i? They defy the fiercest I J winter'sgale 01* the hottest I -} .aimer's sun. ' Through all the changes I t! ° H jj . weathers or seasons » W tncy preserve your house 9 y against the action o: the a i| lements, because they I | cover so thoroughly and I fi wear so well and so long. I I Ask your dealer. John Lucas & Co S Philadelphia Rheumatism Makes Life Miserable. A happy home is the most valuabl* posses-ion that is within the reach of mankind, but you canuot enjoy its com forts if you are suffering from rheuma tism. You throw aside business cares when you enter your home and you can be relieved fom those rheumatie pains also by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. One application will give you re lief and its continual use for a short time will bring about a permanent cure. For sale by L. Taggart, J. K. Smith, Sterl ing Run and Crura Bros., Sinnatuahon ,ng. eaven never fills the hand and forgets the heart. The most rational remedy for Coughs and Colds is Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. It acts on the bowels as a mild cathartic-expels all cold from the system. Cuts all phlem out of the throat, relievrs coughs, colds, croup, whoopingcough.'etc. An deal remedy for young and old. Children like it. Sold by R. C. Dod i-on. It's easy to borrow an umbrella in fair weather. j"GET THE HABIT"] I I I patrons.seem to be so impressed with the de- £ liciousness of our baked goods that many oi th'em have l 'got the habit" of coming here regularly. We anticipate more of that ■ "habit," because our bread and pastry is;bet- I ter than ever before. Get the habit—the health giving habit of eating the products of I I I I Emporium Bakery I BREAD OF QUALITY Next Door to Post Office, EMPORIUM, PA. In——taJ 525 lor one Suit is Wise Economy I t25 tor lino Soils is Unwise Economy 125 lor liiree Suits is Foolishness Men, it costs no more to have one BKDARI) SUIT, and always be well dressed, than to have two or three cheap suits and never be well dressed. Our Spring Woolens are Here Bedard The Tailor, Parsons' Bazaar, Emporium, Pa. * —————— J CANOE RUN I lii* [.l,in- i» vi iy dull but lots lit hopes of Minn I tiling. Ili ne Georgia itn*< I h fur her sumnt'T vacation after ei-jht mouth" of K-hnol at Surdin Valley. Mrs. J. Kehoe i* <|iiite ili at this writ in^. Supt. Kelly is improving the looks of our town, having cinder v.ilk* buiit, which is something we need. Cora Kelly i* improving alter her long siege of sk-km A. Brady was in town on business nn Saturday. Jas. Keenan has moved hi- family to Possum ( Jlory. * J. F. a. The End of Bad Feelings. The few unfortunates with whom I coffee disagrees are at last emancipa ted. No more need to look for a coffee substitute. Everyone can now drink : real coffee without any bad after ef fects if it is DE-TAN-ATED India Col fee. The Tannin and other injurious ingredients have been removed, the | healthfully-stimulating, digestion-pro moting properties remain intact, and j all the time you are drinking real coffee j prepared in the usual way. For sale | by Balcom & Lloyd. 7 3t Eggs for Hatching. I Pure bred Brown Leghorns, the best j ayingj breed of fowls in the world. | The hen that lays is the hen that pays. Eggs for sale as follows: One setting, 13 eggs, for $1.00; three set tings, 36 eggs, $2.50. We also have the pure White Wyandottes, same price. ' FARMERS EXCHANGE, j 4-2 m. Pittelield, Pa. Special Low Rates. ! To all points in Montana, Idaho, ! Washington, Oregon and British ' Columbia, February 15th to April 7th, 1906. Round Trip Homeseekers' Tick ets on special days. Write at once for \ information and maps to W. 11. Allen, Traveling Agent, Wisconsin Central ! R'y, 621 Park Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 48-13t. Bargain in Books. A complete set of Brittanica Ency- I clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes and key. Are all new and in original packages. Will be sold at a bargain, Apply at PRESS office. 36tf C. B. Howard & Co., have received from the Pacific Coast what is perhaps the finest lot of RED CEDAR shingles i that ever came to Cameron cou CAMKKOH COUNTY PRKSS, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, J<>N6. HOWAROVILLE. A. K. B«Kb, W. 11. Hb| .ml ■ W I' Kni/. of St. .Miir}-, .«|n'nt Suii'liy • in Kui|" 1 i'uft, guesla .>1 K. L. Stan i'l ! • linn li.'l'l r- j <»tt fc il>* ji. iti in jil mill at St. M irys, NI. -<r-, Siniti ind Km/, beiug saw filera. - Kugunc Teattr is rawing again, while I Mr. Swanson is laid off during the tryout ; of Mr. Krnc-t lirown ol Port Allegany j who is supposed to he one ol the best baud mill sawyers, hut it is a question | whether he will stay here <>r not, as both | Messrs. Tenter and Swanson are first eluss ! saw yen. E. li. Muson and W. A. Dalrymple spent Good Friday at St. Marys, guests of Mr. Fr< d \'ieriug, the superintendent of the kindling wood mill ._ Be sure to take a two loot rule along ( when fishing, not to measure the four and i live inch trout with, hut to measure the ' eighteen and twenty inch ones. If you forget this, there might possibly be some dispute about the size of your catch. M. E. L. CAMERON. The Kmporium visitors for the week I were—l). Sullivan and wife, Jos. Rubin I sou and wile, K. I). Krape and wife. ! Rob t Boyd, John Schwab. Robt. Glenn, 1 ! Jas. Cruger, Estclla Stewart, Clara Eddy, i Mrs. J. P. Eddy and Mrs. <;. L Page. Fishermen arc now in evidence every i where you look, and they all have old time luck. Wm. Berry of Warren, Pa. was a call . cr in town on Tuesday. 1 Johnson, the blind man musician has been entertaining the people at the Vall ley Honse the past few days. lie i« a 1 fine musician. Willie, the infant son or Mr. Comley has been very sick with croup. Jno. McFadden's little daughter, Mamie is ill with whooping eotigh. Mrs. E. JI. McFadden was taken very ill Monday and Mr. McFadden, who is employed at Straight, Pa., was telephon ed for Tuesday., A. F. Walker and Henry Kephart have been doing some successful wild bee hunting the past week. They found two large trees near Canierom on the hills with a large supply of both bees and honey. Anna Lision of Emporium was in i town Saturday. 1 Margaret Montgomery of Emporium was a pleasant caller at the homes of Mrs. Wm. Wykoff and Mrs. (>. L.l 'age a few hours on Sunday. One of the most enjoyable masquerade , ! parties ever held in this part of the j county was given in the Eagle hall by I Messrs. Pase and Robinson. Monday ! evening, April 10th. About l.jO coup j les were present and all enjoyed them selves thoroughly. First.class music was furnished by Salter and Johnson's up-to date instrumental combination, and the party was a success both socially and financially. The party broke up at 3:30 in the moming aud the guests departed after exacting a promise from Messrs. Robinson aud Page that they would hold more dances in the near future. J. F.S. RICH VALLEY Truman McOaslin and wife, of Hicks | Run. are visiting their many friends in i the Valley this week. Daniel McDonald, of iho city, lias ac : cepted a positiou with M. J. Lcadbetter. Warren Fisher and wife, of Driftwood, i visited Mrs. Fisher's parents, Patrick | Dulling and wife, Sunday. Hazel Lockwood and Krma Craven called at ye scribe's office Sunday evening. What came near being a serious acci dent happened to Randolph Looekwood last week, when he iau up against a load of shot, fired by rouie careless duck hunters. Although not badly injured Mr. Lockwood had a narrow escape from serious injury, a number of shot striking him in the neck and face, Ourdesciples of Isaac Walton left for the bush Monday, among them being Walter Granger, of Buffalo, and Henry Swesey and Kyle Housler, of this place. Leave a few for us boys. Vere Dow, of (Jooks Run Junction, was on a fishing expedition to North ~(Jreek Monday. William MeGee was on our streets Monday. Eli'nu Barton was a city visitor Mon day. Lafayette Lockwook was calling on Lewis Run friends Sunday. Sunshine McCaslin, who has been ill is improving at this writing. Stella Dulling transacted business in the city Saturday. Crystal and ltuie 11 outlet visited Cooks Run friends last week. Mrs. Hert IJarr called on her city friends Monday. Jos. Fisher was seen going for the brush Tuesday. No need for us togo fishing now. M. A I'. CuuKlit Cold While Hunting a Burglar Wui. Thos. Lanorgan. provincial Con ' stable at Chapleou, Ontario, say- I caught a severe * old while hunting a I burglar in the forest swamp la-t fall. Hearing of Chamberlain * < 'ough Item i edy. I tried it.and after using two suiall I bottles. I was completely cured." This | remedy i- intended es-peeiully foi euuglis ! itml colds. It will loosen aud relieve a ! »evere enld iu leu* tiuiu than by any other treat men', and it is a favorite wherever its superior excellent•• has b<t'ome kuown. : For -ale by L. Taggart, John K. Smith. Storliuu It iii and ('rum Ilr< Sinmtma- I honing. NORTH CREEK. i Re?. Dow deliveret' an abl< Kastei sermon on Sunday, t > quite a eonirreaa tion. We a." pleased to have him .t.d ' his estim.iblu wile with *u- lor another | year. Mrs. Lur. Taylor, of Mina, I .i.,q>"iit , a few days last week with her p tents I . A. Lewis and wife. Mrs. M. E. Taylor and daughter A-nes , wer l : callers at the home of Frank Moon. William Smith and wife transacted j business iii Empoiiuui Thursday. Beatri" Taylor >p. ut Faster with rcla i tives at ('anat)dnigua, N. Y. Frank ('handler has been vaccinated, j and returned to school. Henry Carter, Frank Smith J. W. Lewis, and Evcral Housler, were Em | porium visitors this week. Leon Brundage moved his family into the home lately vacated by Tommy ' Briiton. William L wis has moved bis house hold goods to his farm at the month of Waldo Run. The family is expected I soon. E. V. Housler. wite and sons spent I Faster with Mi. Berry and wife, Sterling Kun. Mrs. Willis McCleunahan returned j home Sunday from her mother's, where | she has been .suffering from the la grippe. I Blanche Moon spent several days with I her parents this week. Superintendent Mattie Collins was ; again visiting our school. We are al ! ways pleased her. Mrs. F. A. Lewis and Mrs. Milda j Morton were in Emporium on business i last week. X. Y. Z. HUNTLEY. Miss Cella Logue, ofFirst Fork, spent I the past week visiting Mr. and Mrs. I Wm. Logue and Miss Myrtle Logue. ; We are glad to hear Myrtle Logue is regaining her health. Miss Alice Jordon and Rev. Etta i Hey ward have returned from Falconer, | N. Y , where they were attending Con- I ference. The Emporium callers this week were Wm. Johnson and Mrs. J. F. j Sullivan. William brought back a line } new Panama hat with which to open j the spring season. He presented his | old one to Operator Sullivan. Richard Mayhew, of Eldred, is the | gust of P. P. Farrel. Mr. Mayhew in tends to accept a position with the ! Wilson Bros., Lumber Co. Pennsy firemen Roy Logue and Dan'l Kilbourn, of Renovo, spent | Sunday with iheir parents. John Calson has recovered from a severe attack of chills and indigestion, j Squire Levi Smith was called to I Ranovo Thursday, to the bedside of hia J son Roy who is very ill with pfceu j monia. Henry Lay ton and wife, spent the j past week visiting friends in Sinnama | honing. John Witchey was » business caller i in Driftwood Mouda\\ Darius Ives and wife of Pine Street, ! spent Sunday with relatives on Grove Hill. The people of this village were treat | ed to a splendid exhibition of wild western life Saturday afternoon, by Dan'l Logue, who recently returned from the state of Washington. Dan. was dressed in full western regalia and was mounted on a three year old j Clydesdale eolt and lassoed six year j ling calves in loss than five minutes He then gave the Apache war-hoop and gave some splendid examples of ' revolver practice in the sadOle. Dan j is a splendid horseman as well as an ! all around athlete. P. P. Farrel and wife, spent Sunday I in Emporium. Mrs. Jordan, was a Driftwood caller , Saturday. Dan Logue is on a business trip to : First Fork and Austin this week, j A postal telegraph message brought A. W. Smith, of Sterling Run, to the home of Gaorge Collins, "Saturday to perform the last sad obsequies on Mr. I Collins registered Durham hog. This • animal had attained an enormous size j and was in splendid condition. Wm. j Logue, Major Bailey, P. P Farrel and asst. foreman Alfred Smith each had j i engaged a rear quarter of the animal j but as there was only two rear quart ers, Mr. Collins was at a loss what to | do as each man insisted upon a hind i i quarter. However they agreed that if j j A. W. Smith would Bing a song that ; ' two of the men would take front quarters. So Mr Smith sang the fol lowing selection which is purely original. Mr. Smith sang it to the good old tune ot Yankee Doodle. My name is Smith from Sterling R :n. I've held »ome goo«l position H, in Kaw mill* and in butcher •bop*. And with K f eat political#, I handle Lark in* standard soaps They give good satisfaction, The premiums art* fine furniture Which {K the main attraction. ! now have kill* il this in >n*trou% j T'is my work to divide it, You MU id il 1 would sing it nuiig, You d leave mts to decide it, Ltt Hill aud Patrick take the fronts Then Aland Major Bailey, Take e.r h a <juartt-r froni the rear, Aud everything goes gaily. What flare we f.»r the Uu' < OMJ * rik< i gueKft t Aill b« » corset, it tit 1 urn Mir«* of !<>ur good menu. Oft brother Collin* porker, so if I full st dinuer lime. ll*. everything iu < r<t« r. To make a n»«al trum < dlina pork#» Aud 1 trains bjfkniK powder. Krvin Park*, of Kinporium, wan in tgwn Monday making an extension ladder f»»r Win. Logue to use at tin mill. Thin ladder will be used by tire man Ritrr to ciiui)> up to tie: lop of (h« smoke Mtaek to till tin- boiler. Mr. Parkii also refereed a friendly three round bout between .Mr. MinarU Farley, of Hi novo, and I'. P. Parrel. Mr. Farrell got the decision Mr. Parks then called at the office of the Amalgated Hen Combine at Itig Itun, ; to repair an egg machine, which j recently hatched seven roosters '-'. it of sixty live eggs, and they got to fight- | j ing and broke the machine. We j expect Mr. Parks to reside in our town i in a short time and is assured of a i hearty welcome. JRS | SINNAMAHONING. Chauncey M. Logue, po*".r..,ioter at j 1 First Fork, was in town last week. Miss Alice Jordan, of Huntley, was 1 i visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Batchel der, 011 Saturday. Barclay Bros, have stopped driving j I logs, their ponds being full. Messrs. Wm. Van Wert and A. L. j i Ensign of the Pdwder Co visited ! ! their families at Emporium on Sunday. ! Mr. Henry Auchu, general Supt. of ! | the Powder Co., is pretty busy these j ! days at the works Several parties from Driftwood were j J down last week after Sinnamahoning j shad. All returned home with a good ! i catch. Jos. and Chas. Logue caught 115 Sin- j namah >ning shad one night last week, j The total weight was 237 pounds, j Pretty good night's fish. Mr. Walter Swank was down from j First Fork Saturday evening and took I. O O. F. initiatory degree. The Fulton Bros, were in Sterling Run last week painting and papering. They do first-class work. Camp No. 122, P. O. S. of A., held an Easter supper in Brooks' hall, Saturday evening last. A lunch consisting of sandwiches, cake, coffee, cocoa and ice | cream was served to all present. The j rain caused the attendance to be small, j but those present enjoyed the festivities ! immensely. The receipts were ssl ] which will be appropriated for the pur chase of new regalia to replace that de stroyed by fire a year age. Drs. Cor bet and Russell were present to care I for .any sudden attack of indirection, j The decorations were fine. Quite a number of our nimrods took their fishing tackle and started for the j head waters of the streams, Monday j morning. The recent heavy rains will | make poor trout fishing for a few days, ; but the big fish stories will come in just the same. Pap Blodget and Pap Berfield have ; given their shoes a good coat of grease ! j and are now ready for a fishing trip as 1 i soon as the water recedes enough. | Several parties were seen to start out j fishing on Sunday} thus killing two birds with one stone, breaking both 1 the law of God and the law of man. i Shame on you, poor heathen mortals i M. N. U. L. Brooks went to Buffalo 1 011 S iturday to purchase a car load of | cattle for Lincoln farm. We presume | it will nearly exhaust his initial letters ! should he brand each with one of them. Chas. Council made a busine?s trip j up the Fork on Monday. Jas. G. Mead brought in the finest j string of trout. He had 33, the largest i | being two rainbow trout, one 15 inches ! 1 and the other 17 A inches. Barclay Bros. started their mill 011 j I Tuesday, for a full summer sawing. Dr. V. K. Corbet caught a fine mess : i of eels and cat-fish on Tuesday at mouth j I of Wykoff run. , 0 L. Bailey, County Commissioner, : transacted business" at Emporium on ! Tuesday. The annual spring fires are burning on the mountains this week. DEBSE. Chambeilain's Salve 1* good tor auy j disease- of the skin. It allays the itching ! and burning sensation instantly. For ! sale by L. Taggart, J. E. Smith, Sterling ; Run and (.'rum Bros., Sinnamahoning. * 1 TIME TABLE No. 29. COUDERSPORT & PORT ALLEGANY R. R. ; Taking effect April ltith. 1903. EASTWARD. 6&12 8 ; 2 10 4 STATIONS. j- P.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Port Allegany,.. Lv. 5 lo; 930 11 40; 2 45 7 12 Chemical Works ... 00 ,*9 3S| 00 °° j OO Burtville, 521 9 421 11 61 2 50- 723 Roulette, 530 950 12 00 305 731 Knowlton's, ,5 31 »9 51 »12 01 »3 09 °° ! Mina *5 40 10 00 »12 09 315 740 1 Olmsted, *5 43 10 03 *l2 12 *3 IS «7 13 | , Ar ! 5 50 10 10 12 19 3 25 00 Coudersport. ■ a. M. 750 I ' 600 ! 100 North Coudersport, 00 1 .. »l 05 Frlnk's «6 10 »J 12 Colesbnrif, [»6 17 1 19 Seven Bridges, *8 21 .... j *1 24 . Raymonds, »6 30 1 351 j Oold 635 ... l 40 Newlield I 00 1 ... i 44 j | Newlield Junction, . 045 1 50 1 | Perkins '0 4* . »1 53 Carpenter's, 10 »1 57 Croivell's •('. 53 '2 01 1 Ulysses Ar. 7 05 2 10 I IA. M.'p. M.I I | WKHTWAKD. i 7 I i 3 9 S ~ I STATIONB. I —; —' j A. M. A. M. P. M. p. M. | | Poit Allenany 4 .">u IN •80 158 fl 10 1 Chemical wtrks j 00 . CJ *2 24 , j Burtville, "4 35 834 2IK 4 12 027 1 ' Roil. lie. -I "H 210 135 620 | Knowltnn't, 00 <» *305*4 to!*• 15 I Mina 120 839 200 425 610 | Planted Isl*§ 35 >1 SB 4 Ml*6 M JAi 110 8 :I0 150 415 (I 00 1 P. M. p. M. P. M. Lv. 8 25 5 03 ; | North ('oinlersport. . . "° *4 58 ' 1 t'rink'H *8 15 »| 50 ColesburK *8 08 4 4:t Seven Bridges *H 03 •! 3H Itaviiimid's *7 52 4 27 Hold 7 47 4 22 NawMld *7 41 lis NeurtleM Junction, ... 740 405 Ptrkisa »7 M • i*9 M < 'arpenti-r's 00 .... 13 v, ' 'rim-ell's 1*717 ../.!*•(• I I rlVHses, I.* 17 30 I 3 45 ' (•) Flag stations. ("*> l Train* do not Mton (i Telegraph u(Bc«* > 1 rain* lua .k.l tj - oni) 1 PraliM rua N ■a*4arn Htaadard Time. C Cimueetioti*—Al riyi»ef with Kail Mrraik U'v t..r point* north and smth. Al li. .vs. liiik t ll''ii willi Butfalu A su*4|itehann .It K. north lor \ Wellaville, south lir Halt-bin and AiMiaon Alt I'i.rl Allegan> with I'i iiiwylvanlii It 11., north ; I I ' H'lCklOi Olaan, Dradford ami Btnatltimri < •out I tor Keating Summit Austin, Emporium \ mi.l Pean a 11 u . point*. < HA. MoCI.I!KK. >lcn'l Wupl. ' '•..ii.i rsp rl. I'a 4 G& SESHSase Siib'a&cjcS2s? l^> | Wall Paper! 112 A • ' j | Old Reliable jjj £ Drug Store !S = ja ! 5! S Variety and - \ les. Im- n) rjj raenso liu- Prices so in ,iy % low an to Oi fear honest !}* iln * competition Come and nj I [Jj pee. Irj | I j Paints, Paints 5 Jfl Paint for the house, Paint j£j for the floor, paint for the furniture, paint for all pj ru kindß of fancy and deco s] rative work, also varn- fij [n ishes and oils. All fully ru guaranteed. m K S L. TAGGART, Prop'r. G. H. GROSS! & COMPANY} I - Before yon buy else- | where it will pay you * to call on the Broad Street Market. We \ are here to please. 112 b Excellence By buying Heinz's ;j ' Pickles in sealed glass ;| packages, yo.i are sure J ot getting the best we "J can offer—better cannot Sj be made, We return £1 full purchase price if you do not like them. Ej 1 I M H 1 I y n I I j 1 r i ( 'Phone 21, G. H. GROSS & CO. L___J jlpEciflTcTsTj I PRICES \ j •, 1 0. B. Barnes' \ { POPULAR FAMILY GROCERY } STORE i 112 SPECIAL BARGAINS } J < < EVERY FRIDAY < 2 \ Snow Flake Flour fl.oo per sacli 'j \ Cash < 'r.!v. { < 112 J > WE KEEP ONM THE M-ST \ 112 0. B. BARNES 1 { Allegain Avenue, I 'Ptuiill. j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers