J Greatest Cash Raising Sale in the History of Cameron County at fi I e==| -JASPER HAKIMS' | K,»cHi:v« GitcATcoAi 1 othi Storc 111 WHAT A CHANCE ' DON'T MISS IT. || H Entire Stock of Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furnishings X j|| High Grade Merchandise at Great Reductions. || M || Sale Begins Saturday, Dec. 3, 1904, J || Continuing Until Dec. 15th, 1904 || We need cash and we need it quick. If there ever was a rare money saving, money making, opportunity to secure just !||| what you want it is NOW. Reductions which seem rediculously and ruinously great, but we are forced to do it. We need |§§ gj|h $3,000 in clean, cold cash within the next 15 days. Don't compare the great CASH RAISING SALE with other sales, it is altogether different. High-grade merchandise going at unheard of prices. Bring this advertisement and make us prove our S§K printed promises. Remember that the samples below are but a sample of hundreds of bargains that await you here. While !||g in this vicinity can you match this ? Come, don't delay. . J Men 9 _sOvercoats and Pants |j| s<> all-wool. Overcoats, black and blue, sale price - - 4.88 81.00 Men's all-wool Shirt or Drawers - - 79c ~ >C our an< ' ..... IQC 81" Black Kersey Overcoats, sale price, ... 7.89 81.25 Men's all-wool Shirt or Drawers - 99c , 19° m 813 Oxford Overcoats, 1 land-tailored, with or without belt, 50c Over Shirt* sale price .... on„ ' m " 111 " 39c Wsi=? sale price, 9.99 ' ' 50c Puffs QQ n JSE. . 50c Over Shirts, black and white stripes. - - SQo o-« „ . fcpmWl SIN Great Coat, Hand-tailored, guaranteed to give service, Oc/U _. >cßowes . _. . 17C W fjjShi style and fit, sale price - 14.75 (>vel ' black satm, - - - 30C 81.00 Men's Work Pants yg Q /Sfc W Youths Overcoats, black and blue, sale price - 6.G8 ,r,^c Press Shirts, ..... 39c $1.50 Men's Work Pants ... 87 Youths Overco.ats,black Kersey,ages 10 to 20, sale price 475 81.00 Men's Dress - - 79C 82.00 All-wool Pauts ...... 38 82.75 Boys' Reefers, age from sto 15, sale price, - 1,99 * I,OO Mep ' 8 preßß Shirts, "Silver," - - 790 $ 3 -50 Fine Worsted Pants . . 2*90 75 Boys' Overcoats, long cut with belt, sale price - 290 ''°- vs Fleece-lined Shirts or Drawers - - 19c SI.OO Youths' Pants . . 79c 87 Men's Suits, all-wool, cashmere, in light or dark shades 5.00 ''" c ' >() - v ' s Dress Sbirts, .... 38C $1.50 Youths' Pants ...... 15 jjSKv §Ki Men's all-wool fine Cheviot suits, sale price - 7.99 Men's all-wool, heavy Socks, - - 39C 25c Boys' Knee Pants ..... 19c $lO Blue Serge, newest style, sale price, - - 7.75 Men's all-wool Oashmere 19c 50c Boys' Knee Pants ...... 39c 812 High Grade, Suits, three or four buttons, sale p.ice 9.50 Men's Soft Hats, sale price - - 39c $1.25 Men's Shoes, Lace or Congress . . 99c gas| sl4 Men's all-wool Thiblts, Hand-tailored, sale price 10.75 Men's Soft Hats, sale price, - - - 79c $1.50 Heavy Work Shoes ...... 19 $6 Youth's Suits, sizes from 16 to 19, sale price, - 4.69 8l."»o Men's Black Fedora .... 1.19 $2.50 Men's Calf Shoes ...... 198 ySTfo' 87 All-wool Youths Suits in black and mixed goods sale 82.00 Men's Black Fedora .... 1.44 8M.50 Box Calf or patent Leather 295 Ssße* P rioe 5.35 82.50 Men's Black or Brown Fedora - - - 1.99 84.0n Patent Colt shoes .... 325 $9 Worsted Suits in light and dark shades, sale price 6.75 82.00 Men's Black Derby 144 81.00 Boys' Shoe 88C Imk 51.75 Boys' Suits, black and blue - - 1.25 82.50 Men's Black Derby .... 1.99 $1.25 Boys' Shoes 9Q( 82.75 Boys' Suits, black Shongets, sale price - 2.12 $3.00 Men's Black Derby - - 2 25 81.75 Boys' Shoes - 5Q $3.50 Boys Suits in light and dark shades, sale price, 2.70 50c Men's Caps, sale price ... - 39c W& Mj »+•«> Suite, Xorfolks,»fti. prioe ■ 3.45 a.* IW. Caps, sale prioe .... 19c Trunks, Telescopes, Suit Cases and jSg, $5.00 Boy's three-piece Suits in light and dark shades at _3.75 .->oc Boys' Caps, sale price ..... 39c _ . . m? 50c Men's Fleeced lined Shirts or Drawers - - 39c 25c Boys' Caps, sale price ..... 19c Umbrellas, Sold at a Great Reduction 1 II All Goods as Represented np ® I guarantee the above to be just as advertised. Come and see for yourself. Seeing is believing. Come and investigate. We need the money. Public and patrons rem em- 881 L er this sa^e opens Saturday, December 3rd and it will continue for FIFTEEN DAYS igl Mfcy |i|w rrff ONLY. Every value given is bonafide. Its the chance of your lifetime, to lay in a sup |||) ply for a whole year. First come, first served. Come early and avoid the rush. ||| W - _ - Remember the Place : - H « Jasper Harris, the People's Clothier, 1 p Opposite Post-Off ice, Emporium, Pa. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1904.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers