pe-ss. j I ESTABLISHED BY C. B.GOULD. HENRY HTMULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISH HI) EVERY THURSDAY TERM S OF SUBSCRIPTION: Per year $2 00 : If paid is advance ♦! so j ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisements are publishedat the rate of one > dollar per square for oneinsertion and fifty cents , per square for each subsequent insertion. Rates by the year or for hix or thrcemouthsare | low and uniform, and will befurnished on appli- > oation .. | Legal and Official Advertising persqnare. three . C'rnes or less, $'Z 00; each subsequent insertionSO : cents per square. Local noticesten cents per line for onei nstrtion I live centsperlineforeacnsubsequentconsecutive , Insertion. Obituary notices over Ave lines, ten cents per | lino Simpleannouncements of births, marriages and d oaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, five lines or less ss.®operyear j over five lines, at the regular rates of advertising Nolocalinserted for less than 75 cts. per issue. : JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PRESS is complete, ! ami affords facilities for doing the best class of j work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION I>AII> TO Law Printing. No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages 4re paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers sent out of the county must be paid for in advance. advertisements will be accepted at less han the price for lifteen words. Religious notices free. Mow's This. We offer One Huudred Dollars Re- j ward for any case of Catarrh that can- | not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CIIKNEY & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned,have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve liitn perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALKING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Haste makes souie of the people waste a lot of other people. Constipation makes the cold drag along, (ret it out of you Take Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar cough syrup. Contains no opiates. He who burns his money never en lightens the world. Y T ou cannot induce a lower animal to eat heartily when not feeling well. A sick dog starves himself and get well. The stomach onceover worked, must have rest the same as your feet or eyes. You don't have to starve to rest your stomach. KODOL FOR DYSPEPSIA takes up the work for your stomach, digests what you eat and gives it a rest. Puts it back in condition again. You can't feel good with a disordered stomach. Try Kodol. Sold by R. (J. Dodson. Alter it is all over a wan wonders why lie was worried. There is no need worrying along in discomtort because of a disordered diges tion. Get a bottle of KODOL FOR DYSPEPSIA, and see what it will do for you. Kodol not only digests what you eat and gives that tired stomach a needed rest, but is a corrective of the greatest efficiency. Kodol relieves indi gestion. dyspepsia, palpitation of the Leart; ftatuleuce, and sour stomach. Kodo! will make your stomach young and I ealthy again. You will worry just in Che proportion that your stomach worries you. Worry means the loss of ability to do your best. Worry is to be avoided at all times. Kodol will take the worry out of your stomach. Sold by 11. 0. Dodson. Few of our bloated aristocrats are flat tened with virtue. Williams Carbolic Salve with Arnica and Witch Hazel. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Cruise?. Sores, Ulcers, Salt lllieum, Tetter. Chapped Hands, and all skin eruptions. It is guaranteed to give satis faction. or money refunded. Price 25c by Druggists. Williams M'f'g Co., Prop's Cleveland, 0. For sale by 11. C. Podson 9-ly. Enthusiasm is two-thirds hope and one third youtbtul folly. F. H, Pearsoll Practical Painter. Painting is practical work. Skill wins it's the same with paint making. You know 4 gallons L. & M., mixed with .'5 gallons linseed Oil makes enough paint for moderate sized house—the best paint money can buy—because the L. & M., Zinc hardens the L. & M., White Lead and makes the L. & M. Paint wear like iron. Buy L. & M., and don't pay $1.50 a gallon for Linseed Oil, as you do in ready tor use paint, but buy oil fresh from the barrel at (iO ceuts, and mix with the L. & M. Actual cost L. & M., about 551.20 per gallon. Sold by 11. S. Lloyd. It is hard for a bare foot man togo to CoDgresa on bis morals. A Daily Occurance at the Home of Crocker's Rheumatic Cure. Columbus, Pa., Feb. 5,1906. fJr. Phillips. Pear Sir: Please send me one bottle of Crocker's Rheumatic Remedy. I got two bottles a short time ago, and it is me so much good I shall keep on takiDg it. It is a wonderful medicine for Rheumatism. Mr. Fkank Woodard. Columbus. Pa., Box 177. Money order enclosed. Sold by R. C. Dodson. 21Mar3m. CLINTON COUNTY SHOULD PLEDGE HERSELF TO GREEN j I Reasons Why District Should Give i Him Unanimous Indorsement j for Judge. [Look Haven Republican.' At the Republican county conven- j tion in Cameron county last month a strong endorsement was given Hon. B. W. Green, the recent appointee to till the vacancy caused by the death of Judge Mayer, as a candidate for presi dent,judge of the Twenty-fifth Judi- I cial district. This endorsement reads as follows: "It is with pride that Cameron county presents the name of our honor ed citizen and neighbor as a candidate l for president judge of the Twenty-fifth | Judicial district, Mr. B. W. Green, be I lieving that his eminent fitness, long ! practice in the courts of the sev eral counties, his familiraity with our varied interests and its people will give the bench an able jourist, in the prime of life, honest, safe anil impartial. We strongly urge upon our sister counties that they assure him the unanimous nomination and election, pledging his fidelity to the best interests of the on | tire people, unbiased by political opin ! ions." lii urging his appointment to Alt the unexpired term, tlie Cameron county Republican convention unanimously adopted a highly complimentary reso lution as to the character and qualifi cations of Judge Green for the place and now that he lias been appointed by Governor Pennypacker, who gave the matter careful consideration, it seems to us that the Republicans of the dis trict should unite upon him as the can didate to lead the tight lor president judge at the polls in November. We therefore, believe that Clinton county should declare in favor of Judge Green's candidacy and thus aid him in his contest. At best it promises to be a hard fight and if Judge Green is to win in this contest he will need the united support of the Republicans of the whole district. For this reason we believe that Clinton county ought to give him a straight endorsement. We ! are satisfied that there is an earnest I sentiment in this county favorable to I his candidacy, and if this is crystalized into an endorsement it will give him prestige that will count in his favor. Cameron county's request for the un animous endorsement of her candidate is just and reasonable, not only because he is the appointee of the governor, but also because he is a man whose pri vate and business record prove him to be fitted for the position They want as judge a man of unquestionable record, and as Judge Green measures up to all the requirements Clinton county should not be remiss in doing her full part to secure his unanimous nomination to a place that he will dignify and honor. If you know the value ot Chamber lain's Salve you would never wish to be without it. Here arc some of the dis eases for which it is especially valuable, sore nipples, chapped hands, burns, frost bites, chilblains, chronic sore eyes, itch ing piles, tetter, salt rlieurn and eczema. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by L. Taggart; J. E. Smith, Sterling liuti; Cruui Bros., Sinnamahoning. Fully two thirds of our troubles art only anticipateJ. For Sale. ' A large draught horse For particu lars inquire of F. G. Judd. 16-2t PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD $2,50 From Emporium TO Buffalo and Niagara Falls Tuesday, June 26, 1906. Tickets good going only on train leaving at 8.25 a. 111., June 26. and good returning on all regular train June 26 and 27. Baggage will not he checked on these tickets. Tickets ****' will not be accepted for passage in Pullman parlor or sleeping cars. Children between Five and Twelve years of aite. Half Fare GREAT RUNNING RACE MEET AT BUFFALO W. W. ATTERBURY, General Manager. J. R. WOOD, Passenger Traffic Manager. GEO. W. BOYD, General Passenger Agent. ■w Learn to Drlnli W , l > here W<! aFe at OUr Summer «]£ MoxjC W* /£>'} ' home after our long trip and nothing very Hwnhfi;i has arrived but the Moxie." >Drinl, iLT M'/ ) S \ \ "Never mind, anything else could )XIG l\* jf | I. better have been delayed." '■ -M* J '1 \ " * w ' y° u would open a case M of th~Moxie right away. If you ,1(1. "" r -^' n I \ ' don't I shall die of the heat. It \ \ vSi - seems as though I could drink a H vVv /.' Moxie, after all, is what gives zest !(, If jy x X jj J \ and pleasure to life during the sum- Viw ' -i. -j*. mer holidays in the country as well ——b '/ 1 as the trying days of winter and the Jr\| $2.50 per case; 25 cents per bottle; 5 —• cents per glass at all fountains. BONINI BROS., General Agents, St. Marys, Pa. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1906. Lines up Men for Pro be Race. Acting under instructions from the j Pennsylvania's own "probe com mit-' tee," officers in charge of the ! various divisions of the railroad are j lining up the heads of departments, j chief clerks and others for a hearing. ' Data on the local divisions was being secured yesterday, the head ot each department and the chief clerk's name, in case there was a chief clerk, being taken for official use. This rounding up is not limited to anyone department, but is said to include traffic and ac | counting as well as operating officers and chief clerks. All department heads and, in fact, almost every Pennsyl vania railroad employe in any respon sible position were trembling yester day. Thev did not know at what moment they might be "called on the carpet" before the Pennsylvania's own 1 invest igating committee. The belief is that the Pennsylvania's officials acting under personal direct ion of President Cassatt since his re turn from Europe, are determined to make a riddance of all men who have been doing things that would not tally with an honest man's conscience. One man said yesterday he would not be surprised to see a genetal clearing out iof several departments, and the men who are let out will have no chance of returning to the company's service in any capacity. The only fear among the smaller officers and clerks is that some of the higher officers will be shielded, while men in minor capacit ies will be made examples of. Prom the course pursued in the case of Chief Clerk Boyer, dismissal from the motive power department by order of President Cassatt, local Pennsylvan ia men expected nothing else than that Joseph K. Atkens who was chief clerk to Superintendent Mitchell of the Monongahelia division, would also be dismissed, and so there was little sur prise yesterday when the word was passed that Aikens was "packing his trunk." His successor has not been appointed. Letter to (j. S. Allen. Emporium, Pa. Dear Sir: Devoe, §lO a year; lead-and oil, 822. Mr. McMullin, late cashier ofPatapsco National liauk, of Ellicott City, Md. painted his house—Devoe —in 1885. It wore 17 years at a cost of less than 810 a year. Mr. Harold Hurdlings, the present cashier painted his house —three coats lead-arid-oil —it wore six years, at a cost of 822 a year. He then repainted Devoe; said he wanted the paint that cost least by the year. This is important; such comparisons are extremely rare. We know the gen eral laet, however. The paint that goes farthest, wears longest; always. Yours truly, F. W. DEVOE & Co., New York. 1\ S.—Murry & Coppersmith sell our paint. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS Safe. Always reliable. La«lif», Mk Druggist foi (llirillSlFKS ICX 4* LIS If in Red and 4«ol<l metallic boxes, sealed with blue ribbon. Take no oilier. Kefuie dnnyerouß *ubatl> lulioiiNund Imitation**. Buy of your Druggist, or send 4e. in stamps for Farllmlam, Teati moniaU and " Kelif 112 Tor l*a<liea." in letter, by return Hail. 10,000 Testimonials. Sold by all Drugglatft. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. •100 Madison Square, PHILA., PA, M<Dtl<B thl» BiPT. -Licas Paints 1 (Tinted Gloss) B Letter than other paints. I > / h :vc a richer gloss and I •:s keep their brightness I t fir t other paints look I j as Lucas Paints, but I i —and tells plainly— I i'V r -ncc hetween , "cheap" I • ir.'.j r.\d economical Lucas I - .. its which make a good ap- I \\ \ N N \ N n N.NMS N N/■ /, % . SECOND TO NONE. j / ADAM, / / MELDRUM & X < ANDERSON Co. * |f 396-408 Main Street, A % BUFFALO, N. Y. || | June I 1 the Month for 1 % I' I Bargains j / , % IIIE take inventory on the last . WW day of this month and we / want to have a« little stock to y take as possible. We want to be |d / rid particularly of all small lots / and odds and ends. The lines of j| merchandise that have been the X \ best sellers are included. To ■'/ maks a speedj' clearance we be- % ffin a great jj I! June 1 \k s jjj Clearance | Sale I ; | 112 j which will continue during the % / entire month. The most aston- % I■' ishing bargains are ottered in i every department. il THETIMETOSAVE I II IS NOW ' i < ,/ Free Trips to Buffalo / in connection with the Buffalo Mer chants' Exchange (composed of the lead / ing stores of Buffalo, We refund railroad ' I J. fares to out of town customers as follows: ' ''A On purchases of s'2s if you live within 4" / I '<iA miles. On purchases of S3O if you live / over 40 miles and under 80 miles. Write ' j ' or particulars. y 3: = | 1 / ADAM. | MELDRUM & ANDERSON CO. American Block, Buffalo, N. Y. : $ t /NNN\NN N N \ X \ 11111I IIIIIWHWII mpIMIIIIMIHIBIHIHII I'll 1 11 a Spring and Summer 1 JASPER HARRIS. I High class Suits. Topcoats and Rain Coats for men are now on hand. We can give our customers a good chance to look them over and see what they want for the Spring and Summer Wear. We handle the KIRSCHBAUM celebrat ed clothes, JOHN B. STET SON HATS, CRAWFORD Dress Shoes, MONARCH and SILVER Dress Shirts. S Any of this merchandise is i i| known to the public and it is unnecessary for us to tell , you about it. We have everything in stock for Men, Boys' and Children's wear. You need not hesitate to call and see what we can show you, as we are more than glad to give you our time and to show you the new goods for the season. Anything you buy of us, will be ot the best and up to date. Jasper Harris, I Opposite Post-Office, Emporium, Pa. I V / / \ Having purchased my partners' ■ interest in this firm, I will endeavor I to continue the same methods as for- I merly. G-ive the best values possible I for the least money. I Thanking my patrons and friends I generally, for past favors and hoping H by fair dealing to merit your future I patronage. ■ I am vours truly, I B, EGAN. I |Empo^
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers