RHEUMATISM CURED Th» Disease Yielded Readily to Dr, Williams' Pink Pills After Other Treatment Failed. Dr. Williams' Pink l'ills euro rheuma tism because they supply tho necessary elements to tho vitiated blood ami en ulilo nature to cost out tho impurities and effect Bcuro. Mrs. A. linker, of No. 119 Fitch street, Syracuse, N. Y., will furnish living evidonco of tho truth of this statement. " There lias been rheu matism in my family ever since 1 can ro niember," sho says. "My grandmother was a great sufferer from muscular rheumatism and my mother also had tlio disease inn mild form. About a year ago I had a hard cold nnd rheumatism caught 1110 in my left knee. Tliero were sharp pains, confined to the neighbor* hood of tho knee and they seemed togo right into tho bone. The pain I suffered was intense nnd I also had dizzy spells. "Tho doctors called my trouble oriatic nnd sciatic rheumatism. When I didn't get better under their treat ment my brother-in-law suggested that I try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I bought three boxes, and, by the time I had taken them, tho pain and dizziness had entirely left me. I wanted to make euro of a cure so I bought three more boxes, but I didn't take quite all of tliein as I found that I was entirely cured. " Before I took tho pills the pain was so severe that I had to cry at times and When I was cured I was so thankful and grateful nnd I am glad to recommend them to every one who suffers with rheumatism." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured severe cases of anaemia, sciatica, nervous ness, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia and St. Vitus' dance that liavo not re sponded to other modes of treatment. Aliuiruggists sell Dr. Williams' Pink Pills or they will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of price, 50 cents per box, six boxes for $2.50, by the Dr. Wil liams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. OVER THE OCEAN. A new prize of SIO,OOO is offered in. France for the invention of a dirigible balloon. Sir Patrick Keith Murray has pre sented to the British nation an old cushion on which the crown of Scot land rested, and it has been placed In the jewel room at Edinburgh castle. The Uffizi gallery, Florence, has ac quired a collection of 11,000 portraits, etchings, engravings and copper plates, representing celebrated historical per eonages, monarchs, popes and artists. A commission, after inquiring into tbe allegation that there is a tobacco monopoly in Austria, m grants that a combines does exist and* recommends that the commonwealth take charge of the industry. The Institute of Archaeology of the University of Liverpool has dispatched an expedition to make explorations and excavations in the vicinity of Esna, In upper Egypt. The funds have been privately subscribed by Liverpool citi zens. The British committee on naval de signs has recommended that no more small protected cruisers be built. The war lleet of the future is to consist of battleships and armored cruisers, the torpedo floatiilas and submarines form ing separate self-contained forces. BOYS LHOULD NOT— Laugh at tie suggestions made by the man over you. Attempt to put a wrong construction on a girl's words. Imagine assurance will supply the place of knowledge. Sneer at those who are trying to give you good advice. Refuse to try an experiment because you think it has no merit. Refuse to explain honestly why you fail to keep your appointment. Think it makes you appear large to belittle the ability of others. Speak slightingly of the man who Wants to curb your enthusiasm. Write a letter in a way that an expert is required to decipher it. Spend your cash recklessly with the Idea of deceiving those around you. DECAYED STARCH. A Food Problem. An Asheville man tells how right food did that which medicines had failed to accomplish: "For more than 15 years," he says, "I was afllicted with stomach trouble and intestinal indigestion, gas form ing in stomach and bowels and giv ing me great distress. These condi tions were undoubtedly due to the starchy food I ate, white bread, pota toes, etc., and didn't digest. I grew worse with time, till, 2 years ago, -I had an attack which the doctor diagnosed as appendicitis. When the surgeon operated on me, however, it was found that my trouble was ulcer of the pancreas, instead of appen dicitis. "Since that time I have had sev eral such attacks, suffering death, al most. The last attack was about 3 months ago, and 1 endured untold agouii s. "The doctor then said that I wuuld have to eat less starchy stuff, so 1 began the use of Grape-Nuts food, for I knew it to be pro-digested, and have continued same with most gratifying results. It has built me up wonder fully. I gained 10 pounds in the first fi weeks that I urd Grape-Nuts, my general health Is better than ever be fore, my brain is clearer and my nerves stronger. "For breakfast and dinner, each, I ♦ako 4 teaspoonfuls of Grape-Nut t with cream, a small slice of dry toast, an egg soft boiled and a cup of Postuni; nnd I make the evening meal on Grape-Nuts and cream alone —this Ri\ s me a pood night's rest and I am will ara'n." Name given by F'xtum Co., Itattle Cri e'f. Mielt. There's a reason. Head the little book, "The Uoad to Wellvlllo," in pkg*. A SELF-SPACING FRAME. Plan in Use by a Cubr.n Beekeeper— Not Favored by Editor of Bee Journal. In the accompanying illustration is shown a new end-bar for the Hoffman frame. I have used them in my apiary for the last three years, writes (i. E. Woodward, of Matanzas, Cuba, nnd tney have given the best of satisfac tion. I have never yet broken one ol them, and they space just as accurate ly at the bottom as at the top, and no one can fail to nail them correctly. I made my end-bars one-half inch thick; thus the wire never sags and buckles the foundation. In speaking of the frame the editor PI..AN OF THE SELF-SPACING FRAME, of Gleanings in Bee Culture frankly declares he does not like it, saying: I believe it is always a mistake to have the spacing In the hive-rabbet. The free lateral movement back and forth, of frames, where the spacers are on the frames themselves, is a feature we can not afford to sacrifice. Your frame would be far better, in my apinion, if you would use the spacing button (same as you have at the bot tom) at the top also. Such a frame would not be a bad one to handle. This exact form of a frame was made the subject of a patent a number of years ago, but I believe the patent has run out. There is another objection to your notched rabbet that occurs to me; and that is, in moving bees your frames would be liable to hop out of the notches, making very unequal spacing at the top. When the spacers are on the end-bars or top-bars the frames always have to be just so far apart. HAND CORN CRUSHER. Economical Device Which Will Prove Serviceable in Preparing Corn for Feeding. Select a plank three feet by six Inches. Notch each side two inches Jeep near one end in which bolt on each 'side two uprights 2x3xo inches. Between these is bolted a lever made from a 2x4, 2% feet long. Raise this lever, place an ear of corn at A, on ■ r.r--^CT | -.-_~2_Corn Bo*.. THE CORN CRUSHER, the notched pieces of hard wood, press the lever down and the crushed corn drops into the corn box or store box. Any young farmer who must neces sarily earn his dollars before they are spent, will find this a practical crush er. This device, says the Ohio Farm er, is practical for feeders of cattle, poultry, swine or sheep. One hundred and fifty pounds on a lever three feet long, fulcrum six inches from the op posite end, gives 750 pounds pressure, and will crush corn nearly as fast as one man can husk it. BELIEVER IN DEEP PLOWING What a Missouri Farmer Thinks Are the Benefits to Be Derived by the Method. I believe in deep plowing, writes a Missouri farmer, because it will deep en the soil and soil reservoir which holds tho moisture. In the country where the soil is shallow I like to plow a little deeper each year, and in so doing I will gradually increase the Jepth of the soil. The furrow slice should be turned so that the harrow ar the implement which follows can io tho work after plowing. The sur face of the field should be left in a corrugated form so that harrow or .•utter can get hold to do the work. The furrow slice must not stand on the end or be turned flat. Another important point is to not. plow when too wet, for it will greatly injure the soil and the ground Will be harder lo work afterwards. Don't get in too much of a hurry for it never pays to plow ground when it is too wet. Keep a Record. We find it a help to keep a brief rec ord of our work. It takes but a lew moments to jot down :;"ino of tho things we learn a:-, we go nlon.". Some folks say that they have no time for such thints; but there are some mat ters we must take time to look after, if we w >u!d : void failure and stop the leaks.- Farm Journal. Dor.'t Feed Too MiK.h. My experience has been that steers do better on just enough feed and not too much. The value of a good feeder depends upon his tibPlty to detect this balancing point. The amount of by products us' d should depen i upon the price. Bran at a low price is very helpful and Is essential at any time for a high finish. Alfalfa hay and corn give the great est gains in 'feeding for baby bei»f. Next romey alfalfa bay and Kulir cort grain. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1906. A LIVING DEATH. Vividly Described by a Citizen of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Andrew Johnson, 4lt West Twelfth St., Sioux Falls, S. I)., says : " Doan'a Kidney Fills saved my life. My doctor, tfroin a careful analy sis of the urine anil a diagnosis of my case, had told me I could not live six weeks. I was struck doWn in the street with kid ney trouble, and for a whole year could not leave the house. I lost flesh, my eyes failed me, I bloated at times, my back hurt and 1 suffered a living death. There seemed no hope until I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. Then I began to improve. The pain left gradually, the swellings subsided, I gained appetite and weight, and, to make a long story short, 1 got well!" Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Expecting to Be Stuck. The Wife—-I see by this paper that the cactus is coming into fashion in England anil (iermany. A German writer main tains that cactus blossoms excel all others in variety and in beauty of form and color. The Husband—l suppose the milliners will soon be trying to stick us on the cactus, then.—Yonkers Statesman. A New Way to Los Angeles. You can now go direct via Salt Lalce Citv to Southern California by a new daily train, the Los Angeles Limited, equipped with all the latest innovations for travel comfort: Dining Cars. Meals a la Carte, Observation Cars with Buffet Lounging .Rooms and Library. Electric Lighted throughout, via the Chicago & North Western, Union Pacific and Salt Lake Route. For sleeping car reserva tions and full information inquire of W. G. Neimver, G. A., 120 Jackson Boule vard, Chicago, 111. Substantial Reason. The Father—But why do you want to go halfway across the continent to at tend college when we have one just aB good right here at home? The Son I cannot tell a lie, father. 1 don't like the yell of our home institu tion. —Chicago Daily News. No More for Him. Tomson—l picked up some wonderful antiques while I was in Europe. I'm going to speak to old Priceless about them. Johns—Don't! lie married one while you were abroad, and got awfully sold. He's sour on antiques!"—Detriot Free Press. Don't Get Footsore! Get Foot-Ease. A wonderful powder that cures tired, hot, aching feet and makes new or tight shoes easy. Ask to-day for Alien's Foot-Ease. Accept no substitute. Trial package FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. Y. The world's greatest want will not tie filled until somebody invents a mirror that can speak and tell woman out loud that she is beautiful.—Chicago Daily News. Garfield Ton, which is made wholly of herbs, cleanses the system, clears tho com plexion and insures a natural action of liver, kidneys, stomach and bowels. It is the best blood-purilier known. "If it took a man as long to git into debt," said Uncle Eben, "as it does to git out, dar wouldn' be nigh so much' finan cial worriment."—Washington Star. All up-to-date housekeepers use Red Cross Ball Blue. It makes clothes clean and sweet as when new. All grocers. - Of course we all respect those who know more than we do; but so few of us can remember that we ever met them. —Philadelphia Press. HTA CLASSDRCGGISS^ AND—OTHERS. The better claes of druggists, everywhere, are men of scientific attainments and high integrity, who devoto their lives to tho welfare of their fellow men in supplying the best of remedies and purest medicinal agents of known value, in accordance with physicians' prescriptions and J scientific formula. Druggists of the better class manufacture many excellent remedies, but I always under original or officinal names and they never sell false brands, or imitation medicines. C ■ They are tho men to deal with when in need of anything in their line, which usually includes I I all standard remedies and corresponding adjuncts of a first-class pharmacy and the finest and 1 I best of toilet articles and preparations and many useful accessories and remedial appliances. ' I The earning of a fair living, with the satisfaction which arises from a knowledge of the benefits I conferred upon their patrons and assistance to the medical profession, is usually their greatest reward for long years of study and many hours of daily toil. They all know that Syrup of Figs is an excellent laxative remedy and that it gives universal satisfaction, and therefore they I are selling many millions of bottles annually to the well informed purchasers of the choicest IA remedies, and they alway3 take pleasure in handing out the genuine article bearing the full fe 9 name of tho Company—California Fig Syrup Co. —printed on the front of every package. V # They know that in cases of colds and headaches attended by biliousness and constipation and 1 ■ of weakness or torpidity of tho liver and bowels, arising from irregular habits, indigestion, or i V over-eating, that thero is no other remedy so pleasant, prompt and beneficial in its effects as ' Syrup of Figs, and thoy are glad to sell it because it gives universal satisfaction. Owing to tho excellence of Syrup of Figs, the universal satisfaction which it gives and the I immense demand for it, imitations have been made, tried and condemned, but there aro J 1 individual druggists to be found, hero and there, who do not maintain the dignity and principles I of tho profession and whose greed gets the hotter of their judgment, and who do not hesitate I to recommend and try to sell the imitations in order to make a larger profit. Such preparations I sometimes have the name—" Syrup of Figs"—or "Fig Syrup" and of some piratical concern, ' or fictitious fig syrup company, printed on the package, but they never have the full name of tho Company—California Fig Syrup Co.—printed on the front of the package. The imitations should be rejected because they aro injurious to the system. In order to soli the imitations J they find it necessary to resort to misrepresentation or deception, and whenever a dealer passes 4 ft off on a customer a preparation under the name of "Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syrup," which § % does not bear tho full namo of tho California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of the package, ■ W he is attempting to deceive and mislead the patron who has been so unfortunate as to enter his 1 I establishment, whether it bo large or small, for if the dealer resorts to misrepresentation and i ■ and deception in one case he will do so with other medicinal agents, and in the filling of I physicians' prescriptions, and should be avoided by every one who values health and happiness. Knowing that tho great majority of druggists are reliable, we supply the immense demand 1 for our excellent remedy entirely through the druggists, of whom it may be purchased every- I where, in original packages only, at the regular price of fifty cents per bottle, but aa exceptions J ft exist it is necessary to inform the public of the facts, in order that all may decline or return i ■ any imitation which may be sold to them. If it does not bear the full name of tho Company— m ■ California Fig Svrup Co.—printed on the front of every package, do not hesitate to return tho t B article and to demand tho return of your money, and in future goto one of the better class of fl W druggists who will Bell you what you wi h und the best of uvcry thing in his line at reasonable prices. _ m SAVED BABY LYON'S LIFE. Awful Sight from Thnt Drendful Com plaint, Infantile Eczer^a —Mother Praises Cuticura Remedies. "Our had that drendful complaint. Infantile Kozcma, which afflicted hun for •cver.il montiiH, commencing at the top of liis head, and at last covering hi* whole body. His sufferings were untold and constant misery, in fact, there was nothing we would not have dono to have given hi-ni 1 relief, We finally procured a full set i of the Cuticura Remedies, and in about three or four days he began to show a brighter spirit and really laughed, for the first time in a year. In about ninety days Ihe was fully recovered. Praise for the Cuticura Remedies has always been our I greatest pleasure, and there is nothing too good that we could say in their favor, for j they certainly saved our baby's life, for | he was the most awful sight that I ever I behold, prior, to the treatment of the I Cuticura Remedies. Mrs. Maebelle Lyon, IH'2O Apjjleton Ave., Parsons, Kan., July Foot in It Again. "So she's engaged, ch? That merely goes to prove the truth of what 1 have always contended—that, no matter how plain-looking a girl may be, there is a mate for her somewhere in the wide world. Whom is she to marry?" "Me!"— Chicago Journal. Red Cross Ball Blue should be in every home. Ask your grocer for it. Large 2 oz. package only 5 cents. Many a fellow owns a watchdog who doesn't own anything worth watching. The fellow who says he merely drinks to forget, never forgets to drink. ♦ The man who jumps at conclusions lands with a jar. for Lafauts Signati Years ' The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CENTAUR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER CAPSICUM VASELINE THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER-IRRITANT A QUICK. SURE, SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN DON'T WAIT TILL THS PAIN COMES—KEEP A TUBE HANDY IT WILL NOT BLISTER THE MOST DELICATE SKIN IT IS ALSO INDISPENSABLE FOR CHILDREN VASELINE CAMPHOR ICE SUPERIOR TO ANYTHING IN USE FOR CHAPPED HANDS AND LIPS AND TO ALLAY ALL IRRITATION OF THE SKIN, A SOVEREIGN REMEDY FOR SUN-BURN VASELINE COLD CREAM KEEPS THE SKIN IN A SOFT AND HEALTHY CONDITION AND PRESERVES THE COMPLEXION. EACH OF THESE WELL KNOWN PREPARATIONS CAN BE OBTAINED FROM DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS, OR WILL SEND BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15 CENTS IN MONEY OR STAMP"? EXCEPTING CAMPHOR ICE, FOR WHICH SEND TEN CENTS CHESEBKOUGH MFG. CO.. 17 State Street, NEW YORK INDIAN PROVERBS. The coward shoot* with shut eyee. Small things talk loud to tho Indian's •ye. No Indian ever sold his daughter for a name. When a fox walks lame old rabbit jumps. The paleface's arm Is longer than his word. A squaw's tongue runs faster than tho wind's legs. There Is nothing so eloquent as a rat tlesnake's tall. The Indian scalps his enemy; the pale face skins his friends. There will be hungry palefaces so long as there Is any Indian land to swallow. When a man prays one day and steals I six, the Great Spirit thunders and the evil one laughs. There are three things It takes a strong man to hold: A young warrior, | a wild horse and a handsome squaw. Z THE. WHOLE LOT J • If we don't heed prevention, wo will need a cure. The Old-Monlc-Cura £ | St. Jacobs Oil | a Is ready always for all forms of muscular aches or pains, from LUMBAGO RHEUMATISM £ STIFF NECK SPRAIN I • IT CORES ALIKE THE WHOLE LOT. • WHOOPING COUGH Mi* ' I KM' Shorten* Ati<H.igrhteni J P' Warranted to Cure. I'-e.i In the Cleveland Orphan Asyluni«. Kndormd hy I'hyithians. Hold I>» drufnlata or mailed. soz. bottle SOc., 12oz. bottle!#!. | Lickes Drug Co., CLEVELAND, O. A.N. K,—C 2121 W. L. DOUGLAS *3= & *3= SHOES»'"» W. L. Douglas S4.CO Cilt Edge Une j at I JULY 6. 1876 t " >»\ "y.J jj| [ | CAPITAL *2,500,000 KIFC,K^?.!! , I ,FES * SELLS MORB H%LflJ > Jii£P.£& aES rH AM ANY OTHER MANUFACTURER IN THE WORLD. <t 1 H non REWARD to anyono who can yHUjUUU disprove this statement. I! I could take you Into mv three large factories at Brockton, Mass., and show you the infinite care with which every pairof shoes Isninde, you would realize why W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes cost more to make, why they hold their shape, lit better, wear longer, and are of greater Intrinsic value than any other $3.50 shoe. W - L - Douglas Strong Made Shoes for Men, 92.80, 52.00. Hoys' School A £ «®.?? $2 ' SO ' S2 - $1 - 7S ' SI.SO CAUTION Insist upon having W.L.Doitg. las shoes. fake no substitute. None genuino without his name and price stamped 011 bottom. Fast Color Eyelets used; tlieu will not wear brassy. Write for Illustrated Catalog. W. L. DUI'GLAS, IJrockton, nT flf>» BEST AXLE 6MASE EVER MADE Something- new and far better than the goods put out by the old monopolies. Use independent goods and ask your dealer for Sun Light Axle Grease. If ho does not handle it, write us. MONARCH MFG. CO.. Toledo, O. THE GOVERNMENT OP 0-A.KT^X^^L I gives absolutely I*RKU jpfiflgaafT mjMlfrfgJ to every settlor One l* ./I 'I Pl* Hundred and Sixty Acres of land in West ca,lbe purchased from r r- ■" railway and laud com panies at from $6 to $lO per acre. On this land this year has been 1 rod need up wards of twenty-five bushels of wheat to the acre. It Is also the best of grazing land and for mixed farming it has no superior ou the continent. Splendid climate, low taxes, railways conven ient; schools and churches close at hand. Write for "Twentieth Century Canada " and low railway rates to SPPKRIN rr.N T ni:R;T or IMM* r.RA'FION, or to authorized Canadian Agents : II M. WILLIAMS, Law ltuildinjf,Toledo, O. Mention this paper* That Delightful Aid to Health iPaxtme I Toilet Antiseptic Whitens the teeth— purifies mouth and breath cures n:is:il catarrh, sore throat, s<>ro eyes, and l»y direct application cures all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal conditions caused by feminine ills. l'axtine possesses extraordinary cleansing, healinp ai d germi cidal qualities uiJike anything else. At all druggists. jocniS LARGE TRIAL PACKAGE I'SEB The K. Paxton Co., boston, bUvst, 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers