EMPORIUM Ml 1.1.1 NG PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., Februarys, 1906. j NEMOPIIILA, per sack il 30 Felt's Fancy, " I 45 ] Pet Grove, " .145 Graham " 65 | Rye 6-j j Buckwheat, " 70 Patent Meal., " 45 Coarse Meal, per 100, l 15 Chop Feed, " 1 15 Middlings, Fancy " 1 35 Bran, 1 20 Chicken Wheat 155 Oorn, per bushel, 61 WhiteOats,per bushel 45 New Oats Choice Clover Seed, ") ChoiceTiraothySeed, 112 At Market Prices Choice Millet Seed, 112 At Marketrrices. Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, | R.C. DODSON, THE Drucjcjist, KMPORIUM, PA. 15 LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. 112 I '% y^/ st. c. »»onsois. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL, OKPARTMHNT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contribution* invited. That vihich you would iko to see in this department,let us know by pos tal card or letter, personalty. Mr. Warren McConnel, of Cameron, was in town one day last week. Several of Emporium's jolly young ladies visited Starling Run last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. L. Wheeler spent iast Friday and Saturday in Buffalo. Quy Klees visited relatives and friends in Williamsport over Sunday. Col. J. O. Brookbank, of Driftwood. transacted business in Emporium yesterday. W. J. Leavitt visited friends at Sin namahoning and First Fork Saturday and Sundav. Mrs. John Carney, of Renovo, spent a couple of days last week, with Mrs. H. P. Roberts. Miss Blanch Kissell, of Sterling Run, was the guest of Mrs. Ed. Morse one day last week. Mrs. Walter Morrison and Mrs. Fred Dinniny made the PRESS a business call last Thursday. E. D. Leet and wife, of Ulysses, Pa., were guests of H. C. Olmsted and family over Sunday. Louise La Fevre Smith, of Portville, N. Y., is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Seth J. Hackett. Mrs. Thomas Gilroy, of Austin, and daughter Ezma, were the guests ot Mrs. H. P. Roberts over Sunday. Mrs. Walter Clark is quite ill with typhoid fever. Miss Carrie Miller, professional nurse, is nursing her. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen, ot Port Allegany was the guest of Seth J. Hackett and family over Sunday. Mr. E. H. Southwick, a practical druggist, from Pittsburg, is now em. ployed in M. A. Rockwell's drug store. Murdock McCloud, who has been located in Alaska for fifteen years, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Frank Mylan, at this place. A brother from Boston is also here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mylan, of East Fifth street, received two beautiful Valentines on St. Valentines day—a daughter and son. There was great rejoicing in that home. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Crist, of Pine Summit, Pa., were called to Emporium last Sunday owing to the serious ill ness of the former's father, Mr. J. T. Crist, who resides with his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Lyons. Master Harold Chadwick, who has just recovered from typhoid fever, went to Bradford county one day last week to visit his little sister, Miss Trene. He took his grand-father, Mr. Mott, with him. W. W. Knickerbocker, one of Em porium's energetic and reliable young men called at the PRESS office yester day and pushed the date on his PRESS ahead another year. Mr. Knicker bocker has charge of Emporium electric light plant and gives excellent satisfaction. Miss Elvia Whiting, of Ridgway, has accepted the vacancy in the corps of teachers in the borough schools, and took up the duties of her new position yesterday. Miss Whiting is an experienced teacher, and the dir ectors w< re quite fortunate in getting so capable a person for the position.— Johnsonburg Press. J. E. Rhodes, accompanied by his wife and two children, arrived in town Saturday from Dunlevie, West Va., to vifeit for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes conducts the boarding house for E. V. Dunlevie Lumber Company. Thep like the prospects in sight at Dunlevie. Mr. Rhodes was a PRESS caller ou Wednesday and pushed his paper into 1907. Orvis Hemphill will play ball with the DuKois team this season and ex pects to leave here about the first of May. We wish the young man success. Capt. J. E. Mitson, of Buffalo, repre senting the Salvation Army, called on his Emporium friends this week, meet ing with marked success. This noble army accomplishes much good. They deserve all they secure. Dr. A. W. Baker. Dr. Baker will be at the New Warner Friday afternoon and evening. WANTED.—A good girl to do house work, one who is thoroughly compet ent; $4 a week. Address, Box 565, Renovo, Pa. 1 2t. Clarion State Normal, Clarion, Pa. Easily Accessible. Beautiful Location. Strong Faculty. Spring term opens March 26. Expenses for Spring term (14 weeks) $43.50. College of Music. $34 pays six weeks tuition on any musical instrument, singing and board at the Freeburg, Pa , College of Music. Terms begin May 7, June 13, July 20. Fer catalog address HENRY B. MOYER. 51-4t. Lenten Services at Emmanuel Church. Ash Wednesday, February 28:—10 at m., morning prayer, litany and peni tantial office; 7:30 p. m. evening prayer and address. There will be daily services during Lent except on Saturdays. Services at 4:30 p. m., in the parish house on Mon days, Tuesdays and Thursdays Ser vices at 7:30 p.m., in the Church on Wednesdays and Fridays. Confirma tion instructions in the Parish house on Friday evening, immediately after the service. Common Colds are the Cause of Hany Serious Diseases. Physicians who have gatned a national reputation as analysis of the cause, of var ious diseases, claim that if catching cold could he avoided n long list of dangerous ailments would never be heard of. Every one knows that pneumonia and consumption originate from a cold, and chronic catarrh, bronchitis, and all throat and lung trouble arc aggravated aud rendered more serious by each fresh at tack. Do not risk your life or take chances when you have a cold. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy contains no opium, morphine or other harmful drug and has thirty years of reputation back of it, gained by its cures under every con dition. For sale by L. Taggart; J. E. Smith, Sterling Run; Crum Bros., Sin namahaning. THE BATTLE OF THE BALLOTS Taken from the Official Returns- Light Vote and Quiet Day. BMPORIUM BOKOUUa. Burgess—R. M. Overhiser, R., 376 Poor Master—F. P. Strayer, R„ 384 Constable and Collector—Frederick N. Seger, R., 271 C. W. Shaffer, D., 189 Auditor (two to elect)-1. K. Hockley, D., 340 G. S. Allen, R., 320 The vote t6 Increase Sewer debt was in favor of increase: For—East Ward, 57; No 13. Middle Ward, For 90; No 26. West Ward, For 85; No 3». Majority in favor of increase of debt 155. WEST WARD. Burgess—R. M. Overhiser, R., 138. K. Hockley, D., 136, G. 8. Allen, R., 131. Poor Master—F. P. Strayer, R., 146. The above were nominated by both parties. Constable and Col lector—Frederick Seger, R., 107; C. W. Shaffer, D., 68. Council—E. H Gregory, R., 85; F. 11. Pearsall, D., 84. School Director-Jason Laucks, R., 82; C. H. Felt, !>., 81. Judge of Election—J. A. Freindel, R., 142. Inspector—Walter Morri son, R , 96; A. Hockley, D., 63. MIDDLE WARD. Burgess—R. M. Overhiser, R., 133. Auditor-. I. K. Hockley, D., 128; G. S. Allen, R., 107. Poor Master—F. P. Strayer, R., 135. Constable and Collector—Frederick Seger, R., 115; C. W. Sliaffcr, D., 51. Council—E. D. White, R., 96; R. H. Hirsch, D., 60. School Director—B. L. Spence, R., 51; I. K. Hockley, D., 96. Judge of Election— G. H. Gross, R., 83; R. Warner, D., 66. Inspector —M. F. Lucore, R„ 86; 11. R. Klees, D., 64. EAST WARD. Burgess—R. M. Overhiser. R., 104. Auditor— I.K.Hockley, D., 76; G. S. Allen, R„ 82. Poor Master—F. P. Strayer, R., 103. Constable and Collector—Frederick Seger, R., 49; C. W. Shaffer, D., 70. Council—Allen Hamilton, R.,78; Rob't Green, D„ 58. Constable— R. D. Hacket, D., 79. Judge of Election—T. N. Hocket, D„ 108. In spector—F. O. Huntington, R., 68; Peter Schwei kart, D., 47. SIIIPPKN. Supervisors—N. S. Cutler, R„ 120; Burton Housler, R., 126; C. W.Spence, R., 101; A. B. Doll, 1J.,50; Rpb't Warner, D., 85; Ray Lyons, D., 45. Auditor-Willis Gaskill, R., 114; Mark Goodwin, D„ 62. Constable and Collector—Elihu Chadwick, R„ 123; Henry Lyons. D., 59. School Directors- Henry J. Newton, R„ 120; F. K. Zimmer, R„ 129; Adam Nickler, D., 75; Frank Moon, D., 41. Town Clerk—G. W. Leavitt, R.,131; Claud Lyons,»., 43. Poor Master—W. F. Lewis, R., 113; David Skill man, D., 71. Judge of Election—Lee Lewis, R., 127; Mike Hout, D., 46. Inspectors—Claud Lyons. Ill; Geo. Minard, D., 70. PORTAGE. Supervisors—C. J. Howard, R., 11; W. L. En. sign, It., 9; E. D. Sizer, R„ 8. Auditors—W. R- Sizer, R„ 8; E. N. McNarney, R., 9. Constable and Collector—J. H. Evans, IX, 10. School Di rectors—John Wygant, R., 8; Ernest Victory, R., 8. Town Clerk—Rob't McDowell, D., 7. judge of Election—Rob't McDowell, D., 7. Inspectors —C. M. Lucore, R., 2; J. H. Evans, D., 4. Supervisor—B. Dayton,'"it., 44; W. E. Devling, R.. 36; Tlieo. Marshall, R .34; Fred Schwab, D -19. Auditor— Fred Coinley, R„ 38; Dan E. Sulli, van, Jr., D.. 8. Constable aud Collector—W. 11. Smith, It., 35; C. B. Potter, D., 16. School Direc tors -Thus. M. Lew is, R„ 36; Geo. Lynch, R., 42- Roy Page, It., 29; Jos. Kissell, D., 13; J. R. Straw bridge, D., 16. Town Clerk—Rob't Hoyl, R 10. Constable-Cyrus Lupole, R., 40. Judge of Elec tion—Wm. Berry, R., 38; Ed. Schwab, D., 13. In spectors—W. T. Dininney, R., 31; Fred Schwab, D., 13. For repeal of road tax 7; against 16. omsoN. Snpervisors—J. E. Johnson, R.,31; J. O. Jordan- R., 26: J. J. Mix, R., 14; J. A. Shaffer, D., 30; New ton Mix, D.. 26; Anson Mason, D„ 28. Poor Mas ter—John McMillen, R., 21; G'. J. Miller, D., 36' Assessor—O. B. Tanner, R., 10; Geo. E.Wylie, D.' 47. Auditor—Tlios. Jordan, R„ 28; V. A. Brooks R.,S9;G. D.Miller, D„ 25; W. R. Smith, D., 25. Constable and Collector—C. W. Williams, R., 32; Chas. L. Miller, D., 24. Judge of Election—l,. A. Smith, R., 33. Inspector—H. H. Smith, R., 29; E. I). McQuay, D., 25. Town Clerk—Roy Jordan, I R-, 17; C. F. Collins, D., 35. School Director— I Byron Collins. R., 22; Tlios. Marsh, R., 23; Wes ley Barr, R., 17; C. J. Miller, IX, 30; C. M. Railey, D„ 23; B.J.Collins, D., 21. Judge-J. J. Mix, R„ I 17; C. M. Bailey, D., 36. Inspector—Byron Dueli, I R.,27. For repeal of road tax 10; against 21. Driftwood Borough had only one ticket in the ! Held, rendering it unnecessary to give the vote DROVE. ' Supervisons—R. M. Williams, R„ 21; Frank ; Miller, It., 66; G. W. Darren, R., 21; Lawrence Smith, I)., 39: Wm. Logue. D., 40. l'oor Master —Amos Swartwood, R., 32; E. C. Beldin, It., 60; ! John A. Wvkoff, D., 42. Auditor—T. 11. Piper, I It., 45; W. S. Swartwood, R., 46; Wm. Whcafon, , I)., 24; Geo. P. Shafer, D., 19. Constable and I Collector—J. It. Batchelder, It., 59. Justice of Peace-Elmer F. Smith, It., 69; Jno. A. Wykoff, ! It., 63. Town Clerk—l. W. Snyder, It., 67. j School Director -Geo. Goss, R., .'4; J. H. Hayncs. R., 34; Wm. Miller, D., 27. Judge—N. 11. Mc- Closkey, It, 47; O. L. Hal ley, 1)., 28. Inspectors —Arthur Bailey, It., 48. Jno. Swartz, D., 21. For repeal road tax 30; against 36. You can get all kinds of good cedar shingles at C. B. Howard & Co. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1906. (Irave Trouble Forseen. I( needs but little foresight, to tell, that when your stomach and liver are badly affect oil, grave trouble is ahead, unless you take the proper medicine lor your disease, as Mrs. John A. Young, of ('lay, N. Y , did. She sayt-: ''l had neuralgia of the liver and stomach, my heart was weakened, and I could not eat. I was very bad for a lonj; time, but in Electric Bitters, I found just what I needed, for they c|uickly relieved and cured me." Best medicine for weak women. Sold under guarantee by L. Tag "art druggist, at .">oe a bottle. If"GET THE HABIT 7 We are doing a splendid business. Our i I patrons seem to be so impressed with the de liciousness of our baked goods that many ot them have ''got the] habit" of coming here regularly. We anticipate more of that "habit," because our bread and pastry isjbet ter than ever before. Get the habit—the health giving habit of eating the products of our sanitary shop. Emporium Bakery BREAD OF QUALITY Door to Post Office, EMPORIUM, % SQUARE DEAL" l FREEDE- ,| f\ « «Tt A TELEPHONE I LIVERY I \ /% Y ORDERS ANYWHERE IJ/ \J[ Kj RECEIVE IN THE PROMPT BOROUGH The Satisfactory Store ATTENTION 5 People have come to learn upon this grocery store; to have full confidence in it's wares and it's service—just | as a traveler buying tickets by the Pennsylvania Rail- V road, knows he has the best. A Money can be and is saved, by many, by keeping B watch of this store and taking advantage of its FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIAL SALES. Are you one of the many? Heres the list for this week: FLOUR —>8 Bbl. sack Gilt Edge, a blended patent flour, for bread or pastry 65c. ™ BUTTER —Finest N. Y. State Creamery Butter in one lb bricks, wrapped in parchment, 30c. CREAM CUSTARD—ReguIar 10c package 3 for 25c. I Makes 1 quart fine custard or ice cream. PEACHES—Very choice evaporated Peaches 15c lb.. good value at 18c, our regulor price. FORCE —15c package "Force" Food 12c. So popular for breakfast. CANNED APPLES —Regular 25c size, 20c; regular IOC size 3 for 25c. BEANS—Finest California Lima Beans a lb Bc. CORNSTARCH—ioc package, absolutely pure Corn Starch 6c. LEMONS —Fancy California stock, thin skinned and juicy, a doz. 20c. LARD —Pure Leaf Lard in bulk a lb. ioc. WASHING POWDER —5c package Nine O'clock Washing Tea 4c SARDINES—ReguIar ioc size, domestic sardines, I packed in oil, the tin sc. I SOAP— 5c cake Miller's Naptha Soap 4c. A SUGAR— 2SIb bag best Granulated <M /H Sugar, JI.4U Tilings that you need everyday. Use Pratt's Foods and Veterinary | Remedies all the year. SURE! Pratt's Lice Killer. J. .H DAY, I A Phone 6. Emporium, Pa. 112!» OUR NEW LINE OF New Spring Line of Window Shades jjj| iffi from IOC to 75c per Shade. f] !| Wall Paper for 1906. I \n The best PAINT, Longman & Martinez, h I All Colors. | P Consists of the best'things from three factories. Also ■= —. fil the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper) of all j: Rodger's Stainfloor, the best made ffl jy klnds * for Floors. The Graves| line took | first prize in competition at St. «w » r"» * ■ A*rr\ Louts against the world. 11 ffVlv, m 1 I Jlf |J. (Si Bargain in Rooks. A complete set of Brittanica Ency clopaedia, consisting of thirty volumes and key Aro all now and in original packages. Will bo sold at a bargain, Apply at PRESS oflice. WJtf Warning. All persons are hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of thin Company without a permit Irom this office, or the Superintendant at the works. KEYSTONE POWDEU MFG. CO. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1!)03. 24-tr. m mmm '■ warnmmmmm wsmmsm % It*Kot Weather Money Sin s: AT R SKCiKR & SO NS' must take as great care of THE DOUGLAS SHOE Gives Satisfaction. make you^ comfortable these R. SEGER & SON, | m ~w<\ I East Emporium's | | Cash Store | [IU || J| Nobody ever saw such a Grocery Store. | 1 I OUR SPECIAL SALE TUESDAY, FEB. 13. § m rrl | jj We will Sell. . | p One piece 30c Red Henrietta, Sale S§ Ij Price, - 20c I h One piece 30c, Black Henrietta, Sale |J Price, - 20c ll 9 ® i m I Groceries. | p Live Oak extra large Fancy Italian ffl Prunes, - - 13c lb | p Extra Choice California Prunes lOc lb j| Extra Choice California Prunes, 8c lb if [ New Extra Fancy Corn, - 70c doz 1 k 1 jj It pays you to call on us; jl ||j anything we offer saves you fp money, both in Dry Goods. ij Notions and Hardware. U I I I 1 |gj Mail and Phone orders receive our careful attention. r|jj I I I Tompkins & Norris'. | (L phone 109 J One Minute Cough Cure Kodol Dyspepsia Cure For Coughs, Colds and Croup* Digests what yo-, <jat.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers