KMI'ORIUM MULING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., June 14, 1906. STEMOPIiILA, per sack |1 25 Felt's Fancy, " 1 to Pet fJrove, " 1 35 Graham " 65 Rye " 65 Buckwheat " 70 Patent Meal., " 50 Ooarse Meal, per too, 1 30 Chop Feeri, " 1 30 Middlings. Fancy'' 1 35 Bran 125 Chicken Wheat 155 Corn, per bushel. r. 70 White Oats, jjr bushel 50 Oyster Shells, per 100 75 OH oioe Clover Heed, ") OhoiceTimo thy Seed, I At Market Price s. Choice Millet Seen. n-ancy Kentucky Blue Grass, ) R.C. DODSON, THE Qrdcjcjist, i;-tl»OKIU«, I" A. j Is LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth ant) Chestnut Stß.. >' \ K. C. I)»D!(«)N. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL, DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contribution* invited. That which you would ike to see in this department,let us know by pot tal card or letter, personally. Ben Gunzberg, of Kenovo, transact, ed business in town Monday, Miss Ada Martin spent Sunday with her mother at Oswayo, N. Y. Mrs. I. Wykoff, of Cameron, made this office a business call last week. Mrs. Thos. Sexton, of Olean, spent Sunday in town, guest of her sister, Mrs. O Proudfoot. Mr. Franklin Housler spent a social hour with Mr. Geo. Seaver, at Skyland Farm, one day recently. Mrs. Elmer W. Graybill, of Couders port, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Huff at this place. Miss Elizabeth Eckstein was a pleas ant PRESS caller last Tuesday and paid for the PRESS for two years. Mrs. Geo. Hurteau, and son Junior, came over from Hammersley Fork last Saturday to visit relatives at this place. Mrs. Jay P. Felt left on Tuesday last, for Agricultural College, Mich., to visit her father and sister for some time. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Reed, of Johnson burg, spent Sunday with Mrs. Heed's mother, Mrs. Thos. Robinson, on Fifth street. Miss Lena Kepler, of Renovo, who has been the guest of Miss Jane Kaye, for the past week, returned to her home Sunday. Miss Christie McDonald came home from St. Elizabeth college, Allegheny, N. Y.. to spend Sunday with her par ents at this place. Mr. and Mrs. John Schlecht, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Day spent Sunday with Mrs. Schlecht's daughter, Mrs. Geo. Elbert, at Johnsonburg. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Huntington drove out one day last week to Whitte more Hill, to see Mr. Geo. O. Seaver, whose health is still very poor. June Wedding. A very pretty wedding took place on Bennetts Branch last Thursday at noon when Miss Sarah Ingram and Mr. George L. Miller were united in mar riage by Rev.S. Ebersole, pastor of the Messiah church, using the ring ceremony. Many guests were present from Medix Run, Caledonia, Hix Run and Sterling Run After the ceremony a reception was held at the bride's home and a very elaborate dinner was served. The bride who ie a very popular young lady was gowned in rose colored silk. The young couple received many handsome presents, and hearty con gratulations for many years of pros perity. ONE WHO WAS THERE. Williams' Kidney Pills. Have you neglected your kidneys? Have you overworked your nervous sys tem and caused trouble with your Kidneys and Bladder? Have you pains in the loins, side, back, groins and bladder? Have you a flabby appearance of the face, especially under the eyes? Too frequent desire to pass urine? If so William's Kidney Pills will cure you. Sample free. By mail 50 cents. Sold by R. C. l)od soo. Williams M'Fg. Co., Prop's, Cleve and, O. 9-ly. Additional Personals. Mr. Albert Case, of Sutnmerville, N. J., is the Kuest of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. VauGelder at this place. Miss Alice Montgomery left to-day for West boro. Wis., to visit during the summer months. Miss Lingle joins her at Erie. Miss Agnes Martin, of Conrad, Pa., visited in Emporium over Sunday, guest of Mr. H. R. Klees and family. Jay P. Kelt's two children. Miss Carrie and Master Joseph, arrived in town on Tuesday to spend some time with their father. Miss Iva Leet returned home from Wilson Col lege, Chambersburg, last Saturday to spend the summer vacation with her parents. Don M. Larrabee, of Willlumsprrt, is visiting in Emporium to-duy and talking insurance—the old reliable New York Life. Miss Kathleen Stevens, of Coudersport stopped in Emporium Wednesday enroute to Kenovo. to visit her brother Tom Stevens. While here she was the guest of Miss Kilna Auchu. Miss Mam<S Logan leaves to-day to visit rela tives at prankport, Mich., to foe absent during the heated season, as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Os born. Mr. .las. K. Jordan made this office a business call ti:is morning and pushed the date of his Pukss wt.'i into 1907. Dr. A. B. Meade and Mr. F. I", lielliker left Wednesday for Dr. Meade's home at Corry, making the trip 111 Mr. Ililliker's automobile. O. B. Barnes' delicious and fresh fruits are growing more popular every day. Call liim on phone for water mellons, or anything in the fruit line. Mrs. Walter U. Karr audchild, and sister Miss Byrde O'Uyrns arrived in Emporium from Bos ton, Wedhcsday to spend sometime with their parents, Mr.and Mrs. M. O'Byrne. Floyd Felt who attends school at Stetson Uni versity, rTel.ami, Fla., arrived in Emporium Tuesday to spemUhe Summer. Hon. M. E. Olmsted, of Harrisburg, stopped in Emporium on Saturday, while en route forCoud. ersport to visit his aged parents, who are quite feeble. Miss Maud Lambert, of St. Marys, is visiting at the home of J. P. Grant. Miss Edith Heilman and Miss Marian Rentz are attending the Epwortli League Convention at Newberry this week. Mr. W. S. Walker and family drove over from Austin Wednesday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hackenberg. Mr. Hackenberg, we regret to learn, is in very poor health. Mrs. E. Mersereau Newton, who has enjoyed a delightfnl visit with Emporium friends for two weeks, departed yesterday for Elmira, N. Y„ to pay a visit to her sister Mrs. Berry. The talent ed lady honored the PRESS sanctum with a visit. She is loud in her praises of Emporium as a summer resort. Prof. A. L. L. Suhrie, of DeLand, Fla., who has been visiting old triends in Emporium for several (lays, left yesterday for Chicago where he will pass the remainder of his vacation at the Chicago University, when he will return to Stet son University, DeLand, Fla., where he is direc tor of the schools of Pedagogy in the Normal and Teachers' College, two of Stetson University branches. Some of the Profs, dear il) friends re ported he was a candidate for principalship of Emporium schools. Such was not the case, we are reliably informed. Mr. buhrie had no such thought. Eye Specialist. Prof. W. H. Budine, the well known Eye Specialist, of Binghamton, N. Y., will be at R. H. Hirsch's jewelry store, Emporium, Pa., June 16th. If you can't nee well or have headache don't fail to call and see Prof. Budine, as he guarantees to cure all such cases. Lenses ground and fitted in old frames. Eyes tested and ex amined free. All work guaranteed. Cards of Thanks. The undersigned take this method of expressing their thanks to their neighbors and frinds who so kindly assisted them during the sickness and death of their son. MR. AND MRS. THEO. HAHERSTOCK. Editor PreHß: We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to our friends and neighbors, who so kindly aided us in our sad bereavement, the death of our daugh ter Freda. MR. AND MRS. L. C. SUMMERSON. Sterling Run, Pa., June 11th, 1906. Wanted. Two good packers. Packing houses separate and distant from other build ings. Good chance for right men. Write at once. AJAX DYNAMITE WORKS, 16-2t. Bay City, Mich. On account of ill health I offer my stock of millinery, ladies furnishing goods and notions for sale at a bargain. Business well established. 17-3t. H. L. RAYMONU. Thousands annually boar witness to tin; eflici(;ney of Early Risers. These pleasant, reliable little pills have long borne a reputation second to none as a laxative and catliarlic. They are a.s staple as bread in millions of homes. Pleasant but effective. Will promptly relieve con stipation without griping. Sold by 11. C. Dodson. The sincerest tribute that can be paid to superiority is imitation. The many imitations of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve that are before the public prove it the best. Ask for DeWitt's. <iood for burns, scalds, chapped skin, eczema, tetter, cuts, bruises, boils and piles. Highly recommended and reliable. Sold by R. C. Dodson. COURT PROCLAMATION. — WHKRBAB:— -The Hon. B. W. ORKKN, President Judge and the Hons. JOHN MCDONALD and OF.O. J.LABBR, Associate Judges of Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas for the county of Cameron have issued their precept bearing date the Ist day or June, A. D., 1906, and to me directed for holding Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Jail De livery, Quaitcr Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court of Common Pleas in the Borough of Emporium, Pa., on Monday, the 2nd day of July, 1906, at 10 o'clock, a. m., and to continue one week. Notice is hereby given to the Coroners, Justices of the Peace and Constables within the county, that they be then and therein their proper per sons, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and other rememberances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done. And those who are bound by their recognizance to prosecute against them as will be just. Dated at Emporium, Pa., June 13, 1906, and in the 130 th year of the Independence of the United States of America. .1. D. SWOPE. Sheriff. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 14 1906 Protect Your Vitality. 1 •/ L. Taggart's Sensible Advice to Take 1 Care of the Digestion. Did you ever -stop to think of the duty i that you owe to yourself and to your , family to proteet your vitality so that your powers may be always at their best'/ | Just consider yourself a wonderful and ( complicated machine, perpetually working j and wearing out. The vital part of the human machine | is the stomach. When it is strong and ; acts naturally, so that digestion is perfect j and the food that furnishes our steam-! power is stimulated, and the waste pro-] perly removed, then wo can do our best { work and get the most enjoyment out of i lift ; . . On the other hand, if the stomach gives out, all the vital organs will soon become I weakened and diseased. There will be headaches, backaches, pains in the sides and limbs, specks before the eyes, loss of appetite, sleeplessnsss, weakness and 1 debility. Ij. Taggurt very sensibly advise people to take care of the digestion by strength ening the stomach with Mi-o-na tablets, a remedy which he absolutely guarantees is a positive cure for all stomach troubles, except cancer of the stomach, and sell it with the understanding that it costs nothing unless it cures. Just as soon as you leel that your food 1 does not properly digest, that you taste it after eating, that the tongue is furred 1 the breath heavy, the appetite poor, the • head dull and aching, begin the use of Mi-o-na stomach tablets. This is not a paten' medicine, and its formula is fur nished to all intelligent people who may desire it. It makes positive and lasting cures, and is sold under an absolute guarantee that it cures all diseases of the stomach excepting cancer. Ask L. Taggart to show you the guar antee he gives with every 50 cent box of Mi-o-na. If your stomach troubles you do not conclude that there is no cure, for a great many have been permanently cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Get a free sample at L. Tag gart's drug store; John K. Smith, Sterl ing ltun; ('rum Bros., Sinnamahoning, and give them a trial. They also cure constipation and biliousness. He seals himself tonight who sins against the light. The Very Best Remedy for Bowel Troubles. Mr. M. F. Boroughs, an old and well known resident of Bluffton, Ind., says: "I regard Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as the very best remedy for bowel trouble. I make this statement after having used the remedy in my family for several years. I am never without it." This remedy is al most sure to be needed betore the sum mer is over. Why not buy it now and be prepared for such an emergency? For sale by L. Taggart; J. E. Smith, Sterling llun; Crum Bros., Sinnamahoning. Never judge a man's honesty by the umbrella he carries. Unknown Friends. There are many people who have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr hoea Remedy with spleudid results, but who are unknown because they have hesitated about giving a testimonial of their experience for publication. These people however, are none the less friends of this remedy. They have done much toward making it a household word by their personal recommendations to fiiends and neighbors. Tt is a good medicine to have in the home and is widely known for its cures of diarrhoea and all forms of bowel trouble. For sale by L. Taggart; J. E. Smith, Sterling Run; Crum Bros., Sinnamahoning. Divorce Notice. To ALBERT FIZZELL, late ofHradford, Pa. WHEREAS, .Jessie Fizzell, your wife, has tiled a libel in the Court of Common Pleas of Cameron county of October Term, 190">, No. 1, praying a divorce against you, now, yon are hereby notifi ed and required to appear in said Court on or before Monday the twenty-third day oi' July ue»t to answer the complaint of said Jessie Fiz zell, and in default of such appearance you will be liable to have divorce granted in yourabsence. JOHN I). SWOPE. Sheriff of Cameron County. Dated May 29th, 1906.—15-41. STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA, > S Q COUNTY OK CAMEHON. \ ■ "VTOTICK is hereby given that V. A. Hrooks JJN Administrator of the estate of David A. Fulton, late of Gibson township, deceased, has filed his account of his administration of the said estate and the same will be presented to the Orphans Court at July term, next for continua tion ni »». C.J. OOODNOUGH, Regmter. Regi ater's Office, I Emporium, Pa., June 4th, 1906. ( OUR NEW LINE OF New S P rln S Line of Window Shades^} ITi from ioc to 75c per Shade. |j I Wall Paper for 1906. i =^™~=z = _ I S _ The best PAINT, Longman & Martinez. J| 1 " All Colors. I B Consists of the best things from three factories. Also . - ==-.~- ffij ;J the Robert Graves Co. 's line of Decoration Paper ofjall Rodger's StainflOOr, the best made 1 ill kinds for Floors. p lIU The Graves line took first prize in competition at St. mw A r-vrvmr w * frv B Louis against the world. LLOY D. i|| Supervisors* Knisance Notice. The Supervisor of Shippen Township hereby cautions all persons against dumping refuse matter of any kind, along the roads of Shippen township. All violators will be dealt with ac cording to law. NELHON CUTLER, BURTON HOUBLER, WADE BPENCE, Supervisor*. Shippen, Pa., June 2,1906.-16-3 Sheriff's Sale. HY VIRTUE of a writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, of Cameron county, and to me directed, I have »elzed, levied upon and taken into execution and will expose to public suitor vendue and sell to the highest and nest bidder, at the Court House, in Emporium, Pa., on Kriilav, Hay of June, A. I).. 1006, AT !:00 O'CLOCK, P. M., The following described real estate, to-wit: All that certain lot. piece or parcel of land sit uate. lying and being in the Township of Grove, county of Cameron and state or Pennsylvania bounded and described as follows, viz: begin ning at :» post on the line of the right of way of the Philadelphia and Erie Kail Road, the said post being a corner of lot owned by Philip Mead; thence along the Raid rail road right ot way vtuith thirty-eight and one-hall degrees east one hundred feet toa post; thence north sixty-six and one-half degrees east three hundred and forty two feet to a post; thence north twenty-three and one-half degrees west ninety-six and one half feet to the corner of lot sold to George Rus sell; thence along the said Russell lot and the aforesaid Mead lot three hundred and sixty eight feet to the place of beginning, containing thirty-four thousand eight hundred and seventy eight square feet, more or less, and being the same land conveyed by Barclay Brothers to V. E. Jordan by deed dated January 12th, 1891 and re corded in Cameron County in deed book i4 N." 1 page irts ami having H ereon erected one and one-half story frame house, one wood shed and other necessary outbuildings with a well oi water and twelve fruit trees. Sie/.ed and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of F. E. JORDAN at the suit of 1 11. E.Smith. TERMS CASH. No deed will be acknowledged nntil purchase money is paid in full. JOHN I). SVVOPE, Sheriff of Cameron County. { Sheriff's Office. ) Emporium, Pa., June 7th, 19%./ 9 7|Yf Y"!n A cure nn»r»nt*e<l if you use I I PILES TO«BttMMUM|II | Sold in Emporium by L. TaßKart and R. C. Dod | son. Call for free sample. To See is to Believe That CHAS. DIEHL'S Popular West End Store Is replete with the choicest and largest assortment of GENERAL GROCERIES. PROVISIONS. FRESH AND SALT MEATS, ETC. The largest assortment and best line of Canned and Glass Goods. Call and see tis. ?Z2Z22 The ever Popular SAHLIN FORM AND CORSET COMBINED Dame fashion decrees the high bust and tapering waist. To be in style you must show a full figure with •aceful lines and curves. Shalin Per Form and Corset Combined will ao for your figure what your dress maker connot do. You need not show a deficient bust measure—What Nature denies The Sahlin Supplies No pad ding or interlining needed in your waist or coat. Leading physicians \ recommend them as health promoters. The straps crossing in the back act as a ! shoulder brace and incline the wearer to throw back her shoulders. Try the : position and note the effect on your chest expansion. Our DRKSS GOODS find SHOE De partment is up to date. Come up and see us. We have the ; goods. CHAS. DIKHL. ITt will pay you* To See R. SEGER & SON'S 1 New Spring and | I Summer Clothing- I AND FURNISHINGS. 1 I New and Beautiful Latest Styles in I MEN, BOYS' AND YOUTH S CLOTHING I I Selected with the greatest care as I to quality and price. Call and see our I beautiful stock of stylish clothing and I furnishings. J I Big; Line of Summer Ifats. | Finest Line of Trunks and Satchels I Don't forget our Merchant Tailoring I 112 Department. | J R. SEGER SON, | I NEXT TO BANK. 1 Sorts - Variety. 112 iT~ I HIRES ROOT A XT') LEI BIG'S ft I - DAY S - I EXTRACT EXTRACT 1 The Satisfactory Store • 25c 2 Bottles2sc £ Prove this store any way you choose. If it falls ft short in any respect we'd like to know it. We want to B please—can't make a cent out of enemies—so if you « have any reason}for complaint, let us know. B At this season of the year new fruits and vegeta- ft bles are constantly making their appearance and prices ft changing. Keep watch of the store. If you're too I busy to come, phone, or ask for the order clerk to call. ft Do you get the advantages of our reduced prices ■ for the week end sale? ■ This Week, Friday and Saturday I BUTTER—Finest Creamery in ilb bricks a lb. 24c I BOILED HAM—35c boiled ham, sliced to order, I a lb 30c. 8 ROLLED OATS—Schumacher's Rolled Avena, B 7 lbs for 25c. ft PIE FRUIT —ioc Raspberry pie fruit, 3 pkgs 25c V APPLE BUTTER—3Sc jars Heinze's Apple But- A ter at 30c. ft BLUEING —Large ioc bottle laundry blueing, Sc. I I RAISINS —Loose Muscatel raisins alb 9c. I FORCE —15c "Force Food" a package 12c. ■ HERRING —17c Kipperel Herring, a can 15c. 9 CANNED CORN —12c Main Pack, Sugar Corn, a ft can ioc. ft GRAPE JUICE —30c Randall's Grape Juice a I bottle 25c. I ft OLIVES —25c selected Queen Olives a bottle 22c. 8 ft TEA —50c Uncolored Japan Tea a lb 40c. I ■ SUGAR—2SIb. bag best Granulated Sugar $1.35. I I PINE APPLES —The season is on for pine apples 2 Fine Florida fruit—The bast for canning and preserv- S H iug—is now arriving in prime condition and prices S 9 reasonable. Place your orders now while the weather ■ ■ is not so hot, and secure goob sound fruit. a 9 Try our WHITE LILLY FLOUR, $1.40 a sack £ I Every sack guaranteed to please. ft ft ft I Free Prompt delivery to all parts of the Borough. M J. h. DAY, I ft Phone 6. Emporium, Pa. ft STIMUIM!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers