Catching a Cobra. A driver on the Avontuur railway, South Africa, while staying at the Gamtoos caught a large cobra de ca pello alive. The cool way In which he did the trick, says a local paper, sent a cold shiver through every one who saw it. lie simply caught hold of the point of its tail, gave it a sudden jerk toward him and caught it by the back of the head. He then placed it In a biscuit tin. The snake was three inches in diameter and about four feet long. Facts Versus Terms. "I've a terrible toothache. What's good for it?" "Nonsense! You've no toothache. It's simply imagination." "Well, confound It, what's good for imagination?"— Boston Transcript. Horrible Suspicion. Her Father (to young man who had asked for his daughter)— That's a very serious proposition. Can you support a family? Her Suitor Great Scott! You haven't Jost your job, have you?"— Philadelphia Ledger. Evil counsel is swift in its march.- CAMERON COUNTY PRKSS, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1908. WASHINGTON LETTER. I From our Regular Correspondent.! Washington, April 1908. 111 spiie of the vigorous protests of the American Newspaper Publishers' Association against the inaction in the House oflegislation looking to the free listing of wood pulp and print paper, no such action will be taken at this session of Congress. Speaker Cannon is master of the situation and has suc cessfully obstructed all legislation on this subject by the appointment ot a special committee, "to make a full in vestigation touching the alleged com bination of the manufactures of print paper." Although President Roosevelt failed to realize his heart's desire in obtain ing four battleships, he won a victory in the Senate this week when Senator Hale announced a committee amend ment to the naval bill making an ap propriation, immediately available, of $7,000,000 for the construction of the two battle ships authorized by the bill. The fight for this consession was led by Senator Lodge was clearly intimat ed to the Senate leaders that the Presi dent would veto a bill which merely authorized two ships and made no ap propriation therefor. While the bill authorizes the construction of two ships at a cost of $6,000,000 each, it is estimated that not more than the $7,- 000.000 available can be utilized before the first of next year. If this appro priation has been exausted by that time an additional sum can and will be made available. There is no little resentment in the Senate over the action of the House in failing to make the necessary appro priation of funds for the construction of the two battleships it authorized, for the torpedo boats, the new sub marines and for the submarines already in process of construction, appropria tions, for all of which the upper house has been obliged to add. This course of the House is regarded in the Senate as a "grandstand play," enabling it to point to the increase of appropriations made by the Senate and to virtuously cry "extravagance," when, as a matter of fact the increases have been render, ed actually imperative by the House itself. Entire harmony prevails between the Senate steering committee and the leaders of the House over the plans to be adopted for insuring financial legis lation at this session of Congress. At the proper time a motion will be made to take the Aldrich bill from the Com mitee on Banking and Currency and consider it in committee of the whole. The next motion will bo to strikeout all after the enacting clause and sub stitute the Vreeland bill, and finally an amendment creating a currency com mission will be added. In this form the measure will be sent back to the Senate and from there it will goto con ference. Representative Vreeland has completed practically his poll of the House to ascertain the sentiment to ward his financial bill, and says he has found enough favoring the measure to pass it. The expectation is that the commission provided for will consist of five members from each house. Don't cough vour head oft when you can uet a guaranteed Remedy in Heos Laxative Cou-ih Syrup. It is especially recommended lor children as its pleasant to take, is a gentle laxative thus expell ing the phlegm from the system. For coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, hoarseness and all Bronchial trouble. Guaranteed. Sold here by R. (J. Dod on. 3m For the Farmer. Call at the Emporium Machine Shop for Bowker's fertilizer and printed mat ter giving directions how to use same to get best results for grain and vege tables. 8-10t. EMPORIUM MACHINE CO. A number of rooms, with use of bath or rent. Apply to Frank F. Day. 41 tf. Perfect Fitting, Better Tailored j and More Stylish Clothing Than you will find elsewhere for the same price—our stock of TOP COATS, SUITS and ORAVENETTS ready—come see them. We are showing many novelties in garments for Men and Young Men as well as for the youngsters. Children's Suits Men's Suits Topcoats and Raincoats $1.50 up to $6.50 $7.50 up to $22.50 $lO up to $25 Stetson, Broadway ! OA W SO Cbiett, Monarch, Gold I Special and Samobin ! ™n IS, and Silver Dress Shirts I # ) Opposite Post Office, EMPORIUM, PA. Jp 1 .Ull 10 Jp 1 .jU Hats, Spring Styles j Where the Good Clothes Come From. New Spring Neckwear 25c to 50c. GIVING OUT. The Struggle Discourages riany a Citizen of Emporium. Around all day with an aching hacl<; Can't rest at night; Enough to make any one "give out." Doans' Kidney Pills.will give renewed life. They will cure the backache; Cure every kidney ill. Mrs. Geo, Zwack, living at 20ti N. St. Marys St.,Sr. Marys,Pa.,says: "Doan's Kidney Pills entirely eradicated my head allies and since using them my back is a great deal stronger. 1 had u>ed many different remedies without results, prev ious to using Doan's Kidney Pills. My back ached so badly that no position I assumed was comfortable. My health was gradually running down and I felt very miserable when Doan's Kidney Pills came to my attention" and T procured a box. They proved to be the remedy I required and after taking two boxes I was again well and strong. Doan's Kid ney Mis were most satisfactory in my case so 1 can recommend them to others." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sol'' agents for the United States. Re number the name—Doan's—and fake no Otl.' .. \ v-x v x \ xx xx xx x/; H * SECOND TO NONE / Adam, y < MELDRUM & > ANDERSON Co. > 396-408 Main Street, ft / BUFFALO, N.Y. |. ' 112 I RugS - | Carpets i I I We carry the largest line of Rugs and Carpets in West- g ern New York. We have $ / the pick of the best patterns % / from all the leading manu- % If facturers. % / You are sure to secure just H |? the size you want and the pattern and color you most £ desire when you come here. They cost no more than the inferior kinds. '/ / / Royal Wiltons, g Bigelow Exminsters, •• Finn Velvets, Body Brussels, 4 Tapestry, Ingrain. % t ; Linoleums, Oilcloths, ; - Mattings of all Kinds. / / / We make a specialty of / / Linoleums up to 12 feet / / wide for kitchens. / | ' I / We Refund Your Railroad Fares' IS— - I V ADAM, MELDRUM & J '■ ANDERSON CO. J American Block, Buffalo, N.Y. /X' \ X XX-X X XXX XW!§ PINEULES for th® Kidney; 30 DAYS' TREATMENT FOil SI.OO ! The Bargain j s Store j j A Few Specials: ) ( DELICIOUS STRAWBERRIES I 3 cans Valley Dew Corn for 25c. j 2 cans Red Salmon 25c. \ \ 1 can R. B. Powder 45c. \ £ 131b can Wliite Cherries 35c. C > 1 31b can Spinach 18c. \ \ 1 lb Walter Baker's Chocolate 45c. \ 112 1 31b can Nile Ilraml t.enion Clint? c P Peaches 25c. \ \ FRESH SHAIJ. i \ 1 lb 60c Gunpowder Tea 50c. } 1 lb Pitted Prunes lb 20 to 30, 13c. j 1 Fresh Lettuce every week 25c lb. I \ Malaga Grapes 15c lb 2 lbs for 25c. S i Chickens, £,T d i t Latest popular Music on hand all the s c time. J s Free delivery anywhere. \ t Phone your orders. s T.W.WELSH | Ghas. Diehl's Old Stand, West Ward A BEAUTIFUL FACE Before I'Mr.i; If yen have pimpies, blotches, . yT cr ether skip imperfections, yo;i : ,: A *. ,- . v »». :ap remove them and have i clear v ) md beautiful complexion by using ISBEAUTYSKiN ■ '' • w H Makes Hew" J' ' * "T; Improves the Bciioits Skin Imperfections. "iftk -pf*. 'NMj Beneficial results guaranteed Hi .*jy or money refunded. Send st amp for Free Sample, \ j/f Particulars and Testimonials. Mention this paper. After Using. -••ICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. I Madison Place, Philadelphia, Pn. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Bulletin- THE FORTY BEACHES OF NEW JERSEY The one hundred and twenty-five odd miles along the New Jersey coast line from Long Branch to Cape May presents the greatest pleasuring section in the United States Upon the bluffs of the northern end and the gently shelving sands of the southern end are located forty resorts which entertain during the spring and summer season mil lions of pleasure seekers. At 110 time in the year is this section more delight ful than during the spring and early summer months. One who lias not seen them at this season would marvel at their delights. The great pine belt, which extends through the center of New Jersey, fills the air with life giving ozone, which combined with the salty tang ot the sea and the open air exercise possible at all times, is ex hilarating and tonic to the highest degree. Long Branch, with its beautiful cottage-neighbors, West End, Hollywood, and Elberon; Deal and Allenhurst, largely devoted to cottage life; Asbury Park and Ocean Grove, attracting thousands yearly; Avon, Belmar, Coino, Spring Lake, and Sea Girt, are a galaxy of attractive places upon the bluffs where "the country meets the sea." Then the Barnegat Bay section, where Point Pleas ant, Sea vSide Park, Island Heights, Barnegat Citv, and Beach Haven, with other smaller places nearby, welcome the summer sojourner. Atlantic City, with its seven miles of beach and drives, and its charming suburbs, leads the island resorts, separated from the main land by the great salt marshes. Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Avalou, and Stone Har bor; Auglesea, Wildwood, Holly Beach, and Wildwood Crest also have a large summer population. And Cape May, with its new million dollar hotel and its wonderful improvements makes a fitting climax and holds a high place among the forty beaches. The Pennsylvania Railroad is the direct route to all of these resorts from all sections of the country. Its splen did train service makes each of them neighbor to all the rest and to the world at large. 24i-io-2t. ORDINANCE NO. 51. AN ORDINANCE FIXING HIE GHADE9 OF TIIE SIDEWALKS AND CURBS AND THE | SLOPES OF TIIK SIDEWALKS ON FOURTH STREET. R, it ordained and marled by the Council of the Borough of Emporium and it in hereby or dained and enacted by (he authority of tlw same. SECTION 1. That the map, plan, profile, .sur vey ami specifications for the grades of the side ; walks and curbs and the slope* of the sidewalks on Fourth street as prepared in June. 1907 and submitted by George I*. Jones, Civil engineer be and the same are hereby approved and the grades and slopes as shown thereon ai.d therein are hereby adopted as and for the gradts of the sidewalks and curbs and the slopes of the side walk on said street. SECTION 2. That hereafter no curbs shall be set or sidewalks constructed on said street ex cept in conformity to the said map, plan, profile survey and specifications subject, however to the provisions of the Act of Assembly approved the | 20th day of May, 1871. entitled "An act to limit 1 the power and authority of the Borough Author -1 ities of the Borough of Emporium, in the county i of Cameron over the streets therein and to au thorize the setting of shade trees along the streets." SECTION 3. Upon the approval of this ordin , aucc the said map, plan, profile and survey and the said specifications shall be dated as of the date of approval of this ordinance and be sign«d by the President of the Councils and attested by the secretary and the seal of the Borough placed thereon and the said specifications shall be en tered at large upon the Ordinance Book and be i signed by the President, of the Council, attested by the Secretary and the seal of the Borough placed thereon and the said map, plan, profile, survey and specifications shall thereafter be kept ! on file in the oflice of the Secretary and shall be open to the inspection of all parties interested. JOS. A. FREINDEL, ATTEST:— President of the Council, i R. C. MOORE, Sec'y of the Council. I Approved this27th day of April A. D., 190 S. W. H. HOWARD, Chief Burgess. / We promptly obtain U. K. and Foreign Send model, sketch or photo of invention for r freereix>rt on patentability For free book,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers