Xatcst County Correspondence, FROM OUR REPORTERS. SIZERVILLu. H. W. .Martindale and son Kirby arrived in >wii last week lo spend a few days, lflss .Maud tay ot Roulette, is visitiug P. E. oun. ilinaii this week. Geo. H. Hazuiaun the telegrapher is an expert ?er itor afU-r dark. Many young ladies and men took in the excur oa to Niagara Fulls Sunday. LaM week operations at the Mineral Spring i ■ ere delayed a short ti.ne, the b ttleries connect i witlk the gas,dine engine being worn out. Iter connecting a ne.v set the engine failed to ; art, but after some time it w is discovered that •:ie gasolene was all gone. E. D. Si/.er, J.. filled 1 uetttnk, with what afterwaids proved to he iter He said this would propel the engine, ] la being another mechanical invention of hi j uld use it for aeriel navigation—getting waters ''m the clouds, which would boa success. Wm. Victory ofShippen, left for Allegany on tailX'ss. R-jProsser, the photographer, says he is going i ,J ' <iuit the picture business—too hard work i tying up nights developing plates and films. D.C. Frazer is making better time on How- I i-d's inilk wagon—C. J. goes along. 8. J. Hamilton made a flying tpip t jEmpori- ! uralast week. M*. Wood, the motor cycle man of Emporium led on Edw. I). Sizer, Sunday—out of gaso ne. He failed to get a new supply. SIMON, I STERLING RUN. James R. Furlong, of Mclfees Rocks, is visiting I •latives in town. John J. Killeen, of Driftwood, spent Sunday ' in town. >rant Hart and Clarence Howlett spent Sun- I day in Hicks Run. A nnmber of Sterling Run people took in the Old Home week at St. Marys. ■ eo. E. Barr who has been employed in Em- I IKirium was in town Saturday. John Kissel is visiting friends in Coudersport ' and vicinity. Frajft Confer our popular Pen nsy foreman was 'teali town Sunday. We know there is some thinjloing and are patiently ,waiting for the party from out of town sent Sunday "itlflpr. and Mrs. J. A. Dice, those present were; Mr.H 11. Lowe and daughter Maud, and Mrs. J. S. RBmer and children, of Renovo, Mrs. Will' > aflSh and children of Keating Summit and MesMs. Harry Clarke and Arthur Owen of Em •Make Hay While the Sun Shines." i There is a lesson in the work of the thrifty farmer. lie knows that the bright sunshine may last but a day when he pre pares for the showers which are so liable I to follow. So it should be with every j household. Dysentery, diarrhoea and cholera morbus may attack some member of the home without warning. Cham- i berlain'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea j Remedy, which is the best known medi- j cine for three diseases, should always be kept at hand, as immediate treatment is necessary, and delay may prove fatal. For sale by L. Taggart; J. E. Smith, Sterling Run; Crum Bros., Sinnamahon ing. You can get all kinds of good cedar shingles at C. B. Howard <St Co.. Prof. Tyler, of Amherst college, said recenty: A man can live comfortably without brains no man ever existed with out a digestive system. The dyspeptic has neither faith, hope or charity." Day by day people realize the importance of caring for their digestion; realize the need ot the use of a little corrective after overeating. A corrective like Kodol for Dyspepsia. It digests what you eat. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Warning. All persons are hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of this Company without a permit Irom this office, or the Superintendant at the works. KEYSTONE POWDEH MFG. CO. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1003. 24-tf. The Farmers Exchange, Pittsfield, Pa. Wish to place a copy of their cata logue and Price List of Groceries, Pro visions and Farm Products in every Household in the State of Pennsyl vania. If you will send ten cents to cover cost of postage and packing we will mail you one Elegant Doilie, Six papers of assorted Sewing Needles, fourteen Darners, One Bodkin, and One Ladies' or Gents' White Lawn, Necktie, absolutely Free of cost, to gether with our New Price List, quot ing you prices that will save you many dollars in the course of a year. Don't let this opportunity pass, but -end Ten Cents to-day and get this package of goods that at the regular retail price would cost you fifty cents in any dry goods stores in the State. Address the Farmers Exchange, i'itwfield, Pa. lfi tf. Bargain in Books. A complete set of Brittanica Ency , lopaedia>conßisting of thirty volumes and key- Are all new and in original packages. Will bo sold at a bargain, Apply at PEESS office. 36tf fcVERY PARMER WANTS II kjst destroys mora farm machinery than Cues wear. 6-5-4 kills rust; dissolves it, Just b , w gter does salt. Get a 25c can of 6-5-4 and mve your farm machinery. Any child can t, nly it; 00 bard work; goes on like paint, only easier, and driea **4^! in 10 minutes, leaving V_ - I.mi 1 a fine black finish. 6- 5-4 is not a paint; it wm does not cover the rust but, chemically " dissolves it and then WlfflMllkWiT is absorbed by the yimmprffStw iron which Is thus made rust proof. 6-5-4 is very thin and runs intothecrackswhere \(t¥ the brush cannot go. o, Be sure and get 6-5-4' (. ▼ it is just as good for stoves, stove pipes ,, d wire screens as it it is for machinery. tj- V our dealer hasn't it, F. V. Heil rr.,»n has- FIRST FORK. The luneral of Mrs. Thos. Logue of Durrin , Hun was held at Costello on Sunday and inter ment made tliare. She had been sick a long j time with consumption. .lames Logue and | family of Sinnamahoning attended the funeral j lie being a brother of Mr. Eogue. 'l'hos. Connor, an old pensioner and resident J of Wharton, was buried at that place on Sunday, Rev. Heim of that charge conducted the services. He had been sick a long time. Oeo. Beckner of Laurel, Miss., was buried here on Friday afternoon. A large concourse ot people attended the funeral as George was well known here. He worked on the log train for Goodyears, in the early days of Austin mill. He was between 54 and 55 years of age and | survived by a widow, two sous and two daught ers. He had one sister living in Pittsburg, who j with her husband attended the funeral, lhe funeral |service4 were conducted by (Rev. Hol land, assisted by Rev. Wallace of Austin. The j Masons of Austin attended the funeral in a body. < Interment was made in Gilmore cemetery near the graves of two of his children. Mrs. Keck of Wharton is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Williams. Mrs A. E. Woodard and daughter returned to their home at Salamanca, N. Y., after a two weeks visit with friends here and at Austin. Alvah Styles of Costeilo is visiting a) M.J. Logue's. Del. Hauley is rebuilding the mill here and we 1 understand has bought the stock in the woods of I Mr. Currier. | The First Fork bill players were up to Whar -1 ton to a picnic on Saturday and trimmed up the I boys 14 to 1. The proceeds went to the pastor ill 1 charge. We did not learn the amount raised. NI K SEII. • | Mr. Leetof Grotau, N. Y., representing the S Groton Hridge Company, transacted business in | town several days last week, being interested in ' the proposed bridge to be built near the Wm. i Wykoff farm. j H. A. Smith, proprietor of the Biooes Run , hotel made a busidess trip to Horton Friday, i H. W. Martindale, who has been visiting } friends here for some time, has gone to PhiladeU I phia. j ItoyGleasou and family were up from Drift | wood Sunday and took dinner at Lick Island. ! Berry pickers are very plentiful and they are j gathering quite a harvest of berries. I The corn crop arouud here is the best we have seen anywhere this year; potatoes are fair and fruit is good. Geo. F. Hart, the well known lunbermau was registered at the Brooks Run hotel Friday. J Robt Hensbaugo, clerk for Canoe Run Store | Co., came over to attend the funeral of his unci* the late Geo. Beckner. Lawrence Smith came up from Sinnamanon- Saturday to attend the Supervisors meeting and to view the new bridge. W. J. Leavitt, the popular Republican candi ! date lor prothonotary visited his many friends here last week and attended the Beckner fuuer-i al. He was the special guest of Wm. F. Logue I and family and Frank L. Miller and family of Lick Island. Mr. L>avitt will make a splendid | run here and our people consider him the strong est man on the Republican ticket. | This seems to be the opportune time for all our I people to strike for Rural Free Delivery of mails. | Other sections of the county that are less thickly settled have had free delivery for ysars and it seems as though the Republican leaders could do as much for this section. Our people are a unit in their demand for it. Just think of walk ing seven or eight miles every time we want to mail a letter. UKCLEJOSH. NORTH CREEK. The Misses Edwards have returned to their home after an extended visit with Chas. Barr and family and other relatives and friends. Mrs. A. O. Swartwood came up from the city and spent a few days with her daughter Mrs. Mary McClennhan. Mrs. Brownlee ute Nellie Chadwick who has not been in this community for a period of about twenty years, visited friends during the week. We were glad to see our old time friend Mrs. Ella Beers In this valley again. Mrs. Chandler and children took in the sights •112 the city Thursday. Harold Chadwick came over from the valley to visit with his former sdhool mates. Mrs. Morton was to the city Thursday. Wm. Lewis made a flying trip to town Friday, returning with (?) a new cradle. Minnie Chandler had the misfortune to badly sprain her wrist a few days ago. F. Moor is still very low and getting weaker, Wm. Thompson and Frank Dodge were seen on our streets recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Haines, of Ratliburn, were visitors at F. Moon's the past week. Mr. Haines is brother of Mrs. Moon. Dave I'cttis, who has been to Nanson since the Fourth of July visiting his sister Mrs. Mary Grif fith returned home Tuesday oflast week. Elihu Chadwick came over from the valley Tuesday evening guest of D. N. Chandler. Ernest Housler is working at the Emporium Dynamite works. Mrs. Laura Taylor, of Mina, who has been working steady all summer, and who has been | ill for some time is home for a much needed rest, J. W. Lewis was in the city Tuesday. SAMANTIJY ALLEN. Why does the sun burn? Why does a mosquito sting? Why do we feel un happy in the Good Old Summer Time? Answer; we don't. We use DcWitt' Witch Hazel Salve, and these little ill don't bother us. Learn to look for the name on the box to get the genuine. Sold by R. C. Dodson. The Portage Store. W. L. Dixon, proprietor of the ' Portage store, desireH to inform his j patrons and the genera! public that he 1 is offering special inducement in canned goods for the next thirty days. Road this: Tomatoes, 10c; Good California Peaches, 16c; Mince Meat, Bc, Corn 8c; j Finest String Beans. 10c: Best Seeded I Raisens, 11c; Seven bars Oak Leaf Soap, 1 25e. Other goods in proportion. Call me on 'phone. W. L. DIXON, 7-tf. Near Portage Bridge. Seed Wheat for Sale ; We have 100 bushels of choice bald wheat, mealy variety, guaranteed pure ; and clean at $1.25 per bushel—sack 10c extra. Cash with order. Call on or address, IIAYNES BROS., 24-st. Sinnamahoning, Pa. The PitEes from Aug. Ist until after election for twenty-five cents. Sub neribe at once. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, iqo6. RICH VALLEY. W. W. Lewis and family visited Elk Fork rela tives Tuesday. As did Mrs. Samuel Zwald of the city. Hampton Freeman's horse became frightened at the E. &R. V. log train Monday and slightly wrecked the hugijy. Mr. and Mis. Freeman are former residents of this place. They returned to their home at Wellsboro this week where Mr. Freeman is H. F. D. mail carrier. Oarnie Housler visited his Elk Fork friends Sunday. W. L. Carter was 011 our streets Sunday with his fast steppers. Autos are not in it are they Billy. Anson Lewis and daughter Mrs. Jos. Craven were called to Austin Tuesday by the illness of Mrs. Craven's sou, Frit/, who resides there. Some correspondent from the Valley last week said Mrs. Bittenbender of Hradlord was visiting friends here. They should have said Mrs. Harry Beers. We have been requested to rectify the mistake. C. C. Itees of Coudergport was in the Valley last week. He was accompanied by his daugh ter Maggie. >l. A. I'. HUNTLEY. Mrs. Geo. Collins who has been very ill the past week is recovering. Omer Ives spent Sunday with hisfvmilyon Mason Hill. Wm. White and Irvin l'arks of Emporium arc working at Wilson Bros. mill. Mrs. Lawrence Smith was at ltenovo Monday •11 account of the death of her brother Chas. Kandall. George Carson who had his leg broken by a t rain some time ago lias returned home from \ Lock Haven hospital and can walk with a cane, j Chas. Collins has recovered from his recent illness and is able to be out again. d-it I Reuben Jordan of Masou Hill hassecured a position with Willson Bros. Lumber Co. Miss Jordan and Miss Munsell and brother were guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Collins Tues day. Tlios. Kailbouru has received a trio of Austral ian brahma chickens which are well worth look ing at. Willson Bros, mill has resumed operations to fiuish sawing the Collins logs. The work will last about six weeks. P. K. R. carpenters Jas. Jordan and Geo. Strawbridge captured a young racoon Monday. Mr. Strawbridge was severely bitten in the linger. J. F. S. C. B. Howard & Co., have the only large stock of shingles in the county at the present time. RED CEDAR from the Pacific Coast and WHITE CEDAR rorn Wisconsin. CAMERON. The National Protective Legion will give a •ocial hop at the K. G. E. hall Thursday even ing, Aug2.lrd, under the management of Mrs. F. L. Webster, Mrs. J. H. Yocum and Mr. E. M. McFadden. Good music will be in attendance. All are invited. C. C. Anthony, assistant signal engineer of Philadelphia, inspected the interlocking switches aud .signals at the new tower Friday. Operator Cupp, relief operator ot Renovo is filling the vacancy ber» for a few days. Saturday being pay-day at the mines, the iuicers were celebrating yet on Monday. Mrs. N. J. Morris left Tuesday morning to join ker husband who has a position in Oklahoma coal field. The cow advertised for in last week's Phkbs belonging to Mrs. N. J. M orris, of Canoe Run, was found iu the woods near a tree that had been utruck by lightning. The cow was badly burned on the back and it is thought she shared the same fate. Operator E. D. Krape, was in town a few hours Saturday. Mr. A. K. Walker, was a business caller at Sterling Run several times the past week looking over his tie job at that place. Mr. W. T. Dinny and son Ray, (pent Sunday at their home Sterling Ruu. Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson attended the funeral of Mr. Bobinson's brother's son, little Guy, who who was scalded at Jonnsonburg last week. Funeral was held at Emporium last Monday, Mr. William Smith, of Sterling Run, was a business caller in Cameron on Monday. Mr. Bert Peabody, of Dunlevie, W. Ya., was*a pleasant caller with old time friends oyer Sunday Mr. Peabody had a number of line photographer pf the town of Dunlevie and the country near there. Mr. Peabody is on a visit to his old home in York state. Dannie Sullivan spent Sunday with his par ents here. He now holds a position with C. 11. Howard & Co., at Emporium. Trainer James Strawbridge is making prepara tions for a four round friendly bout between Dun Hritton and D. C. Linninger, Saturday evening. Squire Joseph Robinson will actas referee. Billy Wykofl'will be in Mr. Britton's corner and Ed. McFadden will do honors for Mr. Linninger. The reserved scats are already taken up. J. F. S. I ]| ■ The life of your house JM n inside and out can be pro lj| || keeping it painted with I? I Lucas Paints j| |j| from rotting because they B dirt liu[ ,rml dl R v. C i . Piiiimlelnkh .4 : Latest Popular Music. Miss May Gould, teacher of piano forte has received a full line of the lat est and most popular sheet muse. Ali the popular airs. Popular and class ical music. Prices reasonable. 44-tf. H.C. FRITZ, Decorating and Sign Co., No. *, South /larket Square, 11ARRISBURG, PA. Estimates given 011 all kinds of de corating. artistic paper hanging and painting Would be glad to corres pond with Cameron county patrons who may have work in my line. HHNRV JAKGER, Harness Maker and Upholsterer F. G. Judd's Old Stand.) Manufacturer of and Dealer in LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS, BLANKETS, ROBES, COLLARS, WHIPS, etc. At Prices as Jmw as Possible. Repairing a Specialty. UPHOLSTERING—I carry a full line of cloths for recovering furniture and guarantee all work. Henry Jaeger. Chamberlain's 1 , Colic, Cholera & Diarrhea Remedy | Almost every family has need 1 of a reliable remedy for colic or diarrhea at some time during the | year. This remedy is recommended by dealers who have sold it for | many years and know its value. It has received thousands of testimonials from grateful people. It has been prescribed by phy sicians with the most satisfactory results. It has often saved life before 1 medicine could have been sent for or a physician summoned. It only costs a quarter. Can you afford to risk so much for to little? BUY IT NOW. Sour Stomach No appetite, loss ot strength, nervous ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol relieves indigestion. This new discov ery represents the natural Juices of diges tion as they eiist In a healthy stomach, combined with the greJtest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol for dyspepsia does not only relieve indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy helps all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Bill, of Ravenswood, W, Va., says:— " I wat troubled with sour stomach for twenty years. Kodol cured me and we are now using It In milk lor baby." Kodol Digests What You Eat. Bottles only. Relieves Indigestion, acur stomach. belching of gas, etc. Praparad by E. C. DcWITT & CO., CHICAGO. Sold by R. C. Dodson. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL :::::: FOR PILES, ONE APPLICATION BRINGS RELIEF. SAMPLE MAILED FBEE. At Druggists, 25 cents, or mailed. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and John streets, New York. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases, SS. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaldou receiptor price. Humphreys' Med. Co., William & John Sts., N. Y. Divorce Notice. TO LUELLA S. FAY LEE, of Akron, Ohio. WHEREAS, Cassias M. I-.ee, your husband, has filed a libel in the court of Common Fleas of Cameron county, of October term, 190G, to show cause if any you have, why your husband, Cas sius M. Lee. should not be divorced from the bonds of matrimonv which lie hath contracted with you, the said L ill*, S l*\iy Lee, agreeably to the petition and libel exhibited against you before our said e >irt: an I this you shall in no wise omit at your peril. JOHN D. BWO PI?, Sheriff of Cameron County. Dated, July 20th 1900.—'21-it. Administratrix: Notice. Estate of JOSEPH I\ CRIST, deceased. ""VTOTICKis hereby given that letters lewta mentury upon the estate of Joseph I'. Crist, late of Emporium, C nicmi) county. Pa., deceas ed have been granted t<» the undersigned to whom claims against said estate must bepiesent ed, duly authenticated: also ;ili persons indebted to said estate must niaky seM lenient. MARYE LYONS.', Adn.fciistralrix May 2Xth, ifiin \M-it CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS AT Jr ■ ?HH |S'SiT'and (■old metallic bozos, sealed with blue ribbon. T»k«» no K«'fuiie dnnseroua •übatl tiition* sand inaiinf ioim. Huy of your Imiggist «»r send le. in stumps for I'Articalar*, • iKMiiaiw and M K« llff for in nv rolurn .Usail. 10,000 Testimonials. Hold by all lirugghiU. CHICHEBTRR CHEMICAL CO. fclOO Madison .Square, I*IIIL.A., PA. Meutlou this o»«r. SDR. CALDWELL'S |B YRUP PEPSIN CURES INDIGESTION. II S? $5 4HIHHBHBSSBS JIT WILL PAY YOU} 1 To See R. SEGKR & SOX'S | I New Spring and | I Summer Clothing I AND FURNISHINGS. | New and Beautiful Latest Styles in B MEN, BOYS' AND YOUTH'S CLOTHING I Selected with the greatest care as I to quality and price. Call and see our I beautiful stock of stylish clothing and B furnishings. | I Big Line of Summer Hats. 1 Finest Line of Trunks and Satchels I Don't forget our Merchant Tailoring I Department. 5 j R. SEQER SON, J I NEXT TO BANK. ff \i»—i—i—^ pGET WEI^ABIT^ IP We are doing a splendid business. Our B patrons seem to be so impressed with the de- ||j ||j' liciousness of our baked goods that many ot fflj <ll them have "got the habit" of coming here |p. ||}i regularly. We anticipate more of that llj! i "habit," because our bread and pastry is bet ter than ever before. Get the habit—the |&- health giving habit of eating the products of J|| our sanitary shop. |||; I Emporium Bakery | 111. I, LT lllllMiS, Projrr. BREAD!! OF QUALITY § ® Next Door to Post Office, EMPORIUM, P^jpjj Art in Men's Dress It is not how much you spend but how you spend it that makes you a well dressed man. Our custom made suits are as PERFECT IN STYLE AND FIT as human hands can make them. PRICES $25 TO S4O. Bedard The Tailor - Parsons' Bazaar, Emporium, Pa. —— mum ■iiiiiwimji 112 I HladamDean's A safe, certain relief for Suppressed E Menstruation. Never known to fall. Sufi'! R Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction (juaranteed 5} or money Refunded. Kent prepaid for p Sl.Ou per box. Will send them 011 trlul, to B he paid for when relieved. Samples Free. R OK I CO MCOIC*L CO.. Bo» 74. L»«C»ITII. >«. jjl Sold by L. TagKart and R. C. Dodson. PILES Mmmmmmm j, Matt Thompson, s*t:j-t. B Gradcl School*, Htatesvill*, N writes •• iran «av 1* they do all you claim for them." I»r. S. M I>»-\«>?••, W lttT«a Kock.W. Va., writ*** •• They alee universal n-i«- ■ fatrtion." Dr. 11. I> Mctiill. « .ark>liurg, Teun.. writ* a gp *• lu a practice of 23 year-. I liave fou.il no remedy to t>J L>ruggi«t». martin RUDY, LANCASTER, PA. [ Hold in' Emporium by L. Taggart R.C. Dod son. Call for free sample.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers