J mwm. PLAN OF COW STALL. One Which an Experienced Farmer Has Found Successful. After much experience, the writer considers the plan for a cow stall, shown in the cut, as one of the best that can be used, says a correspond ent of Farm Journal. The cow stands on planks that are matched and ' 6 | V Plan of Cow Stall. U therefore water-tight. The back end projects two inches. The gutter is 18 inches wide and Is formed by car rying a course of cement down from the platform, across the bottom of the gutter, and np at the back. If the gutter is very smooth, a shovel will slip over it better than over a board floor. CARE IN MILKING. Come Wjyj J.i Whicli Cicniia Got liite Milk. The milk within the cow's udder le practically, though not absolutely, free from bacteria. Milk drawn from a dirty cow, in a dirty, dusty stable, by a dirty man with dirty hands and clothes is sure to be unclean. From the cow there falls a shower of hair, epidermis scales and other dust, bits of chaff and straw, and particles, if not larger pieces of cow filth. The milker of uncleanly habits, may con tribute a collection of disease germs still more potent for evil. The filth content of milk produced under such conditions may bo imagined. It has been found that on an aver age a loose hair, falling into the milk from the cleaner parts of Ihe cow, car ries with it from GOO to 700 bacteria. Particles of manure, or hair from patches of manurial richness, con tribute a much more bountiful seeding of the milk; at the rate of several millions for each gram, or half tea spoonful of the dirt. Of such is the composition of the dark sediment found at the bottom of the glass of milk produced and delivered by care less dairymen.—Dr. A. G. Young, Sec. ile. Board of Health. DAIRY NOTES. Not all cow keepers deserve tly title dairyman. The milking shorthorn was not much in evidence at the large fairs this fall. After the milk Is once contaminated no amount of "doctoring" will restore it to its pristine purity. In Cuba the cows are driven from house to house and the desired quanti ty of milk is drawn in the presence of the purchaser. Pure, wholesome milk is a food rel ished alike by Infants, invalids, and strong men. The imparity of the product is what men most object to. Many farmers living close to cities, large or small, could develop a profit able business in supplying fresh milk to the townspeople. Try it and be convinced. A co-operative creamery run on a large scale is a money maker for its patrons. Dairymen should pay more attention to tho principles of co-opera tion. Co-operative creameries and cheese factories are excellent indica tions of the superior intelligence of ■the communities in which they are found. We are glad we do not live in a city and be compelled lo take chalk and water as a substitute for real milk. On the farm we can have the real article in any desired degree of rich ness. One reason more milk is not consumed in large cities is because people cannot get the unadulterated article. Mud Fever. Mud fever* in colts is caused from allowing them to run in lots not prop erly drained. The best means of pre venting this, says Orange Judd Farm er, is to provide a dry lot, clip the hair from around the pastern, wash off the mud at least once a day and carefully dry the skin. The wash ing should be done with cold water and the animals should be kept in a warm shed until thoroughly dry. Rubbing occasionally with a liniment consisting of acetate of lead one ounce, olive oil one pint and water one pint, will do much to prevent cracking of the heel. Prize Hereford Calf. A Hereford calf steer exhibited by an Indiana man won the grand cham pionship for fat cattle at the Chicago International. It is the first time in the history of tbe exposition that the grand championship has gono to •a calf. Silo for Corn Fodder. The silo is undoubtedly the most economical way of handling corn fod der, storing much in a small space, land keeping It in tho best condition to feed, thereby increasing dairy profits ,and correspondingly enriching the farm. How to Trap Wild "Animate. 40-page trap book illustrated, picture 46 wild annuals in natural colors, also bar ometer & calendar, also gun & trap catalog, also prices on raw furs. All sent post paid for 10c stamps or silver. FREE to those who ship to, or buy of us. Address Fur Dept., N. W. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis. New Use for Roentgen Ray. An ingenious If not novel use has been found for the kind of radiance discovered by Roentgen. With its aid a photograph has been taken showing the machinery of an automobile, with out removing the hood which covered it. . . . . AWFUL EFFECT OF ECZEMA. Covered with Yellow Sores—Grew Worse—Parents Discouraged—Cu ticura Drove Sores Away. "Our little girl, one year and a half old, was taken with eczema or that was what the doctor called it. We called in the family doctor, and he gavo some tablets and said she would be all right in a few days. The eczema grew worse and we called in doctor No. 2. He said slie was teething, as soon as the teeth Were through she would be all right. But she still grew worse. Doctpr No. 3 said it was eczema. By this time she was nothing but a yellow, greenish sore. Well, he said he could help her, so we let him try it about & week. One morning we discovered a little yellow pimple on one of her eyes. Of course we 'phoned for doctor No. 3. He came over and looked her over, and said that ho could not do anything more for her, that wo had better take her to seme eye specialist, since it was an ulcer. So wo went to Oswego to doctor No. i, and ho said tho eye eight was gone, but that he could help it. We thought we would try doctor No. 5. Well, that proved the same, only he charged $lO more than doctor No. 4. Wo were nearly dis couraged. I saw one of the Cuti cura advertisements in the paper and thought we would try the Cuticura Treatment, so I went and purchased a set of Cuticura Remedies, which cost me sl, and in three days our daughter, who had been sick about eight months, showed great improve ment. and in one week all sores had disappeared. Of course it could not restore the eyesight, but if we had used Cuticura in time I am confident that it would have saved the eye. We think there is no remedy so good for any skin trouble or impurity of tho blood as Cuticura. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abbott, R. F. D. No. 9, Fulton, Os wego Co., N. Y., August 17, 1906." SAID WOMEN MARRIED HIM. Remarkable Excuse Put Forward by French Bigamist. At Versailles, France, recently a baker was tried on a charge of polyg amy, having married five women, who are living and undtvorced. The pentagamist's defense' was that he had not married the women; they had married him. When they proposed he had not the courage to say no. Neither money nor love, he said, had prompted his nuptials; he was the victim of the stronger wills of his successive spouses. Of the five wives three appeared as witnesses, but did not prosecute, saying that their com mon husband was a toper of whom they were glad to get rid. He was acquitted—on what ground does not appear. As all the years in which the multiplex husband took wives were leap years except 1881, in which It would seem that in four out of the five cases the women had the right to propose. Hut the man had the right, even in the leap »ears, to decline, and it was up to him at least to explain to his fair suitors that he was engaged. To establish the prin ciple that a man is not responsible for the number of his wives unless he himself does the courting, would be plainly against public policy. If "Barkis is willin'," that at once puts all the responsibility on him, nc matter who managed the preliml naries. WHITE BREAD Makes Trouble for People with Weak Intestinal Digestion. A lady in a Wis. town employed a physician who instructed her not to eat white bread for two years. She tells the details of her sickness and she certainly was a sick woman. "In the year 1887 I gave out from overwork, and until 1901 I remained an invalid in bed a great part of the time. Had different doctors but noth ing seemed to help. I suffered from cerebro-spinal congestion, female trou ble and serious stomach and bowel trouble. My husband called a new doctor and after having gone without any food for 10 days the doctor or dered Grape-Nuts for me. I could eat the new food from the very first mouthful. The doctor kept me on Grape-Nuts and the only medicine was a little glycerine to heal the alimentary canal. "When I was up again doctor told me to cat Grape-Nuts twice a day and no white bread for two years. I got well in good time and have gained in strength so I can do my own work again. "My brain has been helped so much, a~d I know that the Grape-Nuts food did this, too. I found I had been made ill because I was not fed right, that is I did not properly digest white bread and some other food I tried to live on. "I have never been without Grape- Nuts food since and oat it every day. You may publish this letter if you like so it will help someone else." Name given by Postimi Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Get the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1907. A Big Bargain for 12 Cents Postpaid. The year of 1906 was one of prodigal plenty on our seed farms. Never before did vegetable and farm seeds return such enormous yields. Now we wish to gain 200,000 new cus tomers this year and hence offer for I2c postpaid 1 pkg. Garden City Beet 10c 1 " Earliest Ripe Cabbage 10c 1 " Karliest Emerald Cucumber.... 15c 1 " La Crosse Market Lettuce 15c 1 " 13 Day Radish 10c 1 " Blue Blood Tomato 15c 1 " Juicy Turnip 10c 1000 kernels gloriously beautiful flow er seeds 15c Total SI.OO All for 12c postpaid in order to intro duce our warranted seeds, and if you will send 16c we will add one package of Berliner Earliest Cauliflower, together with our mammoth plant, nursery stock, vegetable and farm seed and tool catalog. This catalog is mailed free to all in tending purchasers. Write to-day. John A. talzer Seed Co., Box W, La Crosse, Wis. Rajah's Unique Conveyance. While amphibious vehicles are not In themselves a novelty, It Is safe to declare the combination conveyance Just built In England for an Indian raaharajah as absolutely unique. The body, shaped like a boat and painted In rainbow hues in accordance with eastern Ideas of color, Is hung upon a four-wheeled skeleton carriage. While intended by its owner as a state carriage, it may be used on occasions as a state boat, as the body can be unslung and converted into an electric launch. The skeleton carriage is about 15 feet long and is provided with four rubber-tired wheels. There is a seat for a driver and room for four in the boat-shaped coach. The total weight ol the outfit la leca than on a ton. Thoroughly Reliable. If ever there was a reliable and safe remedy it is that old and famous por ous plaster—Allcock's. It has been in use for sixty years, and is as popular to-day as ever, and we doubt if there is a civilized community on the face of the globe where this wonderful pain reliever cannot be found. In the selec tion of the ingredients and in their manufacture the greatest care is taken to keep each plaster up to the highest standard of excellence, and so pur 9 and simple are the ingredients that even a child can use them. Allcock's are the original and gen uine porous plasters and are sold by Druggists all over the world. Rich Men Work for Pleasure. Theodore Gill, the world's greatest authority on fishes, works for the United States government, receiving one dollar a month for his services. He is a rich man on whom many univer sities have conferred titles and de grees. Dr. Harrison O. Dyer, another wealthy man, who knows more about mosquitoes than any other living per son, devotes much of his time to gov ernment, receiving $25 a month. Gif ford Pinchort, a millionaire, is head of the United States forestry service, but he is comparatively well paid, his sal ary being $45 per annum. Several other rich men are on the government pay roll at nominal figures, working for the pleasure of "doing things," as President Roosevelt puts it. WOMEN SUFFER Uf{//k wV vyUL Many women suffer in silence and (If / : •• W drift along from bad to worse, know jlf AajSy that they ought to have 111 /••••' TrnfiWff 'Cil W' \ \\\ immediate assistance. 11l r *■''•• •• 5V \\ How many women do you know If I" ' HSMK 112 '''iri'-"---1 who aro perfectly well and strong? [( * '1 The cause may be easily traced to l\ 1 S: : iJ some feminine derangement which \\\ \'' '' / Xi! {w 7I I manifests itself in depression of «\ V-. y IWf 'i*/ HI spirits, reluctance togo anywhere \\ : iljjil.llii ? '/ II or do anything, backache, dragging sensations, flatulency, nervousness, \V) Yar I These symptoms are but warnings J that there is danger ahead, and un —>// less heeded, a life of suffering or a . serious operation is the inevitable MISS JULIE FLORENCE WALSH result. The best remedy for all these Bymptoms is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs. No other medicine in the country has received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medi cine has such a record of cures of female ills. Miss J. F. Walsh, of 328 VV. 30th St., New Yorlr City, writes:—"Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been of inestimable value in restoring my health, I suffered from female illness which caused dreadful headaches, diaziness, and dull pains in my back, but your medicine soon brought about a change in my general condition, built me up and made me perfectly well." Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cures Female Complaints, such as Backache, Falling and Displacements, Inflammation and Ulcera tion, and organic diseases. It is invaluable in preparing for child-birth and during the Chanpe of Life. Itoures Nervous Prostration, Headache, General Debility, and invigorates the whole system. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to write Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free. fsioaivs Liiiimeivt^CH R>r Cougk Cold .Croup, Sore Throat, Stiff Neck /), 1 Rheumatism and At all Dealers- f'- ** I Price 25c 50* & HOO < _ JMUrt' j PUTNAM FADELESS DYES color al most twice as much as any other dye and Cost you the same. 10c per package. You can also tell a man by the com ; pany he doesn't keep. Mrs. Wlnilow'a Soothing Hyrnp. For children tcethlne, »ofl<-n» tlie kuitib, rcducwi In- Humiliation, allny a pain, curen wind colic. a I joule. Every time a man accepts a 10-cent gift it costs him a dollar. PII.ES CI'HED in e TO 14 OATS. ! PAZO OINTMBNT Is guaranteed to euro any caas I of ltchintf, Blind, UleedliiK or I'roiruding i'llea In B to U days or uionuy refunded. 60c. Lots of fools look wise and lots of wise men look otherwise. Garfield Tea (the Herb remedy which is Guaranteed under the Pure rood and Drugs Law) should be taken to regulate the Liver, Kidneys, stomach and bowrls, and to purify the blood. Write it In your heart that every day is the best day in the year. No man has learned anything rightly un til be knows that every day is dooma —Emerson. .. ... How's This? I Wa offer One Hundred Dollara Reward for any ca»e of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ball'* Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the lait IS year#, and believe hliu perfectly hon orable In all bualneas iransnetlous and financially able to carry out any obligations made by bta Aim. Waldinu, Kl.nnan A MAKyt.Y, Wholesale Drugflbts, Toledo, O. Hall'a Catarrh Core Is taken Internally, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents par bottle. Sold by all Druggists- Take Hall's Family Fills for constlpattoa. Priscilla'c Revenge. It was in the days of old when knights were bold and dressed in gleaming armor. "George, dear," said Prlscilla, over her daily task, "wilt thou not htl# me with my skeins?" "By the tower of Ixindon—no!" roared George, as he sharpened his lance. "You haven't a spinning wheel for a husband." Two hours later George returned from the fray with his armor bat tered and torn. "Dearest Priscilla," he said, soft ly, "wilt thou not put a few patches on my dress suit?" "No, George," replied Priscilla, sweetly. "You haven't a blacksmith for a wife." And the bold knight was so hu miliated he went over to Ye Frozen Heart tavern and stood the tavern keeper off for a tankard. jgg M Ij II LmJlsSlli? Kind You Have SHHBI Ahrays Sou^n similating IheFoodandßegula- H „ M ting the Stomachs and Bowels of kg Promotes Digestion, Cheerfu- H SigHatUr© ness and Rest .Con tains neither H W » . Ir Opium,Morpliine nor>lin£raL §§§ 01 /(\ /\ \ W Not Narcotic. || £lll^ /toVetfOUn-SAKVUmcmt !§J J ftenpkln Semi' I 11f 1 | ifj | A perfect Remedy for ConsUpa- m (V (}' Use Hon,SourStomach.Diarrhoea ■ I lir Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- £& a Wg „ ft ness and Loss OF Sleep. f| V J* frfjr yyP| facsimile Signature of BH fffS. I Thirty Years FHIXSSSttIfiM 112) §J AJA || IJJ EXACT COPY OF WRAPPEW. E| | ||j| fsppjn free Homesteads WESTERN CANADA. Special Trains Leave Chicago, March 19th, FOR Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Homesteads. Canadian Government representatives will accompany this train through to destination. For certificate entitling cheap rates, litera ture and all particulars, apply to H. M. WILLIAMS, Law Building, Toledo, Ohio. NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER. I THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER-IRRITANT. CAPISICUM VASELINE EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT A OUICK, SURE. SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN. —PRICE i I Sc.—lN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES-AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OK 15c. IN POSTAGE STAMPS. DON'T WAIT TILL THE PAIN COMES KEEP A TUBE HANDY. ? A substitute for and superior to mustard or assy other plaster, and wilt not blister the most delicate skin. The pain-allaying and curative qualities of the article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and relievo Headache and Sciatica. We recommend it as tbe best and safest external counter-irritant known, also as an external remedy for pains in the chest ; and stomach and all Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints, A trial will prove what we claim for It, and it will be Joisnd tj bo Invaluable in tho household and for children. Onco used no fstsnttywlSlbe without it. Many people say "it is the best of all your preparations." Accept Ho preparation 1 of vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise it is not genuine. i SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE WILL MAIL OUR VASE- . LINE PAMI.4LET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU. 1 CHESEBROUGH MFG. CG. 17 STATE STREET. NEW YORK CITY Before You Paint, This Spring bear in mind the fact that it costs you as much if not more to paint your buildings with infeiior paints than it would to use paints of good quality. More harm and dissatisfaction is caused by the use of poor paints than almost any other article used for preserving or beautifying property. Buffalo Paints Aged Llamwl OK are the highest gTade paints made. They contain the purest and most lasting pig ments ground in Aged Linseed Oil In correct proportion, are honestly made, cost no more than inferior paints and stand every test for exterior and interior work. i : Before you decide on the kind of paint to use, it iriU be to your interest to send for our 1907 color chart of the latest shades for modern uses, also valuable inform ation and paint facts that you ought to know. H'e want every owner of a building in this Uxxhty who sends us his name ■ and address to have one of our beautiful Buffalo-head souvenir silverea stick B pins. The pin is neat and unique in appearance a. nd will be sent without charge, ■ if name is received before April Ist. ■ BUFFALO OIL PAINT VARNISH CO., SCTMM.ILT. CHICAGO. ILL. QITPUTO F. Coleman, Tu'tlnt Attor- - ■ _J— ■Km nil H w froe. Icrwuiow. iligboKt ref. | A V PO/vLI if «Toey^ w u«[ Thompson's Eye Water 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers