The greatest Discovery of Age! • 4r.. Pa" ft.l.r.gAT2 on, Tn 481E 9 8 31 Ur; NEret: it 1 4 . 7 1 11. : NT* TIMIS is the Ars( nitempl. ic MAGNEC.O FLU ith f o u tracts in the form cif an ham, nt r\ le 1 1, 1 ly for the removal of 1113 e abo. The .111111,1•1111.111//1C 1 .111••• Cass it has Mat with stamps/it at o,,cn 1:10 GI: I. „ DISCOVERYLIe,I'iIk: AGE. It 1. clo,10lii•tly elf:, tiri Cures of the of tholutnni.t import iiit e.• o logo aro CONVINCED...Ih, Are • ~,o, elled to bcltere in the poivcr un iriii •of E , G, , p t •,tt ic.. 1 .1 ,11 ; , • 1, itiittUlVl.really atimstlnd to Ir• nil: .110 i WO: 1 4 rut. co.uitisATios Ksotvx libisuemA rE itcLlEr of (11. e t e 1111 , 11,1, !looser fails While then. lemma. 1.1 , to re'tN a natural and healthy aellon to The y wo•t tlke body, and equalize the circulaq • E a controlling ihnzer rr gained r ric.l q of` DISEASK which - cam/tit Such is the power of rtes rumba, h trate. to every portion orilw Ce,,,21•; emery 1...11C 1.111 muscle, min, nerve and lig ininot • • tr, I ide I aensible of perifyiag min hi'., ing 101 l 11 I Dop . ell en readily with Numeretts kstancee tire cm I r .•, 1. tlgt- relit has restored health to Sl/ 11'11011 , 1:1 11 1 a II; II melt powerful internal ,1 1,, m Su. h has fictilontly 1,, t /1• 1-11 1 11%1 I. ‘IA TION of he BOWELS—no • disease where the M agouti • 1.• I That dangeroui , Epidemoi it no un t 1• Pr CUM Cal , SWELAS c tii stony,. tin cur,' hi For INFLAMATOR Y It 11 EU A pi, is the most complnta teni ,, d, 0. or lig 11159 casts ou't. or too It 'WI wor.tcaiie.of Nk:It.VOUN Ili: rlr: It .;/• For Nervous DInen•e:11•,11,11 . tl, Affections oldie Spine thiruit 1, •oi L r•• Sled Sore Thrn•tt, Bronchil,o, Cholera Merlins, Alme Head, Scrotal Salt ItheniLi, li3 ••, • 1 1 1 , 1 'Favor Sorer, he will be hiloti_di ,t t,c of this somedy,:_ OILBiNG11.1:11.'S cr.a r:r:r i'V• • In reply to your querio RI, ref ,r I 1..1 Ocl!in Eiperirnonte I halo malt: ‘, :•tiy —t 1, I, itiplplB,/Colll(Meaq t C.Ol, n • .f ', ft! , ;CO fl t one Drilla CREA'T'E -:s ME , t At: leis now tlektrly cm, years ,1111, I :,l! It IC toy practice, nod I h it e ,1 1, i et 11111 ~ ,,,e lion. both local and arm,' ti , Ilft!tc ~111, 1 un 17liVll le 1.1, with universal /3 1 H:ell"; ,;Well t. .11 0,1t4.111,11 e,,,P e• failed, 1 have euceeeded a ilia thi, I have treated cares of 'etliat.7ti.ri of to 11,.101, t• mation of tho Lungs, Ind ini111.01": I ,:l 'I I tory 11.118.anattIsm. ;sod Chit, h •,I F. • t •uecess; also cases of Scarlet l'eVer, 1' anoi Ulcerated I liroat and 1,u1,1:1 Vt.' .1 on•S In the 11,trelemIc k• 0:01 API fit • 11 which TO many yeti:aid,. Ill.', Lo:t, I utte i it cud it IttfY,:c istle,l;of t tio. t,eit , a. , 1,1 tain cure fn cases of auras, pprai.14,11:.f1z,:..... it Acts like a rh3rni. ' . No Physician or F..rnd..• Hal hen §int:'v .1 y a It'iont this Medicine, nfler b , C011111',12 :11 1 / 2 1.1 ,Il I. 1 „ICI It iol, er to cure. N. DI \ t;11.01, Piiy,l,: in all. , ii.g,onii , trli•a, N. l'..hvt. 19, Hid,' [-For further partiettl.ire anJ testi 1i0,i1!.,, zei; frylt phlet left with each nuns Price '23 and 51) cents per brr 00. AUSN'r3.—Cart. , .r Sc.' Ilrotlser. 17'1 , 0,5;1, ant ret ii. Erie; D. N. & J L. lVeli.ver, c,..,..e.tti. 0 ii..; It .t... Potter. West Sprinetin!ld; 'W. ii...r., .."—wi.Sprm...tield; L. 8. Jones & Co. Gir.• il; ,lin .t. T. ~y, r ~,,cw Erie. August H. 1F.17.—1r , '.l. i OUR FLA ' I IS , TILER E!; i : &it isio • .7..• ,+, * 9 l„ - CO _ • q ... • = ron , , e. : ;•= 4 `...4 0 1 irti 0 ; t i I= / it , 4-e. i Off I ARE HF. Et..l! i VICTORY! VICTORY!! Hiu.r.RA! ULTIMA!! MMA!!! I .The new Jew Store again \ head! JUST received at the , d i, t‘Mare, s, . , 1 , I, N Fleming Block, Stale S' fOol, a ii•, i _lml 1 'on did assortment of FALL 4 W.I :\ il.cit tj , ) ii),-,! ,74 consicing in part of BaOAD,CLO CFl).—French. English:it - 1 , 1 A Mt'. le" black, biti", 1 / , ‘Ava, g dd a t I c tclat Int' d Broadcloaths, cheap as Tht' l . 1 al, l , t. ALSO.—Cassimer , s awl V., i,:s, to sea e!i, haul ea to color quality d4pcu QROCGItIE .—d !zoti , it.o,.ra choice Groceries. %%Inchtraill.-.! I •w. CD.OOLERY.—A 6,111111 . 1;i'; ery at prices tii it e „u r t„,,1 BOOTS AN I) St toE s 1:4 1 can truly say we have thf• .u•,!;is. L.. wirtmotit 01 . B(161a an I :".!1 jGcntlemgn and Burs eVe. L coy. LAPS.—Men and cap:, 'hilt c .trowl i', l l to tit both the ptcr,e LADIES ()t )1 i :I home. We ha%r id-ricno, , s , d number and Arrui:t rr i;i1.)•1 p and Alpoccas, (Mil:01111a pi it'd- a :id i•s an i Tarltton Muslin: , it ide "tol d nod curd; dress htiVons;eori'ls and iuse of ermine. i'Vfl V ,1u:::; 1.1 Make the ilatltkUlllt! 111'31e dii in, and 11,41, enchanting. SlLKS—Striped and Plaid PvitlL do Soia, White gro do sp. Black watiired p (le soi, Black and blue hack gt • Black groole SHAWLS-01 pi icrin, 5"..0,10. and v front the ehea d coiLon ti itsc and Ca shineie, GLOVES—Of all kinds, color; and ilz•q. hosiery, Sospendei 9, Pi i Till, 1): =Pa e tories, in short every dii 61.1i1,1.1 to WC Sr.:UO:01 and market. Ready Made Clothing. ' Our stock of ready tn.ple and pplendid, and will be sold (11(.41). ,10 •m! ‘‘ 1 , 11 to boast, but we think coar,r:e..y , r) 1. nat, by calling that we zwal a tee fort S•Il 'sum than any other e:::,l:Plif:'l,nagorin any rate "the proof of take lavidtag th , retine 1 - 81 113" Blind the name am! nlllll l ,er. ISAAC RuSENZ, (1U F, Ci t. Erie, S,, 1817._ 13 ''Not fora Day bat fwr all Timo," OTANTON's rnit NAT, HUNT'S LINIMENT, HAS unit , given aliteilin. r ti.' , C , : 0, it, heal• ing, powers, and p •nrd r rho evra. ordinary and wond.iii..l in t nii the short space of 4.! IT 11.1 4 u,gnLtd reputation fur eurint: diem=c nil relva% L. !! p .iti iat greater than any eye. ilist_o‘erell ite wonderful (lilies have a. \le flea Faculty, who imit I'll.llly ~ ., a rena it. 1;1 ‘,!.1 I value. They s eak of it in the net :113 and commend its the. It is condemned by mine. On the enntra l ry, it= praise is universal. l'he et:es of ewe , nu t• so nn unroof; that it would take vi hon..b ui reiaiani them and'it- is a cited fact, and nun di.plited, that as • pain extractor it ha- Ilie tnauy 1115tOn1ShiriLt clues, :o be ha I on each agent. If you eu f'-r either of the ill,- Cases for which it is memo 11.2 , 1(1,1, 112-11 e at 175nce to ire use and he mired." Fur Vita luitutt in di, eases it is an infallible rein .4: Spinal AM:minus, lneit'• InntiSM, Paralyeis An I all ner vous elections, Sal:. •ti, or Hives. Ague in the Breast reel F c.e, e flees or the joints, colds, tooth ar'te, sole tit Quinsy, uleera ed sorts, iiivei.di frosted few, cot-1,4,11U 1)0 Is, 011110 zwellings and hruis.q, terofu • loos affections, in,) , l • quite hi ius and Pokon4, 11 - 2' 6 Thie Liniment is sold by all the re,ve'etti bier Merchants and Driv" , ists tbr.m2b.oli the country, and b o y the Propritli)re 'at :silt...! Sing. ' r 1.1( t. S; l' A N CON. FOT tale by J. Q. niirtqn 1:60, It. I'- Town Noll Clomeo• S. L. J 4tf,tr.l. Oct.!). 1817. • • Cash for Flax - suesi. T WILL phy the lii:fhe-t rice in ca , ll for. nny J quantity of Flax Jieed. C. NI \ TIIII3 ILS Aug. 27,1817. D"sTUFFS.—Nliublyr, Loo t\oo t . r 1 1 , 1;,. Nic Wood, Coln W(001, Mum. Copper., Btuo Vittiol, Cream TArlar. ti.L. Fa' , cheap for the ready, by June VI, \V• F. irtiNbritNr:ci vr.. B - ROCHA SFI AWLS --Frmrt :35 10 $3O erktr. no. ;1.1 Detnioc du. or ilitr2rent sizvs a:,d Col ore, for kale at the' tituip Sapp. 23, Attention! Jews anti Gentiles, Israelites, Ishoutelites, llebreas dial E,tryp•, . Sons of Aaron anti 'Daughters of .lluriani, receive instruction and be Wise.— Hear and Ictiou! (het M (1S Es, '1 II is J W / ia= r..tprled lo u tho IS 1110 ehuicet tiC,l.slltl;s O. ill 1t116,11t tcglu t, ttll`t lit Vitei pal( II it'll 1011 1.1/ 1116 111 l 111 I,'llllllll' /1.1) „14•tl 1),....,q, t 1t..1)/IC 111 ,t 11,IS t, ii ii ll I l ls relai la sellia4 , 11• r ilia , ' liar Ol 1 I• howio a Cie! 1)‘ vAahlish.. 1 a tor .1i.%%e iy h is i , ulacr I itltieti.4ltittitier Mille , the , •titV tvli eliv :bey hope hI teal. a Ilion% %Oili:h j fitly hehm_s L A) Sow 11.1.eti as Isles it to I -tit it 'els 11 () lIA In / 110 ,1 hell` Ills t ear and away Ow sell , awie re,twtt Alktl 'is ;111"i1IV1 tlilllll ' e pt Ice, hut ilia! tie Is re::1 , 1..r itt•sectidatu til . kbra . 1.1 1 11. 1111,1 11,14 1 , 111 . 11 , (1 his lii 1.:1 jib 01* r,ttiatittit_ tit it, slid intend 4 Lll 1111 ti11..111. 9,1 It+ Itert , t. ,, tme 11l (411.:11 It ill.t , incr as ;L:0;:i% 1 vu elialet4arisCautayi to ail rea.otawlile pia:3,llls that ~ i‘rjr him with their cu awn h. cp all his aid it•ml, and al (MC+ ul all that wive par clids • z ,,9,1 : 4 Irani hint. I but tho old Jw' Utieul ktreli d-es mote ktoods to.d ii lower In lets than day o o llei e,•are E, i 4:, 14 plain to in' beef) by lb, ma ra. ut ~ he. s,x la) tirittitt , .Iteir eitB towel y deeer,tiitf them, ie:ort b. ; titisrulae SelltatiOri .1,1i1.1111130. ot the Jl7; W :•:1( nic% liwv %vett know huJ-beetlt e.iwe 05 lieu - I,is. , fot .1(1 eg nnet which They diict.t Ai their tin rc thlitl Ito! th,it if fas my It O w nay, they gt:t they 0111 the :2 1,0i1 old pi I. 1. 6 , - fi Iv I, mitt Lif fill - , it, pur edit -a, it .1. i i,ry ra- tt to get In lure t iIJE ,V -lt ntv a‘17011;!•l twat- lieut.c we ace cvo:v thing I, r❑fa 1 Or•tr lard Fat., P—bbio ,„_, b, lu 11 , a, Illy J S .ml) s they are in gi‘ a . 0 1 al, as. ton-re, and that tlal Isitaw they f,,,,ffntf the Se( !111 t" 11 111 1 1,4 Ifr :it 11 . 1 S 11 11e1 1:4 1 4 11111 1 1 r 01, 4,01.14 111 11/1 . h Cv..• in trive , , to the 01,1.1 I , ky olt , t by the =1 . . . i i-.V, l'i, , iii.,'.... or 1. ) .V . 1. , :,...1', P., Anil vac. , t{l t -.,. \ ,I I .10,, I), 1): %%11,01 liv [ll,', v., a il •iillk ~ , Cllll4' .1114 1:3 u/ 111104 61 -.4{ •• 0143 111 Elll l at ” hat ti 1111, 0 ,1,,r, 1,0 . lot 711 , 1,1 In the C IV; 11114 111 1 1 111 , :11' i n ~, 1., ~.) lip 5.., 1 ,e 0)0111 ;hie 111 I LCCr he 1111 V liiS a l I ~, 'lll N% ~,li :I.lry I'4111: 111 !14. 11110, 11'14 1V1:4) 1 1 1 1/.11 • i lI.It. 1:.1 3 1 or C. 1111I:y proiduce. lir i all and exam I.11'• ll' , •1./Ck mid pi ii ti-i, lolly ,ii , t-liiiil dent II vy ,i , ill fia I the !1_.1) J til A' S l'i )11.1' / Or bei.4 place ty. iiet .iiim ,l ''''l' A I "' 1 "‘" ' 1 I n lcvs. Miiiii,, liiiii' r lii bi- i.ixeiyAti.l lion) giviii,l. a !iv nt tini ‘ iiiiiiiber of l'it yes ol 2l•itli awl ( 'fill, ii, N I 11AI 1111 a ';',..!, ‘•c., .1 , 1110 11141111 Pi Of . . 3 41111! ii )1.4 . 11_ , 111.1441 inure pi uli idily- arid 14:..13 .oily 1•111144yed . 1 1 ‘llljl Itl, • 1)11 1' ' , lower-, Ito win le ye iliiA mink. 11t pill' fpitr 10 sow . 11f I X u 14 - 111 0! 4 .- Q.r,s s% h., hate Sla ~ la s:ccr,s end j,wri- cbstoqt—s. :\ I; ):-.1 , s Kocii, Clll,er pi' rre,ich S.: V,i ri II •111'. 'I ti.i. near the li'arirkrr', I tulel. Ciiiiiiiiteli ial l'iX. 1 - `,l .2 , ir,'" - •!'i ME r %.,z • a P 1 . .: lc IN, k.: l ';%. :\ 'll ).\',_ A.7a we- si ICiair , -?zii? n .r fou, .Voli fr • , - 7 o I cii. a ag fait, ilia-fp/ J ung, Carl ng-lung,ts.c. It ~. p(6v,iive, .1..1 L., ~ ..s 1,1 • ;Hi:\ .i.: ['lie , : ,IA ,v,%%tete toe 'Soule:. hay,- lint.ol tarns &id 411 . .1[110 . - 1 C , ' Intl:: eves, I ttl.• ieet, ;tn.! plitnip i t 0:, %. 1r..4, o I!: ~, e emperor g!yles lom4eli the hint 1- 1 o‘ oi the :o n, anti h‘s wouary Ci-11,1 , ... - i'll AL: iUbe la t I .lots L rivs. bible la i'.l:_ottfnenet, tin I wool is of 110,e coot-etio , oee •0 os, the laud rotti 0 loch we oh Au) f [Lit i1,•11 , ..; hti Itever tv.',.,,•.11101 - • I. ‘. 1 ~,, bi . , : bl, v do,,:i by 1,,,,..,,i, ~,•, 1„..,,,b,.., 1 : ali in;il,... ~ „ a d ~, iiti,,.,,,, ,t., I ab,,,,t '' hioi tin , ! hi— h.,...,,, to ~,,,c, „an! ;,,,,I ;, , . ~,, ‘.l - 1., ,; :4.,,,i : 1 ,,,,4,r, Pon' in, ,, it , llV thinliO.• 141 he the °nil .. ,', on s lII,tI 1 5 ,11, 1 r0t..... or lelet at LOO[ S! vit.ts. Pni tee pie slime ‘,..'y I,v pel sow; Will tO•11 , •: do. lbilily of /,,,,,, sty ,ot {not are awl ,ell (_i, It `I)TE ),-; is curt 1 fi it 'd ~ , : , •111-i‘el?, to Iwo 1t0..-es in Nest fork, and [;tat all .Attlwe 8 in this line, sell k , ,L it iniertor triali ,l e c. and that too al/ ( xorbit a oritt ice. --8/1111 (lint . 1 h nt• h. n' pe. don; Inv ewil..l) %yid) :dm ,:z) _____ no ra:it, hot tow.r , Iy to litive ibexs t i.1.1c.i01 111 B L ACK S A 1:11 4 , —i o ill poy ('ash, 11 ,1 die pro At i 02; Ow tho:p up', Irmo Iterno lottn!nt.. , vd. : kiL , .lws' pliett , thr aqv ittair [lv or 1;14 1 , 1; Salts For 01:1 patt ‘Ve flunk 17)1.14-.4-, s , miel Iwo , to.oi. Liluliv , 101 at ‘l'l.c, , .in, or at fly shoo iii I' o p. tYan to.-. 11 tittd , .:r It , nib. Tlii- di-p! ty or V.. 0 I 1,.• "b., •r I . Ig '6. i' \I TI lilt \ I ,`',' 111411..! :".0111. '1012:. and 1 1 11111 ,, , 111 Wil , l 1 anti l a t. 1 kW', Ni• 111.1.- - 1,1',1.i, Bare: teat_aa I ‘ 611 1,;11 c'e.p'! 'II l Ow ottioln 1 1,,0 111 It iti+p.l 11i) in VI I 71.: . .1', 1 WI appei 0, &V. A.V. ~ .1111 4 1011+ 11111'e 11 l ovc,,,ary Ia 1.,,, ,, • vl ,io 111,1111.4 pf , ..1.1e. For , Illf ;MI I WI: •'i.ill 14'11:(( ow QiilVd+ l Ily 0:111,11y .1 -: , 11r11).„: 11.)4a, 14,0 1 wall: FE IS t'ill , we are pr paled 1.. ,dr•r t i n . in I an a4.‘or• men; o 07) I c'loi.: .ta Lin Is of lilaelt &tad ! Uteoo (•yas, It Ills tollo , ‘ In_ ) 0.•-: • I IT!, Xi ;li TV. XS 3 4 a.,d 5:; per lb, 111'-A )' Al' 4,5, and ti+ iwr it). 1:%1P,1N X1...7 mid t- , ... v'otiool.:. 1 '. '11,,,,,,,%.•,, p.oe,,t.ed It •' 11 111 •II Of 1110 111 1 1 ', C 0 1 P'a't 1111, 111 114.1 1 it} 3111.1 111 IV li . Jell dun a: it'. ; ,, ly ego II ,o any' in the 111411 .II al. e , 1111111• pie.,.. ii'lluy tl I'l .1/•., ptr. lip in 11.11 !,! , 10.1 11.1 j,t,,'l•vlefl II:iv , o.):1 Wei&l , , as I -10. ct Alai I p (per, witit• outs') !p...ttlic:l hyroglyp'ocs to tut( the (1:1 , 114- plit.:ll , . ::Lii.rts„(7 ,- IFFT:A?„,s:.,. -I.Olc, Lamp tiro% a Ilav Ina .10:1 Tort° Rueo '- , it , tr. (II I Java. 1,1 l'i if a 1:111 ;1 1 1 , 1 I'llll.l (it 11 . . e, 1 'boto.i e, Coe., I, . \ lolt'sse., F 101! we ,0, a11(1 1:1 st.ort 11 ,Vt . II curt (2 , 11117.1 ' I• ~, o rtotwn; of Family '1.3 8.111111+,1 ) ~.),,,, .VI; 0% i 0 I'‘e dill tit lot) 01 our It ieud+, at No. 6, It e0(1 I.lyose. 1 e Alt T Elt S.:. L1R.0 . 1 . 11E11.. (1e101)0,.' 2`.). fi:7. 1 21 Charity covers a multitac e orsins i A 5,, i , ~, (10 ... ./..i...4 litie 1 .1 .11,4 _ e leap 1111(1 i 1.19 ' 11 .11,1 1 11 e. ( * .L.' ) I. ' 1 iI:C(3 . 1t it E. .i.'0.1 o, I ' vet cUd S, 1 .1111, 1 , Ve . .1., Diaa . ..l., shiri.i h0 . i.i....., va11.t.. ' 4. - 0 1-- . very • 111 d ;111411l: el Oi hill , I : ~!. an: to Le 11.1.1 - ' ... 50 in:r ve•tt. dirape di 0,,., ,L 1) iv. \v S ri. I • r s th .....1 'lnv other eta ab I:, iinety ia li. lei a i I . be ...,is it ir..i ii.i hit, .‘lO - .. hut •' .Lll 111 , 11. h.:, Caq-latet. alai Flannel. . 1 Its ita• b :I.: tint 1 ieve, hem the %lannt * .....iiiivir; ' and Imp...v. ' s ...) 1 111 0,•1 1 or . aa't, a ivl then Ine era hints iii st to ~ I' dim,- .1..1 In-; Clelll lill.lo llp-On. :.i,l elen 1/ :. ea11ie . .3 .1:1 , 1 tin ler hi+ iii.oce.ia.k , o li„t; (m• i.. ~I,y 5 ...ii e ill haviniz ii 1. , ..1.L.1 ...,iOl.l n' 1,0 111011:3 11 , 44 111,11 1ii.,.. , : ~:.., 1.4.•,,1) ~., 14.4,1,. 1114(1.1.1 et..111111 . T1 V 1111. .1.1 , 1 Ne.s Ytiel:. 111.1.1 ...1011 , 1111y tali livi tor In IR:: I,tl 1 , 14 Riizlii pi) 1 k, 1 5 alitial iii saq,..r. Now: do", ,t i , ltia,z to par 1,e::.1 , k• any mil* of Weal int .. : rivitel rleitt .. nii 1 iipan - I . l .ai i iLf ..1 1 the 111j.t ..L.Lte,i a and It Ir i rk utalis l li P. 1 ~1 •illo:Z , •thel iche epe.t 111111 t'l.l Cti in any wile! 1-.! . % ,- ..r ....y .011,.. I.l.Lee 1 , 1 Erl.l. ltd . 1 , tiv,quhe r Can,' 1,1 lets .:1,,,,. 0 1. \II )si.;,;,_,Kr )i- - :, I 1 , r s,, ,',NriawrZl V ENt li.inzp.i. riencli iii ! rh.t .21 - F4ii. - • 1 A cuniplc e linsta nt idmiti• 1,1,1i(1, FL, Ted and ,1 4.hajr, ( 4 ‘l4'lll/0, Ile Li.. 1,• 39d I,4e•lris ch,i•f‘r the r 1 -c s P yi,•9 A LS() tilfrq cry v va erfis art I style.. 14! cmhracin new pi oduel 101 A, vt"..ich wo %yin reil IF eit.,ll) :If , tic 1 . 11 , 2:11•t, nt the Crl) I,sr lie I ill .23 \ , • ‘vrarmr ([111)01111U Decision. THE ecritc,t , d tri.dLt 11,4 n .1n) e‘i=tin!+ Fu n.nny vettrs It hem finally settle , ' by fir y of l'wclve La , lies and Orb. rieci:Otti is, Chu I h.• purest, mort. Cr , t,trant and cheapest Team to h a had in, Ihls section, of the velotiv, aro ilio-e ,-1)10 r otne from the Cele!). ed A N 11tti Th:.l :!, )‘ll . l Ny. can had at' , ;di into J and telermtei to oive en ire C:i'l.+l , zetiOnnt th e mnnev wtll he r1aa,1, , (1, of heir rtoenta,n he , at u reccicint! tr,sh supplies weekly. %VILLA :•3 ¢ WHIG HT. Azentft. Directly c the Engle Ilotcl. Sew. 13. 1431,7.. VESTE!tN ,HOTF4., prp l T.'” IN G' lt AII A . oprietor. The ;it d subscriber trent() ropeettilliv intorin 114111 f. his life oh: and the traveling public gen ei . m.) , t hat he hag. lensed for a term of years thi rmy itt rl entomeitiott4 shoaled at the Eights Street Canal Bain. This bet ion ren ikts l'Elt:s1" pre eminently the inns, convenient, and derirahle stepping. place for oli either loin ba-rue;. of !myelin on the Canal. There - atteelied in this ei , tithli-Innerit a larire and co , tvenielft. Stable for the use of Boat men : l ey! o hers ht ring' 'unser , . • pain or expe.ise has ben Ppnred in fluint , uprhi h-Me • for the eetieenii.nee. - eotteint and pleasure U11'?3;9, Old Pa nprielor h . t, nrictattentiim to business to merit and receive a abate of puhlie patronage. Erie, April 3t. 1517.. 4:) .It an 'l rii./ DICKLIaI Lf Milli:118, Sardine*, rntriato Ca, env, Lein , m - Syrup,, Pepper Sauce, Sapid Oil, Vuu,tril, Otty.tiba Jelly, Enoli.ll White l'ep per. ,c-c.,lhr eale at No. 1110.:%. by ti - kil Clr D .t! VI•ABL I VL. Lo'- 1 6 4 k and ~k n IC ! ": NW' hy "l'apo., a raw copies at New r ort: pi cc ., just receice.l ant, !or Nab: by 0. .0: S.PAITO Ito. 4t14 Eric Aneu•t 21, 1917 ILJACIVION "•.Aloi•o of the v:treets." slll.l, 111"1:11E Q, ( . :1:Ne8 PATENT. let...shim a I vompletely restored. end to the efreet of this 'medicine, without. !my lb 41 11tli111, I ollribileo the emu. DAVID Ala-AI:LAND. 3 antto y , Ili 13. Puslor of the flaptbd (Atm ch in Culuose". I Terklonony from Itochroter. tr,ourtf...s . rEtt. N. Y. June 5, 1515. I f 4 1( 4 , ---tiniaclitio• lit•I. .111411101 y, I wit, taken t 5.11.14 a violent c 01,1,, II 11:11jled I , ,iii, it di., ~ da l I, i! Ci/llgli, 'rl hien ill the cour-e id n I;•%% 43,1 r. lo Lingle. 4.Y4 a i l l j l ow li, id ,0 il,,,lnn.;ni, WI It 'noel; ,roi pout- °l' t h e ,:t,i7.t.t, 11.1111 in the side and 11110111 tIIII OWNS Of 1 ht. bretcd, A fie, below confined to toy -'•r , l for •,otou leas oul 4ttititt2 no el'r. ill. l'111d:4 0 l'oriiica IV 1)e(14Y1,. Sheriff or this conn•v, . ce,tollll4.ll.lcd Me to :rot a little of 1)r ,Bititlettc,, I I • ;no:rat iati Dals•tai of Lite, dcon vim.; that he btol Mien slinfistily afflicted, and by the use of that or di- Ono had Iwon spbedily and en 'rely etourl. I itinnediat.ty ant a hot le, and lied for il a 'ohm: time Ilia rerult wits as h. jwc.1ie....1.--- I iiot eu ircly icell, Pion. I'm laetbird I rceeiV 411'40111 the 13.i1-ito and from the liniversal ,end i. tine It bents aireci. l 2 my Irtetols who bare 11q '4l it Mr diseti.e , of the Iturtti and they', I pill induced to Intlivre it fu be one of the bes; meillei tits toot. hi tee 14r til , c4e dim:0.4,40P, arid 4.1.1 suet recommend it ;0 the pilltite . W. W. s‘N 1 P . I• • , - ' itgeinorkistr:e cutre of n Dongerouro Conala. l'a S. Tousr:,r. 1 . CA rt.. -I i..0r501.,, ,N. l , 11 . tut. 6, I'll I. air--Wu lire enilrely mu of the I I iimiarian-llalsa its, blivino , sold all ' you ilea Ivilh u 4, in one intincitlate vicinity-, arid irk jostiee toy the titedi l ehne 11111-1 1y with nstonishiog success. A tew ilny,r sine,: at yonne; "po. Milian of i hie I own ..died it oilr wore is lon had been for months 011ie a ,tvitlt a Yelp .1i 4 11 i ,....1 u 4 .01.)11. 1110 namednamed ll hi/ Ile 1.1 the. 8411.,1111. W fold 111111 it all. , Or !Lola ...or , ilq ItAO flit 16111 to I..die it tit nny thilio . th-e —LIE \ lUtir DIE. Ile tool; a 1h title, hots , tl-r, all afierwarils had another. I'e-lei day he called a-_!aio very much unproved ill appeal unce, and said he was rapidly Lfainioil I mcmzil. -.bac, had ii nut IWeti for the, inv,tlcrille' 1 litotNrihin he titudt , 1, 1,1ve died. ~SVe want 0 .11ro more of the inedieine (lire( tly. 1 1Your.: respeitliilly, IN , ;ii A \I Se 1 . 1 A VENi;, i[ Pon ' l. ! Er/. ll'. 1 7. Pisk, Canristota, N. Y. dm pl , l '. ‘viv.'iriiT.% Nov. 7, Ism] T., S Touscr.- :Igen', Er.c.—Sir: I laViii.T llltd I)i-. Irtcll,l4l'N I larloari•ira 101"1.4.4in in toy Immly tel It the very 1105.11, for ho :..! e4tlnplaies, II 1111 l ' i I , iv i wz scen it, ll.led by Inv frieads with like sliel'els, I ass mane , il ht.( typ r i,,,, 10 in.eonionn A tient for the sale ol the ,Onto, Siolle WIIII:li I hit sold 11 .1 o', ed • rmilk l i p i • or 11(11111'F. and baye in almost every immitee learm;tl that it 1 'tad .Iteetl'ede I b yond all exorcia ion. in Sllille - t'1441. , ' where t op 11'1'01 I att.\ 1 '‘yell by ('hYsielaus of wimec .thility PRON. lIINC El) I NI - ; till A111.1'.. and i j illf.ifT Illil/10 , ,i, a n d I flip': elleeffillly retr r llllllerll I) to ill , Vlll,l ate sot" It min. , n ins 1 -tug cumplaints, ti , sui inaili•in that in ; tow:i eu , es they ss ill fold ,peedy ielief. (Siztorl) I 1V ILL:AN. E. Flz-li. , 1 ' :Violin Proof. , Ert,rd,s'ilo - .1•1',0r dr, •riey of Mr iiiing7rian. Ihtr-ton of if [From rledetty I .ec. is, of Utica, il Cell I 16(...%. rcbritary I. ISIS I I c',, , ,•rtillly !live my mini , iu 11tvor rn Dr. Illii:'..ol's I 1ti04.44!a0 Balsam isl !k i r,. 1,,. v d April. my is Ile %% as -mucked tvith 4 violent izon , h, attended , ti Mt j. v ., cit. and toa-d pl,,Titt ~ ..1.1.: I'll. 1'..: T1fr.,31D , .. F., 111,1,1 .1. I.J ilopi iVe III•i, . l orre:t. While In this ii na init. I 4,1141 on Ilessr.. 'Vanier .i. Co lii =near • I. 1 1 1 tietlicine rod 'hey recommend...l ibis Bak till. I ' I intr.:lli-0 a bottle. and by I Ti' . , ,I !II le We had died altnlllolle hall 441 l', nit. Will) ''!'in to , on. Itn 11.1, .11111 I I ! ilieri 11.1 n. M bl. w e rein tinder, her heaas comply els. 1:e-•ortil. Since At o I . V. ,1 , , I W .14%e rt.OOIIIIIICMICII the 11/1,1111 2.1 toy Ii iends, rit.tity of.tylunn :tit c used 1111. it itli like success. ( -i)110(1) 1 i'll I N!I.EWIS. I r,,,„,.„„ „ r I h,. Fi r .-, p.m int Church' in 151Ica. ll' r.77 -1 11,nroher t•:villroler...A.,,l • 1 II ( 1- , rorn . Ite . P. VI. al littrbiii.2bm lia . s, I lisetf.; l (.. N. Y. dated an. 1.4 13.) tr..7IIIPA ."7 D. 11 , I out a„ t in tinder the licce.Aily 01 °Merin,/ .. new Supply I tt•Th e n a k ailL ... I'co'n Vie Ti fp! , st c 1 ,4 10 tit “I. coloos , . OlterT,O. Collitlg.' ' ' i :V it ilv slain/11 imtes Ow medicine and i: improvi oil!. It i.tlni,io ii Anil 1., • ”i do lie cht• tooqc , c , ernilly coo Or lb it I have ti... I Dr. roiclian's Dun (In lid- `ecl,"". I heard of' a Iriend :io_mile.l l .lmit lice. , oho ii a, c o cw d i , 1 t ion Mikan; iit niv coniilv with _trial .414:4 c.... 111 y little old. tint ,- In 1 i ,., i . 41 a Co.:I'll:51Ft) fist.-YtterioV. i.e,, h.,,, t..,. 1.11 41c. of tla• Hats,ign ~1,,,0• no II e.k..3 since, and I heard from hint; and thellaluito is actin_ on ~ .ventli. year wrot, in the min 14 oft l: o'er I.; 11. ninte,e/i wi II it thin HI . lier ri In side, and no•win.t,inolin ,, no used .(11'llili•te ti nce to iee.v., it, s it. Irtint lik ' a c'mrln- i C•••siiined. A. E. .1 IZNUI.I 1. (v oilimieel to orow V% firer an I idler 0 1n,,i n i nt r . (lie crayon., or Dr. ll—, whtd The It-puts. Metcalf. of Clonewn, N. Y. (ono of nhom is a ut.n.tisiti. , it eet ..h t th e 11i. ,, h: I,elic (oilier .11.1..zt i u•rinit•dr MT ctrl ttrit licr recovert ,:iltysician) in 1 or Ictioif a new supply ol' the flal•.ain,'s.t% s Ow di. some I--:.; as eseeertimtic II ill. fttl. I 'i 1 a- i tibiet II tont' tin tine heels o' - tile Mikan; it i 4. 1( . :1:1 1 , 1 ,; ',1 1:: 0 \ t , tr , i 5 :V; r 1:: . 1 1 1 1 ' , 0 ,.. , . e N Ol . n/ y ih . h1 47 4 ,4 '4 , 1 .n 1 , 1 : r e i 0 i l t il l 1,: t2 e1t .21 1 r . : ,r . I N . b 4 -: ,,, fi l i , t;t: r i tt ilt a it g s ,o us i . ! itt ~ 1 1,,•1,, r ,. 1111 ,, till „I i t it as t'‘ltntst. the lit le , ttif•ror re.titne I her 111 (NS:in lii ' her cliOeritillies: .elmii. cl, a n ...,boe 1a o tomb., At f.r.• IN /I licr hell I I w . 0 Ve..tern ' 4 4:0(.44. • , :old in Erie by C.. 111 F.•: :v. Ilincruirtt. \ II I;,1' II I Inn-' •' 1 _ _ _____ - ~._ Il ' r 4. i 7 4 . : k A t . ' Ip o. A . ..,, A ...„.., ic_ rti , .',.-•)--fzio., 1 -.---. , CONSUMPTION CURIiD—TRIUAIPIIANT SUCCE IJUCIIAN'S lIUNGARIAN I3A OF LIFE. Pill: X 1' c: lur Collt.lllB, ASTI 111. II. Ai A. awl )NS!..I 11l /N: Altpi CEI,EDitATLI) and INF' ALL! A BLE renwity Culd4, r „%mi n n, i . or any Cofill of PULXION Ait (;ONSU P 1 . 1( IN, iA the itu: Itl AN ISA LS j 01;', di.euvero Iby ic .t,i-of London. tesred tt , r upralits ut et•%ell years in Great Rt n und; 011 the 1:011,1110111 urEtirope, and In m hived into the United ;State, under Li lt ,: 11,1.a,0, to, the. core of.. vverv i i Gran t.:ONSLINP %variant. the Atioprivatt Agent in soliciting roll treatment the ‘VOItS I' can he ("up, in the e;nn innuily•-ewes that sect froOl any nr the co tam rvinedics tilt l iv, and have. been ; , iv; n up b 4 Ille 1110:0 a. 41 ef INPittNIEI) AM> 1.`;4.1.;11A 13LE. The I Innual inn 13,1 4 4 a lia•r. cured, ; I nd will vine, the \ll)S'l' 1)1;ISPI.:11..\ TE 1 1 1's i. no fplack nu. Iran), hit a !kilitt of kiIOWII and•al cllieu v. Every t'anaily in !he United States should he •oipplied 111111' '.man 11.ilv un of Lire, wit 11111 y /0 . OtPll/il'l4lll 1110 1•0 , 1S11 , 11111iy0 ,01141.116117 01 1110 1111, 10 110 117 1 01 UN a pelt- Wire Irt , deilte in ;ill cane. nr ul ••ith.- ;11, I Ciwsz. Irtilationi and Nom it, E. Or the 1.110Z4, .11w,o...1thiS,DOlicu'IV ui Voviitili:l2% 1 Fee is ':'ever, N itvetio, Llttuciatiun and Cienev4.l)vbility, :XBlllllll, 111:1OCOZ,I. tVlloo,jioo 11r111 C 111,41. 11 lot or seated Consttnip; ion, it is the O.NLY -tOtilt(!h, urit . 11111'E. SOl.l by Nii:Damil I ;•.: h, rn• 'ha United Icitr.doln, at the A....are•h,nise, Regent ;-.1. London. in 1.1) th... and Sp.a.fai,lipdatat-;11--;nAN'll) I i 7 r ron r Si, \tas4., A.,eut Inc the ,tin and Brili-11 A nThrivan - flow Antes lean, 31 pct ll,ttio, with cull tliiettiow? 11ir die ies.ornkinti i.l" 11,u111)4_ 1 l'onip'ilets, con•aininl a ml.. or Ennli , li and American ccriin,:ifea ama / o Per , vidonee, s h o , in, 1110 wicgo pllcil meri,s of [his Cilem Enelisla Itetne I ily may lie iiti aincd 19 .he A.tfcills, izral is. r ' 1 , None 2.conine. wiihicit the e lit en ..i t toal ore nr t' 0 Amel kali Azenr, rml ii nold and litolau 1.11)1 . 1, tip cOilliforl;•it ti hick i, 1 1 11 N., V. I AGE,NTS.--:4. Tocsin . . Syiacmm, N. V. general Arent for New Yell; I and the western :111.1tqS. _ WE'STFEELI) 1A1t1)1JE PAI;TOIZ.V. f,llliE..mitis,llll.4s ii iyirt it ,1,10.1 a.....0rt ~Cll .' New Eiwintid mai hle oil 14:1 , 411, 1 . 1.1111 i II:11 I-ot tpiari ie.:, ealemat.•.l (lir I tem! 411/(I Vll.ll 1.1111 ,, \ 1013./IliCilt• - •• &C. 1% hillijilley offor to sell :0 ,it , % OM' io '.....1ie C.lllqilV; P. 1.111.11, 11V1:1:1 r111111..r i h.. r„lc.)..ttered i n fi,,,1 r: 0, 4.11 e, nod delivered .1 the foltutt in , prize. ,: Sol ,11, for children, $1 5 ver low; NI oldie size. Pl l 112. e I people, $1 G.? pp. foot; Utr ,, esi size :51 7 .. / 11.4 - foot, \\ c il l io1; i ,%oill.l he an ~eject I'r snlllll or the rule ..omit % p...)ple In forsvattl its :1 ii..." I ii,c ri pt)ion , a.: 0, 11,,t I leceollv he,eit ittl'orined by the Erie iii',).le ,I. i., l ather k,, by.,.r i! i ii , way, tha• 01" y w.•ic a ieki oL , I' I the Eite and I'r.tvihr . ,l (.....101y p.,, 1 ,1,. 1'11,•\- ...,..,1 1'11 , •\- bee_ very hi:lily or se' 'too to the "1 1 . 11'111. ,I[liTC'e' at f.fini Sl., 50 to :3 , -1 pll 1 , 1 , 11. Shool.l any 0 1 lle people of Elie comity b.:. in ‘v•int of ant °dog in our line, they c tit tl, \ t ,ii (I , I).•ir i;, , elip iir t os.., or come themselves, aniti 111,-y sball 1.;o:e .1 fillet role anicie at the above Pi ieel. 0 -11111 AM slliES &7. CO. Wes:llol,N. Y. Sept. 1.3. IS 15. • - 171 Leine an 11ct.....tr0 1 . 1.11, 1111 tlftt S to fine 111 'lit at Van %team Land j ht. Iceeireil for .41.! at Iloohstore. .11.'6... slur 51 ASHES! ASHES!! - • IWILL p.ty .Icent.. pe4 ittvclel ior uood• field as.lie4, told 15 I .2 14:.r ioN'ao I r a:6 1 , 4 dultvelcd It oslv.ty or Al'lcoan corm.) V.ri•• "e•ii.l I: 111 1 11 11 TIPJIA 1 toti .70. IWO .tt,u, a few 4 9 1 - 3 tibl2 Mat \ci (.1, Ibr , z3l by .linte. li.INIII.:1:NEC;111'. G)1,1) I .ll(),(viCe Gehl l'en4 the (tto t eq.:111.(a...(1 tear,err, 0! lie :wi11.% 0 o 'oli ati - ear 111001 krl.t 1:00 , 11001S 0 I 11 , 01' 1 ; oi - ) Ilia dtl refer I. kinds of rhea! , (tle.oe •t) run:. at (l. 1_,1)() \IP.= (;- S ;or ce nea,lpepp.?,,ile Eagle Hotel. Joh' if), 17.. NEW AND FRESH GROCERIES, .;Vo. (i Poor Pe,oples Row. W F. RIND ...LIN 1.:(.:1 I I.l'lll • Litt l e Wi ll s* 4.11 st Retell 11W01 01 WV, li.y n 71.1 V 11111111: ti meet Dye Slttir4, NOll4 a, 41 rill-e,IA 11;••11 11'1 11. ill Qell c'wuper ..,r1.11.11t1) 333 tut% ;)„ 31301 - lulu. 1 4 1'3 . 17 . . TLI I; itEel.:Lvv.t) it io, Cuba, St. um! min- nod Java Coif.e, one (I , Or north of the I.llrx indoor, Slate stret;', by 1 W.i. 11INDF.RNECIIT. • lute 1817 41 ; \I,l , )11in Stone •\ ate. toe gab 1 4 . 3 1101111 it" Wl/11/'IW. •- .1111f"..20, xll :10 ttl \:(0:1;NI:Cfrr• 44.0.01 C 11E1{11, WILL YOU'?" yon W 1. 4. 31 t o buy click), you o ill ple,oiee.ill It 1(1S1)1'..1tNECII It. I), Pour Peoplu . s. Itow, o hero you can fiat! aithius, %%hod, are wait erv.ed — l .2w.trae, Nl,das seg, Tokio° of all I; i nil Kier, Peper, Spice; 1:t n namorol, Cloves, Nutailo 'hoeu. late, Cuaoa, byT•110 pound or hoc, Per), , e, Sallee. Lepton' , yntp,Olivertlit, Lamp Oil Vole L z,o, riree:iaiAer,,Catiitll2. 1p till via!! Ili 1,1. 1(1, 1'14VA...41 0, 1 ;HI pq aril Plll 4 , 111 ' Tar and 110. iii, in 1 1 4 :eart•lt soon" =ill F.psuUi al s (Mother salts :',lll - lie I Coils, Ilnl r, Fi-ti and Chalk Lines, I 1,, \Vos'i Rn,rd. a ‘V ire liives, Almond , . Niadoira FlPootZ, ry all,l H or s e aod 'lob , . Sal lirourns, Colo m a d I rear.ll Broonl4, 11714it0.“.1.'1 and II her irks I;tumorous to ‘ll.:nLi rn. I'laa , e van :tad for you. ewes 1 7 .11 e, .I . lllk 19. 1317 lilltr.SEl FL:fit Ns ) 13, P 4,0. l'cople'd Ro v Ontirz,!.s, tnn Currants and c•tcap for IraYklw Jn•u 2u. tV V." - ;;;; \:11 7 .11.^: ,IT. r;\l{) , { AND {{A 1.:1:Ns by the tiox or pom] 1 for rate at No. II Pyrr3 ,Ink T., W. 11 rirm t ivists II) • itssisivvt•sl vsOvs•?s, BAs. Viol, Violin and isitas sts i;sr alr by 111. 1,,( )0 lln &Co., .State. Ft., 'teddy oppvoito 1.7.!vg1e Ho 11. Snly 17 Via. leeriv.d the Net vt-r,.1 met d suit(_ at VII y Imt• pritx,9- flit 1(') • 'Ali N' Arriiral . of iNeiv Fall and Winter \ ' . \ GOODS. WallelA 'AS St. W ma t-ur, ,LTAviNG - ii*lcii Fix meckh . in Modem, New 11 York and Philadelphia, to the selection and porchn‘e of their EX I'ENSI V... It 11 K.: R., which t ley me ...low openinu, be leave to infant% their eustinners and the _ i rottittry a- lat L re, that they 11.1' now prepared to olTar tfoodi or almost every de nomination. at least 25 per c mt. cheat.e.r than to , er. We find hi devotiol time to the totrchasitiz of "nods, as uls3 for e.rsh, th it i: in hies a - vast - do ft rettee, therefore we van idedue ottr,vlv sto st ii as low as tiny (louse—(that pas, for t'teir u ~,, tls) —this side of New 4'orlt or Horton, and for the ahoyassurance we invite those that ate purebas• i , anti a ty kind of Dry Goods, Hardware, t 3 roeer t les, ty give us an opporttroity and we will t•ltow you a!s good all aseorted, erensive and cheap stoth of goods as eon b.• found in this market. For blither particulars please call at the Mick corner, opposite the 4.:Agle tin el, near the coot( house. • , Elie, Eepl_. 30;11317. NGUI D$ ia•eveiy dexerip. ion daily ar . rlvine born New Yogic. and Borton, et the New Suthre,ChcapOde. -I ' Noe. 20. • ALLYN 4. ~„ : •`.z, - - - 0 • •I\T ) . Tit), awl -1114.1 I rut. Nl.l)l,ll:ic•hriliz 1611 1)r t itll 011 1 Oleuld , 140.) 01 ASIIICV SIK vy, hew a con uu sup;,ly :ill .11.i,1 ,.. vs nittlictiuril bt biro ill lit. I,vp! LIII salt• at wlieb.salt• and lctnii. '01111•21 and P,rasa Ware inky in pi, in ‘Vitrie. 311SEPI t, KELSEY, Tr. n rcrt 7. um" Illy hint Till door Skop It) v la tot t it It toil 13111 tt lit It. lit• t ill Ivt p rnt.ta Oh 01 01 oil totke lii order all 111 t h• • to lit-. I tor or) lit 4mi it••t entice.l !ay.( 11-Iprif to tato tut filet rt ork at I w ltrite ott II do ot II to um. 1010.11 1.01 hritrn port lots •t I tt here rttl .71,1 'OO4 ill all belt 8. lain 0011'0 IN 6101 004 Intl% on hand \I t% Itt. 1-0 G , t• 51 S. All 7 'l'll Aqi. HAS JUST R Irmo Now 1 oils pct Potortt‘'sl:xt tot_ tutu is om% it atly to eAccio. oi Irla Gtr II 118 in the l iteqt nimon, and 01 a to tt. lualiiv than roe lie 10.rt.11,1-Ld heir op rlrctxli \I 16 1 41 6 " l'ublie Notice - . I"3 it •rqy aivt.n th.,t not upphe Inn will he `o llieocAt. onto of the inentltdt.dion of n I; urh .0 6e e .111.11 nod enANte:'Ewell," ‘atila .1 ni on,. hundred thon.donl di it=, rind 1 , 1)' ileafo of 1110 .:Toto To two Itti tfolo•atol TlotlcetT.T. tinid ham; I.' he located 1. 1 L oooly li'rio, l'eAo.9)lvAnia ' Erie, July 17, IS 7 11. C.t.iwrll, .1.11. Whiliatn4 l ' .1 11. Faliorio t. .V ,tier C •e•l. , r, •ti unit 1,111.-oto. .ta C, M II 11, ion° \\r .r, II 1.. Brow°, I P. A. buck A CAltl). rpkiE nracioianed wino! respectfully ii 1-.0 1 .! :fen lent It ul Erie and viciiii y lir has u TAI LI N',.3 Sillll' MI Ike ride Srpiere..i few duets east ie Batik, iihtfre h e will Weal all t nw s .cl.ll happy to wit it•np uI 11104 t.. ho mty t.,var lit, a cull in MI, In prom Inns e etico some clothe pi inei pal slops of ILee - eil nil cr Euraimin chins, and by strict :strew alh littsitt...,s it iurh may new be entrns ed t in Co ifitletuty hopes that he shall be a w. , Y 5 rd ttnithy to receive a ,hate of ietehlie fes fits trout shall l k s eexoeweel let such ;11, 111.1 oe heir a clo=te uml inelatetieti examinr i always in ureordetnee wit. Ile ptevaili JOUN GUL LL \ . Pr. patittory ..) .1“..111 lent. 1111 r sittitic. 1.1 Nicly Fa wir ll and inlet stm.% 111 Gonda, wo 111 kinds or Pprint , and Sunnier Goods ai tildk e nnttn fur the new P 17. BitnwN \ 1 4 CA Itl ,CLOCKIL. imiTD Y . a :U) lima Merin a n d common, by Liw bi qty cheap rui ready ilea i; L. ir)lll,S & S -ate nearly typo I c t 7, t 17 L. WARREN, Erie, Seilt -1, 1817. S. 11 'oAiro• (Nolo o n !he F hor not son .11 1 .4 i ,„ t (or E.d0 i ch..811:,3 hee:tedpv.l, non hnl ih•! Big Win•low. by J 1 1 . 1" 16 - I V. l ' . cfVI)F:I: XIS ER CI; X 'ZS —Vtle,.“ l't i I•ntbuca, 11 :,11 ;di o her kinds. Inds t 7 Da )‘7l-I , )N-I. —hl m. Pork. 1 I ain.s era. 111 it A 641 I 'ea elle.F. nom.. thrthol'' ii fiat Line, carp IdIII .end Nit* e.,11: by • W. F. RIXDREN itillt• la) M tinali 3', nnw 0.112.reil lw • Alt_ 27. • 111:teV.V:g NPC ICII linqctiva( st)t)t) N,t'w Loaf &leap f r carp, one (low noril , h.. Ili, I Jute 12. ISI7 .POIVLER'S WORK. - 1 ,-,2 stilt-cr :. ater is the .1110.eriz A % j . s.l tt et PI, )0.4.P.W5: Pi litl!:N( ) WI )31 SZ, 11l Pli,o3aaa y. I, l r. Bill ' II "' a 1 NC"' -A - calf n.;•:,tA. l Ile i:. uk(? ! ,, lIIIIIIik , P , V)inl....ii•al Joarintl. Call l l :Tie Mil se valuable patil , eatioas at stare. on i:l.,tale stt'eet, Erie', PII.. Alp!: ii 18i7. t). 0. SPA L - (c)K4,sc; G 44..e s and.l,lokin , I. A Iftratt tustortgleill of the above re i Sae rely 1 , ,w by ' GLt n )\II Sin e sr., n :arty opposilo Eug July 17. 1847. ; GUNS. —Double Burrell, :;intr.te dui Pieter, tt.rvnitin s i x Shooturs, rirr ashortmnt of Gun fb invs. G. LOONIIS July 17. 1947 , WOOL! WOO •t! 1 . ft/T ETTAFFEY ..c. B:I.ENS IE 't i IVA. stun ly on hand at the Erie Wou; ry 1 , 1,du pothsi,Flain and Pitney Cas, •rwetl-, olivariuu4'eoluts and qualities . VSCII:III . ge, Ir: wool Oli ' delivery, on euo eevuuhtiotilatto 2 t 'leis. They also pal wool. . Erie %%rootlet • ` taint. June 16, IS A".—Wat.olt Sr. 'Cos Cast St the tioieri or sinirlo. February 13, - 18.17 :1i. TO.IIII/ ‘ NS s i • 1 LA PI GOODS JUST ItEX TilE MOST EVI;EN - siVE ASSiiIITAJENT OF LADIES ;IMES:, 60t)DS!_ taavosia, ia lad psecce CiBanO.P4 an I Niallin de Liini, us , sill ell u 4 4 4 , 75 do P., ae'l,z-e rcaa al (le, moa Giagbanig, 30 A Ipacc u:'• vciy kle-ca i i alun, f..;aillo. ma I'l id., .10- do .11res.2-Ilks ni the Lur s. and tnes.t ;rrovetlra 10 00, errrb i u icred Tar IC 5) du jacom.i C/) 1.i1) sidt l rirl_c+,.r , .iwt 15 0, 3 1; 1 111)ps :ill 1,11 ) 1,1.1 u r o As and 21.10 AlOt 133 : 1 114%% Is, or 'llll Fi)let, e. 4 3- 1.6 $ 15, 200 p.tir It lie. am/. : L reall4, 200 du CoP;atof .11' 100 do black aul a hit° ____ F()1: G...N'l_' ,ENIEN., Cholas ,11 . vvery :4114,: it;itl q 111) iahly, ' I ru.4 I.llel C., 1 ' . fili Ver. lllt.f. Or 411 Nilldi. e 1.11116-111! sik, 5e1.11 , 1, - I f lII.IT ra-liniere,,\ htNui. cs, . te..t tc. STA 11..1 . ; UL) 136. A I It' , . -. SlO) , _li of even' do rt . :: ii, ion. Iryl s'l.,r, ...l i , ,q,,,:1; ',H rich_, ..,... chealiitt.,l4 un , l:iihinbility has neve! b. , it , 111111 ed in thk tinatA , -t. CAL , ,i, -. 4 .03 sleil an I 11,,y'4 S(1( ;I•;S:.. 1101 pails I ,ili , s: hhil4 111111 11.1iIii.,g -low, ~,, , 's lath,4 ;110 .iik.e•g U ‘IB • .i: ,L.l:S.L:.'qx duz• ‘te.itli,., GII , ii E ; I ES.—A generd rellp toll. 1 --,--- 511,..L12 I 4(,1 e. • M. Tit•ts tis , Ha in n,•I 11. .1 111.1 t'. •I Ito. 11 . C.t. ton Gr dluor Oily 1 0.1111 . A if. ...I_ 11' tog " C t-r,ry 4aou•• {1 ugln col in UIIIh 111111 I 111: 111' I i Teti th m•atitl thit”4 in th Imo 1 2..01 ; 5.,(1,11.4 1 . ;yid :..4tt S:attl.ll..iv kin I'. t 7 . 11 114 a A.le Au") 4 Imt).), and F , urn)) .nti I) MEI and • hair) (IL Ntii \V 11l r .04 1.111111 C11.11)1rit'l %VI; ra .LL ht. % ell ii,surted in the mai!. s la:h )l,\. —The I.l' cantioldhe's can. Jur sloe:. houses !It ihe aunt • of the Lir and we pitnit:e cnld n•••• low us fur cosi. I Ent!. :-ept MEM oi k for n^ II « l' cost, to ME 13/113 n:2le o 111 G [Jr.P 1 11,Y IMP()IITA NT • WS Ceiell rated Cou -h .-._-., Ire niedy T ; a A are, edy awl e iii ilt I) cure fur Cott s 1 Colo. lion •n, Ss, Cro , tp a,a.l 11'1.00p nt , Con.',. root it C Ire, le has lt.-it ii-1 d by hinitlr , tl- tit people %%lit la l.tiliotz ru..eess in ell, ni g the :.13,.., disra,es, ‘,ltli ill 1110.1. ifor t art tan toy tor pot lii""rY 'yllill l Ills - , 1 , 411 InVedkUY t old Ill' 1,11,- ma and Ilatotel it,. it i t Hi,,,,v(a it, h e lti Lt hly If 4, Wt. itll.l ill ill le, 11•11. • .1 ter :tit' tt'lltelly , lit all atf•etions of fl i t, do ont :11,i(1 In •it is tot iti‘a.'tt 1- Itle %ello iiit..l .\ laoy e..-t s of oh Hoare ( . 11•1 ,, 15 1 tt , l I ill) IrSt'lle•li 11 IVe il4ll lierfet: ly ewe() in IS lowa, nod in",lst.v. tid inLittite..s It tatthlesotitt. ttl ot 11.oigertois ellti.eol 01 fl 0 11 tire to tea ye. is siaotl• int , hare letell complete! ' eth «1 i , 11.1t 0 a I'l.. in el OUII anti • V [lo • liii Ili 0111 , 1 1 1 Its: 11 , i: it IS been erpially •twee•tshil whett wed 'wife I wily. •rhi3 Remedy is it remain pierentive of Con Snlnplioni a nd several o,her, of tin 4 mist Lunt diseases in northern ,:lung cl, Tills NlE i. .ll‘.:lN l7 IGAN PE OBTAINED N E 11l LE. ON .Yol . P. ld VI .L., at h;R Drug. &ore .10 I, Ilaa . 'it s c. Bnit furrd, corner of Shste ou I Sev enth Strtit ' s. and his a 7,l elits dr ito..hout tit: , A ttN: tionll. 1 , iy, ETS .i r AJ 1t. , y1111 , 14, 155 %lain st, BtitTr 1 0; Rot d, Vi t) up &( 0 , Watel ford; Jo'ot A. h acv .2/1, Pali vit L ,V; jik, I I Iphell Edinboro. Pr ce : 2} centmllo SI per hotter. it; ti . ,llg 0 1•' C 0 Uil\i" i' I:: R F.E. EFS an i BAS K VIT.:II7O , Vti. :Ps.vers I) . lie has the %+ortls •• Dr. P. I lall' t i (lot t ei Itetnet y" litoeqp,in the _lass, and his wi hi •n shztia.t re on t to wrapp'er and di we inns Non.• t,lllior it 't. 2. tottine. I.IIPORT4N7r nSTIIIO.% Y. —ThiA is to ' , miry that, %.11, i.he ti.itl-tei ,, octi, have u.ed l'tr. f P. I I tat; I s Olth)tevitei y. nit I have c mud t, in every in-lance an elfica ions medicine, and trucly wrath's its reeenamenda ions. John Guihrniin. • J. F. ''i ney, Thomas liti , 2 l wP. John W. I.llls, !NV ilso I [Una, *rh Moorhead, j: .) in. , . I). Dunlap, :John liwthei, J R, Cochran, I. Thomas Nl'lgee,! Otis aphatn, Charles Cole, David Baldwin; M. G )(Juin. F.. 1. Owen. 11 John M. Warren. Oct 0. 1$ 17. '- , zinN ,-,. 1, , 21 ;:sv;s;.-.)A 2 4)0 t us.slolttent nr flpl l l'e, TMat sh'i, Tiema..t'o, Via tinft'yont Ithiie• hurt's Titi-1.4, :45.0 v (4 igto 14 'sale loih• by CA LITE Iltii.4lll.olllllT I! 1 1 i 1 1 f). 1 I'll 11.1.1 411(1 1 ite duoi I'l I I'. I`Eru~i h 4V. Mq EU ‘lonl - urnd ov on ME 4.ark ho or cold ?ITAL. Polverix t o .:11!!tir, r ‘Vindow, :CUT. ItINDERN l ent ror 14 w -1 12 L 1441,04.4. 4.1 ac,rt lot nd exam Ilia Book FORD del plaite. I ri ivlea for I hotel. I. °Mintz tit u gen- 1z: ikeep „coo len Fuel%) iinProa mi filch !ivy timary .11711 , cash l.n •I ...1)(;,L,/) ; I't IS rti(l , ' r tit i 'l • I.llnri Kipe, quality and price, at Nu. i., by Autt• 1 7 . BROWN gi Q 210 \ V 411 E --j. ,Silver ,table. olvpsvrt, kj pall ar4sritptord flprolg, trio4nl. I , idles folks. bolter and finn.:ltnivol conxlttnily On,lnVal Jinn for *a!e by :1 G, LUCIMS & c 4. I Sta!r: st, neatly opposite Eugle Hotel. ' July 17, lea. r 1 Ars by ti S; Co. 39 uid c'ltt 2ifa 11V4 , 1 4 10( S. 11 in'JlentiS 101 tt variely el i every de t II it „th i a.. MEE •:,, omit) 1 ,4 ; 1 11 ':ir .cis. Fail tit•IIIIO•PN, ul eve, y de-4:11101.m. 11-SOl - 111(211 . . ui Lin Lind, lEEE ShilWlll.l MEM I w..it4. 1 a la sink h+• ~, e qt, circular and -- r.. )Infjete ns , orlint:nt. id store sqe,ly'alirhor I 6,:1,1_ 7 1, wi!li 103 :‘,1)3 and milli—the c:icat) in:zq any proctl.tin v•-q. 01 uil $.17. A u of F111(1.11. • ,in • PN; stet:, t. J u•?lion uric, a. 1 (1.(1 why !m,(l, low a's ii 11%1". \V.• they boutrlit or;wr ti it!! tame aotl 14;itne in•l>u(T.tlu b‘moi ttr wo l riat o rntr •t MITI L or :toy 1.1,we Wesl ut it I I ", 1317. 19 Joslv 17. ,1417 E F L GOODS. W. C. at R. 11111.11 E . ' ALRE now and ;1 4 sort men 01 Sioler Liu, Iv, is hitii have heel, 4eleetu. l ith :rant care. it it , . I•ti•ir t.. ti•C tititi-1 lo la 111 reptliatitta , t 1 Itta!,t•till.q: to plorelia-els_Latt d. sir.d.ile o,e,p,st ahl ,, einseut it, t (ley it unlit relleett . olly i..vito the public t., call nod ex , toline their i•hjelt; , unioluz hid, may he too 1,1.1110 inuiA bewitirtil and )( ) 1 )3 , eyer ottzht• to this nil cotti,,risi , ,g 1 - 11,1 ~11 fir Lnstr...., I'l fill ; nel-; Pl tin +.0 , 1 slriped Alpaca 4; I ; pl an r4.l<. +.l de L0ni,... , ; I•ren , .l I. En gl s 4 .1 d f)! SH - Urni:ll.l.l)tinaQ!, rti,kllll. PI C, %It /Hi(' • d • 1I I,nd %artery or. ther sijles They IS 11l he o,dd ust , rti-e , toialv cheap. • CL' KINGS. —.A beawit' , l lo: of CiedaPln. , L, .1 hibut (I. , t'ut :to I ii,t , ••r• , ; A 1,, v,,,i t)nt: t.,,,ni,t Chnd. told nresA Prilwel, tinnp,, &c. • Ls , )—Tdide and S and Co , -.N - ,3, nit %Vidte. Dam • I) lies. 14.1 pat and •‘ ail I'lici , , ,, awl to to , user flu N Deus. Shou,.,'6,te: 1.0 , ) —.I did Will litattill - I'u It ! hilfra pre ci.mlooo Nlllll4 Fiellett 1..0r Gene tlO luti all Litzto c L% Lyo %;0 . )10,1: i!) Iltun 5,1 c 0.:c1) 10 *1 . 2.1 . : 9 Nl7. .21 'IIIE DELAWARE Ifi'l'UAL SAFETY Comi)nny 4 (o r FUJI, 41)::LI'llIA.) Itr. (IA 1 .1. in, tutf the ~ n+-n(cti .L 11 , 0 1.,n 1.1 Jur y 111 )•ojul t 41,11611111 ',ant. 1 Ilitt Cl{llllt in , tlr II 111 k•t 1:1V11 . ,d) 1 10_ lII' Illor I ad) NI/ 1 : i112 . I :ql.l r morel ty. in tk or 0111 I l'or a Ilini ed it:4111 Oi 110 Ina 111•11 ly. — DIRECTORS: J 0 , 1.1, 11, t. rim tit c. , , I 1 - .::Jon, , I lush rrai.z. „sanni-1 1:(1.v.,1"11.4. Ge , 114, I I , • 1, I Itsnly I „ I ':ort , l It. I , thvaitl (Utilv 6 y, JF,3IIC D.. t 1., j, inlin , ou, l'o;tt NVilliatil !lay. • 3.'111 ;\ ,us Iso, l)r. S. '1 11.whag, • Dr. jo'in r, S:111 , 1.1 \lclltmor 1 , - ;•• k , c'y V\ kik \ ..t pplie to l 1),-.1n.a; to J. 1< L )(_;G, ttent hr P.• rt iv, nr.rnst 7, IS 17, t PlZ(ii'Lls"Pi():Cj s TIW. Erie 117,..1ity timii.ll In-ti-ine:C .,, inpiny towi.,ll, •,,i...tirk. ,, .11.1 , 1.,:- ,11,1,1."1.u._!,• by r,,,„ 111 , 1„„1di,,,.. ~,,,„i4 :Ind Melt II 1 ,, 11j, , ,0 /ill 41.• , t•ripi ion.. I 4fitt, tm i hi' , a-1 41.1 , ..01 1. , ,,i Vutilie '....39t101e, hetwe , t, I; lt tt.,.1 7.11 tvet i.... , fmtc.cloro. • . %I'm 11.. - mth, .I. 11. Will , :it»., 1 6. 4.4l)mie, r, . .I it 411.2 e, i-1 Men, l'hotta t..A IV gilt?, . 'Smiii. I. k•h,i, 1 (:11 , _,S ',Virld, . 11 i I ' l 1 1 .1 1 0.i , t. •1 -1(:. Al. I Ill i llf.i, .1.,11:1 %,, I r,i..., 1 \V.. LI. To‘%,i , end ifi . I !:llin Rust , I i. ni v'C'.i `it elf. . G I I ,r-; ', \ NI:( r.: r), Prc,iden , . ii. ''. Sri - xci 1,1, 1•04--iire,-. C; o o , tr , Seidel), Set rf.iary. . • 3‘1,1. , .i, 1917. I ' I v. t..(1 he'd \ 1 u5'.11).9, Cd le , olt);:, 'imp el rt d ~ .01(14 it , Id .'as , 'ell4; It Impt-lial c01 t :t..,2 , . 1 )11.g. in in ic,., lir,' , 1::'1 lT Nich lk Id ,l ijj te.r.. .. I ••••• l; a ' C . 111111 Ii . s 1 , l ( ,i, 1_.1..d i 1l I.lll, l eati , , I . I It 1)1I'•..1. _ 1 IN e‘ t;•r ( ;.,,,,1 -, I'V mil!) ill, h' ( ;01,11 I 1;0 4. 4 Tf li F .N. i t: lit . 4 iit 1 $:, 6 ''' iii ,1110 II 12. IA, 1),. st idv. I 1 ..Isl 6lt tln i.r ' ). ' I I IT. M i. .' I. Ii 1 11 *V. I 1 , 12 I. VI, stl , l 2 1 i2I , I ?.. I', II) 1`; . thr! •ft t,.. lor_r, i J ill.: \iv )('I ."; 'II ,I )1 \,,, T 2 h'l l. :1141 1 Ihr 111 11 WI 1 16 I'ri's I:ri_fff 1.. i. o ' lft . 1 1 , 11 , t_:',P Mt 'I I, iLI•%I 111 b. 1;i1 1 S, li, ii, 11, Eveti &I, It LI- Lt 114).. i .11(1 tit Ode :t1 7. .li 1 . 1 " 1 it. It ,' 11 , 7 •• \\ * Dol. n a• 1 ,1 c itt• 'I I. ! , lott• I,l' I, t II • V.,`) . .itt• • 1 , 3 r.41111r. S I tltt, Itt t i lt 1.•\,. 1.0 tiltl.llll.l O . I I) , I r. r I.t 11.4 0110 ' I e z'pct", .tt •41 t II 111 11%. n" all kin 14 rulle J.:ls I - , 0717 1. • : d L •II I t u.l. J. •.. N‘l . ll 1 . 11.![1.'3 ~1111•) I W l in 1:1 it) . al 11. T. , Inly 17. 1..17. 4 1 , tt; kji Ilia! .1 I 11,,, r• \•,. • '11 , •.11 ,4 ;(1.. .V .N A Al'•;.‘ 1. 1 . • It. 17. P .1" ,;‘:1 144 ,0, •,,1 I•,r (1,41 . . r a •,; .other p , o,,• , 111011 At N,. I PCI L, 17,11•1,1,. F.; II Ell Rriy t v „ ,i• lutousl.oliluurq ni ',Li l o Elie Bank, rh ihr 12 , .11t1:\ I . :, ilt 'id to ttlahe maul , rt 114. 1... ‘ allx 3:.(1 %rt• 01 the E• to Bulk. in the c 0 ttry t" Lc n out E iv. in urns t nt En il' itli the Lime capilaf i; 11011 By older "I'lliel3etirl "(Pin , oiS \ P Gushier. r rir• 11 , .1; T,Ov ,•= ,7 . • llbntlstry. . • BY DOCTS. E1..1.101,1' S ROSE. . 1vvri.):,....1,,,,,,,,,,,h. 1„e Al rd VI I . t Ir . , Pl'o , . ..{% 111'10 II SIIIne.OI :Ind \I , . 1 p1 , 1i...11 "i 1 1 .1.1 (sort-lit' Alt. -'cie I, e. “t” I ) 0 , di- riv %% ,ip5,,,,:,,ue , I all ,II.I• ~ a , , , ~, a 1,...F, ~;,! II :1.11 , 11 k N% hit)) 1.11 L: I.NI. .11011 . 0 and UNrc 1,5 i It• I.lipill !Ili,/ y. in t !, b e , VI. I a Olt) , 011'2h hrlim li 411!i• "I an/ l I IV I late 1111 1 ,-,vement: 61 the EaLiin nu':olle.zo alone eau uke. - I , Hliot• or 11 gill folic - 1m inf.: e;. , 131. 7. Corretnt, Id, Girard, Vail Clew. \Va pint :\sll 1 7 „ . 1 41, le con•ily, \\r-irre t and Wa. fen C .11 , ) y, P . a. L'adli , an lenwn or 11e01 ei her oi Oh .Ye '11:1111t•ti IlUict•3 %%h.. can he wa11,111:(.11 it their ..d tia Part ictO Ir .ittentimi n be ',aid 1., the -beak,' to he: io re. , II 1 , 1%! .11111 prt , Cl fo:.! PiN'ot m h (ed the I.t.e.t implorowents; ulao, Plate reeth, one in an clime 51 . f. OfrICC t 'side•nce en F.lolt. Ciect betm eel) Fro tell and St.ite s reels. Sept. 6, IS 17, ly li New Goods! New Goodl kxj are teeeivinl: our stoek or If Ali. A Nil ir whirl( at v behave it ill ,vie with ativ itt the plate an aNi eat, style and. qii tlity. We forbear to t•totinet ate tyyles and qoalitit•s o - olio or the spirt' oldie hrti.tztt tin tJ, unit tot•sorn • tit it if wit were 1,1 10,10 places splendid silks, 10,1104 t.ireas 100 C4SPA \ Purl nu tta (loth, ,Nlohair Ltat taq. 1 .1 1 lent al, Calforttirt \.lontatay and Chezo t PI titls, &.0 Ste. nut uadr wool I tint Cher. by he inerat.oad in is rxional and intelligent atannittoi.y. W. a have only to Say This point that we have a hill and complete 4 , 101 i 1111!:11i 01 elieb 2,410d14 in l'iur braleit of the trade as tht• nun kat tegnite- end we'n rer them with ottt stand ing pirtigt to sell at the chrop , sl roves they can ht' 'ttintflit in the for tstslt, Please tall and let talk -over 0,4: nutter a lit le at .M •IS:ALP:3", No. 1, [teed Howe.. S'pt.:"2 - 3, 18 7. • 19 EGON rew• war* or the ithoie r;erani leoa Rawl, an I vellin" ,4 eh, op at thi: new SII)YJ, ; ; ALLYN `Cot I'. I 'sit. ' , , 11411 fai• 114:rle i yL ter . tiadr " ,10 . 1011 .f Or V. Athne i rk. Vsq at Ili "Street Caluti if: now rvoilt taceiaii: 'ilo pay c.sen fir .15 QUO' bushels o. Irate Batley. ALrlt K 1 NY/. Copt, (0 181 i. attl Ii Ira( )N S AND NAU.S.— A hilt 11S 4 :1111. Men' fir S . %la;les and , :*: l9 ern us eon be *old b - WILLIAMS'S: WIUGLIT. Ott. 20 , • :s\ \I iis t:F;-.1) \u . ; 11-1,• z s (•„ .Itt• ! - 3•21( i ,•1 lit'v 17 1517 Public Notice 1\:()NE CAN\BP, LIKE RRICK'S . Stanch rd 11 rill ill v gg UI g E ig a I. O A • i.•:"1. • • 44414114114,i, f'4 44 . I'4,Elt • 1 . 1! Er IEII 411' 4 , gie ‘o.y •I, •1.41 •1! COOP ••I 0.•• 11 . 4,(11, r .1,1101 if •"••• ( 7, is I I Ow i5a1,11,.. I rh, 111,0 4.1' ••ii, I 1,114 \in EE tll 4-4 1 .4 41 4 4, El ..n•em te•l DR. C:oAl'Et.) m•vhr ue .111 111.1 , 10 , 1 e... r'..g etotv l'r • lii asteei.ti tvp , 411 1.1 eh t• e 114,trau . 1.111 lii ea 1,, ~.1. .1, 4 • • 11 V I I .1 OW," r. 411.i.,-.• 11, 11..( 1 . ✓ ely Se! LINIMENT, TIIE. INF:11,1.1111,E 111:11 :Dl' I-- Ty, ",•... Ito.••• , •. (~ • I 1 .1-{ • ,k, 111 I •• 'lnd • . 1h c I •• • •• ••I'l ' l 1'1..1 • 4111, . eX 1.,11 .1 .11,1 I I• 0 I. •• I.• r •1% I 'Viii)' (; •I • 1 1 • 11 41 , 0 • . 4 1 .11 %VONA . > t 1.1. .1 - I 0.. II" Iko - .• • P" .• 111 . I ;•• 11.1 r... 1.'44 'I I 1., .1/1 S "/”.. 1 . 14 •. /1/0, I. 1—• 1.4• r '• I. 1.11 .11: -• .11 I/ t/0/, ', • i/l/ ).. 1 art , 11 . /rt mbl I of 1 1.' lino n • ti.• I. 1 . : 1.1 Eli 11 I (.71\ V I:( iE'l' :113 , 111'1"I' ER S. fill ~ I • 11,0% `II ‘ .I . 1,1 11 ' 1 011( . 1 111 I. 3 1 1 111x1 1114 , r Ifl A,tt %VI 2 Cool 2. , C414,1, •II I:I • 1., • 4,1 I rot , .II•r• L. MR.It !CR . S I.:IIEDICA,T EOZE:\cIEs. c , • .t 4.• '1....•ir• f.7 , ` nt , ..,T T. , 1: r a• tr. id II t•rrt, I. • W , 11 , •.1c •u• tqm .•w '•l.. ' 01 , 10/111.4+ • I'o.l , t ~• fuf r T. . I,o' 1• • •• '25 nnis . t enlll atnr. I ~•nh.or .1 I 11 " A r 111ERRICI 1, 'S I.TI N(M ' S. ' EN INC; I'LASTEI'i Is'.? le e. ~..11 ,r, I Pr • I nr.- gvi io• t••.—. ...Wen,/ • I II t' I I I? ' , WV IN i'sr• . P.. 14• • i. ,tr toe , h• t 1•• •%• g 1., et; 11. (•.,tt • ~,,, ••• t I t• ;.,•••••1./ r. t , lt• I•a- 1•11 . t. 1 •.• ns•1•11 Ilfsvg flit. , 1.1 •• ~/ el, • t ••11 IS. rt,,,NN I 1 , ...1••• i IS e.ll, r •il•t 1,,, , •at , . 11_ It • ,. 1.•,FIA•1• • ••Int, ›,•• ts• r ,rt•4l. , ••E i• 31 V. ,t' .11i,se• • 10 •geg (Wig DI 11. trgl h. r r 1. Igg t , r ti r• •••rs I II 1:1. I" tl t.. %•ti CI:- r. • 1 vii• ,•111 f , u, I , ti t .t. -Ir. et „tII/a, - ‘l.l I >—J II IRt t r 0 Lt.... t..r.1• •ini l'elt 1 . Eo. - V TZ- 010 (,f 18.17. -- IN • 1 ,,.;;': ,1 ii '•:...-_ .• - :_' :2 , .----•-, -f,,51- --: 1-- - ; - .4; ....•_•=o,,, EINEM I lA , i s N . I .1 , c!klV, e,1% ..I'N‘t i h .1, 1.. h• in 0 .1, (I • : !IA IXI .1 , -1110 It S Li.n 1 • 111.1 -1/ t 1 I _I, I / I /II !/lr'' { t•• 1•111•/ (.. ./11/ . /// 111 . I I h !, ,Itl .111 j t lie 1 I 11,1 T.. id II.; 11:1- 1 . • II :Ind 111,0.1 rj. I = SECIIMMEIS Old,. I ft /It 01 H.,' ell /1(114 El iv, , vll t.*c n•. 4r.1 s aid - 1,1,0 1, 14144 i l (.ip ~l_ ,!.a )•14 ,ti! h.m, 111/ II I iO. 11,,„,k,,,,a VO,, flit •if bi"" TI ilk, .• LI .s ctc a as i \ .1 11 it 1: 1•\ Zi.1 . . 1 Er) Irim , ld IN V•, t v. I 'an ill hltltr , •Id and 101 APrr7• ' 2 414 '1 1,117 lid holt. kW BIM lEEE f.'ll,TuN A IR TICIIIT 1, .1,1.1 k t.r lie n •L'ory tn: Si- o :Only dilt;;III II c nn b ;Hy r ,4 ) pne , • ;1 , )(1 \I ./115.J1.,,•11 =CC LES 111:::. E . le. '25 In • 'rile Questio W 1 :: 1 .;:: : :, i . , '•:::i7.:',3 :: I ;e f ' 1 ;: I:i:,..‘•"i s iii,!:l‘ ' : tr . ' r '. ;;; 7 ' i t, ith , t . . 116.0 or -0 000 II I', 11, %, i• , hi e . il h . ': VI, ly It tit Ili - I . 1.10 l I/ /)/I I- : - i-. lIIC Lir ~ 0 , 1111.114 11-.' rd. :4 ht (1. od4 ( ',I pv,r) J." , !pe l''' . ',11.1.11,:ed Ith 11l by all 'lib sle‘‘ -v le '-''‘'''' ,1.,et . ..1nce tilt' Tellirtl .1t alb w or oil: 114-:i.T .1 ` .1 1 . 1011) \r ,t• ) . ,,rl,: ;Ito, on illlli riril.1411•!1 ,1 1 , i• IC lq'Vt.:. On'. to 1 ,, lite p.•sp, and litthii int: ea' :' ~,,,,k..,1 hat' tihe'i ii ()Intl 'lto-Chit t•ly pre,i,,,e3 !al .in I islll.-..., We II..VI• 1111' if 110 W, (kelt. th3"Y''' tire flt i • and in tl,tint , -sti We it (Mid :lii the .‘:* V 1.17.• 11z..1' Fail` au 1 - Vie hi y to !?t•ar IA ill, Ilk' atiatitor , I• , t W , ‘ liO Sli i':. aI,C bit intended r:' he ~111 pi! n. re New 0 , 1 Ile. nttil conore it —iv. s it Hie t_irtyiou SIT, hr pfCCIOUS pitrer% • ..+ he pale ;:auv. a I: tt. , ' Ow OA ritiacbs graduar , ! _ . ~,1,,! Come en alien Ord avail ynt,,,tv,,, or Ole? par unity r efl . ft 01(41m:hint! you and rrt.' IL:. it 16:he con - 1111111111y. 11 . 1`) \l'N &ARTErs! rri.C`ti"hrr 9, 1 7. ! !I D ;itttl Y. I.l3iiilt at-hed,:md SWeetipv , an d St! tugs, 11inlYer Tow..llint. , l 4;ditq! reve ivtd;. o Cloak Flak's, Met inos an.l:l hilp• P:n ihr f4Ofe or l'et IG ..fro 131 at Dix : Lo ws, Anti' p Sort I. .. r ., A mot ican Al,m, Nail llorls, Hoop lion; a hich can he bad . /) term_ t0;.u!:, our old touter cppo-1 , 0 the Enule. Oct. W I ILLI A CIS 506 <ides b e g. vcciv c(1 Ilona die manttirre t'\'liprtg il W ANTED IFxt for 4 on! pieces r14:11). I; a)oFit \1 omit) ‘Vn ,, ll . ll W. C. It. P. lII:LBCKS'fi 01.. 9 P.'• 17 11'.t !! -Y.311% 1•10.. ii, (11.17cd Zt4 .t ..(1 otent. • c.(171:. ot) GPI :-.1:-LEIEN ;90 1:1‘ 4 ~ to inflow Pun . " I Vh i t h 'be found ~ onto of the it loeh and IteAdy Por l. ; Out. AI sp.l,D4s se'' MIME To t ;t•-c tot, lIMM 111,u to I C. .„ 1 . 11 r =Ell MIMI =Mr ' • 11 14 it. , tr3r. 17 ti r :GC. fn *1 ,0 , n• • :kt.`lor cttlb. I.S •.,It 1, It, 1 at, of 1 . atttac l, o 114 1 col T. , 4 F ea, Ll+ rzoh[l., '•-, ;04 1 ;tr.l of, r , rt, t , ~ , ‘,.dait I ' fr• l I'm!, .12', roi-all it ..: TONIC lind I ft t u.n It. Lo.;, rat. D TUU,9II Ir' hich • 41 s urm. •• •. • 1 , •• pug, rnre f AtENGTH- uu flue H i ! the t.c IILS. ~ , , I.llln , (Ihl. 1.Pe11.11 lo X• ~:u1211111,, r 1.4 H. t 1 ',qtr.. tt 0,4 t• tt Co , •11,:• JI t, i D S I " ',ill tit - 1F47. Road: Y • ; : 111 `, J 1- l Tin OA I v; CTS MEI I,m 1,11,1 t f 1 , 4 1 ~ tnE , , .1,1% 1 r az,t ( I MI:, trve, %or, r 13 4, r.r.,...311 :111(1 C. It•f: :01 l•Xl. It., c;)•ti,rld,- ji., H. tc,l.^;l' br..16 j y. ' , ;,1 o ns., ne .t.+.l a uer" 11:44•._ 11 ..Loge s 'lv or fit, ;to r n INO oldr. tu , ; , l 1111 t\s ;I,e, k or 0;,1: t;,r rte . .? :at 31 ,9 C 1 0 :2S COI Bale -wll ORING STOVE tl:4Mutl to •.r slily, I. he jai cv•.s •'' q SXL'f r, Settled!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers