4 Setrrje*®!) Gourjfy |f ress ESTABLISHKD BY O. B.GOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Per year $2 00 If paid in advance $1 50 ADVERTISING RATES. \dvertisementsare published at the rate of one iollar persquarefor one insertion and fifty cents pec squarefor each subsequentinsertion. Rates by the year or for six or three months are tow andiiniform.andwillbefurnishedon appli cation. l.egal and Official Advertising per square, three ti nesorless,s2 00; each subsequent insertlonso cents per square. Local noticesten cents per line for onei nsertion, five cents per 1 i ne for each subsequentconsecutive insertion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per inc. Simpleannouncements of births, marriages and Heaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, five lines or less $5.00 per year over fivelines, at the regular rates of advertising Noloealinserted for less than "5 cts.per issue. JOB PRINTING. I'he Job department of the PRHSS is complete, and affords facilities for doing the best class of work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Law Printing. No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages are paid, except at the option ofthe publisher. Papers sent cut ofthe county must be paid for in advance. EDITORIAL nENTION. Emperor William's effort to keep the newspapers from printing his remarks shows that he is not en tirely lost to all sense of the ridi culous. Tammany is said to he very an gry over Josiali Flvnt's revelations in regard to the dishonesty of its New York government. Yet there's nothing new ahout this. Before very long, New York ex expects to do away with the horse cars in her streets, thus following the example of every ten-cent town in the country. A Missouri man owns a rope with which nine negroes have been lynched. Presumably, it might be well if a jury would get him on his own string. It's hard to cipher out the rights and wrongs as betweeu valet Jones and lawyer Patrick, but the jury is likely to make little mistake in holding a double necktie party. The circulation of the Commoner in the east has fallen to nothing. Every bookstore has piles of unsold copies: but few take the trouble to order new oiu-s. So with all freak publications. While Mr. Johnson is waiting for other cities to adopt three cent stri-et ear fares, he might begin by giving them to Johnstown, Pa., where he owns the entire street car system. Now Indianapolis is having bad boys whipped instead of fining their parents. It is to be hoped this ex ample will be followed, no matter what weak-kneed sentimentality may say in opposition. Southern Democrats declare that the next nomination must come east though they are willing to take a middle west man in the second place. Still, when the candidate, whoev T lie may be, will be so soon done for.it seems a question what he is to Le begun for. This trust question will solve itself sooner or later. When the present consolidation mania has gone so far as to organize the uni versal trust —and few can doubt that it will go that far in time— who questions that the people will simply confiscate the whole thing and run it as a co-operative com pany ? 11 is difficult to see what the Doer leaders hope to gain in their suit in New < (rleaus to prevent the dis patch of mules thence to South Africa. It has long been an axiom that no neutral trade that is allow able in peace is prohibited in war, —although it may be subject to confiscation by a belligerent. Ootn Paul says that the British have exaggerated the number of She Boers, in order to save them selves from the humiliation of admitting how small a number has been holding them at bay. How ever, it is more reasonabe to ac count for it by the universal ten dency to exaggerate the number of one's opponents. ALL AROUND THE COUNTY. Beech wood. Editor I*reaa: E. Bush is working at St. Marys. George Geswender is visiting relatives here. Wonder what has become of Andy's ghost? James Wiley is spenning the summer abroad. Mrs. J. L. Reid visited St. Marys friends Saturday. Jack Rhodes transacted business in Emporium Saturday. Saui'l White of Rich Valley visited friends here recently. Miss Madge Anderson is spending the summer in Emporium. Prof. W. J. Leavitt and wife visited relatives here last week. Mrs. Ross and son Leo, of Moore Hill, passed through our town Sunday. Our schools have closed and the teach ers have gone home for a vacation. Trout fishing has opened at last and the fishermen look happy once more. Dr. Smith, of Emporium, made a pro fessional visit to Beeehwood, Saturday. Miss Anna Evers of Clear Creek spent Sunday with her parents at this place. Our farmers are anxiously awaiting the coming of spring, or warm weather at least. Mrs. W. J. Leavitt went to Pittsburg last Saturday, where she will visit rela tives. J. L. Reid is working at St. Marys, where he is employed as foreman in the hub mill. David Kirkpatrick has gone to work for Howard & Co. again, after his long affliction. Miss Gregory of Emporium and Mrs. Fischer of Howard attended church here Sunday evening. Since so many of our young people have married of late, people are beginning to inquire: Who next? Mrs. Charles McLaughlin is seriously ill at this writing. Her many friends hope for her speedy recovery. Lenton i-cason being over our society people are making up for lost time, judg ing from the number of dances. Quite a number of our young men at tended the "hop" at Rathbun, Saturday night and returned home loaded with "pleasure." Messrs. Winfield Andrews and George Curtis came up and took in the danco Saturday night. They report having a good time. The Rev. Ployer, of the M. E. Church preached his first sermon here Sunday evening. He is a gentleman of pleasing address and it is hoped that his efforts will be appreciated and rewarded by the upbuilding of the church and much good being done. CRITIC Cameron. Editor Cameron County Press: G. L. Page visited Reuovo on Satur day. W. McConnell visited relatives at Ridgway on Saturday. E. F. Comley transacted business at Sterling Bun, Saturday. E. M. MeFaddeu had business at Ridgway the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs D. B. Peterson visited relatives on Oak Hill over Sunday. Ed. Stewart ruu the road scraper on our streets Saturday, doing good work. Ed. McFadden moved his family from Glen Hazel to this place, last Thursday. Some ot our boys took in the sparring match at Johnsonburg, Saturday night. We are glad to see our old reliable cit izen, Ed. Goodman, on our streets ouce more. Ed. Lininger visited the county seat on Sunday. He expects to leave for Austin May Ist. John Devling. of Sterling Run, drove through our town Sunday, making forty miles an hour. Mr. and Mrs. 11. S. Oyler, of Elem ington. is visiting with M. Phoenix and family on Oak Hill. COOL DAN. Rich Valley. Editor Press:— Seymour Lewis is driving team for 1). W. Swesey. Elihu Lewis of the city was seen on our streets Monday. Melvin Hamilton is breaking a eolt for Alvian Wright. W. W. Winder of Emporium had business in the Valley last week. Mrs. Geo. Minard and grandma Lucore visited friends here last week. Mrs. Andrew Houslerand Mrs. Milton Lewis visited Mrs. Merrick Barker at Emporium last week. Mr. John Adams who suffered a stroke of appopltxy last week is very low at this writinsr (Tuesday.) Geo. Skinner is building a cellar wall for Mr. Barr on North Creek. Mrs. W. W. Lewis was on the siek list last Tuesday. Elmer McManus,an employee of Frank Lockwood, was seriously injured last week. He was assisting two other men to roll a log, when the log took a sudden start and caught McManus, breaking his leg in two places. Hopes are entertained lor his recovery. Much credit is due .Messrs. W. W. and Sam Lewis and Frank Lockwood for their kind assistance. MAGOIE. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1901. Wyslde. Editor Press:— Pap Blodget says he has full faith in the ground hog. It is too bad Cash, but she may come back some day. The big mill made a big cut of lum ber last Saturday. Barclay Bro's have their drive in— came on Saturday. The Sunday fishermen did not report their catch of trout. Your choice of ircsh fish here Friday —shad and suckers. A slide on the railroad caused the log train to lay out one night last week. John Lightner is erecting a dwelling house for I). McCall at Enterprise. WUJ. Lytic took a bath in the log pond latt week. lie says the water is a little cool. The Sinnamahoning band was out a few nights ago and rendered some fine music. The Sinnamahoning band is getting along fine under the instructions of Prof. Fulton. 11. L. Drum is building a largo dwell ing house for llaynes Bro's at Arksill, First Fork. The few warm days last week thawed out our farmers and now they are plowing their oat fields. J. V. Strayer and the Logue Bro's made a big catch of suckers at the dam one night last week. The S. L. C. are waiting for the weather to warm up a little and when it does, look out for some big ones. A base ball club is being talked of now and we may expect to have an gation of that nature in the neur future. 11. B. Lightner has purchased the stock from J. V. Strayer and rented the P. O. S. of A. building and is running a first-class grocery. The poison fiend is getting in his work in this end of the county. Several dogs and cats have been poisoned and a valu able cow belonging to Coleman Johnson. Several parties were out fishing for trout last week but the water was too high lor good fishing. Now that the 15th has airived law abiding citizens can also try their luck. Trains commenced running on the Northern Susquehanna last Monday, to connect with morning trains east and west and afternoon train east, one the P. & E. R. R. J. V. llanßcomb and Alex. DeShetler had a bad scare a few nights ago. Alex, said it was a cow in distress but on in vistigation it proved to be the "sweet" notes of the bass horn. The mill made lumber out of 105 logs between five and six o'clock Saturday afternoon. The boom broke, which was the cause of the extra hour. John Logue got scared for tear the whistle rope had broken and lie would have to stay 1 all night. Mason Hill. Editor Press : Mr. Drains Ives was seen 011 our street Sunday. 31 rs. Chas \\ illiams is on the sick list this week. Mrs. Martha Miller has been ill for several days. Marion Barr visited James Ilicks over Sunday. Born—to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Marsh, a baby girl. Mr. Clarence Miller has gone to Medix Run to work on the mill. Mr. Frank Williams was seen on our streets one day last week. Mr. Walter Barr made a flying trip to Huston Hill last Sunday. Mrs. 0. B. Tanner visited her parents at Lock Haven over Sunday. Mr. William Miller, of Medix Run passed through this place last week. Mrs. Bertolda Wheaton has returned home after a three weeeks visit with her parents. Mrs. Ives has returned from Grove llill, where she has been working for her son Drains. .Mr. C. W. Williams and O. B. Tan ner made a business trip to Driftwood on Saturday. Mr. Thos. Jordan has moved his family to Dents Run where he is work ing on the mill. Our neighbors have been troubled already with forest fires burning their fences and dostroying their lumber. Mr. Walter Barr and sister Ethel and Miss Madge Miller took in the lecture at Driftwood last Saturday night, reporting a good time. AMERICAN GIKL. + + (From another Correspondent!) The many news items from corre spondents appearing iu the PKEKS from week to week shows in what high esteem it is held. The anglers arc after the speckled beauties. Charlie Barr and Leslie Eng lish were out on Monday and made a nice catch. Elder Ebersole preached for us last Sunday, using for his subject "The Res urrection," which he presented to the satisfaction of all present. Dr. William Jordan Ilicks of Huntley is visiting on the Hill, this week, and spinning some of his many big yarns. He is a captian. L. B. Russ'-'ll, last Saturday, had the misfortune to cut his great toe nearly off, the bone being severed. C. M. Bailey took him to Driftwood where Dr. Dailcy dressed the wound. And withall they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also, and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not. Young man take warning. A word to the wise is sufficient. t t Huston hill. Editor Cameron County Press : F. C. Williams is visiting friends at Medix Run this week. What was that young lady shaking her fist about, last Saturday? Send me the nauio ot that man who wants to bet one dollar that Hicks won't move. Miss Ethel Barr, the Huston 11LU school teacher, visited her mother over Sunday. Miss Lulu Williams left last Saturday for Dußois, where she expects to spend the summer. Not much news this week, as Huston Hill is neutral, awaiting until we get our spring work doue. Then look out. We guess that man did not have them as fast as he thought he did when he said "we have them now." How easy they slipped away. GUESS. ■f + + + Sterling Run Tannery News. Editor Press:— J. 11. Desmond transacted business at Dußois last week. Dennis Keefe had business in Empo rium one day this week. Misses Jennie and Millie Berry visited the county seat on Saturday. Miss Byrde Taggart of Emporium called on the Misses Berry one day this week. Harry Berry and John Furlong at tended the dance at Driftwood on Tues day night. Mrs. Samuel Hess of Falls Creek is visiting her daughter Mrs. Chas. Norton at this place. Messrs. Eddie and John Tracy and Edward Berry took in the prize fight at Johnsonburg on Saturday evening. Mrs. David Wolfe of Clintondale and daughter Mrs. Thos. Shilling of Howard visited with the former's brother, Wm. Berry and family, last week. James Furlong has resigned his posi tion at the tannery store, and gone to Renovo where he will work in the ma chine shops. We would inform that wonderful "Trixy" that when the Tannery bells do their cake walk they do not need togo above the depot after dark. XX. 3,000,000 logs in one massive pile make a very interesting sight. A large photograph of such a pile at Amburg, Wisconsin, and thirty other interesting views will form a part of the exhibit of the lumber industries of Northern Wis consin, at tho Pan-American Exposi tion. <BW4 This signature ij 0:1 ••• •••>. of tlio gmiuine Laxative Bra ■ nine T»bieu the remedy (i.i- < - a William F. Kline's celebrated paint ing, "The Flight into Egypt," which was awarded the Clark Prize at the recent Academy Exhibition, will be shown at tho Pan-Ameriean Exposi tion. Administrator's Notice. Estate of James M. Matteson, Deceased. Letters of administration on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those have claims to present the same without delay, to ALMON M. MATTESON, Administrator. GRBBN &SHAPFHB, Attorneys, Emporium, Pa., April 17th, 1901. 8-0t I jjtylish Clothes. J u| There are mighty few men these fjj ([J days who will wear ready-made jfl clothing—because stylish, perfect ly fitting garments made to measure jfl cost a trifle more. |JJ U] Do you know that it is impossi |u ble for ready-made clothing to be u] up-to-date ? [Jj jjj Till; lIKADV-fIADF STI FF OFPKIO IOR uj la SWF \O\V WAS fIADK LAST WINH.II p] p] AM) IS FKO.TI SIX TO TiiV WIVfHS [ill- | En HIM) STYIK. (• »» O jjj LFj We take your measure, we fit ft ru you, and we turn out for you gar- ul uj meats jl. UP TO THBJ MINUTIi. £ jn All the New (ireen and Olive Rffccts. j]j uj Every garment goes with our U] pJ guarantee for serviceability and [" uj satisfaction. Jfl jj] BBDARO, jjj fu The Tailor aud Furnisher. Ju [jj J. L. FOBERT, Manager. ■JJ Emporium, Pa. M 2SHSHSHS 2SHSHSHS £5 ES 2SHSEISHS EfT I psiffil j s P O BOX 594 S f' harrisburg.pa CUKES ALL DRINK AND DOUG ADDICTIONS. NEwtf FURNISHEP NEW MANAGEMENT SECOND TO NONE. Adam, Meldrum & Anderson Co. 396 to 408 Main St.—American Block, HTTP'FA.I-O, >T. Y. The Great Pan-American Store. Our store is one of the attrac tons of the city. All convenien ces and comforts for visitors. Bureau of information. Ladies' parlors and waiting room. Refreshment room for ladies and gentlemen. Meals any time between 8 a. m.and 6 p. m. at moderate prices. Headquarters for Fan-Ameri can souvenirs, Buffalo and!lNia gara Falls souvenirs, We are now showing new spring goods in all departments, including millinery, cloaks,suits, waists, gloves and neckwear. In dress goods, silks and wash fabrics we also lead the trade of Buffalo. We show hundreds of private patterns in new carpets which can be seen in no other store in Buffalo. All correspondence promptly attended to. ADAM, MELDKIM& ANDERSON CO., 396-108 MainjStreet, The American Block. BUFFALO, N. Y ' fo;- infants and Children, The Kiiul You Have Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Cha*. 11. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over 130 years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children—Experience against Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought yy Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. !> FflriTlPT flnrl We have justreceived one \ \ 1 til lilljl 0 CLIIU car load of Fertilizer for \ 1 / Potatoes, Corn and Gram V i » C\ 1 I I in 100 lb. sacks, at $1.25 per / | Gardeners Read!—s \ „ r ... . fi We are agents for the ! J 1 We carry one of the most B I i complete stocks of ■ Demorest Sewing Machine, / \ General 1 Oliver Chilled Plows, ? \ Merchandise I Munnsville Plows, J V ■ Aspinwall Potato Planters and \ j to be found in the county. ■ ✓ / „ , I Cutters. \ C Come and see for yourseli and ■ Catalogue on request. J J X ? JOHN E. SMITH , Sterling Run, Pa. G. SCHMIDT'S.^ HCAmiUDTCDC F OR FRESH BREAD, 112 Popdlar ""CREAM. |j « V CONFECTIONERY Daily Delivery. All orders irivun prompt and skillful attention. pßrniim I Everything in (||j m stock that goes ffl to make up a IjM i||jj first-class Fur jf|' niture Store. . |l| ® Will not be un- ® der sold by jj|| any one. . . |jj Carpets, Oil-Cloth, g Linoleum, |ji I Mattin s s - 1 UP IN QUALITY. Ip- DOWN IN PRICE. Ip One of the best (<M Sew ing Ma- >j| l||l chines in the ||J world, sold here—the |l| | "fjomestic." | Undertaking jljj iff in all its |f| branches 1 ill promptly 111 I I M? Yoit all know Wi || the place. 1 I GEO. J. LABAR, 1 HUfl ml i ' THE BIG BRICK STORE, ||l Cor. Fourth and Chestnut St., ffl |I EMPORIUM, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers