4 (Sarr)<z.rori Laui)ty [5 re-ss. Bhtabi, .HIKD BY C. B.OOULD. HEN R v H~~M ULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLI- IK!> KYKRV THURSDAY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Pei year 00 paid is $1 so ADVERTISING! RATKB. Advertise-nit a' vrepublishetiat the rateofoue JolUr p» r-t.uur' for one insertion and fifty centu per square for each subsequent insertion. Rates by tii c year or for six or three months are low andnniforn .and will be furnished on appli cation .. „ Legal and OM in 1 Advertising per square.three times or less, $2 ■ each subsequent insertions cents per square. Loc a 1 notic ls t < n cent s per 11ne for onei nsertion, tivo cents perliuelor eachsubsequentcousecutive Insertion. „ . Obituary notic over five lines, ten cents per lino Simplean lounceinents of births, marriages and deaths will * • inserted free. Husiness Card Ivd lines or less 3.V00 per year ovoi' live lines, a' the rutP* of advert lsinj? No ocai inserts I for less thiin 75 cts. per issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of tlie PIIKSS is complete, mil lift'or is facilities for doinK the best class of WOl-lr. I*ARTI! UI.AH ATTENTION PAID to Law Printing. No p:t: r will i ■ discontinued until arrearages »i"> paid, n< fit it the option oft he publisher. Papers '-ut o it ofthe county must be paid for !n advance. (j-No advertisements will he accepted at less ban the price for fifteen words. ♦»-Hfclig'ioiisii"ticas free. Rt PI IU.H STATIC TICKET, GOVERNOR- Kdwiu S. Smart, Philadelphia. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR—Robert S. Mur phy, Cambria cuunty. AUDITOR (GENERAL—Robert K. Yonns, Tioga county. SECRETARY OK INTERNAL AFFAIRS— Ho ry Horn*. Lebanon county. COUNTY TICKET. For Congress, CHARLES F. BARCLAY, Cameron. P<jr President Judge, BENJAMIN W. GREEN, Cameron, [btibjeci to Judicial Conference.] For Member of Assembly, JOSIAH HOW ARD, Emporium. For Associate Judge, GEORGE J. LABAR, Emporium, 112, I'rothonotary, Register, Recorder and Clerk of Courts, WILLIAM J. LEAVITT, Sliippen. For District Attorney, J Ah. P. McNARNEY, Emporium. For Coroner, DP,. \V. S. RUSSELL, Gibson. For Jury Commissioner, JOHN A. WYKOFF, Grove. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain flercury. As mercury will surely destroy the ser.se of smell and completely derange t!.e whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescription from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly up on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by P. J. Cheney & Go. Testi monials free. Sold by Druggists. Price, 75c per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for Constipation. Rheumatism Cured in Ten Days. Why Will You Suffer. Mr. Harry Knox, of Beverly, W. Va., uuder da*.? of Jan. *>3,19015, says he was laid up with rheumatism for more than ivo and a halt months; part of the time could no: set out of bed. Could not w„lk with -ut the aid of crutches, and says he took one-half of a 50 cent bottle o r Crook'!. - Rheumatic Cure and was entirely ".red. Harry Ivnox. For sale by R. 0. iJodson. 21jun3m. i n this state it is no necessary to serve a I've day* notice for eviction of a cold, 112 -e the original laxative cough syrup, Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. No opiate. Sold by R. C. Dodson. A world of truth in a lew words: "Nearly all other cough cures are consti pating, especiaily those containing opiates. Kennedy -■ Laxative Honey and Tar u. .ves.tue '(>•>« ■ ... Contains no opiates." Voa can get ;» jt. 11. C. Dodson's. Williams Cart>olic Salve with Arnica and Witch Hazel. The be*: Salve in the world for Cuts, B-uises, Sure-. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Jbapjed Hands, and all skin eruptions. It is guaranteed to give satis faction, er money refunded. Price 25c by Druggists. Williams M'f'g Co., Prop's Cleveland. 0. For sale by R. C. Dodson. 9-ly. Summer Diarrhoea in Childreg. During the hot weather of the summer months the first unnatural looseness of a child's bowels should have immediate at tention, ho as to check the disease before it becomes serious. All that is necessary is a few doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy followed by a dose of cahtor oil to cleanse the sys tem. Rev. M. 0. Stockland, Pastor of the firs? M. E. Church, Little Falls, ft!inn., writes: "We have used Cham berlain's Jolic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for several years ai *ind it a very valuable remedy, especially for sum mer disorders in children." Sold by L. Taggart; J. E. Smith, Sterling Run; Cruin Bros., S rinamnhoning. Stomach Troubles and Constipation. No one ~an reasonably hope tor good digestion when the bowels are constipated. Mr. Chan.. Baldwin, of Edwardsville, 111., says:"l suffer »d from chronic constipa tion and stom ich troubles for several years, but than! s to Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver 1 ablets, am almost cured." Why not get a package of these tablets a:.dget well aid stay well? Price 25 cents. Samplet free. For sale by L. J. P Smith, Sterling Run; Crum Bros., Sinnamuhoning. II Itfi I" J <u II jgg| iff |;\ THIS MAN IS.YOUR.FATHER'COI/NTERFEITERiCONVIChMURKRER Scene from"The Jailbird," at the Opera Ilonse, Tuesday, matinee and night The Liberty Moving Pictures. The "Gang" JGagJJisJUPlayed'.lOut. gg»There are indications that de cent Republicans all over the State are becoming thoroughly disgusted over the persistent efforts of the "liincolnit.es'' to classify all regular Republicans under the common title of"The Gang." Apparently the Lincolnites are unable to distinguish between the admittedly bad "regulars" and the vast army of honorable men with whom Republicanism is a matter of principle and not a personal :un bition or greed for graft. In the eyes of these inconsiderate indi viduals a. "regular" Republican is a "Ganster," without regard to his individual merits or demerits. Aside from the natural resent ment of honest men against such an unfair and utterly inexcusable attitude, the more serious question forces itself to the front, whether men so lacking in powers of dis crimination could be safely entrust ed with the management of the public business. The conduct of the various departments of the State Government requires intelli gence as well good motives. That there have been grafters in the Republican party nobody denies. Any successful political organization naturally attracts the criminal element, bent upon gain ing official places for corrupt pur poses. These men are not essent ially partisan. They drift with the political tide and invariably turn up on the winning side in verification of this theory is the fact that in many instances the men who have been discovered grafting within the Republican organization were in previous years connected with the Dmocratic party or identi fied with one or more of the "anti machine" movemets. But to assert or imply that the great mass of the Republican party, its voters, its candidates or its officeholders are deserving of the title of "Gangsters" is to in vite the conclusion that the author of such an utterance is either a fool or a knave. The day has passed when mere indiscriminate mud-slinging will win in Pennsylvania. The final triumph for that sort of politics was won last November, when the Re publican candidate for State Treas urer was defeated because of the charge that the Republican manage ment of the State Treasurer had been marked by outrageous fraud and corruption, the evidence of which would be laid bare to the people if they would elect the Democratic-Lincoln candidate for that office. The people took the "reformers" at their word. William H. Berry, Democrat, was elected State Treas urer. He has been in complete charge of the Treasury since the first Monday in May last. During more than three months Treasurer Berry has not discovered an iota of evidence of anything but honest and efficient management on the part of his Republican predecessors. The people won't be fooled again. F. H. Pearsoll Practical Painter. Painting is practical work. Skill wins It's the same with paint making. You know 4 gallons L. & M., mixed with 3 gallons Linseed Oil makes enough paint for moderate sized house—the best paint money can buy—because the L. <fe M., Zinc hardens the L. & M., White Lead and makes the L. & M. Paint wear like iron. Buy L. & M., and don't pay 81.50 a gallon for Linseed Oil, as you do in ready for use paint, but buy oil fresh from the barrel at 60 cents, and mix with the L. k M. Actual cost L. & M., about $1.20 per gallon. Sold by 11. S. Lloyd. The intense itching characteristic of bait rheum and eczema is instantly allay ed by applying Chamberlain's Salve. As a cure for skin disease this salve is un equaled. For s ile by L. Taggait; J. E. Smith, Sterling Run; Crurn Bros., Sin namahoning. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURS DAY, AUGUST 23, 1906. ALLEGHENY COLLEGE. I This college has recently taken a now placo ; ««i\onjr the colleges of the country. Within four 1 years five now buildings have boon erected, new I professors added and entering classes doubled. 1 Five courses of study. Classical, Latin and Mod ern Language. Latin-Scientific, Scientific and I Civil Engineering. Good traditions, strong fac ulty, superb location, beautiful grounds and buildings, reasonable expenses. Fall term opens September 18th. Write for catalog to President i Crawford. Meadvillc. Pa. Unnecessary Expense. Acute attacks of colic and diarrhoea come on without warning and prompt re j lief must l»! obtained. There is no ncces- I sity ot incurring (he expense of a phvsi ! eiaii's service in such cases if C'hatnber i lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reni | oily is ;it hand. A dose of this remedy ! will reli.'ve the ptiient before a doctor | could arrive. It has never been known to fail, even in the most severe and ; dangerous cases and no family should be ; without it. For sale by L. Taggart; J. Iv Smith, Sterling Run; Crutn Bros., ! Sinnamahoning. Williams' Kidney Pills. Have you neglected your kidneys? j Have you overworked your nervous ays ; tem and caused trouble with your Kidneys | and Bladder? Have you pains in the | loins, side, back, groins and bladder? ! Have you a flabby appearance of the face, I especially under .the eyes? Too frequent I desire to pass urine? ff so William's ; Kidney Pills will cure you. Simple free, ißy mail ."ill cents. Sold by I!. C. Dod | son. Williams M'f'g. Co., Prop's, C'levc- I and, O. 0-ly. TO REPUBLICANS: We are anxious to have every Republican in close touch, and work ing in harmony with the Republican | National Congressional Committee in favor of the election of a Republican ! Congress. The Congressional campaign must I be based on the administrative and legislative record of the party, and, that being so, Theodore Roosevelt's personality must be a central figure and his achievements a central thought in the campaign. We desire to maintain the work of this campaign with popular subscrip tions of One Dollar each from Repub licans. To each subscriber we will tend the Republican National Cam | paign Text Book and all documents i issued by the Committee. Help us achieve a great victory. JAMES S. SHERMAN, Chairman. P O. Box 2063, New York, j \ The Famous x I \ Old j j Bucklails j \ Wil hold their Twentieth annu » j REUNION j C At Driftwood i t Sept. 14 and 15, *O6 | > Their ranks are gradually s X growing less and it will not be s 112 many years until there will be C ? no Bucktails, so let the good peo- i I pie of Cameron and adjoining \ I counties turn out enmasse and s £ give the old veterans the hearty 1 X welcome they so richly deserve \ JAY P. FELT. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Corner Fourth and Broad street*, Emporium, Pa. All business relating to estate,collections, real estate, Orphan's Courtand general law business will receive prompt attention. 41-25-ly. Desertion Notice. I hereby give notice that my wife, Mrs. Helen English, has left mv bed and board, and that I will not be responsible for any bills that she may contract. Any persons harboring her do so at their own risk. MARSHALL ENGLISH. MediX Ru >, P»., Au». 13, 19<>6.-26-3t. \ \ N \ \ V X V \ \ \ \ \ / SECOND TO NONE. 112 % ADAM. *. MELDRUM & ANDERSON Co. J % 396-408 Main Street, & BUFFALO, N. Y. :<ew dress; i GOODS j / FALL 1906. Our stool; of new dress goo'ls y{ / for the fall 1906 is now open for / . inspection and sale. It is the 1 '*i largest and finestassortment ever ' / brought to Buffalo and includes / ■ many novel weaves picked up our foreign buyers. The enor- / raous stock which we carry and / "■ the magnitude of our sales are ' an incentive to the mana&ctarers * / to make us extraordinary price / ■ concessions which enable us to distance all competition. Our 'ff / prices are from ten to fifty per / j cent, lower than what others . charge. % When You Send for '% Samples. / r > Bear in mind the range of col « ors and prices, the multitude of / || patterns and weaves, It is im 'f- possible for us to send samples A / of more than a fraction of our great stock. Kindly give us y if some idea of the kind of goods, S the color, the quality and about / / what price you care to pay. We y can then send you a splendid \ selection. if ' A Few Specials / jtf To begin this season. $ / Fancy worsted suiting 52 inches *wid e / in new tan-brown, brown, green, navy / red and black-backgrounds; / * bought to retail at ti.25 112 Ub / Black all-wool Panama suitings. f>4 / V inches wide; bought to sell at ' SI.OO a yard Di?C '/, Arnold's Henrietta, the best foreign make silk finished henrietta in every ' > shade imaginable, 42 and 44 17 c. inches wide, $1,25, *I.OO and /uO sf ' For School D resses ' / SO styles in grey suitings, 36 /i Q n / ':. i inches, wide at TTtJO 10 styles 42 inches wide 390 25 styles of fancy suitings and/I A„ '*£ shadow plaids ~XtJC j§! S . Serges, cashmeres, batistes, 86 rn« * ' inches all wool; every shade OwC / | ' ADAM, < | MELDRUM & < ANDERSON CO. | American Block, Buffalo, N. Y. s\mm\\\ \ \ \ N \ \ jJK The Laßelle For Women $2.50 ! No other modern design so fully meets all the requirements of the ideal ladies shoe. It is an uneaqualed combination of style and fit, shapeliness and comfort. The high but rather broad heal, arched instep and slightly manish appearance makes it the swellest sort for the feet. If you are a victim of faulty shoes,we can soon enable you to walk with ease and comfort, and eventually cure your tender feet. These shoes will wear twice as long as the ordinary "ready made" shoes and have a style and fin ish that is essentially distinctive. Walker's $4.00 For Men j CHARLES DIEHL. HHL The | n | | I Watch for our Q Ad. Next Ij Week. I I Jasper Harris, 1 B Opposite Post-Office, Emporium, Pa. JBf
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