J&I ' : ' l' CLAUS' -JT HEADQUARTERS AT HARRY S. LLOYD'S. Jgjf jjjj ||. '"' || JjP | 1 "Workshop Greeting.' 11 Mf M £ THl s IS usJ)ere I slpall rrjalje II 112 Headcjuapicps year. Sl©pe, jloliday Seeseg, iso\ I ** WBk^* If Mv DKAK CHILD: been hard work for me to get ready for all the cliil- || H *2 * atn glad to have you call at the Santa V uiy (hen, there are so many of them, but lam sure that kg myMg* • ** Clans Bazaar in H. S. LLOYD'S Store and have you —»__) | { I have not missed a single one. Your names are all Kg II enjoy the toys, dolls, games and other things that I _ in my big book and you will find something from me ?1 wBBB^ 2) %% am getting ready to take to good boys and girls when you awake Christmas morning. *j i - C for Christmas. ' lam S oin g to make my headquarters in li. S. ** (^|o^r C? ) »/ Vou will delight in seeing the many new toys IXCS D'S Store every year and start from there when H V « |5 that I have been able to make since last year. It has — —l hitch my reindeer to call at the home of every good II b °y ' always find the best toys at LLOYD'S Store, and this year 1 have more presents than ever before. j|* jijj ' must now be getting ready for my Christmas trip, so good bye, and love to my little friends. From fc* !| Sania II illfe* ,_JL_ .—ill* 'L jr |L _ __j|_ • JL' ~ ..' , ~ Jjg| OUR FANCY GOODS COUNTER. ON THIS COUNTER WILL BE FOUND BOXES FOR THE BOUDOIR, MADE OF THE FINEST WOODS AND LEATHER. t INCLUDING- TOILETTE CASES, CIGAR AND COLLAR AND CUFF BOXES, HANDKERCHIEF AND GLOVE BOXES, JEWELRY BOXES. SHAVING SETS AND MILITARY BRUSH SETS, IN A VARIETY OF PRICES: ALSO MEN'S BILL HillP ROLLS AND CARD CASES. * JBSBF PICTURES Gillette'Safety Razors, $5.00. STATIONERY. *§&s§9t Framed and unframed ,in many shapes " —-- - Box papers In Immense assortment- fSIP . and sizes. Our new line of Burnt 1905 DIARIES NOW READY. attractive articles in holly and g»SS» wo ° d ' f ra "> ed Pictures are pretty • other pretty designs; these make *»SW» and unique. --- - ideal Christmas gifts, and prices QIIITARI F QPHRTIMR MNNQ YOA FIOW THAT OU RA W GE FROM 25C T0 25 - P~ SUITABLE SPORTING GOODS. u 0 Women's and Children's hand and n n half what you ought to know about wrist bags, the latest Persian and sHSs®* including bicates, guns, boxing OUR BOOK DEPARTMENT? It comprises American designs, from 25c to $3.00 |psf§i|? y gloves, foot-balls and striking bags. a n the late novels of the year. A variety of music rolls, travel- OUIMA Gift books for young and old in a ing cases and cigar cases.' CHINA. variety of bindings. For boys— PHRIQTMAC ®VnLs 4 Henty, Alger, Optic and Cooper series. OH KIbTM AS CANDY. | Many st y les of vaces, cups and For girls—Meade, Carey and Sunny A large assortment ot novelties in Holiday Con- WWX^H saucers, fancy dishes and novelties Corner series. Little Folks' books [ ectioner y »n boot Balls, Suit Cases, Kodaks and WjUmffimf such as mustard cups, ash receivers, ranging in price from 5c to SI 00 at l° w prices - J ust a fresh lot of match and tooth-pick receivers, pin including Buster Brown, Poxy Grand- JiblJS i 1!?' i ".-' 4lb . a "< l -=^B^ I* s trays, brush and comb trays, im- Da Babv Ballads and Fainr t»lpq , 0 Da »^ ett s and Headley s, in mixed (S^U. _ ( ases etc pa, aaoy tiaiiaas and Fairy Tales. candies the famous Xmas Hand Candy and Clear 1V? ' bibles, Prayer Books and Hymnals. Toys, all Havers 15c, 20c and 25c per pound. W® -J Holidays arc Kodak r™™* 1 \\ /N \ \N\\mmm\mSm\\v \mmm\\\ N N \ \ \ \ " | f»l, HSllßSlllClttlM 'L'. : f S; Jp I \\ \\\\ \\ \ \\S\\\mm\\N\\VX\ s\N \ N s N \. \ \ x \X ' : C?*m : 112. ' Th e Kodaker lias all the delights that others have—and has pictures besides. And / \ v v x \ v \ there's pleasure in the making as well as in the possessing of Kodak pictures. Nv N Nx x ' \X \ N 1 xs S\V v\ \ v \ \ \ \ \ \.i.\ Jmpf Euen J ste P is sim P le now - No dark-room at any stage of the work, and better results than ever. fillSP fine line of l„,^-r Rings Holiday Boxes of Cigars, SI.OO per Box. Imp ALSO NEW LINE OF FINE PIPES FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. CAMKKON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1904.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers