MILLING PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., A tig. 20. 11)07. NEMOPHILA, per sack |1 35 Felt's Fancy, ".... 155 Pet Grove, " .... 1 55 Graham " 70 Rye " Buckwheat " Patent Meal., " 50 Hoarse Ilea . per 100 1 40 Chop Feed, " 1 40 Middlings. Middlings, Fancy " 1 50 Bran, 1 35 Chicken Wheat 1 70 Com per bushel, 78 White Oats, per bushel, 68 Oyst 'r Shells, per 100 Ohoke Clover Seed, 1 OhoiceTiiuothy Seed, > At Markest Price Choice Millet Seed, S R.C. DODSON, THE Orucjcjist, EMPORIUM, PA, JS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. I iji , Pf K. C. DODSON. Telephone, 19-2. 1 !■■■ WIWIWiMT 111 l M—lffW tAMJUMI ft LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which yon would ike to see in this department,let us know by pos tal card or letter, personalia, Mrs. Chas. Malloy and two children are visiting relatives at Olean and Bradford. Miss Stella Cramer, of Newberry, is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Cramer, on Wood Street. Mr. W. H. Smith, of Lumber, trans acted business in town Monday. We are always pleased to meet Mr. Smith Rev. J. L. Robertson, of Clarendon, Pa., visited in town over Sunday, guest of his son, Rev. J. M. Robertson. Master John Zwald went to Empori um Tuesday to spend a few days with relatives and friends.—Ridgway Advo cate. Fred Zimmer, president of Shippen School board, accompanied by his son Karl, Jr., were PRESS visitors on Tues day. Miss Genevieve Connors of Belfast, N. Y., who has been visiting friends in town the past week, returned home on Sunday. Asa Murray and wife visited Mr. W. E. Deviing at Williamsport Hospital last Wednesday and Thursday, Mr. Deviing being Mrs. M's father. Miss Maybell Cummings, one of our pleasant little ladies, who recently returned from visiting her sister at Howard, Pa., was a PRESS visitor on Tuesday. H. H. Moat, of Bennetts Branch, an old-time PRESS subscriber, was a brief caller on Saturday and deposited the best money in the world for another year's PRESS. Chas. G. Catiin last week attended the re-union of his old regiment at Wellsboro, Pa., Co., C. First Battalion, Pa., Vols. Tioga county enlisted 2,000 soldiers, of which number 500 attended the reunion. Mrs. T. F. Moore and daughter, Carolyn, of Emporium, who have been guests of Mrs. A. B. Armstrong, re turned to their home on Saturday.— Smethport Democrat. Mrs. L. E. Taylor and son Elmar o Tacumcarie, New Mexico, are visiting relatives in town, guest of Byron E. Jones and family, Mrs. Taylor being a sister of Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Webster. From her description New Mexico must be a delightful climate. W. H. Flint, an employee of the Em porium Powder k Co., was a PRESS visit or on Tuesday and ordered the paper for one year, that he could be in touch with Cameron county affairs. He came from Hornell, N. Y., and believes in sustaining the press. Dr. Carle Lee Felt, wife and child, who have been guests of Jay P. Felt and wife on Sixth street, returned to Philadelphia on Wednesday. Miss Car rie and Jos. Cochran Felt returned home with them, after a delightful visit. Mrs. Jas. Farrell, Sr., and Mrs. D. W. Donavon, the good wife and esti mable daughter of our old and esteem ed friend, Jas. Farrell, Sr., one of the Pennsys most efficient track foremen, who has charge of the tracks in the Emporium yard, were very agreeable PRESS visitors on Monday and exam ined into the mysteries of aprintery. Call again, ladies. Rev. Mr. Cloaver has returned from his visit down east. Roy Burlew and J. E. Burnside, pass fed Sunday at Clean. Miss Pearl McGrain is visiting her sister at Williamsport. Miss Jane Kaye and Miss Marie Garvin visited at Olefin over Sunday. Mrs. John T. Howard and Mrs. Moorehouse went to Kane yesterday to visit friends. Mrs. O. B. Barnes and children are visiting the former's parents at Wil liamsport for a few weeks. Mrs. S. Lee Hopkins, wife of section foreman Hopkins of Rathburn, is visit ing at Lock Haven, Atlantic City and Philadelphia. Wm. McDonald has purchasod the Geo. W. Van Wert residence on West Fourth street, the sale having been consumated yesterday. Brother Hockley, of the Indepen dent, is grand-dad again. A nice boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Throop, at »St. Marys, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Leiter, of Wil liarasport, Pa., are guest of District Attorney and Mrs. J. P. McNarney, West Fourth stseet. Mrs. Jos. Housler, of Lock Haven, who has been visiting friends in Em porium and Shippen for a week, re turned to her home yesterday. Fred Heilman and Earl Saunders visited Coudersport last Saturday and Sunday, returning home via Olean. What attraction at Oiean, boys? Miss Bessie Van Wert left Wednes day for Oakiield, N. Y., to visit her aunt, Mrs. Phil Howland, and take in the sights at Buffalo Old Home Week. Walter Morrison and wife went to Houghton, N. Y., last Sunday to visit relatives. Walter returning same day, but his wife will remain there for some time. Dr. and Mrs. E. O. Bardwell are com fortably situated at their new heme, No. 1175 Main St., Buffalo. Mrs. Maud Sackett, Mrs. B's sister, is making her home with them. Capt. J. C. Johnson went to Couders port yesterday to attend the soldiers re-union. He expects to meet most of the survivors of his company. What a pleasant time the old "boys" will have. Ohas. W. Shaffer came up from New York city on Saturday to spend the balance of this month with his wife and other relatives in town. He is looking fine, New York evidently agreeing with him. Mr. Shalfer is engaged in dynamite business. M. J. C'olcord, editor of Coudersport Journal, transacted business in Em porium on Tuesday and while in town made the Pittas a fraternal visit. His paper, the oldest in this section of the state, is one ol the neatest and most ably conducted that oomes to our table. Mr. and Mrs. C.R.Woolley, of Broad street, returned on Sunday from a two weeks delightful vacation in New Jersey, visiting relatives and friends at Adelphia, Philadelphia, Asbury Park and Long Branch. • Mr. Woolloy is one of Emporium Powder Com pany's gentlemanly foremen. F. V. Heilman and wife left this morning on a ten day vacation, taking in the sights at Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Fredonia, and other points of interest. During their absence their hardware store will bo iu charge of Jos. A. Friendel their faithful clerk and Fred R. Heilmen, his partner. Max Balcom, one of the First Nation al Bank clerks, is enjoying a two weeks vacation, confining his trips to West Creek, Dußois and Beechwood. On Saturday he will branch out and visit Philadelphia, as delegate to the P. O. S. of A. State Convention. He possibly wdl take a dip at Atlantic City. Misses Kathrine Rodgers, Mame A. Bolger and Margaret Bolger, three pleasant Norristown young ladies, are guests of their cousin Mr. M. J. Dolau and wife, of City Hotel. They are de lighted with the beautiful scenery of our mountain city. When they return home, after their visit, Mrs. Dolan and children will accompany them to Nor ristown. Miss Elizabeth Ludlam has been con bining pleasure with business during the past week, visiting New York City, Coney Island and other points, at the same time visiting the exhibitions of fall styles in millinery and fancy goods Before returning home she will take a trip to Cleveland and file a large order for early fall styles in hats. W. H. Haven and son Oscar, of Mis soula, Montana, are visiting old friends in this section. They formerly resid ed at Four Mile, on the Portage, leav ing here seventeen years ago and are delighted to see how rapidly Emporium has grown. The PRESS will be a week ly visitor at their home, Oscar having called at our sanctum and made sure. Mrs. Geo. W. Van Wert came home on Saturday to pack their household goods and move to New Castle, Pa., where Mr. Van Wert has been employ ed as Supt. of a powder plant for some time. Their Emporium friends, they are legion, dislike to have them leave us, yet we are glad they goto such a nice place. New Castle friends will find the VanWert family good people and reliable. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1907 Miss Emma Ellis has returned from visiting at Dußois over Sunday. Mrs. Josiah Howard and daughter Dorothy are visiting at Atlantic City. John Quigley visited his sister and other friends at Williamsport over Sun day. Miss Eliz.ibeth Crandell is visiting friends at Williamsport, Lewiaburg and other points. Thad P. Moore, who has an exten sive lumber jab on Mix Run, is in town visiting his family and friends. E. J. Smith and family have return ed to Emporium and occupy one of M. C. Tulis' Fourth street dwellings. Thoß. Raddigan, and wife are en joying a months visit with relatives in Williamsport and New York City. H. J. Fries, of Erie, representative of Erie Consumers Brewing Co., trans, acted business in town on Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Belle Hartley, of Philadelphia, visited in Emporium the past week, guest of Dr. and Mrs. DeLong. She is now at Riagway. Mrs. M. A. Rockwell and her ward, attended the wedding of her grand son, Mr. Godfrey Howard to Miss Roth fuss yesterday. Byron J. Collins one of Gibson's best citizens and lumbermen, was a PRESS caller on Monday and carried away a receipt for another yea/'s subscription. W. L Sykes and party came down from Keating Summit Tuesday evening in W. L's big 50 horse power auto. After stopping in town for a few hours they returned home. Judge Geo. J. Laßar and wife, ac companied by four of their grand children, returned yesterday from Jamestown and other Southern points of interest. They enjoyed the 4 trip very much. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gilbert now oc cupy the rooms on east side of the former Climax oflice building, recently purchased by H. H. and E. M. Mullin. Will expects soon to be "at home" to his friends. He has comfortable rooms. Mrs. McKim and daughter, of Can ada, surprised her brother, Mr. B. Egan and family, on Saturday, when they walked in 011 them. The lady had not seen Mr. six years. Mioses Elizabeth and Caroline Lechner have returned from an enjoy able vacation trip. The H, G. L. Club gave a dance in Melzger block lasteveningjabont sixty guests being present; refreshmentswere served and a good time enjoyed by all. The dance was given in'lionor'of Miss Elsie Leiter of Williamsport. Seger & Prindle, lumbermen of Genesee, N. Y., have purchased 1200 acres of land from Wiley Estate and will erect a saw mill on[Salt Run. The The land contains about feet of mixed timber. Mrs. Gail Hamilton, nec Helen Van Valkeuburg, and son Bob, of Wells boro, are guests of Chas. J. Howard and wife at their farm on the Portage. The lady will be pleasantly remember ed by our citizens as former assistant principal of our Borough schools. To Wed This Evening. This evening in St. Luke's Lutheran church, Miss Marian Evelyn Rothfuss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Roth fuss, of 719 Franklin street, and God frey W. Howard, of 1051 West Fourth street, will be married by the Rev. I. Hess Wagner. Mr. Howard is the son of Mrs. Edith Howard. The bride is to be attended by Miss Marcia How ard, sister of the groom, and the groom, by Carl W. S. Rothfuss, brother of the bride. Following the wedding the bridal party and the immediate relatives and friends will be entertained at the bride's home.—Williamsport Bulletin. To Rent. Office or store. Best location in town. Inquire at this office. WANTED—A man to sell Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts and Soap Specialities to the consumer. No capital required to start. Address, GRAND UNION TKA Co., 33 Long Ave., 27-3t. Dußois, Pa. Judge Mitchell Dead. Ex-United States Senator John I. Mitchell died at Wellsboro, Pa., on Tuesday, aged 70 years. Judge Mit chell formerly served our people as Congressman from the old district. Nevor Did. Railroad Superintendent—^That new engineer doesn't use much coal. His Assistant—l know. He used to be a Janitor.—Brooklyn Eagle. OUR NEW LINE OF New Spring Line of Window Shades iSj / from IOC to 75c per Shade. rpj | Wall Paper for 1907. == = ijij _ ==== _ =^^^ = est PAINT, Longman & Martinez, h H All Colors. Consists of the best things from three factories. Also j| ...: - : —. H the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper of Jail Rodger's Stainfloor, the best made p kinds * for Floors. 1 The Graves line took first prize in competition at St. ■* A r C* If /-v* rr\ Louis against the world. 1 L«L\3 ® Miniaturo Marvels. Almost any commonplace object , magnified under a good lens will re | veal astonishing and unsuspected form, | structure and life. For instance: Insects of various kinds may be seen In the cavities of a grain of sand. Mold is a forest of beautiful trees, j with branches, leaves and fruit. Butterflies are fully feathered. I Hairs are tubes tilled with pith and ; ornamented 011 the outside with scales, j The surface of the human body is 1 covered with scales like a fish. A sin ! gle grain of sand would cover 150 of | these scales, and yet a scale covers about 500 pores. Through these nar | row openings the perspiration forces ; itself like water through a sieve. Each drop of stagnant water con -1 tains a world of creatures swimming with as much freedom as whales In the sen. "Crossing the Bar." " 'Crossing the Bar,'" Tennyson's j biographer says,"was written in the ; poet's eighty-first year, 011 a day in | October when we came from Aldworth to Farringfonl. Before reaching Far ringford 110 had the moaning of the bar In his mind, and after dinner he j showed me this poem written out. I said, 'That is the crown of your life's work?' He answered, 'lt came in a moment.' He explained the 'Pilot' as 'that Divine and Unseen who is al ways guiding us.' A few days before his death he said to me, 'Mind you put "Crossing the Bar" at the end of all editions of my poems.'" Ho Did What He Could. "I hope my little Tommy has taken to heart mamma's talk of last night about charity and usefulness," said a fond mother. "llow many acts of kind ness has he done? llow many hearts has my Tommy made grateful and glad?" Her Tommy replied: "I've done a whole lot of good, ma. I gave your new hat to a beggar wom an, and I gave the cook's shoes to a lit tle girl in busted rubbers what I seen on the street, and I gave a poor lame shoestring seller pa's black evening suit, the open front one that he hardly ever wears." His Dilemma. Photographer—You are all right now except your expression. Please look pleasant. Jay Green—Hang it, man, I can't! I'm bowlegged an' am trying to hold me knees together so's it won't show. When I smile, I forgit all about my knees, an' when I pay attention to my knees I forgit to smile.—London Tit-Bits. Up to Date Diction. Angel Child—Father, what is meant by the phrase, "Back to nature?" Facetious Father—Oh, that expresses a man lying under bis motor car to see why it won't go. Angel Child—Oh, I thought it meant a man falling from his balloon.—St. Louis Republic. The Judge Uses Forceful Language Judge W. li. Simmons, of Fine astle Va., told the reporter that L. & M. Paint was used on his residence in 1882, and licld in color well for 21 years lie further more said that •> years ago lie was induc ed to use another paiut and is sorry he did, because the other paint didn't make good. The Judge will now always use Mbecause he know- it any defect exists in L. & M. Paint the house will be repainted for nothing. The L. & M., Zinc hardens the L. & M., White Lead and makes M. Paint wear like iron from 10 to 15 years. Actual cost of L. & M., about $1.20 per gallon. Donations of M., made to j churches. Sold by Harry S. Lloyd. Emporium. Piles get quick and certain relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Please note it is made alone for Piles, and its action is positive and certain. Itching, painful, protruding or blind piles dis appear like magic by its use. Large nickel-capped glass jars 50 cents Sold by all dealers. I'll stop your pain free. To show you first—before spend a penny—what my Pink Plain Tablets can do, I wil mail you free a Trial Package of them —Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets. Neu ralgia, Headache; Toothache, Period pains, etc., are due alone to blood con j gestion. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets I simply kill pain by cbaxiug away the unnatural blood pressure. That is all. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. j Sold by all dealers. ALLEGHENY COLLEGE. This college has recently taken a new place among the colleges of the country. Within five years, six new buildings hare been erected, new professors added and entering classes nearly doubled. Good traditions, strong faculty, superb location, beautiful grounds and buildings, reasonable expenses. Fall term opens September 17th. Write for cata logue to President Crawford, Meadville, Pa. You can get all kinds of good cedar hingles at C. B Howard & Co.. Cameron County Press and TRIBUNE FARMER $2.00. "PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD JEFFERSON COUNTY FAIR AT BROOKVILLE, PA. SEPTEMBER IFOR THIS OCCASION EXCURSION TICKETS will be sold September 3, t, fi, and fl, inclusive. Rood to return until September 7. inclusive from Pittsburg, Oil City, Driftwood, Sterling Run, Sheffield, Falls Creek and intermediate stations at REDUCED RATES (Minimum Rate 25 Cents) J . It. WOOD, Passenger Traffic Manager. GEO. W. BOYD, General Passenger Agent 2 No.9#i-27-2t. I Pi—»•— • We Satisfy the Particular • • I I PRATT'S "ITV \ T/J £~y PEERLESS STOCK AND /J/| jf J CRUSHED POULTRY OYSTER I _ The Satisfactory Store FOOD J SHELLS • I More and more people are finding out that the Day Grocery service is best, that we are telling plain facts in plain language and demonstrating the truthfulness of our statements. Lower than Usual Prices for Friday and Saturday 125 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.40. Californi a Hams, Trimmed Shoulder a lb 11c. Spring Brook Creamery Butter 30clb 8 1-8 Bbl Sack white Lilly Flour 75c. I California Lima Beans a lb Bc. * ™ 115 c pkge Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit 12c. Heinz 15c pickles, mixed,plain or chow, bottle 10c. I 15c Macaroni, Spagetti or Vermicelli, lb rac. Canned Corn, Baked Beans, Pumpkin. Extra roc I values, 3 cans for 25c. Churche's Arm and Hammer brand Soda Sc lb. Carolina Head Rice, choice Sc lb. 7 lbs best Rolled Oats for 25c. 6 j Bool's Fresh Caught Lake Fish j Each Thursday afternoon. Leave orders for delivery Friday morning. Notable Kitchen Specialties Cliina, Crockery, Glassware, Knamelecl Ware I You get Better Values Here. Prompt delivery to all parts of town. • J. H. DAY,I A Phone 6. Emporium If you have anything to be printed bring it to the PRESS office where it will be done in first class shape.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers