4 (Lourjtv [fress. ESTABLISHED BY C. II.GOULD. HENRY H. MULLTN, Editor ttud Manager. PUBLISHED KVERV THUBSDAY TERMS OFSUBSCRIPTION: Per year $2 00 If paid in advance $1 80 ADVERTISING RATES. Advertlsementßarepubliahedat the rate of one iollar per squarefor one insert ion and tlftycents per square for each subsequent insertion. Rates by the year or for six or three months are ow and nniform, and will befurnished on appli cation Legal and Official Advertising per square.three * imesor less, $2 00; each subsequent insertionSO cents oer square. Local noticestei) cents per line for oneinsertion, Ave cents per line for eachsubsequentconsecutive Insertion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per 1 ne. Simpleaunouncementsofbirtbß,marriages and deaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, five lines or less ss.Coperyear overlive lines, nt the regular rates of advertising No local inserted for less than 75 clamper issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PRESS is complete, and affords facilities for doing the best class oi work. 'PARTICDLAIt ATTENTION J'AIO to Law Printing. No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages are paid, except at the option oft he publisher. Papers sent out of the county must be paid for I n advance. «S~No advertisements will bo accepted at less han the price for fifteen words. /WReligious notices free. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. • For State Treasurer, JOHN O. SHEATZ, of Philadelphia. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For County Treasurer, CH AS. J. HOWARD, of Portage. He-Haw in the Past Tense. The democratic party with its old time gift for doing the wrong thing at the right time annouees that it will conduct its campaign on the slogan: "Thou shalt not steal." "After the horse is stolen close the barn door." Could the democrats have had the horse sensato raise that shout while they were hobnobbing with the "re lormers" who produced the Huston who robbed the state, they would not have had to strain so hard and their garments would have been whiter. And by no means least, the state treasury would have been wealthier. But how could you expect horse sense from a donkey? With the assininty that well becomes Old Hickory's mule they waited until tbe republicans had instituted a drastic investigation and procedure for pun ishing the guilty. Then they he-haw ed. And the yell i 3 unique. It is not the warnin.°: of the preacher, the precept.of the moralist, the plati tude of the philosopher nor the prohi bition of authority. None of these. It is only a he-haw overdue. So long out of power, so long out of fodder, so long beating the wilderness for berries to lind only one—it must hove been exasperating to them to be hold merely the rear-end of the oppor tunity to serve the people which the republican party through Governor Stuart and a republican legislature seized by the horns and justly gained the popular credit for coutroling. The democrats always were good at hollering and mighty poor at practice. Let them he-haw "Don't steal." Stuart and the legislature hadn't time to give advise but they put a crimp in the thieves themselves. After all it is more helpful to do that than to discourse in a deedless blatant way upon the elementary beauty of honesty. And when the democratic donkey pauses for breath let it indulge some reflections upon the enormity of lying. —Bradford Star. Shrew<*Lane Says Knox is Sure to Win. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 17,— City Chair man David 11. Lane, regarded here as the shrewdest judge of public senti ment instate politics, to-day declared he believed conditions were shaping themselves so that Senator P. C. Knox would be the logical candidate of the republican party for president. During the few hours he was in the city Mr. Lane arranged for opening the fall campaign by directing that calls be sent out to the republican city committee and all republican ward committees to meet Tuesday next. Primarily, the object of the early call of the campaign committee is to arrange for getting the republican vote registered. In the opinion of the lead ers it will be harder work this year to get the vote registered than it was a year ago, owing to the working of the personal registration law. During his vacation, Mr. Lane has met prominent men from all over the country and has been deeply impressed with the favorable expressions toward Knox he heard on every hand. Said Mr. Lane: "Senator Knox is the type of man calculated to appeal to the public at large. While he is heartily in accord with tbe prudential policies of Presi dent Roosevelt, he is sufficiently con servative to meet the approval of cap ital from every point of view. "From what I have heard on every hand and from conditions in the coun try at large, as I observe them, I be lieve Knox is growing stronger every day. Intellectually he is the peer of the best of the men whose names have been mentioned so far, and the superior of some of them." Mr. Lane's attention was called to the fact that some of the city party men weee endeavoring to start a Taft movement in Pennsylvania. "It will make no difference," he said: "Senator Knox is I believe, the choice of the great masses of voters in Penn f™SendMFor the New"H Catalogue of the ® STATE NORMAL U SCHOOL at Indiana —it is the most \ elaborate ever issued by a normal school jMj and completely describes jMH the splendid equipment and jUI facilities of this institution. H : || Addre*a DR. JAMES E. AMENT ffW INDIANA, PA. wjiP" sylvania. They have pride in their commonwealth and would be delighted to see a Pennsylvania!! in the White House, especially when he is such a splendid typo of man as Philander C. Knox, "I have not the sligtest doubt but that Senator Knox will goto the next national convention with the solid delegation of the Keystone state at his back." Mr. Lane made it clear that it was his opinion that the conservative forces of the country were turning to the Pennsylvania senator, and when the sentiment began to shape itself in the various states, Kuox would loom up larger and larger as a presidential possibility. RECORD OFJHE PAST. No Stronger Evidence Can be Had in Pennsylvania, Loot we'll to their record. What they have done many times in years gone by is the best guarantee of future results. Anyone with a bad back; auv reader suf fering from urinary troubles, from any kidney ills, will find in the following evi dence proof that relief and euro is near at hand: Mrs. Daniel l'ochin, of 1111 Tucker St., Willianisport, Pa., says: "What I said about Doan's Kidney Pills in 189G stands good to-day, eight years afterwards. The longer I know this remedy the great er my confidence in it. At the time I gave my fir?t statement for publication in our local newspapers, Doan's Kidney Pills relieved me of a very severe backache which had troubled mo for 12 months. If I overtaxed myself or caught cold it was always worse. The pain in my loins was something awful, and I had other complications. Doan's Kidney Pills promptly and effectively relieved me, and I can conscientiously recommend them to any womon suffering from headache or deranged kidneys " For sale by all dealers. Priceso cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, soie agi lifts for the 1 uited States. Re member the name—Doan's—and take uo other. The Limit of Life. The most eminent medical scientists are unanimous in the conclusion that the generally accepted limitation of human life is many years b«low the attainment possible with the advanced knowledge ot which the race is now possessed. The critical period, that determines its dura tion, seems to be between 50 and 60; the proper care of the body during this decade cannot be too strongly urged: care lessness then being fatal to longevity. Nature's best helper after 50 is Klectric liitters, the scientific tonic medicine that revitalizes every organ of the body. Guaranteed by all druggists. 50c. Get a free sample of Dr. Shoop's "Health Coffee." If real coffee disturbs your Stomach, Heart, or Kidneys, then try this clever Coffee imitation. Dr Shoop lias very closely matched Old Java and Mocha Coffee in flavor and taste, yet he has not even a single grain of real Coffee in it. Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee Imitation is made from pure toasted grains or cereals, with Malt Nuts, etc. You will surely like Health Coffee. Sold by all dealera. John Riba, a prominent dealer ofVin ing, la., says:l have been selling De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills for about a year and they give better satis faction than any pill I ever sold. There are a dozen people here who have used them and they give perfect satisfaction in every case. I have used them myself with fine results." Sold by B. C. Dod son. Reduced Kates to Saratoga Springs Account (1. A. R. Encampment. For the National Encampment, Grand Army of the Republic at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., Sep tember 9to 14, the Pennsylvania Railroad will sell excursion tickets to Saratoga Springs from all stations on it« lines September 7 to 0 inclu sive, good returning to leave Saratoga Springs September 9to 17, at reduced rates. Stop overs at New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington will be granted on ticketß reading via those cities. Tickets via New York will be honored by Hudson River Boat lines between New York and Albany or Troy. By deposit of tickets with Special Agent at Saratogo Springs and the payment of SI.OO an ex tension of the return limit to October 6th may be obtained. For full information regarding stopovers, rates of fare condition* of tickets and train servioe consult Ticket Agents. 973-27-3t C. B. Howard & Co., have received from the Pacific Coast what is perhaps the finest lot of REI) CEDAR shingles that) ever came to Cameron county. Another County Bridge. a meeting of the County Commis sioners on Tuesday the contract for the erection of a 102 foot span bridge in Shippen, near Franklin Housler's farm, was awarded to the Penn Bridge Co., for $2, 155.00, their bid being §341 lower than the next bidder. This is considered a very reasonable price. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1907 10 NIGHT II BUFFALO, m Time to 3e Abolished During Old Home Week in Queen City. AN EVENT FOR EVERY HOUR. Extracts From a Clever Letter by John Sayles Which Appeared Recently In The Times Says Everybody Will Be Busy In Buffalo the First Week In September. Dear Old-time Buffalonian: I now take my peu in hand to let you know that your former abiding place, Buffalo, is just now all excite ment and animation over what it pleases to call Old Home Week, which will be celebrated here next Septem ber. Naturally enough, in spite of my years, I am warming up for the ap proaching event. You know as a young man I was always ready for a good time—feasting, parading and skylarking generally. It looks now as if we were going to have all these things that week—with fiddling, danc ing and other kinds of torments to boot. Of course, we expect you to come back home and join us in the celebra tion. That's why I am writing you this letter. Without you there would be something missing. Your absence from this occasion would be like rub bing it into me with a brick. I prom ise it's a jolly old lark we'll have to gether on these long autumn days. I would add nights but we have ar ranged to drop the night out of the calendar during Old Home Week. We are going to out-Joshua Joshua •nd make the sun stand still seven days for once in dear old Buffalo. We've got all the Niagara power to draw on and we'll illuminate the whole world and the Tonawandas thrown in b'gosh! Buffalo is'nt what it was when you left home. You would hardly recog nize the old place. But we'll show you what's what and who's who. You remember how we did it six years ago? While you are here we'll take In all the sights. The McKinley Monument will be dedicated some time that week and with that and L,a bor Day there'll bo . lively times enough. We expect Grover Cleve- Jand to be with us, too. He has'nt been in Buffalo for years to stop any length of time. Hear me now! If Grover happens home that week we'll raise the temperature sky-high in his honor. Talk about your walk-abouts. The old tune, "When Johnnie Comes Marching Home Agfiin, Hurrah," will he just a curtain raiser. We Will All be Busy. You won't find us hanging around the house much Old Home Week. While the women-folk are prinking up in the morning we'll get outdoors in the cool of the day and ride about Buf falo's world-famous asphalt streets. While we are out we'll take a look at Buffalo's homelike residences, hand some churches, modern school houses and public buildings. We'll ride out to the old Pan-American grounds and see the new Albright Gallery and His torical Building. Guess we'll take the little folk along and let them see the animals at the Zoo. Some morn ing we'll go out to the Steel Plant and get an idea of that great industrial concern—it beats the world! As we ride along we'll get an idea, too, of Buffalo as a railroad center. Say the lines of railroad that run within our city limits are as numerous as bones in a shad! Once down town, we'll drop in and see the new postofflce. That's a build ing and a half, and no mistake. May be they'll hand us out a letter in the good old-fashioned way, eh? Well, if they don't we'll look up the postmast er just the same. While we are looking around we'll run over to the City Hall and shake hands with Mayor Adam. Come to think of it, though, the Mayor is half the seas over. He gets that way about this time every year. But he'll be back from Scotland by September saturated with the spirit of Bobby Burns, fit for the time of his life. What You IVlay Do. There will be plenty to keep us go ing afternoons. We can take a trol ley ride to Niagara Falls and go down fty the whirlpool and the rapids, or we can take a sail (these fresh water fellers call it a boat ride) over to Crystal Beach. We must go out cer tain, and see the champion Buffalos wax some of the ball teams in the Eastern League. I suppose we'll act a little green out there, the rules have changed so since we were young. But we'll show up just the same—we want the boys to know that us old fellows are loyal. Of course the big time for us will be after sun down. That's when every body will be jostling and elbowing on the streets. It will be a little crowd ed, I suppose, but we can get seats in the grand-stand somewhere and watch the floats and bands and march ing organizations go by. I can't give you all the particulars now about the evening doings, but they'll be printed as soon as they are given out. I heard a man yesterday when evening doings were talked about, say that he didn't !know exactly himself but rather thought that after the whole thing was all over it could be summed up in the language of the Democratic orator, who when asked the question. "What have tho Democrats ever done while they were in power?" "Done?' WILLIAnS GROVE PICNIC. Reduce'J Rates via Pennsylvania Railroad. For the Grangers' Picnic at Williams Grove Pa., August 26 to 31, the Pennsylvji nia Hail road will sell excursion tickets to Williams Grove from all stations in Pennsylvania, and from Baltimore, Elniira, Frederick and intermediate stations on the Northern Central Railway, Au gust 22 to 31, inclusive, good to return until Septembers, inclusive, at reduced rat*v. 972-11, C. B. Howard & Co., have the only large stock of shingles in the county at the present time. RED CEDAR from the Pacific Coast and WHITE CEDAR rom Wisconsin. Notice to Contractors. THE Shippen School Hoard will let on Satur day, Sept. 7th, 1907, at two o'clock, p. m., to the lowest the best bidder, a contract to build :• school house on North Creek. The Board re serves the right to reject any or all bids. Speci fications can oe seen at Court House. Enquire of W. L. Thomas. FRED K. ZIMMER, President. GILLMAN LEAVITT, Secy. 27-2t Seal*! Proposals. SEALED proposals will be received by the Com missioners of Cameron County, Pa., at their office in the Court House in Emporium, Pa., un til eleven o'clock, a. m., on the 2'ith day of Aug. 1907, and opened two hours later, for build ing the substructure and superstructure of a highway bridge in Shippen Township, Cameron County, Pa. Plans and Specifications for said bridge may be seen in the Commissioners Office. Bidders must submit a certified check on the First National Bank of Emporium, Cameron County, Pa., for amount mentioned in specifica tions on file, Commissioners reserving the right to reject any or all bids. J. W. LEWIS. S. P. KREIDKR, O. L. BAILEY. Commissioners. Monday, July 22, 1907.—23-Bt. OperaHouse, Wednesday, Sept.4 The Big Musical Record Breaker MELVILLE B. RAYMOND Offers Knute E ricks on As "DAFFY DAN," IN THE TUNEFUL TRIUMPH | T'O'P SAME ORIGINAL A I J XL PROHPCTION SEMINARY l GIRL. The Famous College Flag Hallet The Rah! Rah! Rah! Girls. X ließesi 3lu«ieal Show Here Xliis Season | COME TO BUFFALO [ 1 I September 1-7, 1907 I GRAND RE-UNION & CARNIVAL Buffalo celebrates the 75th anniversary of its incorporation as a city, by a mammoth Carnival and Re-Union. If Buffalo has ever been your home, come back—if it hasn't, ■ come anyway, for the town and all it contains will be yours. DEDICATION OF THE SIOO,OOO McKINLEY MONUMENT THE SEVEN DAYS WiLL ALSO INCLUDE Orations by the Notables of the State and Nation. Water, Land and Air Tournaments. Parades of U. • S. and Canadian Troops, Firemen, Fraternal Orders, School Children and Automobiles. Vocal and Instrumental Concerts. Re-unions, Fetes, Musical, Literary and Art features. Fireworks every night. Bands play continuously. Gaily decorated buildings and an electric Court of Honor a mile long, almost out-shining the glories of the Pan-American Exposition. Something doing every minute. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS GIVEN IN PRIZES DON'T MISS IT —COM Ei # LOW RAILROAD RATES - jfflST'Watch for final Program in this paper next week. Charter fioticc. VTOTICE is hereby givfn that an application will be made to the Court ol Common Pleas of Cameron county, on Friday, the thir teenth day of Septemper, 1907. at two o'clock, p. m.,under the provisions of theCorporationAct of 1871 and it« supplements, for a charter for an in tended corporation to be called the Cameron County Agricultural Association, the character and object of which is to hold agricultural ex hibitions, annually in the county of Cameron, State of Pennsylvania, and for the encourage ment and promotion of stock-raising* grain, poultry, handiwork, fruits, dairy prrducts, et cetrea, and the owning, leasing, or contracting for the use of ground, the erection of build ings, and the making of ali improvements there on necessary to be made in order to hold exhi bitions such as are usually had at agricultural fairs; and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges conferred by the said act and the supplements thereto. 27-31 GREEN & FELT, Solicitors. Charter Notice. N OTICE is hereby given that an application will he made tothe Governor of Pennsyl vania 011 Tuesday, the seventeenth day of September, 1907, by Josiah Howard, Joseph Ka.ve, Henry Anchu, Mrs. Laura B. Howard, B. W. Green and William H. Howard, .under the act of Assembly, entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain cor porations," approved April '29 th, IX7-1, and the supplemeats thereto, for the charter of an in tended corporation to be called EMPORIUM LAND COMPANY, the character and object of which is purchasing, holding, improving, leas ing and selling real estate and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits, and privileges of said act of Assembly and sup plements thereto. 26-st. GREEN &. PELT, Solicitors. THE CHILDREN LIKE IT KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP ! Windsor | I Hotel 1217-1229 Filbert St. A SQUARE FROM EVERYWHERE y Special Automobile service for our guests Sight-seeing and touring cars. Rooms SI.OO per flay and upwards. |$ The only moderate priced hotel of repu tation and consequence in Philadelphia, Pa. ■mum mi iiiiii in i inn mi n ■iiiwiiini A BEAUTIFUL FACE! Before Using II you h«?e pimples, blotches, ®or other skin Imperfections, vou can remove Ihem and have a clear and beautiful complexion by using BEAUTYSKIN , Removes bkin Imperfections. '"EI If* Beneficial resultß guaranteed W " or money refunded. \ **o tT Send stamp for Free Sample. \Qt Jf Particulars and Testimonials. \t— j Mention this paper. After Using. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO., Madison Place, Philadelphia, Pa. \ \ X \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \/ \ Rockwell's 1 / / 1 Drug Store ! \ / ¥ 'K is the only place in % thin county where you H? y can buy the % | | REXALL REMEDIES | y_. - | s 0 i % % '* In Rexall we can use the %, true expression, each / remedy is a survival of $ . the fittest. A special £ remedy for each ill. / All guaranteed to give / satisfaction. If it does not, come back and get / your money, it belongs / <' to you and we want you '' to have it. * / # m. A. ROCKWELL. ? I | /A .v \ \ v \:\ \ \ \ \ \ \
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers