KM POKIUM MULING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., November 27, 19C5. N.iMOPHII.A, per sack |1 35 t'elt's Fancy, " 1 45 Pet Grove, " 1« 'iraham " 70 Rye " 65 Buckwheat " 70 Patent Meal., " SO Coarse Meal, per 100, 125 Chop Feed " 125 Middlings, Fancy" 1 35 Bran 1 10 Chicken Wheat 155 Corn, per bushel, 70 White Oats, per bushel 45 New Oats 'hoice Clover Seed, Choice Timothy Seed, I ~ M . rkpf n ri „„. Choice Millet Seed, 112 At Market Prices. Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, ) R.C. DODSON, THE Drdcjcjist, I*A. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. 'jjj u. c. DUHHON . Tele phono, 19-2. ——— LOCAL DKPAKI MKNT. PERSONAL (iOSSIP. Contributions mvited. That which you would ike to HCC in thin department,let US HWU poB - card or letter, j*ernonalljj. A. E. dross made the PRESS a shor social call last Thursday. Miss Nina Bryan accompanied Miss | Richardson to Pittsburg on Tuesday. | Mrs. Laura Bryan is spending Thanksgiving at Driftwood. Mrs. Harvey Keplieart, who resides on Salt Run is reported very sick with a severe cold. B. W. Green, Esq., returned on Mon day from visiting his Tioga county farm. Ben Gunzberg, of Renovo. was in Emporium on Saturday calling on his trade. Ex-County Treasurer Walter Youth ers transacted business in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Watkins, of Buffalo, are spending Thanksgiving with Mrs. 8. L. Stoddard. Mrs. McWilliams and Mrs. Stewart' of Bufialo, are guests Mrs. S. L. Stod dard and family. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Auchu and daughter Ellen are spending to-day with Williamsport friends Miss Christie McDonald came home from Allegany College to spend Thanksgiving with her parents. She will return on Monday. Geo. Dixon and family, of St. Marys, are spending the day with Mrs. Dixon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. (Jarriety of Sixth street. Miss Edith Heilman entertained a large party of friends last Saturday evening in honor of the Misses Nellie and Kathryn Miller, of Port Allegany # Mrs. Paul Smith and daughter, ot Punxsutawney, are visiting the form er's parents, Mr. and Mrs Lemuel Evans, on Sixth street. Misses Lura Holcomb, Rose Mary Quinn, Erma Randolph and Cecil Clark, four pleasant little East Ward ladies were PRESS calls on Monday. Chas. Leutz had the misfortune to sprain his right wrist wile engaged in smashing baggage. He hopes tore cover in time to celebrate his birthday Dec. 13th. M. L. Cumtnings, proprietor of the Emporium Bakery, made us a short business call on Friday. We are glad to note that the young man is meeting with success in his business. Mrs. Mary Beers, of East Emporium, was a PRESS caller on Monday, chang ing the address ou her PRESS to El mira, N*. Y., where she will spend the winter months. She went yesterday morning. Editor Hoclcley visited the old farm, near .Muncy, over Sunday, comiug home loaded down with apple butter schnitz, g.<rlick, Uverworst and balls of dutch cheese, strong enough to break up a democratic caucus. We under stand they will not allow him to stop in a warm room more than five min utes. without o|>eiiinK th»" windows and burning coffee. Our good friend t'lia* 1.. liutler met with a painful accident last Thursday' just a* we went to press with our paper. While having some work done in L. s. Fl«k'» fact ory he had the mis fortune to g»-t the third linger of his *efl hand ngallMt a saw, • uttiug off tin lip of the finger. Dr. I'.ilk dri -ed the Injury an I * "It is. will MJ <n be t*bit> to renuiiK'b itii e< ■ ,ind no doubt i* thank rui Mm i«|)ai, i,1,.' « . A. Q. SCAMNION'S Fascinating Comedy The Village Fool By FRANK OWEN At Opera House, Dee. 6th. A rare treat. The peacemaker of ! rural comedy. Wholesome and finish- j ed. Laughter galore. Grand scenic | display. Prices—7s, 50, 35 and 25c. Liars Club. The Sinnamahoning Liars Club is j doing fine. All that is wanted is a little snow and the house will he filled. New rules have been adopted and any member telling a yarn over a year old is fined 13 cents and stand suspended until the fine is paid. There has been so many yarns spun that are old and worn out, that the members begin to think they true, this being against the rules of the organization, which must be strictly adhered to. I. R. B. and Pap Blodget have agreed to surprise the club should a little fall of snow come and will beat the man who found the automobile tire in the hog's stomach. That fellow is wel come to our ranks, and should his name be proposed, he will be accepted sure pop. We need more material of this kind. The Treasurer reported the funds of the club getting very low, only six cents being in sight. The hat will be passed Saturday night. It is not safe togo into the woods without a little snake bite as it makes better yarns on your return. FIDE. Lily Dew. The most delightful preparation for | I ladies and gentlemen's toilet. It ira- | i ports to the skin a delicious freshness ! that can be gained no other way. Posi j tively removes tan and sunburn. Will j not irritate the most sensitive skin and ; will not rub off or show like powder, j Manufactured only by MRS. EVA I TKTKR, Emporium, Pa. Rooms over post office. .">S»-tf. NOTES OF INTEREST. Head O. B. Barne's fresh leaders in j this issue. John Day makes his usual weekly bow to his customers in this week's PRESS. Mrs Murphy, whose husband was one of the dynamite victims, gave birth to a daughter this morning. One can hear the hollow voice of, and see the great cataract Niagara de picted in a strikingly true manner in "Over Niagara Falls." This scene is the talk of the theatrical world. Em porium Opera House, Saturday, Dec. 2. WANTED: —Representative in own community. §500.00 capital required. Good salary to right party. Bona-tide real estate proposition. Address New Martinsville Improvement Co., Wheel ing or Steelton, W. Va n36tf. Sentiment, villainy, and sparkling humor make "Over Niagara Falls" at tractive, and it more than fulfiils its mission as a pleasing theatrical offer ing. Emporium Opera House, Satur day, Dec. 2. A most effective and delightful fea ture of "Over Niagara Falls" is the great Falls scene, regarded by produc ers as the acme of electrical and mech anical ingenuity. Emporium Opera House, Dec. 2. Every man owes it to himself and his family to master a trade or profes sion. Read the display advertisement of the six Morse Schools of Telegraphy, in this issue and learn how easily a young man or lady may learn tele graphy and be assured a position. 24-4 m. Election Notice. Members of Gladioli Hive, L. O. T. M., are hereby notified that the annual election of officers will be held at the regular review Tuesday, Dec. sth; full attendance is requested. HELENA M. BUTLER, R. K. Warning. All persons are hereby forbidden from j trespassing upon the property of this Company without a permit from this office, or the Superintendant at the works. KEYSTONE POWDER MFG. CO. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 11103. 24-tf. Nature Needs But Little. Nature needs ouly a Little Kurly Riser now and th>»n to keep the bowels clean, the liver active, and the system free from bile, headaches, constipation, etc. The j famous little pills "Early Risers" are pleasant in effect and perfect in action. They never or sicken, hut tone and strengthen the liver aud kidneys. Sold by H. (,'. Dudson. The i mmmr. Kllson—(Jaybird's wlfs used to be awfully stout, and now she Is ijulte thin What caused the change, I won der'.' Marlow Divorce Tbl* |*n'f the i saint* wife Town ami Country. A had mail In worst when tie l»rs temls to be a saint Macod Q CUBES WHEHE All ELSE FAILS BO II . ; , . I qjp I I M'll mi l^i I I CAMKRON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, reps Christmas Photographs. I wish to call the attention of my ] | customers and advise them to place ; there orders for Christmas crayons as | soon as possible. While I will take i orders for Christmas deliveries up to | j December 15th, I think it advisable for you to get your order in as soon as j j possible so as to give me ample time jto do the work. Now Ido all kinds of j | crayons, pastells, sepia, water colors ! ! and oil at the cheapest possible price j j and I am here always to back up my ' j guarantee which is satisfaction, and | that they will not fade. Do not giveyour orders to strangers, patronize home trade and get better work fully guaranteed and at a much lower price. Now is the time to get your phoths made for Christmas. Set now and get them later for as the holi day season approaches business gets rushed and therefore causing many disappointments in not getting your photos done. One dozen photographs 1 makes twelve Christmas presents, j Call and see what nice work I am j doing. W. G. BAIR. How's This. We offer One Huudred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHKNEY & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned,have known F. | J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- I lieve him perfectly honorable in all j business transactions, and financially I able to carry out any obligations made j by bis firm. WALWNU, K INN AN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. j Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern- [ ally, acting directly upon the blood 1 and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- ; pation. Paying a Debt of Gratitude. Mr. Mott Allen, foreman. Union City,! (I'a.) Chair Factory, 11 1 was badly i afflicted with rlicuiuati.-iu for more than cijjit months: tit times had to got up at • 11 o'clock ami stay up the balance of the ; night; could not dress myself without j the aid of my wife: am now entirely • | cured, ;m«i by the use of only one f>llc | bottleoi' ('rocker's lthumatic Remedy. R. ('. Dodsou. 21sept.'5m. CONAN DOYLE, THE FAMOUS i CREATOR OF "SHERLOCK HOLMES 'RECEIVES THE HIGHEST PRICE EVER PAID IN AMERICA FOR ANY SER IAL STORY • — $25,000 for Just the Magazine Rights of His Thrilling New Romance, "Sir Nigel." EXCLUSIVELY iN THE SUNDAY PHILA-i DELPHIA PRESS. When the most successful novelist of i our time at the zenith of his fame, writes , his undoubted masterpiece, the literary ; event calls for more than passing com- ( ment. The eyes of all the world who ■ write, and of all the world, who read, be* \ come fixed upon the career of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Knight by grace of King j Edward, and by grace of the people the first story-teller in the world to-day. No author is better qualified to put j forth a volume that will endure as long 1 as English literature is extant than C'ouan { Doyle, and no work will come nearer I being the greatest story that the world | has ever read than "Sir Nigel" for which j the astonishing price of 825,000 has been i paid, not oniy for just the American ! magazine rights, but for the rights for j just this publication. All the critics say that Conan Doyle's I fame rests not upon his "Sherlock Holmes" stories, but upon his "White j Company," a tale of the middle ages. I And another "White Company" this' thrilling new romance is to be, in which 1 Conan Doyle takes up "Sir Nigel" at the j age of twenty-two, just as he is setting; forth in life to mend with his sword the j fallen fortunes of his noble house and | family. Critics and editors who have been fav ored with early readings of it say it is unquestionably the greatest historical ro mance ever written, and will without doubt be the literary sensation of the year. The first installment begins in the Sunday Magazine section of"The Phila delphia Press,' beginning Sunday, December !5. Nowhere else can it be procured in book or other form; therefore it behoves you to leave your order with your uewsdealer or carrier to serve you with "The Sunday Press" of that date, December 3. p^^OTmm-a^aTS^'^cip.qi^'OT'^^'ailSlaiiglijsiagai^agigsiyn'.te-s.iwsiaiia.^ '|t, OUR NEW LINE OF NeW * ,,r '" K of Wl " < '°" Shade- T | ]|| from ioc to 75c per jg| jj Wall Paper for 1905. tp . IMT : . * fj '' i }_ The best PAINT. Longman <fc Martinez, ffl All Colors. ffpj (I Consists of the best'things from three factories. Also - fij tlu* Roln-rt Graves Co.'s Hue of Decoration Papeijofall Rodger's StainflOOr, the best made for Floors. |l The C.iavf | line | first pn/.t in < >ui|« tition at St. «■ 4 1313 V' C II /\\/IA M ll i\ rv *V ■ • I I J■ u. Bargain in Books. A complete set ofßrittanica Ency- S clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes ! and key. Are all new and in original l packages. Will be sold at a bargain, I Apply at PRKSH office. 36tf LICENSE APPLICATIONS. I "VTOTICE IS HKIIEBY GIVEN that the fol •,1 \ lowing named persons have Hied their j»e , titions for Licenses, in mv olHce, according to j law. for the term of December Court, 1005: HOTEL LICENSES. Grove Township. (). L. Bailey,. Enterprise House (ieo. I*. Hhafer, SinnemahoninK House H. W. Martimlale ami H. A. Smith, doing busi ness as Smith & Company, Brooks Run Hotel Driftwood. W. If. Mitchell, Mitchell House Thos. J. Riley, Commercial House Sophia McVicker, Lafayette Hotel A. M. McDonald, Curtin House Ciihson Township. J. H. Welton Evergreen Hotel Lumber Township. P. J. Robinson .. ..Sterling House Mary A. Furlong, Alpine House .John M. Olsen, The Valley House A. F. Walker, Cameron House Portage Township. J J.H.Evans,.... Sizerville Springs Hotel Emporium, Last Ward, Motel Licenses. j P. H. Kilday, St. Charles Hotel I M. F. Hamilton, Cook's Hotel John L. Johnson American Hotel John Costello Eagle Hotel | Richard J. Loyd, Exchange Hotel Samuel D. McDonald Central House | Emporium, Middle Ward, hotel Licenses. .Joseph L. Wheeler, New Warner House j Michael J. Dolan City Hotel 1 John Gumming* Cottage Hotel i I). W. Donovan, Emporium House Michael Murphy Commercial House RESTAURANT LICENSES. EMPORIUM, MIDDLE WARD. William McDonald, Novelty Restaurant j Charles F. Farley ; Star Restaurant j EMPORIUM EAST WARD. Daniel MoOormlck, East Ward Restaurant , WHOLESALE LICENSES. Henry Kraft, Emporium A. A. McDonald, Emporium 1 F. X. Bliunlc Shippen Township BOTTLERS LICENSE. F. X. HI mule, Shippen Township | Henry Kraft, . Emporium C. JAY GOODNOUOH, Clerk Q. S. / lOURT PROC LA M ATION.—Wif ERKA HI —The V J Hon. CHAB. A. MAYER President Judge and the Hons. JOIIN MCDONALD and GEO. J.LABUR, Associate Judges of Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General .Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, < )rphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas for the county of Cameron have issued their precept bearing date the 25th day of Oct. A. i)., 1905, and to me directed for holding Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Jail De livery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court of Common Pleas in the Borough of Emporium, Pa., on Monday, the : 18th day of Dec, 1905, at 10 o'clock, a. m.. and to continue one week. Notice is hereby given to the Coroners, Justices 1 of the Peace and Constables within the county, that they be then and there in their proper per- ! sons, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and ! other rememberances, to do those things which 1 to their offices appertain to be done. And those who are bound by their recognizance to prosecute , against them as will be just. ! Dated at Emporium, Pa., Nov. 27, 1905, i • and in the 130 th year of the Independence of the j ; United States of America. HARRY HEMPHILL. Sheriff. Notice of Application tur Amendment of Charter. j "VTOTICE is hereby given that an application i will be made to the Court of Common Pleas I of Cameron county on the Bth day of December, I 1905, at 10 o'clock, a. m., for '.the approval and 1 granting of a certain amendment to the charter I of the First Presbyterian Church of Emporium, ' j as set forth in the petition therefore filea in said I Court agreeably to the provisionsof the Corpor- j tion Act of 1871 and its supplements. JOHNSON A: McNARNEY, ! 39-3t. • Solicitors. | Executor's Notice. I Estate of GEORGE A. WALK EH. late of Em- j porium. Courtly of Cameron, Pa., Oeceaaed. IETTERS testamentary upon the above estate I J having been granted to the undersigned, all i 1 persons having claims against the Hameare here ' by notified to present them without delay and j ■ those indebted thereto to make immediate pay- ' ! ment to WILLIAM S. WALKER, Executor, j Emporium, Pa., Nov. ltth, 1905.—SiMit. j SPECIAL CASH [ PRICES | £ AT \ 0. B. Barnes' | } POPULAR FAMILY GROCERY £ > STORE. ? \ (One day only or until stock is sold j j FRIDAY, DEC. I, 05 | I J 15c can Red Alaska Salmon 10c S j Daisy or Snow Flake Flour, $1.20 ( Special prices on our Bargain J | > Day in all departments. Choice : s lino of goods to select from. ! s WE KEEP ONLY THE BEST- ) 112 0. B. BARNES < | I Allegany Avenue, \ j ( 'Phone Ht. £ At the Emporium Opera House, Saturday, December 2, 1905. f\ A Rowland & Clifford's ! GIGANTIC Seenie Production NIAGARA If you havn'tseen the Falls J here is your chance. Imi- ri fit M M tation surpasses realism. A Picturesque, Elaborate and Perfect Presentation of a Thrilling and Powerful Play. HII H Home of ASA PHILIPS, Chautauqua Lake, Jamestown, N. V. Wl4 M GOAT ISLAND, just above Niagara Palls. |Lj|i|i NIAGARA FALLS—The Grandest Sight in the word. THE INDIAN CONGRESS—Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo. PRICES—7Sc, 50c, .'iou and "25c. Friday and Saturday Money Saving Prices J gj fancy -\r*<rr OHOICEST if] CALIFORNIA j[ | J FLORIDA ft LEMONS ORANGES M l| 25c Ooien. The Satisfactory Store 30c 1 ijM will take but a tew moments to read these prices |j|| and then yon will know where to come in order to real- sjj|| jM ize the largest saving on your grocery needs. Many l|| |fl have solved the problem by trading here constantly— Mjl : !|||!| Have you? Then why not begin now. I 'M, Gilt Edge Flower, (blended spring and winter |l| j® wheat patent) lb sack 70c. jM ! P| 25II) bag best Granulated Sugar, $1.40. Boneless Breakfast Bacon, narrow strips alb 12 ]/>c jjfp ' Hp Small Sugar Cured Hams a lb 12c. IsP i |g|, 15c Mince Meat, something fine, a lb 12c. i flf Eight 5c cakes acme soap for 25c. i}|| I Canned Tomatoes, Peas, Pumpkin, Baked Beans, SSj, | ilff ioc values, 3 cans for 25c. ;jM 1 M ioc box Enameline Stove Polish, liquid or dry Sc. if j m The genuine Walter Ba cer & Co's Chocolate, || j M Fairbank's Gold Dust Washing Powder, 4lb j|| | Borden's Peerless Cream a can ioc. j|| Booth's Baltimore Oysters. Booth's Lake Fish. |j| 111 Leave your orders for delivery Friday morning. j|| IJ Lettuce, Cape Cod Cranberries, Radishes, Florida Grape Fruit, ml I Celery, Northern Spy Apples, !|k Parsley, Pears. ftl Figs in Layers, Figs in Baskets, Sultanic Raisins W in packages, Seeded Raisins in packages, Citron, Lemon ™ and Orange Peel, Glace Chrrries, Plum Pudding, Pure M j||j Fruit Jams rnd Jellies, Confections and Nuts. | Holiday Goods. I |f§ jttjj Telephone orders given careful attention. J®| 8 I | J. H. DAY.I Phone 6. Emporium, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers