Rough Notes by the Way. II Corrwpondence of the. Erie Oburrer. CAMARGo, MExico, Oct. 240847. MESSRS. pmronsr—being detained at this point for a Short time, the thought struck me that an accaunt of my passage from New Or leans would afford me amusement and be per haps interesting to your' readers. I'm far from believing myself the worst man in '"these parts,",but with all my patience these vexatious delays beget in me a most irrever ent desire to swear, and so I take to writing 'as some do to drink, "just to drown sorrow." It was the evening of the 12th of October that we _left, the,. dangerous • vicinity of the Crescent City, on board a U. S. transport schdoner, and on the following d‘iy about five in the evening made sail from the Belize.— The Pilot left us with the pleasant assurance that we should not only have a quick but pleasant passage, and so "tdlei, adieu, my native land fades o'er the water% !due, The night wind. sigh, the breakers roarstiJ shriek. the gild sea•mow," If I did not give way to all the sad reflections of childhood, iI was nevertheless not with out some very serious thoughts at leaving its loved shores; but then with my elastic tem perament these feelings never could long pre dominate ovar the savory smell that now is sued froth the cabin. Some of the passengers how i ever positively refused the joys ''ten .and turnout," and it was remarked that they were a shade paler than usual. Was it the thought of "sweethearts or wives . : that blanch ,ed their s cheeksl Surely no dignified gentle man could be so vulgarly unpoetical, at such /a moment, as to get sick and vomit; but it was even so. The moon rose in all her resplendent ma jesty and shed a mellc'w light over the wa ters of the Gulf, ,the breeze freshened, the bright phosphorescent foam t1.1,11e.1 our prow and sparkled i in our wake. The schooner was put!S. by S. W. half W., and "Filed merrily on her coarse at the rate of six knots an hour. am not paiticularly poetical at. present, and if I was It's doubtful whether I coulJ d jn-- tics to a sunrise or sunset scene on the Ocean . Suffice it to say that the sun did rise an i ,did eel for three successive days, nor otnitteil it's presence on the fourth, for on that, day we made - that most desolate of all spots on Go i's footstool, Brazos Santiago. , Our passage aas like hundreds ofothera; liglit. rein I-, occasion. ally freshening nod then dying array; schools of porpoise leaped up around us, the dolph in chased the flying-fish, and occasionally a lo . st ;lad fatigued bird sought rest upon our riLc ging. Onr Captain, who by the way, oas a regular son of the "old Reystone,"•kept a rich larder, and between whist, acre, broody- wa ter and spiced puddings, who could tiod room or conscience to grumbled—nut your lionoro bin corrm;pondentL.sure. Brazos Santiago is one of a series of islands that, with occasional channels bet ween thou., extend from ,the Rio- Gran le up to .within twepty-two miles of Corpus Christi; the up per extremity c hf this one is used as a govern• mem depot, and the quartermasters hate made imitea town of it, dividing it oil into si reels, quares, Eoe, The Greenwood, no old rites steamer, lies high and dry on land, and is used as a pubic hotel. The houses are built on stilts, a commendable caution against rising tides. A half a doien government steamers and as many schooners were lying here tZdtli plentp`of yellOw fever on board. There was quite eddisagreeable smell of decomposed mat ter, jilt g:iter supply of flie-, which taken in connection With the fever, I confess a nervous disquietude as to tarrying thereabouts—lint then it did not amount tofear, o!t no! .Near ly opposite, on the. main land, and about three miles distant, is Point Isabel, anothfr got erp ment town, with a general htspital i.i it. It 'was from this place that Gen. Taylor march ed on the 7th of May,"46: lam not aware of it's possessing any other distinguished lea lore worthy of notice.' My courit lay up the Rio Grande; so on [ the morning of the 17th inst. I tumbled my 1 baggage into a forage train and , •loddled - for i the "mouth," a distance of eight miles. This 1 is probably the largest depot on.this di t 'shim I and a' very healthy position at the present i time, which is rather strange. At f ie little % town of Bagdad on the opposite side of the l' river, (and a sweet place by the way,) lay a tdoren steamers and a few schooners in all the i tariety,of taking in and discharging cargo, ) repairing, &c., together with an,auctiofieer i who was selling condemned horse's, gave the I wholegnite a bustling city air. The face of : the cottatry here i; at present most ettirely cot - , eted oith water and the crookedness of the ri v - 1 i eris proverbial. As an instance, after the boat, l'had . been under way about tWo hours, during which she had headed to every point of the -. 1 compass. I went on deck and could see Point 1 Isabel, Brazos Santiago and the "Mouth' [ neither of them by a straight line being more than ten miles distant. Reveille funnd us next morning at Matamo-* I ras. The horses were neighing at a cavalry camp hard by, and the rays . of the morning 1 sun were reflected back from the burnished arms of the sentinels, as they paced to and pro upon the walls of Fort Brown. In n short walk through town I saw a detachment of the 10th Infantry "on morning drill," float otnni - as which the editor of the Flag had been asking; himself quite merry about, and heard „,, hat tire fever was raging rather severely.— - J . S 5113 sufficient, and I—sloped 'for the lbw. , A boleMatainoras the scenery becomes in "'ling; the banks are higher, and adorned "jib clusters of, wild flower-S . , sattinwood, r. " sl lillt,' Spanish cedar, and the deep green folsge of the ebbony tree, together with other s hrubbery too numerous to 'mention—es[e sially if, like myself, one happens to be igtit, tint of their names.% The crops are ratiter slim this season, and there is eery where present indiestiOns of a thorough inundation; I am prthutred to say, however, that very few of the inhabitant,; hate been drowned, for from every "rancho" came crowds of the half naked swarthy natives. from the grand parents down, to see our little craft as she went puffing by. The second night we laid tip at a "rancho," and here for the sake of a small speculation in gingerbread and '"segaritos," the old boas ,of the establishment gave; US a fundan ! go• Our dptain furnished a tidier, whose flattering cognomen was Sheepskin, but usu. lily abbreviated to "Sheep," and by permit 7. _ h ag ourselves to be roundly cheated in the above mentioned articles ( which:we gave tho adorable fair sex by way of refreshments) we managed with the aid of about a dozen "spno rettas," of rather questionable beauty, to have quite hue-down in the moonlight. The next night we lay at Reynoso, a gov ernment depot which is nosy being, broken up. The town is situate • upon, a range of high lands that take their rise hereabouts and run parallel with the' Rio Grande. .Without anything - particular uccarritig, we made this miserable Mexican hole, in another twenty four hours. The town is situate on the San Juan river, three miles from its mouth, and a very pretty-streum it, is too. The only bit of news .itirrittg at present, is the, killing nf our ox?ress 'ri ler, taking our mails between this an 1 Monterey. There is said lobe some live Iton !red guerillas between this and the latter place, rind the trains neces sarily go strongly gnar.le.l I shall leaYe for Mier to-morrow, from which, or Some " other place, you may expect to hear from me..: • yours, • "OMLGO." GROSS BANK SIVINDLING.—.III -injnaction was lold on the Built of Tenne.l.oe, tin t the litith tilt, at the ito.tton:e of Mr. Evan Airer., of Phila tt,ho own. a lame 11n17,b1+ of sliari s. Un ler thi. nroc the hat4t, %% ill g into liTti lntiun un.lho tinally ,ww,tl.l tip. .The Alettylti.s El gle of the 30111 sat'.:-- 'Plat ,eCt•rol hoisr, the writ:of ininne -611/ had been verved tin iltepPre,i lent an.l Me-srs. Looney, Connell an.l Maithie, three.- tor, , „ th, , y, wit h o M r. Gaine4, another director, held a meeting in the built nitJ (li-e.htt.te I each 011wr's "not es in an ataaaat 11.1113- e I the vault. of it its in wev an 1 enough of the rage,, of the ...nspett.lei. haul: to wake the amount $50.000. Thi, tii-terrinte.l the pre-i letit's (Dr. Fom, Ike-) iliac": to au attinaltt still:6(.la to take up the lulls dratwit bv thtl , SeVt.riti itiree tors—for rowthe's benefit We. n-ip •use---on Cnnite &Ca thit-4 C4lll) , tittittler his imper'nt ht....1 - ye tit null-. partly fur their own responsibilitie. as drawers, &Le., to a very large anemia, le.tving Fimlkesstxtit I leg dehtor or the henliQ of the bank, it is -"ti I, fur rear l'nur 11111111 re.! thnnrnhd dollars! 1 his being they alte'rwaris surren-, tlerei the ke‘ls istriepe i vault a:l,l' 11.'11k In the ,herill; an.l walke I ow! If this , ilue.4 .not ca,) the chireix of hull tiwinc:ering, then we gift: up. heats Nitintivht. Evrt.:%l: FOlt(A•RT.—(rent_ comm .tine exlnte.l ut Itnskjit, !nor:lin:1, among the -bard:. an I br.tke..s," c211..e.1 b. ,/fexton-ire fr , ori, , ,ll,tvi:l7gl;eon c by (;eor;:e n Br 41 4 ,er city. It appears that Ite 11.u:111A -min. heavy I,lllo.,teth,n; %%Hi S. Llelltnap, of C0.1e,e,1, one tit ratir,...t I etraet or- to the eiiiinirv. With Ow ai I thei.e 9VOT by llr %Op. \VT. (toll tied trite:, of iihntit.,Bio,o3b were d.te 11111 wall i ler :111V well!. 'l' II 13 -01 1 II II E 'l' . I CO:itt":ol'LD *v7Z:',!CE.7 FOA TiL 3,0.3:,E3V-2,11137 t .(;11.1:N1 1 . 1 11 1 C .:6 Yig S:1 1 _1 1 ) Ull ‘l.l.lts IN inn' I:1 /:1U !mai) IMEDM!II 1 E.:lii r:t.ur.l,ol ". ~',l :' ,,1 , I iyl-•, ill lel! - 7 0.11. •I, \ 1. 1 / 11,1. , ,, 10,12 I. ir I, ! ,L i,•; , . ,loa 1.2 i I Co^ •••e, - • I S.',AR II 111, ; / I.llle r•Plioulders 5 - 4 ,1 .1 7 1 , . tils, V.( 'tor, - .. 1.1 * .e.a . . 11,1/ , :. IIL,TI', I) I ~ ::, I . ...,11c1,11 ........ SI ( III.; II 0 k Wan!. 10111 4 1 ..•,1-1, 1 , oft). 1 10. A ' 4 I 'lll ••• h, 11 : - ..i10 2:l i / -I 10A 11.43 , W. R. i i.iii , 9. II :17 ,10 , .1 dl. 110 . n F: Fl. '1,0., NI 4 II tr.l \SOO I, Lor.l $:.5 1 Vlikto t).14 7,5.18 •Ifl 1 , 2 :. Lt: cr.ll:it Itfittillintsti,ellal, 11111 IEI Olt. Ir k-b IS irl avv .tatlir.t. t., .•n .al 111, light , 1 ,,r 11. 41,;',. I L.... .10 1•tlj I..•t••r toil I:1 1 4 .1 r, & .e. c 4• t • 1.. g J. 11. r $l - .1 , 1,1! 11,...1 ~1.- 0• 11.111-, 1,1.11. :I:II I. ha, 11.'1 1,41 /-731' •01 lb 4.1; is"r, SEF.Di Choor. Built thy I • I or, • trees tv or, 1N,r1,, (in It , p) w:11: 1.1:41.13(()Ny ymtliEit; 4 -4. e, pi • 1..4 ....1., , Pso Iro I; ()I'. ():t - f,'lll •• hol h 2'l m 'Wpm, `p h•svart, JI t 1. 1•-11 • p 4 • M • 11- pr.r l r a tll n 111'1 r. • . 1 m 11. ILIC,MI At woo:. tomb."r.10III 1111141 i ,,,, •, 11/C.I/VIIII: .14 r.t , T in .mr. l tar 1 n 1• 1 1.11.. r r 11' elft 1.'•,11,1 Its pmk-i ft- t ,t l t ‘t t toYot Sc, dm% e, 1 / 4 •r. . :011 l'ff . Dllttettot of ‘l".' L. %V .%I? I? Blind ttt I Hoot 1 a 110.111111.1 - aml'llr a lei in ((v.! • ,-114• of LAIC n , 11120{ . 1 . 1107 11 1111(1 S(. l , Elie, Pa. A rrival S•i-l i H CI . . , ~ . JJ.;.r re(4'l% If I byVSIIII.... l' i n ,s i ni en zt l e, s ,i r r iiir,•tt ~l :i.11!, ,, P;14;.•4 It 00 , mit, rick -unit 13011 , ,tt ca:itt- I fr.,l t• I I i+ ~ ..e i-on Pre. IR. 11. I' 1 n•VPT,T.. ):: s f u n: PI t-ter. *2)l ill ehe tp at Pi I. CA DWELLS. NVatitecl. r ., ~ , , ,,,u.a.,,,3 ~,, i * f.r..,i, , 510 ' Li' It yo, I _ 1 10 10 ) " ( latq i 5110 1° Mile: f 5109 , , " Wit a , 51'10 '` it-.-orot, - I 5)9) D )!lar• in Qom! B at rho en!' Pee 18, \ V Q vEI) di: Thitrd sheet in 'hi. lily, un -ztia 'av I i.t, • 1 B ; I v h ivii,Ly Ted i•ea, e h •Ily tali dad Il 1, li,•r 1,w% j i•t Gm, tral .rt . hf'Y t1 , 1)4 .1 14.1%; Cr 01 . 1 r The , ~ , Ze 111 Is% o INI • 1(11. / AV ho,vvr r, , tar i i . low lIC ~ 1%. • • 416.'11,1 lint] lit Iti:( riCV it I .e lt , ) Vil. !lain. •h re. It , ere b'ile may he shall be liberally re‘i aided . JcHIN Erie, Deeera',er Is, 13 :431' (=rent Iteductio; A It t• /1 tire .I , •e': of Piy ,ban Ile.k are i Erie are riled in I' ill .161 prove rot f.lln.s ing ur, G from t f_he•rno 11 Ile " 4•Fla;il ,llpaceas and LIV 3 " .• Paliro4 froni 6 to L,..1 c s yd. All ‘Vma Red, White, Yellow and Grc-it Flannels, Lin tug, 'l' Win knuoltio-. I)iaper.(l;rown a t Ile te'a-d f:0to is VerV low ;vet a ll o lier..vonds tamally 1) / ept in well 0f1311.j.• I S at very low prices Lo " the ILI Ives' I)ec. IS, - A 8.1 C have on lian.l a I •toc% Blo s t , l chi h;. pilot and boaver do ens-I metes. salinntl. , , yea oth..!r 0)0(14 Ibr ”eNleinens which v4iy I f C at the Ne.W JUS r I Cell VIII at the New Stem a fitialvqort matt et Lmites Bleak anti the.? , 2.111113 PIICII ad all W(..,1 Vretteh grecm blarAt Hue: Cu imFon. and drabultitte's' ol.titt reel r tithroidete.l; rich d e... , and peii-se silks; bl.teli ei,.l.e de., cas mien!. pl., id alpaccas :Lod Miles, ;thin do ; children's ttellre eqa S and limits, lactesi wooltm 110:14, eilhireflld d o !dark lace demi (ells tch Car or lone pli.owl.; A r. v.. ts, HO. nut. CleIN .14, hmiery, gloves, and r *4 . ..A-er rich Is too morie to islet. itet--whic't the ladies (who are the tittly judges or rich goods) are invi ed to call and see at Dee. IS, A LLYN & C11T1..1., rpEAs—Volin .7 he.ort,' old hysdn, kwon Akin, J. gunpowder and pnwe.honv or black 'tea, cheaper ihan Canton tea company dare to eon, at No 6 Bonuell Block. fl. COOK. 'N CO' C. N Ey cook Ii leave to !c-tit the n•tention of 14• the public to a , large and %%ell . selected sue vof • FAMILY GROCERIES, which !leek! Iwo t purelia.eti, for cAttit tvid wil p 11moms - ticks id the s pro., in di ye ul he- pinch teed !men as all ran Pall 1 4 1 . kliein-el yes by callio Lt at No. 13-maell Black ate S ale Street: Ea. ! . Der. 1 1. 1817: 30 *Ye.: t, fr u, very reduced pi ices, at Nu. 5 Bunnell Muck. Pee. 11. C SIIIIA 4..—Vulwerszed, Crivied, Alsideovado, Pono Hien and N. 0. Sugars lower N 0.15 Bunt': lI CI 0.4.; 11. (100 K. „ • %Vines and .I.igti9rs. ' • Julr ret , eivo.l ot Nt. I. l' Wok-A. a, :fond rct or in Iti ..f Vine. nil Licin 0.1. ro• . 0.41 i • cin tt,!• , ocrontental. \leifiattic it a PI AU. of ter imi pulvs mum it which in q be 1411 Id the !unity t.11o• 1 • t P l ole Brandy; ()tart - ft Brandy, t,n, , ni.te 00, St. Cloix limn .10.1itticti !Mtn, ' N. Ettafttbd do I Intlotid Gilt; _ Pine A pioc,Gin; i Port Vine, tik1.014.4 \Vine. .'"cti cb Whitlitey lis'i4l islivy ' \ 'ono ',dada do _ t '..mithoi,i Yo. , Pct.. I I '---, T. ‘Ni. ;\ l' ni'lr, ..... . I 011 i land . ',l -... A z i,iri gupply co :".111t.. 11.1.0er, ''Vitite Fi-11, /A Little ttild :• , ...tte and Upper I....culber,tbr , stile al.,•hrip a: , tht. Cie:west by r '4 , i• 11 \ 'VII LI 1 , IT. e, 'NrlTrlrTi” a l l W . `' wig'i• , n porch t.e I • I, i . al J ,,, 11t , fickm for tvliiell Vat: liitflti::-I iti.ol:o. in ice %. ill :be p (id: i" , " 5 ) 0 is P,111: - '2O ion s nri.artl 2) tl , Crallqw, lkillt red a ow s o 0 nr r'il raciorv. \V. C. 4- U. P. I I ul .11 F. I t l'. ~ r 11 t 6:l\ INK. -- ‘yv, 541,. Nov. O. 11:11t ,c. pF,tl (I;t:in ity a Sri, I I tnd I ittot Iti ww - ttl Row d - B u lk, for whit- I . llln !it ~ tt!...t tit t Ito fl• • win It • it ti I 1 -t• I I Si .1. 1 .11• IN `•••1 Toys! Toys!' ,‘NY 9n r. v." -nil ,lilo t*,,r . an I Veal ptc=cote to he !1:1,1 Pe. ry, A". IS '7. "n r Ity ty.ti. at 111 , . nl l :tttint! 4, 1 1114.‘it:t-It a well $1.1.4.• u' It )11 , 1!th.;‘ , .', ,ve,y (ICA I'll,l 0 I fo; II.( fOleh 11.4 T.. es, : , tiLttlitt, ruff t.. t: it • Plyt.r, Al.liefb,r• 11)1111:11 /11, j•• 1. Nu . 11 • , 2 'llO /-•••• •• •3, 0 , 19, 171011 f • hee-o, leco, 17 1 • whie!eare tor ofi 'e, ti a 'mat 14iI toy l tlit Our ensto awl-. rt. 114 a t . • N. II —t, 61.1- 01'1.0inary p.pance mien in i•iLfe for e I (ty.l'; E - , 111}-?i ,, r al tick.lly u-c c al • low II; 11. COO.N:. 6 g 4,4 ' l ,tiry :NA' for Fate by IV r 1,;... rl. en-Ili. \ \ or tnitr. , !:y, :fate glqur \ Lit% .It.; ._moult le, • 11, ; I; )(Vii, .PAINTS. 350016+ • %A bite' a n d Red I.e.irl a 31,1 1510 " Whi 303 V 1,111.111 ate'!, 510 ‘‘ F 1 ..1)1.1s Vs 11. m., 150 `• Pas k . 103 " 1 . 11 OW, (i Nen VerMini 'll 1,01.111 11ea. 1 . trert 11arine Blue, Elie Pin'', in re;I: Vi• (11 L T jA, o 6 bilk. rzpiliis ' , 31, %rani; 11. I IV., fur s 'l,- ny IV 'RP IN N. pi.:l( I Ns, •oV e 0 I ' fi .01 1 11.1 Iwo '• 0 i:. i "..t)v; L .awtt;.(l, ' C:1111 , V0(1,1 anl It H z I wood copprtra , 111 uldrr, t:xtrde woo I. toil!) writ.: avi I, corltith-31. viblbtar, 1,1 r atc., lit tilt,tlt pale by 'F,:.) 3NI di -I .) 41 a to+ Ufl td 5i J.-01 111 NI:: “Ii p item. Teel. p n I V4rnts'i d.. eloth(M hni .ei blioctime. he, r.nrder a..(1 bold, bru N iteA liV CRAIN. would respoolay hbh,rni , he 131: Ihat Ile has 01,i , t•we for 'h. , . t•le of TOB.\CCO CIGARS AND SNUFF, / , 11 !i• et. Ii I troo:1 ti erre t an 4 ~horn's. Ihe 11 , ”1% he •.f he's if, !aro.• ati.l seperior The .t h ve .% lisle ehe.ll,,r Cash than eve; he nee ~ f r•lisl in this \le,loo. EMI Fur tuuui call .utri vxuusine 9nnli y and priuct:. Krie, Nuv. 6, 1317 rr i k N N EA'S Oil a I ,a, , 11 1•k foraal. by s • BURTON. Sliv. 20. 1;: Xel I El) Wii.ilit and Eisphata ltil, _LP La,d oil i:ir •ii i• - • • ..1•• by t) 11 P s; 7.; A\D PU ----- r 14: 1111%11 is NiZt'S as i m:nnfil: V, p:tticrv.: 1= 11.:14.1)11, and innt. tri-h tier I V Nes. I and 2 Nl.te!.erel Undfidl; .111.1 I liii lock. rteelvA and inr I. Pony 'l'.. AICYJIt[•:. • Not. G, IS 17. G( A D Fitt NCJITS, in great variety, 1 . ,e• VI -ale by LE8T1:11, L 4 E:NNE:TT L Ullea4 Icu AfOl. 13, 18,17. 1.0 SAVE YOUR 110USE$ BY I'AINTINti 4167 -6 B 13rovAli,e, Made end Pitt-leir 7 L While Lead, d V i oil pare: _I 14111 is Ited Leail„ 310 1114 400 Fre yel l'.ip. Laveplihvh, Ochre. 10 " t n ogle yull ov I vino • 200 reline '6 to iiut red, 15) - in-e uil 25) t• Li 150" Preeeli , Orrice, Ave Ver Fore a very low No li, Iti•eil lry lt I Elt &111,1.0 tlat I) 1' U F 4 1 r0Pt;'1,41(,„;,,,","„0d'. of Prices 1 •r Nus t wit e 0 prr rent. 'l • lrw. p t 0'01.401! the 1 nit') rt • I his •liie • 100 01 11.0. i. •?0 eta per r(1. 1•.2 5 " • 15 0 t• r '23 " " 50 41 Something ~New. Pub-eriher hiked I.l..itsure in announcing to the nubile the art ivaiLh um New Yu, k of 1111 11 :e4lVe, ussortment of ciootis i their line tanh,tei.lz WATCIIE: 4 , CLOCKS, J • WELRY, elated moil lie it.t.ulia, .t &lie, iran !Wes, :••;olar I:•tottphette LotAinz glas'ea, Pohc ontiti speetucle., fancy Lr 0041.5 aul thottut ,ds of useful and ornanien al articlee for th'. I leel days. n hich are offered at reduced pile , s. eil Wtoe'aes tt ith thiusy.ll r are fete importations, liaise wishin 2 a •• rod lino piece ter li;tl, , money p ill do well in buy. 4 her ihnn'ts of tiatilour perm), for favor., can !erre 1 in 61414 : 44 P 44 , 44, C140(1'1104) 4 for pit ortuge re• ceived in onr new store on Stile s reet. and hope by a tention to husioess to retain our old and make toasty e ew cue.' iiiii ens.. N. U. Particular a ton-inn given to the repair• in 7 ni Jell kinds of Wa:chea. Welt h work. re , qui , ri Engines, which generally j 4 done in the Luger citem. attended to on N4Oll notice. ' c I io d. . t;oods received by Express ' , very few days from New York during the winter. • G. LI) , MA IS Co. State creet, opnnsite F.assle I tote' and next door; to•Spuff.nd's Bookstore. N0v.20. 181* Cash! Cash!! LUMBER ‘VAN TED Fresli groceries DYP. STUFFS. B:ItT(1N N0v...2n BRUSHES nuaToN 4. PE :lONS TOBACCO. CIGARS AND SNUF - F. Ivii.)l,l•:s +LE. ‘ND 1:.14,w11., FISII ! FISH !!! urnitare and (,tali V linislt 200 print and v.1111i$:1 nnishes, Vor.'27 1817 t• 00 " A Imp. 600 madder, YOo " Moo Vuilot, Lazwood, 700 " tatiluno I. :100 oil VI JlOl, 1 0 ,0 " Aitii.itic Acid antl Cartteerte, 2() " Foluonn tin, 115 cot:hem:al, " Annecto, For ...Ile lo .v by CARTER 4- 13:10TIF.R. v ? 7 ISI7. New Goods and* Good News! FIRST APPEARANCE. Now is the Time to Buy 'Cheap! THE subscriber ha vine been but a short time in Mi•iness Mill not boom found it conceal cot . I 0 ilill0(16CC 4110 the papers a trenorul a de eer . tisem•mt. 11e her, however; j t.t r e ilr l iet t Cron rye eastern cities with a sphateli I assortment-cc F,,•s'l awl 1111,; , p Gr. c , ti. F. I'; s Oct: amt be hound the cle o is e m T ees ypi „ (F r G d lor sale. from 4 I() S shillings per pound. ;tie), Joel: Cult ), 4,tviiit a and t. i:1111C11:2 , 1,1;"1 . fee, c ,caprr than \ tieu cheeps ; HaV.1 , •31 Pi r o tier,, I bleat's. La s t' 1 , no p . C 1 ,rified, vta is. d and .Inplem C 11 1 ,1 1,, rl h ut ever ; l'oe o Itecee eseeemrhouse all I e er'tieues \li.lasse4; eel T ice, pepper. c nn,ruso ), mace, riCtllll . 2. 1,,l y p l um g, :1 , 113 .11111 , u l ,, 1,11• deka, 13,1714 an I peel tiers ; I lavana. pe here i n., c'pteeklwcionatoon, a •ei c,a‘en i4t, end !recto:ln rohaccee ; r o se , e kA•oir. an I hilt' 1)0; ill of weieli are of thorvi , ri• 1)1. 4 i1 get •Ii y, and ti ill be stall cheap, at No. 3 American gtrm JO, IN PEI.TEU. f, I°l7 21 N I .1 - I E . n;.lcctu•.lprr jUuu 2 u•t • t he 15i.(1,1.,...%%1tcre. nt Nuv 6, No. 3 ,lmrrita•t 111,,,.W. .Tat rt. I.:.!ttn a ad t. I . 14 iII !ft) Carao, s,llln L ! ut .1 ,•inull vanrt. alatft•a:a.t. ; ,A Ivn PIP Ttln,•'.. „,„.•.„, , , At Nol I l a , I ) Iti • " •. • ) LI.O ~. UMI 10 At. 1, 1 ) 0 sot.s,V ; 0 1. 1, Ill• .1 1114,4. .% nt .t ( 0 9 slit ill adv. net. above VoS. , -N"v I S Ai .\.r'; American mock. 0 E \ (2.,(1f1411 lor rlicair, s il', 3 we. RI tk / allti hill, C.:1 , 1,1111i) 1,..p at. 1 - ' I. At No 3, ln; lit•,ul 111 OJ.IVE ()If, t.:14(11-ktil, ,II L unt ) wl ,cur ier's oil and hair el lii Nov. 13. , A No 3, A mel it an 111, . F .:, Q LBS. cut. ettvt•ndi-'t, I t it% 'tu! ti(JI;VI Wan C./ o:ii I i 111 :37 I Cid 3.1 lor , s At o 1:1.w( ------- — UV. 1 Inv ma, New I 'll...trt!t, Lout 1. 1111135 , Piu scrizmt, cl.uifi,d Nltt• Pie,.5 , Ilt , very e:ler.iv uz Pl. Ve*'S, ". \ ivylsl7 - :so.1, 'IIIIOIIC ill )1 d .„ c " , "s. 0. 7: „ ' , 'l . b.iclt,urnrp.i %t bb •1,141 S NS, sdk. 'Nov lA, 1517. St IN. 9 K I I'S No. I Nl.l4.l<viel, Tu. up (or lowly j received an,l I,n pale. at No. I, Veriy 1;1 n, 1917, r.,„ 1p n •. Ited I u to 1 , 4. ,s It; e t t-tt Y Tio this 41 ty treeitell and Pei ty Mock. by I . MOOttr.. 1 7 .6 e c'eu G 0 , 17. 2i DISSt JI,UT R iON ()P PARTNESIIII'. T,l • e rip here rxi4.11.: Ins I w,4:p thy .sish-tcriborQ, il' l lllol' 111 , , 11.11111! M . .1 . runic' ly/4. I is .1)h. thy 111.......15red I's , in ito il CI 112‘1,111.. . All Ow 1r.5.',.., a. );..11115 an I p 11't IN r.,c, it .1i.r1)40r1.. or A. 11 Ilittlic.lek. if , ihc , bl , l f 1 and 1011.1 V :lil Iliu•t• ititeacrlttd.,lre olitur•rt.l to (Null ,I:111 se,:(le, Il.:02, ..\;,,v. 2, 1617. "A:. 11. 111 r(..:1.1C'.Y.A.c... _____. -I- • , A rew:()(.. ,3 y 10,,m •lii 1 d, „nd i:11 4 41101111.15 arel the p.!, ie, t he 111 hr 11.11 py 111 wnit u 1 lb 111.11 t utul l 44 4 411111, mind Qell hem Groceriee, clod .!ntl ti+ital. • • 1r 11 DWAUE.--A .veneral assortaivnt nl 1 Slick r 1411(1414140. 11.1_r: 114.1' will, u I. tfe as• 111111.4441 of eurpetlier. P j. , 1110•I's T o ok' N..v 6.. G,'.'r) I.:1.11EN u-tIV. I' • • •`, I and owritlio Lon, 11 1.°: , 911 I. S. '.lil Ito Is, round Hod =tlo %be rod.. 1:.‘1111 Iron eugt Amu' kw, ;Lod Spting Z.iteel. Nu i!ti A itv Nov. 6 r;P.C), 1 I . r 1,/4. rite, 111 .t a••or ment rif s for sale by (-; V.l). •.0:1.11n: N.; k. . , Wonderful Catast ropily! ExPLosloN ov 1 LIE NEW STEAM FOUiIDItY AT I.OC K PORT. (But no one killed and, no one wounded) WE, the 1111;614 , w gtled 101 the purpo , l.: 11 1,1 t._ k no VIM .5 , 1111 C Can ht. (LW , 11.1 nell as others: haw: a.socia'tql to hus<i ne. , s at Luse port, pa, w acre thy are tft.nin.;.teltn int; va rictus kind, oP Cooking `.".:r Stoves, IVY", S VINES P.llll. )1t PLA ).1 f.'s rf ,V.•!S. 11 5:10: , .5, A.l•ltririonA kinds ol'ifilier tO'l ntrnesr 111.111 , 00tion. floc. r ? IILS F ., Iry mij In ., e‘rri.•ll4, 011nt-ine-.4 Ain I,T , bIM I,),apitiL,llo and i!t0.),..,by rlll tail • in , .1 4 F , l I,e rnabL•d In hake a- U.l d.t Fr art sell It lit le cite tper' than alt . % 0 ber e,latolislime,,t m Ihi• re!zion 01 cotlnfivi _the.efo e inv.le our ! ' s g i% e 114 aettll In ha,. tone:11410o ei-ewlwre "F•-• y e ,vilf pjY (illy per ectn. Inure for OLD IRON flint anv 0 1..! eke in Ant, vienti v % %It m uni & A or nber tSI7. New Fall and IViriter God • ate P S or i'..l at : • Good: i , •,!! I)4Y coons ' - liAituWmitt, • Glotet - .:ltin. • !RUN. NAIi.SJ ZZC• : , per i anzing anti intlow A o we-. pure'l,lf.4ll lit Nt.w l" "tit at lov4t•st 111 , 11 1 ,1•1 1.111 . 0. • 11.6* du not 1,n;‘,1 ~1 it id , Ow west R m.1: !2 :4).o(14 eve' ,biots.• t ploce. littr e,.y Ow:* 124 1, 1111:1 , in I IA II! tilt ...Id a+ cite:l l , n.1(1 invite tlid y iddie to c.,1l and I r mime: goods and priceA. SELUE 2 , 7„. 60. N• , '3(.1. 93. 13 17. Another Arrival, of. Groceries • At No. 1, Perry illt;ek ! NV. It )i Ii;1., is iim% ,ect . and A iti'vr tiroveliv. %%Wilk 11 ill be VII' chviipri 'tor 1:3.9 I I.:lUn ill arr% uthcr esiultli-Itilient in ci.r. j' nii his siinik ntut Ii • 1011f1(1: "Imperial, Gunpozede;r, and" Young flyson Teas;., • Java, Rio, L•tg uira and St.. Ironain go Coffees: Loaf, Pulverised, Porto Rica, and N. 0. Straws; ,Pepper, .Spice, Gin ger., Cirtamon,...lV:arm-go Mace, Cl oces , Ri ce , Pearled bariti,.. Candies, Pecan, Brazil, Mudd, a and ir a nuts; :Pumas. Filberts. etc.; Fruits—rdpples, Raisins. English • Cur-; rants, and Figs; B'pi•rm and Tailor . ° c.rnele t; sa»tinre and Winter strained Lump Oil, a sziperior article, Salad oil, Fancy Shaving, Variegated and Bar soap. Dairy salt, While Fish, Mackercl,,. l lackinac Trout, Codfish a id' Herring t:nli anit examine liOatisand prices at No. I. Perry Erio. Nov. 6. IS 17 , '"?.N tiLA ,he ..,111..11 or laroequanaties No 1 eNtru wltite.len't, red ert, Veal. inn red, chroineyellow;.liihrooe oil,. a .d liirpeoriae, arid a=sorieli 5i241`01194% ut the lowest prices. and for sale neve,rdinOy by I,V I LLI ANIS & ItICI I-I I'. Oct 29, '917. 21 Arril al Extraordinary ! , tZIIIE Propriciersot the New tore, Cheap4itle, unnototce the arrival of severul of the holiest Full Goods ever brottzlit to this market.— hey are daily expecting Itich eltronelioo Plui.l Silks anti I?.tithroitlerett rhibetito.• tire.seS; th the lest,of which end also to our stock of 'awls, theta:rot:lei of the Ladies is partiiblur requested by ALLEN corr. Nov. !O, 12/7 t 27 _ CLICKNEit's SUGAR-COATED VEGETABLE t'URGA- TI VI!: PILLS, Aft It 11111Vel'AUlly 411111/Med to upar.tto , tint only ns en el.ctual ineventutlyn. but 4. lie*er tatll'Ug rt•au u t lu .1.111/ wUlcb c i CtrclA 1114 1111.1/ 411 tr 1.11.1,, • 1.104tu1l . ItICU • PUA, C l / 1 11rr.t• . IV.ollll4.lVuuutling•LuUgll, Cu 1•111111110/11 Jauatli• e, ',L.:n..0..116,, 1,1.0; •,..•••• Apupli.Xy, I;..fico.d. .11.664 e,, Ile.mibu•to. Eno Ipckb, • 6.11.1e,6, anning• of the blllll, C dJ., Vail, UCLA rl , g 11411 m 11111.4 14,;4..k, M... Ofrultllll,,, 111111111411U11 ••fICEI 1404; I, rleillg• 11114 e. 1 , 0011, 1...t0ul lubu .of all kukta, IC4141( ., s 1 lla he• In tar sidc,'•ocitscg of bh,thi,Pl. et ey..a., At. tt • li , ••• 1.16,110.1 oi ,pt• ne,ll .0 11 , 01 r .1.1u14 ur ro • 1.104 A /1. lueki i i. Ily,loll ..11.14 tut Air. , .10.11 rub.. and all .illilc9.llll 4.ll4•Ctlosi, c 011 j/, •LVd/ 1. 1 . 1.11 I .". 1 irita• c. 400 1 4 X. WCIVCCw4IIII.S.,, treuur.., 10 our., U 1 Cert.. in oiling, 1111.1 a 1111.4 0 others have nut Cll.l t4ll l .161 repeatedly I.w en tr,ll.l•linion4 by them puwerluCuros. They hug.. beiin effect prrni .110111 CUrr.. 011,11 4111 ether reeler lies lini peeved Ctiall.ll lug, misa to CIO haul eit.tcc. or Clara-C, in i Thry hate id 111 1,11 cu+ne tiutirteuilcd the plc-cri:/t1.0.• .kill 04'00 iiiii-t omit.° .1 l'ltyisti I me, nu.l rearla..l 11 41.1e1l ill•U1 U illettl•fl ••I C'.,11:1 •11•1•.1 lull. The) II .a - 6coll r. pi: .triil) I ecoimnritdril by 1101. OI ' IIIO tigUA.gll.ll.a.lll,ll , II eil ir,,, I I utiagitaut I ite I gittl, att,l br - ris ~ii,t IlullaLl to . Luny.: by .Ndi.eilieu ui d Pf gl•le• ~r • Zily.,l llio I. ' I 1 d' E 1%1 , 7 h,.° I/0011 nitro 114;(.11 iith, tlin llo•pit.t , 'e isll.l- 'mo d 1., 1. 0 .,.... surd V I •ita g. nil 11, gg tie; 11 t!e .11 , 1111. r 5.. d ‘ pit up., °colic I'd e.'ll A ;WI 6kt, ago .. hiry II .l 'liar C-,. •.I ah 0 I%ror didr wo hi.grlvit ot,•••11 Ot tile r Iligg. rgia gil .1 u,-lii •111 I •111§ Cllts,li d Al i id,. iga t , I•• C.llll. .o ,ar.r. ~.V1 0, ..e sr.•rly is s'.ss:k-i in-el or uay rt., el,glula .;g,I. A Oil the port of N.... Y.., k. %MIMI. tgl eltildil sill supply ti't 'till SICK M I.N ..4 r.‘ll.t Nu FithiN,d . .7,)i.;s.. , iicies h 5.5., h.vii a lib i..ii5.,i 111 .5 5 tit,. pia .:,1,,•1 5.5,...-. v 5. 05,5.°. • ..,1,1 3,.1,1 Cl. 1 , 133 Irv. rdd.t lulu) r, ach• 1 111,:llg II UM ,gOl.ll rt s itit.t.l) (len.. bill ivr t ioui i.,... . 1 , ,„,, i i , j 11. 11.: iu I Sir). , 55,51,55.50, ii. 5.)1 ('hair 05. ), I , rtg, t;r•rt; ; I ; Iry pliurtug lit front all I'd ,mere -.oda i i nig.: 111 1 tiddirt , Il s'lll w° iiarn mat 1 tit • to 000 h ilium' till I I 11,' ii .t.'' •I. ',Aar c iir ineire col- 11..11••• 1•V11 •t.CI3 1 , 1 . /101 1:1•••e till ig , Lugl CIO, g• VI It, • 111 . ..1 .1, pi,. I tie . Us • I- 1. 0,,',...,4gr I iii' lel • 1111 gll5 t:1.11,1 ,tl, w!t . li iv.. trioil 11.14:111 N c a rt, PILLS,. h,tia li, 41,4,1 aril in Tuirlr 2..,1 t:,' It i.i1y.iii,11...,11.11ie ..r : qu'icltrrV rxi..ti. I, vil.•iil It 1101 loll* op.° tidi,e, 1,4 -mu Ite••1 II," U. it .i 1,5111 1 tir, lo Illd ell/. II •11•1 II" lel4U ht . j e..ily all., ii-il ewhisio.iil V. firm-001er Dr C V. (71. , ,cit r ii, the 5,,,,i.. 5 1 hu m ,,,,, ~r 511.1.1 . C. lie I ill, U,l I VI II 11•4 II .11 4.1 1,. .gg, t l , taus .•%er Ile tr,l l ii • Illelll II • 1.11,,, 111, d i. e•,. In _1.., i• `, 13 Pip vli 1. - I n 41..11'4, lit, g 1 . ,. r. .1 s wt.,- ..b . t if..,. CI ~ 1,.. to .: b :...I.;ar t 0,11.• I V. Vat bie 1 . ,! , ,1• ~t, It gl//, g u,,,11,1 r; or time) will lit ilia h. the air. till> (0 al.aUtl l'lt ICI; •:::', CEN I'. , 14:11. ISIAX I Clirltir•t pl •C. 11141 illi. C for la.• rah; NI 5. Ii GG +tr•-01. tVIL J if I. hart •••ritt•r, Itel I . of Wool i. 1.1!t. •ur.ll. l', .Fn r.l A•gt•la I,r tl•'0••••-• • 1.0 al 11. nut.,, NO t it. 111 0 ;0 ,4 , o Mild° ...I Virg n,,. :•• • •1.1 br ow t loa i , :g glut", aiyai .I•••I A..•••••••• ,) Sit III•o•I . 4.1••••• & r oil %V lerfaril CA.IO, • J, f Clu.eoitrirJ; 0.•.1, Li krwtre •nl•l be r unr ngrlits, the l al:l r RPM E.DY UP NI. Pula:. I.; I( '.IN OIL E f•••• 1 1., OR tio* Or it, rtun a I [ l ll. i s la Idi Mo., IL te•Olrl •t1•411.:11 , w•.Cultlt. :?•:11111.10•,, • 44i.. • iit 1116 t. E. '1 I HO of, Cr.ote. ion uu Amy 1.41k1 glint nte, ..euri 9..; • •IC Pit ICE 5..10E IS PEIt TI.E.' cti•Tio.N t. gnnuot•. ',wellri al aqtrikt nu W •••1•Ir l'•• ioay I (I 1 0, 1 5..1 I ri% or I IMMO., „i• %v." olk•O • N. $9 ty atrert. Pitt burgh, or hr..., hot, tp • t, 5.loom1••41 L. Oun fOr Ile 111 , 11 e, e 5.5.15 or .1i11:11 "111 11.15, a 0.11”1/ boll..l , tii Ihreelloo% 1,1 1$ 11111 I a. 5. rdm snug ter. 111111, and Id I.oaa of 111 , 1 Prop. loam (I,lorxi A I) H ul & Co loopril•kor.. I{notuoity, J ,e:t•toti , Geo r.ll A geol. No. CO 101.14tv orret, Pitt I,mg t, to w'loot 01 u I. r, o tlt I. • .11.tre•t*I. 1)34 . .1t I Or' .h.. aDotn n mind P.,mplitots and tV.n. 4.0 the gt•li. nit • It 111, Cor We-lei II 1• e11.4.110autl.I. N rl4,un 01,11...1..1 the ritor wunW aol r tin OW mmenie I,h I. T %Hu Ni) O. Sp•afTorol aultoiu , .:,, urfir•ritl i uud mg A ,•,11 At: tho Pale. of the wit:1111110 C.,,trt 11',11. I 4 . 01/ ay Pa. hub ,tuota r tlip• viee,! I.) 1111.1 111 till. SIL N C II i't' • Dit i.itFut.% co, 111 E; LUNA:, Ma: I • 'D IV (flat (I I 111, D :s ricov %.•.; isi;ES liLti,; Tin; CLlt.iiall Ul' C.t. C.11.111/N liA rit IN A IiJNI.I (Jr . k lot; .% oar idol lA. .1114 joy. in I eiitaii• 1....- L. „nut,. b. a iiLiag roas 4_01.1 p e ca. es.,i tit At ie. (11. 1.511 175555 5 .1555, .1 AP Ai g ,1115 C5l 15155511 15.1 01 I/ • al *Oll. stool .1 01 1 3• G 31 tos t r lit•U .014 u• In ruler 111 ' 0. 111.030 . rilosi, .1 1.0 el (.100110g iti.g t tour I o: fair l u'ulo.• )400 1010110 ut,, 14. 11,13 0 limb 6.11 0 1 . 1 Mir ;40 , 1 tor ottopt.. but 3,.0 110011100 ilesinka. Thrreiru a balm *vox!' .301 and t ie 0011040.1 10.{6n, II 146 fIEItMAN'S ALL-11EALIN(.; BALSAM. Alr•. A CI 1,14;, t ill . V.o. II Alin •.•, plttn 1.1 0 .11 oilVlv.litogto 1,1). b.O Cl,ts.ta ut . 1..11 t• lellou, Ut 11uir , 0..1 11u ut YO•lt. (for 11,1.1 h all Lanagnt .lu. Inu-t cite. r•lie Itaa v. ry 01 b 414 In Lon.u,ninisin, an I A noun le• rd by nor paysivi 111,..-Zllltl iu bli'b 1141,111 J Wa.vllolland It curt her. (;11;:;.1111:1"; Z, or rerrv, was al a cute! or 00, by till, 13.11....011 our,, alt orlu•r reon ; lad,., to gilt, •.1 in. Dr. AC. OO tal Br • Atay, tov.loon.;au.l I t. 4.i. (rel. c t•rA w:,c c 11.1 mil .cr r,•1‘.4-- tie 11..1,111111 0001.0,1 1110, in. , Or. C. a•• %Mit Par.l 11. .. 1,1 - 1111.11 . 1.1.1 P Asi lint 1, W.110:1 It 11040, 1.1 IS Ora 1111 l g tip,ltl tV lib, ill.ty h• - • PIF tu 11,) , • ile db• 111. It 41,1111 It 10. , e. In, 1 - 11,s- U, lor wroa idt J LW id Vuencl. .1.11 111 vies (IS lute. "tool Ito!'. HENRY JONI:S. If /I F:ieltil: avenue. win cured 11l enteli awl, ..I .rth .1 :and Ido nt :td yam • et t011iii2.... rim fir td.-dg It 1•113111 • "10 Until All t le 0111., ilicd- Will° tio had nlltr t ken. Or. 1.. J. 1t...1.. p.l%a It in a -I-- le -in-law win. lola- I.olt, me nurler Co,,u..n i iihin. ill li.: Mir Iy Ittlht te I ..Ills tle A.... 1111. lit Imtil •••••,,, It, eir••cla 11er.• tillridtv. an te.lutl S 4 tlath: to er , ils• Cti 1451. 1 Ili .1111 1 3 1”, la4Cit .l :ll ‘ 1 : 1 .1.5.' 5 C'itivdtri .trnet red II "in A.1:1151I i! i . i..i,,.. ,/1.1, .11 d,'. 1141411 lehet'e.l h., .11 ••.; °ad pin: i t•c1.1111 I.:lssely wo.II. li.niz . mile 1111 .:,.1.,1t11 43%.•q' ••ith. I. by ,i 11.1101 , is,• 11l .111.'01 , 1 I. lIIC.- 1 . 10.,„,i,r5 1 i• the tI C :I 9.1111.41 y Int. Co ,a , ,,th,th.,N,t,th..: 111....1, 1.11 et I o.llol.iiirl-, 551111 ~II ti,.• 1111,ciii,,, s of the t 11 , ...1. 111.1 CV,. \\ •1:14...t ata I t'ISIS • tuel,Pi us. I I 111 C 2 - 1 t: 411. .14 . 51 V., Is 0 lc. ti . :•11t.r.111•1'•• tilt!. 5,14 it I 6 N.t..., ru.dr , rt. N Y. • •..11 lot tor ft lowtor .tut) at 1.0..1,J Art,nt..; it 1).. 4 1.•.r. ford, Erin; tVits Jts i•on A I 'ii.ll.l:elfm• I; Ito— Se 31. r• Cnnh Ore: J. ri u. ). Peu vl,w , Juan 311,:lo.e, lit rd.!, IV. Sprotp.ttohl. _ I ' l l I.lkrtvi‘e Dr. S'ortrlo 11.•11.e.tten Lozeogrr, Tooth P • t • , poo , 11 to'. P, r. .1200111 I,rtZ 1.e.. I.oz nu,- ore n• ,ft, nn, t -or,, C fat / tal e•ittr , t/ Louol-, and told, f tl•• 113 •• &c. %Vt./Kit, leo2e e s i li E... T , e......• iv eeren 1..;..7...e11te, li eni. 11••• le prove! I e e let . 1 - m tv 1,4 )111.1 11 . 1 l'il C- I.: , II • 11l I I bio; 14..10) c,r, Aso 01/1 ,• i:ii• IC., on; owe! . ille• l es e.e. e -e e. Glee., It ie -I. reeLe rt , .."4 Air llt :iLi , i in i i in ' t''..' ii , II in •illi•ii.i to il'••i iiiiiii in. i. iit i 'eel Ire et i etut,..l 1.k•• ...- Cie del, elle melt I eke , tri•ii,i,toz 'Jig. i, awl i'Y v ri/r 11 . 1 n 0 I ' . C 1 ii . lio I LUZ tINGI::•, e •4•br ,t•• 4 t i n i:ll iiiil .ein i'it i n sin Lille int , i I in iii•i Vint • itliii •11 k WI telvule.., peelleet e• ' I iiiii Nil' III" 11 , , rt. iiiiViin '4 iil . PIA' It: in ' 1 IN. Si it . . it si.t N S 4141111 1 . . k • 111: A pr millo, Il•ti trilice. Om 11••• t at 11e4• kiln i. si rir ••I.• initiz in t .11.1 , iiiiii: 111, tow? .i., .ir-lig oii• 1 e•{) ee• v 0. 11, .4 , 1 . 4 . •1; thiill , • • 0 , 114 . 41 1 .1011N,$ I'OOlt 31A N S l't.tS M 1,. it. ',lite . Ite.•t 'Jo nen , k . he, eok 1111 i.zk he I -lee ev it Id; 1 ,11. eemo;s2il ro,•••••1. N.- pllO. sir vr , iikii().• iii fli• li iiti) . I nn.,•iiii., ili i , .•1 Sc .. 1 .,iiiii,.. 1 y, will not iiitisidy Illy .l•-n 1 in I. , 11 . .irrali• 40 , 1 11,e It •it au 1 ct •ape-1 04 • 113.,1 will p i•rl. t 1 • Ito. l'lr, ,1,,,,, , 1.,,,,,, ~.! ~ 4,...t.. I. 4.10 .11111 PI I.le r. Wel I.v thee .elioe n it2i tit. r.' hr. :4:1,•1 ma v. hit-Ii 0 .11. y it ut•.1,,, r.,.. vo . 1 , 1. 1017 _6 ~,7 '!'l►e Ce!c-tials TT 1171 7 . ar:ivv.l ytt.d in ell !lie ( - ) 1 jent,,l rj (:"Wwne a 4 ,• /00•11e.11C Zll 1111. Ilfe kW' he I',. ill C 0 111;..1 1 5 A tr •..vy.' 10 •11.411 111) ~i.OJ,•r nl f,••1 .1/111 111 all a:11..0e a 111 Lr 1 1 1 5.:/1 1 . 1 .11: 1 a. tut want, , FeN' II) the foul 4-xelo4ive y nt lie -I ii.liblig thrt ale 41 to lowl into 11111.t.C. Hie 111.iy l.e ta.rn i , l l by 411,-1, itrylti t! ela pc , :. els o ir be (ple' a ., it vii by pRA 11 I \ (": 1.61111 , • lor ,il/1 1, V-11 Ileilti .113 Otll.l ha tt lli aey me • oi''').tokee' tm 4,1, joy witel» lle VII h I t•it VC' ill. Ile ito..o..pvi I ill.. vid 1111 of Paylit , xlveliekes I \ rt' TER. Nov. 13. 1817.0. 25 Wi 1 , 1 I Tlle II Of 1 eu 141 lea 0 anortrr I go .lly onpor tnr V . Z.! Tto• lar.4e and CYII dinal V all rich. ta,ilibm,tble avid F CaSollaiiie j•t•t coined Ow to Noce, Clyr.pside, ‘OllOl 111- flies ale hereby invi•cr) to “e•olle an d Amen! the Good. ale to Le found. rich a. a Thilte s, I Aqlini , rve. toerinoa, Pat rate:itusso,l l ..te ens Moth airws and ANTI ties, ai cvf , ry tplaii , v, price and sot.ft.• a f e w lirtl L o n e Is, and a 1004. sot ell. aEcoritnent lion tins dn ; e101 , 1r , p,*9 Po 1,1 con 9 and hoods; 1.,x143' 1111Ilio0, t.irp and triwiere boa-, , w,l!'. loaoy other a0,91+ on woo • , ott- mcri lion. Paull torg,.l tha "Nem; S , tore, Nov. •?0 I,Ll"\ C t :( ,IT. F%iING aulecr ti., (1; a. ie• , Mine Iran+, a late aLLaer t dill`a fl n' the manullteturer arid tor Auk cheep tur c GEO. &ELDEN .S. SO'. l`Crw, 13 1417. 12G 111, ;; FPS 1) nr )As.— mutr, and 11 , Aft, ,11. or • h real Lyres, Nut. Gernet, enay, II 'bum Lcnc, 1114tre.1 autl sy. ju•t iecei vett rutin the Far ow:patty. and &Mug t 43 per cent. less than lust season by N 14.13.1817 BUPVALM ROBE:S.—A few bales of N. 1, are open at WIILLIANIS Nov. I'3, MI. 2.G. CIA' fl and Furniture Varnish?und Varniith B.nshe:., fur bale by • Nov, .10. ern:Tr*: k PFAKIN"... 13 ' I assorted sizra and first quality; LESTER, SENNETT & CUEETER. %MUNN% & WP.IGIIT Tail: Bahr 11104• ME :12 - OIICIII.NE IN 'a lIIILf, %V 4.1 i. D. 1 GEO. w. ibIERCIIANT'S )1 k, I t , -, 1.. 7 q..'1 , ., . A- - ' . ; 1 ; , i.f.„t., i l • kk , 5 , re.,.., • , '%74,--•, , --- „--,---, • . 1.1.,,: /„,.-t-.,::.1 — , f , 1 „•‘, i ..) .: . ~, NI, ~.,,, i ',', l _;•.,0 '''...,.-:' - A:, L : )11 , ;:\i \ . t i.., r, - 44., f../ . . 1 ..; i,,,, _ T c.... ,- . 7 ',..7 v. i 1r..! 1 1‘ ..i . -1 6I , :.`'-- , -4..,,..., ~., ~_ ....,--•,11 z.: ( • -- 3'r.fir1.,"..-.;-.,_ - -' --- “ 1 - - -.- - ,,,.: 1 61 1 .,...,,.„.. - w- .. ft , '.), 4 : , ,, -- ;-..---.)rX• 7 • 7 ''. . ..:' ..1.--: .' ., -: -' .. : -.r- .....L., ,, re::: •,:f. - :. :,: I s'. : ;_, -....,:, - .. 4 :4L - 7`....'.:..„ : 4:, L .: , ..;: 4• .: ':"- 7 74 ( -: I.' T:-.-1-:,-1 • •'.-.`.::7-.,-'i -:. ':'.' 7r''a-.-1 -‘--- i: . : .....; , :- " ':'• -'-_ ',-7,"r--N- : 4 . ;V 4 \ ".-, 11 - (. e '\\ -1 GiCL ' .; •I I N vvi eLo 0 , ,% i 1 1 ut tie4thtiWUi a i..a. I 11:”‘ 141.4 ' (1:,11.1C:. F S ,;,,1"s of sdt hi,t's, Sprai,,s Wit's- S t ,Is. 4+o'l , It . rt ..g", II:8, Mr( Est S2rens, Sc Ullllt-real - 1114 vaSe, 1.11 I tut Rh wn S 111. 4.1,1114.5, rOll/: C•rt - .5 0•103 i, .3111 z ,“ , /!orn• r.\ rntn;ty h nPrir.t. ;on f) ral I 1: ct nt.,l P ft! itrUS .Igri:. s. of .1 I , :ti /It, Gx! C. 17 fr ( . ;.?li S. ti.S. an 1 S !S, r s „ C .);11);: )1 Cotar nrc.•.l7., Srs..: Ill! rt . 014:C Ka:. 1;r: .‘h it( IiANT s ' I• 91 milly n 1 it in 111 L . 1111 e ‘ , marts wv 1 o,‘ cr.s 111 11. 111 I• t•" . `01 9 1.• 111 n..teil •aliva. t'wfirei 1. and f rat r a:ltt tio• 4,1 he ..,•n. 'ally. I I :Is 6,-• .1 , JI.V I I I .1 VI at i,t Iv mal.1111• s 's 111 , It ,cr-1 111111 an t;lvei.ut , ll i 1 It o+ 111•VI'd Ls IIII• 1: . _11 , 9 i s LI iCtir 110 Ilk , 111. 111 I if 1 ,1, 111.0%1 5 , I 111'1 , 1 VIII.••911I - .1111 1.1 . 1 . 1•1 in 1411.-r nil 11:•11 11 19 I 5t.4b11,11- t .d o zielleaii q)111.11 Irc livst tie of Ih.e lOU I I 1)..2 1 :01 . 111 , n , u. (, W. \I&-r -, ti 111 0.1 , • ' • ni ;ill: Fol. ,- 7' chin I ..‘cicpor. is bin and • t . Ic.l i 'fa I ~!•• t..•:ttmen(, ee II hot h•. ht I. 11. 4 7 ,4 4 5. • t.thuLt, (tI . .sll . • .1.0 itic:l 41( et,tlipa sz. T'ric• S. : 11 . i 0; am! I) N. Is. I SSIF IS' 11 17 11 IS 1, 0 GlO. V. Al 1:1t(10 ST'S I M )1'1:E cOMPOOND . (ATP AcTXIF SIPS •FARII.I,-11 l'or Rewiving. Diseigics of the 110h1 0 , 1 (16i45 , : r MO'. 6 re: a • i te 4114 rc. 141 .ic an eau, , ,tql, ul/11s r I!' all 4, 'ls a ~j e1a,,,r7 f , ,La f.r S '1,1,.1 It', 7.1 a d r, rrl'ient <t•u',t ye ...riot 1 e< ai t<t ai pont an I :.pait . Ch. a n if' real IS s' te s . the „at .ace 01. A Li 01 J a J uner ••lr 4 4. Li - RT, Cf , I vq , rts p stare< on the fa• an,l sales, p rests u,d c sr Inrl< "1 as...i.e. do tri,ll adai, If • 't . •al I; 1, ey a,.1 ll.' r o' -,1 • l 6 , eic I h a at, ;tr La g,e,r a ch: 1,11.• t rnn do I. 1.112i.a d n•rut OW 5' Yr lelq , tl (11,1. op 010. ca thlt•'l.l" i.v r 'Ova In ;in iniprovell 1 , 11 , k (`-c. htat on :,(•,•011 a (It'w!dcli i• is d by a. at in!! atria M.:ft an) (.Wet how 11 , 10 re the 'l,lll‘lie,l A bilL.tveottn: atilt: riot:at 1:n. flier ty of tititt tutionly, in a eerie Iv Ot 1.15 •• or he ;not. v.tted name, mty bp seen by culititg v on the pio pile or of hi+ at:eitts. ' , Ay tito•tt tn-tliulnus nre entinti•rrvi•ed).,ln• Yuntr. antl t all tor “Mi•ii•ltott'Y 4-:yr-ttit it ' pm? ''ee 01.1 1 11:use ivortily at u bloo. it on • •tr it . itt tI e (iea. V'. Mereh..nt, Chinn-4. [Nett oor, N. Y. ilar in ihe ommry it rrox 1! - on the [whim, an artith Then- iv thf 1.41. I : I le; II(); I). r•O9 CS 'r ljinnsl ..v..ry pet wit :its tip a 111 IM===! 13 , 1 i ton Fase 1, I , 4')'ahula, 01' ocllo , ( 11)10 DISEASES OI•'TIIE VItiNAItYOItGANS 1 - 11 , 1": ul Ale Urinary (.1 1 1...d hs 1../ JIVTItAC r ('I H:cliu, I:VA cr,v, :Ind IL• 8. n•. sorb as'ehrunie and kit 'll e e'ot 'lie 111.111,r, chro..te. Ur nr.l, ' Guaorritcii, Prostril. G Irma, (:Isla, 111' hitc.T; Ki , I Sfr•chtri S. 10%118. , ni,nl• 113, .c•r• .I,llble Inetlicinc prcvtred (c , ly • ;•••o. 'V. \I •re:t11:, Ovcia,ii•e citcuua.CC Lot!, pelit, N. 1. roll :mil omole long,, &c ttcomo my e eii II szulti by J. H. Bur on Si. en. rile; & • • a-atAimia, 4..)1it0; .1). N. )Xellstlt , Cnr) 1% -ft TO LLEp I P.:A OS AN L) Cr It rri t' itl 't N ItAI It 11V I. a ~,,,,.muted'„ coloria, .he I..iir a he...flail b-0. 111 .cli, 'it „ill a.l wo r ir if Ile . lirica •li s'...a, ... I S ha 111 .t. . c . i a i..., i,,.. . ,1 . lia• uli , .) II a 'eil , lii Vi . 1i k 1 , 1 • li i ... 1 1.„ f „, ~. 11 , t t. ,, alteit: it and Ito silr t'll 41 ,tai.‘'o. pi par 41 oaly I.v 1 I vn T 11';x'; cho•lq- l i, I :lal. 10111, '', y: :••••: 1 ,„„o c , , ir [l w ‘cia. at 111 C rtore IF Vie p:r l Jri t 101- Uhi ['iii'' 5 1 Cclas Siviii be .1, i I r.ISSe I . A a' 1. I. Poir fel S: en, I'111•: ihn ; and. D. N Nelv Fall and \V inteq: Go:).1;3. I A nn,v it•ct Iv : !f;() , 11 \ vtk - Vfai k a nn v i; isy FA ;mil vsituirr r 4 Nes no.s; o $1 'Mil! :Ili Fopertor I 1114 , :t an•l Witt rt,r , clt pri vett C.ts I ni p t: tet .td and buy eitt•ap.. lOU pit:Las Marls. (Lab,, plain n rttil rd •r• it In v t burnt , as lowtt= . 2.!. rtm sper (tit. Sit kid-. a , teat v tri ty ttf new E. vi., PI 111 titoult tine, •1. tk. Lain... an r tn•tv t.t% t. 1:1 Ott," ;ond - 1: trutotitirig . ,. ,t% p r cent. eite.ipt.r t:t.ttt t ver bil•tre 0 :ell (1111 • Alt it' tt.'lit:ll toy cot . ..ntool < and Cit.: re-p.•saCttily int i cif to ex.ttnitte Ti t 3Ll.‘LS r 1,••• , , , ,, 9. v-117 ).1 V.:l 11. %—./11Si 1: , 1% C./ .I._ 1!).: •t A /" . ./. , 1•• nil is of I it ; .l 1 - 11•1, i !.. .01(1 1111111...iff .4 .01(1 Slit' in , Ac. Fl oinel4. ctki-11, 1 1 litf...afiv , .lt: A pion cliet•'.;.t.trip (~t•«1 ics. Te.tn4. jll.l it ceiv , el brott n arid Mehei.e i 1 L.1(011 Coy I'S, .1 al iII!ZR. 1 , 0) !WS, /p/s/lIJ itfltl T/IW/ . 1 . /, l.n Follt! VIIV low lit / t AT f-rll'T4 New Goods at 0.%. State •••treet.. \ - ,1 1 / 4 F: U. Milli, rem' openi , l2. tfrea 10114, snit. ecasen, hie!, t , tif Ire 5111 las c'ffap a. the r !trap st A nem •_!st Ila in are Broad ('loth , and C.t..tmer,e hue , an 1 Tialifies• Plaid and I'l.l cflir,ir..!? [Lillian vs, \ltiiito" , . 111111011Z/IleS, If.lit Silk 111111 1.14.1 , 1 11 , inn& a I.i it it. Lino::ninth in, 1 1 anti I:(4chiecA fete 1•2 13 to 7i; ve•d-; Pii,itQl,em 1 it 25 cent ii; lie L inns rroin IS 4 trot: nitwaids, Gi nu l r M. in L•rent varie Ilrochi, sic :our n lrcr f.u.'donalile and ether Utails in Inn g cal variov in °over v ie . '11. 3 en I.dle= are invi ed in vx•antiee them ;snit putt:Witt:ll'lll(l an:636:41,2d n ecieti , + and priers. - LI:SII.I4.S.E.VNETT S 4 CIIF.StER. - 00_ In IE O 7. 29 FIVE %V , l tlts %Nu w(l2. jJ rccrivi,nl n wnt al- irk of r. I ..t! Wand. tic Wont?, f'a Ina owl. rns, it% Vi Inilittn and mans, oth..r kin Is fICITyv whiu4 are Bold elicappr than at. nor `true. WILLI ANIS Z WILIGIII'. 4 0c1.29, 1617. 21 Ladies -Dress ,00ds. Oltcif )N Phil& CaSIIIIIPIVR. N1,91.01pn tip Luneo, id. 'at in so i pp. tact: and blur lO o ei t Ai par t, Frrnith Scowl) a ad . Im..rii..rn'Cli.l7`..a:Ens vrelicts, tnerit..n vnlien, a I ) o e • soo mew open and for • Eriu Oct. 30. FA). SELDF?' ¢ SON. ... llWA' ll l.7ltlti.filiivillilt lel 3.11.:D1 - 2 IN. 1‘ tit,ns' tt,t,Nli. It le L. , . ii,mifili .iras • there ...1.1 r.Ft a b”..1 soul • we ul, c,..4.• &men at 1 4134. t/4111110 ..11...1..4U I I , •u. 1.11 IL ~ 1 V$ It 1.1 , I'S .N. lAN Vt,;(l. 141-I.E. T 4.7 Lain aleo I Illtreelle cs.C - Iftial>. lay Fait . 1 ”lal• r rCULt.tlirs la ded, Cll hare ctea r tali 11: .1 a I t: ... It Ili, ~..,..,r tha cur tow elentitre it Lath hi ' ',lee; ~,,,,,,, i '!,EM. I. , :tii Lo but Ile 11l mind that Il'rzgla*,,lo,ll.l V PM. fin Xll CATell.' I:NNY 111.) CUT. ela, al: of the hale. clt•l•ue la la 1.. Isny said 1., I. rgetto 1,, hot. ..t 10ri1.11.0 or .troll g v. s..i,ht.l ..... JP ttttt 1.11/111 Il i aat 0.4.104 611111, ear. chi' I fro 10/J•loa:1_, a MIN/JILL tan i 11.: ~ Ihr 111.1: 1 1:811 quite .. mu, 8:: till t: .13 si si.theuct.t..!: 1.1 c:f. 11•r+11. IVrelf.t's 1..,11 an Vi•La tul.l. l • Ptlls Lay le real is tath, ita.uuthat/Ife the Lioecal abtl aoi/aa Gy• ut THOUSANDS AND TE ,,, :- OF TnOrSA.N, tt , rouult..,,t IL, Ia• ;lb u:aal l.rrealth of I ee lean:: II . 1..11.1 .1. la .-lug %teat,. of tar M44..1111611 , 4 111111. Ihr, cab 1ar,11..1 i'dra Uri r prfpNe ed. l''t w. , i'l' 1 nn , l cu,,,uh,lii, ~,, , ,I var., S lip dirge. tt p red • free. the le, la of the Itlial,e.a. halal , Sl.'" -I 111.1,1 laws. 'lntl, 1r.., fleet. Vile. I 11••01.1'1.111V 1 . i ~. f ,i7-,1 , 1 N% I tit E I to:: : , , I it,- cwrilpi 1:110:01., 1 ,. I.iaa ale; U.S ilattl • 1 Itt, • fiVI . s'Y.i' . .IP. I 1. x1'1;1 111.., ' ' !III:it . r LT. AN. 0 Wl' 1 r • pr,s_, li ,-4,4,e, h. 11,1. a a Ist,: •• a./1 t..ealarraler • ' 11 l- :r. ta• ti,aao t. • 1.11 4/ 1.1 G , ' i , 11,c 1 e.l el. . oil i it, .Jo of t oittl• I I. t:o. s i ,,u,:). „lit Ilit• .1,1114( r:,: I. t: t: ,I..:: o• t- , k. 1 .1 ..• .a. ... 0., ila. • If. ail . 101 ....5... I t, \VI .g:•I'• 1 .i• ,e % ' U ....CA.Ir poi. , ~, , . .t 1 b,, a .11 /.161. 1. 10 a11,,' ,: e :hoot ‘2,-„ 1., i shfl ;' , 4 I I al h.:1,..., 4 'll . 1.4 4.11,11 fag IV/ A tI, ill 4 1111 ilioallsto: 1,,,,, 1110., i 1 I int , I.Viii. t•,'7''. , Ti,,,, ~c., , ,te,,,,, 1:.,, 11., ~,, 'at right • todtm Ir. P,.1- 1....\il 10.111, ,11011. AL, 10 1,1 10 I:.a sta,c, , .curl ut.l.'le.lg. 0: 11.. •••• 1','1..1 : 1,1. N. 10 On I. tile,. 1I a •.111.:! a ....10 1 ,!, IC 1.11., 1.4 :tilt. .111f1 11-10 r. t ”.1.,.1,* Its ~ . :1:::.- :14.‘ 'll II: .11z141, et,tl, •011 -1 I . 1, : .1 yllP1.: • 1 Ili b , .. 11, •• 0 Ili. plmpioul• pea pit h,;,,.. ~.,,,,, t.,. I v o 1,1..,,.. re!...411.g I I'M- .1 1',,,.. ,;,,,.... a1 :1 1 I C , pro At atoi:e • I r. 1.4 iiltlh.ll - 1.4. nil, 11 , , •c.,-..11; t.. • aa na , u, Ila tee. 1 . .11: 11 l`l'EP- i l .. It'ri l .,l,l*, 144:a r-Vrget.l,l I' I p ,s , I 1.. 1 natml yr, 111..1. le too. .1 r.,.1•• • • i , i. • 4: J. , a , p Sa . -- 4 , •I : C ..1. ola el 1 .1,t,. i 0 .•ail 15.41, I ..• I bat m. 4 vt,a .1,0111 tat,. % pc '. '11:0•. i V.l. t. Ina I/ 1.• I ono the vtanuar.:, to•lure V. love. ah.l 111111 n. FOR .111 ` I ICE. Wllrie> I , l.liit . 1".1., i .1,,, / .11a.:..r: (pi 11, ttc9l : 11103 /PllOll •1 I,l'i ha., tO, Ir/it ..1 .A., ii .•.,. 0 t ,11,1 111. ISt, i:001•T tl nit• 111011 ..1, 1,1, ~ .....,...j,,11 I,l' .., . i•,1.111 IC', .110.1 1.0. el, i d II) .ti Cr. I,1" ~, ... .I ,p, 11 ,, ,Ci rallo111.01.) ra,,,,, tic a 2 1 / 4 1.111.1' J , a1.11.• 1.1..11 ther 41.-,r.i, r, GlH.i. r , 1 ',TALI' Alt ta Inc 11 ••••:1111 blt iltlll‘ol pi' tail j ele 4".• irgt -“I .”1 V. GI 1., ? 1- . 1, lit.•-z.w. I:to it •CI llt.. r it • • 1 . , 1 +. •• ti, to r. Ut kV(' Vt 61.4110 thr)ll WM , ' MVO! , .11.11 Cell lit k.e -i '1 hri i• •-1,.• I it ill. a orrvpt • ,•• tt i e.. 0 t p.t.t r.l• -1• 141: 1.• t orr I. jetv arogt- • I IVrrgl., livt:sio It t•tt.t!! , 1 . 1 11 0 f. ru nn it) I:1- I wilt blt Ler:3m IL, F ‘C r hrf. I 1 t6t.11 in; he ott ro-• 11.1141:1 F. ‘T tAltrtz I- int Vls• rri 111 01011 I . nn, nil t- p trth 1112 1 , • V•it: allur e { I, it° I. lint , ill ii bu 111.4, I .11 In itsr•l root:its sir. A 1,1 r• t tilt: 1.011 Into tlt Fr.! Hirt... a - 2. thra r I rs fl at - 11 r ,t II Of , 01. 1.1.110 . ..ti ..1 e.o ( . 11,er 1,11.1, I,:'l.•if rVI /- I 10 11•1. .11 1..1 Cut :ts.• 11:rti,!te. I ratal 1 on. 1,11" fill not.c soar a,prir opp,lintna kr All.! Vlt ar - city II Ell Tts•trri t• nu risk rut—too 1..0 ley t ant r.i 6.a0,60 Wlt,n )ou b INC f and O,.Lt %%. I .4:' .1 • ' 1 1 o tile etc(fi fiteps! I'L run art iy attimitit I 111 , Alt ). ()I' (Ili A It lir ". I oil ar ..; ; p t 1.11111,0151 aiVI , S )4, /Wt., I MI." POI Or NOW If it I,n I Or tl , .m - 111 1 1 , Lot n 1-01'411:.• 1 , 1111, 11i .1 . 1 , • 11. II;i1 I e•l' Lidt•ill Vl , ; .1 lb r t. sir 141 j.els If it tiro II re ernul~ IMIII= i here i• un 316 11 . I• GT 1;1 11 .1...1'ere. 11. r•,le.t , ) ..1 eitOury /.e.l 'of 10,11 11411 tt Inlll I. rhe 241 1. 001 (1.0 c•iunctc deli r ~r ot tI, , G , 41 - s 80, of th, et GI ~ . 1.• st•• ...IS : • 00. • At:l•:'S ro •. I) t',1 1 .1. 11'01111. I rt.. , ro.o 1 11 11 , C14411. Ar C , i,l,Vaterfortt. 1 1 147 re sett. (Ti.unt • .1. II S Gll. 1.11,0 r, ‘V. e 1 Sve.ilg64lJ. 1, S 1010: 11, I'. ON 0 ('•l., ' ott.ofirg, •• N.TIII r. 1.1. oro 1 1.1. I.\'n GeNt. `IT I: , ro.Wq VltOt lIAVV %•N , 1111.? tra Tli t'i ..11 T. F.T.•IIA rr..A "101 ox. ' e p 0 , d!• r tr, .1,1 , GI Ily. (111/e• • 110 , 11 1 1, 1 eStiG•ls to th, • ilo'a 11",•, • f,hes t.ele r, toot, IC tc.,er, • I.l,ile.ell'au.T.ll9ll,retitrtri t Slr, cl., Net. York; an Ttemonl Street, tln •• I.,Kt tLvi .‘ I . 1.0 hi. In.iit.ll• otr.led fur ,s.tle at the p, ice of orre t! LI.STE R, St.!;NRIT & CIIESTE, Oct. 1G vE *-13 1 3c`.-. and cone 1 of he.: cot .I++ y, tor' ,xl++. by +.l-+ c. 25 • c.. JA•lcc rI I I blae s, U.l ri p roc ready u, the € sew. 25, 8. JACRS• I. W.l rr, from I 'i'. eigia I Idwk, IS 0 9 1 i, [:ti I , pialikasid s,t tl t , 141111 to , S• 1 t. 2S. , _ S JACKS!) k IV T • •Fr " LAS, RDA I :AS WIC, IN in, any till I,lll' e cnn a . (i." 1,• :in I at no low I. nny 11110-41, i:0 I laiffit; UUG C o nn utton thu , Ily - 14 sre.n, Se.Nvi Trltc-CIIESTER, r 1 , • J t 4 , 11 colt I up_ 11 I T.I II 2 aucl 5 inch t : pii (4 , c In Lo 1 r WILT \ ,c. ,171I1(11-iT Ell 1 v 1 I AN. E I imut dt.i eiv. ni 110. # lii,-,. 1. I i 1 ',., s l ot' t lefo'of-li Fe•tcr Bo fra.s—als , a hiti . , . fp , f Afffiffcfr of a n 1 , ,i llei, for % , ehi F ii - !Ile high ,i;lrt %I ,Il 11, 1 , 3 ;4. :, ;4,, "u .1..). 1117. -I —4- i- i : i:l' • - ING. -- WOO y,,,q1,3 pad.w. hull a k_„ •.-r,,. r ~1 , cii,,2 . ;.1 1 , , iv, s %,trvi,,, 2 f•olet 2et c-, ;,,,,,,•,, :0 S ,•11,11,1 , :- , i, r v•ir.l. Also, Flour rtu..1,3 ; a. tat: 11'0..l losf, r..leff. of ! Alt ti• 1:1 KnniT, No. 2 f' ,, mtneri..ial Cm. liang,i, French st. Cn Y • , 1 % .ts S. & Wel, i.• In \ r • puitable 'Jr tn, 4 ;tt sd end T N be kv stAi 1 , 11114/11411P. 1 t.( G ,f.k. SON. antiLunca l , t.r Cl nilh, f.r 041 e 1.,w by at, zS A 1.1.VN t•(-in. \ATI I 1 , ;:t - )il. a pu,t: ur fur sa r rt Ni.. I. Peri): Bluth I.y I:l'th., Nov: 'Ct: iS 7 FARM FOR t.SALi; Alli. iiti al till- w li t icit lie nuw re.idi.s, rflaml lc a m; :,,... 4 ...,mtl) 01' +.l%ir.•iivt(l, ni ihr Turnpike tea( • 1 .1 i: ii ,,,, i) I - ) ii . 1•• I'lit-har , (ll. co:dahlia , ' Itl9 (ler •Ft ,ii i 11.11 6) 'doh., ill) .1 i.x iliienr ; and •hi , b.ilari et" 111 II 1 iii111:11: I,Wilil While Milt, elloPlll.if, &C. Psi . y at i 2 S 110 turn /he iiiil.(iive iii•hind. nil the pr,iiiisi.,B is - it Ull'ill ff;1111(1 4 , 0110 P, , toe bald, i ii L7c) i,l ore -,a f a rd opple and cherry tree P, anti 3 fir - .•r 1,, itiaz illijllLf 11; ils Ater. For hir her pariielli• l a , ,•rigiiir.- id Ow stab erib,d - on, the premises, es , il' C. C. Jot) s, Ei Ir. , IV a r e s e , 15.14,7 Fan. Fashicns fur 184 i t-ttb-erulter is now prep I t etl MOT hi 1 friends anti t 2 tr-Iten"rtewn't I A of u; i V; ne,sl a...l4went. CAPS, MUFFS, BUFFALO ROBE , ‘‘hi v ii will be :sub' rehrdpe. • l'er Poo:. vvkliine to I tior it4c , %toil; plealar Cali' aid ex amine quality po.I price.: int IL S. I I L'N El:. rrteli , I Fl tter; Cotner or• rate and Fifth attetti Oct. IS 7. 1;1 OKSE ,VF;R. AirES . .4l:••••:• EDI Al!me nu throli 2. fi t „,. 4 ii. ni , % artr pape ,to tuli?rna ih , vi rzems ~c (AI yu.,tl virititv, t girilirret•if ilyr a la. MItI eel(ell' #0 of %% 111 V• )1 (3 ..16 , ! 4 . CrOCkey xii 14nrck ure, v.ltivl! I ant PI 11111. , 11t Gr. nt Bar .I.lnrc ill f , rd, r may t rauliett the hultit.eelw di be ~{ il`ited to vim'. purtH.A.-%. •Ft.r fuitber par= ticularl apply a. No. 2 z,z OtA &reef. . Al; MAYER. Eri , .. net. 16. IS 7 , BL LA , ,P. De.:NII"VEIL , --i A ,ne4 lot' or th6a vert able armlet; lost v,lit i ed. alit] r,llina a. the New Ovt. I ; ALLYN t 1T ItIt:I I IN Itrit lur tvA 31 1 pirr.pruf :11 New , • 6•11411 svin,v,•prupor.ion•div Om. ALLIt7N ci M AdArir J. Oat., ' 1 ritial,ll 14 Itb fl ue. Usti ...doust Lle hi/ is Lin Ulf 1:111CiN"! eq. r Uft . •t More lly,. 1.111 ii .1.--- 0 (-hi , fly to till fhlle 5en..ti,,11. at ••• Mc.-1 % tit hed re:vitt:lly I r..tittl.t ,1.:.. f I , i. die. • Ildrol cur ... 3et A li 1. r, in 111 le I. 1:.0./ ri • 1,..1 rvttri 11.SP1 wor.s enn, % I tri O. If i v.i tug; It . fis:SIG n axe) - 3 = TI• I .11 V. •1I rY• r it ly-gatt I. 1% icty A V 4.11. In N Il• r I r i m.• 1 -•• I o- I di. Bew‘6,e IMEII2 BM TANIES sma4 11 d 11:1 d I El ,g when +a letsi as pre' ct wick' MEM 1 , r.tii• ( t undig, t '. g auld tnirr.l.l lia Ire 13.itilna `evt 1,14 tmlie t elltout e 11%er etir ,J 11•1 r t trte tbut I.o‘ f t1.C41/, t sure. tit 4- ; in pe•r• r 6• te thy 111 , eu eV. I 0U It 0 tll . if V C, All •.y. y f: nr aft 0:1=1 etV In rd of, IC dtd t NrR ',erre; 311 .1.- 4 ow .1 of ill Om. lie. i'l(.4- .t 7— ARIA' N 4.,that WI tract. 1".9 1,1 , 1 . IIAY we, n. 1 1 10, 25' SOrei: ra
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers