We ! Have What 1 You Need! To brush up and make beauti ful your home. The season of the year for such work has arrived and we would call the attention of the public to our very large and reliable line of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, the best in the world. In addition to the best paints, I we have a first-class line of De Voe & Co.'s Brushes. Get a, move 011 and be prepared to paint before the workmen are all en gaged. We can save you money. While you are painting your home or business place let us j talk a little with you on Bath J and Closets, Hot Water, Steam i or anything in that line. Our j increased facilities and expert j workmen will do you good work. ! Don't deay until too late. Farmers should bear in mind j that we handle Plows, Harrows, j Rakes, etc. In fact our Hard-1 ware, Stove and Plumbing De-1 I partments are up to the best. Write or wire us, when a com-1 petent agent will call 011 you. linKi! nil—lll lIMil IIHMIimitSWMIIIUM——p——— B C.B. /^ Howard' tffc j & Co. w\^y We have had large sales in our SUMMER DRESS GOODS,but the best pieces are not all fold. We still have a large assortment left at very reasonable prices, and are constantly addng new pieces. MSCALI/iN PATTERNS^ While in our store do not forget to look 011 our mark ed clown counter. A few of the bargains are, Ladies and Children's Shoes, Ladies Belts, Ladies Fancy Hose, etc. Beat wearing quality at less than cost. ©M&CALLS MAGAZINE We are agents for the famous McCall Patterns, ic and 15c. None higher. C.B.HOWAR D&GO. "STORE ON THE RIAL/TO." In a A • A • fu I Artistic jjj Painting S liir a | PAPER HANQINQ! § m Will receive prompt jjj jjj attention and all ft sj work intrusted tome ft m will be guaranteed ft n] satisfactory. lam [}j prepared to furnish |n ru my customers with uj m both Paints and uj jjj Wall Papers, and [u save you big money. uj ft Estimates cheerfully jjj given 011 contract jjj ft work. Apply to |{] S F. H. PEARSALL. ( (SSHaSHSHSHSESHSdS-HSHSELSSH2J RIG [V | Bargains | $ H jiJ THIS WEEK. uj Call and see what they are. ju pi When you want If] | GRAPES, CELERY, ft S PEARS, ft S SPANISH ft ffi ONIONS, ft m oj | jjj p Our Meats S are always fresh and the [} JU best grade obtainable. [J S n ruin J{] GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY, [} 1 Geo. H. Gross.l IlsßasasasHSHsas BSBBe SP=5-BSJ CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1903. i THIS SPACE IS RESERVED BY j Cheney's Collecting Agency of i*a. I We shall from time to time offer for sale un paid claims against delinquent debtors. "Watch tliiH Space. The Missouri Pacific Ry. SUMMER TOURS -TO COLORADO AND UTAH ONE cFmt RM'S 50 CENTS ROUND TRIP FROM ST. LOUIS Double Daily Service. Through Pullman Sleep ing Cars and Observation Cafe Dining Cars. For Descriptive literature, pamphlets, time tables, call on or address JNO. R. .JAMES, Central Passenger Agent, PITTSBURGH, PA. DeWitt DeWltt Is the rams to look for when ifk ™ you co to buy Witch Hazel Salve. ~ DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the' original and only genuine. In fact DeWitt'sls the only Witch Hazel Salve that Is made from the unadulterated Witch Hazel AH others are counterfeits—base Imi tations, cheap and worthless —even dangerous. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo Is a specific for Piles; Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Protruding Piles. Also Cuts, Bums, Bruises. Sprains. Lacerations, Contusions. Bolls, Carbuncles, Eczema, Tetter. Salt Rheum, and all other Skin Diseases. SALVE PREPARED BT E.C. DeWitt 4 Co., Chicago Dr. Humphreys. After fifty years Dr. Humphreys' Specifics enjoy the greatest popularity and largest sale in their history, due to intrinsic merit. They cure the sick. HO. CURES. PRICES. I—Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. .45 3—Worms. Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .35 3—Teething. Colic,Crylng.Wakefulness .35 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 33 7—Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 35 B—Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceaahe 35 9—Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .35 10—Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Weak Stomach.3s 11—Suppressed or Painful Periods 35 13—Whites. Too Profuse Periods 35 13—Croup. Laryngitis, llourscuess 35 11—Salt Rheum,Erysipelas,Eruptions.. .35 1 s—Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains 35 16—Malaria. Chills, Fever and Ague 35 19—Catarrh. Influenza, Cold In the Head .35 SO—Whooplng-Cough 35 37—Kidney Diseases 35 3H—Nervous Debility 1.00 30—I'rlnary Weakness. Wetting Bed.. .35 77—Grip, Hay Fever 35 Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. Dr. Humphreys' New Pocket Manual of all Diseases mailed free. Humphreys' Medlcino Co., Cor. William an<i John Sts.. New York. tiar RE VIVO RESTORES VITALITY THE * - OF Me. FRBNOB nEMUUT produce! the above results In 30 days. It acta powerfully and quickly. Cures when all othors fall. Voung men will regain thoir lost manhood, and old men will recover thoir youthful vigor by using REVIVO. It quickly and suroly restores Nervous- DOBS. Lost Vitality, Impotency, Nightly Emissions, Lost Power, Failing Memory, Waoting Diseases, and all effects of aelf-abuso or escoFßand Indiscretion, which unilts ono for study, bueineßß or marriage. It Dot only eurea by starting at tho Beat of disease, but is a great nerve tonlo end blood builder, bring* lng back the pink glow to pale cheeks and ra* £toring tho fire of youth. It wards off Insanity and Conoumption. Insist on having REVIVO>no ether* It can bo carried In vest pocket. By mail 81.00 per packago, or six for 55.00, with m poal live written guarantee to cure or refund tbe money. Hook and advise freo. Address j ROYAL MEDICINE CO., ,6 S o ,®.Vlu I Sold by R. Dodson, Emporium, Pa Our Clothing 1 9fjL There may be Is selected with the False economy in buy greatest care, being V y ing Clothingadvertised made of good material W A \ as cheap. Better buy —material that wll A / a ea ' cr who has a give good service and A k/fc/ reputation to maintain, at prices are WjffV °^ er * ? ome OUR HOYS' CLOTHING l|j\ JB JH j||f GENTS FURNISHINGS looks as if it was made handso R. SEQER & SON. R. SEGER & SON. ' Distress Alter Eating Cured. Judge W. T. Holland of Greensburjr, La., who is well and favorably kcowu, says, "Two years airo I suffered greatly lroiu indigestion. After eating, great distress would invariably result, lasting an hour or so and my nights were restless. I concluded to try Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it cured me entirely. Now uiy sleep is refreshing and digestion perfect.' Sold by R. C. Dodson. In the spring people have either house cleaning or fall iri love to get into some other trouble. A Purgative Pleasure. If you ever took DeWitts Little Early Risers for biliousness or constipation you know what a purgative pleasure is These famous little pills cleanse the liver and rid the system of all bile without pro ducing unpleasant effects. They do not sicken or weaken, but give tone and strength to the tissues envolved W. 11. Ilowell of Houston, Tex., says, ,; No better pill can be used than Little Early Risers for constipation, siek headache etc." Sold by It. C. Dodson. Even the hair of some people dyes young these days. The Pleasure of Eating. Persons suffering from indigestion, dyspepsia or other stomach trouble will find that Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. This remedy is a never failing cure for indigestion and I)ys{ °*si '. and all complaints affectingthr glands or mem branes of the f'.jJiach or digestive tract, When ev<?.rjlning you eat tastes good, and every '..a of the nutriment that your food con tains is assimiliated and appropriated by the blood and tissues. Sold by It. C. Dodson. Blessings often come disguised but trouble is bare faced. The Genuine vs. Counterfeits. The genuine is always better than a counterfeit, but the truth of this state ment is never more forcibly realized or more thoroughly appreciated than when you compare the genuine DeWitt's Witch Salve with the many counterfeits and worthless counterfeits that are on the market. W. S. Ledbetter, of Shreve port, La., says.""After using numer ous other remedies without benefit one box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured me." For blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles no remedy is equal to DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Reduced Rates to Bellelonte. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company on account of the meeting of the Susquehanna District Associaion, Knights of the Golden Eagle, on Septem ber, 7, at Bellefonte, Pa., will sell j special reduced rate tickets, good on this j day only, from Clearfield. Emporium, ! Elmira, Mt. Caimel, East Hloomsburg. j and at intermediate points, to Bellefonte ; and return. 2005-28-lt. Reduced Rates to Altoona. From September 'J to 12. inclusive the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell from all stations in Pennsylvania, special reduced rate, round-trip tickets to Al toona, good to return until September 13, 011 account of the meeting of the Society of American Veterans of the Philippine and China Wars, to be held at Altooua, September 10 to 12. 2907-lt. Reduced Rates to Centre Hall. To accommodate the visitors to the en campment and exhibition of the Patrons of Husbandry, to be held at Centre Ilall, Pa., September 12 to 18, the Pennsylva nia Railroad Company will sell round-trip tickets from all stations in Pennsylvania to Centre Hall, Pa., at special reduced rates. These tickets will be on sale and good Jrom September 11 to 8, inclusive, and "ood for return passage until Sept. 19. 290G-lt. Reduced Rates to Pittsburg. On Wednesdays, September !>, 111. 23, and 30 and October 7,1-1 and 21, 1903. the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets from points on the Low Grade Division, including the Sligo 1 Branch, to l'ittsburg, at reduced rates, ! ncluding admission to the Exposition. These tickets will be good going 011 regular trains on day of issue, and will be valid for return passage within four days, including date of sale. All Smokers smoke the 'W. H Mayer" hand made cigar, the best five cent cigar on the market. Be sure you ask for it. 24-tf. I This is the House, "j At which to purchase your Furniture of all kinds at the very lowest prices. CARPETS, all new and up-to-date. The larg est line yon ever saw in town. RUGS, both large and small. Carpet samples for rugs —all grades. LACE CURTAINS, a large line, [from the cheapest to the best. WINDOW SHADES, all kinds. GO-CARTS, until the babies cannot rest with out one. No trouble to show goods. Glad to have you call, whether you purchase or not. Yours respectfully, GEO. J. LaBAR. I j j | PEARL WHITE I | Massage fj | Cream | m CLEARS AWAY BLACK HEADS jf| | AND MAKES BEAUTIFUL SKIN, jjj j pi IT IS'SOLD AT - - |j] j I I ! Rockwell's | k ~ i DRUG STORE, }{]' uj 25c A BOTTLE. fei $! Jn "J | isH3SHSHSt!3HSHSHSHS.aS?SSH3 j ■—HBM—————MB I niaflairiDeati'sl I A safe, certain relief for Suppressed H | B Menstruation. Never known to fall. Safe! H | ■ Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed B ■or money Refunded. Sent prepaid for H : I I 81.00 per box. Willsend them on trial, to ■ I j I '><• paid for when relieved. Samples Free. ■ i J UNITED MCDICALCO-. Bon 74. UWCOTtK. [ I 'Sold inEmporium by L. Taggart and R. C I Dodson Swell Clothes Are the delight of all well dressed peo ple and a large ma jority of the well dressed gentlemen in Emporium, have their clothes made by the old reliable ; tailors R. Seger | & Co. ¥ The reason why so fe many wear clothes of our make, is be cause we have an established reputa tion for good fits and fair dealing. R. SEGER & CO. NSG MCBIMU—IIMU A— «M:»gan—B>w— IMllffS ! Will pay highest price for green Ginseng ' Roots. For particulars address, In! 9-8. W. A. BATES, Cuba, N. Y.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers