Ip C. B. HOWARD CO. Men T Christmas. Happy New Year. )^ 16 /[^assHS3SHSHsjas?sasssasHSHSHsHsasasasasasiasHSHsas3saffi?£j"asasHsi?sHHasHsasHSciSHsHSi=iaiisasHsHsasHsasHSHsasHSEaso]^i^ Q TII EA ROMA OF Til E PINES » asa^^^J^s 2S~dlS?3s-HSHSHS^SHiSHSHS^HSH.SHSSSHSHSHSaSHSasaSHSaS"HSH^cI^aSBHHSHSHSaSHSHSHS^S"asaSHSOJSHSHSHSSH.°]'* / ''' ! coining on the chill North winds, or the balmy breezes of the South, from the Kast or West, instantly brings lip a mental picture of a cozy ingle nook, the fireplace heaped high with blazing pine cones, the friends, old and young, gathered around the fragrant gift-laden evergreen tree, joyously celebrating the greatest holiday l ' ie <la >' °» all days— - This but selves to bring, to mind the fact that W CHRISTMAS IS NKAIi AT HANI) aj* . _ an.l our advice is to do your Christmas shopping early, and lemember the BIG STORE on the "RIALTO," where the assortment of styles is at (lie best, where you ' es *H3V ) j^ , ~ can do your buying comfortably and thoroughly be forehanded and prudent, combine comfort and economy we have everything that goes to make your list of ' CHRISTMAS PRKSENTS complete, and in the Grocery Department everything for the Christmas Dinner. till ->BUY # EARLY » BUY # HERE.* gjg^ RV DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. V A CORSETS. CALICOS. DRESS GOODS. Mexibone Moulded Corsets made by the Coronet Simpson Prints and American Prints are the best An endless variety of Dress Goods; nothing more —• ' Corset Co., Jackson, Mich. We have them in wnite gra des of calicos that we can get for the price, will acceptable for a Christmas present than a nice dress. and drab, straight front, everv bone rust proof; short , ~ , . , . , , , . , , , ~ , , , hold the color 111 washing, and have them 111 gravs, s?KSfr3Sssß^ and medium lengths, and could not be better made . . . . . <fs > 5- r n . , „ , blues, browns and reds, some striped, some flower de- , . . for the money. Prices so cts. and SI.OO each. . , . , VAR ETY 3 ° signs and other patterns, etc. r«3» Also a lot of odd sizes, different makes, all of rv .<-• 1 . , T _ „ •—i , , . . „„ Do not fail to see the Handkerchief display, they good quality, at a bargain; >I.OO corsets for =;° cts., y y , , are extra fine this time. 11 and 50 ct. corsets for 25 cts, the best thing we have QXA/P" A TFDQ , in the line of bargains while they last. * Surprise your wife with a Deniorest Sewing Ma- fiß// y 'fif " , wv■%^^vr^ j v^ j v^ j v^^v r v r vr^'nr^ I adies' Misses' and Children's Sweaters Notli chine, $19.50 to $30.00; will deliver them any time LADIES WRAPPERS. in S nicer for a Christinas present. They are made of I° n ° r e^ore Saturday, the 24th.. j '// Ladies wraopers make good Christmas presents. wool; the Misses' and Children's Sweaters A few small articles for Christinas presents- We have them in Flanelette, Percale and Calico, each have buttons on the shoulder which makes them easy Buster Brown Leggings Leggings for Buster Brown's wrapper is made in the latest style, some of them are to P« l 011 or take ofT - while the r ' adies ' Sweaters have SIStCr ' L<WngS f ° r B " Ster BtOWn S mothcr - trimmed with good grade of finishing braid, others buttons down the front and one of very stylish design; Fancy boxes hemstitched linen writing paper, have trimming of the same material and the lining is have sokl a bl « lot of these Sweaters, and still have a Colgates' stick shaving soap, brush and razor; pen- J of good quality. You will not find a better lot of - ood for Christmas. Colors: red, white, pink cil boxes-lots of them, boxes of fancy cigars; a lot wrappers in the city. Prices from 90 cts. to $2.00. and blue. Prices: SI.OO, $2.00 and $2.70 each. of fancy lamps $2.75 to $5.00 each, etc. A large as xs^s^F^f y rvAv/v^yi-yvy^vffv^v sortuieut of perfumery. N Tam-O-Shanters and Toboggan Caps make good —' ~ OUTINGS. Christmas presents. We have them. \'MJ/ . So, NE of the best grades of outing ar, Lily c10.L,, GENTS FURNISHINGS. \ I'Mj S n. \ in plain, colors, and Cinderilla rlanelettes 111 plain, v-vv-vv-vvv-vv-v \\'• aDd fai:C * colors witb a twi,led weave peculiar to PETTICOATS Just received several days ago from New York a themselves which makes them extra heavy fleeced and * lot of Cravenette coats, the latest style; do not fail to there are no better outings made than these, and we Black Sateen Petticoats, adjustable yoke, good see them; and there are a lot of nice things in this also have a large assortment of other kinds of outings quality sateen, some with three rows ruffles, some department suitable for Christmas presents, a few of I not quite so good, several colors, plaids and stripes, with ruffles, accordion plaited, all good width and tliem are a pair of President Suspenders, a cap, a pair °f t - ieln excellent values. assorted lengths from 50 cts. to $2.70 each. of gloves or mittens, etc. mm % '~9 SHOE DEPARTMENT. ; v We lxave the Famous Jewel Shoes, all up-to-date Styles; and "Williamsport and Watsontown Shoes for men. <lfy" \ • --'J/ Look at those new Tan. eighteen inch top Shoes at $7.00 per pair, and also the ten inch top Shoes at 55.00. \ N : ) / v %W/ - , V r -s^ec"%oo€^ o *-3 < >C?4s3oQs*D> 14-. V j "SJGROCERY DEPARTMENT.' ' j OgMWaBDBBaM^aW—BBBBWMBBBHWWWMKaBMKBB—CgLS i^i'- ? Tg.ii A few of the things that goto make up a Good Christmas Dinner: "f-y • SOUPS, CRANBERRIES, MALAGA GRAPES, BANANAS, ORANGES, MIXED NUTS AND RAISINS, X F\%J MONARCH OR WHITE HOUSE COFFEE, MINCE MEAT, PHEASANT BRAND PEAS, DARBY BRAND MAINE SUGAR CORN, /(*/ SUN SET BRAND SUCCOTASH, SUN SEJT BRAND TOMATOES, TWENTY FIVE POUNDS GRANULATED SUGAR ST.4O, CANDY. LOTS OF IT. V <■ ♦.» ♦.» ♦ » ♦ « ♦ <, ♦.» ♦ » ♦ ♦ <■ ♦ SUNDAY SCHOOLS WANTING -^3PSR S CANDY FOR CHRISTMAS WILL DO WELL BY CALLING ON US. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1904.
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