€»«in)eiv)r) (Semrjfy J^ress. ESTABLISHED BY C. B.GOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVEKY THURSDAY TERMS O F SU BSCRIPTION: ?er year #2 oo if paid is advance II 50 ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisements are publish edat the rate of one dullar per square for one insert ion and fifty cents per squiii e for each subsequent insertion. Kate-, by tiie > ear or foi MX or three months are aw and uniform, anil will be furnished on appti lation Legal and Official Advertising persquarc. three times or less, $2 00; each subsequent insertionso cents per square. Local notfcestencents per line for onei nsertion, five cents per line for each subsequent consecutive insertion. Obituary notices over Ave lines, ten cents per line. Simp'eannounceinentsofbirthti.marriages and deaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, five lines or less $.">.00 peryear over five lines, at the regular rates of advertising N'o locali nserted for less than 75 cts.per issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PRESS is complete, iuU at'ords facilities for doing the best cIaRS of «rork. PAKTICL'LAB ATTENTION I'AID TO Law Ftinting. No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages are paid, except at the option ofthe publisher. Papers sent out of the county must be paid for »u advance. advertisements will be accepted at less Mian the price for fifteen words. •♦-Religious notices free. Attractive as our Homes. Ten Thousand Churches painted with !i. & M., paint, and are most attractive. Liberal quantity always given free. 4 gallons L. Ac M , mixed with 3 gal- Jons oil, will paint a house. Wears and covers- like gold. Don't pay 51.50 a gallou lor linseed oil, which you do in ready for use paint. Buy oil fresh from the barrel at GO fen's per gallou, and mix it with Long man & Martinez L. & M., Paint. It makes paint cost about Si.2o per Hallon. DeLancey (<regorv, Fort Plain, N. Y., writes: '•Have sold L. & M.. paiut for over 25 years, and everyone is surprised to find how little is required to paint a big house." Sold by Harry S. Lloyd. Night Prowling Thieves. Croup and Whooping Cough come Rke a thief in the night, stealing into fasten the farms of mortal disease upon Hie children as they peacefully sleep in their little beds. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar, the new discovery for Coughs and Colds, will drive out these death dealing demons before the doctor can arrive. It protects the lives aud health of the little ones. Contains no opiates. Keep it handy. Sold by R. C. Dodson. The wise man takes a back seat and watches the fool butt into danger. The Colonel's Waterloo. Colonel John M. Fuller, of' Honey Grove, Texas, nearly met his Waterloo, from Liver and Kidney trouble. In a recent letter, he says:"l was nearly dead, nf these complaints and, although I tried my family doctor, he did me no good; so 1 a 500 bottle of your great Electric Hitters, which cured tne. 1 con sider them the best medicine on earth, and thank (rod who gave you the know ledge to make them.' Sold, and guaran teed to cure, Dyspepsia, Biliousness aud Kidney Disease, bv L. Taggart druggist, ■ind 50c a bottle. God never mistakes polish of manner for purity of heart. Buckwheat. Prime Chicken Peed, 65c per bushel. Japanese Seed, 75c per bushel. Terms cash only. 4 (it. CLIMAX POWDER COMPANY. LOST—Friday March 10, White En glish Setter Dog, with rod ears, red spot on side and red spot at root of tail; answers to the name of "Mack"; wore black leather collar with ring. Liberal reward for any information leading to bis recovery. C. A. DICE, 4 2t. Sterling Run, Pa. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known P. J. Cheney for the 'ast 15 years, and be lieve hiin perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi monials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for Consti pation. Incredible Brutality. It would have boeu incredible brutality if Chas. F. Lemberger, of Syracuse, N. Y., had none the best he could for his suffering son. "My boy," he says, "cut a farful gash over his eye, so 1 applied Bueklen s Arnica Salve, which quickly healed it and saved his eye. Good for burns and ulcers too. Only 25c at L. Taggart's drug store. Wise is the girl who can tell when a man is making his final proposal. Startling Hortality, Statistics show startling mortality, from appendicitis and peritonitis. To prevent and cure these awful diseases, there is just one reliable remedy. Dr. King's New Life Pills. M. Flannery, of II Custom House Place, Chicago, say.s: '■They have no equal for Constipation and Biliousness.' l!sc at L. Taggart druggist. A TRUE APPETIZER AND TONIC m-o-na Will flake You Feel Hungry and Hearty, and (live Strength and Vitality. Ask any friend who looks thin, pale, and out of health how many (Deals he or she eats a day, and the chances are that the answer will be, "Not over two, and 1 don't feel hungry then." The plump, rosy, and robust eat three square meals daily aud their perfect health is due to a strong stomach and digestive system, as such a system takes out of the food all those elements that make pure blood, and give nourishment and vitality to the body. The one appetizer and tonic that should be taken is Mi-o-na, the only agent known that will strengthen the stomach and digestive system, and put them in su<:h perfect working order that they will digest easily and naturally all the food that is eaten, and send you to the table positively hungry for the next meal. Without a strong stomach digestion will he poor, the blood impure, and seri ous liver and kidney troubles result,caus ing headaches, backaches, spots belore the eyes, dizziness, sleeplessness, nerv ousness, irritableness, a furred tongue and bad breath, all of which can be readily overcome by the use of Mi-o-na, (costing but 50c a box) as it goes right to the foundation of perfect health, the stomach. Scores of leading people in the State, including editors, ministers, bankers, and their families, gladly testify to the tonic, strengthening and health <rivin<r effects of Mi-o na. Furthermore. L Taggart, one of the most reliable druggists in this sec tion, sells Mi-o-na under a guarantee to refund the money if it does not produce satisfactory results. The hypocrit's religion is the most ie pulsive of all his traits. Strikes Hidden Rocks. When your ship of health strikes the hidden rocks cf Consumption, Pneu monia, etc., you are lost, if you don't get help from Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. J. W. McKinuon, of Tal ladega Springs, Ala., writes: "I had been very ill with Pheumonia under, the care of two doctors, but was getting no better when I began to take Dr. King's New Discovery. The first dose gave relief and one bottle cured me." Suie cure for sore throat, bronchitis, coughs and colds Guarranted at L Taggart's drug store price 50c and 81.0(1. Trial bottle free, PEOPLE'S COLUMN. Under this Heading, either Wants, Lost, Found For Sale, To Kent or business announcements will be published at ONE CENT A WORD. WANTED: Lady or gentleman of fair education to travel for a firm of $250,000 capital. Salary §1,072 pet year and expenses; paid weekly. Ad dress M. Percival, Emporium, Pa. 4 At. AGENTS WANTED:—We want a good live representative for your town and vicinity to take orders for our new Peuro Medallions These are entirely new and the latest out and sell at sight. Write the Universal Manufacturing Company, -106 Smithfield St., Pitts burg, Pa. 4-4t. By The Tonic Route. The pills that act as a tonic, and not as a drastic purge, are DcWitt's Little Early Risers. They cure Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, etc. Early Hirers are small, easy to take and easy to act —a safe pill Mack Hamilton, hotel clerk at Valley City, N. D., says:— "Two bottles cured me of chronic consti patiou. ' Sold by It. C. Dodson. Commissioner* Sale of Un seated I.and. The County Commissioners will sell at public sale on THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1905, at 11 o'clock, a. m. The following described real estate of unseated land: 130 acres in Grove Township, Cameron county. Pa., in warrant-Vacant. Former own er, Dodge, James and Stokes. Warrant 2973, Shippen township, 390 acres, Housler, Herdio k Co., owners. A. F. VOUT, A. W. MASON, J. W. LEWIS, County Commissioners. ATTEST:— I. K. HOCK LEY, Clerk. Commissioners Oilice, I Emporium, Pa., March 13, 1905. < 5-4. Stockholders Meeting. rpHF. regular annual meeting of the stockhold- I ers and election of officers of the EMPORI UM POWDER MANUFACTURING COMPANY will be held at the offices of the Company in Emporium, Pa., Tuesday, April 11th,1905, at two o'clock, p. ra. (', W. SHAFER, Secretary. Emporium, Pa., March 18,1905.—5-3t. Scaled Proposals. N'OTICE i« hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the Commissioners of Cameron County, Pa., until April 5, 1906, at 10:30 a. in., for scraping, brushing and painting with one coat of paint (paint to be furnished by the Commissioners) of thirteeu bridges owned by the County, being all the bridges except the new bridge across North Creek in Shippen township and the bridge across Portage just north of the east end of the borough of Emporium. A bond ofssoo willbe required by the County for the faithful performance of the work. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Specifications may be seen at the office of the Commissioners in Emporium. By order of the Board. 3—lt. 1. K. HOCKLEY, Clerk. Xolice to Stock.Holders. IN accordance with a resolutions of the Board . of Directors. A special meeting of the stock holders of the Emporium Powder Manufactur ing Company will be held at the office of the company in the Borough of Emporium on Tues day, May 2,1905 at 2 o'clock p. m., for the pur pose of voting upon the question of increasing the capitol stock of said corporation from seventy thousand to one hundred and five thousand. C. VV. SHAFFER, Secy. Emporium, Pa., Feby. 2«, 19<5.—2-9t. !»escrtion Notice. "VTOTK'R is hereby given that my wife PHOEBE BELLE, having left my bed and board without just cause or provocation. I hereby caution the public against harboring or trusting her on my account, as I shall pay no bills of her contracting. ADEI.BERT B. BEI.DIN. Grove, Pa., March 11, 1105—1-.'. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1905. 1865 1904 "T \N. SEGER C Furnishing Goods, Shirts, r / Neckwear, Trunks, p Satchels, Suit Cases, C Etc., Etc. C v A fine line at v v bottom prices. / { Clothing 112 FOR ALL. / / Men's, Youth's and S ) Boys' Clothing, y A new stock just in. 2 / Give me a call. N C. R. HUSTED & CO., Opposite M. E. Church, Emporium, Pa. Will for the next sixty days give 10 PER CENT. OFF on all goods sold for cash or cash in two weeks and FIVE PER CENT, off all bills paid in full at the end of thirty days. We make an exception when selling FLOUR and SUGAR accompanied by no other groceries. Call us up, on phone, No, 74. Goods Delivered Free and Promptly. THE FOURTH STREET GROCERY C. R HUSTED & CO., Proprietors. | This is the ? Store i For the People. \ 51bs best granulated Sugar...2sc X 112 ',lb mixed Tea 13c < > lib sack Mother's Rice, lie k \ 3lb prepared Buckwheat flour 14c \ 112 2 bars Domino Soap 9c < > 1 bar Bon Ton Sand Soap. ..5c j x Ibx Delmonte Seeded ftaisina 10c X ( 1 Bottle Lutz & Schrams pre- < > serves 24c i X 1 can L. & S's Baked Beans. .18c X 112 1 can Auto brand Corn 9c £ 1 can Kenwood Peas 9c j X 1 can Tomatoes 9c \ I 1 can Pumpkin 9c ? \ 1 can Table Beets 9c 5 s 1 can Strawberries 15c X < 1 can Red Raspberries 15c < £ 1 can Lima Beans 14c i X 1 can Pineapple 24c \ \ 2 lbs Prunes 9c i This assortment for the next \ 6D days onl3 T . ! 0. B. Barnes. j ( Allegany Avenue, C ( 'Phoucßl. J SHSESHSH SH SHSSSHSH | Rockwell's | | Drug Store. | ffi : k* m The Cold Cream that J, p] we make is unsur- [J: passed for face and pi hands and will make (}j the skin soft and Kj jjj white. We have j[| ju Nail, Tooth and uj n| Hair Brushes, Wist Oj Brooms. Chamois [}j In Skin and Sponges. [}! No better goods on H] jjj the market. When ru yon want your favo- m n] rite recipes filled uj Bring them to us. nJ m Our stationery leads. rfl [n Also our toilet cream, s] jjj toilet water, toilet rii soaps, perfumes and q] sashet powder. All •} -n the latest. H] Our Botanic Dry Kidne3' Cure [}j [n is an exoellent tonic. A specific n] ill for all diseases of the kidneys. '/I § M. A. ROCKWELL. £ nl lr [=sl3 HSHSHHi HSHSHSHS 55 ESSHSJ Special Sale I Friday AND Saturday I Matches, regular price 50c, 40 c ■ Canned Peaches, 25c kind, 20c I Canned Plums, 25c kind, 20c. I 31b. Java and Mocha Coffee, Olic I Regular 35c kind. Sun dried Tea, 30c kind, 23 c I Baking Chocolate, - 35c I Half pound cans Cocoa, - 20c I Regular price 25c. 2lb pail of Cottelene . 23c 41b pail " 45 C 3 cans Tomatoes . . 25c 12c canned Corn - 10c Give Our Meat Department a Trial. home Made Sausage 10c. We can save yon money I ion yonr Meats and Grocer- I I ics. Give us a trial and we I I will convince you that this I I is the cheapest place to buy. I I Our <joods are cheap be- I I cause they are good. It's I ■ not .the price that makes I | tliein cheap, it's the quality. I I Don't forget we sell depend- I ; 1 able goods. Dependable I ! I goods are not to be obtained I I in every store. Von can't I | buy any other kind here. I I We don't keep them. 'Phone 21, G. H. GROSS & GO ; jj| Our Spring > | Opening | Oi R Seger & Son I In Next to Ilauk | K Have received their j{] jjn first invoice of n) 1 $ Stylish Spring S n- in ! p] usiri ft K Ktea-aissSsiiijjs. S I S I{] LATEST IN HATS The most popular jj j ai makes and strictly i [n up-to-date. [}l jS E V !•: !v VTHING XKW ! in tJ ; fu In I in u 1 § , • | [u Don't tail to call lrj and see us early for j n] Spring Clothing is [}; ripe. Call now. |j: I S ; ( fi Seger <& Son pi inn] ruin Lj Early. Next to Bunk. J Kh|mriui Fimitirf 1| jgjf Our New Year I Introductory I WE have just finished a wonderfully pros perous year. One in which all our past sales-records were thrown so far in the rear that it will require the most vigorous and untiring work to surpass them. But work is our pastime and we are going to do it. Your splendid patronage has placed in creased purchasing power in our hands, the force of which will be felt in the ever I increasing values that will benefit every money-wise person in this county who is wise enough to profit by it. I I Keep Your Eye on Us all this Year and Wateli Us Grow. Emporium Furniture Co., I BERNARD EG AN, Manager. Undertaking-. I il C. B. HOWARD & COMPANY, T| General Merchandise. |||| STORE ON THE RIALTO. I I White Suitings, | We have our new line or White Shirtwaistings and ||j <|| Suitings for Spring and Summer. Do not fail to see P 1 ||| them. Prices very reasonable. 1 Bate's Seersuckers. §) We received lately 20<k> yards of Bate's Seersuckers |ij p, that we are selling at 12c a yard, and they are going M fast. The patterns and color are much better this year M ;i|' than before. | McCall Patterns | The McCall Patterns are always up to date. Use i|f)j | McCall patterns and you will always have a good fit, It :'-M and you wi'l have 110 trouble in doing your spring sew- |!jf| jm ing. Fashion sheets free. ' [!^| I Demorest Sewing - | | Machines | fWe have a full line of Demorest Sewing Machines Iff and all in good working order. The kind you need to .p,! m do your spring sewing. '(isf jffll Any person contemplating the purchase of a new IP sewing machine will do well by calling on us. |||] I Prices, $19.50 to $30.50 | | C. B. HOWARD & CO. *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers