Gerrrjeror) [fWss. RITA BUSHED BYC.B. GOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Per year . |2 00 paid ia advance I 1 so ADVERTISING RATER. Advertlsementsarepublishedat the rate of one dollar per square for one insertion and liftycenta per square lor each subsequent insertion. Rates by the year or for six or three months are low and uniform, and will befurnished on appli cation Legal and Official Advertising persquare.three tuies or less, s'2 00; each subsequent insertlonSO cents per square. Local notlcestencents per line for onei nscrtion, Ave cents per line for eaehsubsequeutconsecutive Insertion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per line. Simpleannouncements of births, marriages and deaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, five lines or less 15.00 per year over five lines, at the regular rates of advertising No local inserted for less than 75 cts.per issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PRESS is complete, ■»nd aH'ords facilities for doing the best class of work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Law Printing. No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers sent out ofthe county must be paid for t n advance. O-No advertisements will be accepted at less than the price for fifteen words. «4~Religious notices free. WASHINGTON LETTER. (From our Regular Correspondent.) Washington, Nov. 2">th, 1905. Editor Press:— j Secretary Shaw has given it out ( to some personal friends that there Will be no call in the coming Presi dential message for fresh financial legislation so far as he is concern ed. He lias not given any lignres, but states that the condition of the country is much better than dur ing the last fiscal year and that the delicit which was then some thing like S'JI.OOO.UOO will be con siderably reduced. Secretary Shaw has been called upon by a number of business delegations that feared the imposition ol' fresh taxes and he assured them all that he was not in favor of upsetting the business conditions by any fresh financial legislation at this time. This assurance has been very grateful to the industries that thought they were threat ened and is in line with the stand that has been taken by Speaker Cannon and the leaders in the Senate against any attempt at financial legislation just now. Whether the message will contain any recommendations for tariff re vision, it is of course impossible to say. It is known that next to rail way rate legislation, the President is most anxious for tariff legis lation, but in view of the bad pros pect for legislation except of the most necessary sort and many other matters clamoring for atten tion. It is possible that the mat tor will be allowed togo for the time being and will be dealt with in a special message later on. There is a fear expressed in some quarters that the canal situation •nay have an unfavorable effect on the financial showing of the coun try. It is stated that before Con gress passes the canal bond bill, the canal commission will have contracted liabilities amounting to fully §li;.oo > noo that will have to be met by th>* close of the cOming fiscal year. It is the intention of the Commission to pay back this money into the Treasury out of the proceeds of the bond sale, but there will be some delay in issuing the Bonds as additional legislation will be needed before they are available as the basis of national bank circu lation. They were not so made by the Spooner Act and it is recog ai/ed that they are to bring much above par or even that. There has been some discussion as to whether the Panama Canal Commission wasauthoized togo on with the work and contract bills in excess of the $10,000,000 already appropriated. Hut the matter was lad before both Secretary Taft and Chairinau Shouts and they both ■greed that under the Spooner Act Ihe President was empowered togo ahead with the construction of the canal certainly up to the limit of the 000,000 authorized in the bond issue in addition to the 810,- 000,000 already granted. The board of consulting engineers of the canal have already held their last aieeting before reassembling in Krussels where the report will be finally signed. They will sail be- ' fore tin' end of this month. H«Wl'>m is such beautiful scenery pre •tented by a trailing < oinpany as thai Which will lie shown in "Over Niagara Jfetls." I'liU'iriuia Opera House, Saturday, Dw?. 2. Son Lost Mother. -'Consumption rutin in cue family, and through it I lost my mother," writ CM E. 15. Reid, of Harmony, Me# "For the past fiv>' years, however on the slightest sign of a Cough or Cold, I have taken Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, which has saved me from serious lung trouble." I lis mother's death was a sad loss for Mr. lleid, but he learned that lnn«r trouble must not be neglected, and how to cure it. Quickest relief and eure for coughs and colds. Price 50c and SI.00; guaranteed at L. Taggart's drug store. Trial bottles free. There is no preservatiou without puri fication. Man's Unreasonableness. Is often as great as woman's. But Thos. S. Austin, Mgr.. of the "Republi can." of Leavenworth, lnd., was not un reasonable, when he refused to allow the doctors to operate on bis wife, for female trouble. ''lnstead,' lie says, we concluded to try Electric Hitters. My wife was theu so sick, she ceuld hardly leave her bed. and five [s] physicians had failed to relive her. After taking Electric Bit ters. she was perfectly cured, and can now perform all her household duties." Guaranteed by L. Taggart druggist, price 50c. There is seldom any salt in the salted sermon. "1 Thank The Lord." Cried Hannah I'lant, of Little Rock- 1 Ark., "for the relief 1 got from Ruck len s Arnica Salve. It cured my fearful running sores, which nothing else would heal, and from which I had suffered for 5 years." It is a marvelous healer for cutf, burns and wounds. Guaranteed at L. Taggart's drug store: Laziness is the fruit of misdirected philosophy. A Disastrous Calamity. It is a disastrous calamity, when you lose your health, because indigestion and constipation have sapped it away, l'rouipt relief can be bad in Dr. King's New Life Pills. They build up your di gestive organs, and cure headache, diz zincs, colic, constipation, etc. Guaran teed at L. Taggart's drugstore; 25c. You can't always tell—unless you are a woman. Do not be deceived by counterfeits when you buy Witch Hazel Halve. The name of E. (!. DeWitt & Co., is on every box of the genuine. Piles in their worst form will soon pass away if you will ap ply DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve night and morning. Rest for Cuts, Rums. Roils, Tetter, Eczema, etc. Sold by R. C. Dodson. The crying need of a childless home is a baby. A Liquid Cold Cure. A (lough Syrup which drives a cold out of the system by acting as a cathartic on the bowels is offered in Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. Clears the throat, strengthens the lungs and bronch al tubes. The mother's friend and the children's favorite. Rest for Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. A liquid cold cure and the only Couub Syrup which moves the bowels and works all cold out of the system. Sold by R. C. Dodson. A life is but a lamp, without the oil of love. But Few Are Free. Rut few people are entirely free from indigestion at this season of the year. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is not only the best remedy to use because it digests what you eat but because it also enables the digestive apparatus to assimilate and transform all foodt into tissues—builJing blood. Kodol relieves sour stomach, heart burn, belching, and all forms of In digestion. Imagination doeth make cowards of us all. he Kept up in the Race. James S. Barreu, President Manchest er Cotton Mills, Rock Hill, S. C., writes: "In 1883 I painted my residence with L. &M. It looks better than a great many bouses painted three years ago. Don't pay $1.50 a gallon for linseed oil, which you do in ready for use paint Buy oil fresh from the barrel at (JO cents per gallon, and mix it with Long man & Martinez L. & M. Paint. Wears and Covers like gold. Kvery Church given a liberal quantity when bought from Harry S. Lloyd. The small heart is likely to hold big j sins. Kvery Ounce You Eat. Every ounce of food you eat that fails to digest does a pound of harm. It turns the entire meal iuto poison. This not only deprives the blood of the necessary tissues—building material, but it poisons it. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a perfect digestant. It digests the food regardless of the condition of the stomach. It al lows that organ to rest and tret strong agaiu. Relieves Belching. Heart Burn. Sour Stomach, Palpitation of the Heart, etc. Sold by R. C. Rod sun. Latest Popular Music. Miss May Oould, teacher of piano forte, lias received a full line of the lat wt ami most popular sheet music. All the popular airs. Popular and class it al music. I'ricett reasonable. I l-tt CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1905. CAMERON. Mrs. E. Krape, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olson, who has been seriously ill is recovering and her many friends hope to see her well again Boon. Mr. Fred Meagher and wife, of Port Allegany, are visiting at the Huntington Farm. Operators Page and Hoyt, of Cameron station, are on the sick list, their places being filled by operations Randolph, of Emporium, and Lewis, of Elgin. By the way operator Lewis is aomething of I a pugilist, having shown one of our young men a few points Monday evening. J. 11. Yocum left for Natchez, Miss., where he has accepted a position with the i Amalgamated Lumber Co. Everybody is workiug but l ? ncle John McCann. We are glad to see that Susie and ! Willie Sullivan are able to be out again, aftei their severe sickness with typhoid fever. Thomas Schrieves has returned from West Virginia, where he has been em ployed by the Dunlevie Lumber Co. Frank Toner and Robert Smith were business callers in Reechwood Saturday, inspecting some tiuilxr property. Mrs. G. L. Page is visiting friends in Westport and Cooks Run Mrs. Olsen has returned from Williams | port, where she has been visiting her ! | daughter. Mrs. Robert Lord is visiting friends in i i Sinnamahoning. Mrs. F. C. lloyt has returned from a visit with friends in Rochester. Miss Lulu Dickey, of Renovo, spent a j few days with friends in town last week, j The parties who dropped their glove in i Robert Lord's heu coop can have same 1 Iby calling at Mr. Lord's residence. Mr. I | Lord says no one can steal chickens with j j gloves on. The oyster supper and dance giv<;n at j j the K. (J. Iv Hall for the purpose of i raising funds to purchase a new organ ' for the school, was a complete success. ! (treat credit is due to the earnest efforts, ! ! of Mr. John Schwab and Miss Edna i Summcrson, the two popular school teach- i ers. We are proud of our school and of our teachers. The steady advancement > of our children in their studies is a I splendid tribute to their efficiency. Foreman Robinson has lost a pig. j i Suitable reward will be paid if returned | to owner. The poet laureate be;rs to add: Has any one seen 'Squire Robinson's pig. He has ears like a mule but not near as big; He can run like a race horse and swim like a duck While Joseph pursues hiin with very bad luck. J. F. S. HUNTLEY. | Ervin Parks has recovered from a j severe attack of grip. 11. F. Smith, of Cameron, passed through here this week with a buck deer. Wm. and David Logue are enjoying a hunting trip this week. Mrs. W. R. Smith of Kohinoor .lune- | I tion was guest of Mrs. Dennis O'Sullivau j ! of Large Run, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Carson of River- , ! side Terrace, spent Sunday with Mrs. D. j ' O'Sullivan. Wm. Carter of the Wilson Hros., Lutu | ber Co., while walking past one of the j j lumber piles had a very narrow escape, I Thursday night. Some heavy timbers became loosened and fell upon him, bearing him to the ground and cutting • him severely about the face and head. He was rescued in an unconscious con dition and it will be some time before he will be well again. Misses Alice Jordan and Myrtle Logue gave an oyster supper last Frinay even ing for the benefit of the union church. While the attendance was fairly good, it might have been better had it been ad vertised a littte more. The PRKSS is always willing to lend a helping hand in sucq worthy causes. A meeting of the church people of Huntley was called Thanksgiving day in honor of Rev. Miss Hayward, who was presented with a colleetiou, accompanied ! by the best wishes of the community for ; her good work here the past season. J A. W. Smith had charge ot the cerc- I monies. j As I'ncle Hilly Shakespeare says: The eagle is a noble bird. He spreads his wings on high; We pay him highest tribute On the Fourth day of July. The turkey ia another bird. He walks upon the ground, And every one his praises sing, | When the Holidays come arouDd. But while we love our Eagle dear. And honors to him pay. The Turkey has the drop on him. Upon Thanksgiving day- J. K. S. | No*. », 1905. SINNAMAHONING. | Hunting is all the go now and a | good many are iu the woods. J. A. Wykoff brought in the first deer | of the season. There are about siity-five hunters ou I Carthaus mountain this week. No deer I as yet. Constable ('rain is still after the Sab bath breakers. He artecied a party for shooting birds on Sunday. J. R Ituehelder. constable and col lector for < jrove township was up to the county seat last \Vedn»>day and settled up his duplicate to rIOO.V lie was the j last to get his duplicate and the second t.> to settle. The l.iars Club In- stinted up for the winter iu nood ship-, according to thu I hunting stories. Bushor said he captur- i ed a coon a few nights ago that weighed | forty pounds, dressed. Will Davis said he killed one that dressed eighty pounds; then comes Geo. Logue with another whopper as big as a common pig, a fam of four coons dressing 140, 137 and 131 pounds and a 40 pound cub. It don't pay to raise hogs here since such coons can be caught. James Little Logue captured a big three pronged doe deer last week. The little daughter of A. L. St. Clair's while after the cow. one evening last week came upon a bear, which was eat ing wild grapes. The bear growled and run one way and the littie girl the other. She said the bear seemed to run faster than jhe did but she did not want to see where it went, so long as it did not i bother her. J. F. Wolf had a close call and not break the game law last Wednesday. He killed a large doe deer and forgot to reload his gun. When a large buck came prancing along, he snapped him and found that he had no load in his gun. The Powder Company have about eighty stone masons at work, hurrying up the foundations before the ground freezes. Miss Nellie Marsh and Miss Avis Lane of Mason Hill, were visiting friends here Friday. Miss Mabel Ingerson of Providence, R. 1., visited Miss Ethel Barr at Wy- I side, Thursday. Wm. Shores of Dußois visited among friends here last week. DEIS.SK. ! - SIZERVILLE. W. 11. Sizer is now able to be around j i again. I X. C. Steven of Gardeati was in town j Sunday. Miss Maud Kvans and Mr. William ! McDowell, of this place were united id j marriage before Squire Lirrabeeat Kin poriutn last Thursday. We wish the couple many happy returns. Mr. and Mrs. Jonn Wygant left Tues | day to attend Wm. Sprung's funeral at ' Emporium. The shock of explosion at Emporium j was plainly felt here and at Gardeau. SENATOR. ! The Columbia Hearld gives the fol lowing hint which would be invaluable to newspaper men but for one thing: "The time to borrom money," said a Calumbian the other day, "is when you don't need it. If you have §lO in your pocket and don't need any more; borrow $6 from the first friend you meet. Then repey him the next day and he will imagine himself under ob ligations to you. Then the next time you really need money, it will be easy to get it from him." STRANGE ADVICE! &T. (i. G Green gives alert personal attention I to his great humanitarian contract. <JIn onr Almanac for many years past we have given unusual advice to those afflic ted -with coughs, colds, throat or lune troubles or consumption. We have told them if they did not receive any special benefit after the use of one 75-cent size bottle of German Syrup, to consult their doctor. qWe did not ask them or urge | them to use a large number of bottles, as is the case in the advertising of many other remedies. Our confidence in Ger man Syrup makes it possible for us to give such advice. fl\Ve know by the ex perience of over 35 years that one 75-cent bottle of German Svritp will speedily re lieve or cure the worst coughs, colds, bronchial or lung troubles—and that, even in bad cases of consumption, one large bottle of German Syrup will work wonders. (JN'ew trial bottles, 25c.; reg : ulur size, 75c. At all druggists. « R. C. DODSON. WDfT? for Married uLUiIL uMen,Women Write me for further Information, seutin plain envelope, regarding a book of confidential infor mation for people only, or those contem plating marriage, written in plain language, dis cussingevery relation between man and woman, physically and morally. Making clear nature's heretofore mysterious process of human birth. Correspondence confidential. MRS. STETSON, 1211 Flatiron Hullding, New York City. The Great Headache Cure, Bromo- Pepsin " Note The Word Pepsin. " CURES ImligftiUoii, Insomnia. iVrvAiiMifs.x, On the Spot. \u Opiates. Ilisoliil«*ly Harmless. Ml Druggist*', Itlc, Jsc, and 50c. 1.. TAO'iAK'l', Kmi urlum, I'.i. flot Weather Money Savers^ 1 | I,,a^e >' ou comfortable these ■ Shirts, Underwear and Hose. J I R. SEGER & SON. I A Next to Bank. A East Emporium's 1 Cash Store | Nobody ever saw such a Grocery Store. iji l| - j I |f I'lie Fooll Store is at its Best. Our j) Special Days are Every Day. | a d I OUR SPECIAL SALE TUESDAY, DEC. 5. § I i lii I [ii i ||i| This is but a hint of the many good things toeatin p |Sjj onr Model Grocery y h Mince Meat, Perfection Brand per lb 10c n bS Raisins, seeded, extra fine new goods, Ilb pkgs . . 11c jf t= Currants, best grade thoroughly cleaned, per lb . . 9c =j Early June Peas per can 9, 10, 12 and 20c The finest New York State Canned Vegetables, si' If Corn, Lima and String Beans, Tomatoes, etc. jjjL If Prunes, finest Santa Clara, large and meaty per lb 9c •jF jj| Olives, selected quality, per bottle 10 and 23c ijplj jjjf Walnuts, New Grenoble, per lb 18c fij ji| Brazil Nuts, sound and sweet 15c || I. Filberts, extra large size, choice quality 15c j. = Pecans, cleaned and polished, per lb 14c J Malaga Grapes, large, heavy, sound clusters a lb. . . 18c jj 'll! Butter, the best Creamery in the market per lb. . . 2Xc JOT Oranges, California and Florida. it Leave vour orders for Turkeys, Ducks and Chickens. || If ft 1 i sf 1 It pays you to call on us; pj anything we offer saves you money, both in Dry Goods, Notions and Hardware. q i ( I If {i 01 = Mail and Phone orders receive our careful attention. fll '[ Tompkins & INorris'. V- Phone --°- 9 J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers