KM POIIIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. tSiiiporium. Pa., Jan- 14,1901. NEMOI'IIILA, <1 jjjj Ry e'*" I .'-- Buckwheat J® Patent Meal., " *;» Coarse Meal, pel 100, J J® [ Chop Feed, " J }° j White Middlings." J JO | Bran, " 1 J® Corn, per bushel, White Oats, per 40 Choice Clover Seed, T ChoiceTiiuoth> Seed, I At Market Prices. | Choice Millet Seed, i Fancy Kentucky Blue Qmss, I R.C. DODSON. THE Druggist, KMICOICII'M, I* A. s LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE. ! At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. I r! _1 irM 'iSp IMb. LJtf Only the puro.-t are good for dick people. They cau't afford to ex periment. You may safely trust your prescriptions with us. We make a specialty of' this work and arc proud of the success we have achieved. Doctors appreciate the care and ac curacy with which their prescriptions are compounded and that accounts for our large trade. K. C. DODSON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL CiOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which you would ; like to see in this department Jit un know by pos lalcard or letter, rersonalljj. Mrs. Heilman has returned from visiting her mother at Titusville. J. P. MoNarney's little child is im proving. It has been very sick. Fred Leathers, of Howard, has been visiting friends in town this week. B. W. Green transacted legal busi at Harrisburg Monday and Tuesday. Rev. Poyer will preach at Cameron ■ tiext Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Wra. Kaner, of Williamsport, is \ is- i iting James Pearce and wife at this I place. Chas. T. Felt left last Sunday for ; Florida, where he will recuperate for j several weeks. Jacob Troupe and family have re turned to Emporium and are domiciled | on Broacl street. Mrs. M. H. Terwilliger, who ban been ; sick, is convalescent, under the treat- i ment of Dr. Baker. Miss Nellie Hogan has been visiting i friends at Renovo the past week, re- j turning yesterday. W. J Leavitt, of Beechwood, one of Shippen's best teachers, was a very agreeable PRESS caller last Saturday. Miss Mary Bailey and Miss Mabel ! Butler, two bright little Misses were PRESS business callers yesterday after noon. S. J. Fee has returned from Chicago, where he passed the winter and will resume his former produce and fruit trade. John Howard, who has been visiting his mother in town for several days, returned to Williamsport school on Tuesday. E. W. Gaskill and E. H. Gregory are attending court at Ridgway this week, as witnessess in an important land suit. Mrs. Allen Smith, of Gaines, was called to Emporium Saturday by the serious illness of her sister. —Galeton Dispatch. Miss Anna Piper of Sinnamahoning spent Sunday the guest of her friend Miss Louise Grugan, of the South Side. —Renovo Record. W. C. Zuber, clerk in the First Na tional Bank at this place, visited Re novo friends on Tuesday. Hon. I. K. Hockley and C. W. Shaf- i fer, Esq , attended the meeting of the ! Democratic state committee at Harris- ! burg on Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. J. B. Schriever and daughter ! Irene, of Scranton, are visiting Mrs. S's parents at this place and preparing to move their household goods to Scranton. Dr. Horn and 11. D. Caskey, of Aus tin, accompanied by a number of other gentlemen, passed through Emporium last Monday evening, enroute for Harrisburg. Capt. C. F. Barclay and wife and Mrs. G. B. Barclay, who have been spending several months in the South, returned home on Monday greatly benefitted by the trip. Daniel McCarthy, of Emporium, and Eugene McCarthy, a student at Lock Haven Normal School, were in town over Easter visiting the folks at home. —Ridgway Advocate. Hon. S. W. Caldwell, of Lock Haven, was calling on his cigar trade in town yesterday. He handles a fine line of goods and being a perfect gentleman, treats his customers fairly. Temple Morgan and wife, of St. Marys, W. Va., who are visiting J. D. Bell and family at this place, were de lighted on Tuesday over the arrival of a beautiful girl baby. Mother and child doing nicely. N. P. Warner, of Emporium, is in town to-day....David Buckley, the popular bar tender of the Davis House, npent a few days with friends in Em porium this week ...Mrs. W. S. War ner was called to Emporium Wednes day on account of the illness of her sister, Miss Ida Matteson. —Austin Republican. David M. Kirk, of Pittaburg, presi dent Climax Powder Company, ar rived in Emporium Tuesday evening to look over their property at this place. He was guest of general mana ger Fred Julian, Esq. Mr. Kirk and Mr. Julian left last evening for New York. W D. Johnson, of Medix, is in Emporium this week looking after his lumber interests. He will com mence sawing lumber at his North Creek mill next Monday and expects to get his other mills in operation in the near future. He is a hustler, sure. N. P. Warner has rented the Com mercial House at Muncy, Pa., and taken posession of the same. His father accompanied him to Muncy on Tues day, returning on Wednesday. His friends here hope he may be success ful in his new enterprise. Geo. P. Jones, secretary of Keystone Powder Company, is the proud father of a bouncing ten pound son. The young iran made his advent last Wednesday evening and caused much rejoicing at the Wiley home. Prof H. F. Stauffer, of Millville, N. J., will deliver the address before the graduating class at Commencement, May 17th. Rev. McCaslin will deliver the baccalaureate sermon Sunday evening, May 12tli. John E. Smith, of Sterling Run, ac companied by his son Grover C , were PRESS vistors on Wednesday. Mr. Smith has just returned from Philadel phia, where he purchased a large stock of goods for his popular store. Squire Blodget came up from Sinna mahoning on Tuesday and passed the day calling on his many friends. We heard him mutter something about Schmidt's eat and Kackenmeister's new patent Inkoloneum. The dwelling recently occupied by Judge Bonham and family is being completely remodeled and improved. G. F. Balcom and family will occupy it when completed. John Pepperman was badly burned last Sunday while at work at the furn ace. Also Mr. Schwab and Dan'l Mc- Donald were burned last night in the same manner. Mrs. Josiah Howard and daughter Dorothy, and Mrs. Alice Faucette re turned on Monday from Florida, where they passed the winter months. Mrs. John Beattie is removing the barn on her lot to the east side of same, when it will be fitted up and remodel ed into a residence. Miss Florence Fish, of Canadensis, Pa., is guest of her cousin, Mrs. C. G. Schmidt, at City Bakery. H. R. Monnett and family have ar rived and taken possession of the Warner House. The Misses Berry and Miss Kissel, of Sterling Run, visited friends in town on Saturday. A meeting of the Alumni will be held this ( Thursday) evening at High School building. Mrs. P. W. Furiong and daughter, of Sterling Run, visited in town last Sat urday. Daniel Padden, of Anover, N. Y., is now employed as clerk in M. C. Tulis' store. WANTED. —Pants and vest maker. Steady work and good wages. Apply at once. BEDARD, THE TAH.OR, J. L. FOBERT, M'g'r. Another Well. James Murphy was up from Renovo yesterday and located another test well on the Leggett farm west of town. The firm aro Arm believers in this ter ritory. Ice Cream. The City Bakery ice cream parlors will open for the season next Saturday evening. The excellent reputation of Mr. Schmidt's cream, ices and fancy baking have a wide reputation. Be sure you call. Close Call for Laßar's Furniture Store. Last Friday about noon, Geo. J. La- Bar, while sitting in his office, was attracted by a roaring noise emanating from the work shop in the rear portion of his large two story brick furniture store. Upon investigation he discov ered the east side wall of the work room in flames, extending to the sec ond floor and crossing to the west side. By promptly turning on the hose and giving the alarm, the fire was soon subdued without injuring or wetting the furniture. Nevertheless it was a close shave, the flre having caught the packing in the ventilation holes in the foundation and passing up between the brick wall and studding, it was hard to get at. The damage was slight. Letter to C. B. Howard Co. Emporium, Pa. Dear Sirs: What is lumber worth? "Depends on the lumber," you say— "what sort do you want?" That's how some people talk about | paint. They ask: "What'll you paint i my house for ?" The Yankee answer is: "How do ! you want it painted? One coat? two j coats? three coats? lirst-class or cheap?" The proper answer is: "I want the ; best paint put on as it ought to be." That's Devoe; hut the usual answer is: "1 want a good job; but I want it cheap." Which means: I want you to paint it for nothing. I want to be fooled. Lead and oil is the costliest paint I there is: not the best; it used to be best. ! Devoe is best, since zinc came in: De ! voe lead and zinc. Zinc toughens the lead and doubles I its wear. Zinc costs no more than lead; and we J grind by machinery. We have no patent on zinc; but no j body else is treating it right. Devoe is | your paint. Yours truly, ! 30 F. W. DEVOE & Co. | PASTURE.—I have good pasture on j Big Run for about TOO head of cattle, j Apply to MRS. A. R. NYHART, 8-4t Beechwood, Pa. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1901. UOGAL J^QTICES. There will be preaching at West Creek next Sabbath at 10:30 a. m., and at Cameron at 7:30 p. ra. Jos. T. POYKR, Pastor. Ail the latest furnishing goods at N. Seger's. A good building lot on Filth street, for sale. Apply at this office. 7-tf Eoos—From good laying strains of high class Buff Plymouth Rock and Rose-comb Black Minorca 7-3t R. C. DODSON. WHEEL FOU SALE —An entirely new Featherotone, lady's wheel that cost $35, will besold dirt cheap. Apply at PHESS office. FARM FOR RENT.— The farm adjoin ing Emporium, known as the Cunning ham farm, will be rented. Apply to 8-3t GREEN & SHAFFER. We buy our wall paper direct from the factory and thereby save the job ber's profit. We give this profit to you when you buy j our wall paper of us H S. LLOYD. GOOD FARM FOR SALE. —The under signed offers for sale his farm located on the Portage, consisting of 53 acres, twenty acres under good cultivation. Terms reasonable. Apply to A. L. ENSIGN, East Emporium, Pa. 6-3t Our clothing will be found to be up to-date in every particular. We buy direct from the maker. You run 110 risk when you buy of N. Seger. See those Wilton velvet and Axmin ster carpets in Laßar's window. To LET. —Two or three acres of good garden land. Will let all to one party or in pieces of one acre each. Also a pasture field capable of pasturing two or three cows. Good water and shade. J. H. DAY. We can convince you of a saving on wall paper of from 25 to 50 per cent. Examine our stock and get our prices. H. S. LLOYD. FANCY FOWL EGGS. —I am prepared to furnish Buff Leghorn and Indian Game eggs for setting—l 3 for SI.OO. First orders get the eggs. 6-13t D. W. DONOVON. Just received at Balcom & Lloyd's "Salada" Ceylon Tea. Wholesome and delicious. Large stock of Wall Paper at 3c per roll and border at lJc per yard at H. S. Lloyd's. Zinc and Grinding Make Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice as long as lead and oil mixed by hand. tf FOR SALE.— An eight room dwelling house on North side of Fifth street, in Middle ward, for sale. Gas, water, tile sewer and good cellar. Apply to 6-tf R. C. DODSON. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25*;. 261 v New stock of Window Shades in all grades and prices at H. S. Lloyd's. "DETECTIVES" Men wanted. Expe rience not necessary; if experienced state particulars. Box 125 Philadelphia, Penn. 7-3t A misfit in clothing is a horrible thing on anybody. Not one man in a thou sand is so deformed that a first-class clothier cannot fit him. No excuse for misfits, with hundreds of suits to pick from, at my store. Don't take what you don't want. N. SEGER. CARPETS— CARPETS.— Ninety differ ent patterns to choose from. All new and up-to-date. Call in and see them whether you want to buy or not; no trouble to show goods. GEO. J. LABAR. We aim to please our customers and all patrons are requested to return promptly any laundry that may dis please. It is our aim to please and while we give our attention to all work it is impossible to watch every gar ment. EMPORIUM LAUNDRY. Gloss enamel paints and varnish stains to match your wall paper, at H. S. Lloyd's. SHAW'S PURE MALT is free from adulterations, drugs, crude spirits and other harmful ingredients. Absolutely pure. Sold by F. X. Blumle, Emporium, Pa. n2-yl Canned Pine Apple in chunks, pack ed in Singapore, at Balcom & Lloyd's. Rich and poor can be suited with carpets at Laßar's. All kinds and grades of carpets at Laßar's. Sec picture of Alfred Speer in another column the original wine grower in the United States whose wines have beoome famous over the world also his * * * Climax Grape Brandy. 7-St Stops the Coiif/tt A tnl Work ft off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay. Price 25 cents. 2Gyl A Rare Bargain. A handsome Chickering piano, carved rosewood case, will be dis posed of at a nominal sum. Apply to Emporium Furniture Co. 7-tf CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought MERCANTILE APPRAISEMENT FOR THE YEAR 1901. Mercantile Appraiser's Notice. Names and kind of license of dealers in the County of Cameron, Pa. The appeal will be held at the County Treasurer's office in Emporium on Friday, May 10,1901, between the hoars of 9 a. m.and 3 p. m. EMPORIUM BOROUGH. Bardwell, Mrs. E. 0., millinery. Bupp, A. E., tobacco. Bedard, the Tailor, furnishing goods. Balcom & Lloyd, general m'ase. Bliss, Mrs. Henry, eating house. Catlin, C. Q„ flour and feed. Cramer, W. H., variety store. Cummings, John, cigars. Costello, John, cigars. Creighton, James, billiards and pool. Dodson, R. C., drugs. Donovon, D. W., cigars. Day, J. 11., groceries and meats. Edgcomb, Henry, general m'dse. Emporium Furniture Co., furniture. Emporium Milling Co., flour & feed. Howard, C. B. & Co., general m'dse. Hirsch, R. H., jewelry. Hogan, M. T., general m'dse. Hurteau, E. M., millinery. Harris, Jasper, clothing. Hockley, I. K , coal and wood. Ilaupt, Mrs. 11. 0., candy and cigars. Hacket, S. J., general m'dse. Huntington, L. K., general m'dse. Hacket, S. S., general m'dse. Jessup, C. H., butter. Judd, F. G., harness. Kinzler, J. A., groceries. Kelly, Richard, cigars Kelly, John, hay and feed. Laßar, Geo. J., furniture. Larrabee, M. M., merchandise. Lloyd, H. S., stationery. Lechner, Joseph, boots and shoes. Lloyd, R. J., cigars. Leet & Co., general m'dse. Lysette, T. J., cigars. Lewis, P. E., eating house. McDougall, Alex., groceries & meats. Metzger, Geo. Jr., jewelry. McGee, Wm., cigars. Murphy, Michael, cigars. McDonald, Wm., cigars. McDonald, A. A , cigars and tobacco. McDonald, S. D., cigars. McDonald, A. A., billiards and pool. Olmsted, H. C., general m'dse. Olmsted, D. E., general m'dse. Overliiser, I. 0., candy and cigars. Overhiser, K., candy and cigars. Parsons, J. F., general m'dse. Raymond, H. L., millinery. Rockwell, M. A., drugs. Seger, R. & Son, clothing. Schmidt, C. G., confectionery. Schlecht. John, groceries. Schweikart, Peter, general m'dse. Slocum, B. A. & Co., general m'dse. Shives, Frank, general m'dse. Seger, N., clothing. Shoup, Peter, cigars. Taggart, L., drugs. Tulis, M. C., general m'dse. Vogt, A. F. & Co., boots and shoes. Walker, Howard & Co., hardware. Wheeler, J. L., cigars. Wheeler, J. L., broker. Zarps, H. A. & Co., cigars. BRIFTWOOD. Brookbank, J.O. & Co., general m'dse. Dwyer, W. H., groceries. Fox, Frank Jr , meats. Krider & Youtliers, general m'dse. McDonald, A. M., cigars. McVicker, Fred, cigars. McCool, S. D., cigars. McCool, Mrs. S. D., millinery. Mitchell, W. H., general m'dse. Nefcy, M. E., millinery. Rothroek, W. E., agent, clothing. Riley, T. J., cigars. BEECHWOOD. Cline, C. R. & Co., general m'dse. CAMERON. McConnell, Warren, groceries. SIZERVILLE. Fee Bros., general m'dse. Hart, Geo., general m'dse. Martindale, 11. W., cigars Nudia, Gus., general m'dse. Sizer, W. R., general m'dse. Wyerstall, Carl, meats. SINNAMAHONING. Barclay Bro's, general m'dse. Baird, D. P., agent, general m'dse. Bailey, O. L., cigars. Snyder, T. W., candy and cigars. Lightner, H. 8., general m'dse. Shafer, Geo. P., cigars. Silen, Nathan, clothing. Wolfe, J. F., meats. STERLING RUN. Craven, C. C., general m'dse. Ebersole, E. M., general m'dse. Furlong, Mrs Mary A., cigars. Mahoney, Patrick, cigars. McOwen, B. & Co., general m'dse. Smith, Mrs. Jane M., millinery. Smith, J. E., general merchandise. person so ascertained or assess ed who shall fail to attend such appeal, or to appeal from the decision of the appraiser to the Common Please with in ten days thereafter, will not be per mitted to set up as a defence to the recovery of the amount of the license to which he is requested to pay when suit shall be brought, that he is not a dealer in merchandise, &c. The law further provides that it shall be the duty of the County Treasurer to sue for the recovery of all licenses duly returned to him by the Mercantile Ap praiser if not paid on or before the lirst day of July in each and every year, within ten days after date, and said Treasurer shall not be discharged from any such license unless he brings suit to recover the same 011 or before that date. I. K. HOCKLEY, Mercantile Appraiser, 1901. mm Cure? Drunkenness. I\eeley c^ # KEELEY Write lor ■ tfffOS* INSTITUTE, Baaklet «»«««»*«., VlTTSßliie. FA. I* DR. FENNER'Sg Blood I Liver REMEDY AND NERVEToNICHs R. C. Dodson, Agent, 35-91y. Emporium, Pa, DAY'S RIPE TOMATOES, CELERY. PINE APPLES, LETTUCE, CUCUMBERS, RADISHES, CRANBERRIES, GREEN ONIONS, THE SATISFACTORY STORE. We know there are a few peo ple who think that because we carry fine goods our prices must be necessarily high. It Is Not &o. By careful adjustment of de tails, turning over goods rapidly, we are enabled to sell GOOD GOODS at LOW PRICES. Compare our prices with the low est prices you know 011 similar goods elsewhere and we are con fident of your trade. "A fair field, 110 favors" is all we ask. Fancy California I.tmoiis, 20 Cents a Dozen. Better value in these lemons than in any others at five cents less per dozen. Try them. House Cleaning; Time Is here and we are prepared to furnish you with sucli material as will tend to lighten the work at low prices. GOLD DUST washing pow der, 41b. package, per package, 2cc. Special. Gradcn Seeds Now ready. Have such as peas,beans and corn, in bulk,also the package goods. SWEET PEA SEED in bulk, 5c oz. Trade with us and run 110 chances. Money back if goods aie not right. T. H. Phone 6. rammmmmm -\xmxs.rzr<rwvrT-m -.Tynfu,- .„,, -rvi-n7.fra«'ary.^iar^^^-jra»fflrrnrtT*"'»«^~^'-^^»^ H. C. Olmsted's , ! o T - - »■ AsMiumiiccmesit. - - Well, here we are trying to get our share of the trade of Emporium and vicinity. We are better prepared than ever before to fill all of your wants. Having added to our stock a Full Line of Groceries, and have not neglected to add to the Dry Goods and Notion departments fresh and seasonable goods. Our Lace Curtain stock was never so complete as NOW. A full stock of muslins, prints, percales, ginghams and White Goods. An especially nice line of Black Dress Goods. ' Dress and Work Sliocs for Ladles Gentlemen and Children. CARPETS AND MATTINGS, Oil Cloths, ; ' ; &c., &c. Come and see how well we will please you. v«J C. JAY GOODNOUGH, ™ fIM Assignee. I ' ; s Emporium Furniture Co. 1 H m jjgj WE GUARANTEE TO PLEASE YOU. GIVE US A CALL. j|j iMiEmilii! In! Mill IICQC FINE BROADCLOTH CASKET, FUNERAL JSAR ft HOOD. - - - AND SERVICES. - - - OvJU. |[|| M RESIDENCE UP STAIIIS. OPEN ALL NIGHT, Mi ||| Remember the place, next door to the ||| gODD FELLOWS BLOCK.| II Mil lilt CGMPIIT.i kj BERNARD EGAN, Manager, gl 1 |EMPORIUM, - ■ JPAjI to Spring Clothing Has arrived and we are ready for the Spring and .Summer campaign. During the past few months we have almost entirely closed out all left over stock, therefore start in with an Entirely New Stock. II READY-MADE CLOTHING, (Stylish make.) 1 I ELEGANT LINH of FURNISHINGS, I TRUNKS, SATCHELS, &c. l| We are agents for the LION I Brand Shirts and have recently i received a very fine assortment I of these celebrated SI.OO SHIRTS. They Are Beauties. We continue to keep the. MAC HURDLE DRESS SHIRTS. We want every citizen of this county to call and inspect our present stock, feeling assured that you will be pleased. R. SEGER & SON, Next to Bank, Emporium, Pa. %aKsgssg«gi MBTEzrea 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers